ASSASSIN'S CREED ROGUE All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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stay my blade from the flesh of the innocent hide in plain sight never compromise the assassin Brotherhood these are the tenets of the Creed the principles are used to live by I was a young man then the Seven Years War was about to begin I could not have imagined what the future had in store for me nor the cost I would choose to bear my name is Shay Patrick or mark this is my story [Music] yeah well I don't like for firewood at least [Laughter] I've made it for nearly [ __ ] nearly counts for nothing sake and besides no I was just look I make my own look Liam now you've been saying that for years but you precious little to show for it alright you've been spending it all getting out of trouble well you know trouble just follows me around let's head back come on captain deliver Anthony and his crew mussel run into some trouble who knew meeting the smugglers would lead to no good I still don't understand why you can't tell me what we're doing here because Chevalier decided not to tell you I thought we were friends Liam we are but this is business it doesn't concern you shake Arnie the best night keeps evaluating we're out hunting what happened here my men were attacked by some English Sea Dogs by Captain Joseph couldn't you fight them all off by yourself like you're always saying it is capital u is Joseph co-chief Chevalier de la de la Torre and you are dreaming if you think any training could make you into a proper assassin do you even know what that means it means being responsible for an ancient and proud tradition it means obeying your mentor without question how else will we ensure freedom for the human race that's pretty words Chevalier but I don't feel too free at the moment well let you paint it yeah yeah I will teach you some manners gentlemen stop we got a common enemy and I reckon he's close the Royal Navy attacked my vessel and forced my men to flee we are stranded and what is worse this smugglers we were supposed to meet have been taken prisoner saying are afraid of smokers you treat our wounded techies you'll need them tread would care say the Royal Navy be ready for us remember you're trained ready to teach him a lesson they don't stand a chance where are you mates now you bilge rat bad many thanks I thought I'd be hand I was saving those feathers for you very thoughtful maybe you were not completely useless shape thinking of useless those Blockheads won't be needing this vassal anymore [Music] this pile of mail you will interchange is yours now bring me back to my ship you heard Chevalier asbestos your shake one take the wheel some of the man you rescued agreed to join us you have a good crew I'm not so certain about their captain but next to me you're the most experienced sailor in the brotherhood shape besides you could use another vessel given this beautiful lunch is my name she your own pile of garbage yes with a lick of paint and a few new canons sure look as fine as anything on the seven seas shall we begin captain well of course would you have me set Shay time to report back to the mentor wouldn't you agree wise words captain boys words [Music] what the hell did you do it's some kind of dormant virus [ __ ] hang on I'm getting you out of there sorry for the rough exit if he's working check you were just in an animus an MS yes you were using it to access a genetic memory filed in helix labeled shake or Mack you work for UPS turbo entertainment remember any of this ringing about your session triggered something bad and it's affecting the whole building we need to find your boss yeah I forgotten your boss have you smell neelam a zipper chipper overachievers here take your communicator check if you got lost now let's get out of here follow me double-time this chaos is absolutely your fault in case you're wondering our safety drills everything is gonna be okay guys stay positive what the hell is happening a file labeled shake Carmack was booby trap of some kind of virus your job is to prevent things like this we need to contain these genetic memories then we can destroy them these memories but you heard the man fine I need to borrow your numbskull that okay with you miss LeMay hey there this might seem a bit weird but you're gonna work for contractors we hire too you know upgrade our security mr. October again miss violent to costume call me violet I have to go check on our people and prepare statement for the press do whatever they tell you to do okay go team technically you're not responsible for this but you're the one who left the virus out so I think it's only fair you help clean it up mr. Berg wants us to relive Shay's genetic memories to do that we need to access them from helix but the helix is down we'll have to reboot the main servers in the basement now that you have a large shake or max memories we stand on the brink of a grand discovery I know about your new assignment or about me for now all I will say is that Shay's story contains the answers she will lead you to a greater understanding it has been a long time Achilles Adewale how go things in the West Indies very poorly I'm afraid your countenance tells me we should discuss this come who's our visitor that's a toe Wally he was a slave or freed himself and hundreds of his brothers in the West Indies that man's our living incarnation at the creed see you Joanie was in practice Sood I've got other business first tell me what happened it was terrible Achilles the ground shook and the ocean waves crashed over port-au-prince how many will lost thousands no family was left untouched I hate to bring up practical matters at a time like this but did my Kendall's man complete his task before the earthquake it I cannot know Vaughn kadhi has not been found he was a strong maroon one of McConnell's best students such as are you still here find something to do or I will find something for you indeed but if there was a temple under the wheels I doubt it is still standing the way stolen you are late Oh what'll I miss only the first hour of training we're always trading kiss I go ah sit and we'll continue to do so do not waste your words shame horrors improvement as much as cats of [ __ ] leashes hey a pity the boy has so much potential it's so little discipline alright alright what would you have me do well played so what's the challenge today shooting straight and true here you can use these these are yours I want you to have half a chance to succeed go on say I hear you've become quite the marksman generous gift Thank You benter my ship awaits Achilles the people of Haiti will make good use of your supplies I trust you will retrieve what has been lost lost the Templars stole two precious artifacts a manuscript of ancient wisdom and a box that allows one to understand its language I have tracked the Templar as far as coast but I fear the rest is up to you my friend farewell our diwali whoever controls the artifacts can access precursor sites of power we must recover them or none are safe where to whatever Templar Affairs leaders Leah it's not like you to set out without a plan a plan a no plan we choose our own battlefield hey you know most of these when we're at sea Krait you are that's that saying trust me you will sell those lobster by that tongue in France ah the cabbage farmers return about time we have a lead on that curious manuscript I'll be surprised if you can read it no one can read it they bits in this is why the Templar taking so long with it but one of our ally has caught a glimpse of their work a pirate a spy who worked with the burette we set sail for RT cos t that should prove a good test for this floating cesspit you call a ship how trustworthy are the Pirates I consider them brothers shape and the time comes they will invade and help us fight the Templars are the Templars truly in control in the colonies not quite but their influence reaches far and wide and what about the spy were meeting you need not worry about the society he is loyal to the Brotherhood as it happens he also has friends in both the French and English leagues and he knows more about what goes on in these parts and you can ever hope to learn so Liam was could you tell me about how the Wallach you obviously admire the man I had the honor of working with at once I've never known anyone who done so much for our cause Duvalier was already LeSean before joining the Brotherhood he was a Fiat scourge of the West Indies rubbing elbows with the likes of Blackbeard Lutz Rogers a Calico Jack Rackham calico who read Oh will you about 20 years ago and Wally intercepted a temper convoy and stole a mysterious package he traveled to port-au-prince and entrusted it to a woman he believed as loyal to our cause that's me guess she wasn't she was very much so the package eventually found its way to France while makanda mentor of the Haitian Brotherhood what is this Saltaire open skies man out on the ocean is as free as a man can be buddies say Liam we're out here for a reason shape mind your duty but what's the point of freedom if you cannot breathe deep and enjoy it a temper has stated his continent like chard I don't feel liberated until we pry them off there it is Artie custody the Shire should be there with any luck know where to find that take a look at this I borrowed these plans from a Royal Navy ship of the line they are like nothing I have ever seen good we could use some more powerful weapons no sir allow me to present our associate shake or Mac gentlemen I have news on the same ship I spied the manuscript you seek it was written in an exotic language I did not recognize and was full of drawings plants and animals out of an opium train greater no charts no no no Maps no there may have been some kind of code but neither I nor the world speaks could carries a manuscript now the man who brought it said the man named Washington sent him I know that name he's an important Templar isn't a key is Lawrence Washington has great ambitions that Templars have helped fulfill che at return to find you sir hover tanks Tom's ours desire to understand the nature of these artifacts their spies have called upon many doctors and other learning people in the world they have also approached many tribes with questions yeah they mean showing up manuscript far and wide no one can read the strange writing or understand the images we do have a name though we learned that Lawrence Washington sent out the manuscript Lawrence Washington businessman Virginian politician and high-ranking Templar oh yes I recently heard he was back from the West Indies one of my men saw his major dome will pick up a stream package then that package will be delivered to him promptly say figure out what it is and find Washington and when you do learn all you can I prepare the Morrigan brother are you sure you shouldn't be in bet I am fine George be a good host for my sake go to the wine cellar and get something special for our guests I will gentlemen [Music] my brother is a bright spot in a troubled land if I may make one request before I depart this life please leave him in peace he should have nothing to do with the troubles of the Templar cause we all respect that sentiment sir you have my thanks gentlemen master Smith are you ready to leave on your voyage aye sir I shall return with answers master wardrip are you likewise engaged for the manuscript yes sir well soon know his meaning then I bid you take your leave Washington can barely stand on his own two feet but to be right about him Liam because I'm about a murderer a dying man [Music] you are too late assassin it's never too late to ruin Templar plans master Washington but my plans are already in motion even leading you here has given my allies time to escape thank you for making my end a quick one and thank you for revealing your master plan you scheming snake the memory appears to be fragmented how much time has passed a few months I think that virus is cutting off our access to complete memories the readable but messy seven years war will soon break out in the colonies focus on assassin interference we'll do our best won't be numskull Chevalier what happened to your vassal got myself into a bit of a scrape since reshaping our land to their watery grave you for nearly followed them down just your fate has been better lashes are indeed my sources inform me that Samuel Schmitt searched far and wide looking for answers on how to make that strange box work he just returned from New York where is he now very fitting is schooner if you hurry you can catch him yeah Oh remember those blueprints well I had an engineer built that marvelous weapon for your ship master Parker's gun fires most shots then an Artillery Brigade and twice as fast many thanks anything for my wooded friends [Music] let about smith that she close by you may have the pre person nice to ride the box there let me there is most fortunate timing Lady Luck never ceases to smile on you they say to us give chase but hold your fire we must not damage the box or risk losing it to the sea can this poor can't go any faster at least margin distance D where D Chevalier our target is smart man but out of his element here samuel Smith is the Templars treasurer what he's doing good we'll stop it look how he's cutting through the ice it seems you're not the only one equipped with such a ram shape let us hope ours fares just as well what wickedness is this another Templar tactic you can cover whole stretches of ocean with their Flav's care for che we could be burnt to cinders it's nothing more than the last desperate throw of the dice he knows we have him it's quite a rough squad after Todd pheasant garlotte's nature now in a way he was headed up faster doesn't happen to follow him on land do not even think of firing the ship's weapons near that precious box I'll take care of this [Music] you will regret this you will regret this this cannot be no do you even know that is an ancient artifact treasure from those who came before yes it matters not some of the greatest scientific minds of all Europe could not make it work there all I need is the manuscript and I'll shall be revealed got the precursor box Smith's dead well done where's Chevalier returning to the guru I don't much feel like celebrating I know we have to get these artifacts back first but what cost Samuel Smith he could barely hold his sword straight killing him was necessary but but nothing Smith with a dangerous man a Templar and what's worse he had to precursor boss we should be proud of yourself shame perhaps you're here Congress is still in session George Washington and his militia have fired on French troops under shoe movin the French are calling it an act of war George Washington you mean Lawrence's younger brother yeah it's the same speak him Lawrence Washington and she will emanated him James wardrip has moved up in ranks well the Templar resources right here disposal now what about the manuscript my sources in New York confirmed that Wardrop has it I also learned that he is here at the Congress under heavy guard chez find war don't get that manuscript this place to stick with Templar troops leave and I will make sure he doesn't escape ah that must be the Templar William Johnson perhaps he has the manuscript or knows where it is as I have stated previously I believe we need a National Union granted by an act of Parliament but bringing greater independence to our colonies the French are an immediate threat we are ill-prepared to face them to put it bluntly the colonies must join the rousing speech master Franklin but do you truly believe Great Britain will grant our colony's autonomy they have little choice master Johnson you know the remoteness of this frontier better than most yes but let us leave politics for another day I wanted to thank you for your research of course of course in the brief time I could examine that box I could tell it was something unique from ancient Egypt you said well as I mentioned in my letter I am quite ready to electrify it excellent we will have the Box delivered shortly as for the manuscript captain I apologize but master Wardrop refused to hand it over he said the risks were too great the risks I apologize you will have the manuscript at the Box in the briefest of delays you mangy excuse for a uniform run the fort Frederick and tell master Wardrobe he had better cough up the manuscript posthaste else I will have him sculpt a continent that lobster captain reach wardrobe [Music] I'll take that you Templar job you know you have no idea what you're doing fool keeping the people free from your control how free will you be when the French undermine these squabbling colonies the holidays would be far better off without the Templars pulling the strings we bring order from chaos if everything is permitted no one is safe even the devil can quote scripture to suit his own purposes I have the manuscript great hope is waiting for you in Sleepy Hollow what's in Sleepy Hollow maybe even Franklin and Johnson tried to make no stranger fevers and thoughts work so what's the plan hope firstly when a Johnson's man in the box of manuscript Frank so I'm a messenger that I see if this frankly can figure out at his damn box operates I stay with him oh and as far as we could tell his man doesn't know about the Templars or the assassins for that matter Oh a simple task for a simple man you're late this guy is getting temperamental that's not the only thing is it master Franklin sir my name is Shay and this is my associate hope William Johnson told us to give you these ah thank you but I'm afraid I must delay my experiment delay it why the army confiscated my lightning rods they are essential to conducting the electricity I need to vivify your box master Johnson would not want you to have to wait perhaps there is something you can do then soldiers have been hauling things away all day perhaps they could tell you where they've taken my lightning rods so you could get them back that's your service sir begin your investigation at the market near the docks I will stay here and help with the preparations Jay thank goodness quick [Music] [Music] it's a map where is that part you're good this but I stake my life on it make yourself scarce shape the militia will be here any minute I'm sure they will have questions what about you I'm a devoted housekeeper right Lisbon is near as large as London in Paris are you sure you can find this one place sort clear as day hope it's a convent right close by the harbour some eyes have visited the sisters once or twice given your present knowledge of the site this Duty falls upon you you understand what must be done find the precursor temple and retrieve the piece of Eden finally obtained a ship for crossing the ocean I have no worries I will keep the Morrigan safe in New York Thank You Liam and I will leave straightaway Liam is unavailable at present your crew and ship await be careful shape pieces of Eden are powerful relics [Music] peace of All Saints what a sight and Here I am looking for a relic from the time before Adam and Eve strange days indeed Benedict who says dominate the universe if we are the two our guitars ASAP booze vino who are TV you're famous suppose be it the precursor site what do we have here the artifact [Music] [Music] how could God do this to them God had nothing to do with this so what's the next city you want me to fight what's happened in Haiti happened in Portugal a great earthquake thousands death I stare down to manuscripts this cannot be Jay a person cannot start an earthquake person meddling with these precursor machines could they saw the Box hope the temple was filled to bursting with that kind of power you made me slaughter innocence how dare you you defend him Achilles sent me you there like Mardan set his mind at 80 what hang on stop this the operation was delicate perhaps you are shifting the earth itself who are you to decide what City for Jackson get him out of here liam is a fool if he thinks our letha's be a Keeley's cannot be trusted he must never find another precursor temple I don't care that he's mentor or that his family is dead there's no excuse for this level of madness there's no turning back now I had such hopes for you shay bikinis I have to do this and what is it you're doing exactly stealing from your brothers betraying me someone must make amends make amends you have no idea what you're doing the future of the whole continent maybe the whole world is tied up in that manuscript perhaps but we don't have the right to decide that future the right we have the responsibility we are responsible for killing innocents and destroy cities this mad grab for power it ends now I will not let you destroy everything we are built [Music] assassins stop him stop sign what's he thinking how could you share that's enough you've got the manuscript shape I'm sure killing watch a lot I will not let this happen again how those souls lost one more hardly matters shake what is this your seems to be more Deena okay no so I can't pull you out of the chair right now you'll just have to see this through this is bizarre these memories seem to take place some 20 years after the war we just saw I you sir he is the man I believe him to be and he has keep going the data is fragmented his memories incomplete let me see what I can do listen up we need to find out the shades up to his memories going to look a little but I'm like 90% sure of sequencing this memory will kill you all right now you don't know where she is or what he's doing there so keep your eyes and ears open I want to know the reason Shea came to this place you heard the man let's move you know who live it will be - I don't know - Adama she wants Manuel de Ville happy I'll write it for Maury a nosy Benjamin Franklin that's what Sheamus after Franklin travels a meeting that guy said nothing Dom Sheamus be in Paris I just only way you got lemonade the trick protects Franklin somebody immunization purposes wha [ __ ] what happened that's all the data we have we can't explore this memory further for now she couldn't have dominate then appeared in France from his leader we're missing something [Music] Shay's memories are scattered in chunks throughout the cloud the servers are messed up from the virus that he can't access all the Shay's life at once hit a wall and I'm busy with something why do you go meet Auto Burke you'll find him squatting on a young business shake or mark is an assassin but he is unlike the ones you have used for your entertainment products in the past I believe Shay may be the most important assassin who ever lived your research will help me achieve something I have wanted for a very long time Shay story may have something to offer you as well is another server we can access to get to the next chunk of Shay's memories that's it I'm gonna need the nuts go back ever better proceed your next task is clear but please reflect on what we have discussed all right good to see you're feeling better thank you mr. Finnegan was it sweet mother Mary have we taken in the village idiot berry remember Shay I'm Cassidy and this is barri you've been ill for weeks I hate to have been a burden see he's a civilized fella I for a clumsy deckhand probably fell off his ship half drunk Barry yeah he's right what do y'all want what's going on [Music] woman and don't come back Thank You Shane in the younger days I could have taken them one-handed what were these men bothering you Father usual they feel they're owed money because they're not Harman citizens mark my words those gangs are going to be the downfall of this city wait here I have something for you [Music] won't do you any good walking around starkers here try these on they were our sons I suppose if you're looking for trouble thank you [Music] don't your local right gentlemen yes did I have a book with me mmm just those peculiar weapons thank you both if you'll excuse me my script is at the bottom of the Atlantic what if you knew French causing a stir Finnegan I got no Gryba my boss sent me over and where's he set up you can't miss it there's always black smoke rising from the courtyard of that building [Music] that will help us smoke be at ease master Cormac we're friends the finnegans were worried you might take matters into your own hands I am Colonel George Monroe colonel I came to help but I see I am late thank you for dealing with these foul criminals they were a blight on New York what do you care you redcoats are nothing but landlord's the town's folk here are grinded away trying to make a living I cannot blame you for having that impression some of my comrades have been less than helpful but I take a different approach and what is that I care I want to see these colonists safe and prosperous noble words perhaps actions will convince you otherwise Master comic here reclaim what they have stolen now let us use some of that money for the good of the city I realize you have no reason to trust me master Cormac you said you were a friend of the finnegans I am you are much like our son he cared and he wanted to do good by the people we shared a dream that of making the world a better place miss survival is not enough full bellies warm clothing freedom from want is the greatest freedom of all it almost sounds like you have goodwill towards the people you govern I do not mean come see this neglected edifice is master Cormack we can make it better urban renewal is a new science but one that has already proven effective on the continent I've arranged for resources use them to improve that I suspect New York will prosper under your watch master Cormac you can do great things for the city and its citizens after all a man needs purpose farewell for now master corner the colonel strikes me as an honorable man someone who wants to do what's right but he may have a point with everything that has happened what she Colonel Monroe told us what happened you sir are a fool but thanks master Cormac I am sorry to bother you when you were barely out of your sick bed no I I've had enough of being cooped up then perhaps you could get a friend of mine out of trouble he discovered nests of criminals developing strange weapons look at these bullets is loud and brightest firecrackers if we might have a moment alone his name is Christopher gist and he might be in over his head I fear these brutes will hang him like a dog I would not let those outlaws have another victim good the villains are entrenched at old fort Arsenal I have urgent business in Albany please tell master gets to join me there [Music] [Music] Oh good show Shay brand them right out of the wrong dead but I was looking for a new place to live well don't put your name on the door yet and maybe a few men left on their ship look the bird is nested right over there it's a bargain what is she doing there that's my ship friend waking your pardon but I must go fetch her back from those allows wait I can hardly let you do that alone hug me if you can then she's a fine ship and true to my word I found the crew for I did leave one position on filter tell me Shay do you have a first mate he's longer then I apply for the post captain come aboard as your first mate may I suggest our next destination eternal will be expecting me to report back my thoughts exactly Colonel Munro said he'd be in Albany splendid in good health I see thanks for the captain here tis a fine vessel captain Cormac Thank You Colonel Munro Master gist did you learn more about our conspirators and their new weapons well only that their base of operations is a French fort further downriver it's a little close for comfort isn't it if the French have installed a fort in our territory they are likely preparing an assault New York could burn will you join us master Cormac high enough innocents have died already might I suggest we improve our vessel the Morrigan is good but with a few more supplies she could be unstoppable and there's a French outpost nearby I happen to know I like the sound of that what sort of business are the fred.ropp - they're occupied the territory it is an economic incursion more than a geographical one some of the ruffians are sponsored by enemies they intend to undermine Lopez to climb some price for the steel civilians resellers the little brother get skinned gist here Steve inspired is there something in the water or in the whiskey now why do you say that simply want these colonies three basic safety development and purpose funny I thought rich men wanted them to be a place of profit I am NOT a rich man master Cormac money is a means to an end says you I think it's a fine into a game of cards as I say it has been so long were you on a special mission yes from Achilles how interesting so am i - shots are just you have to cap you are always good at your business sure as were you tell me what are you doing in land especially all of our bonds poisonous gasses to use against colonial authorities I am ill hit the delivery man and may your final delivery be Swift yes I was right I I had no other choice if the assassins find out I'm alive they'll come after me ah master Cormac what you have learned from Lucius er was confirmed the local law breakers are changing tactics what's their plan now their boss has hired Benjamin Franklin to produce new weapons for them he's very well guarded Benjamin Franklin the scientist you have heard of him good he's making equipment to spread gases among the populace toxic ones as it turns out the populace I thought they would use it against the authorities though that would be terrible as well the ruffians we have arrested referred to an intimidating woman I believe she's behind these nefarious plans I look into this thank you hope I pray it's not you che it is good to see you again your friend hope said you were away I was the sir I I've come to collect the results of your experiments oh well it's a very good thing then I just finished fixing the prototype here you go I was preparing to leave for Philadelphia and then Europe I was invited to lecture in London Oh would you be so kind as to inform mistress hope of course God hope and he doing with these felons in the city against itself what have you become something the matter master colemak no no yes just old memories when I am issued new recruits burdened with regrets I tell them the surest way to lose them is with gunpowder the right cannon there is an abandoned factory nearby hiding a dangerous poison right now it only causes sleep but I fear those outlaws are distilling it a more powerful formula could sick enough perhaps even kill most of New York but that's my first target be careful we understand that the ingredients highly unstable of the better Mosca out or I'm as good as dad ah what marvelous Destruction captain I saw the smoke all the way from the Morrigan that should discourage those miscreants New York is safe for now with all due respect Colonel it's got to take more than a few explosions to get rid of this kind of trouble the boys right Colonel Munro Shay was it congratulations he just burned the hold out of rats out of New York I'm Jack weeks this is William Johnson I don't know about him but I'm pleased to meet you nice to meet you as well it is terribly dusty here I'm sure shake and Raquel Dias adventures to us over a pint hey the first rounds on the colonel [Laughter] something the matter master Cormac just a little confused I must have read some of that gas some ale will do you good come we are all friends here you will be taken care of [Music] [Music] from the colonel dear master Cormac my apologies for the brevity of this missive but it is time we were honest with one another you have demonstrated your loyalty and resourcefulness to the Templar calls and this despite any perhaps because of your assassin origins the manuscript the assassins salt has been in my possession for some time I reclaimed it when my men found you marooned the Grand Master himself charged me to discover its meaning a task I regret I have failed to complete I leave it in your charge Master Cormac there is no one else I trust more now I leave for Fort William Henry and ill-prepared Garrison's surrounded by hostile natives and the French army we have requested reinforcements but I doubt they will be forthcoming they have no illusions that our resistance will be successful I commit my life to the British Army and my soul to the father of understanding yours Colonel George Monroe Shay you are a sight for sore eyes jack Colonel Monro's surrendered to general monk on the French and there Abenaki allies took Fort Henry Johnson was supposed to bring reinforcements here I don't see anyone else the Abenaki are restless they don't understand the terms of surrender and refused to heed Mont can the colonel and his men were released this morning they're walking into an ambush wait here in case Johnson arrives I'll I'll protect the colonel thank you maybe I can finally repay my debt to him I hope I'm not too late master Cormac sir we must hurry we should bring what's left of your man to the morgen a welcome offer captain Coleman follow me safe passage is ahead if you don't mind me asking what happened at Fort William Henry poor planning and poor luck I am afraid while calm was able to bombard us for days dumb frog actually he acted with great honor when we sent for parle he returned an offer far more generous than anticipated we kept our arms and more importantly our colors only to walk into a trap I would hardly expect the French to defend us would you know why wouldn't you continue to prove your loyalty to the Templars Master Cormac risking your life for me we're not out of the woods yet colonel as for my loyalty well I do owe you don't I you saved my life gave me a second chance we have been working together for you during that time and have a definitely mention about towards me as paid when you say perhaps [Music] take cover Becca wasa will not relent to kiss a girl awesome you know this man master Cormac I colonel he's one of a Keeley's men an assassin as I was so they know I am temple and now this assassin knows you live and work with Templars I'm no fool colonel the assassins will come after me next we're both targets night you know that's a trap right indeed master colemak we have little choice we survived French cannons we will survive this rooster says you heard the captain then let's get out of here I owe you my life master Commack oz do i colonel we have much to discuss however I must tend to my troops sir I will accompany you to Johnson's trading post at Ono Piatt then I shall depart at once Master Cormac meet me there so Colonel it seems my life as an open book to you men from my regiment found you delirious and half drowned I did not know who you were but what you were was obvious I brought you to the finnegans for care their late son was one of our order master Johnson was furious it was a risk but I suspected you might have left your brothers behind colonel manuscript why return it to me because Master Cormac you earned my trust it could not be in better hands respectfully sir I'm more of a target than you now gentlemen here's the go Isis rallying to storm Alberni his allies threaten a friendly or neither village and French troops have already entered our territory might be able to delay the French and help the uniter we were ready the defenses in Albany if we are to defeat kiss a girl say and his allies I need to help the uniter and see what I can do about the French [Music] interval one my name is Shay Patrick Cormac I I am a friend a friend indeed you'll have the gratitude of my people she Patrick honor for as long as you shall walk this birth you will have a place here among us in his eye whoo thank you young man would you be so kind as to walk with me damn the devil what happened here is sick of our sake well then we are too late no port Frederick's is nearby I'm sure the colonel can hold it you read the captain Lance make haste this is kassay galoshes work isn't it I believe it is but I don't get seen the devil the manuscript you keep it safe bring it to the Morrigan that's an order who are you to give me orders I hope rank you I'm not part of your army colonel I'll take care of the defenses until you get back sick of our sick you truly believe you can we trained you well Fraser siga was--a it didn't have to be this way it did you are an enemy Achilles will see you dead what he's doing is wrong who are you to touch the templates will fail you will fail Monroe is already dead what do you mean the paranoia was heading for the gun a huge man with an axe was chasing the colonel the colonel he's trapped inside see the manuscript an assassin took it here and get it back I swear it Touche [Music] do you sweat bear to uphold the principles of our order and all that for which we stand and never did share our secrets or divulge the true nature of our work I do and to do so from now until death whatever the cost I do then we welcome you into our fold brother you are now a Templar harbinger of a new world may the father of understanding guide us [Music] do you understand no I'm starting to see why you're so interested in shape I'm at [Music] Shay has seen the true face of the world and he has chosen his path accordingly a similar choice or soon present itself to you this office used to belong to a man named Eddie Aikau no he was my predecessor as chief creative officer of surco entertainment Otto Berg is a representative from our parent company Abstergo industries he's showing you the true history of the world just like they showed me on Eve he was kind he was intelligent and passionate about her work but a year ago he caught a glimpse of this truth they never found his body this is not the way we normally bring people up to speed on these matters but you've worked hard and are proving yourself so I'm granting you level two security access the servers on this floor should unlock more of Shea's memories [ __ ] what's happening another kitchen say when as before chase back another down see if you can complete the memory this time got it shayzon Paris alright I invest eighteen seventeen kinesics at this point in time Franklin was the American ambassador to France ladies and gentlemen miss Johnson former professional killer an amateur history you uncultured swine you should not have left your [ __ ] what your colony oh is that you how long is it being yeah where are my manners thank you my friends thank you what what are you doing in Paris Salah due respect sir this is no time to talk you're still in danger yes I Hey I must return to my family oh how did you do that it was quite fortunate I'll make my own look master facted as I suspect you do yes indeed my good fellow yet without your assistance today well you have my thanks Shay is there anything I can do for you to repay you for this kindness actually there is a need to meet a business acquaintance I heard he would be at the chateau de versailles two days from that and they don't just let anyone inside the royal palace very well I'll see what can be arranged that's the best we can do for now keep trying to sequence memories out of order which is why we're crashing others what do you suggest if we progress further with shaped life in the colonies I'm confident we can get better results from these Paris memories sorry buddy you mean for uploading the next memory sequence now shake or Mack I hear you other Templars new dawn of precursor archaeology I'm no expert sir I just witnessed what the assassins can do with those damned sights I have spent years investigating precursor leads tell me what you've seen well I know both the assassins and Templars are looking for pieces of Eden powerful weapons mind control and apples but this time it's different we haven't found an apple bottom a tree these temples hold the earth together like roots disturb them and Haiti Falls or Lisbon or any other place the manuscript shows and the assassins are blindly interfering with the structure and if we don't stop them they'll continue destroying cities I see we have intelligence of assassin activity in year the Wiberg fortress we'll be meeting with a Royal Navy officer James Cook he recently gained a commission that could be strategically valuable gist has the charts very well I'll depart shortly Colonel Munro spoke highly of you Shay he was convinced you could become the best among us I expect you will not disappoint I don't plan to sir welcome aboard gentlemen good to see you again captain captain che Cormac Captain James Cook pleased to make your acquaintance measures mine sir Captain Cook uncovered a rather distressing stratagem which I fear confirms our own intelligence indeed as we speak our Royal Navy fleet is on his way to Lewisburg however the French have drawn up a preemptive strike against it if they launched this attack obviously we cannot allow that to happen gentlemen the Battle of Louisbourg could very well be the turning point which will finally bring this war to a close I don't know about you but I've had enough of war then may I suggest you take the wheel captain Cormac I think you might enjoy piloting a vessel with real firepower I believe I shall captain dear God fire ships should they break room they would devastate our fleet and we'd better not let that happen I recognize that vessel its next door forever of course biology we have together loose all the trip shot crews up please this next puzzle your talks there's the Royal Navy we cleared the way just in time captain Cormac the tide of war is turning that was quite a crack was it is it is too soon for celebrations by the wall a is still out there sure well he gets another turn to dance with him master Ken way if a Kenway seems determined to destroy our Diwali aren't you he's a powerful man in his own right and a symbol of hope for the assassins eliminating him would shape them to the core it would I know what it seems a shame he's a good man guest so was the elder Washington and Smith I rather enjoyed drinking with him wardrobe two men could not hold his liquor he and weeks never got along if you're trying to test my conscience guests you've succeeded we live in a time of war shape but it's always war time for us I sound like my uncle Jedediah he was an old sourpuss let me tell you another time gist aye sir - look what the wind just blew a hail and kid morrow gentlemen once again captain cook's resourcefulness has served us well I have located the man you were seeking at a wall eh exactly he was last seen in the French for not two leagues from here along the river what would that scallywag be doing in a French fort but refitting his vessel I suppose after Lewisburg Thank You Master cook we'll take it from here farewell and Godspeed gentlemen the force just up ahead good let us continue onward maneuver abilities well I don't intend to find out the point let's stay out of her way we can find our way around just keep to the smaller rivers where she can't follow and do try to remain unseen we don't want to attract unwanted attention why would the French bring such a ship inland as the war is drawing to its close they're becoming desperate to expend any efforts to gain firepower no offense to Captain Cook but that levy has more firepower than any I've had the pleasure of meeting he's getting away only he'd still invite me [Music] by those bars which has boobies swimming home tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] back in your so here they come Adewale speech his ship her novel touch it he's saving his crew no he's making a last stand that's not disappoint him follow him che I will try to corner him do not speak ill of your father if you become half a man he was forgive me a diwali you dare beg forgiveness child hell welcomes traitors like you [Music] did I go there proudly knowing I have done right it does not matter Achilles already has what he needs I will kill every last man who defends him if I must I cannot let him succeed you have become a monster perhaps I have at this point the wars are really over but the French have lost their momentum in the colonies the Templars can now focus entirely on the assassins they still have hundreds of men working for them in New York let us see what role shows what is our progress on the precursor matter we are gathering sheeps and supplies but it is difficult without the specific destination my men can help I have enough to spare for a crew as well Chevalier Hope has found a way to reproduce master Franklin's experiment we're soon uncovered the next precursor site and you're confident you can do this I am a keen observer mentor the device will be ready shortly very good keep me apprised things are worse than we feared the assassins find a way to make the precursor box work they're already preparing an expedition then we must stop them hope controls hundreds of men the authorities are doing sod all what if we were to impersonate her men we could commit a crime so big they could ignore those damned brigands anymore that sounds like an excellent plan Jack make it so I will find out where the assassins are hiding is it just me or did the boss tell us to make trouble enjoy where you can shake shake [Music] don't we make a disgraceful pair of crooks now I make this look good so what's the target the military pay we'll have to hurry our regiment is already on its way to the fort where the coins are kept great and I suppose you have a plan the fort holds many prisoners get in and hoist the gangs colors when you do I'll free them you're going to free a bunch of criminals working with the assassins well we have to turn the army against them don't we remember you raise the flag and I'll raise hell what on earth happened here the prisoners got loose they had help from outside there were just too many of them well then we're going to have to fix that aren't we it's about time we took those criminals down work Jack with a little luck the army will crush those damned brigands I make my own luck where is your boss I'll never tell she'll kill me if you don't tell he'll kill you she's in that big mansion but one with the gardens shall we go didn't mention you had a hidden blade you thought you were the only one well yes I suppose where did you get that it was donated by the brother our mission was a success the army should make its move anytime now good you like the resources in New York to handle these criminals ourselves with a little luck you might be rid of them once and for all I make my own now let us cut off the snakes ahead we have everything we need now Chevalier will be expecting me hope bon voyage about time you showed up sorry got to come to this show you were a fascinating fellow [Music] you have more endurance than I expected what is this poison where's my art I have to move I have to move that's it she's my heart beating [Music] you're late again Shane oh I just want to do this I trained you to do this hey that did nothing less than Y to give Li him time to leave soon Chevalier will be on his way to the precursor site I will stop him you will see you're coming ready you had so much potential master Cormack to what do I owe the pleasure Irish stopping to restock my ship when I heard the talented Captain Cook was here we have a word archer' service as always looking for a man captain Louie Joseph Garcia Chevalier de La Verendrye the Explorer Iver rhythm and his illustrious family I must see him bodyguards or not he sailed East a few days ago on a heading to antic Asti indeed I would advise caution I've been there before then I bid you good fortune I will be sailing past Conception Bay should you require further assistance much obliged Master Cormac I didn't expect to see you again so soon I found a Leviton geez travel plans but the devil use some kind of code I can't figure it out maybe you'll have better look a strange there's a very old cipher I have seen it once before I could draw your map or you could accompany me help me find a lover laundry an urgent matter then very well we shall sail together again it's an ambush study the ship [Music] where are they that was in mortar range that's all I know please don't touch the word never Andre must have stayed behind to stop us and no doubt volunteered for the job bring em up tight none of the water-type regarded so you're taking to test me boy look at all the beset mercy so cabbage farmer are you still convinced the tempers are right convinced very end you bastard chillies and Liam of Iraqi headed north hope was right and I do make a good distraction thanks for your help Captain Cook you're welcome captain Carmack sailing with you is certainly an interesting trouble does seem to find us it's true in tell me the truth are you fellows with a larger organization the board of Admiralty you take your orders directly from His Majesty don't you we couldn't tell you even if we were you should have these maps helluva round jury won't need them anymore we'll contact you in regards to sponsoring future voyages captain much obliged you think Achilles and Liam upon the precursor site the world is still standing if they uncovered it they have not yet set the earth and motion how gentlemanly of them should still be time master gist stay here I shall accompany Shay Sir with respect are you sure that's wise as Grand Master I must investigate this precursor matter to the end and witnessed the death of Achilles broad the assassins do trigger an earthquake at least there's fewer round to suffer I have no intention of letting your former colleagues destroy a precursor site regardless this was a beautiful if it wasn't so damn cold tread carefully some of this ice is rather thin go on shake I will find another way is this the Apple oh don't touch anything Shay was right would he know more than me apparently finally you understand Achilles this is a structure to hold the world together not a weapon to control it this whole calamity could have been avoided if you'd only listen to me disrespectful to the end yes we've been working on that right or wrong Shay you betrayed the Brotherhood Achilles and me says the man who shot me in the back at the homestead that was Chevalier I don't miss the young daughter did you have to break that gun find your script I box all the way out here near the precursor boxes safe I was lucky how many times do I have to tell you Liam I make my own look and I could do that your party here broke the assassins betrayed everyone you knew you sided with our worst enemies and for a while just save the world I hope our world is a good [Music] No why not okay Li's just harmless now a mentor with no followers was kind of words are we makin if we cannot show mercy besides he understands what these precursor sites are now without him the assassins may continue their search valid points never forget what has happened here I won't but the world will so what happens now master gist will be in charge of eradicating any remaining traces of the assassins master weeks and the others will assist him of course Achilles has lost everything he won't dare leave his homestead you won't che although our search for precursor sites is at an end I want that box you will find it for the Templar order and for me it could be anywhere in the world by now it may take years to find it it may take your lifetime are you up for the challenge good incredible who knew that she had that kind of potential I have everything I need to complete our assignment here one last job not school we need you to upload a story but not the healings I want some very specific people to see what we have found here it is only a matter of time before I catch the last of them what's happened in Haiti happened in Portugal a great earthquake thousands dead - the adopted budget script gets him also here I want them to know how weak they truly are and I want everyone to see them suffer so on the day they finally meet me they will welcome the death my offer to say was right oh he know more than me apparently my plan is in motion I have no further demands to plate upon you however a story is not that ugly I would ask that idiot thrown to the I am super impressed obstacle you really came through for us again I am also a Templar happened for years once you go back to finish a story your life is never gonna be the same afterwards you should finish in the essenti visit send in your eminence [Music] a royal palace of versaille movie xvi and mary antoinette in residence such decadence kid like no stuff ah sure you certainly look prepared to meet royalty perhaps King Louie himself will grant you an audience as ours even these breaches with gas me into the King's chambers besides I'm only here to see a business acquaintance yes I heard a group of merchants would be here today they might come see my scientific demonstration later they really should they might learn something though I wouldn't count on there being present I take my leave thank you again master Franklin now to find Charles on that damned box that's him Charles Dorian gentlemen I'll protect this artifact with my very life [Music] Oh No where are you gone my son honor perhaps you have seen him [Music] have you seen a little boy around I'm looking for my son [Music] you're the traitor [Music] I'm just finishing old business Oh [Music] Quan Rodney is assessing the American Revolution undeterred Templar business and perhaps we should start a revolution of our own [Music] uphold the principles of our order and all that for which we stand never share our secrets nor divulge the true nature of our work do so intent death whatever the cost this is my new Creed I am Shane Patrick Cormac Templar of the Colonia of the American right I am an older man I and perhaps wiser a war and a revolution have ended and another is about to begin may the father of understand it's my pleasure and privilege to welcome you up here today gotta hand it to you numskull you proved yourself to be more than a simple research monkey the data you extracted from shake or max memories has served us well Shay story is a message one that says that when threatened what an assassin truly wants isn't freedom but order and we represent the highest order there is whatever you learn from your animus experience only scratches the surface we have existed since before recorded human history and have recently been reborn disguised as Abstergo industries and entertainment you have crossed the threshold and your eyes have been opened you have seen the world for what it truly is there's no turning back now you got big plans for you the father of understanding guided you to us and for that we are grateful the test of your true worth begins now and it begins with a choice join us and a bright future will be all yours refuse
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 1,695,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, assassin's creed rogue all cutscenes, assassin's creed rogue movie, Assassin's Creed Rogue, Assassin's Creed (Video Game Series), assassin's creed rogue all cutscenes game movie, assassin's creed rogue abstergo, templar, assassins, ASSASSIN'S CREED: ROGUE All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD, gamers little playground, assassins creed rogue, assassins creed rogue movie, assassins creed, ASSASSIN'S CREED ROGUE All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD
Id: NsUrbOT1mKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 46sec (7186 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 11 2014
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