Asmongold WORLD FIRST Heroic Torghast WARRIOR Clear - WoW Shadowlands

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okay I'll invite you on my alt to get this working okay wait so I can get into tour guests how am i warrior it's sweet so we could summon somebody inside of tor gasps oh my god I can stop oh my god they can't I could get summoned inside no way no [ __ ] way I don't I don't we're going all the way boys it's gonna be epic your slot wait that's terrible the cooldown bloodthirst is reduced by one point five seconds holy [ __ ] that's really good Wow okay shouts last sunder person why would that even matter okay that's actually really really good no more mistakes no more fuck-ups nothing oh [ __ ] okay wait I literally I heal by leveling I healed by leveling healing healing holy [ __ ] okay got him critical damage kneeling by 10% this early on holy [ __ ] dude no way dude they want me to win they want me to win men yeah I could actually use let me use this I'm gonna go with that reflecting first caste interrupting next caste I'm gonna allow that to go through okay fearing that caste for some reason fear does work I don't know why but it does okay good I got that one Fantasma enemies by your shout take 20% increased damage I'm gonna go with that I have to invisibility potions I'm gonna use it to get take me to intensive take me through me he's not gonna see he will not see me [ __ ] okay killing knees alright kiting coming this guy coming that guy reflecting con flag okay good interrupting scorch more Blazers more Blazers okay Missoni net good he's dead okay alright perfect we got it we got we got we got got it that's a red boy okay we're gonna go with rampage this time and should I try to kill this pack no there's too many skeletal remains I'm just going to skip it I'm skipping it I'm skipping it it's giving you it's giving you there it is boys do it see what happens that's what Oh No okay it's fine it's fine it's fine nothing that one I can't can't tap okay good healing double healing triple dead well you can't stay cut I can't stop me now they cannot stop me now I say we go mastery I will kill this guy first reflecting his attack your pathetic magic betrays you okay now we have this fine Ernest [Music] I think we go with number one I think we go number one dude number two is better for skill but I already have that so I'm gonna go with number one see you guys get to see all the new abilities dude I'm healing so much - you're nothing that cast dude I ain't used to Kurian ability more Oh a cloud of mists obscures you you caused more rats to explode on death obtain ten freed Souls I think that bloating fodder is the best I'm gonna go number one hopefully I have my shop give me my shop I need to repair give me the shop give me a bear or not see them up don't show me a [ __ ] mob I'm screenshotting this what dude nice okay the damaged out my spirit bashed increased 100% each time it's cast up to a maximum of eight hundred percent eight hundred percent increases maximum help by 20% dude that's so [ __ ] big dude dude that's dude that's big we're getting that double time I'm doing I'm doing whirlwind [ __ ] that I'm gonna do oral wind like I like throughput abilities anyway [Music] enemies affected by your shouts cool now bought their set doesn't matter cause it's already within the gcd piercing howl is a shout [ __ ] yes dude okay you know what we do I say we hit two cells let's go double cells I already repaired will do cell number one mall rats I'm gonna go Fantasma go number two double healing for morrowind 5% mastery that was really good yeah I pretty much refunded it you're right does it stack let's see yes it does Oh another one oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is actually really good rage generation increased by 20% that's insane that is actually insane let me go ahead I'm gonna try this one I want to try it I want to see what happens it'll be really good for a single target and at the end of the day will be just fine regardless okay it's me and you [Music] okay I got really lucky there got the school whoa what the [ __ ] oh my god 40k spear get oh my god oh my god dude [Music] boom easy I reflect that cast I didn't reflect a volley doesn't reflect I guess okay good moving out of that holy [ __ ] dude easy [ __ ] game easy [ __ ] game I got lucky with those proc so let's be honest whirlwind pulls way what the [ __ ] whirlwind pulls three random enemies within 20 yards to you I think I'm gonna go with the mall rats like I mean cuz the blood there's reduce increases like the help that I heal by yeah we're gonna go with mall rats let's go ahead and hit that boom Wow Wow they'll jump across holy [ __ ] dude 80k on 428 that is insane I think I have a boss floor after this might be one more I'm not sure your spell isn't a tax of a chance to grant 35% crit holy [ __ ] okay yeah that's really really good yeah we're going with that one 100 [ __ ] percent we're going with that one that's a big buff big buff let's keep going I'm gonna let him cast that it's actually better that he cast that let me take another hit it's so much dude wait what [Music] wait what did i do what did I just can't buy shadow crash I didn't even see that [Music] Wow I should have probably done that differently but I didn't doesn't really matter okay focusing on this guy shadow ball ball we can't interrupt that I'll just reflect instead didn't do anything okay fearing that can I at least get one kill here I'm gonna go into this sphere doesn't didn't do anything okay okay I can kill him wait I I'm - I'm doing it holy [ __ ] Wow so let's talk about this what would a tour gas tournament look like cuz like I really want to do a tournament for tour gas like I was talking to rich about this yesterday but I don't know oh [ __ ] I'm not about to see a boss am I all right and by one of these guys okay um damage of whirlwind is increased by 30% that's really good let me see what it's like fighting this guy and I can always pick it in the middle of the fight okay here we go big dick on him big dick on them oh there it is you're noting that okay come on okay I did a pretty good amount damage there what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] interrupting that okay so I have to kill the dads right I have to kill the ads I have to kill the ads dude this is so laggy man holy [ __ ] I can't play this is so bad I literally cannot play my character healing [Music] I have to kill him here come on I do I'm [ __ ] I'm nodding right now I am actually [ __ ] there we go everything's fine we're gonna whirlwind whirl whirl winning we're going all whirl wins holy dude that was so [ __ ] annoying dude that was so [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] we hit number one if we hit number one I always get an anima cell out of them think about that okay we are so [ __ ] ready dude I'm gonna shattering I'm gonna [ __ ] Oh we'll go get these guys next alright a good amount of mobs there what do you mean lags at FPS or latency like its input lag so like whenever I press the button for the spell to go off this spell it registers the input of the spell like the command but it doesn't actually register the spell itself so like the spell doesn't really go off [ __ ] yeah dude more mastery see look at that see how long that took look at this look look I'm trying to cast it wasn't working holy [ __ ] that's bad Jesus Christ probably using lower to your servers for alpha yeah I'm sure they're just using lower tier ones for alpha it'll be different okay just a second and flick shadow damage to all the damage you received but you can't backpedal we're gonna go with that that's way better listen like Blizzard they're doing everything that they can to try to stop me I might have did I double-click it like my hands like I don't really have like very good motor control so I double click all the time and I don't even know it it sounds like really stupid and like [ __ ] like like a Boomer thing but that's really what it is obtain 10 freed Souls and acquire a satchel filled with various herbs and fish we're gonna go with the souls ok what about this one here one quick critical damage by 30 [ __ ] percent that is insane ok we're going with that a hundred percent yeah it just such - Shadow Ball poly that's pretty much it okay putting that down on him reflecting eternal torment there we go yeah this guy's getting [ __ ] destroyed now we'll get that already on the 60% health already 50% health shallow Bhopal we not today yeah he's only at three stacks man that's insane what does this do to me shadow damage yeah okay so it just doesn't even do [ __ ] to me okay and I'll wait to use my spear on the next big boy too here we go I'm not gonna interrupt yet put that cast go off I can reflect this one yeah this is a Hugh wah okay [Music] like by the end of this like this spear is gonna be the [ __ ] spear of destiny I will just throw this spirit something and it will kill him so let's go ahead and just go at the Elysian shoulder wrap okay um seems like we've gotten everything in this area let's jump down and keep going perfect oh this is a new area wow look at this we've never seen this place before holy [ __ ] what happens I going to fire oh [ __ ] okay no no I did not just see that buff did I oppression aura no [ __ ] way so you jump all the way over here and there's secret bases this is some yeah this is some Dark Souls vibes this is awesome surrounds me like old Super Nintendo games okay abrasion acne and blackery I don't really care about any of that we're just gonna go with Fantasma let's see so what do these do they do anything like they don't really do a whole lot and I hit it with that one too boom already at fifty [ __ ] percent suck on my dick there we go dude there we [ __ ] go dude now we're actually making some progress I'm feeling I am feeling my character getting more powerful here this is really really awesome okay clicking once 75 Fantasma great for a second I thought that was gonna port me through okay [Music] [Music] hi hi that's great your abilities do not consume rage for one minute after choosing this power I don't give a [ __ ] about that let's see new creature you're healed I'm gonna go with 75 Fantasma like all the rest of those suck it just didn't really seem like none of those seemed good I'm gonna get him okay what do we got striking a mall rack which are jor heroic leap instantly kills a mall rat and resets the cooldown on the ability your whirlwind can do whirlwinds more damage your attack so chance to deal shadow damage we're gonna obviously go with whirlwind like we're building guys so somebody knows we are building 100% whirlwind like by the end of this fight it's not going to be whirlwind it's gonna be whirlwind it's gonna be great all right let's see what I've got on this one there it is right there 4050 percent of damage by whirlwind let's see this one here as I thought that went out by the way oh dude oh dude do this this is disgusting man by the end of a whirlwind I just whirlwind the tour guests or what's his name the terrain yeah the terrain okay um ashen blackery all right 50 percent whirlwind there it is let's buy this one over here okay I'll buy one of these just in case I get Fantasma from this should I do this whirlwind pulls three random enemies within 20 yards to you I'm gonna do it [ __ ] it it's probably really stupid and it's gonna be super annoying to play but I'm gonna do it anyway keep popping off come here [ __ ] look at him this is great what interrupting [Music] Oh this is great so I just keep whirlwind ting everything it's almost time playing d3 god I hate this [ __ ] okay uh there it is 50% alright how many how many healing do I do from the thing two hundred and fifty percent damage healing Wow [ __ ] yes dude [ __ ] yes dude dude this is this energy is so strong man and then there's my last chest - holy [ __ ] actual death grip for warrior yeah I mean I think they should look at these animal ''tis and be like okay what do people like about these how can we change them gain double time ignore paint absorbs damage equal to 10% of maximum health I say we hit double time let's do that just because people want to see it and yeah we'll just do it okay we got the lock to the zurka rage are under percent longer moral strikers rampage um by 20% more damage on rampage who cares [Music] okay [Music] Brown crush moving out of that I can't use the spear again okay that's massive damage nope not gonna cast that [ __ ] on me okay come on there we go I got one more big spear running out running out running out I made it when binding interrupting this guy's getting his ass beat Oh shattering throw hitting him right now boom 100 thank you guys I forgot all about that suck on my dick and balls [Music] okay it should be all epic items okay watch me hop on these [ __ ] watch me hop on these [ __ ] let's do it we're doing that 100 [ __ ] percent okay that's insane but and I buy the extra bonus ball yeah I bought a bonus ball okay good Mike Tour gas can be uh hey uh ha ha you son of a [ __ ] watch this watch this [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you you dumb ass [ __ ] you guys see that dude I did the leap and that I did the throw and I just one shot that [ __ ] that felt so [ __ ] good dude Wow reckless abandon holy [ __ ] okay yeah we're definitely getting that and let's see I'll use this one right here before I leave 10 freed Souls star reflection last 200 percent longer and applies to your party I don't give a [ __ ] okay 40 percent so I'm at 41 seconds for wreck 41 [ __ ] seconds for recklessness holy [ __ ] dude okay I'm gonna go with this one again go this one let's see what this is ooh movement speed is 60% while close to a wall or a hallway since treasure chests and elites through walls don't care about that pummel that's cool I could use this what do you guys want to see let's go with pummel it'll be more interesting for you guys to watch okay here we go boys [Music] rich [Music] oh my god all my [ __ ] god that was awesome do i combo them okay the cooldown of enrage regeneration is reduced by 80% your shouts caused you to do another random shout let me do this one so activating blade storm recklessness or avatar randomly casts one of the other two abilities yeah that's [ __ ] cool let's go with that okay go up here [Music] that was a legit [ __ ] one shot oh my god Wow we're in the matrix apparently okay just a minute all right I'm actually surprised I didn't one-shot him what the [ __ ] stupid game I'm gonna use a potion even just to refresh the cooldown [ __ ] it okay what did I get oh my god dude like whirlwind urges it's it's so [ __ ] broken man all right here we go [ __ ] you yes because these guys oh my god okay dude y'all ready you guys ready well it's not up it's not up [ __ ] now it's up boom I didn't even do [ __ ] for damage that was terrible that was [ __ ] garbage dude okay there that guy's dead and then this guy's dead too good perfect all right good whirlwind heals Opie yeah I know okay uh ignore pain Mallrats I don't really care about the mall rat harness it's annoying and ignore pain absorbs damage I'm just gonna go with ignore pain absorb damage okay next level we're gonna fight this [ __ ] all right this one's gonna be really easy so here's what I'm thinking we do I'm thinking we go in there okay this is so your shouts cause you do another random shout in rage regen is reduced by 80% I don't want them to do another shout like that's like uncontrolled stuff and I don't like that I'm just gonna go with in rage region okay guys here we go huh I didn't do [ __ ] for damage what the [ __ ] that was awful what the [ __ ] I damn it what a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] that was what a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn't I didn't have my I I don't think I had my thing up that was a problem god dude what did what a disgraceful boss what an absolute [ __ ] disgrace and I have 20% from avatar - ok where do I get from this 175 Fantasma orb defender I don't think it's worth it yeah I don't I don't think it's worth it so I say we just pick everything up all right now we're actually doing real whirlwind barb [ __ ] I mean this is my first death okay so I can do whatever I want so what we're gonna do is I just get everybody over here and I do a little hop and I just delete them I just delete them with the spirit it's just that [ __ ] easy this spear is [ __ ] amazing and yeah this damage is kind of mediocre the spear still does a ridiculous amount of damage though like what the [ __ ] I don't even understand it it's crazy okay got him casting spear Bastion also casts five stacks of sunder armor reducing their armor by 25% for 30 seconds what the [ __ ] yeah let's let's do that kill this guy right here actually let's just aggro a bunch of stuff let's see how this how this goes okay yeah I'm taking a lot of damage what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I better not die I better not [ __ ] die yeah these mobs are she doing a lot of damage holy [ __ ] goddamn Oh what the [ __ ] is that oh it's just one of those guys ok here we go 1 million one [ __ ] million god damn and it wasn't even a crit absord sixty percent of damage oh my [ __ ] god dude that's it that's it I'm gonna try this you guys ready I didn't even know what let's loot this guy and we'll move forward so now the goal right now is to deep dick this boss in like two seconds okay you can now order your steward to heal or buff you in combat buf me [Music] Grint my group your blessing big dick damage right here voice taking this off here we go here we go ah [ __ ] I messed it up god damn it III missed a tuner percent damage buff I'm so bad god damnit [ __ ] dude [ __ ] what a [ __ ] of a game what an absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] of a game that was totally my fault too what an awful boss this is taking me more than three seconds I'm bored okay seventy-five Fantasma I want to try to kill this guy oh right there 1 million not a big deal I mean it's just listen guys it's just a million damage and so you look at that I got it again I got the same [ __ ] thing from him ok let's see I'll go shouts again why not if you have two orbs ok let me use one orb right now and I'll use my board right here go there you go ok death pools again and then this is death pools again so at this point if I ever get one of those pools again I'm pretty much just gonna heal full you have to fight the GM at level so imagine if I get 272 and it's just Ian waiting there for me it's just like hey how'd you how'd you get in here huh what's this situation yeah it's just waiting for me I feel like you know what maybe I have enough animal buffs to be to GM by now let's not challenge so guys it's not a challenge I'm just I'm just speculating that's all ok here we go oh do you think if you kill the Tarang with the damage immunity on your warrior does it kill you through it oh that's a really good question I was his boss ok get on my harness yeah I don't think I can kill to rank like I don't think so as powerful as I am right now I just I don't think it's possible all right there's the big boy right there ma wait his name is mall of the mall okay [ __ ] son of a I'm spinning on myself again [ __ ] I almost had it though I almost [ __ ] had it oh [ __ ] dude okay alright so let's see alright so this is a boss it's level 60 um I'm destroying him though like he's not really doing [ __ ] actually nevermind he's doing a lot of damage hmm what do you guys think yeah this boss is really [ __ ] annoying because that ability is so hard to deal with yeah this is better than a lot of the other bosses at least and I can't really get away from him either to do my charge again I just have to kill him on my own okay there we go yeah the whirlwind just healed me for so much so wait am I gonna die to this boss wait what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude this boss I I'm not gonna die there's no a my doctor okay here we go you're dead you're dead dude this is [ __ ] ridiculous come on oh my god I have to I'm gonna use my CD here god damn man wait he's eating my analyze he was eating all my animus he ate my good animus okay let's go all right we have 12 floors left boys let's get ready okay let's see can these things still kill me let me find out all right oh [ __ ] oh ho [ __ ] dude it's time this is doing this isn't doing any damage dude okay actually let me just leap yeah this is doing [ __ ] damage look at that time doing anything he's not dying in one hit this is dumb what the [ __ ] I thought that's what I was supposed to work spectral charge okay moving out of that two AP shout I have it it's my five hour buff cuz that counts as a shout oh I need the Pearson dude I'm [ __ ] I'm not piercing howling these guys like I need the piercing howl all the the bosses okay covert super singer max all while running increases haste by 15% both these are really good but I'm just gonna go with haste obviously and then we'll go with Fantasma as well okay and there's nothing else really over there wait is that chest no it's not okay let's keep going this is a weird [ __ ] song we're about to change this [ __ ] okay give me a minute guys all right now I don't want to kill all of them at the same time or I will die do not kill all of them at the same time or you will die do not do it I'm doing it okay alright there we go it's fine oh my god wow that was really [ __ ] close I almost died there okay good and so I need to use the piercing howl on these guys at the beginning that's a big mistake on making because I'm not doing that more often now this guy's gonna die though it'll be okay Forbes I didn't see any words yeah we're fine I have 95 anima powers 95 that's a big number okay only not guy right there yeah like the singular mobs are really easy to deal with it's just the other ones are really what were the where the cops are there is no damage meter right now on the alpha they disable damage meters so because like the thing is that if they didn't disable damage meters sperms would freak out like they'd be like oh my god my class isn't overpowered in the alpha i'm reroll it's a good idea for them not to do that okay I'm not gonna die here am i oh my god dude all right less than 10 floors remain we're almost ready and it's almost time I'm [ __ ] ready for this dude I am so [ __ ] ready for this I will not die again probably not at least there it is look at this damage dude we'll get this damaged they can't stop me I cannot be stopped wait I'm actually surprised that didn't kill me good holy [ __ ] dude with a stupid-ass [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here and I just hit this guy always [ __ ] healing dude he's [ __ ] healing okay there we go we got him all right what is this year 300 Fantasma I'm buying that okay [Music] I thought I was gonna die there I was like 90% sure I'd [ __ ] die okay good I have nine stacks die stop no level 54 boys they can't hold us back got it ten percent damage and healing look at that look at that damage nothing can stop us jump over to here what's over here nothing let's go the other way keep wreck up okay I'll pop back whenever I get to the next next time ops in case I played storm okay there we go holy [ __ ] Jesus dude what the [ __ ] oh my god whose mobs are just getting deleted okay there's this guy here [Music] oh my god okay where's this one ah phantasm alright we'll just to shouts again okay let's do this god damn god [ __ ] damn dude let me hit him with this one right here boom get the [ __ ] out of here all right what about this let's see a shadow damage and Fantasma great I'll just wrap around here real quick back in the BFA yeah basically okay now we've got another buff here who steward canal hunt for materials we're gonna go with the ax Bastian spear so right now it does 2.5 million damage okay there's another buff right there okay let's get this one here one two okay I knew that was gonna be the first one okay um I'm gonna go with a more periodic damage bucket okay let's go the next one alright now let's go [ __ ] you wait oh it's on CD [ __ ] [ __ ] wait I'm lagging what's he doing it was on [ __ ] CD Oh give me a [ __ ] break what a bunch of [ __ ] that was what a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] goddammit man okay got him easy that was pretty easy okay I'm Stevie oh ah I know placeholder did we get this one or not we'll get it alright good that's really really powerful that's actually the best buff in the game oh this is a new area to wait [Music] oh [ __ ] oh wow that's cool there we go okay Oh God Oh God oh [ __ ] that was scary dude like you were stacked on top of each other I didn't even know that what's this here increases maximum health by 60% critical damaging healing what do you guys think I should didn't get I'll go with Juan dude I'll go with one 300,000 health 300k okay [Music] I'm gonna die okay good eyeful healed you guys really made a good call with having me buy the extra health [ __ ] you [ __ ] you get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] I'm gonna kill these guys even it doesn't even matter I forgot I have the immunity I wasn't paying attention bend the wind baby come here got him got him [ __ ] yes all right we're going to 469 we'll go all right another free floor just what I needed 50% let's go with that one right there hundred anima cell let's see mastery by 10% we'll go with that what's this one here damage for rampage all right boys it's time Blizzard's just said they can't count how good I am why nobody can okay wait what just happen to my health I almost just died there I'm not sure okay so if I can kill the terror group who here thinks I can do it who here thinks I can actually kill terror group cuz I I'd say it's about like a 50% well I actually I'm not I'm not super confident about this cuz like with the mage I was 100% confident I could kill him because I saw him if you'll do it but like as far as I know no one's been able to kill him after the buff so it's like if I do this it's kind of a big deal okay that guy's dead good okay killing all these guys [ __ ] yes dude there we go nice alright and what's this here rage generation let's go with that buffing them [Music] Wow oh I know exactly what's about to happen there we go now they can't kill me oh god oh god that was so [ __ ] close okay what's this one here boom mastery by 15% there it is I'm a hundred and thirty-four percent mastery alright final two fours let's do a voice fine I can kill these guys they won't kill me there it is easy easy game boys easy game nothing else matters destroying them [ __ ] it didn't work okay it doesn't matter got it Genki I know that wait oh my god what the [ __ ] was that and this guy is destroyed that thing 11 million wait yeah why did I hit him for 11 million wait for these packs just [Music] instantly [ __ ] destroying men alright here's the final four let's do it I'll show you guys what the plan is watch how the plan works that's how the plan works okay [Music] one [Music] to [Music] and so it begins gentleman who was here that's good I'm glad we got two of them to make things more interesting it didn't happen I got it I hit him come on he's at 50% back come on I'm pulling him to me come on I can do it he's going faster [ __ ] he's hearing all right I've got to get through here come back come back boys come back come back day [Music] I'm waiting [Music] [Music] duck no no no no don't go to the edge don't go back no come back come back I'm gonna stun them I got one [ __ ] come back hit him hit him hit him okay okay all right I'm thinking what can I do what can I do I'm going to the edge he's dying he's dying he's dying he's dying he's dying [Music] [Music] I don't think we may get a pi RP walk gentlemen I don't get got I might get got got it oh my god oh my [ __ ] god there's no way I was gonna let them beat me man [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 619,025
Rating: 4.7269015 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold wow, asmongold shadowlands, asmongold wow shadowlands, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, world of warcraft shadowlands, torghast, torghast tower of the damned, torghast heroic, asmongold torghast, asmongold torghast heroic, asmongold torghast hc, torghast hc, asmongold tv, asmongold heroic, torgast, asmongold world first, torghast warrior, asmongold warrior, shadowlands warrior, heroic torghast warrior, torghast world first, heroic torghast world first
Id: koKXjX1k7CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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