Asmongold Reacts to "Top 10 Most Exploited Raid Bosses in WoW" by hirumaredx

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now that for this video I'm going to intentionally leave out a lot of famous exploits like the Crypt blood incidents and the Lich King platform controversy and mainly focus on more lesser-known exploits number 10 princess hoo-hah sometimes when bosses at first put into the game they might have a spell or two that can be spell reflected this can either be a big deal just one shot in the boss ie Sinestro or a minor thing like reflecting back a shot a bulge of some [ __ ] but princes who Han took this to a whole new level what some guild would do was go out and farm tokens to buy the sheen of zanza a flash that had a very high chance to reflect all spells that the player took at the time today it's only like a three percent chance or something Wow but with everyone in the raid using this elixir lunar on would poison herself with the debuff she put on the entire raid and snack it to its max duration of 99 stacks pretty quickly they died within a few seconds completely nullifying the intended design of the fight of having everyone stack nature resistance really fast speaking of resistances number 9 Ragnar owes it was an ad called scar shield Spellbinder in Blackrock Spire who could put out a buff that gave 75 fire resist for an hour if he priest mind controlled the ad they could give everyone on the raid the buff and 75 fire resist was a huge boost in survivability at Ragnar yes or any bosses wisely considered worth it to go through the trouble of mind controlling me that's a term I think was it themselves however didn't really see it as an exploit this is a creative use of game mechanics not an exploit and wanting to be on the mind control options if we didn't intend for it to be there funny isn't it how these fel casters are located right inside an instance that's very very close to to ray dungeons where fire resistance plays a big role of game mechanics lizard void River had a mind control we'll add in his room that could blast down the boss by itself very quickly when in Cydia were working on hard mode oh dear when it was considered mathematically impossible they had their mages spell still the pollenate buff from Freya's trash mobs get the kill which was in the next room and Blizzard also considered this an exploit but they did it grew later that ho dere was impossible to nerf it shortly after the exploit that's so dumb number eight Hatcher immediate Ramiz was a boss who was excellently staggered by pretty much everyone for nearly a month before Blizzard fixed it yes they exploit lascivious kite Atromitos into the doorway that leads to the room and ignore phase one mechanics now I actually go over after media's his exploits in my top ten glitches raid Boz video so I'll had a small little onyxia exploit at number H as well Deary no Nicks his third phase she would periodically fear the whole raid and people would take damage from the little fire cracks in the ground but there were some ledges in the room where you could just fall jump to and not take any damage significantly lowering the total radio which requires able to stay in the wall and DPS or heal number seven the vollis Straz mind vision exploit Wallis transcend a mechanic where he'd cast a buff on the players that gave them infinite resources like damage boost and instant cast spells you would also lose 5% of your maximum health every second until you died twenty seconds later this caused problems for tanks have got the debuff as you couldn't taunt the boss and had to have like five tanks get threats simultaneously to be next in line if the Janka chosen this is where you see Thank You veneer players and bosses had a debuff limit of about 16 once a debuff was supplied past 16 the game would simply drop off whichever debuff was put up first soum if it ain't got chosen for burning adrenaline they do all they could to get d-bus on themselves that drop the buff someone would bandage the tank and all the priests would use mind vision a spell that allows you to look through the targets players eyes with enough priests you could simply feel that the debuff slots of the tank and just make the burn adrenaline debuff fall off this was such a big deal that players actually got to drink Shadow Priests of the raid which was something that didn't happen in vanilla and made the fight a lot easier since this exploit is very similar to the mind vision exploit I just talked about except this one required a rare pet called a disgusting news li the Islan gives you a little 20 nature resistance debuff while it's out returns he made a macro to spam some in the pet you could fill up your debuff slot to make any debuff fall off inside C'thun stomach he puts a stacking debuff on you that will slowly kill you if you stay inside too long with the use lane you could just keep pushing the debuff off entirely there were players for every guess the tentacles that makes for more damage technically this draft could be used on volley straws as well but the you sling was a very hard to get pet so it was easier to just get more priests in the raid and then farm oozes in the play glands which a couple weeks number five Hans and Franz this exploit was actually really hard to find any information on since it was mostly exploited by Chinese servers but was widely exploited during its short run okay the exploit was to basically have the tank tank the boss at its back close to the platform and have a rogue shadow step the boss to end up on the platform behind the boss then everyone in the raid which is why Paul the rogue vanished yeah rugged and a stress everyone onto the platform and they just do the boss from there essentially ignoring all the mechanics of the fight number four hakkar the soulflayer no I'm not talking about the corrupted blood incident her car has another less famous exploit that gets overshadowed a car would periodically cast the blood final ability on the raid stealing health from the raid and healing there were two ways to explain this ability one was to get debuff from the serpent ads in the raid and half a car poison himself when he sucked your blood which I might add is actually a really cool spell interaction or you could simply move before it was cast if you moved and stayed moving before and during blood funnel it just straight-up didn't work no damage to the raid no healing to her car just making the fight a whole hell of a lot worse job and all it required was the raid running around in circles in unison every once in a while for 10 seconds number three soul stones now this one isn't really confined on a certain boss and more two soul stones as a whole basically what top raids would do to avoid annoying mechanics or work on hard bosses was to have everyone in the raid that level eight warlock all to level 18 to learn soul stone then they would have their warlock call to put a soul stone on every single person in the raid essentially giving everyone a second chance at life it wasn't the ideal situation for Amana based classes Amana but being able to come back at all was still better than being dead slizzard did not like whole raid soul stones and tried many different methods to discourage kills from doing it but this exploit stayed around all the way until Wrath of the Lich King it was used so often and by so many guilds for so long that people saw it as more of a inconvenient way of doing bosses rather than an exploit since it would take forever to salt stone everyone for every attempt I really should have done her to the Dragon Soul rate finder exploit when Raid Finder was first introduced during the Dragon Soul raid it worked a little differently than it yes rate finder in its first form was basically an easier version of normal mode cut up into two parts all through the in-game dungeon finder this meant the gear was all the same as normal in heroic just of lower item level the thing is though his meant that class set bonuses were the same as well and the four set bonuses and Dragons souls were practically needed to do some of the heroic fights as they were all very powerful for every class especially tanks the four set bonus for tanks basically turned one of the defensive cooldowns into a raid wide cooldown there's a raid which was the fight for you to get past now here's really exploit comes in if everyone hit passed on loot instead of really neat or greed houki then zone out and back in and loot the boxes if you had killed it in a normal rate and everyone could loot the boss even if they had already gotten gear from it that way what this meant was you could gear up an entire raid in full LFR gear in one week including those sweet all you to overpowered four set bonuses right and many top guilds did just that blizzard took a few weeks to fix this actual item and all the high-profile guilty' took advantage of the exploit for eight days and took away the exploited gear including paragon right before heroic modes opened giving all the guilds that took part in the cheating a huge disadvantage in the race for world first what and finally number one the aq floor exploit now this is the only exploit on here that got the guilds caught permanently banned and vanilla you could alter some of your in-game like a walls so then if you wanted to play a Worf priest for the suite racial but wanted to look like a human or whatever but this Gil did was replace the files for the stairs at the entrance to a queue forty into a smaller model like a chicken allowing the raid to jump down straight to c'thun and skip the rest of the instance and trash altogether hey the rest of the exploit on this list were done through in-game means but this one involved actually altering the game files themselves which treated a lot of our facility [ __ ] for spells delete flower power I also wanted to add a little bug that existed in Cataclysm with the bug trial in a queue for tea if you tamed the blue Scylla fit with all of this counseling sin during the fight and had it kill them the pinkish bug it would actually get the vengeance buff em cast upon death increase in its down to 100% and attack speed by 150 percent this buff only lasted 10 minutes though but since the fight has 3 bucks you could simply just reset the fight and tame as many buffed up bugs as you wanted up to 30 I think was a stable slot limit at the time some of the earliest videos on my channel before I started making videos regularly have me taming one of these Scylla feeds and getting the buff and using it on a target dummy this super buff pet was a lot of fun to use in fire lights I was easily doing 2 times more damage in the second highest it was fixed shortly after I found out about them but it's one of the few times I actually got to experience and use one of the games beneficial glitches yeah I [ __ ] that's it for this video honorable mentions go out to the more famous exploits I did not cover like the yaagh zero evading exploit Lich King platform regrowing exploit Kazik wreck bomb and the corrupted blood incident all of which I didn't feature because there's a million and one videos talking about all of them already I cover most of them in my top 10 hardest raid bosses video so you can just check that out if you want there should be a link on screen it's a second [Music]
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 339,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, WoW, world of warcraft, raid bosses, mcconnell, hirumaredx, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, asmongold watches, twitch chat
Id: nW_hWk_4naM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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