Asmongold Reacts to The Streamer Who Faked A Disability For Donations | by SunnyV2

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the streamer who faked the disability for donations who could possibly do such a terrible horrible awful thing let's find out zillion claimed that he had been in a wheelchair since 2011 after being involved in quite a serious car accident in mid 2012 around a year after the incident he'd go on to create a twitch account before gaining a reputation for his personality gaming skills and finally his physical disability as a wheelchair streamer within monsillion ope had become a twitch partner and was streaming to an audience of between 200 and 400 viewers per stream leading which by the way was a big deal like 200 to 400 viewers back in the day big deal big dick the subscriptions and donations fueled in part by zillion's unfavorable physical circumstances as a whole in the beginning there was absolutely no reason as to why the audience might assume that for some reason zillion wasn't actually disabled that would be until january 2013 approximately six months after beginning his streaming journey when zillion op's promotional facebook page will be hacked creating initial suspicions that his apparent disability was nothing more than one giant hoax i didn't even know this happened i i what the [ __ ] i don't remember this at all this is some in-depth reporting hackers who seem to have known zillion personally began publicly posting to the facebook page and posts that confidently suggested zillion was able to walk and was therefore a fraudster swindling sympathy money from his audience don't get angry zillion just walk away from the computer for a minute i just met you and this is crazy but here's a chip in button for a charity let me steal your money maybe we're not like oh my god that was actually i forgot all about that the [ __ ] um call me maybe holy [ __ ] that's like a meme that i haven't thought of in like five years holy [ __ ] [ __ ] was on facebook too thank you sir we wouldn't mess with your paypal unlike you we're above stealing money from those in need hey guys i'm sick donate to me to pay my hospital bills i'm giving away a keyboard that was given to me by another fool who doesn't care that i scare my viewers for money jesus who wants to raise money for some kids he needs a new set of legs did some squats tonight my thighs are on fire please stop oh my god it's like imagine if they wrote all of this and they were wrong like imagine how big of an [ __ ] you would be to to write all this and you're wrong oh my god i was on fire yeah that's the first thing i was thinking of yeah so people would have 100 [ __ ] like i i wonder how they knew that's what i'm curious about i i wonder how they [ __ ] knew did i see how they know what i'm assuming the way that i'm assuming that they knew is that um i mean like they knew him maybe it was a irl friend maybe that was it uh they could have had like the only other thing that i could have possibly thought of is like maybe they were able to get his real name and find it in a database and they didn't see any information about it so they assumed he was faking it like i don't know i think there's like three or four different things you could have done to like maybe figure this out but none of them have a 100 success rate other than like knowing the guy in real life and knowing this is a fact yeah they probably knew him in real life yeah or or you could have just seen the guy walking around you know out in public because like back then like streamers didn't have the same notoriety that they did now so like you could walk around in public and like nobody ever noticed you or anything in spite of these posts hinting that zillion was a fraud evidence proving that this was before that the case therefore zillion's facebook audience simply assumed that the hacker was a troll who was using the opportunity to publicly mock zillion's handicap status however in light of these posts the audience would notice that zillion did have a history of engaging in fraudulent activity for his own personal gain first yeah he's playing diablo 3 right like i mean yeah people scammed each other all the time in that game example on the 10th of january 2013 just 10 days before his facebook was hacked he'd be banned on diablo 3 as a result of beginning his stream whilst having a botting script active the incident look i under i can understand like you guys might not remember this back then everybody was botting like everybody was botting like it's like yeah it was everybody was [ __ ] botting back then everyone's cheating buying gold like doing all kinds of [ __ ] that's a lie back then ah dude a lot of people i knew were everybody that i knew was botting i wasn't okay all right jesus thanks a lot it will be shared to read it where it receives i didn't bother with a post also explaining that zillion lied to his audience about the ban stating that it was for account sharing as opposed to the reality for body although the craziest comment on this entire post was without a doubt this one it makes me question whether he is really in a wheelchair maybe it's all just part of the act to garner sympathy while this comment was only speculation at the time only four months later on the fifth of april 2013 something would happen while zilean was streaming proving this reddit comment correct whilst ending zilean's entire career in the process the thing is i have always been of the mindset that if twitch didn't ban him he could have just stayed in the wheelchair and he could have said yeah guys um sometimes my legs work sometimes they don't uh you know like it was a miracle like i mean haven't you guys ever read the bible you know he could like go all the way like there's like three different ways you could go with it right you could go with the scumbag thing like yeah i scammed you guys but it is what it is right you're still gonna watch me right hey it is what it is right and like i bet people would still watch him because of that he could have gone with that angle he could have gone with the angle that like a while ago i was able to walk i've started to read the bible he could go with the religious angle right you go with the roger like you know jesus cured my legs go with that instead he could also go with the deny deny deny angle uh he could have said that you know oh well i didn't really uh you know like it was it was a weird like a photoshop thing and like actually like that clip is not real and like you know try to delete it and take it down everywhere like there's gotta be like there were like three other ways he could have gone with this but he didn't because he got banned yeah it got banned what sword yeah exactly all right check it out get get on your mountain follow me here we go maybe i don't want to follow you right here right here oh my god we took our dog jesus thank you thank you jesus you know we always said that miracles stopped happening whenever uh you know god invented cameras thank god that we have a few exceptions to the rule and we can still see the good lord's work yep he never maybe he didn't know how maybe he was in a wheelchair because he never knew that he could stand and jesus helped him stand on his own two feet can you believe that wow if you believe that actions speak louder than words zillion turning his camera downwards to hide his empty wheelchair was basically the same as him saying i've just exposed myself doing something that i definitely shouldn't have been doing his girlfriend seemed to realize this as well she was the one in the background of the call telling the story about their dog the second zillion gets up she see he could have said the thing is like the guy could have said there are a lot of people in wheelchairs who can still get around a little bit but they can't walk for extended periods of time they have other types of disabilities where they are mostly in a wheelchair but they can move around in very limited spaces like he could have played this off trust me if if he had been talking to me about it he'd still be streaming okay like we could we could have gotten through this like it doesn't matter what it is and the thing is like i i realize that anybody can rise above any controversy it doesn't matter what it is bill clinton literally got his dick sucked in the oval office and everybody who still [ __ ] likes them and they still liked them at least back then they did they thought ah you know it is what it is right he gotta think he didn't give a [ __ ] and nowadays people look at it as giga chad yeah it didn't matter it was always just you know it doesn't matter like yes it's whatever right and then look at donald trump it doesn't matter like as long as you can [ __ ] like look at keemstar like there you can just you get around look at bobby look at bobby but he's just it's the will to survive he doesn't have the will to survive mid-sentence then lets out a very panicked oh my god oh my god before going on to tell some very rushed possibly improvised story about heading to the fish shop earlier that day after zillion's camera was turned away from his empty wheelchair the stream would end however the chat would continue to discuss what they had just seen and seemingly in a state of panic zillion joined the discussion by both gaslighting and lying to his audience about what had just happened wtf did zil just stand lol no i think waffle mao oh i pushed off my chair and ruffle i'm gonna say it did look like you stood up is he all right he didn't go back to the keyboard he is okay i'm pissed and in pain wait so the stream's over i need to see what he says i was gonna say that i figured you were holding yourself up with your arms you see people are always gonna find an excuse remember what i said it's easier to convince people uh to scam people than to convince them that they were scammed see and and they will convince themselves they're doing it on their own he fell and my dog dumped water on everything i will try and be back it hurts to breathe i hit my side on the corner of the desk oh my god i'm gonna die for a few i will try to be back soon is he walking yeah he's struggling look at this you need a medic he needs help go go go 9-1-1 now but he's going to go way down like he they he might need you like yeah there it is everybody's super positive they're like man i really hope you're okay dude i hope you're fine and walked then the camera went off the viewer known as indie rocker who'd written this final message would then take to reddit shortly thereafter continuing the discussion around what had just happened indie rocker here felt so gypped when i saw him stand up and walk called it out and all my comments were deleted straight away i wish i had i remember a criperion i remember him making him saying what he said and he was like well you know uh you you know you give money to people on the internet and then you know you it is what it is like i remember this this was so [ __ ] funny and like it was true right like there's it because like really people are just like so naive they're like well we don't know if he's it will turn out right there's no evidence of this really it's like okay sure donated money to this guy zillion deleting any comments calling him out instantly suggested that he was guilty his story didn't exactly add up either if he had really fallen out of his seat how was he able to get up and move the camera so that it was no longer facing the empty wheelchair additionally after the volume it was noticed that zillion walked away without any problems as seen in the reflection of the fish tank behind him and in the wake of this discovery the fraudulent moment will be shared to every corner of the internet the person who originally hacked a zillion's facebook page would also find the clip prompting him to log into the page once again before making another hacker wait another one wait he didn't even change his password he's like man this guy keeps getting on my account i wish he'd stop i wish he stopped getting on my account i'm trying to post here and he keeps posting stuff on here like just 8k bro 8k was a lot of money back then you guys got to remember like back then so like streamers back in the day yeah they made a lot of money but it's nothing like it is now it's not even in the same universe place chambers are making hundreds of thousands of dollars and now they're making millions aka is a lot now it is a lot now you're right about that it is but if you compare it if somebody who faked something like this now they would have made 80k you see what i'm saying do you see what i'm saying like it was 8k a lot like the numbers were smaller than everything was smaller than most which stated so what a day i wake up to be informed of what has happened i read all the articles all i can say is karma you deserve everything you have coming to your zillion i do hope you put those legs to use and get a real job you owe a lot of people money now what i find funniest about this is your terrible cover-up of it all the streaming business is a much better place without creeps like you in it oh and by the way this isn't james it's matt in brackets hypno you fall with damn bro mask off oh my god i love it oh my god that is so [ __ ] funny wow what a [ __ ] like that the mask off moment holy [ __ ] god damn big dick matt huh and so yeah it's in my opinion i feel like if somebody did this now they could get away with it that they could have i think he could have gotten away with it even then i do like you think about like i mean is it syndicates still making videos josh og is still screaming and they scan people out of way more than eight thousand dollars but you know how they handled it josh og he did the right thing he did the right thing never talk about it somebody brings it up [ __ ] bantam somebody actually pushes the issue you have to make a comment ah you know it is what it is uh well you know let's go to the next game you know and that's it and you know what it worked it [ __ ] worked syndicate watches you uh listen yeah he watches me recently he talked to me so in here what's up dude how you doing that's a good one on that cs go a lot of thing that was good and uh also a good job on beating wings of redemption that [ __ ] was funny too yeah for sure what did sending it to yeah he was involved with it too yeah and like that's the thing right it's like he just slipped yeah i just live this is what it is right and so look i genuinely believe that he could have risen above this if which didn't ban him could have risen above it oh my god oh [ __ ] i i just like it just couldn't walk it's just it's so [ __ ] up man it's so absolutely [ __ ] up and you're just okay are you actually uh bad actually bald there's just a scam yeah i shave off i shave off i shave a widow's peak on my forehead i've actually got a perfect hairline guys uh the bald thing is all a big meme okay yeah listen and like imagine i actually think that the more he would try to cover it up and make up fake excuses the more entertaining the stream would have been he would have gone up in viewers the more extravagant and the more like ridiculous the lies were so like he'd come on the next day with like a bandage around his head and he's like oh my god i fell down i hit my head and it's like obviously it's a towel and then he's like oh my god after i hit my head i got a concussion and now i have to so i'm not only in a wheelchair but i've also hurt my head too bro like i like oh my god it's just you could have kept going man hypno being an old friend that zillion used to stream with from around one year prior however and i told you so hacked facebook status was only the beginning of the written percussion when he learned of the fraudulent activity his account would be banned permanently with an official statement by twitch reading the twitch broadcaster xilian op did indeed have his channel closed and his partnership contract terminated on the basis of fraud so basically twitch is banning disabled people that is [ __ ] up and like that's what he should have said he should have [ __ ] said that because i bet there is probably something [ __ ] wrong with him if you're sitting there playing video games all day just get a doctor to say something's [ __ ] wrong with you post evidence of it and then turn it around on twitch and say i can't believe i just got banned on twitch for being disabled i can't believe this like i can't believe this is just ridiculous like i i'm gonna sue him right and then i've got to raise money for the lawsuit and then he raises the money he's like ah you know twitch has got to win anyway people like where's the money anyway guys let's go on to the next game you know that's what you should have done yeah you just you never stop you never back down man the will to survive moving forward we'll be offering refunds to those who subscribe to his channel through twitch we have zero tolerance for this type of behavior and the character demonstrated in this situation is truly reprehensible oh shut the [ __ ] up you let plenty of other people scam their audience all the time uh yeah right yeah this is like yeah yeah right his actions are a huge slap in the face to twitch community members with real disabilities such as aeron and groups such as ablegamers who have helped spread a message of inclusiveness and positivity to not only the twitch community but gaming as a whole i wish they would do this again like i wish twitch would come out and [ __ ] uh what what's the word for it oh man uh what let's see what's the word for it uh like just [ __ ] let him know like just let him know be like yeah bro like we [ __ ] banned his ass like everybody's tired of his [ __ ] you didn't like him anyway let's be honest [ __ ] him you know like yeah [ __ ] him uh and that's it yeah just let him know that's what it was you remember whenever whenever who is who is an ass according to gabin and then everyone's like well yeah i mean to be fair he kind of is you know that's what it was let him know however this was still only the surface of what would become the zillion op disability rabbit hole in july 2013 just three months after his massive expose a user by the name of inigo montoya tv would upload a video titled zilean and panthoria mate omfg in which zillion can be seen standing up straight with seemingly no need for any wheelchair assistance there's zillion he has legs we got jillian oh that's smart he shaved it he cut his hair and shaved his uh his beard so people can't recognize him that's they're going to go nuts they're going to be like what zillion because no one's seen you so recorded on a nokia flip he has no beard look at this no beard look at how much he lifts interestingly zillion had also shaved his beard making him almost unrecognizable which might have been a deliberate move to avoid further public humiliation the beard would make a comeback when zillion started streaming on hitbox tv in 2015. however he'd find little success given his obliterated reputation so there was really no discussion about the streamer for seven whole years between 2013 and 2020 however exactly and so this is what what i think he should have done as i said before what i think he should have done is he should have just completely made a victim out of mine out of himself absolutely he can stand not walk guys yeah yeah [ __ ] say some [ __ ] like that right and like there's always a way that you can like dumb people and people that believe it if you can get people to believe it it's very hard to get them to unbelieve it would change once again when the internet would discover a channel that looks suspiciously familiar going by the name of it's bluish the streamer running this suspicious page was clearly zillion and it would hilariously be the person who originally hacked his facebook page in 2000 matt's revenge the watchful guardian the hero we need the arc nemesis you that was seven years you thought we'd forgotten thirteen who would once again expose him on the live stream yeah subreddit in a post reading streamer zillion op banned for faking i what ability has returned i reacted to this yes and just got partnered however this is where the story takes a bit of an interest hey don't ever think that streamers don't get hate watchers right i told you hate watchers were real just in turn resilient having someone of an audience once again he'd begin to put forward numerous pieces of evidence showing that he had actually been in a wheelchair during the early days of his stream in one notable moment he'd pull up his facebook before showing numerous wheelchair photos whilst out in public just prior to beginning his i saw this like what is this like so you [ __ ] you you color code your face to be blue like who thought this was a good idea like this guy and like you can tell this guy is an idiot right how can you tell he's an idiot he's still got the sticker on the top of his head yeah he he's he's got the sticker on the top of his head you can tell uh like listen anybody who's got a hat and like y'all have seen this right like these people that have like these [ __ ] hats that still has the sticker on it but the hat they bought it and it was white and like now it's like that color there because they don't want to wash it and they can't take the sticker off because the sticker keeps it fresh so you've got this dirty ass [ __ ] rag on your head but it's got a sticker saying it's brand new yeah i've seen it before he should be banned he's doing blue face yeah he's smurfing uh all right let me make sure that i uh okay i'm gonna move it up so you guys can see him there he is bernie my beard's much shorter there i was in the wheelchair beforehand uh me at concerts me out traveling me out doing everything this was just like i was in a wheelchair uh i did get better and i am obviously no longer in a wheelchair unless for some reason zillion had lived a year of his life in a wheelchair for the sole purpose of looking disabled prior to beginning his streaming journey it was basically confirmed that zillion was most certainly disabled or at least had been temporarily this is where a wavy web surf comes into the mix who's another so that's that's so he did it how is it lipton so he did exactly what i said um lipton with the 10 gift community subs i appreciate that how is it it took him seven years to come up with what i came up with in seven seconds like bro like you i i feel like this guy is a bad decision maker this is face that belly or come on guys youtuber here on the platform many of you will already know exactly who he is but we'll still leave a link to his channel in the description below after wavy web surf would learn of zillion's return in june 2020 in conjunction with the newly found evidence that zillion was disabled at least to some degree wavy web surf would conduct an hour-long interview with zillion to get the full story from his perspective throughout the interview it feels as though xilian is speaking in a way that's truthful it doesn't feel like he's trying to hide anything so under the assumption that this whole discussion wasn't yet another lie here's what they discovered firstly zillion wasn't lying about either the car accident or needing to be in a wheelchair i was in a wheelchair for two years i was in a car accident which put me in a wheelchair for more than a year prior to streaming and therefore the disability was never fabricated out of the blue in order to gain extra donations and you know with these these facebook photos that just by you showing those photos that you created a fake you know dis disabled personality that's completely not true and correct the problem was that at some point in the journey there was clearly a shift from not being able to walk to being able to walk when i started streaming i needed it like completely okay it was my 100 go-to if i needed to go to the bathroom i was getting in out of my bed pushing myself in a chair however none of this was disclosed by zillion at any time therefore his lack of explanation about where he was at in his journey was one of his biggest shortcomings do you feel like you you screwed up in the sense that like when you are integrating your disability so much in stream that it may have put off a certain image that you were wheelchair-bound when you weren't are you willing to admit it's a [ __ ] fake [ __ ] like all right all right it's funny to see this [ __ ] happen right i love this yeah like it's obviously like obviously he's [ __ ] manipulating people obviously like you just call it what it is it is what it is that perhaps not updating people was was a mistake it was my biggest mistake not updating people i should have been open about the recovery from day one my wheelchair is part of my stream and it's something where people see me do wheelies and something people see me stuck in i should 100 have been like hey guys today at physical therapy i walked two steps yeah that would have helped what an exciting day for me and i didn't say a damn thing the way that zillion talks about his past isn't that crazy isn't that incredible like he knew of course he knew the thing is is it's like um uh let me think a way to put this man uh if i recall tally and mufasa we're gonna move in with him before they found out he faked and noped away from it yeah um like it's just greed makes you do dumb [ __ ] no the thing is like here's what happens right like i don't know how much of this is true here's what i've always assumed as soon as i see somebody lie to me about one thing i assume everything else they say is [ __ ] like everything else that you say like this is the way that i i read articles is that as soon as i read one inaccuracy in an article i assume everything else is in the article is complete [ __ ] because i don't know the other stuff for sure but i know this and so what's to be the what are the odds that the other stuff isn't also [ __ ] and i just don't have the uh the knowledge to know that uh and so yeah and so that's the way i look at it judge jody occam's razor yeah what's the odds of somebody that lies to you is gonna lie again uh yeah of course mistakes clearly shows that he's learned his lesson he knows that he approached it terribly yet despite his clear remorse for what you might call the mismanagement of the situation twitch would still remove his new it's bluish account for ban evasion it seems a little unfair given his clear display of remorse as well as the fact that it happened over nine years ago now disagree disagree with that uh he's still banned evading he did not appeal the ban to twitch the reason why he did not appeal the ban to twitch is because i if i was twitch and he appealed the ban i would say show me the [ __ ] medical records let me talk to your doctor you know i don't believe you and he didn't do that because he could rely on the community to take him on his word and twitch would have required that see that's that's why he didn't do it see twitch is wrong but he's wrong no no no uh legally they can't uh can they not do that uh that's a hipaa violation it's illegal i mean if you're defrauding people with a if you're defrauding people because of a uh a disability there's no way that twitch can compel him even as a uh as a as a contractor to do that yeah i don't know i feel like that i feel like that that's probably the case i feel like they can do that it's very strict i i don't know they can ask for it um it's legal to request it if but he legally does not have to comply well that's fair they legally don't have to unsuspend him right so it's still the same thing yeah of course he doesn't have to buy he's not legally bound to this but they could still get the info yeah yeah so it like i and like again i bet this is really complicated right i bet wouldn't i bet there's like one person in here that knows what they're talking about it's like 60 000 other people that are like oh yeah well actually no because like this one time actually it was one my friend my dad is this way so he got fired and i don't know how that [ __ ] happened so i don't think it gets a lot so like yeah there's like one guy knows what they're talking about and like he's writes like two paragraphs and we're like shut up idiot and he gets timed out by the auto mod but like everybody else has no idea but i feel like there could have been a way for them to verify this or for them to at least allow him to verify it and because he didn't they didn't unban him so i think that's the reason now if that's against the law and i'm wrong on that hey yo that's my l but i think that could be the case however it did seem like twitch was in the process of unbanning his oj zillion account so perhaps he'll pose another opportunity to do the right way in the future i love these [ __ ] videos i love these videos so much i i watch them all the time i i love watching them with the chat they are my favorite videos on the internet i i just i i have so much fun watching them i have so much fun going through them i think sunny is probably one of the best up and coming youtubers he's he's got more subscribers than i do on my youtube now he deserves it he does great these videos are [ __ ] amazing yeah favorites video never thumbs up i know i did i don't click him a lot of the time okay yeah he's [ __ ] great he's amazing i've watched a lot of his older videos i think they've improved a lot drama boy yes it's drama i love it i think it's great man he kind of reaches and saw his videos though i think he did in his older videos and he's gotten a lot better yeah i did i i've watched many of his videos before okay yeah drama watch another do another one please let me see if there's any of the new ones uh instagram model that faked our entire career if i watch this one can we play the game after that can we can we just watch the sidewalk video and just play the game after that can we do that like if i if is that good like can we do that no 490. yeah well let me see here give me a second let me all right game now all right all right why don't i do this i will promise this video i'm going to save it to my watch later we will watch it either tomorrow or on saturday okay we will watch it we will watch the video it is just simply not going to be today all right that's all
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 463,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: W2B5rRqjDKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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