Asmongold Reacts to Lost Ark MEMES & Drama (Yes, already)

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all right so yes this is very very [ __ ] accurate so yes uh how i imagine the siege of order on was going to be like what we got now i'm gonna be honest guys whenever we did this event yesterday i thought it was one of the coolest most absolutely [ __ ] badass things that i had ever seen i loved it man the way they changed the camera the way that you are moving through the music the boss fights the cinematics like you know what i really liked about it this is something that a lot of people might not have really noticed because they're not really thinking about it but the fact that there was not really any actual cuts like your character just transitioned seamlessly into the cinematic it wasn't like oh well it stops there's a loading screen and then there's a cinematic no it's like you're doing the event and then the event transitions into this uh you know like wide frame angle with these giant siege towers rolling up to this giant castle and sieging it bro it was so [ __ ] bad ass i loved it man i was so happy me whenever the spurgs tape up half the screen whenever asmon is playing lost ark okay let's see this you're going to back up but you can't see the car okay back up guys you can't see the car there you go the [ __ ] out of the way i can't see there are cars there [ __ ] get out of the way they're stopped for you dude we [ __ ] we're blocking the cars for you i i i've always thought that paparazzi like that should be considered criminal harassment and there's no excuse for it it is the absolute base of depravity in our society it's disgusting and it should not exist best spider-man should have ran him over you know [ __ ] him i hate people like that man i absolutely [ __ ] hate him okay what's this here ah good morning my friends welcome back to the tavern it seems that an old friend of ours has come back to twitch good for you it's great to see you back asthma we've all missed you so much so with that being said my friends let us raise our glasses and down some ale and cheers to you my friend well the side of the battle has shifted and our hopes are falling down [Music] bruce [ __ ] cheated like go back and watch the [ __ ] vod bruce cheated like three times i'm not gonna hear it he was going like we were arm wrestling like this bruce was going like this man like what was this and he was like leading down like pushing and you know what i still won i still won the game he beat me in the arm wrestling though [ __ ] bruce tonight when the darkness comes to surround us is [Music] oh my god wow dude this was actually like i'm gonna be honest guys like i didn't know how how well luke goblins was gonna go but i really have to give a shout out to our boy s fan like s fan absolutely [ __ ] killed it a real and true summary of video game development around the world okay let's see what this is oh no japanese has european devs oh she's got a hat on oh that's good wait why you put the french hat on the creepy dude the chinese and korean devs it's just a girl on a phone with her credit card out oh my god eastern european devs the application's not responding look there's there's a reason you know like that that's what it is right of australian devs you know i never really think about like what games are made in australia like for me it's you know there's basically american games and there's like uh eastern games like that's in in my mind those are the only two delineations anyway what's this here asmond and everybody on february 25th what is this yeah bro it's going to be good man it is going to be so [ __ ] good i cannot wait for this [ __ ] it's going to be amazing everyone sucks german as it goes live where do i go oh i don't know about that i mean some people are going to have their own communities i don't want to here's the thing right it's like i try to be entertaining i try to have fun but who gives a [ __ ] about how many people are watching the show the fact is that like you know we have tons of people that watch on youtube as well and everything else like it's not a big deal i know obviously a lot of people are not doing this because their viewer account andy's or anything you guys are just happy to see me succeed and i appreciate it a lot but for me personally it doesn't really matter too much i just enjoy streaming and i want to do that and that's really what my focus is the more focus on the analytics the more focus on the uh numbers the less focus on the content and the less focus on the soul of the stream and the soul of the experience and that's really what i want to do that's about right lost ark after six months so it looks like we're in it for the long haul then all right yep that's about right after yeah it's more like six days you're right about that a hundred percent hello does this major [ __ ] up not concern anyone at all yes the issue is fixed but what about the damage done all the excess founder skins being listed on the market the people who max their character slots for free and have a platinum avatar on every character these people who are selling excess platinum and gold skins on the market making a fortune these skins that were supposed to be untreatable not to mention the millions of silver they now have which yes is irrelevant but never this what the [ __ ] so basically people were duping the uh founders packs and the twitch drops that's effectively what happened and you know what i think i don't care they're [ __ ] micro transactions if you cared about this in the first place what the [ __ ] do you think you're doing with your life you really think you got a big dick because you gave the company 100 bucks you really think you're better than everybody else just because you've got a little star next to your name that calls you star platinum suck a [ __ ] dick you're not special just because you got a platinum pack i worked really hard at my wage slave job to feel special i need to fix this [ __ ] yeah dude there it is yeah i mean i i feel like amazon like if some people got duped why don't we just give it you know what amazon should do now they should say you know what man guys oh we [ __ ] up god damn we messed this [ __ ] up so bad oh my god i'm so sorry i know what to do we're just gonna give it out to everybody we're just gonna give everybody out the cerberus mount everybody gonna get the cerberus mill and i would want them to do that now that never gonna happen because they're gonna make money off this [ __ ] so it's never gonna happen however that [ __ ] would be funny all right let's look at the edits being down voted for people who took advantage of the exploit enjoy a messed up economy founder sins can be sold on the auction house thank you ags for being awful as usual oh really they can be sold on the auction house so is this some pay to win option that's now being invalidated by duping oh my god i feel like tyler durden at the end of fight club holy [ __ ] damn let's oh bro that's too bad who gives a [ __ ] like for real i think this is great yeah you're getting more worked up in the loser wait i'm not getting worked up i'm like i'm having fun yeah this is funny to me like i'm not what i don't care what they do like amazon [ __ ] up it was stupid i'm not mad like yeah i'm just i'm putting on the show for the viewers right we're just having fun i think asmond god is a great name like straight up no cap i think this is a great [ __ ] name and look at all those people down there asmin gold pay me 5k asthma yeah um add a zero to that people dude there are these kids out there and they think that like they don't know how much money streamers make so they either think that streamers are losers living with their mom or they think that streamers are on the same level as elon musk there's like no middle ground so they either ask you for five dollars or 15 bitcoin mike that is it so i do have that happen uh asthma on ass monger asthma gold axe asthma on true asthma unreal yeah yeah i know that this is great [ __ ] those guys indeed yeah i had people do this to me in classic wow too they they stole all my names and then they tried to message message me on discord and ransom them back to me it was very little uh very cute little interaction there um anyway what's this here why why i have so many other games that we can play why spend so much time every day complaining and hating on i'm i'm quoting myself i'm reading a quote from myself from yesterday by the way uh every day complaining and hating on a game when all we really have to do is wait for it to get the better and if it doesn't well [ __ ] it who cares yeah that's true the thing is that in wow and this is the case with a lot of games is like who gives a [ __ ] if the game sucks right now [ __ ] it we'll just wait for it to be good and if it doesn't get good then it doesn't really [ __ ] matter and yes i see i see balder well it's it's just it got look he photoshopped it in a weird way right because it's supposed to say baldur's gate but it just didn't fit all the way in for like for like whatever reason all right so let's go to the next one uh i normally don't like minecraft post but i'll make an exception oh my holy [ __ ] this is charlie that's really really really impressive i'm gonna be honest like whenever i first saw this i just thought it was like oh great another [ __ ] final fantasy andy on my subreddit is posting a random screenshot of final fantasy and about how good it is oh good uh we're gonna have to go through another one of these but no actually this is really cool holy [ __ ] and lost narc has some neat items ripening anti-hair loss agents a hair loss agent that still needs some more aging it's miraculous effect of reviving dead hair roots has made it the only hope for terminal stage there's no way this is real there's no way this this [ __ ] [ __ ] is real like it's it's not real like this is it's [ __ ] it's complete [ __ ] [ __ ] like there's no no shot this is real like terminal stage baldies and then they have quotes grow grow oh my god it's just so it's so embarrassing what the [ __ ] is this oh my god okay so wow uh especially it's made specially for you terminal stage baldies i just i feel like that is just really that's really over the [ __ ] line guys asmed officially broke his viewership record from 2019 wow classic release uh there were a lot of people watching yesterday i know that obviously there were tons of people who were uh you know people always bring up like viewership your account etc and i appreciate you guys you know like trying to be positive and everything but i'll i'll be real like i i didn't even look at my analytics yesterday like after i finished the stream i didn't look at followers subs views anything i just did the stream and i went to bed i don't give a [ __ ] like i want to focus so much more on making good content and i think if i make good content the views are just going to happen that's all it comes down to so that's what i want to do as much as i possibly can guys oh we were unable to publish lost dark and netherlands in belgium due to regulations regarding paid items containing uh rng rewards um okay good um i i hope i hope every every every [ __ ] country does this every country needs to do this because here's what happens whenever every country does this they stop existing in games because the target market is too small that's it that that's what happens so yes thank you netherlands in belgium and guys in netherlands and belgium i don't have a vpn sponsor right now so i honestly have no idea what you can do to play lost ark i'm sorry it's been a fun game but i guess you're going to be [ __ ] there's nothing that you could possibly do i'm so sorry i wish i could help you more anyway let's go back over here a shoe shiner actually that's pretty close i still have the shoe from here yeah that's like i mean this one's like [ __ ] up like these shoes are absolutely [ __ ] up twitch actually sent me they send me new shoes sometimes i feel like one time my twitch will send me they'll send me stuff as like this is like my old partner manager i feel like they sent me stuff as like almost memeing on me so like they were i was talking about how i didn't want to drink as much soda they sent me like a coffee maker and they sent me new shoes whenever they saw my old shoes looking bad and yeah don't it's but yeah donating to the homeless there you exactly go and um somebody uh yeah asked about the p.o box i want to say again i need to get everything from the po box and bring it back to my house to be completely honest with you guys there are so many things there that i will probably have to do two po box streams i'm gonna probably do one and then the round two like two weeks later or something like that because there's just so many things that i have to unbox um anyway so let's look at the next one uh yeah i saw this one before and i'm glad that they made my teeth a little bit smaller in this picture i appreciate that uh thank you very much the long stark streamers let me in let me in yeah it was a pretty bad [ __ ] time i'll say that bro this was some [ __ ] up [ __ ] this was actually some [ __ ] up [ __ ] bro the horse ran off like and the thing is it ran off and like it was so it was like just so brutal the way this [ __ ] happened it's like that [ __ ] just came down and he just fell there was no like oh well you know we just barely made it or anything like that no he dropped off the face of the [ __ ] planet man uh you're still in for a bottle where oh wow all right yeah there we go i don't know about the the pants that i don't it's it's not really my thing but you know it's still hot okay does she have to take oh yeah yeah there is the tail okay that's good enough and uh invincible oh yeah that's that's a good point and uh you picked this one well this is just a this just a clip from my stream right oh my god look at all this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh there it is how do i activate my mouth so oh there it is how do i basically i you can only redeem one cerberus at a time and uh it happened yesterday so i'm not as raw about it now um so you can only redeem one sir burst at a time and you know what i did i randomly opened the white cerberus and i don't want the white cerberus i want the red one why because it's red and i i i feel like a [ __ ] idiot the rarest one yeah because nobody knows like they should actually add in a vendor like a cerberus return station for all of the people that [ __ ] bought the wrong cerberus and it's like a one or a two time only thing that like you get it and it's like guys i'm an idiot and like you have to quick a it's like one of those dialogue boxes and it's like why do you need to return why do you need to change your cerberus color and there's only one option and it says i'm an idiot and you have to click on it and then it gives you an option of buying another one instead this reminds me uh this picture here uh i watched this one show what the [ __ ] was it the last kingdom and like there was a king and uh it like alfred was it alfred yeah yeah something like that and it kind of reminds me a little bit of that and i like how look at my frail [ __ ] like bony hands holding on to the dragon slayer greatsword look at that look at the girth of that thing look at that [ __ ] girth oh my god so yeah 10 of 10 realism 100 i actually think this is a good picture i like it a lot yeah this is great same cosplay transmog in lost ark if you are not okay what's this you know what this remind this reminds me of jojo like i don't know why like this is like this looks like a picture if they made a video game for jojo this is what it would be right it's rich and s fanned yeah exactly yeah it's the muscles man yeah they're just like completely [ __ ] buff yeah they're beefy big dudes let me look at the other ones all right we've got mario and luigi and oh let me zoom in for you guys uh yeah we'll definitely zoom in on these so we've got uh whatever this is i don't really know what this is i'll i'll have to look this up uh later on uh off screen uh and then we've got what is this uh bro i feel like a boomer what is this reference one piece oh i see i haven't seen one piece yet okay all right never mind i don't feel bad anymore okay that's [ __ ] it now i really feel like a boomer it's optimus prime yeah holy [ __ ] that's badass it's like gundam wait it's gundam was it really gundam holy [ __ ] i think you guys are right i just assumed it was optimus prime dude i never watched gundam but i had a lot of the bro my friend daniel this actually reminds me i have a giant like giant box of gundam action figures and i just remembered that i let daniel borrow them in fourth grade and i went over to his house like two years ago and they were still there it was still my box of [ __ ] gundams that that i still have there i need to get that back from him all right yeah we need to [ __ ] get that back yeah damn daniel back at it again with the stealing asman's gundams there you [ __ ] go and uh yeah i've uh he's actually dude he actually was the one daniel got me into runescape whenever i was in fourth or fifth grade and i never played it again after the first day i played i logged on to runescape for first day ever right i thought to myself holy [ __ ] this is the greatest game i've ever played in my entire life and i don't want to do anything else with my life except play this game but there was a problem i'm going to tell it i'm going to tell a story uh that doesn't have to do with this but it does in elementary school which is the same time my mom told me that if i ever got an a on a spelling test she would take me to chuck e cheese we never went to chuck e cheese can you guys put the two and two together can you uh you know kind of uh put two on top of two here and assume why i could never go back to the runescape website because like i didn't want to like ask him right because it's like once you're really really bad at spelling which i mean i was it's kind of embarrassing whenever you can't [ __ ] spell something like i had a friend of mine his name was aj there's two aj's there's religious aj and there's the other aj this is the other aj aj was nine years old he couldn't read and he told everybody that he had his little sister read [ __ ] for him because he's too good for that [ __ ] and and the thing is like we we would tease aj a lot about how he couldn't read we make fun of him we made fun of him so much he learned how to read and he's in college so uh let's go back we'll get the other ones what the oh my god dude i don't know that what is this one bro okay all right so it's like all this stuff is anime so like i don't like i know a lot of anime but i don't know a lot of anime you know like it's not really skull knight holy [ __ ] bro what oh dude that's so badass oh my [ __ ] god man i love it an anonymous gift with a hundred gifted community subs thank you so much man i really appreciate that thank you thank you so much an anonymous gifter thank you very much man uh it is absolutely 100 appreciated thank you so much dude and um wow this one is really cool i might actually this looks like a warrior trans mug as well just like by the way the the character standing so i'll probably have to get this armor set what's this okay all right we know what that one is uh yeah i've seen a lot of those and uh yeah that one looks really really good too oh my god there are a lot of these wait is this photoshopped on or is this really his face obviously we've got iron man here what is this yeah that's crazy it looks photoshopped on i guess it must be just like the angle or something but that's actually quite good yeah it must be the real face because it's that i remember seeing that hairline yeah material oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that actually looks kind of good look at that bro look what he's got look what he's got he's got a crown of thorns oh my god all right where's the rest of the oh my [ __ ] god uh so we have uh ronald mcdonald or ahsoka uh spiderman another i'm assuming this is the same gundam thing and what is this what what is what is what is this supposed to be it's there's no it's not mr queen like mr queen wears clothes you know that right uh jamal thanks for the five subs man appreciate it uh it's little season bro i have no idea man uh hachiyachi yeah i haven't seen uh it's caesar no just because you know caesar wore the laurel around his head because he was trying to conceal the fact that he was balding and there were actual other roman emperors that did other stupid [ __ ] to conceal the fact that they were balding with the stupid things they were on their head yeah little fun fact there and i uh i i heard that that was like i feel a little bit better about myself you know what i mean and let's look at the next one i don't know what this one is either yeah i straight up don't like what is this should i should i know what this is uh it's an anime okay it's it's just an anime all right that's darling and frank's damn you guys know a lot of these holy [ __ ] okay and next one here this one actually bro the thing is like seeing these seeing these pictures here this is it ganon you guys think maybe it's gannon uh it could be maybe it's hard to say uh yeah i mean it would be ganondorf right because isn't ganon like his like pig form or like pig humanoid form i don't know i haven't played a as i said i've played a legend of zelda game since majora's mask so it's been quite a while for me and uh anyway i think all these do look really really [ __ ] cool i'll have to say i i hate to say it i feel like this one right here the tyrial one and especially the skull knight one let's go back to the skull knight one this one is [ __ ] badass i'm probably gonna try to use this one myself here this is amazing i love it dude i love it who's gannon he's the main uh he's like the bad guy in uh legend of zelda so yeah i'm glad you posted this one i like it a lot so wow in final fantasy andy seeing how much asman gold's uh asman gold as okay all right just uh how much asperger actually is excited to play lost ark i'll allow it yeah i mean look it looks like a it looks like a good game here's here's the thing to me right is that lost ark is a free [ __ ] game all right so it's not going to be out for all of you guys until the 11th unless you bought the founders pack so my best advice is just watch me play it just watch me play the game and if you like the game then play it whenever it comes out and if you don't then don't [ __ ] play it that's my best advice and you know what i might follow the same advice i might play it and not really enjoy it and then we'll be doing the uh stormblood a little bit sooner so it really just depends on what it is uh as a final fantasy andy i'm looking forward to some more stark action yeah i think most people are and uh speaking of lost ark action uh so yeah i think the game is to be uh there there are a couple of reasons that i do think the game is going to be good um uh obviously those two reasons are game play and uh world building and uh yeah uh it's gonna be a really good game really looking forward to this game really looking forward to it yeah uh especially the gameplay guys it's gonna be great so uh yeah i mean it'll be out in just a little bit i think it's going to be in like an hour or something like that and uh then we'll be good oh no rule 34 if there exists porn of it if not step up or start uploading asthma gold yes um actually somebody uh tagged me they made a fursona for me on twitter uh what a kind and generous person to spend their time to do something so incredible and nice for me and look at that we got to the same part in a song that i always skip every single [ __ ] time that i listen to it because it is too out so let's see here what's this uh if they announced the patch this day let's see here out of the way you look i don't feel like if they release the new patch for shadowlands well they're not going to announce it if they announce it here's the problem right he's like i literally didn't know what was happening on the screen and i want to explain it to you guys because you probably have no [ __ ] idea what this is because on top of this like awful [ __ ] photoshopping let's be honest he also had to put his his own [ __ ] username in here so we don't steal his artwork okay so yes it's a simpsons thing etc but what he's saying is that [ __ ] shadow ends we want to play lost dark and the truth is that um uh i i'm enough of a loser to do both so i'm not that worried about it let's go back over and uh we'll look at the rest of these there's actually a ronald mcdonald and lost ark bro this isn't ronald mcdonald this is the clown from saw what the [ __ ] is this look at this this is like this is a mix between the clown from saw and the joker from bat the dark knight really what is this oh my god hisoka yeah oh by the way i've been uh watching anime and one of the anime so i watched uh sword art online i watched jojo's bizarre adventure and i've also been watching hunter x hunter and i look forward to watching uh attack on titan as well that's the next one i'm going to be doing and um i also want to say my favorite one i have to say is is [ __ ] jojo man like i bro like that [ __ ] is so good like it's so stupid but i love it man like i absolutely love it it's i i i think it's just such a such a great like especially the the first two jo uh jojo's like uh joseph and jonathan joestar like i just i it's like i would want to go back and watch that again that's how good it is man and i'm still working through the rest of it i haven't finished it yet okay because i know they've even brought out new episodes recently but i do look forward to doing that now some people say i want to say this some people say that oh asthma gold changed asthma go what the [ __ ] he's watching anime now final fantasy changed him oh wow he crushed her things for five subs guess what i was in the anime club in high school [Music] 15 years ago don't remind me 15 years ago don't ever say that but it was 15 years ago i joined the anime club because i saw some hentai and i hope the girls in the anime club look the same way turns out they didn't all we did was sit around and watch ghost in the shell and um eat rice cakes it was good enough though it was about it's about good enough so yeah i've been a fan of uh of anime ever since probably uh 2001 and i i started watching anime with ghost nichelle and fullmetal alchemist and a little bit of like evangelion but like those first two were my main ones like ghost in the shell i think is like my my favorite if i had to say but like it's like berserk is really my favorite but it's more of a manga so it's like how do you really rate that either way i absolutely love that stuff so i've been watching it and listening to it for many many many many years so keep that in mind [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 456,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold lost ark, lost ark, mmo lost ark, lost ark mmo, lost ark gameplay, lost ark memes, lost ark duping, asmongold lost ark duping, asmongold lost ark drama, asmongold lost ark memes, lost ark pay-2-win, pay-to-win, asmongold pay-to-win, lost ark pay-to-win
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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