WHAT IS THIS UPDATE!? | Asmongold Plays Vampire Survivors

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we're gonna use uh uh morticio uh he's probably my favorite i'm gonna use him okay here we go okay we'll get awake as well uh this is a new what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this [Music] this is the new stage [Music] bro what the [ __ ] um open to open it okay oh my oh my god what the hell is this this is crazy you have to get the guy in the middle so i have to shoot i have to kill the guy in the middle is that right um it's a bonus stage okay let me see if i can kill this guy um [Music] what the [ __ ] permanently improves a random stat for the current character by a tiny amount [Music] what the fancy a new wizard [Music] summons the merchant in all stages so i should pick this one up right here right okay that's a good idea oh i should wait i can just buy all these oh wow oh oh wow so i wait i can buy these too stop wasting gold okay okay let's go back all right the stage doesn't seem that hard guys i'm gonna be honest this is no big deal uh let's see how this goes i'm a little bit nervous i have a lot of whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute okay so they've got a lot of buffs over there i'm not gonna pick those up okay so excuse me wings armor okay and let's pick these up too i feel like i'm not getting levels at all ah should i do song of mana or not i feel like i'm gonna do axe because it's got more projectiles what do you guys think oh man i really feel like i should go axe okay let's go axe yeah let's go axe because like this guy's a projectile npc so he's gonna do even more or projectile character yeah he's gonna do even more all right good [Music] and this is also on hyper as well so i'm gonna be moving even faster uh than i normally would i'm wondering if i should get whipped because if i get whipped i'll be able to heal myself and do a crazy amount of [ __ ] uh uh a crazy amount of heals and i won't die like maybe that's what you pick up buffs no i don't want to pick them up until i've already got my own butt so i can uh i can stack them you see what i'm saying okay let's do bone oh we could do fire one [Music] i think i'm gonna do fire one yeah let's do fire one uh fire one is actually like ridiculously [ __ ] op uh this map has all of them wait what so it has every buff what the [ __ ] and you can get every single one you guys are not like [ __ ] with me or anything like that okay yes all right i still don't think i should get all of them right now uh the reason why i don't think i should get all of them right now is because if i bro these snakes are hard to deal with holy [ __ ] maybe i should have gone song amanda this is crazy the snakes yeah they're [ __ ] annoying oh it's hard because like they they blend in with the ground [Music] okay bone we'll go with bone i think i'm gonna go with whip it's my last one i think actually yeah i'll do whip and then i'll get pentagram after that okay there we go we should do it well the reason why i'm not doing it um i'm gonna go with bone so here's why i'm not doing it right is it like logically if i get all the buffs right now then i'm only going to maybe that doesn't make sense yeah never i i don't all right let's just let's let me try and just do it my way okay let me do it my way i'm not sure if it's gonna work or not but we'll see well it's mr krabs there's a boss this early are you [ __ ] kidding me okay all right we'll see how this goes oh he was easy holy [ __ ] he's a joke what a [ __ ] boy god damn what a little old pissy boy oh my god i got destroyed holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay and let's pick all these up too great and we'll get um lightning ring [Music] i think we're gonna go with axe for now uh what do you guys think i should go for my last ability oh yeah i said i was gonna go whip that's right that's right yeah let's go whip okay hopefully we get whipped soon uh the reason i'm gonna go with whip is because i feel like whip can be really good at the end for healing me uh and and i can get the heel ability for that yeah this is a brand new stage he doesn't know i don't know you're right uh i'll i'll find out very soon i'm sure okay oh there's food on this map too right i guess that's the second food i got i don't even notice that okay and time stop these things are [ __ ] annoying to kill by the way holy [ __ ] they're annoying okay great and we're gonna go with uh i could do clock lancid that could be pretty good but we're not gonna worry about it we'll go with garlic um all right yep there we go good okay there we go all righty moving around here perfect did you quit garlic yes i quit garlic because i'm not playing it right now it's the same with every other video game by the way yeah i'm not playing lost ark anymore bolton was too hard i quit okay okay good doing pretty well so far there we go nice i feel like we're gonna use the uh we're gonna use that more i feel like as soon as i get the gun upgraded that's whenever i'm really a god i i feel like the gun is like your uh that's like your ascension is whenever you get that gun bonus i feel like you can't lose after that it's over i could be wrong though i mean like this this stage is uh it's the new challenge stage people are pepe laughing at me i am getting okay we've got mr krabs again okay i didn't really mean to pick that up but i did anyway because i'm an idiot all righty and let's see here we'll go bone again okay there we go all right he's dead and i might as well pick this up okay perfect good did you quit reacting to trial yes i did i'll come back to it tomorrow uh orb of experience uh to pick them up faster uh i don't know if i want to do that yet yeah i'm actually not sure uh i guess we'll do it do i just want to do duplicator right now i think that will give me more damage overall even though i probably should have gone with the gun like duplicator in my opinion is the strongest buff in the game like it's actually the strongest buff in the game and it's not even remotely close it's [ __ ] overpowered okay uh we'll do bone again yeah that in tone yeah tome is really good too that's a good point i'll save that uh that time clock for whenever i uh i get more mobs on me should be okay all right perfect here we go good all righty and spinach we're not gonna worry about that we'll just get the gun again the reason i'm doing this is so i can get as many of the upgrades for the stuff as possible and i'm taking as many items out of the pool as i can that's why i'm doing this okay picking up all this there we go we'll do bone again that's level eight bone which is really big boner okay there we go nice we got a red boy two red boys okay so we'll go with i think i'll go with this and we're just gonna be looking for whip okay we're looking to get whip right now okay uh we'll go with that okay nice that's eight levels perfect yeah it'd be really really nice to have with because i feel like in a lot of these stages like what can happen is like at the very end the mobs just like completely [ __ ] destroy you so i want to be able to heal through that damage that's what i'm expecting now i don't know but we'll see okay that's what happened in the boner zone and that's why i was able to complete it on my first try i feel like that's the best option okay uh we'll do eight the square root again uh i never go pichone i think pichone is [ __ ] stupid uh vandalia is [ __ ] stupid too there's whip all right we're good and we'll do firewand good there we go yeah i i think it the bandolier is [ __ ] up it's just it's so circumstantial i feel like it's not that good okay we've got ourselves a rosary here too which is trying is tremendous big dick so as soon as we see a bad boy show up here we're gonna use the rosary on okay [Music] okay with these ghosts here now the spirits where the [ __ ] do you call them damn these things have a lot of help um i actually kind of hope the boss shows up soon so i can use that okay axe again that's actually level eight perfect okay let's get this as well there we go okay i just have to be moving away from the bad boys as much as i can perfect all righty and we'll go with uh the sparrow again i want to get both of these to level eight i think i will like i feel like i'm on track to be able to do that by 10 minutes i will use this too good oh wow uh i guess i'll just pick this up now oops i did not mean to do that but whatever i'm probably not gonna just like die to the next boss anyway who gives a [ __ ] okay and we ate the arrow again i'll do whip and it's barrel all right one more one more get garlic skin blows really you don't like it dude i think this game's awesome [ __ ] okay um jesus this damage is crazy okay and we'll do i think we'll do spinach let's just do spinach for now that way i have more damage check the mini map yeah i'll get all those buffs soon okay yeah don't worry jesus these things have a lot of health holy [ __ ] [ __ ] man they have so much help okay let's get these buffs here see if i can reset around here i'll do firewand again i feel like fire wand is actually one of the strongest abilities in the game people just don't realize it actually i think a lot of people do realize it okay we got a whip again that's great okay perfect and we'll look at this all right we've got that and uh might as well pick that up too okay pick all these up too good kill all the dick boys okay let's focus and this way i can force that's a lot of green boys that's a whole lot of green boys okay picking all this up there we go so i'm going to force an upgrade onto either my fire wand or onto tirageesu because those are the only two things that i have the bonuses on okay there we go let me just make sure i know where i am okay let's let's try to move back to where the original area was at okay great focus focus focus are my axes upgraded yes they are okay great and i'm not using any secret characters just like the chat wanted even though i really wanted to use the ball sack the ball sack is my favorite okay let's hopefully hopefully we get the gun please give me the gun [Music] all right we're good now we've got to run around and pick everything else up okay there it is great using all these as much as we can okay pick up that food right there great okay let's see where i am again where the hell are these things i'm not really killing that much stuff okay this is good great okay now let's see where do i need to go where are they oh i don't see this [ __ ] whip okay fire wand eight that's really good with okay this is actually huge for me okay spinach uh we're gonna do with uh we're gonna do pentagram for our last ability okay but i just don't want to do it until i get everything else okay let me think where i am all right it's up here okay there it is okay tome tome is huge home is actually [ __ ] huge okay we're picking everything up now picking everything up okay uh i think i didn't i didn't pick that up or something no i i did i did i did fine okay what the [ __ ] okay trying to make my way up through here making my way downtown good looking double checking again where where are these i don't see okay they're right there all right here we go holy [ __ ] these things do a lot of damage all right please be good oh this is my arcana this is my arcana wait what it's whip okay that's fine let's kill big boy here okay let's see uh we're gonna go empty tome again okay this should be my arcana nice all right big dick what do we got [Music] duration i think we do heart of fire heart of fire is like ridiculously [ __ ] op in my opinion i think heart of fire is ridiculously [ __ ] op let's do that helps your guns yeah i don't think it helps my big gun though it only helps the uninvolved version okay there we go we'll get crowned as well all right where's the other buffs okay they're on the other side okay this is [ __ ] insane okay good and now we're just trying to get through this there we go great there's bracer spinach candle candle collaborator and spellbinder and as soon as i get everything involved i'll i'll get the uh i'll do full curse but i'm just not ready for that yet holy [ __ ] wait they're just not dying bro what the [ __ ] okay can i get a buff here okay all right we got we got the axes axes are good axes help out a lot look at this okay uh we'll do spinach again okay and yeah we're not gonna use uh we're not gonna use that yet because i don't have i don't have the abilities okay okay we're doing again i want to get as many tones as i possibly can combs are my primary concern right now okay oh my god guys i'm actually i'm stressed i'm gonna reroll just so i can get another tome [ __ ] um all right we'll do uh we'll do i guess bracer why not okay and i wanna upgrade pentagram now okay let's get pentagram as soon as we can there we go great pick up all those where the [ __ ] is pentagram aoe is king no it should be fine you're gonna die bro no i won't no i won't you guys haven't watched me play this game before i'm i'm a literal god at this game movement speed yeah i literally can't die see that immediately [ __ ] dead and that's hellfire right there hellfire is [ __ ] massive watch this watch this look at that damage right wait didn't kill anything okay uh we really need to get this uh uh yeah we really need to get this uh thing uh pretty soon here yeah um it's not what i expected to happen okay let me just say that uh we roll again where the [ __ ] is pentagram where the [ __ ] is pentagram pentagram where is it skip cat i'm not cat skip okay good at least i was able to kill some of that it's only 13 minutes in and i'm already sweating like this this is crazy reducing damage that's good time to throw out i probably should right yeah i'll throw out on the next one i don't even have my tone leveled up okay there it is tom four one more and i'm good one more and i'm good okay great and let's see here we'll just uh pick up i don't know nice nice okay we're good that's pentagram and i'll just keep spamming good wait they didn't even die wait what bro i feel like i'm in a dungeon from legend to zelda do you remember that ocarina it's not is is that shiva the destroyer pentagram she doesn't listen to pentagrams she is pentagrams what okay okay okay we're fine we're fine everything's okay what [Music] what what's going on why why is this happening to me why is this i'm gonna die [Music] okay he's gone no he's not what that was [ __ ] [ __ ] and you know it that was absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] you need a strong level one i need the ball sack that's what we need let me see what this is uh all right so this is the bay this is something i saw right here and uh what's this your moon glow beating moon go brought me to a strange location couldn't pause being chased by something new relic at the end what what the [ __ ] uh okay i don't even know what a relic is all right let me try this again okay we're gonna put it on uh okay okay all right we're good let's do it ball wait you need to play a normal character to unlock it oh no i need to play a normal character to unlock it crouchy um i don't know gennaro who's gennaro i don't even know who gennaro is oh this guy oh man like croach is good because of his movement speed true let's go with whoever is fastest uh how much help does christine have uh maybe i like christine only has 65 health i feel like she's gonna die porsha has like a hundred and thirty percent i like level one i mean but his health is trash yeah his no no like christine like i would want to go with christine garlic christina whip cool down yeah but i couldn't even use my weapon like i lose all my weapons in my opinion i think maybe i should even go with antonio because at least i can whip and i know where the whips are going to go um pangawa oh that's a good idea actually yeah yeah i'll do pangawa that's a good wait the [ __ ] the hell is this okay big one [Music] okay [Music] kill it wait can i kill it [ __ ] okay all right let's focus here focus focus focus let's do this i i can't i can't get another food i i need food there it is good food i can do this i can actually beat this i can beat this okay we're fine we're fine we're fine okay those are angry boys good [Music] come on [ __ ] man okay let's go with uh maybe this guy we're gonna go with this guy [Music] what everybody knew it wasn't going to happen like it wasn't likely he he got no he got no feet man but he didn't have any feet like all right move speed is plus 40 this guy doesn't move at all all right here we go let's try to use this guy okay big food big food big food whip no whip guy doesn't move fast enough that's the problem [Applause] [Music] okay okay [Music] [ __ ] ass how does he hit me okay bro this is like oh my god [Music] i'm just getting destroyed i'm dead i'm [ __ ] dead i i don't understand garlic you think i should use garlic papilla all right we'll try her why not i i'm i'm okay this is already not looking good this is already not looking very good at all okay maybe i have to get lucky with food [Music] okay okay tuck ass [ __ ] [ __ ] okay big food big food big food big food okay good come on i'm doing it i'm actually doing it i'm actually doing it come on run use your feet this is fine this is fine i can handle this i cannot handle that what relic found yellow's sign permanently allows to detect hidden items in all stages what what so now what collection it says not yet found i don't have that yellow sign not yet found either unlocks okay oh just just a second it's not [ __ ] working okay uh can i do this or let me scroll down real quick and make sure i have all of these now 99 out of 105. there's this many new ones okay 15 minutes in moon glow fill 90 entries in the collection obtain the infinite corridor obtain the crimson shroud what the [ __ ] is the infinite corridor play stage one okay you missed two yeah i get it i get it okay i'll play stage one is this what i should do what where i do i do uh castlevania yeah yeah i was from castlevania no hurry okay no hurry okay so i go with this one here tower map has everything okay [Music] what is this oh oh wow those are new aren't they i'm pretty sure they are [Music] holy [ __ ] okay let's resume all right and we'll go with uh let's see um projectile speed hmm oh man uh let's see yeah we're gonna go with this one iron blue will okay let's do it it has been gotten okay so what should i do now make sure to get clock lance yeah i have to survive for 31 minutes does that does that true or or yes okay i'll pick that one up now okay we'll do um uh let's see maybe i don't know about whip like i just kind of maybe do like yeah nope okay let's see here we'll do spinach yup spinach spinach is good okay good get all these buffs here uh duplicationer that's big huge massive okay and uh we'll do this one again i guess requires more projectiles perfect so this is what unlocks the new stuff should i go yeah i will get world don't worry about it i will okay so the more level she gets the more damage she does so i have that means that i have to get more levels for her so she'll do more damage i want to go with axe again i want to go with the same build i was going to go with before i got [ __ ] cocked okay there it is there it is there it is perfect okay fire one good okay we're doing great so far guys absolutely incredible get laurel i will i'm going to get warrell next okay i just wish i had an ability to did more damage that's all base damage that's good more base damage i do the more damage i will do so i think that will that will be an overall improvement to my damage okay great coming through here good all righty and we'll go with the gun as well it goes through people now so now it's going to do even more damage and i think like we'll go and like move up after i start getting like my buffs and [ __ ] because like i've already got fast on so i should be fine uh we'll do uh we'll do this one here so it'll be laurel and axe i want to do axe okay maybe i should do rune tracer instead because candle collaborator is ass isn't it okay will you fire wand again okay you can't get laurel after guns evolved wait why i i never heard of that before yeah i said can oh oh yeah but like what if it doesn't spawn right i'd rather just get it now and that way i don't have to think about it you know okay good and i'll pick this up too there we go the one good thing about this character is it starts with both guns so i never have to worry about picking them up but i need to get your geese as well which i don't have okay with duplication okay perfect i wish i could do more damage here but i keep [ __ ] there's too many of these mobs man okay and armor uh armors rune tracer i feel like rune tracer is really good uh bible [Music] you guys want me to go bible [Music] i might just get the gun for now okay i'm gonna get the gun okay perfect all right and we're doing just fine 100 yeah all right i think we'll pick up i want to go axes guys can i go axes or not can i go axes or what yes crown uh well garlic no i'm gonna go act i'm gonna go back this will be fine okay and the last one will be laurel and i'll get pentagram after that yeah this should be no problem okay good pick that up too yeah i just need to get laurel and pick that up but i haven't gotten it yet i'm actually kind of getting [ __ ] over here just [ __ ] die alright there we go good all right come on yes i got another gun that's great amazing awesome all right accept chaining from arcana yeah i know axes i feel like scale really well with arcana uh in in a way that like many other uh things do not okay there we go yeah we have to get laurel that's the main thing my clock lancer doesn't really matter that much it's mainly laurel it's it's both of them actually tome there it is okay tome in my opinion i think is too good i think they should make the other buffs different or make a make tom not quite as good because it's just it's the best item right it's like the best item every build has tome it's like that's that's boring right you don't want to have it where like every build has the same item okay there we go there we go i think they should buff it like i don't know if they should really nerf it this is i don't know uh like it depends okay all right dracula we got him back into a corner okay knife candle collaborator okay we have to go with candle cooperator okay good dracula's dead this reign of terror is over we pick up all this stuff there we go great okay and uh we'll do i guess we'll do that so we can upgrade it as fast as we can i need to get laurel man i really need to get world i also don't have tear gesso either i i forgot all about that okay perfect good and we'll do yeah we'll go with the sparrow again okay this should be easy so far perfect here we go all right easy easy there it is right there i could have gotten laurel there as well but i feel like this one's more important yeah i feel like world is way more common okay i do have like five more minutes so oh this is hard what the [ __ ] god damn okay clock lancer let's go with that okay and can i pick this up i hate the red skeletons [Music] oh baby a triple that's right that's [ __ ] right okay so we just need to get rolling that's the main buff that we need to get all right empty tone again tone just increases all my damage it's the de facto choice no matter what uh let's go with eight the sparrow again where is laurel okay uh we're going to just banish i'm going to banish peach i don't want to look at piccione anymore okay i figure i might as well start using those now to make sure that world pops up you know it's like what if it doesn't i i could get [ __ ] and i get [ __ ] in the ass yeah i know i know that's why i did it uh i hate to do this boys i really do spanish garlic i can't take any risks gentlemen we've got to be as serious as we possibly can be okay good yeah i'm going down this way okay spellbinder crown i feel like crown's gonna be my last buff anyway so i'm just gonna pick it up because i always go with 10 grams kilogram i feel like it's my favorite stuff yeah it's my favorite spell in the game the reason why it's my favorite spell in the game is because it's the best spell in the game that's why if it wasn't the best spell in the game it wouldn't be my favorite you've changed man yeah i know okay good uh lightning ring okay uh neither of these are good we go with eight the sparrow again i feel like i'm easily gonna hit this in time for the evolution it'll be no problem okay good coming out of that great easy easy easy easiest game i've ever played my whole life okay great perfect [ __ ] this got him great circling around and we're looking very very good right now gentlemen very very good we've obviously got the gargoyles coming up to try to [ __ ] me in the ass but we're not worried about them and we'll go with a sparrow again we don't need to use tirage right now it doesn't matter yeah i'm not planning on dying so it doesn't matter as soon as 10 minutes happen and i start getting my upgrades that's whenever i'm gonna start moving where is laurel man what is this uh oh white pour to laurel at but what is this okay hopefully that will give me something no it did not okay we'll do uh empty tome again climb up the tower uh let's see i feel like i'm good with the tower all i have to do is go to the top okay i'll start moving up a little bit okay as soon as it's 10 minutes i'll start doing it okay moving through this great okay he's dead all right easy easy easy clock lancer okay and that's not it all right ate this girl again that means that's ready for an upgrade perfect avoiding everything as always perfect okay good and we'll do spinach again i think spinach is great in game and looking down here uh [ __ ] man i'm gonna banish santa water he's not real anyway because now there are vampires but it's okay okay perfect all right and where the [ __ ] is it man all right i'm gonna start moving yeah i'm just gonna start moving oh that's a lot of dick boys that's a lot of dick boys okay maybe not move that fast okay there we go all right we'll do axe again i feel like we really need that bonus damage right now uh i'm gonna save that uh that rosary for whenever we hit 10 minutes and i'm just gonna eat and delete this boss i think that's a smart thing for us to do here yeah i thought that could stand there it did not work at all okay perfect maybe i should i should stun them and then move into where they're stunned and kill everything inside of there that could be a good option and then use them to like body block each other okay uh [Music] [Music] good one dude thanks thanks man all right let's banish the whip thank you man yeah a really good one that was a very smart decision of me to make okay ten minutes where's the big boy where's the big boy wait where's the big boy oh right there okay okay got it and we'll go with uh axe again okay please just be the guns thank you all right we're good okay let's start moving now please give me [ __ ] please see why i wanted to have this see how good this is it's just a normal i'm just i know i'm just walking down the street man it's not a big deal i'm just hanging out having fun it's busted what's busted about it the fact that it kills everything in one hit that's not busted that's normal that's the way the game's supposed to be played come on don't be a [ __ ] this is how winners win okay and all right that's rune tracer that's not it all right we need to get warrell here garlic is better garlic died for this let's see okay all right we're going to pick up i'm going to pick up bracer here too i might as well okay great that's another passover which is pretty passive wait it killed all the guys there oh my god oh they killed all my health too i didn't realize that okay what does that what does i get what does i get projectile speed over area three bounces reroll okay heart of fire yeah obviously heart of fire heart of fire in my opinion is like opie as [ __ ] yeah it's actually like mega dick opie as [ __ ] it's the best ability in the game okay all right that's not it and we're going to uh go with clock top lancet i mean okay good and we're going all the way up to the top and then we're gonna go down to the bottom after we get the stuff up at the top okay guys that's the plan pulling all these at that perfect look at that dude what the [ __ ] is this um all right spinach get it all right i'm going to pick it up now where clock [Music] okay all right we're going to wear clock uh fire lawn [ __ ] okay all right we're gonna re-roll oh no [Music] oh no come on please please please give me the world please please give me the [ __ ] world please man come on i was gonna get pentagram anyway i'm gonna just pick it up now [Music] uh should i should i pick up pentagram now [Music] penta doesn't kill boss all right let's use it you're right it does not that's turned out to be true okay because getting pentagram effectively removes it from the pool of other items that i could get okay magic wand all right that's not it i need laurel give me laurel again because i [ __ ] cancelled it out yes all right we're good boys we are good let's do this i killed it [Music] [ __ ] yeah big dick okay let's go all right we're going to go up here so what is it what do i need to go here all right uh we'll do axe again okay i have to get the the red thing okay that's a dick sucker we're gonna kill the dick sucker here okay he didn't give me anything that's too bad get him off my [ __ ] screen [ __ ] let's go i need to upgrade my pentagram again though dammit dude okay uh candle collaborator good okay oh oh let me pick this up channels dark powers to protect the bear [Music] i'll kill the boston and i'll go south okay yeah let me kill boss and we'll do um uh we'll do uh we'll do a crown and we'll do pentagram and then we'll do wait silver ring effect lasts longer i don't even know what effect it is uh health recovery increases 0.1 per second [Music] okay i don't know what this does okay these guys are dead and i don't think i need to go in there i'll kill the boss all right there it is boss is dead okay i got a magic golden egg okay great all right now we're not erasing anymore this is huge read it said all oh i you didn't you can't expect me to read the spells i don't do that you've got to be realistic okay uh we'll do uh bracer again in caps yeah i didn't read the caps wait there's a there's a box okay i'm gonna get the box give me a second let me pick that up okay uh okay [Music] big dick okay word is box where does box word is box okay box good nice hellfire hellfire is big hellfire is huge especially because i've got the buff look at that oh my gosh man this is just ball this is just ain't this something dude ain't this really just a little bit of something wow i'll just buff everything it doesn't even matter nobody gives a [ __ ] about that okay there's obviously a dick sucker let's kill the dick sucker okay where is he why is the dick sucker not dying is he bugged out okay um let's see here we'll go pick that up too there we go good and pick that up too all right let's pick this up got my chest oh my god this is gonna be the axe and the moon [Music] boy why it not be ax why does it not be ax oh i guess you can only get one evolution for chess maybe you can't have two i didn't know that okay pick up all these silver rings there we go great pick up this all right perfect pick up this lots of money lots of money we love money boys okay give me one second let's see where i'm at okay i've got a long way to go i'll put on my nikes guys let's go it doesn't matter we don't give a [ __ ] about the draculas we delete draculas okay perfect there we go i don't even care about the levels either levels are irrelevant to me uh the positive though is like this character does do more damage the more levels it gets so the more level it gets what that means is like it will do more damage for every level it gets that's basically what it means what the [ __ ] is he trying to stop me who's this [Music] should i buy golden eggs it's permanent why would i not buy golden eggs like the character so i could theoretically could i make the ball sack more powerful yes oh my god oh my god guys i think we might have to use this more okay [Music] perfect stop right here for a second make sure i get all my [ __ ] back and all that all right good let's get it let's activate a food okay great and we'll do more of that we don't need to get any more food for now okay but we will need it soon okay how close am i okay i'm doing really well okay let's look down this way nice nice okay there it is got it i'm gonna pick that up too amazing amazing good spell effects last longer that's really good actually i don't think it's that good but you know i have it so that means it's got to be kind of good look at dick boy right there look at dick boy right there he can't do [ __ ] get the [ __ ] off my screen [ __ ] there's it is there's a scythe i'm the [ __ ] grim reaper now all right let's go look at that and they're bouncing nice the push back yeah i know there's not a lot of pushback unfortunately it could be better cool got it with lancet wait what get clocked with lancer but i did that gold ring increases enemy speed frequency health quantity and free holy [ __ ] now max the rings okay we'll kill this guy first okay he's dead special eggs we love eggs okay good all right more gold rings come on i have to survive for 31 minutes i believe just kill all this stuff it doesn't matter there we go okay how close am i i'm very close i'm right there okay where is it there it is channel dark powers to curse the bearer what i don't know if i want to do that yeah i'm not sure if that's a good idea guys okay we'll just pick up all of this anyway okay we'll avoid the boss dude how much health does this [ __ ] thing have look at this bro he's getting destroyed he still won't die there we go all right nice and okay we're good here all right let's see what happens okay i'm gonna wait till i level all this stuff up before i pick up the chest okay clock lancet kills the reaper we'll we'll find out that would make it easier right i'm level 133 as well which is also helping okay believe what the new red item does no no why would i do that okay increases enemy health frequency and speed um i'm really gonna be taking a lot of damage huh okay i think we'll be all right here we'll find out in a second here okay avoiding everything spring first and the other one okay okay let's pick up this one here this is gonna be my uh my other arcana this arcana has to be big dick revivals listed weapons three bounces i feel like bouncy boys is good we go with the wake all right let's go with awake you're right because we have to survive we have to survive that's a good point we have to survive okay let's bonus up the ring okay good i'm already at 93 000 things that i've killed awakey was more beans uh maybe dude these mobs are getting wrecked holy [ __ ] all right chest not yet not yet boys not yet we're gonna pick it up after i get this weight nine [Music] how many level does this go seven one more one more on this right yep it's oh no it's two more two more two more and then i'll do it okay i'll pick some more of this stuff up too obviously there we go okay i've gotta rotate around here i will use it very soon relax all i want to do is get my levels okay okay let's use it now now what's this even gonna give me [Music] a ring infinite corridor evolved [ __ ] lancid did that say halves enemies hp what the [ __ ] that sounds really good oh my god so you can kill death with that i mean that would be the watches right so if i pick it up again [Music] evolve oral caps incoming damage at 10 retaliates when losing charges wait caps incoming damage at 10. no way this is an anti-reaper build it seems that way holy [ __ ] i've never even seen this stuff so it's mr turkey it's just like he can't even do anything so now what okay and okay now it's just more money all right great wow you're good now yeah i know look at this well i feel like i'm in a rave or something and i already have tome as well jesus kill the ball sack again i was thinking about doing that i just don't want to run all the way down it'll be annoying okay good levels all right i'm level 100 dude i'm already 156. it's 24 minutes in turn damage numbers on for infinite corridor i will whenever we get to death okay that way you guys can see it yeah cause if he dies really fast once you guys see it loose to play castlevania i actually want to go back and play a lot of the old super nintendo games and like regular nintendo games like castlevania mario brothers [ __ ] like that i think it'd be really fun yeah i thought about that it's like i never beat my original castlevania game whenever i was a kid yeah i actually i never played metroid uh super metroid i never did i heard it was still very good play hollow knight uh i feel like i don't have the nostalgia for it you know like the other like i like how all night it just i didn't like not having a map that's awesome well mr krabs it's mr krabs wait okay never mind oh there he is crabs okay good he's dead i had money so he was running after me [Music] okay good let's see how this goes i got that there's a mapping yeah i know but you don't get it initially uh so it frustrated me and i didn't get any farther but i like the combat of the game you know play d rising with the final i don't know if mcconnell is going to want to play it or not yeah i'm not sure if he wants to like i would be totally down if mcconnell wants to play b rising i'll be down like like i i don't know what server the game's too expensive i'll buy it for you yeah it's fine your kill count is absolutely insane yeah 126 000. oh look at these dick boys really dick boy thinking about to do something man oh my god imagine thinking you about to do something get out of here get out of here bro what are you doing you better see your image too yeah i'll figure it out okay that's nice [Music] i'm already 172. i think i'm gonna hit level 200 in here i'm pretty sure i will we'll see what happens by permanent stats maybe yeah i will soon or not now but like i will i just need to get more gold in general there's like special gold builds that you you play are these new oh wait no they're not oh man he thought he thought he thought he gonna get me he's not all right let's go over here good needed and deleted okay there we go great so you can get this with purse too that would be [ __ ] disgusting look at all these mobs holy [ __ ] i'm a little bit worried for 29 minutes if they're already this fast hopefully i'll get two uh uh two pentagrams at 29 so i'll be able to get up to level 200. if i get two pentagrams i'll hit 200. 100 well actually 200 okay here we go already yeah but you can get curse on top of that okay perfect just on the left the optical i might as well pick up right now okay there it is we got it now you guys are happy you feel better now okay 28 minutes all right let's see how death is if i can kill him look at that dick boy right there next to me thought he was going to get me what a joke all right now we're 28 minutes in number 29 is whenever things really get serious i think i'll get two i think i'll get two here we go let's see what happens please yeah no it's fine uh it's not gonna happen there's no way it's not gonna happen [ __ ] man it's okay yeah very unlikely okay good good bit right oh bitrate's fine bitrate's fine guys uh if you're getting low bitrate or you're not seeing all the pixels on my screen uh it's just your computer uh contact your isp yeah everybody who's using uh you have to you have to watch the stream on uh microsoft edge or you're gonna get the bitrate problems okay a lot of people don't know about that okay those are all dead great please please [ __ ] give it to me please [ __ ] give it to me come on come on give it to me right now yes yes yes i'm all 200. 58. okay wait a second wait a second we said options damage numbers are on i don't even know if it's killing him i have no idea what's even happening we've got this blue depth thing okay okay avoiding that how can we get rid of blue depth okay try to kill him right there there we go he leaves i go all the way up here okay maybe he's gone okay he's going okay i got it i got it [ __ ] come on you're doing great so far bro look at this holy [ __ ] what's going on i don't know okay moving out of that do as much damage as i can is this a raid what is this wait why wait why is it zooming in on me what the [ __ ] is what's going on wait i killed him no way i was at 33. what no i'm good i'm good i'm good [ __ ] all right all right all right oh i'm good i'm good i alright another one come on all right all right we're good we go all right get away i'm getting spawn killed man quite weak apparently holy [ __ ] reach level 31 of gallow tower i under 34. 90 entries in the collection infinite corridors gallow obtain the crimson shroud diavano what the [ __ ] one extra level gains 10 growth every 10 levels what is growth oh oh um uh leveling up one plus one armor huh holy [ __ ] all right we beat his ass there we [ __ ] go all right that's giga experience yeah i know guys i'm gonna take a break i'm tired right bro i'll be honest i'm [ __ ] tired i get i get some food in a bit relax just chill out like wow that was fun man i had a lot of fun miss some eggs i know i know i do more of it soon one more arcana i'll probably play another day i don't know if i'm gonna do it tomorrow or not i haven't decided uh but colin and i gotta figure out what we're going to do with eldon ring co-op i have no idea but we might try to like so it comes out on the 27th is the mod um and today is the 24th so i'm not sure exactly when that's going to be i have no idea the rising wind uh we'll see what happens tomorrow i'm gonna be back online in the morning okay uh back online very very early in the morning and uh we're gonna keep chilling doing what we need to do watch the rest of the trial we've got a few more days of that and then we're going to be back into the gaming looking at other news me going on six and six to eight hour rants daily it's gonna be [ __ ] lit i'm excited so gentlemen thank you all very much for watching i'm gonna run some ads just hang out for a little bit so uh thank you all so much uh for watching i really really do appreciate it and i will be back online tomorrow morning very very early in the morning so until next time boys if you're leaving before the ads peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 437,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: D6O0KTyPhZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 45sec (4725 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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