Asmongold Is BACK To Try A Brand New Zone...

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now there is a new uh a new area is that right the bone zone all right let's do it let's do it on him first okay i want to try it on leta first because i i'm feeling good about the uh i'm feeling good about the ball sack all right so we're gonna go to the bone zone let's do it and we're gonna do it on hyper as well because you want to make it even better let's do it guys okay we're gonna go with awake holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay all right um we're gonna re-roll uh i'm gonna go with whip i'm gonna go with whip okay good yeah that should be fine okay and we're gonna go with uh hmm i don't know if i want to do pichone again uh probably maybe laurel i don't know if laurel is a good idea or not whip is garbo no it's not i'm gonna reroll again song of mana okay big dick we're big dick now yeah we're big dick now let's go all right and we're gonna do uh we're gonna do rune tracer as well rune tracer as well this is easy and then we're going to go for the guns okay and uh we're going to go uh song amanda uh we'll do uh we'll do whip again we'll do whip again yeah let's go dead run no it's not this is not a dead run for a normal person it would be a dead run okay watch see i'm just gonna be fine here okay let me see what this map looks like okay there wait there's nothing on this map holy [ __ ] okay just a minute all right we're gonna go armor as well let's go armor we're looking to get the guns we have to get the guns it's a challenge map i've never done a challenge map before this is my first one ever okay killing all these guys i'm trying to get as many of my of these levels as possible okay we're obviously going to go empty tome obviously empty tome okay good i'm using the ball sack the ball sack literally can't die and he can't lose so i'm not worried about this at all okay good and we're gonna do spinach as well perfect good good good what the [ __ ] was that we're already getting skeletons in one minute in isn't this a little bit early i mean guys it's a little bit early for skeletons don't you think okay um let's do uh let's do crown we're gonna do crown because i'm planning on going pentagram late game i'm playing on late game pentagram and we're gonna go for guns now okay let's focus here you're in the bone zone uh they're in the bone zone i'm not like you're about to find out what's gonna happen okay let's see here and we're gonna do uh let's do song of mana again yeah we want to go with more song amanda songman does a ton of damage and also kills a lot of these mobs very easily explain as you go through yeah i'll i'll decide i'll tell you guys why i'm going what i'm going with okay okay tiaramasu let's go with that right there so now we need to get both of the guns we have to get both of the guns here okay a lot of dick boys here a lot of dick boys we gotta watch out for as many of them as possible all right we're gonna go whip here i don't want to use three rolls until way later on okay until we have no other options i'm gonna play it safe actually i'm not gonna play it safe i'm going to play the opposite of safe i'm going to be very aggressive because i've heard this level is very hard and i'm going to try to do as bit as well as i can okay and uh we're not going to go bible here i don't think we go bible yeah remember we're going to go with the guns and then after that we're going to do pentagram uh upgrade a pentagram after that okay good there we go and we're going to do um we're going to do spinach as well spinach is going to be more useful than moon tracer right now we're avoiding all the red boys all of the red boys not taking any damage whatsoever okay perfect and let's go with uh let's go song amanda again remember we don't have either one of the guns guys we're actually getting [ __ ] we actually we're getting [ __ ] big okay going through all of these getting all this stuff there we go all right we're going to spin this again all right there's a lot of mobs coming in here so we've got to stay very safe as you guys can see i'm picking up as much of this as i can and i still haven't gotten a single good item all right we're gonna go crown as well come on like actually [ __ ] like seriously [ __ ] like big [ __ ] okay go back over here good okay there's a there's a bad boy right there let's get on the bad boy right there we'll kill him we want to kill him as fast as we can all right let's do um let's do whip as well i'm planning on getting overwhelmed and using the whip to heal myself and i'll be fine okay let's go there come on please be good please be good please be song man i need songs [Music] still totally [ __ ] fine yep that's totally [ __ ] fine this is two dimensional tour gas yes it is it's two-dimensional tour guides it's exactly what it is guys i'm glad that you were able to identify that okay let's do uh empty tome again gr ms2 is not important what we're going for right now guys listen what we're going for is we're going for both guns if we can get both guns and then pick up pentagram there's no way we lose uh duration of weapon effects i feel like we probably don't go with that let's go with whit for now let's go with whip yeah i don't what should be my last passive guys i don't know what should be my last password i'm not sure power heart yes yes hollow heart of course thank you i almost forgot this is my first time playing for quite a while so i haven't done anything i've been holding off on playing this because i know you guys wanted to see it so i haven't done this map at all or any of this okay going back over here good and there we go again and we're gonna do song and mana again song abana again now we have the elite dangerous red boys now if you don't know how the dangerous red boys work is whenever you get them you don't they don't stop getting see that they respawn okay good all right we're gonna go with uh we're gonna go with uh we're gonna go with empty tome i'm really not doing well guys this is super bad come on i i i feel like i might lose here i'm actually feeling like i'm gonna lose farmer this is really really [ __ ] bad we have to get these guns i don't even have two weapons i don't have either one yet i'm literally getting [ __ ] in the ass right now okay we're going whip again i i i you will lose no i won't no i won't okay all right we're gonna do song of man again i probably should have gone crown there but it's okay because i need to get these levels man i haven't gotten a single gun man this is so bad this is actually really really really [ __ ] bad oh my god all right now the garlic oh my god not now not now garlic not now okay all right that's another danger boy let's go ahead and get on him right now we're gonna stay on him as much as we can okay all right spinach again okay all right we're gonna do rune tracer again good let's try and move away a little bit try and kill that guy come on die bro die die bro okay good please be three please be [ __ ] three please be three okay [Music] that's good i need another whip i need hollow heart man i really really really need hollow heart okay level six good all right i'm just farming right now as much as i can okay this level's not as hard is it it's not that hard right now all right we just need one more hollow heart and then we'll be able to evolve it okay pick all this up good the whole game yes i have to be perfect for this entire level okay we've got another red boy there that's really good for me all right crown let's pick up crown as well okay we haven't seen a single pin we haven't seen either one of the guns this is really really worrying man all right we're gonna go rune tracer again i guys i'm actually oh my god uh bro i'm in the bone zone this is not looking good there's a lot of bones here holy [ __ ] there's a lot of bones okay all right whip again maximum damage by whip yes this is why they call it the bone zone gentlemen okay picking up all this it's okay i'm getting a lot of levels come on man come on all right empty tome i guess i think maybe the other one would have been better but i'm not even sure picking up all this come on give me a [ __ ] level no man all right all right i i'm not gonna get it i'm actually not gonna get the gun dude are you kidding me okay we're gonna go with uh we're gonna do that why not a word uh because i don't want it i already have my plan i have to get hollow hearts i need hollow heart okay i don't need crown the crown is gonna help is more the more experienced the better okay we're staying on top of these guys as much as we can all right and we're gonna go with crown again yeah we want to go crown as much as we can all right this is huge leveling time absolutely huge level inside here okay rune tracer again this is so bad this is actually so bad guys like i armor well like is it programmed to make me lose or something i'm not getting either one of the guns what the [ __ ] is this i i i i i'm at seven minutes i haven't gotten any of my oh come on please right here right here right here come on give me at least one of the guns give at least one of the guns come on [ __ ] man all right all right we're going to do rune tracer again we're starting to get overwhelmed and this is with the ball sack too banish from i'm not ready for banishes yet okay [Music] all right we're doing well that's good there's number one good we're gonna go that again good gentlemen have faith have faith we need the second gun right now absolutely [ __ ] necessary okay we're gonna go with the gun again remember we're we're oh my god more bones i i'm getting bone okay picking up all these there we go there's another red boy okay let's go with rune tracer again that's a that's an undead cat okay pick up all these good all of these are dead no problem all right picking this one up all we're looking for is the second gun all we're looking for is the second gun guys let's go please give me the second gun i need that and hollow heart and i'll be just fine if i get that i promise you i'm not gonna i promise all win okay all right we're gonna banish uh we're gonna banish knife okay good there we go i think i'm just gonna pick this one up right now okay what is this this is rune tracer again that's fine i'm fine with rune tracers okay i need to get this gun i need the gun where is the gun god there's so many of them oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy all right all right we have to go with this we can't do pentagram yet we can't do pentagram yet guys [ __ ] all right oh i got a heart i got hollow heart holy [ __ ] i'm in the game i'm still in the game i just need the other gun i need the other gun give me the other gun give me the other gun okay all right we're going to banish the bible banishing the bible i'll explain why i'm doing that later on right now i can't think about it banishing bible all right armor come on please please please howl hard as well come on i'll banish the next one if i don't have something that's a huge upgrade here okay we're almost about that 10 minutes [ __ ] man all right i i think i'm gonna go with this one because it's gonna give me the uh it's gonna give me the upgrade first okay picking up all the red boys picking up all red boys [ __ ] okay all right i need to go fiera again i need this one if i get this i win if i get this i win if i don't get it i lose oh my god all right we're gonna i hate to do this i'm gonna banish garlic i'm banishing garlic banishing garlic okay let's go come on come on come on [ __ ] all right hollow heart i'm almost out of re-rolls i might just get [ __ ] here if i get oh my god wait [Music] gentlemen is it time [ __ ] saved let's go all right how do i avoid this npc it's just gonna kill me again what do i do i just run away okay all right i'm gonna just keep running away here we go this sucks okay i'm getting away what the [ __ ] man i can't change directions or do anything different ah this is really bad i'm actually getting [ __ ] right now i'm actually getting [ __ ] right now come on please get away from me okay he went away at 11 minutes that's good you guys were telling the truth okay thank you okay good all right ate the sparrow let's go here all right hollow heart again i shouldn't have gone with that i should have gone with the sparrow i need to get my health back i'm going to get my health back right now okay there's one big boy right there okay i'm trying i'm trying to push i don't know what i'm doing i'm under pressure now my brain is under pressure so it's not thinking properly okay let's kill this guy right now let's kill this guy right now let's just kill him get him out of the way he just keeps getting pushed away i can't kill him i'm doing too much of the big dick dps i'm worried i'm gonna lose here because i'm spending too much time on this okay got him he's dead please be red please be the [ __ ] red whip please be red whip [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right i have to run to the other one as fast as possible okay done all right let's go with um projectile speed uh duration projectile let's go with projectile speed yeah let's go with that all right we're gonna go pick this up now there we go nice let's pick that up pick this up pick that up pick this up pick this up pick that up pick this up pick that up big money big food okay let's go i'm already leveled up yep there we go let's go guys all i have to do is hit this one and i'm good okay all right i either one i hit i'm good either one i hit i'm good red whip or the gun wait what the [ __ ] i didn't even know i had this i didn't even i didn't want this oh i i i forgot all about that yeah i didn't in no future that's literally the worst thing that for me to have right now okay all right let's pick up this let's get all this it's gonna be fine no future you guys will see i'm gonna food i'm fooding right now big dick food let's go come on as soon as i start getting all these levels like watch as soon as the next big guy comes up i'm going to get big heels i'm sorry not big heels i'm going to get big upgrades i'll be totally fine i just need the next chest guys that's all okay good all right now let's get paid all right i need one more yeah i just need the next chest that's all i'm in the bone zone now yes you're right come on okay let's get that good good good all right all i have to do is stay alive i have to stay alive until the chest what what the [ __ ] bro bro is this real what are those those are long boys wait oh that that that's my chest right there that's my chest right there come on come on die die [ __ ] die [ __ ] die [ __ ] drop a chest die [ __ ] drop a chest die [ __ ] drop a chest come on drop the chest drop the chest drop it come on man drop the chris why aren't you dying i he's ungettable i can't there it is all right we're good okay we're gonna do coin all right any of these that i get if i get the gun i'm good if i don't get again i'm good all right here we go i need either the whip or the gun that's all i need whip or gum that's good i got red whip now i'm totally fine so i'll survive i'll be i'll be totally okay see that watch this see this see this gentleman this is how a winner wins this is how winner wins right here the bone zone is nothing oh my god there's a lot of these mobs actually uh i don't know if that's actually true or not okay let's pick up all this good all right let's get some more money i'm gonna get food big coins all right let's go spoke too soon you'll see you'll see guys it'll be totally fine okay all i'm doing is getting money right now my health is gonna be totally fine i'm gonna get the uh the healing arcana too i'm totally [ __ ] good okay picking these up too there we go there we go there we go all i need to do is wait for another chest so here's what my plan is okay so i get my next upgrade best case scenario is pentagram best case scenario i hit pentagram after i get the guns worst case scenario i don't hit pentagram those are the only two scenarios that can occur i have to get pentagram i need it look at this heal look at these heels i'm ungettable penta or fire wand true fire wand is decent enough but i will keep rolling for pentagram pentagram is too much better okay those are long dicks here we've got long dicks here let's go all right there it is there he is come on come on please [ __ ] give me my chest give me my chest bro i need it i need the chest where is he it's right over here die [ __ ] die man [ __ ] die where'd he go please drop the chest please [ __ ] drop the chest i need this so much okay that's big damage on him there's no way he's not gonna be dead in two seconds here how is he surviving dude what the [ __ ] is this he just he's invincible okay let's go all right all right these are the guns right now is the moment of truth because if i don't hit a pentagram here i am probably [ __ ] uh like i'm actually probably [ __ ] here okay focus focus focus i have to hit penguin i i'm let's [ __ ] go boys let's [ __ ] go there it is boom get them out of the screen get them off my [ __ ] screen let's go all right come on let's get all these levels pentagram again pentagram again pentagram again tenor ground it deleted everything it doesn't matter it does not [ __ ] matter let's go let's go all right pentagram again right now my luck is so high there's no way anything can get erased anymore i'm just leveling i need to get ready for the next chest okay right over here another pentagram big dick pentagrams boys big dick pentagrams let's see bit right you guys haven't seen anything yet it's only 16 minutes in and it's already happening like this these mobs literally can't stop me i i literally can't i can't be stopped all right where's the uh where's the next chest holy [ __ ] i'm already level 100 look at how many mobs there are here this is unbelievable holy [ __ ] look at this is this what 1080p looks like no this is 4k come on already at 40 000 kills that's right i'm big [ __ ] it no way no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way [Music] boys are y'all ready to win you guys ready to win i'm good let's do it it's time it's moon time you go to 200 this time probably go to i'll probably go 230 here probably go 230 easy watch this watch this damage look at this look at this they literally can't stop look look it's just like it doesn't even matter it doesn't matter i'm just kidding i'm getting levels so fast look at this stand in place okay i'll stand in place oh my god oh my god man look at this [ __ ] dude yeah this is this is optimal gameplay right here okay you guys see this this is how winners play the game see that winning i literally cannot stop winning oh wow these mobs have a lot of clubs do a lot of damage um yeah these mobs really do they they really get they're getting pretty close huh um uh they're getting pretty close a little bit nervous about this guy's part of winning it's okay yep it's totally fine i'm not worried about it big dick getting off the screen getting right off the screen zombie deal okay good yep we're totally okay we are totally [ __ ] fine gentlemen they can't break through my defenses they're getting very close but it's not close enough 18 minutes in they're already getting [ __ ] destroyed all right good you got this one going off again perfect good easy [ __ ] game the easiest game i've ever seen in my entire life look at that look at those levels 114 already and 18 minutes in you die one more time you lose your youtube no i already checked with escape a few seconds ago because i was wondering about that that's actually not true um i i i still have two stacks because i picked the awake one oh man that a uh is that another treasure chest for me is this another treasure chest for me boys wow ain't that something look at that move at 20 minutes okay all right okay i'm assuming yeah he's gonna probably show up again makes sense okay 20 minutes does pentagram kill green death does pentagram kill green death or not no one yes okay there's literally 50 50 on this all right good move up by the way okay okay good all right i've gotta watch out for death here we go here we go as soon as he spawns i have to watch out for him where is he i don't see him anywhere i still don't see him i still don't see him yet bottom left this one here that could be it i don't see him anywhere he's not even here he's gone wait pentagram deleted him off the screen oh my god it's a chance oh right okay so it's the same thing as like the dairy level i think okay good chance is falling all right that's good oh these ones have a lot of health um good holy [ __ ] there's a lot of these guys i don't know if i can do this i'm pretty nervous okay i don't know if i should have gone with rune tracer i feel like rune tracer is kind of bad like i i don't know like i i'll have to look and see if i win this like i guess we'll find out bad build no no i don't think so i did it wait what the [ __ ] see ya [ __ ] see ya [ __ ] damn [Music] i need to get the heel i need to get the heel arcana [Music] i actually can't stop winning this is unbelievable has anybody ever won on this level before i don't even know the build is complete yeah i just win like that's it i've already won i beat the game okay let's see what happens though like they've got a lot of mobs coming at me this is only 20 minutes in this is insane yeah no wonder this is a [ __ ] challenge level this is ridiculous ballsack is cheating no he's not people wanted me to go ball set if i had gone to morticio it would have been even better i would have like [ __ ] 50 million projectiles people will be telling me i was cheating there level isn't hard until 2 28 okay all right we'll wait till 28 then let's see what happens all i have to do is watch out for big boys though oh my god okay lots of red boys coming in lots of red boys but the red boys don't do anything to me yeah the red boys don't even matter completely irrelevant red voice look at this dude it's so easy wow this i'm just deleting everything on the [ __ ] screen pentagram is actually so [ __ ] good it's disgusting it's actually the most disgustingly good ability in the entire game look at this nobody even has a chance they they can't even beat me because pentagram is so strong look at this oh look at me oh look at this i'm getting three oh more levels oh don't mind if i do gins are stuck a bit no they're not stuck it accumulates off screen in a red gym uh i look this up okay there we go look at that see that perfect garlic see we don't need garlic it's totally fine we're doing great even without garlic if we were using garlic we'd be doing even better okay there's one there's one danger boy right there you see how fast he's going look at him he's down there he's down there at the bottom right he can't do [ __ ] look at this he cannot do [ __ ] [Music] what's [Music] deleting everything off the screen just like [ __ ] usually and look at these guys so like these guys are over here they think they know what's going on look look at all that extra damage i'm doing even now it doesn't even matter garlic would make this too easy yeah that's why i didn't want to go with it right i mean it's supposed to be a challenge so i don't want to do anything that's not challenging all right we're about to hit 24 minutes okay good there we go nice amazing they actually just can't beat me i have transcended the bone zone i am the bone zone look at them they think they're going to attack me like it actually matters they think they're going to attack like get the [ __ ] off my screen get them out of here look at this you see they're all coming at me it doesn't make a difference i am the bone zone 25 minutes it's fine what could possibly stop me oh that's right nothing literally [ __ ] nothing can stop me the pixel zone no we're not in the pixel zone right now let me tell you something we are definitely not in the pixel zone we'll at all those levels right there look at that that's incredible wow let's see how much damage you're trying to do okay all right all right here we go 25 minutes let's see how this goes all right come on let's see it is there a boss or something no they're all just off the screen oh i think there was a boss he got deleted look at this look at this he got removed he got removed from the screen okay there we go oh yeah look at this that's what i'm talking about boys yes we're going five [Music] oh my god i'm already level 147 i'm unstoppable i can't be stopped okay let's go pick up some stuff there it is we got all these good make sure we pick up all of our levels as well great so obviously as you can see i'm uh i i have transcended the bone zone i am the bone zone all right all right 26 minutes as i said i've never done a stumble before it's my first time y'all saw me unlock it uh oh 26 minutes get him off my [ __ ] screen i don't want to see him uh oh look at this look at this what are they doing what are they doing they think this is they think they can beat me isn't that embarrassing they thought it was even possible for me to lose he's sad get him out of here [Music] oh more levels ah it feels good to be this good at the game guys it really does let me tell you something became an afk game no i just i know what to do and i just did it watch this watch this watch this see that just get them off the screen again all right now we're 26 minutes what's gonna happen 26 minutes okay there's one danger boy up there we're not going to worry about him see this is what happens wherever you [ __ ] with the ball set you die nobody [ __ ] with the ball sack and gets away with it 28 minutes start running okay let me go ahead and pick this one up might as well there we go all right let's see what this is it's just going to be more money everybody knows what it is not a big deal yeah [ __ ] with the ball sack and you're getting the tea bag that's exactly right it doesn't matter what they do it's just all irrelevant to me all these weak smaller abilities just doesn't make a difference okay 28 minutes is apparently whenever things get hard let's find out why do i not take damage on the ball set i'm not gonna move unless there's a one of the green death things there's not what's this is this supposed to be hard oh 29 minutes whenever it's gonna get hard okay okay never mind all right yeah it's give me 29 minutes oh [ __ ] i gotta do this again oh man all right get him off the screen let's go oh we got chest over here let's go get the chest there it is let's see what's over here [Music] oh look at that more money stream is dead watch this all right 29 minutes let's go let's see it come on bring it on bring it on let's see what do we got going on oh wow gray ones uh oh damn bro that's hard imagine the gray ones like damn [Applause] i'm taking so much damage i might die faith conviction confidence there it is get him off the screen there we go another heel right there wow what a game yo boys that one was hard damn that was hard no wonder people thought it was hard jesus guys how would anybody beat that that's rough man like look at that i think that's just i didn't get the money that's too bad what you can't win yep there it is so as you guys can see right here no future look at that look at that damage survives third weight skip what the hell is skip what the hell is this skip yeah i did 20 million damage power up is this a new thing okay it is twice per rank allows to skip level up choices and get experience instead huh i've never gotten skipped before uh what's this here skip is so you can banish early and shorten the loot pool okay all right let's buy it then let's see how the uh let's see how the pupper works okay we're gonna go with that awake wait what what [Music] what i am i literally sitting on them am i literally i am right okay celestial that's what it's called celestial dusting okay all right they're being dusted yeah he added this into the game in honor of amber heard okay this is my first time ever playing this character mr dog okay let's go with um i don't know which one i should go with i think that i should go with um let's go with roon tracer for now i actually don't know the next two abilities i know axe is gonna be one of them but i don't know what the other one is gonna be [Music] yeah i don't know like what do you guys think cats i thought cats got nerfed [Music] yeah i thought cats got nerfed guys didn't cats just get [ __ ] over cats did uh cats for theme uh still strong okay all right i'll use cats yeah i'll use goto armada okay and we'll do um uh let's go with how hard is whip i'm thinking maybe crown maybe crown yeah let's go with crown because like i always maybe i do um i do acts let me just see what happens okay again it doesn't really matter like this dog is op as [ __ ] okay and we're gonna do uh fire wand again let's do fire i could do santa water again uh let's do uh let's do this again media level 99 anyway okay let's go there we go and gato armada no i'm not going to go with it i want to go i want to go pentagram and i want to do uh beyond pentagram i want to do um a [ __ ] uh axes i want to do axes as well okay duplicationer all right or his big dick okay good because he also gains like so we gain more projectiles for 20 levels so he can do so many projectiles he's so dangerous he can just attack okay all right we're going gonna re-roll here because obviously none of these are what i want okay uh we want axe all right there's axe right there let's go for axe now we're gonna go pentagram look at all those axes already big dick axe damage right there okay good and we're gonna do oh [ __ ] man i really wish i could go for this all right so let um celestial dumping okay good there we go they're all dead okay good perfect this is a hard character to play holy [ __ ] this isn't an online character wow okay going through all these perfect and let's do uh i think we'll do celestial dusting again i just want to try this out see what happens with it you know okay perfect good there we go all right we're gonna do lightning ring again actually we'll do steel dusting we're gonna keep dusting does this upgrade or not i feel like if this upgraded it would be too powerful right uh let's do bracer actually um okay so i have armor i think i do bracer i'm like 99 bracer you need candle [Music] spinach i have spinach candle for axe so wouldn't it be wouldn't it be bracer uh white candle yeah it would be candle and then bracer right yeah candle embracer oh i need tome okay all right all right yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go with tome wait i can get tome on this map okay so i go brace her now i go brace her now then i go tom or sorry i go bracer then candle okay bracer we're going we're going forward mistakes might have been made but they've already been made okay let's go through all these there we go nice okay good all right let's go uh we're gonna do celestial dumping again perfect okay this is is this the meta here i just jump back and forth i'm gonna start making my way over there as much as i can okay guys let's do it okay we're up to frankenstein all right how much damage does he do to frankenstein bro he's getting okay all right candle collaborator we go with this one obviously okay good and pick this up all right [Music] we have to go pentagram now we're going big dick pantagrams okay good tiding through all these cutting all of these guys it's not a big deal good i probably shouldn't even i i should probably i'm just gonna go for tom now it doesn't matter oh man oh god i just oh defeated enemies might drop hearts wait what the [ __ ] really what wait i'm literally [ __ ] and healing i'm [ __ ] and healing oh my god i i [Applause] what oh my god where's pentagram i need to get pentagram here all right as soon as i get pentagram i'm good to go i'm gonna pick up the tome now obviously okay going through all these good perfect look at this all right how many do i have to go all right i have to go a lot further dude i'm op i'm actually op what the [ __ ] okay we're gonna do uh duplication good big big dick axes boys big dick axes let's go huge big dick axes okay okay all right we're gonna we're gonna banish we're gonna banish ebony wings nobody wants that okay there we go good all right yeah i don't know what the difference between like what's the difference between skip and re-roll yeah what what is the difference between those two things yeah i'm just i'm just confused you lose one level with skip skip gives you the experience back [Music] oh man i wish i understood this better i i guess i'm just like not getting it i guess okay all right i'm level 24. so i'm gonna get two more projectiles just by leveling watch this all right it's [ __ ] time it's [ __ ] time all right let's go whoa oh my god this is really good don't go pentagram you're going projectile build no pentagram is still better pentagram is like in my opinion i think pentagram is a necessary addition to every single to every single build every single build should go pentagram the reason why is because it picks things up for you okay let's do let's do armor as well yeah not true uh yes it is true because it picks everything up for you that's why it's not because it's really good uh it's just it picks everything up like i feel like that's way more useful and it gets you way more levels over time okay uh let's do uh let's do lightning ring first okay whitening ring is big dick dude he's actually tanking them [Music] duty he just doesn't care okay rune tracer all right let's pick up all right empty tone there it is okay all right now we're gonna go rune tracer again and we're gonna go uh axe we're gonna go rune tracer we're gonna go armor actually let's do spinach okay spinach again bracer uh axe uh fire one oh my god he's so good knife gives you frontal attacks i already have frontal attacks all i have to do is turn around yeah i already have that it's unnecessary at this they he literally can't stop me god damn we're all like this is unstoppable how is this so good shoots out both ends yeah exactly look at this i'm gonna go get dude i'm gonna go get the uh the mask [ __ ] it bro i'm just dude i'm just having fun i'm just walking around that's all i need to worry about just walking around having a good time okay let's see here we're gonna go bracer again big fast tomes there's only one tone see there's only one tone it has rng between one and three tomes on the inlaid library i believe and i got bad rng and i only got one it makes no difference in the later course of the game so it doesn't really matter four sometimes i've never seen four before look at the dogs the dog literally doesn't give a [ __ ] he does whatever he wants and that's it let me get some food here he's hungry he's been a good boy there we go boys it's just that easy it is just that [ __ ] easy i'm gonna go ahead and just stop here for a second make sure i don't take too much unnecessary damage i've been running through everything let's go ahead and get my heels back all right and we're gonna go fire one again and look over here pick all these up perfect there we go nice okay all right there's a big dick there's a big dick right there all right so we're [ __ ] on the big dick we're gonna treat him like johnny depp's bed let's go come on mr dog let's go all right give me something good give me something good let's see it that's an axe i'm fine with an x absolutely fine with an x run in the corner yeah i probably should do that but this is this is fine so far okay so picking up all of these nice picking up everything right now how close am i i'm over halfway there and i'm gonna get all these levels in just a few minutes and i'll be totally fine like i'm actually so close to ascending uh we're gonna go firewall damage here i think fire one damage is gonna be really big here okay look at all look look at all that stuff trailing behind me 40 minutes and eight yeah 40 levels in eight minutes i know this is nuts [Music] hook it mr dog look at mr dog he doesn't even care damn bro look at that i'm just walking around man i'm just walking around that's all there is to it he's such a good boy isn't he he really is she's having a good time just she's just [ __ ] all over the floor man that's all there is to it you know there was actually uh an izzy's streamer house whenever they uh they did the streamer house together um get um so there's a girl in there and she had a um uh she had a dog and uh okay all right here we go okay we're looking for pentagram okay uh crown all right we're gonna go crown again and we're gonna go uh lightning ring and we're gonna go uh what firework okay we're gonna go fire wand again go crown okay we didn't get it we have not gotten pentagram yet we're actually getting [ __ ] in the ass right now guys it's okay i'm used to it okay let's go uh we'll do well let's do fire one to eight fire wants a just so i have it ready okay stone mask again okay i'm gonna start my banishes pretty soon here they literally can't stop the dog i'm the literal [ __ ] god okay we'll do empty tome as well look at this [ __ ] oh my god all right let's go uh empty tome again that damage oh my god i get to level up i get to level up right here what we get what we got what we have what we need look at this there it is there it [ __ ] is we already have firewand upgraded to hellfire let's go [Music] ain't that something huh okay we're gonna do axes as well [Music] got him got him let's go let's go let's go oh my god at level 60 i get more projectiles too as soon as i get more projectiles i automatically start winning okay there we go like you guys are gonna see what's gonna happen all right we're gonna do uh let's do pentagram again my luck is pretty high so i'm probably not going to lose a lot of a lot of experience with pentagram obviously it could happen it's important to keep in mind it could happen are you winning son yes i am i certainly [ __ ] am wait does this create its own little garlic zone oh no it doesn't okay it comes really close though all right let's pick this up this is arcana it's not a big deal all right we want projectile speed [Music] oh [ __ ] are you all ready for this [Music] are you all ready for this slash uh no i don't really think so because i only have axes with slash watch this here we go hellfire is better with low projectile speed is it really healing everybody wants me to go healing all right i'll go healing [Music] i don't think i should go healing by the way i think this is a bad decision just you know what let the record show that i disagreed with this decision i thought chat was wrong okay getting all these i don't want to pick this one up yet i want to try to get more levels that way actually do i have something ready to upgrade yet uh let me see okay i don't want to do pentagram right now like seven all right we need one more what do i have i i can ruin tracer all right let's ruin tracer big dick rune tracer there it is no future for them let's go all right give me one second okay looks like we're good and watch this watch this damage that's fine doesn't matter it's okay yeah totally [ __ ] fine there's no way i'm already winning this chart there's no way okay all right let's see here all right let's go tom okay good and over here pick that up pentagram obviously okay pentagram deleted everything on the screen all right that was really really not what i wanted to have happen okay all right let's do bracer again oh my god it doesn't matter it doesn't matter we're just getting up yep i don't care i've got to level it up anyway i've got i've got to level it up anyway it's not a big deal he's not a very lucky boy axe dude i know i know i know i know we're gonna get axes soon okay we're only 12 minutes in we're already big [ __ ] on this level don't worry about it okay armor look at this it's no big deal guys it's really no big deal look at that pentagram again easy easy easy look at this stupid-ass [ __ ] look at this stupid ass [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here watch watch what i get here watch i get here wait what wait did i oh did i make a mistake god i think i meant with that because i i think i think shut up i'm just doing this to make it harder because i know how easy it is because i'm doing so much damage look at this all right all right candle collaborator man oh i get one of these too okay candle collaborator again i'm lucky dude this dog is broken well how powerful is he [Music] he's this is the most powerful dog or where do it be okay all right at least i'm gonna get my upgrade here all right let's go come on kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it okay candle collaborator okay big dick chest here big dick chest [Music] uh oh oh ready jesus big money big money big money oh my god oh my god i still have two i still have two evolutions this isn't even my final form this is the most powerful dog of all time just a minute run against the wall in a close face okay oh my god i'm [ __ ] on it i'm actually [ __ ] oh it's medusa look at that i'm even letting her hit me and it doesn't even matter oh my god oh my god dude this is [Music] is there on a run i don't know man it's not yeah all right there we go there's my uh there's my evolv pentagram so now all i need is oh oh oh oh i can't i can't stop i can't stop holy [ __ ] it's just not fair it's just not it's just not fair look at this i and like again this even this is not even my final form you guys understand that right yeah i'm level 100 before 16 minutes actually make sure i get all of them so i'm actually 100 there we go look at this absolutely [ __ ] disgusting whenever i hit lightning too i hate lightning too i win stand behind the table no that's too much it's too much i'll do that whenever i get to a higher level did you cheat on garlic i couldn't use garlic here it wouldn't even matter yes on the right oh i didn't see it okay let me clear this first there it is man it's just oh my god oh oh what's this what's this thunder loop oh man oh man damn dude penta isn't even erasing anything pentagram is only for the last like three minutes of the game that's it but i think it's that important because it's useful even when they can't even get on the screen like this is hyper which i [ __ ] 50 percent purse everything they can't even get on the screen look at this give me those levels i'm level 112. did i kill the reaper yet no i haven't i don't know how to kill the reaper now apparently the strategy is you play with the level two character the level one character and you get rune tracer and you just stand on top of it that's it yeah it got changed reaper's dead now i don't know if i can handle the reaper my reaper is very powerful oh my god and the fireballs too look at these fireballs that's a [ __ ] way to go go with toasty oh look at that that's a bad boy let's see if he's going to come over to me oh oh oh oh oh oh faith face gentleman's face oh oh look at that get him off my [ __ ] screen [ __ ] get the [ __ ] off my screen thank you love hades uh i already beat it i did i loved it it was an incredible game yep already beat it there we go look at that good root for 600k uh yeah it's uh six hundred thousand times your weather bro they can't even they can't even show up on the screen like this is crazy almost 120 on uh minutes 118. guys i just look i'm not almost 120 bruce i am it's just that easy that's the way it goes you just play the game man go take a nap yeah yeah i'm getting a little bit tired of winning you know like whenever these axes so what should my last arcana be should my last arcana be a um like i i feel like i should go during i should go um like i do crit do i do big dick crit is it speed or crit uh what's this here projectile speed's amazing people said not to go that i'm gonna go speed all right yeah we're gonna go speed okay actually i won't do that right see here good speed can work but it helps but it helps axes but not hellfire okay yeah i'll figure it out i don't think it really matters i i'm just i'm just playing the game guys that's all i'm doing i'm just playing oh oh look it's el gabolino oh oh oh no oh no it's el goblino god i hope he doesn't attack me geez that'd be so bad if he attacked me wait a second i'm doing so much damage oh hands off the keyboard by the way oh can't get me oh he got one bite on me uh oh here comes pentagram oh never mind he's dead already damn look at that look mom no hands i know elk [ __ ] gallagher's got an upgrade yeah apparently look at this damn damn damn look at this damage 200 level 200 dogs that's right it just they can't even they can't even show up on the screen like they're not allowed i don't want to look at them i know it's great isn't it watch that let's see that guy right there he's gone i'll take that off later i don't feel like doing it right now i can't get i'll do it right now i might as well right might as well there it is oh oh there it is all right projectile speed here we're going projectile speed [Music] okay big dick man this look at that really so just cleaning everything down hey i don't even know what's happening they're not even on the screen today this is just normal look at these things they try to attack me it doesn't matter that's how powerful mr dog is mr dog is beyond all all mortal comprehension he exists in a plane of uh he exists on a plane of existence beyond other normal items a normal uh i feel like mr dog actually might be as good as the ball set i don't know the ball sack is pretty good but mr dog is really good oh what's this more levels for me wow let's go ahead and get some more [ __ ] let's get some more of these right here yeah we'll get this here there we go nice that's great okay that was good i just want to make sure i had that sweet garbage can here oh yeah i'll turn it down a little bit too you're right so are they even gonna be able to get on the screen like there's another chest watch this i didn't even need to use pentagram yet [Music] that's great oh we got luck let's go ahead and get luck here damn dude damn look at that bro at least we're not watching pixels yeah this is one of the good things that the projectile build is it kills everything before it even goes on the screen wow [Music] damn level 142 with only 23 minutes in like i feel like this is the easiest 200 of my life who is this is the hard part right where a bunch of these guys come in it's like oh man like this is so dangerous like i might die or like you know some [ __ ] look at this you don't even have to move yeah that's why i pick up pentagram you guys understand that now right like i'm not picking up pentagram because it's really good i just because i can be lazy and i don't have to pick anything up watch as soon as dracula comes out we're just going to kill him because pentagram is gonna happen about whenever dracula spawns it's just gonna delete them here we do go they can't do [ __ ] oh it's a little bit off timing that's fine it's not a big deal it's my cdr anyway um cdr cooldown 45 ain't that something damn damn look at that dude oh here we go here comes dracula there he is oh he getting [ __ ] on i'll be getting [ __ ] on he doesn't even know what to do he doesn't even know what to do look at that oh i'm taking damage does it matter no absolutely [ __ ] not dracula's strong i thought it killed him look at that i haven't killed him did they buff dracula holy [ __ ] look how many health he has he does he can't get god [Music] yes he did yeah he's got a lot of [ __ ] health man okay we got him good that was crazy it's pretty sure based on your level oh so my level is so much higher that dracula took longer well that makes sense yeah of course yeah it actually makes a lot of sense makes no sense yeah true but it does make sense look at this they're gonna come and give me that they actually think they're gonna come and get i don't [ __ ] think so oh oh here we go here we go damn ain't that something huh guys i ain't got just a little bit of something i actually think i'm gonna hit uh i'm gonna hit 200 here it's not talking about real [ __ ] yeah i know isn't it something strong this is my first time ever playing this character too which is what's so crazy about it dracula's immune against a lot of things yeah it seems like he's buffed though like i'll be honest he seems much stronger than he was before isn't there like a big medusa just supposed to spawn no i guess not that's fine maybe she's already dead oh what's this oh wow they're getting really close uh oh guys oh no would it be a shame oh she's already dead yeah she's dead all right let's go pick that up real quick and go get that real quick now there we go free money obviously we want to go for that and we'll come right back down here and there we go perfect okay we're in the right position again see this is totally normal gameplay like a lot of these red boys like i'm telling you big levels happen in the last two minutes big levels just wait and see just wait to see gentlemen you'll find out because i also have crown too which is going to give me even more levels oh there's another medusa oh i hope i hope pentagram doesn't just accidentally delete or that would be crazy huh there we go all right pick that up there there we go and another one of the uh the bags of money [Music] all right 28. okay okay oh i don't know if i'm gonna get two of them or not i'm a little bit worried i won't 175 i don't think i'm gonna get two i could actually get [ __ ] here run against the corner okay fine okay running against corner big ships big shifts boys big shits big shits actually wait shouldn't i go over here yeah this is better okay good okay big shifts come on huge damage come on pentagram come on pentagram you need to happen right now you need to happen right now mr pentagram come on right now right now yes i'm gonna get it i'm actually gonna get it all right 200 200 come on please take me a 200. no shot i was not anywhere near that wait wait he can't get me he can't get me i'm winning yes i'm doing it no way no [ __ ] way come on mr dog what i i'm actually winning okay let's see all right here comes the second one this is what i'm worried about maybe the second one is going to kill me we'll see how this goes okay second reaper okay let's see what happens if i res again i'm not gonna i'm not gonna stress out let's rush again okay um let's see here all right rez again okay i can't get there i don't think i can get there man i only have one more res this is my last rest no no i can't get there oh my god i thought i was gonna have it you need [ __ ] lancet i know oh it's just it's not impossible it's not it's impossible to kill him it's not impossible to kill him it's just gonna take 50 hours that's all yeah it only takes 50 hours to kill him that's it 26 000 for that holy [ __ ] that's a lot of [ __ ] money so i've got to get more of these too oh my god unlocks which one which unlocks when i have in green acres i thought i [ __ ] did that melissa who the [ __ ] is melis say what is this so i have almost every single one oh my god but like i actually almost completely popped off gennaro imelda and arca the bonus stages okay i see i just didn't understand that all right guys i'm gonna call it for today bro like what the [ __ ] dude oh my god i feel like tomorrow if i play this tomorrow i am going to go i'm gonna go for the reaper kill tomorrow is the day that i go for the reaper kill arca it said right that's arca weapon cd cool down reduced by every 10 levels okay all right let's do it and let's see go with this i always go with that do my lease i gotta do all of them i mean should it really matter i just leveled up all three they only take me a couple minutes real quick i'll heal up over time uh let's go duplicator [Music] i feel like i probably should not have gone away um let's do skull skulls i never i never lose or die uh let's do uh whitening ring right now uh yeah let's see lightning ring right now i'll just get the other drone as my last slot and then reset and whitening ring again [Music] i have the revival perks no i'm not stressed out about it uh let's go crown it really sucks like my car looks like i haven't gotten any good levels on garlic if i had okay i'll do uh let's do fireworks here okay uh let's just do crown i'll do skull later gotta get the gun the green boys are pretty dangerous so we got to watch out for them uh let's do room tracer another projectile but that seems pretty good might as well just yo actors thanks offered 20 subs and three pillows thanks to 10. thanks a lot guys i appreciate it sorry i wasn't paying attention but thank you very much what is this uh let's do um i think we just do room trace right now is there a tome on map no there's not okay so we don't need to go spinach and we don't need to go hollow hard i shouldn't have even gone skull i i wish i had known that i mean i should have known pay attention [Music] ah i gotta start playing a little more because i already burned two deaths this is really bad i'm really hoping to get that other gun man i need to i'm getting like really [ __ ] up uh [Music] it's actually huge okay good i just i can't die again yeah i think i might be actually i'd okay garlic again oh i didn't upgrade a weapon [ __ ] um this is really bad it's actually like really really really bad i don't really know what to do here i'd really like to get some food that's what i'm kind of doing okay we got this that's good um right and so i need empty tome and tiragisu that's right isn't it yeah i go tome i just want to make sure yeah all right let's do that and we'll do this one yeah it was a mistake to go garwood i shouldn't have done that i'll make sure i've got an upgrade yeah okay i've got room tracer and hellfire okay good rune tracer is good i'm a little bit worried about the werewolves but okay and we'll do uh we'll do this one here this will actually be another upgrade oh [ __ ] it's not i have to wait for another one okay uh i kind of feel like i should go i should go with healing like i'm just i'm already uh i'm already getting okay the next chest i get will be really good for me though uh we just need to get to really i guess that's the main thing three pillow thanks a lot for the uh 11 subs thanks a lot thank you very much um uh i think we go garlic again that's so dumb yeah it's so dumb it's like the garlic it's just i got really unlucky there like i i did i i just got super unlucky and i just got [ __ ] like i don't know what really what else to say there skull made them too strong yeah it's like i kind of i i like it wasn't enough that i made like one mistake i i i made them i made the mistake of going garlic and then not only that i it is what it is who cares okay i'll go [Music] you gotta commit to garlic mid game i feel like i will it wasn't that it was also that i didn't get a lot of upgrades to garlic in the in the middle game right and so like not only was it uh not only was it bad in that circumstance but also like my damage was bad even with garlic because i only got one upgrade for it you see what i mean so it was a lot it was like worse than it would normally be in that situation bro i got eight ads yeah i gotta talk to twitch about that i'll figure it out sorry guys [Music] uh armor we're just gonna go full projectiles pretty much i really just need to get some of these levels bro like i really really do it could be like i could be doing so many more damage but it's just like i'm just getting [ __ ] in the ass like this is an ass [ __ ] simulator right now i don't know why i'm getting so unlucky this is crazy okay uh let's do firewand yeah no it is it's an ass [ __ ] simulator i'm not wrong but you know i'm telling the truth oops okay and we'll do room tracer again i think room tracer is one of the best uh best weapons in the game [Music] just i i don't really like firewood okay uh whitening ring and we'll do uh doesn't matter yes characters so bad oh my god okay um this one there we go that's big dick for me that's actually a huge dick for me holy [ __ ] okay all right um we're gonna do uh whitening i think we do we do fire one for now i was kind of lucky oh i didn't kill that thing that's actually unlucky okay um we'll do i think i'm gonna go uh maybe i should do axes like i don't know maybe i'll do axes i think i do acts yeah let's do axe [Music] i'm not doing pentagram yet but i will do pentagram duplicator obviously yeah i just really had a i had a bad run last time that was crazy it wasn't really bad until i had the uh i'm just gonna get fire one leveled all the way up i think that's the best option right now just because like that those like last points of damage really make a huge difference here's what it is okay do i have any upgrades yet uh no i need to get one more point of firewand this is where you see this should be where i level like i should be getting huge levels here but i'm just not okay let's pick this up all right this is good for me wait i thought wait why wait i'm so confused why did i not get my level oh it's because i don't finish um that's a really that's really bad uh did that happen i didn't know that it was a huge mistake where's my room um no future nope it's not it's a piece of [ __ ] that i don't [ __ ] need okay great and uh let's see here we're gonna go with um i don't know what we should do like i'm probably just gonna get healing uh let's do let's do empty tome and we'll do and we'll do crown and whitening ring again and ah [ __ ] man like i just i'm not getting what i need man these runs are dog [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] is this such horseshit to be fair though this is way better than what i had before so i'll take it okay there we go that's a big dick for me that's actually big difference okay now let's go back over where is it it's over this way um um okay [Music] do i do candle here i think maybe i do candle right like what do you guys think w candle yeah let's do candle [Music] probably need this pretty soon maybe i should just re-roll no i'm just gonna take this for now okay so i knew i had to get there [Music] this will make a big difference versus spanish axe again okay come on candle oh my god i don't need this should be okay okay um let's go with uh okay let's get the other spinach i still don't even have the other gun man [Music] this is some real [ __ ] [ __ ] no chess no no yet okay uh let's pick up sparrow sparrow um i think armor will do crown and armor again uh re-roll armor and and i think we do crown i'm just gonna wait here that's actually really good for me too okay uh candle again okay this should be okay uh i don't know what i should go with i think i'm gonna go with projectile speed let's go with that dude i still haven't even got my other item oh i have another box where is it now jesus christ this is such a [ __ ] disaster what did i get okay uh upgraded axes that's good i'm just not even gonna die i'm not even gonna try for good i didn't even see it go inside garden not yet [Music] [Music] okay spinach that's great i shouldn't have really done that i i really can't like uh skip oh my oh my god where is it [Music] dude finally okay we got it i'm literally the last one okay all right all right we're in the game holy [ __ ] that was [Music] one more one more okay big dick big dick guns guns and money it's america [ __ ] let's go there's another show actually oh it's gonna delete the chest i'm actually not even gonna hit actually [Music] okay jesus okay all right i hit 99 that that's all my stuff bro like that level was a real [ __ ] ass like i'm telling you that was uh that was a [ __ ] ass level man oh my god wow at least we got it though that's what matters okay let me see here i'm gonna close this i got that done i'm just happy i got that can reaper be killed yeah it can be but it's just hard to kill it man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 561,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 2EdUXuIi8KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 31sec (7171 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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