Asking 30 Michael Jordan Teammates Their Thoughts on The TRUE MJ (FROM EACH SEASON).

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I wonder if these guys ever get tired of talking about MJ lol. They're expected to talk about him like he's god

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/moneyman2222 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2023 🗫︎ replies

Man that Stacey King story is too good

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SwampFlowers 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2023 🗫︎ replies
asking 30 of Michael Jordan's teammates their thoughts on the true MJ this video looks at every single season of MJ's career and two of Jordan's teammates from those years will talk about Jordan in that season with the name of Michael Jordan you will find some teammates that have positive things to say about him and others who have not so nice things to say about him but that is the way that Jordan was and that is why he's not only one of the greatest basketball players but one of the greatest athletes to ever grace this Earth this video took me a while to edit and put all together so I'd really appreciate if you guys could help me out by hitting that like button subscribing if you are new hit that notification so you're up to date when a new video is released and I don't want to keep you guys waiting so I really hope you enjoy the video you talked about unfortunately missing out on those championship years but I think even more fascinating for us is understanding what Michael was like coming in as a rookie in those early years with the bulls what did you see that you felt like was part of what made Michael Jordan who he is [Music] [Applause] knew it from day one it's just any other rookie coming out of college it was very respectful of Elders coaches anybody in Authority position he was just a a rookie coming in and ready to to learn and and earn his position in the league he didn't come in with an attitude or feel that he was better than anybody else my first five years with Michael there we had won a championship yet so in some ways it was a different environment but I think as a person deep down he was the same person did he talk trash to you Mike was he a respectful guy to the big man yeah I I had he never said anything uh bad towards me I always uh you know got an alarm with him well and uh you know he just he was just very very intense the thing that you remember about Michael was that every second whether it was practice or a game he was all out they traded him for George Gervin who was the highest paid Bull on that team I started with Dr J and I finished with Michael that's pretty good well yeah both don't was playing so hard man I mean in practice and in the game the most competitive person and just went he gave everything every second once he crossed that line he was he was a man he loved the practice he came at you in practice uh we took him out I mean we physically beat the hell out of him and he took it uh and he but he did some things in practice that were amazing uh he just he really worked hard in practice he sort of games for him were pretty much easier than practices were you know so but we ate a lot of McDonald's back then mja McDonald's for every morning for breakfast every morning ate McDonald's if it works right and before game he eat the steak before every game a steak oh steak before everything damn that's Heaven's boss probably get more cool because we were somewhere and MJ and the guy got into it like I mean it was like it was real messy so it was about a bill so once you pick the checkup [ __ ] you get a check too [ __ ] that you pick it up so they went out into that so it was like a lot of attention so they they almost got in a fight and I'm like man I like you know man y'all need to cut it out this or that man you know like you get a check you gonna leave before me so it was a lot of that and you know they got all them guys out of there and took two or three years but then he got to start running the team his way and you see what happened in the early years Michael had a very difficult time just an extraordinary Talent it's going an awful lot of points well it was pretty obvious that Michael was turning into just a special individual he demands Perfection probably the toughest thing about working with Michael is he's a workaholic he never stops so from the morning until late at night he's he's motivated to always be challenged and be the best and he carries that throughout his whole his whole staff I mean I saw the best defenders league is shredded shred it this kid here was the greatest and I'm including Kareem in his Heyday I'm including I call Wilderness tail in I said he's the greatest right I said can't you tell from these highlights I said can't you can't you just see he was shredding people like it was nobody's business right uh one time I can recall me and BJ sitting on the bench and we're sitting on the end our chairs and Michael gets a move Baseline the defender is here that's out of bounds MJ is facing him here and somehow he was able to go around plan here get here and go up and dunk the basketball so for me some of the stuff that he would do would be almost superhuman from a standpoint that how can you make a pivot when he would turn so sharp you would see his shoe almost come off literally where he would turn the corner on the Baseline and you would see this happened and The Next Movement was a powerful thrust enough to dunk on somebody that's incredible to me I just don't understand how he did that night after night and then how intense he was at practice the next day was it just bushler and like Steve Kerr was he just beating up the little white boys let's be honest no he he'd be up a big white boy will Purdue got will Perdue here on the Rich Eisen show you fought him right you you had a fight with Jordan in a practice correct yeah I hate to tell the story but you know will and I still good friends well you got beat up by Michael Jordan it's cool what happened what happened you know uh you know typical feel you know running this play so we kept running this one play where I was setting screens on him got pretty good shots as they said in the day I was laying some wood and will set a legal pick on MJ MJ said well don't do it again one time I hit him pretty hard he bounced up off the floor and he said listen you do that again I'm gonna punch you he was a little more colorful language so as soon as that happened Johnny Bach who was the assistant coach to set up our defensive schemes immediately yelled run it again all right feels run it again so naturally ran it two more times [ __ ] pick so I thought to myself hey man if I'm gonna get punched by this guy which I still didn't think he was going to do it I'm going to make sure I get my money's worth so I made sure it was in a legal screen I don't think I ever stopped I just ran right through him knocked his ass to the ground he got up and immediately just turned around and hauled off and swung at me and boom let him up let him up it was over but again it wasn't like it turned into a debacle you know once I realized what happened I kind of tried started to step towards him Eddie Neely who was on the team at the time grabbed you from behind and just kind of said oh big boy that's probably not a good idea and then the other thing was we just you know settled down continued to practice it wasn't like they separated practice and oh that's it we're done you guys got to go in a room and hash it out we just kept practicing that stuff happened a lot more than people think but it was refreshing when we played games on those Bulls teams because of how competitive and how hard we went at it to practice will Purdue here on the Rich Eisen show did you have to have that environment you think in order to win as much as you did I mean is is that was it necessary that type of atmosphere wouldn't work now and maybe it wouldn't because people are different personalities are different egos are different but the one thing I can always say is people are like oh he was a tyrant I never looked at it that way I thought he was a guy that was trying to motivate his teammates you had to adapt to his style MJ had this philosophy I'm the best and no one is going to tell me that I'm not the best and that's that being that having that competitive spirit Michael Jordan was a Score first second and third he was a phenomenal phenomenal finisher of the game and what I mean by that is Michael Jordan stopped playing the game he stopped having to facilitate he didn't have to do all those things he just finished the game he finished it he was I think the game's greatest finisher because he had no weakness in his game so I was just my moment was watching him play 35-40 minutes and then come to practice with the same energy yeah and you're like wait a minute now this isn't normal now and maybe not much sleep no Rex is being kind with no sleep okay his true gift Rex as Rex knows his true gift which we don't want to say what Rex can put in a car he could explain I'm just gonna say that that's true his true gift if the man he would have slept we don't know how good he really would have been you didn't see the best of Michael Jordan because he didn't sleep for what 14 years okay literally literally okay I'm not like this isn't like a little sleep he literally didn't sleep I've never seen a guy practice this hard and that's what we should be showing the kids because we're just showing them the games when the lights are on this guy would if it I've never seen someone this competitive and it's always on I mean who goes out and you're up 20 and you're still playing the game if the score was tied but he did that you ready when I was in college you know I was a big Michael Jordan fan [Applause] [Music] poster of Michael Jordan on my wall so when I would go to the game I would actually rub the poster you know one time sometimes twice if I wanted to have a really really good game and I'd go out and score 30 40. and so I always attributed touching MJ's poster brought me luck so then how ironic I get drafted by the Bulls so my first game come in I felt like I didn't need the poster anymore because you know I got Michael Jordan next to me now I remember going out getting ready to go shoot Michael was um had his shirt off he's had his North Carolina shorts on so he's in the middle of getting dressed you know which is kind of awkward if you think about this story I'm going to tell you I start to walk out and I go hey you know what I used to touch his poster I think I'm gonna touch him what luck with that that'll be really awesome because I get to touch the real guy now and that'll bring you luck so I walk over to MJ he's you know his shirt's off he's got his back turned to him he's in his North Carolina shorts he's getting dressed and I walk over and I rub him twice huh now that I look back on it was kind of awkward so he looks at me he's like what are you doing he said oh man I used to I used to touch your poster when I was in college man you should bring me luck he said get away from me dude don't be doing that I'm like and then I and I didn't think it was weird at the time but then I looked back I said oh yeah that might have been a little bit crossing the line but after that I didn't have to touch him or he said don't ever touch me again I'm on your team so I'm not gonna go but your mind tells you you know it's it's a mind thing you got to believe in something scrimmaging and it was a it was a timeout uh and Michael walked over to me said the bottom of going to Stacy King I'm gonna steal it go down and dunk I'm like yeah okay all right so we go back on the court ball went down a couple of times then I looked at Michael did like this give him the face the next play the ball went into Stacy King he spun middle and he came back Baseline Michael stole it went down and dunked it and did like this to me but it was like he's one of those guys who who's played the game in his mind several times over and over it's like he's been there before and you know uh I always say you know playing with Michael it's like he's in a Time Warp that he's just come back time travel come back and play the game to go back forward to play some more to come back to play some more uh show you guys you know this is what I know he knew he knew every play that was going to happen before it was played I read something where Michael Jordan kept telling you he's going to get you a ring yeah can you explain that a little bit yeah you know one of the one of the our drills in warm-ups of practice with three-person shooting drills everybody does three-person shooting drills all right I'm thrown in with Michael and Scotty right and these two are going at each other every day and here I am so I become a Target every now and then but I can shoot Stephen so I could hold my own when the on the final tally went down at the end of practice you know who who made the most if you will uh but I could hold my own and Michael had a good sense of his teammate so that's where I was sitting and not playing but Michael he put his arm around you and say hang in there man hang in there I'm gonna get you a ring because I was the only one on that team I was the only one in that building that was not a part of a championship team it is a tough situation you know the world champions and to be traded and luckily I got some time early with some injuries and just try to do the best I can how do you cope with playing behind Michael Jordan I love it it's the greatest job in the world you know you come in for him and relieve him a little bit he comes in a little pre-person rotation with Scottie Pippen and it's worked out well so far John Paxson gave me the best bit of advice he said here's one bit of advice I'll give you when you're in the game with Michael and he drives the lane and he hits you with that pass and gives you that look he said don't miss I'm like why is that he said you'll never get it back so um lo and behold Stephen the uh end of the first quarter I'm in there and uh right corner and gives you that look and uh thank goodness it went in Swish and uh everybody on the bench was happy Michael was like yeah man way to go so you're kind of in at that point Bobby's stepping in and playing well you know um hoping that he can come in and do exactly what he's doing you know some hard tough defense and knock down jump shots whenever you need to and uh he's he's picking up the offense pretty quickly so uh you know he's really been a great addition for us that was the best advice I ever got on the triangle offense was when when MJ gives you the ball don't miss you know was he a great player on the floor yes was he this great leader off the court no he's not that real image that is being depicted right now now he was not a nice guy I mean he was he was that guy that was so motivated every day and everything that we did um if you didn't come to work you were going to have problems with Michael Jordan in a way that he would let you know he's got a problem with you whether he was going to attack you verbally or he was going to get after you on the court physically um there was no in between foreign competitor Michael was and they asked was he really that hard on players and yeah he was because he wanted to win and he was pushing us but I don't think people that don't play sports they don't understand that that's kind of the way a lot most locker rooms were were now Michael took it to a different level and brought it up but the kid was saying and the pushing of each other and trying to make each other better and poking fun at each other was going on in every locker room I've been in uh going back to high school but Michael brought it to a different level because he wanted to win and he was making us all feel the pressure and practice so that in the games it would be easy for us and we would be prepared to go out there and he was also testing us to find out if we were good enough to be there was times where Mike would get pissed off at Luke he'll say oh Luke wasn't nice and Luke wasn't that so I I might invest in I might have met I pushed him challenged him in certain situations where I felt like yo look you just you're not you're not doing what we expect you to do it was a mindset that I felt like Luke had to learn and I think he did learn and I'll say well you know Maya might not be true you don't have to love a bloke to be on his team to care about him to play basketball together I didn't love NJ I thought NJ was difficult and unnecessarily harsh on his teammates and probably on himself and I think you know I just didn't enjoy being around him that much and that was cool what's cool the MJ it's cool with me at the end of the day we found a way to respect each other on the court and to to coexist and that was cool [Music] you know he wasn't the easiest teammate to play with in fact he's probably the hardest team man I've ever played but it was really productive because because he was able to raise the level of of our competitiveness but also our confidence because every practice day almost felt harder than games you know because you had to deal with him Michael was so dominant not only on the court but in the locker room you know and and so everybody shot more a sense of we're going to win because we have Michael so there's a comfort level with his confidence and his uh his dominance is is sort of um King of the the hill mentality so you you went into every game like yeah he's you know he's on our side but you went into every practice like I better better not get on his bad side you know and and so it was an interesting combination um he raised the level of every practice so dramatically everything mattered to him every shooting drill like he was so competitive and so and we used to scrimmage a lot more back then than we do today uh most most practice days we would scrimmage at some point and those scrimmages were they were battles and when I got to the Bulls that first day of practice I was like what are they doing this at a lot of people say oh MJ he's tough on his teammate he's this dude Never Ever Raised a voice at me yeah the only thing he did was Randy you're not doing your job today like I said the kids people saw what they saw on TNT they didn't see the two hours that he put in in practice dude this dude practice man which was surprising to me I don't care what it was it can be zero zero to do just he just brought it who averages 35 points in the season right right this dude this dude man and and a lot of kids don't they don't they only saw the finished product right with the tongue out they never saw what this did this dude did in practice right let's do a practice anyone are they big they live he practiced and if you didn't practice you're gonna hear from him and I want you to tell me this story that you told me about Michael Jordan when you and Michael Jordan kind of came to you know kind of little differences about your opinion about how how the game was played when you played with Chicago with Michael Jordan yeah um reporter called the confrontation came about uh fear was alternating players you know 17 on the first team first team on the second team and so I started we was scrimmaging we played like six games of uh going to Five Points and so after the first two games Phil put me with the second unit where where I always played with you know my boys we proceeded to kick their butts like four straight games and uh Michael took offense to it so I asked him how did he like that ass whooping we just put on and he took offense to it because clearly no one ever ever man Neptune and I challenge him so he said that he's gonna say that if if I wasn't careful he's gonna kick my ass and I told him like I'm not at all you I played from the bad fellas there walking to court they know he's looking at me like I had slapped his mother I love that story then you went even further and I think you talked about one of the rookies came over you and said man I can't believe you talked to Michael like that and with all due respect that he has got in and then it's Rodney you know uh you don't remember hanging from the Raptor you guys left his name hanging from the Raptor not to mentioned I played with some Hall of Fame Hall of Famers after being all him I I rent my case story because Michael was in with me he challenged his teammates and as you know uh Larry was our leader but Larry led by example Michael he all left in your face talking trash you know he might get a short ride back to you what did you do when you wanted to get under Michael's skin Croatian because he didn't understand oh that was that was the only that was the only way well but we we all understood that that he is so competitive that he's going to bring anything and everything um and uh I I think we accepted that thing do you think that Michael Jordan would be as successful without you no but I don't think I would be successful without him I think we both complimented each other in a lot of different ways and we kind of competed and pushed each other to be great Michael was the greatest one-on-one player in the game and if he played in today's era where the game is more open more spacing I mean his his numbers would just go off the roof you know he I mean I played with the guy pretty much his whole career so I know that the guy goes in the game thinking 50. he was a great score but a lot of things that he did uh was based on uh him as an individual and I think basketball is a team game he just had that mentality of just like had that drive Michael is the greatest player ever you know Mike has been injured one time he never has to sit out he never asked me anything but only he asked for respect and money if Michael played in this era Your Average 50. we have his 50 points being 40 years old playing back-to-backs he played 82 games yeah 82. the crazy part about it he would never sit out of practice Michael Jordan at 40 practice every single day Doug Collins had to you know try to kick him off the floor he wouldn't leave like Doug Collins was like Mike man no like he wanted to play in practice every single day he's 40 years old like it's still everyday first one there always called The Breakfast Club you're always getting his lifted yeah but like he won to practice every day and play 82 games at 40. like when we came in the league that was a badge of honor to play 82 games yeah like that's a badge of honor and let's man do it at 40 years old on one leg like come on man tell my dedication to the game like it don't get no better than that Michael has never brought me to tears did he upset me a lot yeah I mean he's a competitor that's what I think it's a lot of much to do about nothing so many people want to make up stories about Michael Jordan that he could have been the greatest guy in the world to me they still would have made up something like seeing Michael Jordan someone we all idolize everybody I don't care what you say everybody idolize Michael Jordan for me Michael Jordan was it was a killer it didn't matter he wanted to come in and kill you in my mind as far as just a straight killer killer mentality is Michael Jordan I know that last shot that Jordan had in the playoffs when when it won the game and you guys lost to the you know to them in the finals it was kind of controversial a lot of people thought that he pushed off you and now here you are his teammate trying to help him get one more title kind of ironic nah kind of uh pretty good you know why I have somebody that worked their hardest against you against you why not having with you right was he integral in bringing you to the Wizards yeah yeah he was it was his decision kind of controversial a lot of people thought you pushed off of them you know that was a controversial call from your perspective but referees called the right call you know so I mean it's good to have those guys I mean you know I think I believe in his skills you know and that's what I went for I didn't go for the sentimental you know value of him no I went for his skills and uh you know that's that's how I viewed it and let me know what you thought about this video down below in the comment section what did you think about MJ and some of the comments his teammates had to make about him if you enjoyed the video I'd really appreciate if you guys could hit that like button let's aim for 5 000 likes to the next episode be sure to hit that subscribe button and here are two new videos I think you might also enjoy take care foreign
Channel: Nick Smith NBA
Views: 504,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Jordan stories, Michael Jordan story, funniest Michael Jordan stories, best Michael Jordan stories, nick smith nba Michael Jordan story, the best Michael Jordan stories, Michael Jordan greatest stories, the last dance, Michael Jordan last dance, Michael Jordan funny moments, Michael Jordan best moments, Michael Jordan greatest plays, the best Michael Jordan trash talking stories, Michael Jordan trash talk, nba trash talking stories, nba legends on Michael Jordan, mj nba
Id: 9GG-veu3mDs
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Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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