[FULL] Dennis Rodman & Scottie Pippen on MJ, the Bulls' dynasty, the Pistons rivalry & KD | The Jump

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i'm rachel nichols alongside you know six-time champion Scottie Pippen's Hall of Famer and star of our latest ESPN films 34:30 rodman for better or worse mr. Dennis Robin well you got to show off why you're wearing this Jersey can you stand up for a minute representing the USA I'm part of this I saw you just do an interview and press for this thirty four thirty you said you think the best one-two punch in basketball ever from the beginning to up to including now was this man and Michael oh man come on they see the videos of these guys man the last 20 years I mean Scott it got getting praised absolutely no matter what you know they didn't want to talk about the the first year that we pretty much hooked up I think was at 88 and I guess is the champion yeah and the one thing that came out and said well Scott is nothing into way yes migraine headaches cold like I don't even think about that you know you plan too much défis on his ass just our turn to thought to be the dominant force in the NBA but once these guys got on the roll yeah they kicked our ass pretty much well look if you can't beat him you don't know and that's really special for me I love that the two of you were here together it's really nice for me too I was a college intern at the Chicago sun-times I was 19 years old when I first met these guys during that second three-peat and Dennis and I were talking in the green room before the show these guys talked to me like I was a real person not just a 19 year old girl and all of that and the respect you guys showed me helped me feel like this was a job I could do so it meant so much to me to have you guys together here it always mean so much to me to have scotty here with us to be able to revive and talk about some of those old times which we're gonna do throughout this show it's gonna be so much fun buckle up stay with us coming up we're also going to talk a little general MBA because I'm gonna ask Gotti and Dennis about their reaction to telling wsj magazine that some days he hates the circus of the NBA I can tell you about circus when these guys are going around in 98 but we'll talk about that first though let's go back to the film Rodman for better or worse which debuts tonight on ESPN 9:00 o'clock eastern set every alarm you have because this is so good Dennis what motivated you to tell this story through the vision of director Todd Kappa Stasi and the voice of Jamie Foxx I thought people knew a lot about me of course of the years and stuff like that there's more than just doctor business more the show people that I'm just not entertained I'm just not as when they call me back the circus clown or just a cartoon more than that I'm more than like a individual that was pretty much gonna have any very motivation to be to be in certain situations I think that sport as gave me Avenue to to show people that I am something different in being you know homeless been living in the projects I had a purpose in life and I think people gonna see in the beginning that there was no purpose and dance then you start to progress things start to happen for me a lot of things thought to happen after or certain things that took place but this document is so different than any documentary for sports it's gonna touch a lot of people especially with their generation generally said today mm-hmm this won't touch a lot of people yeah I mean there's so much you learn in this documentary of value you touch on being homeless I didn't know that you were homeless for two years after junior college right before right so this was 19 years old that kind of thing your mama kicked you out of the house you were living on the street with a garbage bag oh yeah and they didn't know your father I knew that you hadn't noticed I've seen those days back in Arkansas yes you know I followed in his career and I think he was one of the guys to kind of help motivate me coming from a small school and knowing that I can make it to the NBA he came out of southeast Oklahoma great rebounder and I followed him and realized then that I had an opportunity to play at the next level just because of his hard work and his hunger and his journey that he had been through yeah absolutely and it's funny to see that journey go through the bad boys once we see you in this documentary because the bad boys to us were like oh he fit in great with the bad boys but I want to know how the guy I then saw at the beginning of this documentary who was shy right who didn't have anything how did you fit in with the bad boy pistons I think this guy really fitted in with the bad boys is because he was a winner he was a leader and his basketball IQ is off the charts and I had an opportunity to experience that playing alongside him everyone knows that you know he was you know a part of a great team but they didn't realize how great or rebounder Dennis was when he was with the bad boys his individual skills never really stood out but you know when he was able to come and join us with the Chicago Bulls we not only got the greatest rebound a long time but we got a basketball player that had a very high basketball IQ and he knew how to win it wasn't about just the leaders in Detroit but they had a great piece here a guy that was hungry and wanted to be known at the end of the day as we know now he just casually dropped that greatest rebounder of all time you know he calls you the groats good I do want to show a clip from the film which talks about the mentality of the bad boys and how they treated opposing players like oh I don't know Scottie Pippen as unique as Dennis Rodman's playing style was for the NBA in the late eighties in Detroit a one of a kind mentality one that would eventually give them the label the bad boys define what the Pistons were all about in the air we were about disruption emotionally psychologically physically but the main thing that we want to do was really crush and destroy you mentally I think that I should put fear in a lot of people's eyes fact they do gonna get pretty much you know the bad boys was a moniker to a lot of guys on the Pistons to Dennis Rodman it was real [Applause] it may have been a reflection from when he was younger and he got bullied around and he could now go on the court and be that tough guy [Applause] everything about that very insulated us against the world mentality that the Pistons had as we say I'd tell the kids today Scottie can you tell the kids today just how vicious it was on the court between the bad boys and that Chicago Bulls team in the early years because you see little Clips here I don't think people who weren't watching basketball fan really get what it was like no it was a different game I mean we see today's game in the relationships of how these players have grown together and came up in the grassroots of basketball where I was the the players that played in the you know in the late 90s and on back there were no relationships really and we didn't have any love on the basketball court we hadn't passed each other nowhere in our career maybe in college but it was never that line of a communication to build a relationship unless a guy was your teammate so the the rivalries back then they were they were real and they were in there were no love on the basketball court you had to know that basketball was you were being challenged in every way in the basketball game physically mentally all that was a huge part of the game it wasn't just about being able to shoot the basketball but it was about being able to take a lot and give a lot the environment on the court between you guys especially between you got what was it like when you guys were going against each other on and walking off the court - that was never-ending conversation I can tell you that it was a love-hate relationship but it was one of those things what we was coming up and I'm an Eastern Conference and I'm mango was to try to be Boston wouldn't pay a Chicago lean in attention yeah but little did we know the more he was getting the more every day was getting so they was right behind us but once we got past Boston you notice that here comes a cog Oh Bulls they got Scotty that was a missing link pretty much too with Michael Jordan but it was just our time at a particular time is forth 1998 1990 but I think they figured out what better to join born hit some weights got the mental aspect of the game down pay and figure how we don't really try to come and attack them but they've had something else up their sleeves besides them you know we could play mental games and I'm gonna play the quick game we're gonna play addy dad your game was played a smooth game they play it all of it and we know what a hand on that what was the mental back and forth between you guys on the court what was the mental warfare well you have Bill Laimbeer yeah Rick Mahorn and you had pretty much those two guys who pretty much same enforcers well I was pretty much the guy out there just antagonize the hell out of you just go out to Nick picked you the whole time you're not doing this he's not doing it but I picked up the mentality as for us like okay great and we came beat him let's beat him no I mean they didn't do too much talking I mean to to look back at that time it was really about the Detroit Pistons really dominated us mentally physically we were able to catch up but it was a mental aspect that we had to kind of get over to be able to get knocked to the floor and take it like a man and get up and you know knock your free-throws down but understand that we can play that same game on the other end don't give up in the lay up to protect our paint because that's what winning basketball was like back in the late eighties and going to the you didn't give up lay up so those those eighty point games were what were real and those points were earned not given yeah and when you did finally beat them and the Pistons are walking off for not saying there's no congratulation it wasn't fun it wasn't fun they beat ours you know and we put our tails between our legs and we had no choice but to look down and say you know what you got us and in front of home people of all places you never put lose at home dismissive rival like Chicago did you realize in that moment that that was what it felt like for them no no that teams pride was so high right and they didn't think that they could be defeated they felt like that their style of play was gonna run a lot longer than it did but to be honest they knocked down all the dominoes for us yes they were our biggest challenge they knocked us out a lot of times but the Boston Celtics was really a team that you know they didn't really stand in that way because you know it was about the Pistons and if you were able to beat the Pistons you pretty much got a championship you certainly did you got you got three then but then you got some more with this guy in coming up or take a very quick break but Scotty's gonna tell us in the next segment what it was like inside the Bulls locker room when they found out oh one of those bad boys they're joining your team what do you remember about feeling from that time like I said I came from Oklahoma and I was like in a type of family environment coming from the projects I went to Oklahoma for three years it was more like family oriented and I got close with the wife and I was living with no one were to Detroit myself Joe Dumars and Chuck Davis this embedded no to me I said you know what this is about a family we want to win we gotta stick together way I'd do this together well do that and I said a comment that the fact that we were so damn close we should be having sex [Laughter] the doctor bitchin but it's like okay you know what I mean and and it's like when you heard that what Chuck Daly that really hurt me a lot because he really lacks it was more like a father figure three any MBA well this was hearsay so we'd heard saw earlier in the documentary we talked about it just a few minutes ago you didn't the first time you met your father was in the late 90s Chuck Daly was a father figure to you you went to Christmas at his house I mean that's so it's funny John Salley says there oh he didn't know it was a business I'm gonna say this it is a business but it's also not a business right they asked you guys to spill blood for each other on that point every night right so don't know about that when that stuff breaks up it feels like you're getting abandoned kind of all over again I can see how all of that happened and then you find out about going to Chicago and I got to play this clip also because this one talks about joining Scotty's balls and how that news was received inside of the Chicago rocker room to make a look the scores today traded the controversial Rodman to the Chicago Bulls 20 championship uni pieces and I was that piece they won it was just a match made in heaven right Dennis Rodman got ready for Chicago's training camp by revealing yet another new look entering the 1995-96 season the stakes were massively high for Dennis Rodman even after playing nine NBA seasons he was nearly broke between taxes and living and an ex-wife and a daughter he rented a nice house but he had nothing saved up and also his reputation around league had gotten to the point that he was radioactive Dennis realized that in his own way he had a straight now and he had a place seriously or else his career was over Phil should you get into a situation where he starts rebelling how will you deal with that no idea I just love Phil from day one I've always told philosophy damage you realize something who's living in the 70s together we're being Woodstock's just smoking enough balls had this unique ability of leadership but Jordan and Pippen and Phil Jackson of all teams we can probably absorb this lunatic more than anybody else Dennis idolized Michael Jordan almost like a fan he wanted Michael's funny Wow I respected Michael so much why did that part dennis is lying to you about Dennis Rodman loves Michael Jordan's dirty when he did come right and you see a lot even just in that one minute of a film we saw right and about everything that preceded him his reputation he was social media before social media all that stuff how comfortable were you with Dennis says having Dennis as a teammate didn't take a little bit it was a tough sale I definitely can say I wasn't overly excited to get him but it didn't take me long to say yes I knew what Dennis brought to the table we just felt like that and I personally felt like that field could help any situation field was always a father figure for his players help guide him on and off the court and I felt like he would be a great fit for Dennis and it it was a match made in heaven as Dennis stated we needed something that he could bring to the table and he brought a lot more to the table than we bargained for so it was off it was a blessing in disguise for us you put it with a lot though good or bad right right better for uh it was uh was there anything you put them through that you're like I can't believe I did that well yes yes they did I did so but it was 2002 how money and coming together as a team can solve a lot of things but we never really discussed like those three years we were together we're never going to discuss all the what was going on outside of basketball we never discussed on the court was going on outside of basketball about our daily lives but once we got on the court it was a whole different ball game you never discuss what was going on in Las Vegas some of those stories where it was let you would tell us things and you're like you can't print that rich felt okay then I'd like write all this stuff in my little notebook and then be like that's what it's fine though Scott has never heard me say this but I'm gonna say it to him while on national TV around the world Scottie Pippen it's probably the innovator of the power point for hi I love magic I love bird I love Drexler I love all these guys but I want the world to know just got right here smooth I mean this guy I mean six nine Kevin Durant kiss his ass six nine six ten all you guys see the Cobra Scotty and please bow down to him cuz he revolutionized that deposition in the NBA and I mean you tomorrow one on two two on one stuff like that one to die Michael him is Michael the quickest got one two right here ever you've never heard me say this because I've seen a lot of videos of Scottie do I mean saves them a break want to bowl I mean quick well I want a break I will tell you this getting to work with Scottie now that there are so many of today's NBA players who when I say oh we're gonna come do like a special show at training camp or we're gonna do whatever the first request is the kid could Scottie come can you bring Scottie cuz there was honestly him and tracy mcgrady are the two players that we I hear the most either I am elated my game after Tracy which is a different style or I emulated my game after Scotty and we have we have two different kinds of guys who say that but that is the thing I hear the most and you're absolutely right and I want to get a little bit more into playing together the championship yours your integration into the Bulls Michael Jordan a little bit because we saw a clip earlier in the show with that and look again from being just even a young pup covering you guys I used to tell people their teammates and their brothers out on the court but it took a lot of work to get there and I always saying people think that leaders today are like oh LeBron James is hard on his teammates or whatever and I always say right but mom Michael Jordan punched Steve Kirk in the face during a practice right how demanding was MJ on you as a teammate not too much okay I do because I go a lot you know man Mike it's gotta be really not hang out too much during this season yeah I think that was more like the loner in the group but these guys had a special bond they were with each other for six seven years beginning before I got there and it was it was fun to watch those two guys really interact with each other I mean really they play against each other in practice at home playing cars or doing anything that has something to do a physical test and now when I watched them in practice and in the games man sometimes I sit back and watch and I'm looking at you know there's people there's they're so gracious on the court and sometimes I have to do the kid some time look at these guys and I'm like the one used to used to kick their ass you know throw him on the floor bunch of my stuff like that now playing with these guys so I praised him even more when I was with these guys but and I said those days what they actually pretty much saved my life pretty much Scotty I've done so much for me in Chicago from sometimes when I was doing my crazy stuff back home and I had to come back and they threw me back in and get my focus back on on a game at hand but they did a lot for me that's Chicago they asked him opening doors for me and their hearts so in the city too you know what I I think it was great for us that worked out two ways we realized that Dennis was looking forward to rejuvenate in his career and it was important for us to get back to being the championship team so we all needed and wanted the same thing at the end but what Dennis really brought to us as a team was his leadership in his heart work oh you had to work stuff out between you guys and you know I asked you oh how hard was MJ on you but you guys were all hard on each other in different ways and you you've tested them with how much that they would accept right not tested him but I don't think they realized that I was doing those things off the court as much as I was we did was living two different lives someone would tell us like they just got back in from Vegas but about having sex with him social media right to our face quick definitely it was good I think I think the stars of their line I think God brought us together for a reason and it's funny to Scott I could say something like this before is that we never really talked off the court the only time we really actually talked off the core is like we go to a restaurant and we didn't realize this but we formed a triangle in a restaurant interact with each other we had extra angle going right 7:8 a restaurant you know but but I guess I would never take those days back in well this thing gets to how they ended right and look you saw a little bit of in the clip right if management hadn't decided this is Phil's last year which sounds insane every time I say it out loud and therefore you guys decided well we don't want to do it without Phil how much longer could the dynasty have gone on I had no say-so I'm next kind of Helen landscape of the NBA if it had been you and Phil and MJ and Dennis how many more championships could you have won I would probably say at least two okay I would say at least two I would I would love to had challenged ourselves to a point to where someone could defeat us the teams that were giving us the most trouble Utah Jazz means more in the finals they were just as older than us which gives me the sense that he probably could've ran a couple three more more years in terms of teams that we could beat on the west coast right and also there was a lockout right which lets you rest your old tired bones that's it it makes me mad because that's kind of my can we rewind time because we had lists for 50 games we had legs for 50 games my god my life who Jimmy Krause or I don't know whatever you know I think we all knew going into that last season that that was the end so no one really screwed it up oh he's gonna be screwed up at the end and we just have to accept that I just know what your record was in 98 that season so I'm thinking about what your record would have been in a lockout-shortened season father 15 oh and it's funny this kind of ties into something that's very much in the news today right now because Kevin Durant did an interview with wsj magazine and there was a lot to sort through there but what caught my eye in terms of you two being on set today was his comments about playing with the Warriors which is the team that people have said is oh are they the greatest team since your Bulls team some people as Scotty knows tried to say oh they were the greatest team period more than your bulls a team and he was talking about his tenure in Golden State two titles two Finals MVPs but the quote wsj magazine was it didn't feel as great as it could have been he said I came in there wanting to be part of a group wanting to be part of a family and definitely felt accepted he said but I'll never be one of those guys as time went on I started to realize I'm just different it's not a bad thing just my circumstances and how I came up in the league and on top of that the media always made it KD and the Warriors so nobody could get full acceptance of me there Dennis it was just so parallel to me to you you came in and joined a dynasty in progress do you understand how KD felt and why he wanted to leave and sort of break that up or does it not not register with you when you compare your experience I think the mentality of a players today are totally different in that we had back in on like the 90s and early 2000 I think it's very selfish of KD seriously you know I don't care if he's listening it's not I don't really care well I think the fact that when you got the opportunity to play this game especially at a high high level especially when you have it this easy this easy to go out and perform to make 40 45 million dollars to a year and literally know how to play a season I'm gonna preciate this game I just don't understand I don't understand why he would even come on and say something like that I mean embrace it because in Detroit I didn't want to leave the chore I work at San Antonio I bust my ass I won't rebound talents Tara didn't care who was there I just want to win left her didn't turn out too well went to Chicago Wow embrace I bust my ass laundry by the titles there in three different teams and I enjoyed it I didn't care who was the leader I didn't care who was like who was the leading force who was doing this this I just wanted to be a part of it I want to win I want to bring the impact to the cities for people to be happy I didn't care about play for a dollar fifty cents I don't care I just want to win for the city and for the players and that's all I wanted but I think players are they do do not have the the ability to understand what this game is all about and fidelity for their families and for the community and I wish they can always remember it's not always about the money it's about are you happy but that's I mean look on the flip side that's what Kevin has been saying katie has been saying look this game is more than just titles and money I need to be happy in my life and you of all people I would think would understand wanting to go for a new challenge right be creative absolutely I don't know the thing that the thing that I thought is interesting is there's some quotes in there about like you know he says like he hates the circus of the NBA and kind of everything around it and again it just made me think and we saw in that clip the circus around you guys how would you compare the circus around you to say what the Warriors were and Scotty you were right up you were at those Finals games like what what what would you compare it to apples and oranges or is it kind of the same I think it was a little different back in Michael Jordan Dennis Robbins Scottie Pippen era I I think it was a different type of fan base I think that we had created a different era in the game at that time but I understand what Kevin is saying but I also want to let him know that this is a part of our business this is why he's making all that money because we've been able to globalize the game through our players not just what they do in the basketball court but you know using digital stuff of them talking and traveling abroad to help promote our game so it's part of our package to help sell our game because that helps our salaries grow so I don't get what he's saying especially with a player that's been in the league as long as he has if he said that two three years into the league then I kind of get it but you established player your MVP so you weren't fighting the media when you were getting those votes for MVP because had he said some of those things back then believe me he would not be in the MVP today well look following what goes on with the game currently I know as part of what you do but you haven't taken the path Scottie has you haven't taken the path that say Steve Kerr has he went into coaching Scotty's gone into broadcasting you've been doing some other things and I'm gonna make Scottie ask this question because you're gonna ask you better than I could go ahead you know we I know you back out in LA now and you've been in South Florida so what are you doing with your time these these days well right now I'm gonna know my good friend Scottie Pippen right now you did some things in North Korea Oh rich come on you ever expect well you were sitting there with him so that's really what I want to know I want to know what's your relationship with with with the dictator over in North Korea and I would love to but Donald Trump a lot allow me I've always said what Kim Jong that he he respected the game of basketball he loves Chicago the Bulls and he loved the fact that like the Scottie and me he loved the fact that how we play the game I was different from the group but he just won he just wanted to be one of the guys on the team pretty much and Michael decided to even want to go and they asked me and for some reason the fact that I thought were just going over to a country well I thought it was going to a country that's cosign autograph and play basketball I didn't know was like that big of a deal but succour no North Korea the same is going to like oh go with Beijing Monica but it turned out pretty well for me just because I got to find and meet someone two people in the world kind of like looked up to and I would come to but for me it was more like a learning experience and seventy years later I'm here you know my good friend right here I mean look it's an experience very few people in the world have ever had or had the opportunity to have and what's so incredible and now you've also got business interests that you're working on doing something you know that you know I'm not behind you know closed doors in you know most of the time but John and actors new product CBD product called nourish nourish crew calm so anyway I want to come no guessing see really for me and stuff like that I'm very healthy it's for your skin or your for their pain everything yeah but especially it helps you sleep you have to sleep and stuff like that I recommend in number II am help nothing so is he did but isn't good product so up and and eternal things all over - right you're promoting this documentary come in a lease so interesting opportunities absolutely that's so anyway so breath has discarded his son yeah what's cool is you going through now Vanderbilt Washington State there's so much fun to sit around and talk about all times and it's just I know it's a special for everyone out there as for us at the jump so thank you guys both for going down there really appreciate it thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content subscribe to ESPN Plus
Channel: ESPN Archive
Views: 333,567
Rating: 4.8275008 out of 5
Keywords: espn, #espn, nba, nba espn, dennis rodman, rodman, dennis rodman espn, dennis rodman the jump, scottie pippen, pippen, scottie pippen the jump, scottie pippen espn, the jump, michael jordan, mj, jordan, bulls, chicago bulls, the jump espn
Id: cSL7KTAhytk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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