Asking The 30 GREATEST NBA Players Their Thoughts on Michael Jordan

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welcome to a new episode in the 23 par collection this is 23 Michael Jordan videos in 23 days today we have a very interesting one I was watching a video the other week and it was Jimmy hirola's pyramid of NBA grades I thought to myself what do all these NBA greats think of Michael Jordan who is the greatest it got me thinking and I produced this video with all the plays that you see on screen and their thoughts on Michael Jordan this video took a while to edit so I really hope you do enjoy it I would really appreciate if you guys could hit that like button subscribe if you are new and hit that notification button so you're notified when a new episode releases there's a playlist on the top right of your screen that has all the MJ videos that we've done so far in the collection and in the description box down below and all the footage that is used in this video is also featured on the screen and in the description box as well so be sure to check them out in their entireties I don't want to keep you guys waiting so I hope you guys enjoy the video from time to time we've heard Michael's own thoughts on his exploits but now we'd like to get the viewpoints of some of the all-time greats of the NBA thank you a hot topic of conversation always in the media is a legacy right player's Legacy you're having a great season you're having one of the best post seasons ever 13 games with at least 30 points and um some are comparing you to to Michael Jordan and saying how this could really positively affect your legacy right his legacy as it's portrayed by the media important to you um I mean I've never been you know one of those guys that you know growing up in high school getting all the media and the college media so I'm really think my legacy is going to ever reach the potentials of Michael Jordan and I know you said before you can't predict the future yes but uh Michael Jordan had four straight 40-point games against the suns in the NBA finals I'm not in Michael is that in Jeopardy I'm not I'm not Michael Jordan uh four 40 points in a stray two four in a row yeah no I'm not Michael Jordan if there was one year of weakness people thought was the week was Michael Jordan was his outside shooting and Michael uh he went One Step Beyond he even proved his three-point shoot me and and now he's a pretty proficient shooting from the three-point line he just it's just impossible to defend him I've never seen anyone turn into a jump stop split their defense he just seems to find holes in the defense I've seen anyone like I think Chuck beta said to me he's a choice can I talk to you a second I see you Chuck anything he says you're the second best basketball player in the world I said who bad me he says I'm up right there I said you're right about that I I I says but thank you and I said and I've said many times that's the best compliment I've ever gotten from somebody listen Michael's the best I've ever seen I played against Michael a lot we came to the NBA together so I played against him I was in anybody for 16 years I think he played 12 or 13 retired early and blah blah blah but when I got to Phoenix I told those guys the first day I said guys we're going to the finals we're going to play that mother from Chicago I said I'm sick of people telling me he's betting me I just didn't have no help in Philly yeah and I said we're going to play them for in a championship and we got there and they beat it and that was the first time I ever said in my life damn I think there's somebody better than me at basketball that's the first time in your life in my whole life but when Chuck gave me that compliment it meant a great deal to me Jordan is still Pike ropes the sideline all the way Michael Jordan I want to go say hi to Michael right I go for shake his hand he said I'm gonna dunk on you big fella and I was thinking what what you got if you even come close to the basket but I'm gonna take you out of the air he's like nope I've dunked on all the other Big Fellas you know that was kind of about welcome to the NBA [Music] I have great respect for my Michael and I I think we're friends I mean at least for my part we're friends and I don't just want to sit there and go mine Michael you're wonderful I I mean even though I feel that way yeah he is uh and it just isn't it isn't my way you only stroke a guy so much yeah yeah it's it's he's a great player anybody that asks me I'll tell him he's he's in that maybe the top player of all time I mean I I hold him in that kind of regard but it doesn't mean I need to sit around there and uh tell them about it I'll tell everybody about it all the time well I've been taking him for seven years behind the curtaining practice so uh it was kind of tough because I didn't I didn't want him to embarrass me out on the court but you know Mike is one of the greatest players ever played the game and it's it's tough to shut him down and I realized that throughout my career I had a lot of fun with him and I really appreciate him on the other hand I think the fans could really appreciate the great enthusiasms that Michael has brought to the game of basketball and inspection to Chicago Stadium the thing that amazes me about Michael Jordan and about I think the rest of the players in the league is his stamina and his endurance the thing that I wasn't able to do the thing that magic wasn't able to do we Risa came to injuries uh we didn't have the type of stamina the type of energy level that Michael seems to possess every single night whether he's playing against the worst team in the league or the best team in the league he has an energy level that's unmatched by any other player or any other athlete that I've seen in professional sports his energy level is so so much greater than ours it seems that night in night out he's there performing at a level that we frankly just weren't able to reach and that's why he's there tonight uh healthy and trying a three-peat in Magic and Ice that came the injury High Praise that's for sure Isaiah I'll come from a Jordan Arrow I am biased and I'm going to be a bias to the day I pass away Michael Jordan will be Michael always loved you I love you even more no it would be my goal but that doesn't mean I'm not taking anything away from LeBron LeBron is amazing but Michael Jordan is my goal I play basketball because of Michael Jordan what Jordan has done the blueprint that he has laid is incredible and it's amazing and I'm thankful for it because I'm able to take a little bit of that and go do my own thing it was 97 we was in Minnesota and flip had switched and put me on Michael Jordan one of the greatest probably ever touch the ball and we was on the right side of court and I counted his dribbles I was able to catch his his dribbles you know one two come back cross over he crossed it back over one two when he crossed back over I stole it give me this very next play down we go down scored the very next play they caught a very next play this is this is no sauce I counted the dribbles one two come across when I blinked he was gone I turned around he was dunking the ball giving somebody dapping halfway down the court that fast that's not new Michael Jordan wasn't human I grew up in the 90s that was my era I watched the Bulls all the time you know growing up in the in the 90s Michael Jordan will always be the goat uh always I don't care who comes along I was a huge huge fan and and to put us in that category I would I would never even go near that Michael Jordan used to always say that you was his favorite player and used the one he always looked to when you used to see him play did you see the similarities you know my particular style of play was really rooted in solid fundamental approach to to playing the game and with one uh exception uh when handling the ball uh you know I always would look for daylight you know wherever there was Daylight and sometimes you know there'd only be a little bit of daylight like between two players and find a way to get the ball between there and your body through there in the palm and a ball or you know I'm saying the dunk style and stuff like that did you see the similarities the scene that he's watching you know I would always see daylight and maybe I could see daylight that a lot of other players couldn't see and I see a lot of extraordinary players today Jordan and Drexler and what have you they see daylight where all the players don't see that and it was funny because I I remember he came down and he dumped on like a whole team and then I went down and dumped on his teeth and he was like I could do it again you know I said all right well I want to get one shot at it or you know I made it so right but but it was fun and and you know we those years when we overlapped we kind of I called him before he really hit his stride you know I mean I always liked him and I always felt that he had a lot of respect he had a lot of aberration and you know he was gonna carry the torch yeah and uh he he certainly desired uh to do it did a hell of a job yeah did a hell of a job yeah you obviously got to play against Michael a lot on the court what what was it about him that made him so special determination man to win and be great you know you could see it in you know I remember back when Mike's first year in Pros you know he's just a great guy man you know he got the attitude for be a great guy determination and a pride you know to be great so when I say the name Michael Jordan what comes to mind Michael Jordan Michael Jordan well like what else I need to say I was playing uh Chicago in Salt Lake they switched and put John Stockton on it and he turned around and dunked on stalker so some guy got up and almost followed him down the sidelines hey Jordan pick on somebody your own size next time down the floor he dunk on male turkey and we're overlooked at the guy said was he big enough who was your favorite five over the years over the history I mean over the total NBA yeah that's all the NBA from when you played to now who was your favorite fighter not your top five but just your favorite fire well I'm gonna say uh Jordan you know it's difficult in different ages but not to say this guy was better than this player without that player yeah [Music] you know I I think it's great for the fans to say the players of the this age are greater than anything else never played which is all right I really like Michael Jordan and he and I are friendly this guy has done more spectacular thing than any basketball player I've ever seen I agree I mean that that's that's Jerry that is saying a lot I agree he just stands apart from every player I've ever seen that that speaks volumes and the thing that people don't realize is some of the stuff he could do I don't think there's any flaw in this case game he's the best defensive player in the league in my opinion he's the best competitor in the league in my opinion he's by far the best offensive player in my opinion he's the best clutch player in the game he's got the whole package and his skill level on top of that enormous physical package really sets him apart from the other players he was the best defensive player in the league absolutely he was the best offensive player right and his athleticism he was in Carolina and they were running I forget 100 or 40 yard dice he ran of something spectacular time well and one of the coaches said something to him differently and he said oh I can do better than that he went out at two tenths of a second faster wow the legend of Michael Jordan just get told every single day you know it's a Michael Jordan story again being told by somebody on Earth right now you know he was the standard he was what you strapped to be as a basketball player to you know have so many stories and just know what he brought to the game and know how much he changed the game and then to have him walk in and just to see that informed it's just like it was just it was captivating you know he's just a polarizing figure he's built himself up to that point and it's like he's almost 60 years old and we still view him as the best player in basketball you know so um he went on a historic run that'll never be matched by anybody in the sport but to see how he led by example every night was the same you know he dominated and that was simply that's just simply the best leadership quality is to go out there and play a game as hard as you can play to win and play at that Elite level you know and he was at that masterful level of you know just his skills for the game his IQ for the game and just in his athleticism it all combined at once in major stuff you know god-level player in my opinion I love MJ that's my guy how many times he been there six six how many times six I mean everybody love MJ as a fan is somebody who just love you know like creativity competition especially in in the way that you play the game you could impact the game on both ends of the floor and you always I'm sure you always felt like that was time for you to flip a switch and get things back under control uh he's obviously he's the goat what if we could send Michael Jordan uh back to playing uh basketball with you in your Prime Michael Jordan is one of those rare specimens that could have played at any particular time and as a gift that uh gifted athlete who was using those gifts uh in basketball incredibly so I've been watching we'll give you a couple talks soon man all right what is going on in that conversation well I just went over to say hello to a man uh I was like everybody else I'm in all he been the liaison between uh something that's not so good and making it great for all the rest I think that almost every man in the NBA should give him 10 of their checks see I have watched him a lot and I know what a great player he is but I've never really um know had a liking form I was there for a [ __ ] I was never a Jordan fan just that just didn't uh didn't Vibe with me listen Jordan was the greatest in my opinion is he the best to ever played the game oh yeah oh yeah all the [ __ ] you see on your poster like he's doing it in real life like he came by me so fast sometime I was like oh [ __ ] Mike yes I was terrified and it dropped you know with Michael Jordan in that drop I'm very very happy that I played that era because that was a golden era of basketball your laughing smile was just like he did in and shoot around with me his smile hug what's up my boy yeah yeah he trying to soften you up he gonna kill you see then he gonna smile and laugh with you after the game see Michael is like that that's why you almost can't beat him the only thing I can see that's a weakness to Michael Jordan is the fact that if he shows up and he just don't want to play and then only score 30 and start a 50. Michael Jordan 's exciting basketball player to ever play we we only dream about doing things that he can do and that's what made him Michael Jordan one similarity I guess there are many but one that strikes me between you and Michael Jordan Larry is that Killer Instinct totally ruthless on the court you had that and Michael does too Plus off a nice Bob comparing me Michael Jordan probably the greatest player in the game right now I can tell you some things that happened in the games against us one time I turned I jumped and he still went his knees almost hit me in the chin and that's when I realized that this guy's pretty special uh for his jumping ability but cat quick he closed down a pass Lane as fast as anybody ever seen and just a phenomenal player Dr fairly can go to another level anytime he wants to Michael is a great player and I just try to do the best I could against him this is one thing in watching them play and then there's another thing I'm playing against them he's having a postgraduate course yeah boy accelerated learning this technique was flawless I wanted to make sure my technique was just as close been down to half court and he wanted to know how when I turned around on my jump shot I had to kill the defense I told me you should feel the defense with your legs once you feel the defenses your legs you can take advantage of that was very inspiring that's one of the few guys that I would pay to watch play because he is so talented and uh and so much fun to watch and if they can get some a couple more just good players with him they'll be the championship contenders as soon as he came to the league he started leading the league in scoring and so I knew he could do it and James Worthy said watch this guy he's gonna he's gonna be something and he was absolutely right are you better than Jordan I'm not better than him but I was at least as effective as he was and I'll wear the number because of Mike I think I fell in love with the game because of Mike you know when you're growing up and you're seeing Michael Jordan you it's almost like a god the way that he approached the game the way that he led his troops when he went out on the court and his Never Say Die attitude man was uh was something I always looked up to for my name to come up in a discussion with the greatest basketball player of all time uh it's like it was like wow I did pretty much everything that MJ did when I was a kid I shot fade aways before I should have I'll wear a leg sleeve on my leg and folded it down so you saw the red part I wore black and red shoes with white socks I wore short shorts because you so you can see my undershirts underneath but I did everything Mike did man I wanted to be Mike and uh so for my name to come up in any discussion with Michael Jordan so it's just a wow factor I don't really have nothing to say first of all you're never gonna say who's the greatest of all time to me I think that's that's more for PR and more for selling stories and getting hype it's an unfair parallel it's an unfair choice this is one way you can judge the two how much impact did each change or evolve the game [Music] and I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please help me out by hitting that like button subscribe if you're new and here are two new Michael Jordan videos I think that you'll also enjoy and I will catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Nick Smith NBA
Views: 834,723
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Keywords: Michael Jordan stories, Michael Jordan story, funniest Michael Jordan stories, best Michael Jordan stories, nick smith nba Michael Jordan story, the best Michael Jordan stories, Michael Jordan greatest stories, the last dance, Michael Jordan last dance, Michael Jordan funny moments, Michael Jordan best moments, Michael Jordan greatest plays, the best Michael Jordan trash talking stories, Michael Jordan trash talk, nba trash talking stories, nba legends on Michael Jordan, mj nba
Id: 6RpoA8TirSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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