Ashley McArthur Trial Verdict & Sentencing

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Circuit Quarters reconvened I'm ABC didn't maintain order alright we're back on the record state of Florida versus Ashley MacArthur seventeen cf5 eight for four defendant is present with counsel assistant state attorney as present my understanding is we have a verdict anything from the state anything mr. Barry burrows John burrows it no no okay let me talk to everybody in the audience somebody out there is going to be unhappy I don't know what the verdict is but if there are people here I know there are some family members and friends for MS MacArthur and presume that there are family members and friends for Taylor right and I don't know as I said we're gonna know in five minutes or less what the verdict is but let's talk about your reactions there should not you may not be happy but it's not a complete surprise whatever the verdict is if there is anyone who is going to audibly react then you need to go ahead and quietly step out now you need to assume that it's the verdict you do not want and if you think you would react you need to step out now I do not want this jury who has been as far as I can tell a tremendous juries for his attention and their willingness to serve and being on time to feel any pressure from reactions from people in the crowd not to mention I have the power of contempt over you and that's not my goal today is to hold people and contempt but I do not want you reacting once you hear the verdict if you decide you might be getting emotional then you can quietly get up and quietly leave don't slam any doors don't outburst right outside the door does everybody understand the rules this is very important okay having said that let's bring the jury you have a pen all right and for everybody may have a seat and for the record defendant is present with counsel assistant state attorney is present are you mister know who's my for person who's got me mister okay thank you mister we all able to reach a verdict okay all I want you to do is to hand it to court security okay thank you [Applause] I'm gonna hand it to the clerk to publish in the circuit court and in for Escambia County Florida state of Florida versus Ashley Britt McArthur case number one seven one seven C F zero zero five eight four four a verdict as to the charge in count one we we the jury find the defendant Ashley McArthur guilty of first-degree premeditated murder with a firearm as charged in the indictment so say we all David a false foreperson dated August 30th 2019 do you want the court to pull the jury all right Renee is gonna ask y'all each a question okay this is your individual verdict as well as the verdict of the jury as a whole is your verdict is this your verdict yes it is this your verdict yes miss is this your verdict yes it is is this your verdict yes it is is this your verdict yes and is this your verdict yes it is Isis your burnoose ladies and gentlemen I want to I always think my juries but I've been praising you all week and that sincere I made a big deal on Monday about jury duty being service to your country and it really is y'all came in on Monday thought you might or might not be picked the next thing you know Monday afternoon you're in a five-day trial I appreciate the fact that every day 15 people got here early or on time so we could start on time I appreciate the fact that y'all took notes and paid close attention when I ask you one night if we could stay past 6:00 you were willing to do it so that we could stay on track and I appreciate the careful deliberation you gave to the case so you really have been an outstanding jury and your participation does you credit and we I mean like I said this is civil you know civil service this is serving your country and and it's one of I've said to to most important duties that you can perform in peacetime and we couldn't have done it without you it's been a difficult case and y'all kept a good attitude throughout a couple things and I'm gonna let y'all go jury court security is going to see y'all to your cars this does count as your jury service for at least a year so if we call you or write you and it's been less than a year then you can call back and say you were with me and remind them and you don't have to be here let's talk about some of the right that you have not to talk about the case no one can make you talk about this case or your thoughts and impressions or what you said or anything you're free now to go home and you're free now if you want to talk about the case you can if you want to go to live streaming sites Google anything you're released from all of that that's up to you if you choose that's your choice but no one can make you and if you choose to say nothing that's fine I do always reintroduce the attorneys because I occasionally when I was a practicing attorney would have a juror call me and I found what they had to say helpful if you want to if you should bump into the attorneys somewhere out in public they would never come to you other than they might wave or something but they would never come up to you and try to ask you questions or put you under pressure but if you want to reach out you can Bridget Jenson works for Bill edinger elected state attorney bill Eddie's numbers in the blue pages Barry Barossa works for or is the named person in borough sit in Keene they have a big house on 9th Avenue that's their business John Burroughs at his son I believe is on government Street has his own law firm so if you want to you can at any rate thank you and that's mostly what I can say I told you I felt like you were my people you have been my people and I'm going to get y'all checked out I want y'all to be safe out there keep monitoring the storm if it should come into the Gulf I hope that another day another time in a year or two I might see one or two of you again on another case but for today you are free to go thank you everybody can have a seat miss Jenson any reason we cannot move to sentencing mr. berry porosity okay miss Jenson anything you want to say before I'm posting judge I do have the answer sure if you want to maybe turn the podium and my understanding is we don't have to have a score sheet because there is only one sentence which can be imposed alright man let's start with this raise your right hand for me do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth if so say I do okay Joan Goldstein Huskins Parker and mr. Huskins Parker what was your relationship to Taylor right I was Taylor's aunt and there something you want to say to the court before she was a sentence yes I do want to say that and I know this is that I was there when Taylor came into this world and I'm here today and I just want you to know that our family has lost so much a piece of our tree of life is gone we will never get it back for us is just closing some of the book for the legal but it doesn't close the book for all us myself her father her stepmother my husband my children my grandchildren her son everybody and that um Taylor was taken too early and she was not taken through an act of God or through illness she was taken through human behavior that was very cruel and I could go on but it's just such a tragic story but I wanted to thank you and I'm glad that we came to this decision today all right mr. Barry Barasa do you or Dismas MacArthur want to say anything before impose sentence [Applause] okay I just need all of you to stand and just MacArthur I'm gonna ask you one question raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth if so say I do okay mrs. McArthur I want to make sure that I ask you personally do you want to say anything to the court okay all right then Ashley McArthur have been having been found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury of your peers a first-degree premeditated murder with the firearm I am going to adjudicate you guilty I'm going to sentence you to life with a mandatory minimum 25 years state prison for the firearm that will be with credit for 327 days that will run concurrent with any other sentence that you are serving I assume it's 518 dollar spines and costs are there any other fines and costs and anything else to state other than the 30 days all right and you have 30 days the 518 will be reduced to a lien and you have 30 days to appeal the judgment and sentence of the court if you cannot afford to hire an attorney one will be appointed for you I wish you good luck [Applause] while there are fingerprinting miss McArthur everybody who has remained has been cooperative but as everyone is parting into the hallway please again there's been enough upset and and and tragedy and horrible circumstances don't add to the situation by getting on the hall and getting in some sort of back and forth with somebody on the other side of the case everybody just needs to go their own way and leave it at that ok as soon as I signed the fingerprint card then I'll be done anything else from the state Barry Brasa is there gonna be in her today do we need to do it today we can do it too used to do them I'll have them walk it up to me to use D or bring into court Tuesday in that way the clock starts learning to use deep that's better okay that's what I'll do all right and with all with that all court business is finished you
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 6,466,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ashley McArthur Trial, Ashley McArthur Trial Verdict & Sentencing
Id: MSu-H24Qa34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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