Ashley McArthur Trial Prosecution Closing Argument

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okay miss Jensen anything we I'm gonna give an instruction to the audience but beyond that anything from you mr. Barasa well it was one thing if we got done at noon it was another thing if it was 2:30 and everybody needed to be ready today so I'm glad that may make it more efficient and also like I said important that you all give your best closing arguments so let me talk to the folks in the audience here for the most part ninety-eight percent of the folks have been doing exactly what I've asked you to do but I'm going to remind you one last time there's a lot at stake in this case serious case the attorneys have put enormous effort into this they I gave them the afternoon and evening to work on their closing let's be respectful of that whether it's the person you may be for one side or the other side but let's let the jury hear it without interruption so here's what you can okay here's what you can do again miss Jensen is gonna go first she'll she has a total of an hour and 15 if I was estimating I think she'll take 45 minutes to an hour for her initial and then I'll give a comfort break to the jury and if you want to leave that's a good time to do so then mr. bra sits up and he's saying he thinks he actually is going to need less than that it's the same thing if you have to get up then you must there's no reason there seems to be like a lot of hey how's it going even though there's 98 percent pretty good behavior on this there's a lot of hey what's new house go on or an exchange of something there's no need for this this is not a concert you get up quietly leave and that's the way it is unless you're the media there better not be texting or recording where is miss Britt hey miss Britt is your phone off okay we got that everybody else check your phone I'm gonna double check my phones over here I'm gonna make sure last time I had a closing argument in a murder case my phone went off and I had to make a donation to the favorite charity of that attorney so I'm making sure my phone is also off and it is no reactions that's important you may not like what's being said don't react if you react then you're going to be told that you need to leave and leave quietly so no reactions I really haven't had any issues with miss McArthur so I'm not even addressing but again miss McArthur if you've been fine but again just a reminder for you I'm really more concerned about our audience otherwise you're welcome to be here so no texting no audio recording no no using of the phones or face if you have a pad no commute whispering with each other if you leave leave quietly and no reactions to the arguments I think I've covered everything so with that if we're ready let's bring the jury in completely I can do whatever you want I can do the two and leave that one that gives you some wine [Applause] little closely especially when our skills I'm not concerned about before attacking me I think she likes to be somewhat connected to her computer but she Jody is there play away you can reposition that's better which you want to move your computer and you don't want them to see your computer necessarily but you could flip to the other side I don't know what you do you want to do something I'll just go back you're just going to scoot back closer to me water spawn okay I think that thank you all right we're ready all right everybody may have a seat and for the record the defendant is present with counsel assistant state attorney as present well good morning everybody it's Friday well first I want to start by praising y'all one last time or may not be my last time but 15 people every day this week you have been on time or early I haven't had to wait for anybody I haven't had to look for anybody haven't had to make a phone call thank you all right all week long I've been trying to keep you all relaxed we're at the end now we're gonna be getting down to business I have to ask you my series of questions has anybody done any research on the case has anybody turned on any sort of live streaming TV show to see what they were saying about the case I looked at the News Journal this morning I didn't see anything but has anybody read anything in that sense anybody have anybody sends something to you or talk about the case anybody have anything they need to share with me that would affect their ability to be fair and impartial please tell me no all right both the state and defense have now rested their case the attorneys are going to present their final arguments please or what the attorneys say is not evidence however it is intended to aid you and understanding the case both parties will have equal time but the state is entitled to divide that time between an opening and then a rebuttal final thing before miss Jenson gets up is I told you what we'll do is I will make give you offers and opportunities for a comfort break but we're going to keep those short and keep them so we have the same flow of consciousness and you hear everything in sort of a continuous sequence without much of a break miss Jensen you may perceive I told you in opening statement on Monday that you were going to hear a lot of different information from a lot of different people and the reason that you heard so much is because it's important for you to understand how all these different lives and all these different people and all these different relationships dysfunctional and all how they all kind of overlapped and intertwined and intersected for instance without hearing from Jeff right you would have no evidence of where this $100,000 came from and why not only that but if you didn't hear from Jeff right then you would probably think that he was suspect number one law enforcement did but you heard from him and he know that at the time Taylor went missing he didn't even live in Florida same with Zach McArthur Brandon BD Kyle Britt Audrey Warner and Cassandra these were all people that law enforcement looked into as possibly having some sort of involvement you've heard from them all and obviously they do not it is the state's job to give you everything the good the bad the ugly and you heard some very unflattering information about Taylor right and you may not like some of what you heard about Taylor right but in this trial she is the victim she's been accused of taking money she's been accused of cheating she's been accused of trying cocaine three times but ladies and gentlemen Taylor Wright is not on trial today so let's not forget that she was the 33 year old mother of a child and she was a human being and our laws in the great state of Florida do not classify human beings so her life means no less than anyone elses the state brought some of those ugly things about Taylor right out in my own case through Cassandra Waller and that may have seemed a little bit odd to you but here's why Taylor and Cassandra had a private personal conversation at Ashley MacArthur's home with Ashley MacArthur present and you remember Audrey was there too and Ashley sent her out and Taylor Cassandra had this conversation about how Taylor had been talking to some female in Biloxi and she had tried cocaine and then this defendant after she murdered Taylor right and was being interrogated and questioned by police used that private personal information against Taylor to leave law enforcement on these wild goose chases of where Taylor may be well maybe she's in Biloxi maybe she's in a treatment center maybe she's in Destin not only bad but that's how Ashley McArthur came up with the idea of putting cocaine in her beer because she heard that conversation between Cassandra and Taylor and it's consistent with what those girls from Stix told you the conversation they overheard the day before Taylor went missing Ashley heard that information between Taylor and Cassandra and used it that's why the state brought that information out not to disparage Taylor or demean her or criticize her life Ashley McArthur used every tool she had against Taylor to deflect and distract and take the attention away from her own guilt Taylor was supposed to be her friend Taylor had a key to Ashley MacArthur's home Taylor trusted this defendant with all that money and this woman sat there hour after hour and those interviews are calm cool collected not one ounce of sadness or concern or worry for her friend that was missing she was so forthcoming about all the bad things that Taylor did but you know what she wasn't forthcoming about those deposits of Taylor's money that she made and that property on Brit Road and why because she sat there giggling and laughing and joking with law enforcement on September 7th September 18th she knew that Taylor was out there on Brit Road because that's where she murdered her and that's why she where she tried to cover up her body she avoided all of those questions like the plague at one point she was asked about her cousin Kyle because they had seen his phone number and her phone records and she says oh he's here from Gainesville they said well is he is he staying out on the campus here at UWF and she says oh no he's staying with a friend but I don't know where come on the web of lies that she tried to spin in these interviews with law enforcement all caught up with her in the end because on October 19th the last time she was interviewed police had her phone records police had her bank records and did you see how her body language changed from the first interview to the last interview she knew she was caught and she still tried to kind of weave that web of lies but she ended up getting caught up and tangled in it because at the very end she could not come up with a lie quick enough for Taylor's cellphone using a cell tower in Robertsdale Alabama while this defendant was in Robertsdale at a wedding now I know there were a lot of documents and exhibits entered into evidence over the past week to try to pull it together for you in a timeline so in July of 2017 you know that Taylor withdrew $100,000 from a bank account that she wasn't supposed to when she was going through some issues with her ex-husband two months later ladies and gentlemen two months later Taylor is gone vanished disappeared dead and who was she with trying to get her money back Ashley McArthur this defendant was supposed to be holding Taylor's money not spending it this defendant said in her own statement that Taylor asked her to hold the money now Ashley wanted law enforcement to believe that it was at her house she said initially it had been there a couple days then it went to a couple weeks but you know that's a lie because Taylor had a key to Ashley's house and if all Taylor had to do was go to Ashley's house to get her money she could have done that that's not true this defendant led Taylor to believe that she had a safety deposit box it didn't exist and Taylor was giving her this money in his cashier's check thinking that's where Ashley was putting that money and in the meantime she was blowing it most of it on Brandon BT Taylor needed that money back and that money was gone and the day Taylor was with his defendant to get her money back then Taylor was gone on August 10th Taylor was added to the defendants bank account $34,000 cashier check was deposited by this defendant on August 16th on August 17th $34,000 was transferred by this defendant to a number of bank accounts he have all those bank accounts in evidence from August 29th through to September 7th Taylor is constantly asking this defendant to take her to the bank she's got to get to the bank then you heard on September 7th they met up at Twin Peaks and that was where the conversation was had that Ashley was going to pick two up the next day and they were going to the bank September 8th Ashley MacArthur picked up Taylor from Cassandra's house the last text to Cassandra is on September 8th 11:28 a.m. you have the video surveillance from Tom Thumb the defendant and Taylor we're at the Tom Thumb you never see Taylor but by the defendants own admission they're together she buys two drinks one beer for Taylor one drink for herself then the defendant cell phone is using a tower that covers the brick road farm not Milton Britt Road that is when Taylor Wright is murdered you heard testimony and there's a text in evidence where the defendant made a phone call to her friend and when she did she was winded and it was obviously strange enough that her friend asked her about it so why were you so winded this defendants cell phone is back using towers that are close to the Britt Road farm on September 8th the next morning September 9th this defendants cell phone again using towers out at the BRIT Road farm the afternoon she is at Home Depot buying concrete and potting soil again her cell phone is using towers that cover Britt road after Home Depot then Taylor cell phone and the defendants cell phone are using a tower and Robertsdale Alabama after that Taylor's phone and the defendants cell phones are using a tower that covers this defendants house I know those cell tower records the other day were messy and probably gave you all headaches but basically what they show is the the movement of Ashley's phone and the movement of Taylor's phone September 11th Taylor is missing three days this defendant is depositing a check not for very much it's three hundred fifty two dollars she's depositing a check into her bank account this was the day that Cassandra was aggravated she said she'd had enough she wanted Taylor stuff moved from her driveway in that box truck it was taken to Pensacola automatic amusement where the warehouse is that same day this defendant sent a picture of a Kimber sis ultra to Brandon BT September 14th is when Taylor is reported missing this defendant and Ashley ever excuse me this defendant and Cassandra went through Taylor's car they found those guns the knives the things that were in Taylor's car Ashley sent Cassandra pictures of Taylor's guns I for documentation purposes and then within an hour she's sending them to Brandon beating September 15th through October 2nd Ashley MacArthur's interviewed she's interviewed again October 19th and while they're talking to her and search warrants being executed on the Britt Road property and you know that Taylor's remains were found so look at the evidence you have to go with the timeline you have Taylor's bank records in evidence I know this is really hard to see but you have the hundred thousand dollar deposit on July 12 then she does remember you there's testimony she's moving it all over she's trying to hide it from her ex-husband then she transfers eighty three thousand of it to her savings account on July 18th she withdraws $83,000 on July 18th and who was with her Ashley McArthur Ashley said she was with her at the bank she said Taylor made some commotion was rude whatever again trying to deflect the attention to Taylor but Ashley McArthur was with Taylor on this day and she said that Taylor withdrew $15,000 two days later Taylor goes back deposits 68 sowhat's eighty-three thousand minus 68 thousand fifteen thousand dollars Taylor right gave that $15,000 to ashley MacArthur and who did Ashley MacArthur give it to Brandon BT to buy that boat Taylor also withdrew by cashier's checks to cashier's checks $34,000 you know the one was deposited by this defendant not Taylor signature and she admitted she deposited the other four thirty the other thirty four thousand dollars again on the 25th Taylor took out fifteen thousand dollars in cash and the other 19 thousand dollars was a check and you know that was found at Cassandra's house where'd that fifteen thousand dollars go ladies and gentlemen - Ashley McArthur to hold in the safety deposit box that didn't exist so what does Ashley do with that fifteen thousand dollars same day she pays for the second half of Brandon beedis boat so it's not just the $34,000 cashier's check it's the thirty four thousand dollars plus thirty thousand dollars in cash for Brandon BT's boat and then conveniently while ashley is talking to cassandra leading her on a wild goose chase about where taylor is she conveniently says oh when Taylor left she had these bags and she had about thirty thousand dollars in cash convenient on August 10th Taylor Wright was added to Ashley's purely southern account Ashley's signature excuse me Taylor signature on the temp and ask yourself this question on the 10th when Taylor was added to this bank account if she wanted her cashier's check deposited at that time why wouldn't she deposit it because she didn't she gave that cashiers check to act to Ashley to hold she could added it on the 10th there's the cashier's check there's the deposit slip and again Ashley admitted depositing that then on the 17th the next day after that $34,000 is deposited you have all these records in evidence this is the purely southern account here's the deposit it is immediately transferred until there's only 600 dollars in that account so where does it go this is her daughter's account it's her and her daughter's account and again you have all these records in evidence 20 dollars there $400 there next account this is her Pensacola automatic amusement account two thousand dollars and this is all from the purely southern two thousand dollars nine thousand nine hundred sixty dollars eleven thousand nine hundred sixty dollars to her Pensacola automatic amusement account and it's really hard to see but on the 17th here's the three thousand two hundred and seventy four dollar bill that she tried to pay at Gulf Power for Brandon beanie four sticks returned for insufficient funds there's also see there's a six hundred six hundred thirty dollars and fifty one cent charge to Island Cove Marina which is where Brandon Beatty kept his boat also when those transfers was a $580 73 cent payment to her credit card that has a seven thousand dollar balance $1,390 transferred to a Pensacola automatic amusement credit card with thirteen thousand dollar balance this is the account that she shares with her husband Zach McArthur $17,400 transferred from the purely southern account to her and Zach MacArthur's bank account same day she goes to a branch withdraws eighty three hundred dollars in cash here is the withdrawal slip here's the video surveillance Baga 17th 948 am here's the picture remember brandon bt testified she sent him a picture of this cash you got it in the phone records about 10:00 a.m. 2 hours later she just picked up the bike hope you like it I'm glad you like the bike I hope it's what you wanted and you've seen the pictures of that bike in the phone records and Brandon Beatty confirmed that that was the bike that she purchased for him again from August 29th to September 7th the tailors constantly asking this defendant about going to the bank talking about a safety deposit box that didn't exist this girl is scared she's going to go to jail and is putting pressure on Ashley McArthur to give this money this text is on September 7th and again you know the next day or excuse me later that same day is when they went to Twin Peaks so they met a bit Twin Peaks on the 7th and you heard Cassandra Waller tell you that the the atmosphere between Ashley and Taylor was tense you heard mr. John Burroughs and asked Cassandra she said was Taylor wasn't yelling and Ashley to get her money back you know whatever that line of questioning was but she said that Taylor said why are you making it so difficult for me to get my money September 8th at around 10 a.m. you know that Ashley McArthur went to Cassandra's house to pick up Taylor 11:28 am is the last text to Cassandra 11:53 you have the video surveillance of the defendants at the Tom Thumb buying two drinks September 8th at 12:10 you have those obnoxious cellphone records that are showing that Ashley MacArthur's phone is using a tower out near Britt Road 144 is a tower showing that she is possibly leaving that area and again between that time the time she's out there 12:10 and 144 when she leaves that is the time that Taylor is murdered Ashley's back out at the Britt Road farm 2:45 333 the cell tower records appear to show that she's leading the area 357 Cass texts the defendant and asked about Taylor because she still has not heard from her Ashley calls Cass from Pensacola but says they're in Milton and 7:38 casts texts the defendant again about Taylor because she still had not heard from her and again the evidence you know that that morning Cassandra said Taylor left she was in a t-shirt shorts flip-flops and she always wore this necklace you have the last text that Cassandra recognized as coming from Taylor the other two that she got didn't are the the other one that she got later on she said it absolutely did not sound like Taylor and if you look back and I'll have it in this in the PowerPoint but if you look at these texts on September 8th Cassandra would send texts to Taylor and Taylor would respond after this text at 11:28 a.m. there is nothing for 8 hours you have Ashley at the Tom Thumb again by two drinks now this is when Taylor excuse me when Ashley was confronted with the cellphone records and she finally acknowledges that she was out there with Taylor after all these hours and hours of conversations she's confronted with her cell phone records and now she says yes Taylor and I were out there you have in the cell phone records the tower or the the maps that were put into evidence she's using a cell tower near the BRIT Road farm at 12:10 p.m. you've seen the pictures of the farm this is a huge it's a huge piece of property 23 acres obviously you've seen the mobile home on the property the barn the defense wanted to put in a bunch of pictures and ask witnesses questions about well if you're sitting on the front porch shouldn't you be able to see that area well of course you can of course you can but can you see a body that is back there on the other side of the fence line of course not this is a crime scene technician standing by the barn taking a picture and you cannot see this is a closer up she's on the other side of the fence line taking a picture looks like a bunch of dirt and rock obviously you know that that was Taylor that was found out there interesting part you also have an evidence in miss McArthur cellphone records exhibit 139 on September 8th there is her activity her steps and distance and from 921 a.m. to 11:00 11:00 a.m. approximately two hours she has 664 steps then between 11:00 46th and 1153 when should we know she's at the Tom Thumb 83 steps when she leaves the Tom Thumb we now know she was Everett rode with Taylor and she's out there for approximately an hour and a half and at that time 2141 steps what is she doing out there she is murdering Taylor right and she is moving her body you also have in this time frame Audrey her friend her closest friend at the time texting her or messaging her 1 o'clock are you ok this is when Ashley is out at the BRIT Road farm she doesn't respond so Audrey a few minutes later says Ashley Ashley responds says yes ma'am Audrey says what is going on Ashley says nothing Audrey says why were you winded when you called me I picked up a saddle did she pick up a saddle or was she moving a body moving a body at 144 p.m. on the 8th her cell phone records show her leaving the brick road farmed area and let me say this to you heard the testimony of audrey between 144 we have the phone records that show ashley leaving that area 245 she's headed back in between that time remember Audrey went to work at 2 o'clock that day and Audrey said that after she'd been at work for a little bit this defendant came by she was in Zach's truck and she was by herself she was fidgety she didn't stay very long and remember according to Ashley McArthur Taylor was with her all day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. until she got this uber Audrey says she shows up and she remembers this day because she had account for her whereabouts she got the Verizon receipt she knew she was at work so she remembers this day this defendant came by and Zach's truck stayed for a few minutes was fidgety said that she had been out at the farm doing some work and that she was headed back by herself [Applause] just going back out there around 2:45 around to 333 league in the area 352 caste sent that text to Ashley are you guys okay Taylor hasn't replied to me in hours can you ask her to call me this defendant then called Ashley and said we're in Milton Taylor's on a horse everything is fine I'll have her call you when she gets off the horse not anywhere in there near Milton ladies and gentlemen and then at 7:30 8:00 still not having heard from Taylor she texted Ashley MacArthur again she said Ashley I'm sorry this isn't okay and then Ashley called her and then gave her that story about how they'd after they left Milton they went to Ashley's house and then Taylor said she was going to have a drink and then she went inside and she came out and Taylor was gone the next morning she is out back at the BRIT Road farm and actually this has seven 22s or her cellphone records the GPS records show her out there at a 7-eleven am how many times in her conversations with law enforcement did she say I am NOT a morning person I am NOT a morning person I am a late night person she's out there at 7 11 a.m. on September 9th and you have the text messages between her and her cousin Kyle she texted him at 8:34 and said are you awake and he said yes ma'am been up since 7:30 she said okay I'm here he said no you're not because he couldn't believe that she was out there that early but the interesting part is she had been out there over an hour before she texted him so what is she doing she's making sure the body is concealed before she goes to Home Depot later the afternoon she leaves around 9:00 12:00 a.m. at 1:07 she's buying the concrete at Home Depot again from 107 at the Home Depot she doesn't go back to her house to build this flowerbed she's not paving some sidewalk she goes back to the BRIT Road farm 159 she's still at the farm 239 she's at the pool room 544 her cell phone is pinging and Robertsdale Alabama 553 Taylor cell phone is pane in Alabama 710 the victims son called Taylor's phone at old 811 the defendants phone was using a tower near her house and at 817 Taylor's phone was using a tower near the defendants house it's her third trip to the farm remember this place that she never goes to according to law enforcement or that she told law enforcement see the GPS records shows she was actually out there 7-eleven idling for two hours you've got the video surveillance of her at the Tom Thumb buying the concrete without mixing without mixing she's not out there stirring a pot all she's got to do is throw it down it's gonna set rains here all the time along soil the potting mix it's got these little white little things in there and then she's back out at the BRIT red farm again you've got her steps and activity for the 9th between 10:16 a.m. and 12:30 1:00 p.m. so about 2 hours and 15 minutes on the 9th 805 steps from Home Depot at 1:07 to the time she's out there at Brit Road she has 2385 steps what's she doing she's covering up Taylor's body she leaves at 159 this is obviously a very close-up picture something you're not going to see from far away there's the concrete substance and the miracle-gro the little white things in it again look how this this is so close up these people that are out there that the defense wants to talk to you about that are mowing yards and weed eating and cutting grass they're not gonna see that she did a pretty good job we know after that she stops by the pool room she sends Brandon the text why is Chelsea's truck at the full room she had just dropped something off to Audrey you have the cellphone records that show this defendants phone using a tower 554 p.m. Taylor's call or excuse me cellphone good to call it 553 nine minutes later using the exact same tower Taylor son Drake called at 7:10 p.m. the phone is headed back into Pensacola who else is headed back into Pensacola remember her husband said she left the wedding early because she got a phone call something about a jukebox she's coming back into Pensacola so his Taylor's phone this is Drake calling his mom it says 8:10 but remember he they were Eastern 7:10 the husband said mr. Wright said Taylor did not answer then he gets a text can I call you back from Taylor I remember he said they never texted this child is young little you little usually they spoke on the phone the only text they would typically sent back and forth were photographs she says or her phone says can I call you back he says yes and he tries to call her again doesn't get an answer her phone text back I will call you back it says me too Drake tries to call his mom again at 9:17 no answer tries to get in 9:20 and he says will you call me back never heard from his mother [Applause] August 11th excuse me you have Ashley's residence at 39 61 range we drive her phone is using a cell tower that covers her home Taylor gets phone calls from her son again those are her son's phone calls and it's also using that same tower that covers our home September 11 this is when Ashley deposited check it's 911 September 11 10 11 excuse me 10 12 a.m. you've got the bank records and evidence three hundred fifty two dollars and fifty cents Taylor is missing and she is still depositing Taylor's money what else happens on September 11th that's when Taylor's stuff is moved from Cassandra's home to the warehouse Ashley since Brandon BD attacks I bought a gun for you today sends him a picture Kim versus ultra it's 911 same day Taylor stuff moved to the warehouse you've heard that the UH there was a firearm trace put on it and that came back to Taylor right September 14 day she's reported missing these are the texts that Ashley sent to Cassandra of Taylor's guns an hour later this defendant is texting Brandon Beattie I did pick up two more guns for you today and then send some pictures what's on the 14th the day that Taylor is reported missing she is giving Taylor's guns to her boyfriend Brandon Beattie then you know she's interviewed 15th the 18th 18th again at PPD 24th is a phone call September 28th is a phone call October 2nd is a phone call and then she's interviewed again on October 19th [Applause] first one was not recorded remember this is just the very initial stages of the investigation detective you Gigliotti said the Ashley said yes were friends I was with her on the eighth picked her up we rode around went to some place in Beulah where Taylor was looking at a car or something to that effect then we went to a location off of scenic highway which she knows not true then we went to the farm in Milton which you know is not true we went back to my house Taylor said she was getting an uber and she was going to have a drink which you know is not true the 18th detective Gigliotti went to missing carthage home she confirmed that they were at this farm in Milton and asked about other properties she said her aunt had a property at the north end of the county when asked for the address she said she'd get it which obviously she never did she said she thought Taylor was just acting like a nut you saw the September 18th interview she said she admitted that Taylor had asked to get her money before the 8th but she was too busy and then she acknowledged that she bought Taylor a beer at the Tom Thumb and viola said that it was just her and Taylor at this farm in Milton and then again when she was asked about this property at the north end of the county she said she would get it and that Taylor had never been there you've got the report in the recorded phone call from September 24th and asking for any updates kind of pushing this Destin area the 28th another recorded phone call asking for updates basically actually like she has no idea what's going on with Taylor October 2nd asking for updates maybe we should check a treatment facility and then of course you know in the 19th that's when she was confronted with all the bank records and phone records oh she says that when she finally admits that Taylor in her route at that property she said Taylor had some kind of a lockbox out there well where's this lockbox it wasn't out there on the Brit Road property don't think she took it in an uber with her there is no lockbox because it didn't exist and then of course when I say why would you not tell us it she said well Taylor asked me not to tell anyone ever of course she was confronted with Taylor's phone being in Robertsdale and again she caught all tongue-tied you saw it oh she wasn't with me or I was unaware if I had her phone it could have been under that stuff she had in the vehicle well the problem with that ladies and gentlemen is Taylor was in the truck with Ashley on the 8th when her and her husband went to this wedding on September 9th they were in the white Jeep so the Taylor cell phone's not going to go from this truck to the Jeep without her having it those are the facts and the evidence in this case I just want to briefly touch on the law we talked about it in jury selection the judge is going to give you the instructions the only three things that the state has to prove in this case we're number one Taylor Wright is dead that's been proven beyond a reasonable doubt number two the death was caused by the criminal act of Ashley McArthur that has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt and that there was a premeditated killing of Taylor right as we talked about in jury selection on the Monday the law in Florida does not fix the exact period of time that must pass September 7th 2017 the world would be a better place without Taylor how much cocaine would it take to kill someone September 7th later that same night who's she texting T the drug dealer at bays and she deleted them you going to be out tonight this is from her to tea okay I'm about to head to babe's in a bit from tee I'll text you when I get there from Ashley to tea and then by 1106 p.m. thanks love what did she buy the next morning a beer what did she tell Audrey she was gonna do she was gonna put that cocaine in a beer for Taylor to drink when Audrey asked Ashley what did you end up doing with the cocaine she said I put it in the beer and Taylor spit it out because it tasted sour and then about 24 hours later she's in the Home Depot buying the concrete and the potting soil heal right shot in the back of the head why is that significant because Ashley MacArthur was constantly talking about how tough Taylor was and she always had firearms she's a she's a prior law enforcement officer she knows how to protect herself I don't know if you caught it but in the audio or in the interview on September 18 she said Taylor is not an easy target Taylor shot the back of the head projectile in her skull that was removed you've got the photos of a Smith & Wesson that this defendant gave to Brandon Beatty shortly before she was arrested now I know the defense kept saying well she never told you to get rid of this she never told you to do anything with it she didn't because she's not that dumb but what did she say - Brandon Beatty she gives him this gun and she says I don't care what you do with it she knows he buys trades sells guns a serial number on it and you heard from investigator Wainwright that he put a trace on this that revolver comes back to her father John Britt ladies and gentlemen Ashley McArthur had the motive Ashley McArthur had the opportunity Ashley McArthur murdered Taylor right and then she tried to cover it up with lies concrete and potting soil
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 283,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ashley McArthur Trial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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