'The worst case I've ever seen' - Judge gives 3 life sentences to man who killed child, girlfriend

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i am not sorry for something i didn't do and i am not sorry for the things i did do without you being present yes ma'am i understand y'all thank you but i will say i'm sorry for your loss 19 years i've been at this job i've seen human beings killed at the hands of others in every way imaginable you name it i've seen it shooting stabbings drownings suffocating blown apart by cars and dui manslaughter cases horrible things this is the worst case i have ever seen as far as the facts again um i um when they fire with a person from fire department when he testified and when he said that he retrieved the body of ronibia o'neal from the home and all he could do was stop it took every ounce i had not to start sobbing too because there is no way any person with any feeling could have witnessed or seen the photos of what occurred that night and not be haunted for the rest of your life i know i will be for the rest of my life i'll be haunted by what i saw as far as the evidence and just the abject cruelty of it all the abject cruelty and i you know i i i was aware because i reviewed a lot of the discovery ahead of time as you well know did a lot of the camera inspection of a lot of documents and i was aware there was some evidence at least that when you needed to recover from your gunshot wound that neither your parents nor your aisha miss robinson would let you come recover at their home i don't know if it's true or not i'm just i okay i'm not going to get into a dispute i just i just mentioned there was some evidence referencing that in the records and all i can think about because i know i knew that this baron was not with you romantically at the time and i knew that she just out of the goodness of her heart let you come stay with her and it is beyond tragic that that critical decision ended in so much harder for her and for her children it is unspeakable cruel what happened as a result of that one decision um the way that miss baron died was horrific and that 911 truly all of it i you heard and everyone who's heard that 9-1-1 call heard a death scream if anybody ever wants to know what it sounds like before a human being dies knowing that their death is imminent that's exactly what it is that was a death scream we don't see if it's true what happened to little ranidia and to little ronnie but i'm going to focus on renivia because she was special and you could tell miss baron had done everything she could to create a beautiful home for her family i noticed that the renivia's bedroom before you set it on fire you can tell she tried so hard to make her feel like a princess she did kenyatta did everything she could and i noticed too in the kitchen on the refrigerator she put up magnets that said faith love family hope and then you know what else happened in that refrigerator during that night it got splattered with blood all over it due to what happened little ronidya she couldn't scream she couldn't run away and she witnessed what you did to her mother as far as shooting her mother in the arm with the gunshot she knew and the horror that that child suffered and she already had a life where she was born with challenges regarding her physical and her mental disabilities but the pain and suffering that she suffered that night at your hands unspeakable absolutely unspeakable and at the moment that first time you struck her with that hatchet and little ronnie testified that he all he could see was tears coming out of his sister's face at that moment that child knew she knew she was being betrayed in the cruelest most tragic and sorrowful way that a child could ever be betrayed she was being betrayed by her parent the one person that should be there to protect their children and love them and keep them from harm and that's what the last thing that child felt before she passed on from this earth was your utter cruel betrayal to her and i read somewhere and i don't know if it's true or not i have no idea but i read somewhere that souls pick their lives and that they know exactly how difficult their lives are going to be before they enter into this world and i don't know if that's true or not but if it is ronivia o'neil is one of the bravest souls i have ever come across in my 54 years on this planet one of the bravest ever ever because she suffered so traumatically
Channel: FOX 13 Tampa Bay
Views: 22,372,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ronnie oneal, ronnie o'neil, trial, murder trial, double murder, kenyatta barron, riverview florida, acting as his own attorney, defending himself, representing yourself in court, double-murder trial, florida, tampa, hillsborough county, judge yells at murderer, crazy courtroom video, courtroom trial video, sentencing hearing videos, true crime
Id: a-sM_mPpFUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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