Court Cam’s BEST MOMENTS of Season 1 | A&E

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we start things off in the El Paso County Courthouse in El Paso Texas all right the record should reflect the attorneys for the state the attorneys for the accused the accused our president of the courtroom the man you see here is 41 year old Daniel Villegas accused of killing two teens in 1993 when he was just 16. at that time without an attorney or his parents present Villegas says he was coerced by an El Paso detective into confessing to the murders despite recanting the confession hours later it became a key piece of evidence for the prosecution the court has received a message from the jury indicating that they've reached the verdict Villegas has been on trial three separate times for this crime and has maintained his innocence throughout the durian his first trial in 1994 ended in a mistrial due to a hung jury a 1995 retrial ended with a conviction for capital murder Villegas was sentenced to life in prison after spending 18 years in prison that verdict was thrown out in 2013. because of ineffective assistance of counsel Villegas was released in January of 2014 and has remained out on Bond as he awaited a third trial during that time he fathered two children though the prosecution continued to insist on his guilt there was no DNA no firearm and no forensic evidence presented linking Villegas to the shooting if the defendant will please stand the last 25 years of his life much of it in prison has all led up to this moment Port of El Paso County Texas 409th Judicial District the state of Texas versus Daniel Villegas number 9409328 [Music] verdict Form B we the jury find the defendant Daniel Villegas not guilty of [Applause] Patrol [Applause] for the first time since he was 16 years old 25 years ago Daniel Villegas is a free man Mr Villegas you have been under many conditions in this court you are no longer under any conditions in this court you are free to leave good luck thank you we're now in Washtenaw County trial court in Ann Arbor Michigan and I have reviewed the presents report in this matter we don't find any factual errors this is 17 year old Dante Wright writes in court today to receive his sentence for the shooting death of high school student Jordan Clee he's pled guilty to armed robbery conspiracy to commit armed robbery a felony firearm violation and second-degree murder as part of the sentencing a family member makes a victim impact statement on behalf of the victim's mother who's too overcome with a motion to speak I sincerely hope that whatever it was you wanted so badly that you felt the need to murder my son was worth the next at least 52 years in your continued existence you won't get the luxury raising your child because you took mine away rights demeanor during this statement is not what you might expect your actions have led you to a prison cell that have also created an empty style that I live in every day while you can still hope to be released one day I'll never Escape my help you are still alive but Jordan has no future honor we're done right and his attorney approached the podium your honor my client wants to address the quarterback well of course yes sir Mr Ray what would you like to say I just want to tell y'all I'll be home soon or I'll be Kion I love my family that's all you got to say that opportunity could have been used to show remorse to the court for his actions it wasn't you know I have um never in 23 years approximately ever not accepted a sentence agreement between the parties because it's a bargain for sentenced by the parties but watching you sit there smile and laugh and shake your head like this was no big deal I'm very tempted to just say I'm not going to accept this sense agreement we'll go to trial and if you're convicted of felony murder you'll go to prison for the rest of your life that means you'll die there that's what I'm tempted to do the judge does have the authority to reject the plea deal Mr Valor do you want me to accept this sentence agreement your honor before I answer the course question I would like an opportunity to discuss it with the victim's family okay the court would pass it I would appreciate it Happy to do that we're past this matter it's now up to the prosecution to decide whether or not to dismiss the agreement and pursue a trial I have had a very lengthy session with the victim's mother as well as his grandparents and some family members they understand that obviously this this is the defendant brutally uh murdered their son by shooting them in the back of the head he's shown absolutely no remorse however the Glee family does want to move on with this they want to get some closure from this case and they want to try and forgive this defendant in all of his actions for what he did and they are asking as well as the people that you proceed with a sentence okay Wright has another opportunity to address the court this time through his attorney your honor my client asked me to apologize to the court his smiling was in no way men is disrespectful either to the family to the victim or to this court my client is 17 years old he has some emotional problems and frankly was scared and some people display fear by smiling really meant no disrespect he does take this very seriously and I think he does feel bad about it the judge accepts the sentencing agreement which puts him behind bars for 25 to 52 years next we head to Jefferson County Circuit Court in Louisville Kentucky we are on the record Commonwealth versus raytonation this is 29 year old rayton Woodford in the courtroom today for a probation revocation hearing previously been sentenced to probation for drugs and weapons charges but violated the terms sitting a few feet away is woodford's girlfriend do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give will be truthful during woodford's hearing a detective provides testimony by that evening he was charged with the handgun and narcotics and if you know it was Mr Woodford at the time a convicted fellow uh yes he was once the testimony concludes the camera controlled by Judge Barry Willett remains locked on the empty witness chair as the judge announces his decision probation revoked in its entirety Mr Woodford I'm going to send you to serve five years good luck to you no ma'am [Music] that flash across the screen was Woodford making a run for it [Applause] woodford's girlfriend can be heard pleading with her boyfriend to stop the record will reflect that Mr Woodford made an unsuccessful effort to escape Woodford is stopped by deputies he's brought back into the courtroom now and taken into custody [Applause] woodford's girlfriend's upset about her treatment by deputies and she was caught up in the tussle to stop Woodford from escaping well that's the first the 19 years on the bench she did tackle him on the way out are you okay a short while later woodford's girlfriend requests permission to address the judge about what happened to her we're back on the record in the Woodford case and Mr woodford's girlfriend would like to talk to the court I noticed this yeah woodford's girlfriend's pointing to a sheriff's deputy who helped prevent woodford's escape and in doing so allegedly had to pull her out of The Fray [Music] yeah what I saw was that Mr Woodford made an unsuccessful attempt to escape the courtroom and he was apprehended by law enforcement don't you tell me I'm condoning anything I just told you what I observed you made an effort to stop him from leaving I appreciate that but in the thick of it when your boyfriend is fighting with deputies people might get pushed out of the way maybe it was for your own safety he was going to hurt somebody so don't tell me I'm condoning anything I did not say that anything else you'd like to say to me thank you she leaves the courtroom and is not charged rayton Woodford begins serving a five-year sentence in a Kentucky prison he now faces an additional charge of second-degree Escape we're in the Cherokee County Magistrate Court in Gaffney South Carolina this is 25 year old Joshua Mosley he's being formally charged with the murder of dronica Hopper Opera was found unresponsive in a Gaffney home with a gunshot wound to the Head the two were acquaintances and Mosley's believed to have been in the home with hopper before the shooting occurred victim's family is here as well done there was invited to stand up this time yesterday family members and loved ones of dronica filled the courtroom for Mosley's hearing in an unusual proceeding the judge is allowing them to address the defendant directly um what I was going to say I just wanted you to know that even though in your mind she may have not meant much to you she meant so much to us um it's not even words can explain like what you took from our family I just want to know why wow who gave him towel put it in your hand that you could just take another present life you hurt one family and you just took my sister like like it don't hang up to nobody like that's your life you didn't handle the toy like you in control of life and death you ain't got no control Karma consequences there are consequences and now Mosley requests the opportunity to respond or anything all right sir I'm not cry like this for anybody my mom has cancer I can't do anything for him everyone made mistaken mistakes I did not harm me going on that very clear I did not on foreign until again I don't care about the prison time I want everybody to know the truth I didn't know how old we never we were arguments we had no reason we met at each other we had no reason she was playing with it because I don't know why she put it away and she made a mistake she accidentally shot herself alive Joshua Mosley remains in custody today awaiting trial he maintains his innocence thanks for being a fan of Court cam subscribe to a e to never miss a new video and catch full episodes on
Channel: A&E
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, court cam, law & order, law, cops, lawyer, judge, police, law enforcement, jury duty, Dan Abrams, crime TV, true crime network, true crime, true crime stories, crime, criminals, Court Cam, Court Cam video, court cam clips, court cam videos, court cam tv, defendant, jury, jurors, juror, attorney, victim, prosecutor, court cam 2023, court cam season 1, Court Cam's BEST MOMENTS of Season 1
Id: 7Zv4ft51OzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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