ARTIST STUDIO VLOG - Quiet morning journaling, a tidy up, packing orders & dancing! (Part 1 of 2)

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so hi and welcome to the studio on christmas eve eve the eve of christmas eve what am i doing here you may ask well that's a very good question i have been coming in this week for a little while so i think on monday i did about four hours and then yesterday i cut it short because it was just it was just too noisy in here and i couldn't concentrate so i went home and did something else instead so i think i was only in for a couple of hours yesterday so that wasn't too bad and then today i have got a couple of things to do i've got to pack up some last orders that have come in for the shop so thank you if you've made an order to my shop yeah i've just come in this morning it's really really quiet and absolutely lovely and apart from the fact that my studio is an absolute mess which i will show you in a minute um and i am going to have to address today and actually tidy up maybe have a good blitz of at least this area here and perhaps the um the orders table the packing table over there if i can just do those two surfaces and a bit of the floor as well because i'm having trouble getting around i know it's getting serious so i've come in this morning i've got my coffee and i've been writing in my journal i'm reading a book at the moment by dr christian northrup and she suggests all sorts of things and she's very holistic and she has um an approach to health which is um mental emotional spiritual and i really like that um and she suggested um somebody's um idea i can't remember whose idea so i'll i'll put it somewhere i'll look it up but it was basically to journal um a gratitude journal but also instead of just writing something that you're grateful for to actually first of all it's like a three-pronged approach which i think she called the trinity and the first thing you do is you brag about something the second thing you do is you say something that you're grateful for and then the third thing you do you say something that you desire something that you wish for so i've done the gratitude pass before and i've done the desires and wishes before i've never actually done the bragging part before so i've just been journaling around how i feel about that um and i've kind of put that it feels a bit uncomfortable but at the same time i also know it's really good to celebrate the things that are going well in life especially at the moment so i am going to give it a go and i might share that with you later if it's not too personal anyway i'm feeling quite positive and um quite uplifted it's been an interesting week here in the uk um i don't have a tv and i don't watch the news regularly but obviously i hear about things online and look things up online when i feel like dipping in and yeah we're going into quite a heavy lockdown supposedly the virus has mutated um so i think that's what they do anyway you know viruses but anyway um yeah they're gonna give us i think christmas day where some people can see family members and then they're coming in with a hard lockdown so not quite sure but i do know that even with a hard lockdown our building is pretty much going to stay open so i will still be able to use the studio so what i'm thinking is it will be really therapeutic to tidy up and also it will be really lovely to come back after the holiday because i am going to take a few days off um it will be really nice to actually come back and it's not quite such a tip as it is now i will show you in a second what it looks like because um it's pretty dramatic shall we say so the other thing today i have to do i think there's a lady coming in to collect an order so she ordered two of the canvas squares the little paintings that i do and also my last pair of earrings um of these ones anyway the little hoopy ones so i do these little gypsy hoop earrings i think i've got mine in now yeah and also some feathery type ones as well so i will be making some more i keep getting questions when are you making more of your hoopie earrings i need to check up there and see what beads i've got left so i might take some beads home for christmas and just sort of sit and make a few pairs when i'm sat watching christmas movies that sounds quite fun so yeah i need to wrap those up for her and also wrap her paintings so i'll show you which two she's got and then while i'm up i might as well show you the situation in the studio so yeah be prepared it's really bad so i'll do a little pan for you so basically this is the packing table so i've got prints and packaging materials some mugs probably a load of rubbish on there as well and then i'll come round to my main desk so i did actually clear this end of the desk you can see i've still got a lot going on over there including piles and things like that but this end i did tidy up because i was filming the patreon video yesterday as part of the art nouveau project so yeah i've been working on that little painting just showing my painting process and we've got i think episode four done now and that will be going up next week and then yeah the window sells pretty nice because i've got my plants there i've got my spider planted and i've planted some of the babies already and then that cupboard there i'm going to reorganize i might actually put stock and packaging materials on there i'm not sure and then this table here is oh my goodness it's such a nightmare um yeah so there's all that stuff um going on yeah this is the true honest picture and then if i move around here i can just quickly show you the fact that i can hardly move around for packaging materials and boxes and bags and things just leaking around all over the place really so yeah i think if i can get this area and this area i think that's going to make me feel much much better so hopefully i can get some of that done today so i'm not going to wrap these before she comes because she's not actually seen the paintings yet so i've just prepared some wrapping um so i can wrap them for her once she's seen them and now i think i'm just going to get on with um probably start i'll probably start here and then when i've sorted out the packing area and all my stock i can uh start thinking about what the prizes are going to be for the giveaway because we've reached 25 000 in here which is amazing so thank you so so much and yeah so i can have a little look at the stock and see which bits and bobs i'm going to put into the giveaway and then i can reveal that later i might not actually do the giveaway until the new year now i hope that's okay um and then i'll announce that probably in the next video and what you need to do to enter so but at least i can kind of try and work out what the prizes are going to be all right then let's get started [Music] oh my little honeydew i [Music] your voice sounds like [Music] oh what is this presence [Applause] [Music] [Music] tell me my do you feel the same [Music] we got a brand new day good love is on the way and if you take my hand i'll walk with you to georgia [Music] have you ever been in love dove in from high above [Music] so i'm doing quite well with the tidying up on the packing table anyway i'm just trying to sort things into categories and then i had a little break because um the lady came to collect her paintings and she's a friend so we had a little chat haven't seen her for ages that was really nice um so i'm thinking now it's what time is it it's uh two o'clock so i'm thinking instead of carrying on tidying up i might actually pack up those last few orders i've got and then do my last trip to the post office tomorrow before christmas and then that's all posted off i've had a bit of a problem with four items of post which i posted last week it's come back to me here so i need to go and talk to the post office about that why on earth they are not sending it there's three items to the united states and then one item to new zealand so i'm really really sorry i will be getting in touch about those orders because they probably will arrive a bit late now but i'm going to try and post those again tomorrow and hopefully i won't have to pay postage twice because it's not my mistake that they have sent them back straight to me um so i think something's gone wrong in cornwall somewhere and james reckons that instead of reading the address on the front of the envelope they are actually reading the address on the back which is the return address to me here at the studio so yeah that's really annoying anyway i'll work that out with them tomorrow i'm sure we can sort it out um it's just such a shame because i posted them last week and they would probably have arrived before christmas so i'm really sorry about that and the thing is as well they've put up all their prices um because of the situation at the moment um so it's really expensive to post things and then they do a really really bad job and they expect us still to want to use the service so yeah it's a little bit disappointing to say the least so i'm coming in tomorrow anyway for an hour or two i just want to do a little bit more to the patreon painting so this is where i've got so far did a little bit to her yesterday and then that's all filmed ready for editing and that's going up early next week in the patreon so that's the last video for december so that's exciting and then i want to get this video up don't know whether to put it up on christmas day or not um i do normally upload on a friday and obviously friday is christmas day um so i'm not sure what i'm gonna do whether i'm actually gonna upload it for christmas day or maybe leave it till next week not really sure do people want to watch a video on christmas day i don't really know um anyway i'll ponder on that more and obviously decide and i have tidied all my stock up now so i can have a good look i think i'll decide in the morning what i'm going to do for the giveaway i'm going to do a winning bundle and then two runners-up prizes as well so two little prizes and one bigger bundle of things so like a goodie bag kind of thing is what i was thinking um and i can put some stickers and some of the new um postcard size prints in there as well and maybe some cards i don't know i'll have a little look so i might decide that tomorrow because i don't like making decisions at the best of times and also i'm really tired now so it's got to that time of day where i get really really tired i'm much better in the mornings i'm much brighter in the mornings and i'm much better at making decisions in the mornings so so there's a few things i need to tidy up before i pack the orders because i've used the communal area in the middle of the room not just my own space just to sort of help me tidy up so i'm going to just straighten a few things up then i'm going to pack orders and then i think i'm going to go home yeah and then do a bit of editing at home and call it a day for today [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so i've kind of tidied up i do have a pile of stuff just there and i'll just pop that in my space before i go i don't like to leave stuff everywhere just in case someone else comes in i don't know if anyone's coming in though but um yeah i'm quite a tidy person in the sense of i don't like to you know leave things out in the communal areas and then i haven't actually packaged everything up yet but i have allocated stock to each order that's that bit done so i'm just going to pack up my laptop gather my juice and any other bits and bobs i need someone made me laugh the other day because they picked up that i said bits and bobs and they thought that was really funny in america so i just love the way the fact that the um our language is so different even though it's obviously the same language english but the american english and the english english is really different and it's really fun and funny to think about different words and vocabulary that we use one of the things i said i think in a couple of videos ago was my clothes clothes pegs um and i think you call them clothes pins in the u.s and so that was quite interesting but yeah bits and bobs came up from a lady um so yeah love that and yeah i haven't really tidied and addressed that part of the table yet i'm gonna come in tomorrow and i've got this end of the desk pretty clear um and then i can just continue with my art nouveau painting and yeah see how i get on so i'm just going to finish packing up and then i think i'm going to go home i'm getting really hungry so i'm going to go home and have my dinner and yeah just throw my stuff in a bag and drive home i think and have a little rest and then i will see you back in here tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: The Unexpected Gypsy
Views: 34,268
Rating: 4.9756098 out of 5
Keywords: mixed media art, art for mental health, art for self care, how to art journal, mixedmediapainting, art journaling, sketchbook journals, art journal ideas, art rituals, patreon, artist studio, self care, artist vlogs, journaling, how to set up a journal, grey hair, grey hair transition, writing journals, artist lifestyle, how writing helps depression, tidy up with me, etsy shop, patreon artist, gratitude journaling and mindfulness, journaling and mindfulness, find your style
Id: G48zMrXqvvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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