A NEW START & MOVING FORWARD - Story of moving into my new Art Studio plus new desk by FlexiSpot

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so welcome to this week's video in the new studio so do wow so so where's that here and then that's going over here somewhere that's not relevant at the minute we haven't we haven't actually planned for this day no because um i thought this one this table will go but i'm hoping to keep it and have the white desk and this new standing desk maybe maybe the little shells you can certainly actually fit one there hello little friend little white dove up there we've got a little friend i think it's i don't know if it's sleeting but it certainly was snowing so he's probably not very warm up there yeah we're just deciding where to position the desk so watch this space turn on the illuminations now i feel like i'm home oh yeah disco that's it perfect yay that's so pretty thanks baba another little job done by james hmm so this is what we've got so far i didn't film the whole process of getting this far because i keep forgetting to put the camera on because we're so tired but we're in yeah yeah so that's what i've done yeah so so it's now wednesday actually and i haven't been into the studio this week at all even though it's been really calling to me because i'm really excited to be in here i've actually not been feeling very well um just really low energy and stuff so i think it's because obviously we worked really hard you know moving in and all that so let's just get comfy so i haven't actually left the house since sunday and i haven't been into the studio till now um and basically i think i'm just a little bit tired after everything that's been going on so i've just been having a little bit of a rest and staying at home taking it easy trying to recharge my batteries properly um trying to practice what i preach in the self-care department so yes i just got into the studio now and it's not even morning so i haven't even made it in wednesday morning it's actually wednesday afternoon but you know i'm doing my best so what can i say so i'll give you a little tour around the room in a minute and show you um where everything is and what's what and how far i've got so far so i'm very much a work in progress in here and it's not going to be an aesthetic tour things are still in a pickle um in a kind of semi-organized way so i'll explain all that as i go around the room and i've also got a new desk which was sent to me to try out and it's by flexispot and they are fantastic they do the stitch stand desks so i'll show you that in a minute as well as the whole process of putting that together i have a delivery for the unexpected gypsy do hmm and they sent that to me for free um and i knew it was something i wanted because james has had one for a couple of years and it was a real investment for him for his self-care and his back care so i knew that i would be very lucky to have one of those so that's exciting um yeah and i wasn't really sure it was gonna fit in the room but as you'll see in a minute everything fits absolutely perfectly and this is like a part two really to the video of last week where i explained a little bit about how the move came about why i wanted to move and also shared the dismantling process of my previous studio down the other end of the building so if you haven't seen that i'll link that somewhere up there for you because that might be the place to start but anyway without further ado let me give you a little pan around the room and i'll show you each section of the room which is allocated to a different kind of task if you like um so that when i do actually start working in here hopefully later on this week if i can actually get myself out of the house um yeah it will be ready and sorted for me and yes i'll turn the camera around and give you a little pan around so you can have a look so this is my view when i'm standing at the door and i'll give you a little pan around hang on so this side you can see i've got my t and then that's my wet area my sort of painting my easel you saw me move probably last week um but yeah i had a lot of trouble picking that up with james luckily we had this trolley with wheels but um yeah it was pretty heavy once i got the technique of how to um sort of angle it so that the wheels did the work for me and then yeah james did the heavy lifting but that's that part and then i've got over there is where my my art journaling table and um computer i do my computer work on there and then i've got these amazing big windows which i absolutely love and it makes it feel really like a victorian school room really high ceilings as well i don't know if you can see nice beams as well like my previous room and and then over there right at the end i've got my shelving units stacked almost to the ceiling and then behind um there's another desk i'll show you that in a minute get a better angle of that corner for you and then finally my um my dresser which is um yeah in a bit of a pickle as well um so that's the little pan so just let me move the camera now and i will uh yeah i'll show you each uh section of the room and um so yeah here's my easel in inverted commas um it's obviously a long desk with a wall behind it and we've kept that corner bit up as well um just because it worked really well and one thing i haven't mentioned is the room is a really quirky shape so it's a little bit like a right angle triangle with rounded corners so the corners at that corner over there where i've got my um the corner of my desk set up it's there's a little gap behind there um and i might store some rolled up canvases and things like that behind there and then i've got a bit of wall space just next to it just to put my larger canvases which is always useful i didn't want things like that sitting in front of the window obviously blocking the light so it's quite important that i had just enough room for those right there which is absolutely perfect so if i show you where the light switch is you can see how snug um this unit actually fits in this space um which was absolutely brilliant um and so lucky because if that hadn't fitted like this i don't think i'd have been able to fit my new desk and then i would have had to get rid of my big oval table which would have been a shame because i love that table so going on to here then that's where i've kind of been um settling in and sitting um really comfy in that corner obviously next to the radiator and some people have been saying a few things so last week i sort of sat there in front of the window because i didn't want to give too much away of the room i wanted to save that for this week's video and people noticed that i was sitting right um on the radiator and they were saying you know oh hopefully the heating is better in this studio well i'm in the same building that i was in so if the heating goes off the heating goes off in here as well so i'm afraid i'm in the same situation regarding the heating um but hopefully fingers crossed first of all we're heading into towards the spring um so the weather's going to be getting warmer and warmer she says in thermals at the moment because it's absolutely freezing um and also hopefully fingers crossed touch wood um the building's heating system stays working consistently now so that's what i'm hoping for anyway and the other thing to say about it is the fact that i'm right on the road um and some of you noticed last week there's lorries going past and things like that and and definitely that's that's the only negative of this room that i've got and i think in any space you know there are positives and negatives um and that that's the one negative really being right on the road and i don't know whether that's going to bother me or not so far it hasn't um those windows are triple glazed so it cuts out so much of the noise um and yeah it may distract me or it may not i kind of energetically feel quite nice in here so it's probably bringing in some some good energy as well just being on the um over the road yeah so the other thing to say is i have got the uh plant babies in as you can see and they've settled in really well and i also did some nesting by putting up the fairy lights and my my dangly things all my mobiles and things like that and i put some new postcards up um up up the window than if you can see up there um so yeah kind of settled in really really quickly and as soon as i got my my big easel in really my big double desk where i do all my wet painting and my a dresser um i kind of felt at home in here so it's been a really quick process of feeling settled in here and um yeah even though i've not been in much this week and i was in all last week and all over the weekend as well so yeah it's given me a chance to work in here a little bit and um settle in really easily so i'm quite surprised um how quickly that that has happened because usually it will take me you know a good few weeks a couple of months maybe to to settle in but yeah the room is really really lovely and just has a nice feel about it so yeah feeling really lucky so hang on a minute and i'll move you around so over this end you can see i've got my my white table that was in my room under the window and also this new desk over here and it fits so well and i don't know if you can see up there but there's like a curve on that wall so yeah they fitted so well and literally are not covering that window which is something that i really didn't want to cover up like i said with the other side either because obviously you want your light in and you don't want to block any light in your room so that's amazing that i can stack all my stuff and we haven't sorted anything out over there we've just kind of put things in situ and we will be sorting that out over the next few weeks to make it really really organized for our packing area so that's kind of going to be our packing area and also where we store stock yes and i've got all my new prints that james has done for me on the sit stand desk so uh yeah that's been another thing that we've been doing behind the scenes um and also the stickers as well that arrived yesterday so you know we are trying to um get the shop open as soon as we can um again don't give a date yet because i don't want to tie myself down so uh yeah not going to give a date but uh you keep watching those insta stories and um yes it's no good trying to tie me down to any commitments at the moment because i am on the no plan plan um and uh yeah i'm just kind of trying to go with the flow and uh yeah i think the no plan plan is the best way for me to go right now so that's the uh that's the intention of the next few weeks anyway i'm just going to listen to my body and uh yeah try and uh rest and restore as much as i possibly can so that i can get back into my um my routine a little bit because i am missing my routine but um yeah i had a couple of days at home and that was just absolute heaven and definitely what i needed so the last thing to show you is my cupboard which you've seen before because that was in my other room and that is going to be once i've sorted it all out anyway where i keep all my art supplies um apart from if they're living on the wet area um just to the left so that is the big tour um and it's only a little room really um but it's just the right size for me let's turn the camera around hang on so that's my little room and it's perfectly sized for everything that i need and i'm really excited to be in here and yeah that's the uh that's the situation we're in at the moment and i'm hoping to have a little tidy up tomorrow and start painting tomorrow as well i was going to start painting in here today but uh yeah as i mentioned earlier in the video i didn't get in until about half past one two o'clock this afternoon um and yeah it's a bit of a miracle that i did end up getting in but we have to just be okay to let ourselves do what we need to do sometimes and my body definitely said no i'm not going out and it was non-negotiable and it wasn't going to happen and so i just had to go with it so i'll give you a little demo of the sit stand desk that i got and show you what it does because it's really good really excited so i'll give you a little demo so i'm just going to switch it on yeah it's a standing habit to the minute because james has done the settings for me so you can preset this one because i review this on my youtube my viewers get some discount on on a desk so if you have had your eye on one for a while and you want to invest in one then you can click the link down below and get some discount off i just want to say as well regarding sponsorships and things like that i'm not keen to do those of sponsoring products and things like that and i have had quite a lot of offers emails suggestions proposals and things like that and i've turned them all down apart from this one and the reason i didn't turn this one down um was because i know flexi spot because james has had a desk for a couple of years and i know that he loves his um and we've been talking about me getting one as well because when we were parceling up orders yeah so we were noticing that after packing orders say this at this kind of height for a few hours we were getting backache and neck ache yes so what i do is i think sit with it and work at that height or so doing just preset this for me so it's the right height for me standing working and there we go i can pack orders and stand and edit and do what i need to do and uh yeah it's perfect there's another what's that that takes a little bit higher so maybe that's james's height and then i can manually take it up as well it's like an up arrow i don't actually know how high it goes pretty high so if you're a giant it's still going to work for you i think it goes that high yeah that's how it actually goes so yeah you've got kind of a leaning situation there to pretend it was the bar so that's all my work spaces yeah my my wet area over there and then i'm going to do art journaling and sit at my laptop and do admin and editing and things here and then i can stand and edit here and then with the corner pack orders um and pack orders here so because the shop's closed at the minute we haven't had any orders to pack but we did do the patreon post the other day um so we doing sat there and did all the sticker printing and things like that and i stood here and packed all the orders for the patreon post so it has worked really well already we just need to organize it a little bit better and put things in the right place and that kind of thing so i hope you enjoyed this little tour around my new happy place my new studio and it truly is feeling like a happy place i'm feeling very joyful and peaceful in here and i can come in here and get my work done really easily get my filming done and i don't have to worry about what anyone else is doing in the room because it's my room and i can come in and shut the door and i've got everything i need and peace and quiet no disruptions at all so it's absolute heaven and i feel like a really really lucky girl so i hope you have a really good week try and keep your lights bright and your vibes as high as you possibly can and keep shining out there as best as you can let other people see your shine and hopefully we can all uplift each other and get even brighter than we are um even with the ups and downs that's all okay you've allowed your ups and downs as well i've certainly had mine this week so yeah just trying to keep that light polished as best i can so i'll leave you in peace now and i'll send loads of love and virtual hugs have a really really great weekend and i will see you in the next one bye for now to check out the show brilliant you
Channel: The Unexpected Gypsy
Views: 32,067
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: mixed media art, art for mental health, art for self care, how to art journal, mixedmediapainting, art journaling, sketchbook journals, art journal ideas, art rituals, patreon, artist studio, self care, drawing, artist vlogs, journaling, guide to art journaling, how to set up a journal, grey hair, grey hair transition, how to get over artist blocks, flexispot, moving on, changes, moving out, new studio, new art studio tour, art for depression, letting go, art heals, new start
Id: 1Z1a1JUDKOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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