ART JOURNALING & WRITING HEALS THE SOUL and helps with depression even in these dark times.

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[Music] it started with the rumor of a new life i quit my job and packed them for the long ride or whether i was leaving or security to water in the wilderness and it's a dream burning every bridge that was behind me oh well [Music] i came here with no papers like a drop out a pilgrimage a voyage on the mayflower determine not to miss an opportunity to clutch it every straw i saw in front of me and claim i was the ruler of my destiny [Music] so i'm still having a hard time sleeping properly these days i am falling asleep easily but i wake up in the early hours and can't get back to sleep again i've been using the time to read meditate and practice creative thinking which is where i switch my outlook from negative to positive darkness to light i try to find something good in a situation that at first glance doesn't seem to have one and it is working when i do this in combination with my writing in my journal i can literally feel my mood lift and i am able to let things go much more easily my oldest best friend who died last year used to call it doing my thoughts and taught me how to do it when we had sleepovers as young girls like many others at the moment i'm suffering from a high level of anxiety i don't think i need to say why and processing emotions by feeling them acknowledging them and letting them move through me means i don't hold on to the stress which triggers all sorts of chemicals in the body definitely not what our immune systems need right now sitting quietly in my window writing in my journal and having a hot drink and gathering my thoughts is literally saving me right now that may sound overly dramatic but there are studies that show that journaling and art improves our mental and even our physical health too and even though times are intensely challenging i'm still managing to feel calm and in my light most of the time trying to stay in love and gratitude not anxiousness and fear and strong in my center i just need to work on my sleep patterns now and i think maybe the changing of the clocks has upset my system too do you love quiet time just for yourself to simply sit and be [Music] so hi welcome to a new video it's monday morning and i've just got into the studio i'm feeling a bit weird this morning we are supposedly in the uk in england going into another lockdown this week i think they they're voting on it on wednesday so that all feels a little bit unsettling again don't suppose my building will be closing um to the private studios and offices but um you never know so i'm maybe uh doing the next video from home again i don't know i'll have to take quite a lot of stuff home if that's the case plus the plant babies um but that's okay i have been very happy working at home so i know i can do it again at least it doesn't feel quite as discombobulating as last time where i you know had a part-time job plus i was teaching my art classes twice a week so i don't have to lose that again because that's already happened and in actual fact it's enabled me to do the online setup of everything so it's been a good thing in that sense but the restrictions obviously feel quite unsettling as we're all fully aware so i've come in this morning to work on the patreon video i've got to finish um see if i've got it hang on i've been doing another episode in our heart journaling class this is what i've got so far i'll probably post a picture on my instagram or something later and so i'm going to finish those pages and then edit the video for this week and then i think i'm having a tea date with a friend this morning as well so that'll be really nice and i might also be seeing another friend um so yeah quite a nice social day as well so get that social in before the um the old lockdowns come in anyway so i keep getting a few questions about whether i'm doing um art tutorials and art classes and workshops and things like that online and i am doing it via patreon so in the patreon you get there's different tiers you can go and have a look so most people are interested in the art journaling and the um altered book that i've been making and both of those are available in the tier that i call pockets and that's five pounds a month so if you want to check that out i always leave a link in the description box below and you can just pop over there and have a little peek there's loads of videos on there now because i've been doing the patreon since lockdown began um so you can have check all those out as well okay on to some work then [Music] so there's the little glowing christmas tree in the corner there a little bit of cheer for us much needed in these very strange times and there i am oh hello uh what we got this morning we've got oh not the pineapples we've got owls very nice snuggy boots and i've got a couple of things to do this morning before i go to the studio i need to i had some card orders last night so i need to make sure i've got the correct cards etcetera to take to the studio to pack up and also i think i need to really do an emergency stock check because um i'm not really sure what i've got what i haven't got and quite a lot of that one so yeah i think i'll do a stock check of all those and probably need to put an order in as well to uh to get some more printed i'm going to get a couple of new ones i think as well so yeah i'd like to do a little um postcard set i think to add to my my collection in my shop the other thing i need to do is use up my bananas and make uh green smoothies so i'm going to do that as well and then i should be just about ready to go out so i need to get on and get out because it's um it's getting it's already past nine o'clock this morning i've had a slow start so i've been awake since 3 54 this morning that's when i woke up and i didn't get back to sleep normally i would get back to sleep for an hour or two so that's why i look so tired and i really really am tired i can't think straight this morning so i think green smoothies is the way to go and uh yeah that should help me along i think today is anyone else not sleeping as well i think there's quite a few people that i've spoken to recently who aren't sleeping that well um and here in the uk we've just been told we're going into lockdown on bonfire night which is the fifth on thursday so it's been a bit discombobulating with what's happening with the studio and things like that but luckily we found that yesterday that studio is staying open to not the public but to the private tenants so i still will be able to use the space so that will feel a little bit more normal than the last lock down so at least i can actually go in and do my work in there so that's good settling settling down [Music] falling in love not falling out each of us [Music] okay so i'm all done now i've got smoothie smoothie and a juice so i'll probably put that one in the fridge and have it later and then take those two with me um i'm not 100 super amazingly healthy though because i am having a coffee so i do have a little bit of coffee in the mornings which i would like to phase out at some point but at the moment i'm allowing that um that's where i'm at at the minute needing coffee um i've got deadlines to meet etcetera and i haven't had much sleep so this will give me energy too this is much better than this i'm fully aware of that but just like everyone else i am a work in progress as well so i'm doing my best at the moment under these circumstances and yeah that's all we can do right i'm going to pack my bag now get everything all my together basically um and then i probably won't vlog in the car because it was a bit bumpy i don't have a thing that stops the bumps or anything like that so it was a little bit bumpy although i did leave the car driving so i thought it was quite funny so i will see you at the studio so here we are got here in one piece stuck behind a tractor this morning so these are the journal pages i was working on last week kind of quite pleased with how they turned out actually um and i think i'm going to make a little postcard out of this one i think she'd look quite cute so i might get on that today and get it scanned in and uploaded and see how we get on oh the other thing to catch up on is the postal issue from last week um my painting got there so it was all all right in the end and luckily i managed to negotiate in with the shipping company the wrong shipping company actually and then the lady who bought the painting actually rang the right shipping company because my shipping company had given me the wrong us shipping company that said it was ups and in actual fact it was usps u.s postal service so it was all a bit of a nightmare but it got there the next day for some reason they said they didn't have the right address which is ridiculous and luckily i'd taken a photograph of the parcel before i took it to the post office here so i had proof that it was the right address so there was some kind of mess up there and anyway that was a big relief so i was really happy about that and to be honest i didn't realize how stressed i was about it until it actually got sorted so that was really good so the other little bit of news is i'm going to have a giveaway and i'm not going to reveal what the giveaway is this week i'm going to probably do the giveaway next week or the week after whenever we hit 1 000 subscribers on here and i think we're at i don't know 800 and something at the minute so it is creeping forwards so i don't quite know when the giveaway will be but as soon as we hit 1 000 subscribers i will reveal what the giveaway is and how you can enter and then i'll put those people that enter names into a hat and i'll get james to pull out the winner that's what i'll do so that's really exciting and thanks very much for watching the videos and all the comments you leave me again i can get up in the morning really quite down with everything that's going on in the world and then i read the comments that have been left on the videos and it's just it's really uplifting thank you so much and i think if we can kind of keep our joyful vibration rather than our depressed fearful lost the will kind of vibration i think it's really important right now and that's what i'm trying to do i'm listening to some really nice music in the morning so on the way in the car having a little thing in the dance making sure i've got some healthy options nutrition wise drinking lots of fresh water and yeah keeping myself as busy as possible with my creativity obviously that's that's my thing that sort of sorts me out all my journaling so yeah keeping up with all that as well as making sure i get enough rest so i didn't vlog much yesterday i went home about one o'clock i think i couldn't concentrate in the studio yesterday and also i was feeling really tired so i thought i would go and work from the bed office the bid office which was really nice and i worked till about seven o'clock last night editing and then i was going to work a bit later but i ended up having a chat nice chats with james so i didn't bother i just took the rest of the night off because i thought well you know i've done enough and yeah so sorry about that i was going to vlog a little bit more yesterday but yeah it didn't happen so never mind so i think i'm going to have a cup of tea now and just settle into my morning make myself a list and work out what i'm going to do today so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hello so you so i've just been to the post office post my uh card orders that i had this week and that's done uh it's really cold this morning we had our first major frost so i had to scrape my car and everything but i've got my thermals on and lots of layers so it should be okay and the studio is always warm pretty much unless something happens to the heating and it's fixing i got a prezi last night so i've got this thing to hold my phone in the car and it's mainly because i don't have a very good sense of direction and we only have one sat nav so this way i can have my phone and i know where i'm going um the other day i went to the post office and then came back the scenic route if you like because i got lost yeah anyway this is for that but i thought i could also do a bit of car vlogging as well to be a bit fantastic so we're going to connect that in the car later today really exciting and i also had another prezi of james which was a new table for the bed office the badoffist and it's like a bamboo one and it's got a little drawer so i'm really happy with that and it even has a little tilt thing as well so when i'm editing in bed i don't get sore wrists fantastic so i've done very well this week and it's definitely not christmas yet and even though we're going into a another lockdown tomorrow here where i am i actually feel quite bright and breezy um this morning where yesterday felt quite heavy but today i feel much better so that's really good i think celebrating when we have a lightness to our spirit is a really good thing at the moment and just remember that it too shall pass whatever it is it shall pass and um yeah but i have been awake since 4am again so i'm not sleeping very well um but i feel okay so far i've got a green smoothie and i've got another green juice and a little bit of coffee as well which i'm going to have in a minute all i'm doing today is i have to post office i've got a phone conference at i think 11ish today um and also i've got to edit um pretty much all day today so i might do a bit more journaling um i might do some more on these pages that i did yesterday um it's all curled up at the moment but once it's all squished together and i put um i put it under a really heavy box um it'll all flatten out so yeah but i love the uh the feel of the pages when they've had lots of layers on them so yeah i'll do a bit of that if i get time for a little break and and that's about it for today really so i think i'll sign off here and i just wanted to say thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed the video let me know how you're getting on in the comments below and have a really great weekend and i will see you in the next one bye for now bye [Music] you
Channel: The Unexpected Gypsy
Views: 218,818
Rating: 4.9382982 out of 5
Keywords: art tutorials, art journals, mixed media art, art for mental health, art for self care, how to art journal, mixed media art journals, mixedmediapainting, lockdownart, art journaling, moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art journaling, sketchbook journals, art journal flip through, art journal ideas, art journaling for beginners, art rituals, patreon, art studio, artist studio, self care, drawing, journaling to help, journaling to help with anxiety, journaling to help depression
Id: 9U9StYUuMwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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