Odd Squad FULL EPISODE | Soundcheck / Double Trouble | PBS KIDS

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-<i> My name is Agent Olive.</i> <i>This is my partner, Agent Otto.</i> <i> This is a bird I saw.</i> <i> But back to Otto and me. We work for an organisation</i> <i> run by kids that investigates anything strange,</i> <i> weird, and especially odd.</i> <i> Our job is to put things right again.</i> (theme music) - Aaah! - Yeah! - Hey! - (Olive):<i> Who do we work for?</i> <i> We work for Odd Squad.</i> - I'm always telling my brother: you keep eating those cheesy curls, you're gonna turn into one. - Not to worry, sir, we have an "Uncheesy-curl-nayer." - And you said we'd never use it. - Donny! My only brother! I missed you! Welcome back, brother! - Our work here is done. Go Bears! - I'm glad that's over. Ha! Donny, no, no! You just can't control yourself. No, no, sit there. Watch the game. Like that. -<i> The Bears are moving the ball.</i> <i> Here comes the shot. It's a basket!</i> <i> And the Bears win the game! Wham-o!</i> (meows) - Partner? - Olive, you'll never believe what band came out with a brand-new song. - Don't say Soundcheck. - Soundcheck. It's called<i> Take away 4.</i> - ♪♪ Suddenly, out of the blue ♪ ♪ You stole my heart before I could ♪ ♪ Give it to you - So much to feel ♪ ♪ But nothing to say - 'Cause you take ♪ ♪ 'Cause you take, you take my breath away now ♪ ♪ Take away 1, take away 1 ♪ ♪ Take away 1, take away 1 breath from me ♪ ♪ And you take away 4 Whoa oh oh ♪ ♪ 1 and 1 and 1 and 1, baby I've been keeping score ♪ ♪ There's nothing left for me ♪ ♪ 'Cause you take away 4 ♪♪ - How can you like them? They're so... yeeee. - Who's "yeee"? - This band, Soundcheck. They have a new song. - Soundcheck!? I love Soundcheck! I have to get that song, stat! Otto, go to the town square. Odd stuff happening! Soundcheck, woo-hoo! Soundcheck! Soundcheck! Soundcheck! Soundcheck! Soundcheck! (roars like a lion) - So I'm driving around in my minivan having a day of it, listening to my favourite new song by Soundcheck. - You mean,<i> Take away 4?</i> - Yeah! - ♪ Take away 1, take away 1 ♪ ♪ Take away 1, take away 1 breath from me ♪ - Can we maybe just not with the singing? - So anyway, I had to stop driving 'cause all 4 tires of my minivan disappeared. - That is odd! - Odd Squad! Odd Squad! Odd Squad! Oh! Am I happy to see you! I was in my bakery listening to my new favourite song by Soundcheck. -<i> Take away 4?</i> - Uh, yeah! - ♪ Take away 1, take away 1 take away 1 ♪ ♪ Take away 1 breath from me ♪ ♪ And you take away 4 Ooh, whoa-oh ♪ - Why is this my life? - Anyway, I put 12 bagels into the oven and when I took them out and sliced them, well, look! - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. There's only 8! - I know. - But why are tires and bagels disappearing? - ♪ Tires and bagels are circles ♪ - Partner, you really have to?! Wait. You're right. They're both circles. - But who loves circles so much they would go around stealing them from other people? (both gasping) Circle Sue! - ♪ Whoa oh oh ♪ (neighs like a horse) - Listen, kiddos, I am so not a circle gal these days. I've straightened out; I'm totally into triangles now. - So you didn't take the circles? - No way. But I can help you get to the bottom of this. And we can start by listening to my favourite new jam. - Don't say Soundcheck! - Soundcheck! - ♪♪ You take my breath away now ♪ ♪ Take away 1, take away 1 ♪ ♪ Take away 1, take away 1 ♪ ♪ Breath from me and you take away 4 ♪ (She screams.) ♪ Whoa oh oh! 1 and 1 and 1 and 1, baby I've been keeping score ♪ - What happened? - ♪ Nothing left for me ♪♪ - My table! It had 5 triangle chairs and now there's only 1! - But if triangles just disappeared, then it definitely can't be a circle problem. - Then what is it? - I don't know. But I do know... I have to go the Mathroom. - And I need to spend some time in my... safe place. Oh yeah, that's better. Hmm... Ah... - Greetings, agents! - Hi, Mathroom. OK, so first, we saw wheels disappear, then bagels, then triangle chairs. Let's see if we can find a pattern. Mathroom, make us some counters. - (Mathroom): Generate-- - Wait. What kind of counters? Kitchen counters? Bathroom counters? - No. Counters are like little versions of the real thing, so we can see what happened. We can make them look like chairs, wheels, and bagels. - I like bagels. Generating counters. - Let's start with chairs. So we start with 5... then they went down to 1. How many were taken away? - The number in that pile. 1, 2, 3, 4. I call bagels! - OK, OK, they're yours. We started with 12, and then we had 8. So 1, 2, 3, 4 were taken away. - Last, the wheels. We had 4. - And then we had none. Zero! - All 4 were taken away. - Hey! It's like the song<i> Take away 4.</i> ♪ And you take away 4 Oh whoa oh ♪ This is usually the part where you stop me. - I won't because you're absolutely right. Every time your song played, something disappeared.<i> Take away 4</i> is actually taking away 4! - If music is the problem, then maybe music is the answer. - What are you looking at? - (whispering): Music. - Right now, you say "Take away 1" 4 times. That's why a total of 4 things are being taken away. - Our song is doing that? That's crazy town, yo! - It's wiggly wacked. - You guys are crazy town, yo! Tony D, Danny T, Ringo, Johnny J, I know all your names. My name's Otto. (whispering): Big fan. - I think what my partner is trying to say is we have a fix. If you change the words, so each of you sings, "gonna add 1," it will add 4 back, and everything will go back to normal. - Count us in, yo! - No! I'm an artist and I won't change my song. I quit! - What? Danny, no! - Not again! Sorry, Odd Squad, looks like it's a bust. - What?! Why? - There's only three of us; we need four to sing the song. - But we need to fix this! - Well, the only way would be to find someone who can sing, knows all our moves, and willing to use an uncomfortable amount of hair gel. - Soundcheck. ♪♪♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Uh-huh ♪ ♪ Here we go ♪ - Girl, whenever I'm feeling empty, I know I can just think of you, and that's a real plus. - ♪ Gonna add 1, gonna add 1 ♪ ♪ Gonna add 1, gonna add 1 ♪ ♪ Breath to me for a total of four ♪ ♪ Whoa oh oh ♪ ♪ 1 and 1 and 1 and 1, baby ♪ ♪ I'll be keeping score 1 sum is destiny ♪ ♪ And that number is 4 ♪ - ♪ Where to begin? ♪ ♪ With all that you inspire ♪ ♪ I breathe you in ♪ ♪ Each time, I'm counting higher ♪ - ♪ Take me plus you ♪ ♪ That equals hearts on fire ♪ What can I say? ♪ ♪ What more can I say? ♪ - ♪ Suddenly, loss turns to gain - Loss turns to gain ♪ - ♪ Just your smile is more than my heart can contain ♪ - ♪ You fill my sails like the wind on the sea ♪ ♪ 'Cause you give, you give, you give ♪ ♪ My breath to me now ♪ - ♪ Gonna add 1, gonna add 1, gonna add 1 ♪ ♪ Gonna add 1 breath to me ♪ ♪ For a total of 4 Whoa oh oh ♪ ♪ 1 and 1 and 1 and 1, baby ♪ ♪ I'll be keeping score 1 sum is destiny ♪ ♪ And that number is 4 ♪♪ Soundcheck. - You know how I always said Soundcheck was... (She mumbles like an idiot.) - Yeah? - I feel the exact same way. But good job. - Yes. When<i> Gonna add 4</i> was playing across town, you fixed everything missing 4. BUT you also added 4 to everything else! (Olive gasping) These are images sent in from Odd Squad agents all over the world. The only solution is to play<i> Take away</i> and<i> Gonna Add 4</i> at the same time forever and ever. Remix! - NOOOOOOO! - ♪ Take away 1, gonna add 1 ♪ ♪ Take away 1 Gonna add 1 breath to me ♪ ♪ Breath to me ♪ ♪ Take away 1 Gonna add 1 ♪ ♪ Take away 1 breath to me ♪ ♪ Breath to me ♪♪ - Every morning, I make donuts.tic mus Except today, I can't because... (He sighs.) ...my body's missing. - Hmmm... "Body-put-back-n-ator"? - I was thinking "Return-body-n-ator." - Really? - Yeah. I mean, we can rock-paper- scissors for it. - Deal. Best out of 5. - Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Guys! I've got donuts to make! Just zap me with both. - Uh-huh. On 3? 1, 2, 3! - Thank you. - Have a good day, sir. - Bye, Odd Squad. Oh! That's not good. (bleats like a sheep) - You want to see us, Ms. O? - Something very odd has happened. You know Debbie from Debbie's Pizza Delivery? - Hi. - Hi! - Of course we do! - ♪♪ Delivery Debbie ♪ ♪ The best pizza you'll find ♪ ♪ Call Debbie, she's one of a kind ♪ - Finished? - ♪ Order today ♪♪ - Now, we are. What seems to be the problem, Debbie? - Well, I was in my pizzeria, and it was really busy. Debbie Delivery. (indistinct talking on phone) For one large double-cheese? Yeah, no problem. Oh! Can you hold on just one second? Hello! Debbie's Delivery. One medium pepperoni. That's fine. I can do that. No problem. (phones ringing) Oh! Please hold just for a moment. Thank you. OK. Debbie's Delivery. Yes, I said... Yeah, sure. <i> When suddenly...</i> (screaming)<i> Then it got worse.</i> (Debbie screaming) (everyone screaming) And then I came here. - Sounds like you got a case of the doubles. - The what? - You know when you're so busy, you wish there were 2 of you? When you have the doubles, you actually make 2 of you. - But there's 4 of you. - That's because it happened 2 times. Agent Orson made this report. When you double a number, you add that number to itself. - So it started with 1 Debbie. Then 1 and 1 made 2. Then 2 and 2 made 4. - And now for the really bad news. One of the doubles is missing! - Hey, guys, now for the really, really bad news. My watch stopped working! Also, I can't fix this unless I've all the doubles. - Olive, you go with Debbie and find that double. - But how? - Your double should think and act just like you. What would you be doing at this time of day? - It's Wednesday, lunch, I always deliver a pizza to 2, Rosewood Avenue. - Let's go! - OK. - Otto, keep the other 2 doubles out of trouble. - Try saying that 10 times fast. (She says it 10 times extremely fast.) - She is one impressive lady. Ha! (mooing) - I haven't seen your double anywhere. - Oh... - Same goes for my pizza. - I'm sorry, I'll get one out to you right away. Never mind, I'll just order from someplace else. (Debbie sighs.) - This is terrible! - Hey you! Odd Squad, arrest this woman! - Yeah, we don't really do that. Can you just tell us what happened? - I was sitting at my house over there at 4, Rosewood Avenue when she showed up and made me buy 2 pizzas that weren't mine! - That wasn't me; it was my double. - Also, if those pizzas weren't yours, how come you paid for them? - I'm the one asking the questions here, like how do I get rid of this tummy ache after eating 2 pizzas? - You ate both of them? - Again with the questions! That's it! I'm never not ordering from you again! - Oh, my double is ruining my business; we have to catch her. - If she's making pizza, maybe we can catch her at your pizzeria. Let's go! (sound of lasso twirling) - Uh, Ms. O? - This better be good. (Otto sighs.) - I just want to say how happy I am to be working at Odd Squad. - But...? - How come Olive gets to do all the cool stuff and I'm stuck here doing the not-cool stuff, like babysitting Debbie's doubles. - Otto, I want to tell you a story. - OK. - There was once a baby bird, and he was new to the nest. And this baby bird had an older sister who'd been in the nest a lot longer than the baby bird. You're with me so far? - Sure. - Good. 'Cause one day, the baby bird decided to fly out of the nest. That's when he flew - smack! - into a black hole, travelled back in time and found himself working at a hot-dog stand in Albuquerque, New Mexico. - Mm-hmm! - Before this little bird even knew it, the mayor of Albuquerque showed up asking if he had permission to run his hot-dog stand. And guess what? - He didn't have permission? - Exactly. - Wait. Are you trying to tell me I'm the baby bird? - Nope, just wanted to tell you a story, which I did. Now, get back downstairs and babysit those Debbies! (She sighs.) I'm really getting too young for this. - That's my pizza place, right up there! Oh no! - What? - It's Delivery Doug! - Well, well, well, if it isn't Delivery Debbie. Or should I call you Not-Delivery Debbie? - Out of the way, Doug, we're busy. - Ha! Ha! If anyone is busy around here, it's me! My business has been booming thanks to you. - You deliver pizza too? - No. Egg-salad sandwiches. (cell phone ringing) "Eggscuse-me." Delivery Doug, how can I help you? (indistinct talking on phone) You have the wrong number. OK. The point is I'm going to be taking all of your customers who are gonna make me a ton of money, with which I will buy a boat on which I will go sailing with all my cousins. (Doug laughs.) - I really gotta find my double. - Agreed. - Yeah. (klaxon) - OK, Debbies, here are some of my favourite magazines and some snacks. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some work to do. ♪♪♪ - (Debbies): Hi. - Hi. (Ding!) (He gasps.) - Hi. - Hi-hi. - Hi. (Otto gasps.) - Hi-hi. - Hi-hi. - Hi. (He gasps.) - Hi-hi. - Would you leave me alone? I've got a ton of paperwork. - Paperwork. - Paperwork. - You like paperwork? I have an idea. (cuckoo ringing) (sigh) - Sorry, Debbie. I don't see your double anywhere. - There she is! - Let me guess, one of you is supposed to get a pizza and didn't. - Yeah, me. - And one of you got a pizza you didn't order. - Yeah, me. - Oh, my business is ruined! (odd cell phone ringing) - A go for Olive. - Hey, partner, great news. I finished all my work plus yours! And these Debbies are awesome. Only bad thing is Ms. O will be getting 2 copies of everything. - What do you mean, 2 copies? - The doubles do everything double. Right, guys? - Right-right. - Right-right. - "Do double everything." I got to go. I think I know how to find your double. - What? How? - When you double a number, you add that number to itself. Your first pizza was supposed to go 2, Rosewood Avenue, but your double delivered it to 4, Rosewood Avenue, because 2 plus 2 is 4! She doubled the address. Where was your next pizza going? - To me at 5, Oak Street. - But I bet she delivered it to 10, Oak Street instead, because when you add 5 to 5, you get 10. - That's right. I live at 10, Oak Street, and your pizza was delicious! I don't even know why I'm upset. - Was there any other deliveries deliveries planned today? - Uh, yeah, this afternoon, I'm supposed to go to 10, Main Street. - But if I'm right, your double is gonna double that number. And 10 plus 10 is... 20, Main Street! Let's go. Hello, Debbie. - Hi. Hi. - OK, Debbie, you just hold still and I'll zap 'em back into you. Ha! Ha! - Oscar... can we just have a minute? - Yeah. (Otto sighs.) - Debbie, I just want to thank you for all your help today. I couldn't have done it without you. - Thank you. (Debbie crying) - Other Debbie... I'll never forget everything you've done for me, twice! And Debbie, I think you were the one that was missing... and I just wish I got a chance to know you better. - OK, Otto, that's enough. - It's not fair! These Debbies are amazing! Are we just gonna get rid of them? - Hold on. I think Otto's got a point. The reason you started doubling was because you had so many pizzas to make and no one to help. - Yeah? - So, if Otto can get them to help with his work, maybe, with a little training, Debbie can do the same. - ♪♪ 4 Delivery Debbies ♪ ♪ The best pizza you'll find ♪ - ♪ Call Delivery Debbies ♪ ♪ We're 4 of a kind ♪ - ♪ Order today ♪♪ [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] [laughing]
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 3,710,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, odd sqaud, odd squad full episodes, pizza, double trouble, soundcheck, boyband, odd squad songs
Id: 5GHc2JiCrc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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