New Sanders, Special Guest and a Wood Turning!

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good morning good afternoon good evening or as we like to stay here at shady acres wood shop howdy today we have a piece of ornamental maple this comes to us from our friend dave at commonwood creations and dave sent this to me quite a while ago the piece is about six inches long about five and a half inches wide and about four and a half inches tall it's got the bark just on the one side it does look like it's gonna have some nice figure in it dave thought maybe it's japanese ornamental maple but he's not sure what i'm going to do is take it over the drill press cut a shallow clearance hole for my chuck jaws i'm going to drill a hole in the center for my wood worm screw we're going to get it mounted up on the lathe and get the turning so what i did is i had a two and a half inch forstner bit in my drill press and i clamped this to the table and cut a clearance hole for the body of the chuck so it doesn't hit that before the front of the jaws get seated against this new flat spot that i cut and then i drilled a hole for my wood worm screw and now i'm going to put it on there the wood is a little bit punky in the middle there so i'm hoping this will hold it's starting to grab pretty good okay i'll bring up the tool rest and the tail stock and we'll get to making this a bowl i'm gonna put a glove on because i think the chips coming off here are going to hurt i'm going to also put my mask and face shield on we're going to be turning at 750 rpm with a 5 8 inch standard grind bowl gouge it's turning pretty nicely and there is going to be some figure in there [Music] okay we got that flat we'll mark out for a tenon just so we know where it is to help with design and go back to the corner here maybe i can pick the speed up now now there's a thousand rpm i want to stop and look and see if these flat sides would add anything or if i want to take them away they're so different this one's really flat this one's really flat but it's smaller this one's flat but it's at an angle this one's flat but it's smallest of all of them so so far i don't see where they would help us much all right just this one flat spot left i hope that grain is coming through for you beautiful a ways to go i do i do see a shape appearing here i think i'll probably round over the top some [Music] [Music] okay the flats are gone so i kind of want to round this over and blend it in with the side here but i don't want to uh cause that bark to peel off so i have to be careful about that [Music] gotta be careful around that chuck huh we're just about done with the outside here just got to clean it up a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it's gonna be pretty okay let's go back to the bottom and make a tenon or a recess telling a recess what i can't hear you well i heard a lot of voices yelling everybody's yelling recess recess everybody but tuffy tuffy's gone tannin but tuffy loses this one we're going with the recess lathe is going to be spinning at about 1350 rpm 5 8 inch bowl gouge mask and face shield still on [Music] so and that's obviously too big of a flat bottom there so i'm going to round up this corner make the base a little smaller [Music] that's looking pretty good now i'm going to use my dovetail tool to create the dovetail on the inside here [Music] [Laughter] and that looks good time for sanding i'm going to be sanding with my two inch sanding disc i'm going to start at 150 grit i've got a pretty decent finish off the chisel there and i'll show you that as soon as i get my mask on the lathe is spinning in reverse at 3 25. [Music] that should go pretty easily i'll bring you back here in a few minutes when it's time to put some i think we're going to sanding sealer in shellac back in a minute in sanding this i found a couple of punky areas that i hadn't seen before which is kind of sad because this is like perfect wood but uh they're they're small they're multiple however but they are quite small you really have to look to see them i think i mentioned that it was punky where i wanted to drill my hole for the woodworm screw however that held just fine so i sanded up through 400 grit this will be the first of at least two coats of sanding sealer because it is soaking it in way way more than i thought it would i misjudged this piece somewhat but it does have the beautiful grain that i was telling you about so i'll put however many coats it takes but at least two coats of this sanding sealer shellac based sanding sealer it's called zinzer sealcoat and then i'll put on at least two coats of shellac and i'll put that on exactly like i'm putting this on no difference whatsoever so i won't show that step just just looks just like this and i'll bring you back when it's time to start working on the inside so i'll see in a bit i have the piece turned around with the chuck banded into the recess we're going to be turning at 300 rpm half inch standard grind bowl gouge mask and face shield on so [Music] [Applause] you're dusty i think that's the punkiness [Music] so [Music] i actually need to come out here just a smidgen more [Music] so [Music] [Music] yep looking good i'm gonna see if i can shear scrape that a little bit yeah i can [Music] [Music] i'm sure we're nowhere near but you know i like to be careful no it's got a way to go [Music] okay thin enough we don't need no stinking funnel i guess i'll try scraping it i just can't it's just such a long reach in there i can't get a good angle and it's too much tool overhang and it wants to catch on me so let me get a scraper now that might work well you know i think we got it yeah it feels good to me looks for sanding my regular viewers may remember a video i did maybe i did a couple of them i can't really remember and it was a few months back part of the title of one of them was new sanders that was part of the title there was more to it so if you search my videos you might find something with new sander and tuffy friend of the friend of the channel friend of mine and a big supplier wood he's a machinist and i was telling him about a sander that i might like to have and what do you know he up and sent me some sanders that he made he basically invented them and created them and sent them to me and and i showed him in a video or two well tuffy has connections at a machine shop and he showed them that video and they were interested and they could see that my viewers were interested so they wanted to try their hand at making some sanders because tuffy's not interested in mass producing them for sale he's more of a at home he's more of a hobby machinist and he doesn't want to do it for work and i certainly understand that so this company sent me to sanders similar to what tuffy had made this is one to me this is for the bottom of the bowl the way that's shaped and maybe you could get part way up the wall i don't think i can get all the way over here maybe i can try it and the other one they sent is this one for the sides but it won't fit in here it looks like it's about three and a half four inches across but it won't go in there i even tried i can kind of kind of get it in but i'm afraid it'll it'll damage the edge so i'm not going to use it but i will try this one this one has 150 grit on here and that's just about what i need so i'm going to check that up in my right angle drill here and i'm going to get my mask on and we'll give that a try we'll spin the lathe up about 350 rpm whoa maybe i should start with it in there [Music] whoa whoa well it's just a little big for this does the bottom real nice but when i want to turn it to get the sides it doesn't want to do that maybe on another piece i'll try those i'm not real sure how i'm going to sand in here these are always hard to sand when you have a smaller opening than you do on the inside that's always hard to sand and i can't really do it by hand with it spinning anyway because you know these irregular edges will get me and i don't want to get got so we'll just try this regular two inch disc fender [Music] there's something in there catching it well anyway i guess that's what i'll use yeah yeah that that'll get it it's just gonna take a real light touch and a lot of time so i'm gonna start at 150 grit and work up through 400 just like i did on the outside and i'll bring it back once it's time to put some sanding sealer in there see in a bit well this was probably the most difficult sanding job either i've ever had or i've ever had in a long time this was really hard because of this ragged edge out here i couldn't find i've got a lot of different kinds of sanders i couldn't find anything that could get in there and not get caught on this edge as the piece was spinning so i took my two inch sanding discs one at a time starting at where where was i 150 180 grit something like that and work through the grits up through 400 just just doing like this with a 2 inch sanding disc and it doesn't do as good a job that way in my opinion i couldn't i couldn't you know all i could do was like an inch like that that's all i could do and then rotate it and do some more it doesn't it doesn't do as good a job as you can when it's spinning and you have a spinning disc on your drill but it's smooth that's all i can ask for there's an inclusion right here also can you see that that the edges would catch my two inch sanding disc even if even if i could get past the outside here once in a while i'd get in there and it would catch it just not easy no fun but i really like the shape of this and i really like this ragged edge and i think you'll agree with me once it's all said and done so that's the first of uh two or three coats of sanding sealer i put two on two on the outside two on the outside and two coats of shellac on the outside so i hope to do the same on the inside i'll bring you back when it's time to take a look at it see in a bit well i've got one one coat of shellac on the inside here and i'm going to buff it with this gray 3m pad while it's spinning which is a little bit spooky when you've got that rough edge on the outside but i found if you fold it up and gently place it in there and move it around that you can probably save your fingers i say probably but it takes concentration you don't want to forget what you're doing [Music] so i'm going to put on another coat and speaking about what you're doing we have a visitor today i'm sure most of my viewers know gary the papa 1947 well gary and his wife stopped by today brought me some wood hey gary how you doing i'm doing good i'm sure i'm glad i'm here well i'm really happy i'm up here we've been talking about doing this for a couple years wife and i went on a little short vacation about this is our fourth day went up to the olympic national park visited a lot of the things that we like up there saw lots of wood although you can't take any of it but finally got to stop and see phil phil's been quite an inspiration for me on my channel and i love watching his work and i'm glad to be here and finally meet him and i'm glad to meet gary if you haven't watched gary i'm sure most of my viewers have but it's the papa 1947 his youtube channel the papa 1947. look him up he turned some great stuff and he brought me some great wood today and you'll be seeing that in future videos thanks gary thank you and i have some really beautiful wood i'm taking home with me and you will see that in the near future as well great be sure you stick around to the end of the video so you can see the before and after shots of this and i'd also like to thank gary for stopping by it was a real pleasure to meet him today give him a look well here it is one maple bowl in the books this is just a cutie don't you think such a wonderful figure in that wood and it just feels so nice nice and rounded the perfect m m bowl there's the bottom all finished up i just i i like it it just feels it just feels good in your hands just something you want to pick up and hold thank you to dave from calm wood creations for sending this along for all to enjoy if you like this video thumbs up please i'd sure appreciate it if you're a subscriber thank you very kindly i truly appreciate that if you're not a subscriber you might consider becoming one i put out regular videos about one a week and i'd like to keep in touch an easy way to subscribe is just click my picture you see there near the end of the video your comments are always welcome and i read all of them so for now this is phil shady acres wood shop signing off you
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 23,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jdlMLWiNO84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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