Arnold tutorial - How to create a holographic effect in MtoA

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hi there lee greek's arnold rendering specialist at autodesk i just want to cover a couple of quick ways of creating this holographic tray style effect using the facing ratio shader okay so we've got a robot seen here i'm just gonna sign a standard surface shader to the robot head just call that hologram we need to connect the facing ratio shader to the opacity of the standard surface i'm going to use a multiply shader first that way we can multiply the facing ratio with a blue color light blue color here and then connect the facing ratio to input 2 of the multiply star for render now we won't see anything because i do rely on lights for the for the shading technique because i'm going to use emission so go to the emission and just increase that to 1 mission weight okay now if we go back to the facing ratio we want to invert the effect and then can accelerate it by reducing the gain and increasing the os i guess that's one style let's try something a bit more sophisticated we'll connect it to the emission color this time so disconnect from the opacity and change the opacity to one so we see something rendering and then connect multiply to the emission color and now if we increase the transmission weight it's not no longer using opacity should get something like this it's looking too busy could always reduce the transmission weight or even go down to the advanced and reducing direct specular make it look a bit cleaner also go into the raid up settings and reduce the transmission rate reduce the number of transmissive rays should also render a bit quicker okay so finally let's create a glow a bloom effect using a lens effect let's increase the strength and maybe reduce the threshold and increase the radius something like that okay that's it thanks for watching bye
Channel: Arnold renderer
Views: 25,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: glG4dUnSH3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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