Procedural Shading In Maya Arnold #01Lava Shader

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[Music] hi everyone this is Evelyn from City artist Academy and I'm back with a new tutorial about procedural shading in Maya so there's gonna be a series of these tutorials in which I'm gonna teach you how to create positional shaders for your models your props and whatever the things you like to put on them so let's get started so as you can see that my scene is already prepared I have created a sphere and a backdrop there is a camera which I have been to them I have a camera which is like there into the locator there is an SDR I I'm using to the light source I'm not putting it any physical light here like the banner lights I am just using using the SDR physician for this is a tutorial ok so for the very basic let's see how the Rams are looking right now let's click here okay because you need to see how the look is coming so just make it a 50% put it of you test a solution 50% again lay yeah that's fine next to your tab over here in your hyper shade type AI standard shooter which is this shader rename it here okay select this assign material to the you put selection so that is the best part of our non you can select objects from the rental okay so now the same shader is applied to the sphere let's play again yeah it's a basic material stop it and now we need few morning's minimize this outliner and create few utilities over here tap the noise which is very important in this case first thing in this next ki range from this range we gonna you're gonna control the amount of low and the lower thing on our on our sphere okay next thing is a correct select that okay now it's time to connect these out color of noise to input of my range out color of this range connect to the input of AI color correct you know a shader go to your admission and drag and drop this here color correct - correct wait 1 and its base like diffuse color should be 0 in this case okay so a basic setup is done let's see how the render has come now I don't think so there is a much difference in that let's see yeah so you can see how am I seeing its I can clearly see that the black and whites were here let's create some details in the noise of this select is select this icon which is isolated selected click on that select your nice now we will only see the render of noise it's very good when you're doing the low temp okay so first of all what we need to do is in the octaves set around the range of 8 yeah hate or maybe 10 I guess because the more of tips the quality will be good so as you can see that if it's one it's very blurred if I put five maybe it it's looking like sharp and readable so the next thing is distortion make it around yeah for point no okay I guess this is better now let's go to the AI range here from here we can control how much amount of black and white we can put so in the input range start increasing it so you can see that now we can see the blacks and whites so the more you crunch the more blacks you you can introduce so let's increase this also decrease this also so my white values will be yeah I guess this is better for now go to your color this will be looking fine okay stop this and now go to the shader select the shader bisa like this i selected and like I don't think so is coming the way I want to there is something wrong I guess stop this vendor update full scene sometimes Arnold and he doesn't update so you have to D to do this control you also again it's a shortcut for update forcing control you okay stop this what is this why this is happening so what I need okay we need to do a trick over here again create a noise yes this is created it's out color should be in that head here why I'm putting this in my hat because it will give the color to lower shader like that the orange orange you look like you can see the images I have created with this yeah this thing okay so I have to turn multiple types of shelters like this like this and this I already try to show you how to make one of these okay now this is done okay no disconnect this from the input they arranged okay and open this and connect your R value to the mosque okay now again let's see how it's looking and now you can see it's working so now you can see the blacks and the whites so in the whites we will see the orange color which the Lao I have always stop it go to the piano is true which we just added to the head so now we need to add a color to our noise which we have connected to the ad okay but it's color first color should be orange this kind of and a second would be like a little darker from this like this okay let's go again yep it's walking okay so the color I said now and what else we need to do is go to the shader and increase your ambition wait what it like just looking nice maybe it's over bright so you can control over here a little dark over here also that's it ah no we need to see our mission is working on what select your backdrop you go to your attribute editor and render stats such on the family visibility now we can see yeah definitely it's working you can see our mission is working stop this again disable this invisibility okay now the next step is displacement obviously because otherwise it won't look like a lava team okay so to do that the same noise which we used for this initial setup willing to plug into the displacement so go to that drag and drop over here this way you can get the displacement shader or you can manually put that so now connect your R to the displacement which is connected and point 0 yeah point zero seven zero it complete it's completely depends on us how much displacement you read in your shader okay so didn't control oh yeah definitely it's working but there is some issue in that let's fix this what deal yeah now you can see the displacement is coming really well but we need this in a - video because we need the blacks efforts the yellows downwards render it scene - gets it's coming better let's render it and see how it comes so as you can see render is done it's looking pretty good that's this so now this is one procedure so you can change it at any level so again select this isolated select your initial noise distortion would be around 3 this time oh I guess and select your a a range you know I guess I need to change the morning the water like maybe Distortion select a range and let's see here yeah definitely okay no select Rashida these select selected isolator and no again it's now getting close to this what I have really did that's right this so the render is done and you can see you know you have almost achieve the look which we wanted to like this so next to the second option which is this let's create this one so create a new tab snapshot this copy these Schedule C and paste over here and told me it's not differentiated now so because as I told you this is a procedural shading we don't have to change everything we just need to few changes to get that occur and to do that first of all we need to change your noise now we are using a basic noise this time there are no use yeah I sell noise let's do this select this isolate selected connect its out color to the AI range selected that wait let me see you there's something okay good so first of all we have to disconnect our thing this thing from the displacement first we need to visualize this so as you can see this is selected that's play there's nothing coming up because we haven't applied the Shira to this apply material to be broad selection now it's selected I'll read it again you can see that select this correct so first of all we need to change this make it ten okay what else okay pattern we will be using for this alligator you can obviously try all these because I have also tried all these so with the look which I have to achieve now is this which I were cheap ripped alligator so that's okay you can see I got this it should be so I I did some rnd on this why I know that well you know so definitely you can experiment on your own whatever the design look you want to achieve accordingly change the values here okay stop it so select your average and hit render nothing is coming up because we have exceeded the range of black and white so nothing is showing up so let's put around find one see now you can see that when point five should be here okay this is done here again we need to do some changes in cell noise okay now change this value to around three you can say you've been now you get increase the details from this value randomization should be too obviously then Siri with 3.6 I go to the image correct so go to theirs yeah it's almost here yeah that's why there was a lack of details okay so stop this oh it's almost there see it's almost there next part is to add the displacement to your out color of a range select the bar and put it into the displacement and when updated let's see what it gives us it's not giving us anything it's not giving way should be I think we need to increase the displacement here [Music] five agus yeah much better it's much much much better so it's as I told you earlier it's completely depends on you guys what displacement bar you need to apply and you are applying the displacement we need to do one more thing select your sphere or the geometry you are using to apply our on go to this Arnold okay and here there is the option called subdivision by default it's none so select this cat cat Matlock okay iteration round three whatever suits you the more information the more subdivision and the more better quality but that that means that your dam will be increased okay so make sure you have like switched on these parameters okay so it's done let's render this okay No so ender is doing and we achieve the look which we wanted to few things I didn't compost I will give you the glimpse of that what I have to do the things in calm okay so this is done no the next one which is not this this one yeah this is very interesting let me show you how I created this one so anyways at any point you feel like you want these shaders okay so you can come in below I can provide those or you just let me know how I'm going to do that maybe I was just thinking of gum road or peach channel so any suggestion would be welcome okay thanks all I need is the support of yours guys so let's move to the last one so lest let's move to the last one okay name it just save this one control select all these parameters control see two three sorry guys so now we have copy pasted da over here and select this Claire this drop this okay this is over shada so what we need to do is okay go to your end of you isolate selected selected object and yes that is correct this time we are clearing this one okay let's see how do the lights not working let's try again ya know it spoken correct so go to your cell noise ha Oh create a nice okay I sleep let's change its parameters but before the parameter changed can it connect it's all color to the p-value of cell noise like this and let's see what it does the moment I looked out color to the p-value now you can see it's almost creating this kind of nice okay it is good we just definitely we can do more things with that you know I need to do what I need to do this seven octaves so quality will be better and what else the next why do I need to changes the distortion let's see how it comes at the same time it's calculating the displacement also so that's that's why it's getting like this okay we need to change Philippines away seven let's check the hinge should be playing fire in this case yeah maybe falling to it's calculating it's taking time yeah maybe just maybe object should be this should be point to one let's see in this top range because this is look we are going to see in the final shader calculating yeah now just looking much better so we need to change few parameters in AI range also select this maybe let's check it down to the three yeah okay there is something issue 27 and if I put it to the zero what it gives us let's see say it's all about experimentation so we free to do your own are any of this yeah it's getting better six yeah we are almost there so now these are like this isolated object selective shader and it's not coming though it should be so thinks over here also point six I'm just changing the value to one I guess that's yeah definitely much better much much better next what I need to do is but thing is it's not looking [Music] they I want to so let us do one more time few changes of a it should be should be let's check how it yeah now that's coming know the I want thank that's correct so almost it's done now the last thing we need to do is its placement thing for this particular shader I use the to displacement shaders to displacement maps actually because I didn't like the way it was coming this way so what I did is I created a bit shader first of all this I don't need that again yeah nice this I need to change you all value ok octaves should be 10 distortion should be 6 I did some R&D so that's why I wrote the exact values ok right so let's put this into the second one this one into the first one and the R value to this one so that's how I connected my displacement shader save it and I guess I need to tell you that this placement amount here yeah that's good let's render echt with the full resolution and read and update and guys don't forget to rename your shaders this time I just copy paste on it but in my original file I have always create the property any naming of that so that's why you don't get confused okay and one more thing you can do is if you if you're thinking the specular is too high you can change it from here like this this is this point three maybe around or if you need to the last one you can use 0.15 zero it's completely depends on you okay so let's see so the render is done you can say we have this the final shader so the three shader I have teased you today first one is this second one this one last one is this so let me tell you the trick for title in comm that's good yeah save the file let's jump into our topics so now we are in After Effects this is my this is my I render it out with the backdrop okay so first of all what I did is we did some levels so crunch some blacks and whites okay after that I applied P so you can see just after applying the flow you are getting that in our kind of feel okay that you need to do in comp of the sleeve after that I've applied the s globe if you want you can obviously add you can try other things also like the default low or compositing effects or plugins okay so what I did is this so on everyone have the shader I read that so if I switch off all these you can see levels but this also levels blow asking there's how it looks but that's how I achieved my lower shader I hope you guys like this tutorial got some new tricks to apply on your shaders and I hope you will share and like this tutorial and please comment below and tell me things you don't like and what else what it is you want to want me to bring it so I will add those in my list and create those tutorials as well so thank you for thanks for watching this tutorial guys I hope you had a great day and this is the ending the epidemic situation like Oh 819 is like grabbing the whole come home world I hope you guys are safe and doing great to utilize this time to learn and improve your skill sets and that's what I'm trying to do Thanks thanks for the support bye bye
Channel: CG Artist Academy
Views: 4,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Maya #Procedural #Shading #LavaShader #LookDev #Arnold #CGI
Id: xzaN4Zez4Vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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