Trying to beat ARK Fjordur in 100 days

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foreign have you ever wanted to be a viking have you ever wanted to visit Asgard sail the icy Nordic Waters or even perhaps visit yotenheim because I only do two of those things welcome to fjorder as per usual I had absolutely no idea what I was in for as for the challenge itself it's pretty self-explanatory I will be playing the full 100 days trying to beat this map on beta because I'm a wuss I bring shame to the family anyways there's no need to explain the challenge because literally everybody else has done it so let's just Buckle in and watch this swashbuckling Adventure wait swashbuckling is for pirates uh Viking buckling Adventure because that's a word oh I need to stop talking okay but seriously I hope you guys enjoy the video because I had a lot of fun making it roll film yeah day one I pulled my lazy butt off of the sand and it was time to get to work I was still in tier one poverty so I needed to collect the basic resources as we all know so I could reach tier 2 poverty it's like being a Pokemon sub but cooler I needed food so I set up a campfire and began killing things so I could eat but while I was wandering around looking for stuff to murder I found this Giga fortunately I didn't catch his aggro but uh I can't say I exactly enjoyed seeing a giga on day one I was using lower experience rates for this playthrough and I noticed that levels were quickly becoming a problem I didn't have any of the engrams I needed to be able to tame anything that's okay though I'll just construct a bob Hut on this rock and pray the Giga doesn't come stomping down the beach also did I mention that fjordor is cold because it's cold really cold as it got dark there was a drop nearby which I ventured out to go get but I didn't have enough levels to open it up so I just ran back to my Hut and hid in there to stay warm I emerged on day two to find this level 140 Pteranodon right on outside my base and somehow by sheer dumb luck I managed to find some tranq arrows in a drop so I was able to knock it out and what's with all the high levels on these non-story Maps because I knocked out this level 130 Pteranodon I'm not complaining I'm just confused it didn't take me too long after that to find this high level parasaur and tame it because I'm extraordinarily big brained I thought it would be a good idea to wander into this nearby cave with it nothing happened but I did find these weird things on the ground and it gave me a ton of Crystal like what the heck I hurried back home with the loot and knocked out the level 140 Pteranodon it wasn't a breeding pair but two high levels I can't complain about that unfortunately by that point it started getting dark again so I had to retreat back into my Hut so I didn't become a joofy circle while I was waiting out the cold in the morning of day three I noticed that the taming bar for the level 130 Pteranodon had disappeared I went outside and I couldn't find it anywhere meaning it died because of course I'm fine this is fine this will work out fortunately the 140 tamed up so we're all good after I upgraded my drip to hide armor I spent the rest of the day crafting a whole bunch of Foundations so one I could get a bunch of experience and two I would have a bunch of foundations for when I found my final base location thanks to all that Foundation making I finally had the levels and experience to get myself a Pteranodon saddle Ingram on day four now it was time to explore somewhat safely from the skies I got momentarily distracted though by this level 140 female Pteranodon which would be a perfect breeding partner and there were some really good candidates for a base location like these castle walls that I found it seemed to have plenty of space on the inside so I could find a way to make it work I continued exploring and actually found Helms Deep which I actually wasn't too surprised I had seen it in a video before but it didn't make it any less cool being the Lord of the Rings nerd I am I went inside and found a cave in the back and also discovered that there were cave creatures in there so I noped out of there I kept seeing dynamicus nests all over the place place and eventually pluck this level 145 egg I really had no experience with the dynamicus but I had an egg now in the end I settled on the idea of building a giant keep within the castle walls it was gonna be cool day five I began moving all the foundations I had crafted on day three to the castle while I was doing so I spotted a level 140 Griffin and wanted it immediately I quickly constructed up a trap that I found online from Captain fat dog and was able to trap one with complete ease and then I realized it was a level 55 and not the 140. so I killed it the second time around I managed to get the correct Griffin in there and it used just about every single drink I had to knock it out but it was mine while I waited for it to get hungry so I could tame it I went around looking for drops and all of them were complete dukus day six I grabbed a whole bunch of dionicus eggs while I waited for the Griffin to tame but eventually gave up and just AFK because I was bored eventually it did tame though and I spent a good chunk of time messing around on it thankful fully I didn't need a saddle to write it because I had absolutely no hide the weight on it was pretty decent so I used it to help me place a bunch of Foundations inside the castle now nothing would spawn the next task on the agenda for me was to be able to make cryopods I still needed a couple things but I wanted to be ready one of the things I needed was polymer so day seven I spent a lot of time looking for organic polymer I couldn't really find any mantises in the volcano area so I just explored a little bit and ended up in the swamp that's where he met this lonely little Kappa sukis where a guy was so attention starved he literally Dove me off my Mountain a hug no no no no no no I don't really need to say anything here do I [Music] eventually I finally made it back to the castle was able to grab a Pteranodon and got my stuff back I wasted a whole day doing this day eight in the swamp I found these carcasses lying around and I've found that when you hit them you actually get organic polymer which is amazing actually I needed that with my new goodies I was finally able to craft some cryopods not a lot but it would do for now later on I came across this Rune which is this red looking thing it's the equivalent of an Explorer's note and gives me an XP boost for a short amount of time with that XP boost I went around and killed some Alpha Raptors for their experience and because they gave me these Rune stones that I would need to summon some of the middle bosses later I may have been playing this blind but I still wanted to know how to actually beat the map on day 9 I began moving my parasaur and resources from my Bob Hut to my soon-to-be base I started mass crafting narcotic because I planned on timing a dodic so I could get a bunch of stone as always while I was waiting for them to craft I actually found this blueprint for a journeyman megatherium saddle that was huge eventually I did venture over to the volcano island and found a dodic and knocked him out before finding a Max Level villanosaur I decided to go with the big bold method that I used on extinction to knock it out and hid behind this rock and I came so stinking close on several occasions I managed to knock it out fortunately but oh boy I I forgot how dangerous those things were villanosaur finished taming so I went home and set up a Smithy so I could craft a dodigerous saddle I managed to make it back in time for the dodic at self-detain and gave it a very creative name a 10 I was in dire need of wood and that meant one thing a beaver fortunately there was a pond full of them right next to the castle so I just went over there and singled out the best one killed the rest and knocked him out after killing a nearby Alpha Raptor I harvested a ton of berries because I still needed a ton of narcotic I also decided to raid the beaver dams great source of wood and cementing paste as everyone knows but it was at Great Peril I nearly died again oh I decided to play it easy in the evening and just work on my Foundation day 11 I still needed a source of water inside my base so a lot of time was spent building up a pipe system towards the end I was actually able to build through the walls using the orbital camera if I stood in the right position while facing exactly the right direction while in orbital camera I was actually able to put stuff down so I ended up with this weird pipe system going straight through the castle wall the remainder of the day was mostly spent working on my Foundation however at one point I started running short on fiber so I needed to go look for my shops to tame and it didn't take me any time at all to find myself a high level a12 I was a busy little man I was raiding beaver dams setting up Behemoth gates for my castle and looking for drops like this red one which was an absolute waste of time what the [ __ ] later on I was messing around on my Griffin and I dipped a little too close to this pun where this Baryonyx thought I looked like a delicious snack thank you good thing I have these pteranodons though so I was able to get my stuff back later on I found this text stegosaurus that was a high level and I couldn't resist so I knocked it out not too far away from it I came across this Village and there was this whole little pen fenced in area that had a bunch of veggies that I could just pluck straight out of the ground huh well that's convenient while I waited for the stegosaurus to get hungry I just messed around on my Griffin some more and found this Alpha Carno and I died again because of the water stroke and I hate I hate so of course I had to use my Pteranodon buddy system to get my stuff back and my revenge on day 13 the text stegosaurus finished taming this whole time I kept my eye out for Rex I wanted to get an early start on breeding an army coincidentally it didn't take me too long to find this max level male with a high Health stat so I knocked him out not long after that I found another male with a high melee stat now all I needed was a female so they could make babies on day 14 the rexes were still getting hungry so I wandered around looking for drops and I found this red drop with an apprentice ankylosaurus saddle after my first and second Rex's tamed I worked on my Foundations at home for a little bit and raided the beaver dams again that evening I went out looking for a female Rex I figured I was this close so I might as well I eventually ended up finding this level 130 female Rex with 30 points in health I did some more drop hunting on day 15 while I waited for the Rex to tame that's where I found another red drop with a Mastercraft Andrew circus saddle that would be incredibly helpful for a plan I had later on then I found this level 168 Tech stegosaurus male which would be a perfect breeding partner for my female back home after knocking that out I went back to my female Rex which finished taming up when I got home I let the rexes get acquainted with one another before crafting myself a fabricator I wasn't gonna place it yet because my base wasn't complete but at least I had it then I kind of just goofed off while I waited for my stegosaurus to tame and I found this really cool cave that had a bunch of names in it I thought the place was really cool and spent a good amount of time just looking around before I got murked by this Allosaurus that followed me in anyway oh yeah I couldn't even be mad at that it was kind of funny my text stegosaurus was also done taming so I took him home and began mating pause day 16 I made myself an S Plus Hatchery but I needed re-fertilizer in order to power it so I built myself up a small little dung beetle pen and got ready to go tame a couple I ventured over to the Volcano Island once more and found two high levels right next to each other I tamed them and brought them home where I would wait for them to make fertilizer for me while I waited for them to do that I went drop hunting and surprise surprise everything I found was useless at the end of the day though I had my first fertilizer so I was able to start incubating my eggs in the Hatchery morning of day 17 was spent entirely looking for May Wings they were elusive for whatever reason and I just couldn't seem to find any high levels I did however find this Rex with a high melee stat so I knocked it out then after being persistent for almost the rest of the day I did find a level 130 and 140 May Wing right next to each other I tamed them both as well as the wrecks and then headed home to breed them they 18 I wanted to work more on my base but I would need a creature with a better weight than my Griffin had so I went to go find an RG I found a max level with a good weight stat and thought it would do nicely later on with the small bit of oil I had collected from my dung beetles I made some gasoline so I could power my generators when I finally had them after that I collected as many resources as I could carry so I could begin building my base that evening day 19 I poured a whole bunch of time and effort into constructing my base the only break I took was for this red drop and I don't know why I did that I should know better by now day 20 I devised a more effective way of crafting all my structures I don't know why it took me six videos to figure this out but I could just put all the resources inside my S Plus crafting station and just let it go to work now that I had a bit more time on my hands I went around looking for drops and I found this primitive blueprint for a shotgun then um I did something stupid like I do in every video I visited the wyvern Trench and yeah I found this 190 egg and was able to maneuver away from them and get out of render oh after I returned home my structures had finished crafting so I continued to build day 21 I was off looking for more drops but once again they were all poopy I don't know why you keep doing this to myself the rest of the day was spent working on my base and in the evening I placed my fabricator I honestly have no idea what happened to day 22. I think it got lumped together with day 23 in my notes so it just kind of disappeared um let's just move on to Day 23. Day 23 it was time for me to finally set aside the building tools and head out to tame some more things the fact that I was this far into the playthrough and still hadn't gotten a substantial amount of metal was kind of irritating so I needed to go tame a gas bags and an Ankylosaurus for this I would need to go to Asgard but in Asgard they don't allow Flyers so I wouldn't be allowed to use my Griffin therefore I would use a maywing instead so I crafted a saddle and anyone who's watched my Extinction video will know how I wasted an entire day trying to tame a gas bags well not this time I had net projectiles and it made everything so much easier oh would you look at that a high level Anki how would you like to be my slave for all of eternity while I waited for everything to tame I decided to dump all of my valuables on the Ankylosaurus and go after a lightning wyvern egg uh this one this was a bad idea uh yeah long story short lightning wyverns aren't as forgiving as fire wyverns and I got a I got Torn to Pieces foreign that's all right though getting back to the teams wasn't too hard there was a reason I dumped all my stuff on the Yankee a24 I decided to take a break from the grind and go on a road trip to explore the map a little bit obviously I couldn't explore it all in one day but what I did see was pretty cool when I returned home I crafted myself a gas bag saddle and an Ankylosaurus saddle and went on a small metal run as Darkness fell I also grabbed a whole bunch of Crystal while I was at it I would need it for construction later wait why did I craft another Inky saddle I found a better one in a drop now I'm confusing myself I began to make the castle a bit more like home on day 25 I set up a bunch of refining forges and began production on Windows to increase the aesthetic or something what do I always build with Windows I also got my electricity system set up so I could finally start using refrigerators a26 I set up my air conditioners which meant I could finally start hatching things I started with the rexes and I got no mutations so I killed them in hindsight there were definitely better uses for these rejects but yeah I learned later after that I had some more pteranodons and may Wings day 27 I began hatching in raising the Deinonychus eggs I had collected but I'm gonna be completely honest with you I was not impressed with those stats things were starting to get a bit cluttered in terms of animals so I moved my pteranodons to the upper wall so I could have more space down below after this my increased production and windows had drained my supply of crystals so I went back down to that cave I visited on day one to get some more I also didn't mention it before but this game was kind of like an aberration cave I don't really know why that's important now I just figured I'd say it day 28 I was back to construction this took up most of the day once again even though I was not at all impressed with the Deinonychus stats I had I decided I would move them to the upper wall so they were out of the way and then see if I could get any mutations by breeding them and I'm gonna be honest I hardly ever used them again in this playthrough I'll just try again on valguero day 29 I saddled up on my gas bags and took my ankylosaurus with me back to Asgard so I could get a butt ton of metal however I did have a real scare when I spawned in because I spawned then right next to a couple Shadow Mains I managed to make it out safely yeah but I may or may not have needed to change my pants afterwards when I got back home I set up a bunch of feeding troughs I was tired of managing the meat and berries on everything it's almost as if I started to play this game properly yeah right all of day 30 was just constructing my base yeah a31 I wanted a mate for my villanosaurus so I spent some time looking around the Volcano Island for one I managed to find two in the exact same spot and somehow with great difficulty knocked them both out [Music] one of them got attacked by a bunch of stuff and lost a whole bunch of taming Effectiveness so I built this little makeshift trap thing around it and prayed that it would work the first volanosaur tamed although then I realized it wasn't the gender I needed so I had to wait for the other one to wake up and because I'm such a smart little guy I went after another fire wyvern egg just because I was there and for whatever reason there was no competition it was just me and the Egg I was pretty sure there was a 190 flying around somewhere but it must have been at a render while I waited for the villanosaur to wake up I went back home and continued to work on my base and then went on another Crystal Run in the aberration cave a33 the villanosaur had finished waking up so I returned to the Volcano Island to knock it out again and to be completely honest with you this should have happened a long time ago but my knockout method finally got me killed foreign [Music] [Music] was still focused on my Griffin when I got back so I managed to recover my stuff but then a Rex attacked and unfortunately this would be the end of my attempt because that velanosaur was about to meet Jesus day 34 I hatched some more Deinonychus and Rex eggs I kept all the ones with the favorable stats and killed the rest once these rexes were fully grown I would be able to use them to breed for consistent High stats in the babies I was now in need of a caving creature and what better than a kitty I spent a good chunk of time looking around for a high level and once I found one I knocked it out foreign while I let it get a bit hungry so I could tame it I went home and placed an industrial Grill to cook some meat day 35 I began knocking out a female thylacolia with a high level that would be a good breeding partner unfortunately though it fell asleep in the water so it soon drowned after that I found a Max Level male and figured why not at least then I could have some backup just in case one of them died after my first and second thyla tamed on Day 36 I went home and crafted some grappling hooks to begin a caving spree I first ventured into the aberration cave to see if I could find any cave drops I did end up finding a Mastercraft therizino saddle but I would have preferred a blueprint but I guess I can't complain about that I then narrowly escaped death fighting this spino and then returned home a37 I visited another cave and this one was a lava cave this cave actually had two artifacts the clubber and the pack on my way back though I I fell oh my goodness that Tyler didn't even last three days I returned to the cave on my backup phyla and managed to get all my stuff back but I also had two close calls coming back out of the cave foreign I was working on a throne room in my little castle and I figured it would be perfect to put the artifacts in there so I set up some pedestals after that my new destination would be the volcano island so I could get another artifact this time it was in a cave that resembled Mount Doom from Lord of the Rings I I love the little wings the artifact was super easy to get it was just run straight in then run straight back out day 38 I made fur armor so I could head to the Frozen areas to look for megatheriums I needed them to fight the spider mommy later on I looked all stinking day I did not find a single one when I did finally find them they were both in their High 90s in terms of levels and just frankly not very good but I had to start somewhere after they were both knocked out I scavenged for beehives so I could tame them with greater Effectiveness on day 39 I found two high-level rhinos right next to each other so I decided to knock both of them out I made a pit stop back home so I could restock on narcotics and then grab some more veggies on my way back after I returned one of the Rhinos got attacked and frankly I just didn't care so I killed it I got super lucky later on and found a Max Level male megatherium and knocked it out but not too much longer after that a pack of hyena duns started attacking it so I would have to wait for it to wake up A40 I built a trap around the megatherium so it wouldn't get out after it woke up I was getting a little bit impatient and wanted the megatherium to wake up faster so I went and tamed this very low level parasaur and began harvesting stem Berry so I could wake it up faster I'm not even sure if this works anymore but either way I'm probably gonna get flamed in the comments anyway then a mammoth and diadon started fighting right next to it and I figured I could take them both on and uh kind of killed the megatherium at the same time once the megatheriums and Rhino had finished taming I returned home and began breeding after that it was time to go looking for another cave drop hopefully a Rex saddle BP hopefully a theraxino saddle BP [Music] e41 I wanted to switch things up a little bit I paid another visit to the fire wyvern trench because I wanted to see if I could knock out a female so I could start raising my own but nothing was spawning evidently because it was empty rather than leaving though I saw an opportunity and decided to do something dumb once again I charged headfirst into the magmasaur cave on my thylak to tell you the truth though this cave was way easier than Genesis it was a giant Loop and all I had to do was run straight back out as soon as I nabbed an egg foreign home I had my first megatherium baby and what do you know it was a mutation well that's great and all the stats were still incredibly mid for the rest of the day I went looking for a breeding pair of Megalodons so I could start going through the ocean caves and you know as I do in every video I would tame these things and then completely forget about them and never use them gay 42 I scrapped together everything I would need to make two Megalodon Saddles and then later tame the basilosaurus after that I bred my megalodons but as I've already said I would completely forget about them at this point I figured it was about time I go get another artifact so I visited a snow cave on the very north side of the map I actually really liked this entrance because it was hidden behind a rock nice touch wild card you know what isn't a nice touch though the prolovia that was hiding right behind it a43 I returned to the cave on a Pteranodon fortunately my Griffin and somehow my Pteranodon as well went to work on the creatures in there and killed quite a few there were still a few enemies inside but I managed to bait them out so my Griffin could handle them and finally the artifact was in sight but then of course I contracted Mega rabies I returned once again on another Pteranodon and this time I was finally able to get my stuff back and secure the artifact after I left the cave I got sidetracked by this max level megatherium with a good health stat considering the ones I had at home were crap I had to tame it I also got a very good role on the health stat once the megatherium tamed because he had 39 points in it day 44 was pretty chill but an important day nonetheless after I returned home with my new megatherium I had almost everything I needed to craft an industrial Forge I just needed oil so I went around on my bass low to kill other basilos and got some experience for it in the meantime so it was a double whammy I was finally able to craft my industrial Forge and the rest of the day was spent working on my base and you know what it was starting to look pretty good I forgot to record day 45 but all I really did was build a giant Rex pen so we good think I've seen what makes you cheer day 46 was mostly just construction which included finishing the aforementioned Rex pen from day 45. later on I was happy with my progress so I decided to visit Asgard again for another metal run this time I got as much as I could carry and you know what on day 47 I still wanted more metal so I made a pit stop at home to drop off everything I had already collected and then went out for another run with my fresh Metal Supply on day 48 I set up an industrial cooker some more fridges and a chemistry bench I was still a bit overloaded with metal and wanted a Second Industrial Forge but for that I would need more polymer I checked for mantises on the volcano island and only found two before remembering that I could just go to the swamp biome and harvest it in Mass from those carcasses Upon returning home I set up my second Forge and began crafting narcotics for trink darts I had almost all my boss creatures Rex's and megatheriums but now I needed therizinos for the dragon I spent all day on day 49 looking for a good therizino but all of them were just trash finally at the end of the day I I decided to settle on a level 90 just like the megatheriums then I remembered I still had Rex babies to raise so I had to rush home so I could get them imprinted then I had to rush back so I could feed the therizino narcotics before it could wake up baby 50 was almost the exact same except this time I was looking for a female therizino finding nothing I decided to give up and go home and begin grinding for megatherium Saddles they were kind of expensive especially when you consider I had to make 19 of them at the end of the day I had everything I needed to craft them so I took a mind wipe tonic and began crafting and you know what the bonuses weren't too bad day 51 I gave my first batch of Rex's their final imprints after that I braced myself for another long and hard day of hunting for therizinos except for the fact that the search didn't even last 20 seconds thank you I'm about to get flamed so hard in the comment section I didn't spend too much time thinking about my luck though I immediately sprang into action I built two separate traps and then LED each one into their respective trap foreign was spent scrapping together everything I needed to make a couple more pieces of exceptional kibble so I could finally tame the female that night Myla continued on day 52 because after the male therizino tamed I saw that he had 47 points in melee after I set both of the theories to breed I finally felt for the first time in this playthrough like I could actually beat the map then it was back to the caves to see if I could find any good loot at this point I really needed good blueprints for both Rex and theraxino Saddles I didn't find any good saddle BPS unfortunately but in the lava cave I did find a Mastercraft shotgun and a Mastercraft set of black leggings and then I died guys this cave doesn't like me day 53 it was time to go get another artifact this time I went to the cave with the artifact of the massive I don't know what any of them are called so that's what I'm rolling with and this was the most fun I had ever had in a cave in Ark it made it feel like an actual Adventure it was a winding Labyrinth full of puzzles booby traps you name it it was great foreign [Music] I was almost actually sad when I got the artifact I wanted there to be more then I decided to tackle the underwater cave where the artifact of the Devourer is and for whatever freaking reason I did not bring my megalodons just me and my bass low but then the game bugged and there was nothing spawning down there which was good and bad at the same time when I got to where the artifact was supposed to be it wasn't there so I had to re-log this was kind of scary because I thought I was gonna get attacked as soon as I logged back in but the artifact was there but nothing was spawning so I got off scot-free without having to fight a single thing down there I could go on and on about oh there should have been stuff there but no I'm really grateful I hate I hate underwater caves a54 I continued my spelunking adventures and visited the cave with the artifact of the sky Lord this one was a snow cave and you know how much I love snow caves fortunately I had plenty of shotgun shells and high places to stand on so I could shoot down and deal with the critters if if you take away the Bears perlovia's wolves and all the nasties then the cave itself was actually kind of cool to be honest I have no idea how I got to this artifact easier than some of the others but you know what again I'm not complaining I returned home triumphantly now that I had another small handful of artifacts to place on their pedestals things were moving along I died twice on day 55 which is pretty embarrassing considering I did nothing really dangerous the first death came when I was being a bonehead down at the beaver dams I decided I would be fine and be able to make it back to my Griffin before they attacked and no that is not the case when you are completely encumbered with wood the second death came while I was building my base and there's no real need to explain what happened here the a56 was relatively uneventful I hatched some rexes in the morning and then acted like an NPC for the greater part of the day then I decided to visit vanaheim for the first time to see if I could find any metal and Crystal I did not find any metal and I found very little Crystal it was not worth it a57 I dropped off everything I had collected in vanaheim and then continued on my Merry way for another metal run then I passed this mountain with a very unusual amount of bears I've never seen so many bears in one spot in my entire life not even at a zoo a58 I was still on my metal run after I finished my metal run I returned home to raid the beaver dams and print more rexes and continue building it was now day 59 and I was getting very close to my first boss fight the rexes I would use for the first boss fight were now completely grown up the last thing I did that day was craft up some primitive Rex Saddles because I did not have a BP yet day 60 I finished my Throne Room by placing my throne and no it can't be a chair it has to be a toilet also the day was spent just raising up baby therizinos and leveling up Rex's so they'd be ready for the fight at one point I left my maywing behind so I could run around on my Rex to kill stuff and I guess akarno found it that was a bummer a61 I took care of my theories in the morning and then I was finally ready to go fight Hattie and skull all right [Music] doggo's game on [Music] [Music] thank you foreign 62 I was feeling pretty good now that I've beaten one of the seven bosses I had no time to celebrate though I took one of my megatheriums to the bear cave at the Northern end of the map and let's just place to get a megatherium experience there were quite a few loot crates there as well and honestly none of them were bad not only that but there's a room where you can just straight up Harvest all the honey you could ever want it was a no-brainer I would definitely come back here in the future for sure when I returned home I raised my children and then crafted more heels and grapples so I could do more caving runs day63 I returned to the lava cave to do another drop hunt but at the entrance I nearly died to a car now after somehow surviving that it was only natural that I would later contract Mega rabies and fall into the lava [Laughter] [Music] yeah I tried using the transfer tool to get my stuff back but you can't transfer your stuff back to your inventory if your body is still there so a few times I just straight up jumped into the lava to try and get a few punches off of my body to harvest it I suppose this worked eventually because I was able to get my stuff back despite all this I wasn't done with caves yet for the day I still wanted to go visit the bear cave again once more there were tons of drops but none of them were good this time the first part of day 64 I forgot to record again which was stupid because I actually got an artifact the biggest bummer is that I think it's one of the coolest places on the map one of the coolest artifact Chambers I had ever seen fortunately I did start recording again before I headed into the swamp cave that the megatherium once again this cave was a breeze but now I officially had all of the artifacts on my way back home I visited the aberration cave again to see if there would be any drops and this time there was there was a yellow drop with the pistol it was all right but then there was a red drop which had exactly what I needed whoa yeah baby that's what I've been waiting for that's what it's all about a65 I put the finishing touches onto my base I'm sorry it took so long but there was just too much to do in the meantime then I went back to the bear cave to level up another megatherium there were no drops but it wasn't a total loss because I'd still be bringing back heaps of meat narcoberries and fiber that the megatherium had collected I got incredibly lucky again on day 66 in the aberration cave where I found a red drop with a blueprint for a therizino saddle the our gods are on my side and almost the entire rest of the day was spent going around and killing things for Boss tributes and guys you'll never believe this but at the end of the day I crafted one whole simple kibble ladies ladies one at a time Monday 67 I was doing a whole bunch of kibble crafting I tamed a female moshops to breed with my mail so I could start making Superior kibble it's mostly that in making extraordinary kibble from my Deinonychus eggs so I could tame a you tyrannus later a68 I was on the hunt during my many travels I had seen plenty of beauties and rhinos wandering up there in the snow now it's just a matter of finding a good level for each at first I had no luck finding anything so I returned home to imprint my therizinos but once I returned to the search I found a 145 male Rhino down in the Southeast corner of the map exactly what I needed to breed knocking it out was a little bit tricky because I didn't want it to drown in the ocean here but somehow I managed to keep it up not too much longer later I found a level 135 you tyrannus male with decent stamina and melee stats then I knocked it out Safari style from the back of my Griffin which made me feel like a chad a69 nice the Rhino finished taming and I decided I would try to tame a fjordha foreign that did not go well especially after these Rafters almost killed me I'll just tame a fjordhook some other time instead I went to Asgard to see if I could find the rock Drake trench I couldn't find it so I looked up how to get there but in the meantime I also found out that I couldn't go down there without Hazard gear because there's radiation wonderful it had gotten late though so I went home and sat on my throne and admired the RGB Castle around me you see the colors it was a gamer Castle a70 I went AFK while I waited for my baby therizino to want attention the Rhinos had given birth but I completely neglected to feed it and so it died don't call CPS on me he'll do better next time I swear once again I returned to the bear cave to level up a megatherium and the loot there was also once again bad hey 71 I finished up looting the bear cave and on my way back home I decided I would visit the lava cave again to level up another megatherium and as we all know very well by now every time I visit the lava cave I am certain to die after that I began rounding up all my megatheriums at the next bus terminal Baylor all the megatheriums got cryo cygnus but that was okay because I actually forgot my Rune so I had to go back home to get them once my megatheriums were done waking up then it was time to fight the bee foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I curb stomped her I wasn't really worried about this one day 72 I went around harvesting hide because I needed an incredible amount in order to craft all of the Saddles I wanted to make I actually found the Giga from day one and I thought it was perfect because I still needed a giganotosaurus heart of course it was only natural that one of my Dives would hit the water and I would fall off as soon as that happened I knew it was Joe vert when I returned somehow the Griffin hadn't been killed so I was able to whistle him out of there and because these things have so much darn health I wasn't able to actually kill it until the stroke of midnight day 73 I hadn't forgotten about that rock Drake cave but now I had a plan to retrieve the egg step one I wanted to tame an Andrew circus one of the new Critters on the map I learned you had to throw the honey down so it would come up to it and start eating once it did you would hop on its back and proceed to play this little mini game until it was tamed or just killed you one or the other fortunately for me though a tamed The Next Step was making some Hazmat gear I collected a bunch of condensed gas from the sulfur fields on the Lava Island and then some blue gems from the aberration cave and I was all set yay 74 and it was time to visit the rock Drake cave was a bit nervous at first because the areas were a lot tighter than I thought they would be but I managed to only aggro a few so we were all good after I managed to kill all my aggressors I nabbed this level 180 egg and made my fast Escape foreign when I got back home I hatched some therizinos and then went out to the Redwoods so I could put down some tree sap Taps this was the first step in order to get myself some Veggie cakes but I would have to focus on that later day 75 I delivered some of the megapithecus tributes to the terminal in the aberration cave and spent the rest of the day harvesting hide day 76 was huge I hatched my rock Drake gig and I finally had wiggums back after that I once again spent most of the day harvesting hide there was a point in time where I went into the aberration cave so I could clear out these perlovias which were kind of a nuisance using a grenade and grapples it was no problem that night I finally had enough to craft all 19 therizino Saddles so I took another mind wipe tonic and crafted a77 my rhinos had twins and I was actually around to feed them so they didn't die this time you see CPS I can be a good dad I still hadn't raised my magma sore so I needed ambergris you can only find ambergris in one place on fjordor in the deep deep sea my favorite place to be there was a whole Squad of mosasaurs and a toothy waiting for me at the bottom but I managed to somehow tank it all in my basilosaurus and win I'm not even gonna take credit for any of that I owe it all to my tame I got as much ambergris as I could carry just to be safe and when I got home I leveled up a therizino via child abuse [Music] I leveled up some more therizinos using Rex babies on day 78 I also finally hatched my magmasaur now that I actually had what I needed to raise him Wiggins finished growing and I built an S Plus Hatchery for the Rex pen so I could start Mass producing Rex eggs for experience then of course I had to take a long away to Joyride on wiggums I missed him so much day 79 I went out to tame a diadon so it could heal my therizinos after leveling them while I was out and about though I was fortunate enough to experience one of those broken Arc physics moments with the zangulosaurus I collected some more vegetables from that farm then returned home where I made veggie cakes I needed a refill for berries for the feeding trough so I went out on a therizino to collect a bunch and I didn't realize at the time but these things are actually amazing for harvesting hide if you use the bite attack day 80 I felt like I was finally ready to fight steinbjorn and I know what you're thinking trophy no don't fight him with therizinos well you know what it's too late so suck it up I guess out of all the things I did at research it had to be yotenheim I crafted primitive fur armor which was not enough to keep me warm and I didn't even have a beaver did I just say beaver I meant to say otter I didn't have an otter so of course as soon as I spawned in I began dying very fast I had plenty of heals on me though so it wasn't all too bad I managed to stay alive down to the terminal and I began the fight and that's when I realized I made a mistake I was so invested in the tiny output of damage my therizinos were doing that I didn't even notice my health and I died this was a pretty rough moment for me I had no idea if I had lost my tames and I had almost certainly lost all of my stuff but I still had 20 more days I would need some serious luck to beat this guy but it could be done day 81 I decided to get back to the Grind rather than pout I had no time to dwell on my failure now is the time for action and maybe just maybe luck would be on my side again [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign I felt like I had made a comeback I had done the research tamed the gigas now all I needed to do was figure out whether or not I could survive in yotenheim this time I teleported over with my best fur armor and my otter and when I got there I was not ice cubing now I didn't bring my gigas with me but I went down to check the boss terminal to see if things were still alive and everybody was still alive including the boss unfortunately I booked it back home so I could level up one of my gigas then ran back so I could finally engage in the fight properly see I didn't even need two gigas I could have clapped him with one the loot was a huge W-2 because I got a blueprint for an ascendant you tyrannus saddle and a Mastercraft Rhino saddle a88 I began delivering tributes to the boss terminals periodically throughout the day I would return home so I could raise my therizino Army the only tribute I still needed to get more of was basilosaurus blubber so I found this one in the shallows and decided to kill it on my Giga because but then it didn't give me any blubber so I was like they a89 was a load of bull crap I spent most of the day looking for a basilosaurus which should have been pretty common but I just wasn't finding one anywhere I also had this near-death experience which was great after that I went to deliver all the dragon tributes to its terminal I explored a little bit deeper into the cave just because I could and discovered that it was actually the minds of Moria I spent a good chunk of time just wandering around in there because I'm a nerd what can I say on day 90 I was starting to feel really anxious I only had 10 days left to beat the map a huge chunk of the day was spent wandering around grabbing as many silica pearls as I could to craft the utirana saddle I needed over 1 000 of them to craft it but I knew it would be worth it and as I delivered a couple of my therizinos to the dragon terminal I realized that I was truly truly in the end game I also knew that I essentially had one shot to beat this if I lost on any of the bosses it would probably mean game over [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] this challenge was wild I'm slowly becoming more and more familiar with the game as I play it if you're still watching by this point thank you so much for seeing it through to the end you're awesome I love you big wet smooch on the cheek and yeah leave a like And subscribe if you want to see more peace out foreign [Music]
Channel: Choofiie
Views: 481,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, comedy, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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