ARK: 40 TIPS & TRICKS For Beginners & Advanced Players | 2022

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oh we're back for another video on the ark we're doing a 40 beginners and advanced tips and tricks video so after a dude let's get straight into it starting off at number one and giving us a great introduction into playing arc this is ark you're gonna die a lot and there's always something else you could have done differently to survive that's why you gotta see it as a learning experience and not get annoyed because i can be quite annoying when starting out this is a thing i do all the time and it's definitely a good habit i picked up as it works well for feeding troughs and refrigerators it doesn't take a lot of time to do and it will save you a lot of time if you never did this at all of course anything in the refrigerator takes a long time to spore however this comes in very handy for the more valuable consumables like sweet vegetable cakes for example as you can see these are all in six or seven stacks take all of the refrigerators inventory and transfer them all straight back in doing this re-stacks them into their maximum stack therefore extending the spoil timer and of course if they were all at one stack they would all spoil at the same time and you wouldn't have any vegetable cakes in your fridge hot bar essentials and getting familiar with the slots that you use for them this is my hotbar layout for pve so the four slots on the left are the easiest to access via a controller if you're playing on console which for me is always bowlers parachutes a shotgun or any kind of weapon that can kill creatures quickly and your healing items after i keep the crossbow with grapping hooks sword and pike together as they're quite useful but you don't use them as much spyglass always something you need to have quick access to the last two slots on my far right the cut me and the crossbow with tracks i always change them out for stuff like i might need in certain situations there's no rush to quickly drink water if you ask me so i was just have a canteen in my normal inventory rather than on the hot bar you want to get into the habit of being familiar with what items you always put in the same slot when you're in those bad situations you'll get used to which keys to press for what weapons and items you need in that certain situation so it's best to get into the habit of keeping the same hot bar layout on any map that you play this mountain obtained creature of a poor turning radius can enable it to turn round and fight the correct direction if set to neutral of course this can prevent your creature from taking a lot of damage if certain aggressive creatures are attacking it from behind i will turn the tables on a battle pretty quickly just be careful when doing so as it can potentially put you at risk but let's be honest we all care about our dinos more than we care about ourselves on this game only use engram points to unlock the engrams that you need when starting out on r there are a lot of engrams however there aren't enough engine points to unlock the majority of items as you will need these points for later and of course it's a long road until you get to the point where you can craft your mindwipe tonic to respect all your points so it is important to do this don't make the same mistake i did when i started on the ark explorer notes are collectible items scattered across various arc maps once picked up they will give you double xp for a duration of time this duration will stack with the more you pick up these are great for starting on new map as you can level up ridiculously quickly and of course it's a great way to keep up with the ark story as you can follow the narration that comes with all explorer notes on the genesis simulation they come in forms of glitches and even though the fielder map is not an ark story map you can pick up runes which will give the same effect of course you managed to collect all these explorer notes you will gain an additional 10 levels on your survivor be sure to not die once picking them up because you will lose the xp boost and if possible pick them up by walking your tame creatures over the top of them and your team creature will also get the double xp bonus weight reductions on creatures this is a common thing in ark there are a lot of creatures that have weight reductions for certain resources i'm sure the majority of our players tend to use the rg and anki combo to farm pretty much any of the rare resources in the game the anki has 85 weight reduction for metal in its inventory whereas the argentavis has weight reduction for a variety of other resources so if you're out gathering metal crystal obsidian any of that you'll see from this clip we cannot move with the ankle when we pick him up however if you take all the stone and crystal out of the anki and transfer it into the rg you will see the argentavis has 50 weight reduction on all these resources and of course all these are very heavy but if you're like me greedy and wants everything including stone you want to maximize the weight capacity on your creatures and what they can carry so as you can see we've taken all the stone crystal and obsidian out of the anki shut it on the iron tavis and we can move freely again and we haven't lost any of the resources that we've gathered popcorn in items to exceed the weight limit on your survivor this consists of manually dropping a load of items out of yours or a creature's inventory so they turn into packages on the floor good examples of this are you just finished a metal run you got all your metal on your ankle he's overweight he can't move if you just sit on the ankle drop all the items out of this inventory dismounting pick up all packages with the pick up all button and then transfer it all into your forge utilizing the magnifying glass when knocking out a creature that you want to tame the magnifying glass is a great taminade as you can see how much topple the creature has gained we've all been there we've shot the creature just as it gets knocked out and it ruins the taming effectiveness but if you have a magnifying glass this is easily avoidable and this will move us on nicely to the next tip as we just knocked out our argentevis this is how to use the taming interface you want to be in your inventory and at the top of the screen you have all your tabs and you're looking for the taming list which is the icon that looks like this and this will give you a list of all the creatures you are taming it will tell you their health levels their food levels tame and effectiveness taming percentage and how much torpor they have you can track all of them or you can select one to track it will tell you the distance and it makes tracking your creature extremely easy there's no chance you're ever gonna forget where you knocked out your creatures unridden creatures do not take full damage this can be useful for navigating certain situations but the easiest way is just to drop off the mountain all you have to do is just dismount before you hit the floor and your creature will not take any full damage if you're a bit scared about risking that due to art being so laggy you can dismount the top and just use a parachute to fall to the bottom using a high ground to defeat aggressive creatures there are a lot of creatures in game that have good knock-back attacks the troika is a good example of this it is one of those creatures you always tame at the start of the game but it's also a very good fighter and can take on creatures bigger than itself if you have the high ground you can knock them back without the wrecks barely hitting your trike boaters are one of the most important basic tools in the game they can be used to immobilize targets human players for about 20 seconds and small to medium dinosaurs for about 30 seconds you can use them when getting jumped which can give you time to escape or you can use them to kill those threats and what they're mostly useful for is probably taming and it makes tame a lot of those early game creatures much easier to tame a trike is your early game best friend every time i start out in the arc i always make it my mission to tame up a trike before any of the other creatures the saddle can be unlocked at level 16 it can be crafted in your survivor's inventory the trike is an excellent berry gatherer which is vital for starting on our easy narca berries which of course is very important for taming any creatures when you start out that's all you want to do is tame creatures and i find the trike is the most important for that they're not that difficult to tame it's a herbivore berries are easy to gather when you don't have any creatures they have a very slow tallboard range so there's no problems keeping them asleep it's also great at fighting and can kill a wide variety of aggressive creatures with ease stingberries are great to have on your hotbar for early to mid game as there's plenty of times where you're snuck up on in the wild by one of those horrible scorpions and having steamberries equipped will give you enough time to either fight them or give you time to run away and not get yourself knocked out as steamberries do reduce torpor inflicting effects utilizing cryopods and the cryo fridge as soon as you get high enough level to unlock them the cryopod is an item that you can store your creatures in it's basically like a pokeball from pokemon you go up next to creatures with the cryopod in hand and press the attack button to suck them into the tripod you can unlock the cryopod at level 51 and you can lock the cry fridge at level 88 which of course is end game stuff they can only be crafted in a tech replicator supply crate or a tribute terminal creatures stored in cryo pods do not count towards the tame limit will not consume any food will gain 5 passive xp this is amazing because they do gain it while you're offline player if they were just out in your base they can only gain passive xp when you're in render distance in this video i had this ferrazino in the fridge for about a month or two months and it gained 60 levels just from sitting in the fridge they do have spore timers of course a cryopod in your inventory will last for 30 days and if you don't have access to a cryo fridge will spawn in 60 days in your refrigerator the only way you can recharge them is fire a cryo fridge which if powered will give them a lifelong spoil timer they're extremely good for transferring any of your creatures across and around the map you can throw them in and out of caves where if the entrance is too small you can't walk your free train you can just throw it out inside when your creatures are inside cryopods you can see their stats their color regions and their mutations and everything else you need to know just be sure whenever you're throwing out your creatures that you aren't thrown out too many a time if you do throw them out when you have the cooldown which is shown at the bottom right of your screen they will be thrown out unconscious and have cryo sickness which sometimes can take a while for them to wake up and they are prone to taking a lot more damage when they are asleep like this and to also make sure not to let your cryopods spoil when you have a creature inside it because it will die using traps as much as possible there are times where i just can't be bothered to make a trap and i regret doing it because my creature that i've tried to knock out just runs off and you can't find it there are many different varieties of traps all for different purposes all you need to do is just be the bait and it saves a lot of hassle not thrown away sport me charcoal or creature trophies this is a common thing i used to do when i first started playing arc i know a lot of tribe mates have done it too sport me is extremely important for early game and you always need it to make narcotics charcoal is used for making gun harder which is for making bullets even if you don't think you need it now you will need it later on and you need a lot of it creature trophies these are trophies that will be dropped by a number of creatures you will need them at the end game when you're ready to do boss fights so do not chuck any of those items away the compound bow although it is a beautiful looking weapon it's only good with metal arrows as you can see we have a primitive crossbow and primitive compound bow and test subject 135 rex damage numbers turned on of course crossbow does 95 damage and the compound bow does 74. next we'll try the tranq arrows 35 damage with the crossbow 27 with the compound bow you can't equip metal arrows to a crossbow and the metal arrows do 245 knives to the rex's face with the compound bow so don't waste any other arrows over the metal arrows as they cost a bomb to repair and it's not really worth it at all using beds and sleeping bags all the time as soon as you find a base location and plan on building the first thing you want to do is place down a bed as it will give you a constant respawn point in case you die sleeping bags are also very important sleeping bags act as a temporary respawn point and can only be used once i definitely recommend placing sleeping bags down frequently when starting out exploring caves even when taming creatures any time that you think you might die sleeping bags can be unlocked at level four simple beds can be unlocked at level seven another extra tip for the sleeping bags that i like to use a lot of people don't do this but i like to when gathering cement and pace from beaver dams i always stick a few sleeping bags around the edges of the lake open the dams grab as much cement pace you can and of course beavers will kill you very quickly this is a very good tip for starting out if you do come across a beaver dam and have no means of killing beavers you can grab all the cement and pace die respawn again and you can recover your body with no aggro from the beavers you do this over and over again until you're done farming your cemented base and don't forget to drop all the wood out destroy the dam because they will not put more cement paste in beavers have to make more dams for you to get more cement in place spawning in wooden spirals are great structures for early to mid game for example if you're getting pursued by a vicious creature you can throw a few down and they will aggro on your spot walls which will get rid of the threat and give you some extra hide they are mainly useful for taming as you can throw a few down around a creature that you have knocked out it'll give them a temporary bit of protection from hostile creatures always keeping flyers on passive as good of an idea as it sounds having a fly on neutral to defend itself it is not the better option as they will fly around like mad men if they're stuck on passive your best option if in trouble is to just mount them and fly off and of course there is whistle command so if you ever need to whistle them on passive or neutral you can do that too but for the most part it is easier and safer to just have your flyers on passive i don't know if anyone's ever seen a wyvern on neutral yes not fun staying organized arc is a huge game with a massive amount of items structures and creatures once you get a main base set up name up all your refrigerators so you know where all your consumables are living same with vaults and anything like that this is the way my base is laid out i've got all my bolts labeled up so i know where my weapons are ammo armor saddles and separate blueprints for saddles weapons and armor arc is a massive game and there's so much to know about it it makes it a hundred times easier when you know where your stuff actually is you can kill aggressive creatures through walls you can hit them and they can't hit your back i utilize this quite a lot early game when you craft up a raft go around the beaches and the hostile areas bait some predators in you can get easy hide and some easy levels just by doing this shoulder pets are extremely valuable for exploring on the ark a lot of them have unique abilities in themselves which you won't get into right now because that'll take too long but the majority of them minus i believe the vulture has weight reduction on items in their inventory while on your shoulder they can help you carry a lot more items while exploring here we have a boat and a sonoma cross i'm currently naked with nothing in my inventory minus the simple bullets that weigh 10 in mine so if you stick them in the juboa click him up you can see with the bullets in his inventory they will only weigh five in mind so it's half the weight now if you take the bullets out of the jabot and put them into the sonoma crops find they already weigh five in its inventory when not on your shoulder and when you pick them up they only weigh 2.5 in our inventory so the snowball crops is the only creature that has a 75 weight reduction on items in their inventory once on your shoulder a grappling hook and a crossbow it has many uses and just to name a few they can attach to survivors unconscious or dead and they can be reeled in they're great for navigating tough terrain especially in caves which can be near impossible to navigate through without a crossbow and grafton hook you can attach them to all creatures wild or tamed which can be useful for moving smaller wild creatures if you want to tame them always kill off low level creatures when looking for high level creatures to tame this is the best thing to do when you're struggling to find your high level creatures it will give you a better chance of a high level to spawn in that area using tame ordering groups i mainly use this for boss fights or brute hunts if you're playing genesis if you go to your creatures that you want to put in a group hold them to access the wheel for their inventory modify ordering groups then you want to add creature to group add team to group one and you do this on all the creatures that you want in group one i want these three rex's in group one and the other four in group two we'll put these four in group two so if you go back onto your diners inventory back under ordering groups you can see this one is part of group two and those are three are part of group one and how to command these guys and select only that group you have to go into your own inventory at the top you want to be going to team groups two more groups you can see we've got group one which is these three rex's here and then group two which is these four x's here you can rename the group in the middle and at the top the tick here on the left side will select your active group so let's just say we want to select these three rex's here three rex is selected anything else in the area we'll ignore our commands just these three rex's will abide by them so as you can see whistle will attack target on the dodicarus and they move in now if you want to switch to the other four axes you can select group two i find it really useful for boss fights as you can basically split your forces up you can get a group of x's behind the boss on a group where i sit in front creating a cheeky pinch you can clear the active group here which means they will all go back to being commanded together you can heal wild carnivores that you're trying to tame by either feeding yourself to them or any wild creature corpses for this to work they need to still be aggroed and not already fleeing also if you're feeding yourself to them make sure you put all your stuff on your creature or in the storage box nearby and place a sleeping bag down using the net projectile with the harpoon launcher can make taming extremely easy of course it's only available on certain maps so you will have to learn it on those to be able to craft them you can net a wide variety of creatures which will mobilize them for a whole minute which does make taemin a lot of creatures that you cannot bowler a lot easier alpha predators cannot harvest a corpse this can make them easy pickings for a kill can get pretty close they still will not aggro on you they would just focus on trying to eat that corpse which they cannot do you can attach torches to saddles all you have to do is take off the creatures saddle select the torch and there you have it how to fight wyverns while using a wyvern from my personal experience the lightning moment is the strongest out of all the wyverns as it has the most range and the most damage you can round up all the wild wide vents you need to pull your analog stick all the way to the left or the right and start sprinting in a circle while using the lightning breath attack for the most part you will hit all the weapons in the cluster and they die pretty quickly and to deal with the light environments the best way i found to deal with these is to lay it chase you get enough range from you and the wyvern as soon as it uses its breath attack you want to stop sprinting and pull back on your left analog stick which causes it to kind of pause in the air like a break look up to use your bite attack you can usually get about three or four bytes in and then the wire will fly over you then you just sprint forward again and rinse and repeat and if you use these two methods to kill them with the lightning woven your wives shouldn't take any damage at all but there are a couple of times when you're fighting the lightning environments that they can hit you and just to point out my one was low on health at the end of the clip because i leveled up its health so don't worry i didn't get hit that much this is also a great way to farm liven talons for doing the manticore boss fight the whip is one of the most useful tools in the game it does have some unique qualities that you can use it for including with a flyer that's hovering in the air to make it land whipping up a load of packages that are popcorn on the floor which of course makes the popcorn tip from earlier a lot easier to do and you can whip over-encumbered creatures which will make them move a bit further forward of course it has a lot more use of pvp whipping weapons out of players hands or dismantling them from creatures to name the most popular rare flowers can be used to tame passive flea creatures so when your survivor consumes a rare flower you will be given the rare flower effect for 10 seconds everything in the area will become aggressive to you and if you want to you can eat a bunch of them to stack the effect as you can see in the video clip this type of jar was fleeing from me and once i could see the red flag it turned around and started chasing me therefore i could lead it into the trap and safely drank it out tech creatures are a different type of variant of creature that will spawn in the wild and they can be extremely valuable to your tribe if you manage to tame a load of them of course these creatures will spawn up to level 180 so if you're looking for stronger creatures to tame if you do manage to spot a high level in the wild it's definitely a good idea to tame one however if you're looking to get rich all you need is one male a bunch of females doesn't matter what level they are have them in your base mate in patch a little babies let them fully grow up it is time to start the slaughter sadly and the best method to harvest them is by using a chain tool which includes oil element dust scrap metal which is basically raw metal and electronics i do already have a detailed guide showcasing which tech creatures are best for breeding as babies and which drop the most resources i will stick a link in the description of the video staff taming this is probably the safest and best method of taming creatures it can reduce the risk of losing resources and will reduce the workload for you as it is mostly a beneficial technique when taming carnivores on prime meat we've stopped him in once the creature is knocked out you simply wait a while for the food to go down and just keep it knocked out with narcotics before feeding it once the creature is hungry enough to eat all the food that you want to tame it with you then begin feeding it then they'll pretty much eat it all in one go and tamer and if you're confused and need any info on how to use star taming you can download the dododex taming calculator this is a great app for arc i will stick a link in the description of the video farming blueprints is a very important part of art blueprints are similar to engrams however you do not have to spend angry points to use them you will find them in supply crates deepsea loot crates cave loot crates and a variety of different ways depending on the map you are playing finding stronger blueprints will enable you to craft the best gear weapons armor and saddles in the game which is key to a lot of end game scenarios and this leads us on perfectly to the craft and skill staff crafting skill is a measure of how fast you can craft items and can boost the quality of creative recipes and blueprints at mid to end game once you have a load of blueprints and you want to make better quality blueprints create yourself a mind wipe tonic the my white tonic is a brew that you can consume that will respect all of your skill points and give back all your ingram points quite expensive to make so they're pretty much mid to end game stuff and once you have all the materials in your crafter device you consume the mind white pump all your points in the crafting scale for example here we have the beaver we're gonna crash some flak armor and just show you how much boost you can get on the armor rating and durability across some of the trousers as it's the highest tier of blueprint we have durability 474 and armor rating 303 so once we craft these you'll find that we will get a random quality of craft and skill bonus and all the stats on the armor will go up so if we take the legs and compare them to the blueprint you see armor rain is massively increased on this one you've got a 50.1 percent bonus for crafting skill durability's gone up by almost 200 and that is how you can craft the best quality of blueprints possible and to conclude the video i'm gonna throw in a cheeky little pvp tip that i used to use back in the day which is going to be using a spyglass to line up shots when using a weapon that has massive weapon sway long neck rifle is a perfect example of this when you have your scope attachment equipped the weapon sway is insanely bad it's nearly impossible to hit shots from a distance even if this target is stationary it's a great pvp tip if you catch someone off guard where they're looking at the dinos inventory or something you can line up your shot with your spyglass instantly equip your long neck rifle fire a shot without zooming in and it will hit that target with pinpoint accuracy and that is also going to be the end of the video i hope it was helpful i'll catch you all in the next one which will probably be my 100 days video which i've nearly finished editing take care goodbye
Channel: BEYPlaysGames
Views: 371,447
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Keywords: ARK, ARK TIPS AND TRICKS, ARK TOP TIPS AND TRICKS, ARK ADVANCED TIPS AND TRICKS, ARK ADVANCED TIPS & TRICKS AND THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT, ARK NOOB TO PRO TIPS IN 2022, ARK TOP TIPS AND TRICKS IN 2022, ARK Tips And Tricks For Pros, ARK Tips and Tricks For Beginners, ARK Tips and Tricks You Didn't know about in 2022, ARK pro tips in 2022, ark best hidden tips and tricks, ARK Noob to pro tips and tricks in 2022, ARK Beginners guide, ark beginners tips and tricks
Id: yXBZjpyudRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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