Ark survival Ascended/ASA Roadmap & cryopod news/update

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all right guys I'm down here with a quick update I'm sorry I haven't done a video in a while um the um Arc survival ascendant dropped on Xbox so as you do you put the hours in you you do the grind and um I made myself a bit unwell um I think the first two nights I had I had maybe like two hours sleep for the first two nights um got sort of ill my throat all sort of was really sore I couldn't really speak so couldn't really do any videos I have been recording content so I have been actually playing so I will actually do an episode for you guys on small tribes um A lot's happened since then um XBox has launched um PlayStation has launched um there's been a new ascended trailer that was shown on the game awards which I will put on and show you guys in a little while um we've had the extra life event which we raised quite a lot well not us personally but which was good we had some good rates there which is which was good the um turkey trials is active now until the 18th of December um if you're not familiar with the turkey trials guys you um there's turkeys that spawn where dodos usually spawn and you have to kill them uh once you kill them you get the wishbones with the wishbones you put them into the Smithy and then you can craft uh different skins and and bits like that really um I'm not really too into the whole um turkey Trails I feel like there's a lot of wasted effort and time cuz they have like 200,000 health and they do hit kind of hard I tried it with a like a 30,000 Health Rex with 700 melee and I I just gave up it just taken too long so in the end I used a pho because of the bleed attack which isn't too bad hit run away hit run away eventually you get there um if you like skins and stuff it's quite fun it's a little bit of fun but I'm I I'm not really into the whole skins I do have a few of my trib mates ask me when stuff's coming out so this is the official road map at the moment which you can find on the survive the ark website um I think it was it came out on one of the community crunches um as you can see things have been pushed back um survival the fittest has been released now to date at the moment um which is great uh Scorch Earth will you have to wait till March now which is a shame then may you've got the center then you've got aberration in July then Ragnarok in September Extinction in October um I'm not sure what this surprise is all about um Ark survival ascended surprise um not sure what that is but we'll see then you've got fuero in December then you've got Genesis in February that's quite a while to wait then you've got Crystal Isles in April um Genesis 2 in May August you've got the last Island and October you've got F Fior so it's a lot different to what they originally put it's a lot more waiting time um hopefully they'll be able to hit these deadlines I wouldn't count on it guys so don't plan around when these deadlines are coming out because you know wild Arc it never sort of happens and what else we've got oh we've got an update on cryopods for you there's no official date yet but said did put this in the Discord I'll just give this a read for you guys um it says survival the fittest is live cryopod design is still under development specifically regarding portability however we wanted to get the dyo storage aspect into PTR which is uh PTR I think is like their test server um cryopod and cryo fridges are now level 50 unlockable Eng GS when the cryo fridge is placed they take 5 minutes to activate cryo pods can only be released within a range of the activated cry fridge set to 3,500 currently I think it's about 300 per foundation so I think it's about 12 Foundation uh PVP only guys cry pods cannot be released if there are enemies nearby set to again 3,500 which I think is about 12 foundations dinos cannot be coded if damaged Within 60 seconds I don't know about that cuz that's going to be annoying I've saved my Dyno multiple times um dyo matings cool down will now tick down correctly in cryopods well that's pretty that's pretty good that's a big change um wonder how that's going to go um let me know in the comments guys what you think about those changes whether or not you think they're going to be good or if it's just a waste of time even bringing cryopods out now that the fact that you can't do certain things um I'm quite excited I never like the fact that you could just you know pocket Giga someone and just Chuck out a pocket Giga just randomly like it's it's just silly really in my opinion but some people love it some people don't um what else have we got for you oh there was a new trailer released at the game rewards guys so I'm going to wrap this video up um I will play the trailer till the end um if you did like the content and you found it useful um and if there's any other videos you'd like me to do um please like And subscribe guys it does help me out um until next time enjoy the trailer so you've come to hear of the past Tales of which you no doubt have heard by now I've seen it from the push of light to the break of dawn I've awoken on that very Beach lost stranded surrounded by beasts Mighty and strong I fought for my survival again and again until I began to learn from this island to understand its laws heed the tail of the bird who flies through wind guiding its flow caring not for what lies below but what lies ahead preserving its energy for when it's needed but then the time comes for the bird must fly through storm and wind if it survives long enough it earns the right to pass this place this island this storm is not the end it is simply the beginning and it will take all of us to endure to survive to last long enough to find what lies Beyond the Veil [Music] [Music]
Views: 2,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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