TOP 5 RAT HOLES & BEST PvP BASE LOCATIONS in Ark Survival Ascended

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what's happening everyone and welcome back to a brand new ark survival ascended video and in today's video I'm going to be showing you five rat holes or best PVP base locations that you can find on the island something to bear in mind is I haven't found all of these areas myself they are quite well known online but I thought I would cover them in a video and show you what you could potentially fit inside of them to give you base ideas in case you going to PVP to start off with the first one is in the northeast corner of the map at latitude 28 and longitude 93 and I'm showing you exactly where to go by zooming in on the map on all of these since it can be quite difficult sometimes I find to actually find the locations on guides for base locations and that sort of thing but when you get here this is what you're looking for you're looking for this rock formation or Island that is located just off the shore you want to head on over to the island you can do this by swimming or flying it's completely up to you I'm just using a fly it to show you how you can get there if you do have one already when you get to this specific spot you want to just jump in the water and you can see that I've already put something in this specific Rat Hole but you want to head on over to this little crevice it is an underwater route and when you get here it is quite a small place to build in and you have to make sure that the platforms you're using on the ceilings or the foundations are close to the water surface in order for you to be able to surface into the cave and pop straight onto your building but you can see that this location is very small all I've managed to fit in it is one and two forges and a couple of morott and pestel in a bed I have put in a ceiling platform above the main base location though to give us access to another Smithy so it's just more storage locations for your bits and pieces this is definitely a starter location I think considering you can't really fit anything else in there like a fabricator or a fridge or a cam bench or anything like that you can also fit a bed in because it kind of snaps into one of the forges so that's quite good you can just spawn back here but you can access everything that I've placed in this specific spot in this fashion Builders out there will probably be able to get a lot more in here in a lot better order or a more organized fashion but I'm not a very good builder in Arc so this is the best I could do with the knowledge I have of Arc survival ascended now the building works but again probably a good location for a solo player especially when starting in PvP if you are struggling to get going with getting attacked by other players our second location is at Latitude 10 longitude 31 and this is in the northern area of the map where it is all snowy and very cold so you do tend to lose Health quite quickly which is one of the benefits of this specific Rat Hole or base now this is an easy one to find and when you get to this specific location and you're looking at the land you just want to head forward and you will see that there is an opening underneath the overhanging cliffs which allows you to get underneath them so over to the left hand side is where the most room is and this is where I've chosen to put down a fabricator now you're not going to be able to fit an industrial Forge in here so again I think it's just a bit of a stter base this one as I think you will also be found very quickly but like I said there's only one side where there is a lot of room for you to put down structures you are able to fit quite a lot in here cuz there is a lot of floor space especially level floor space and at the back of the Rat Hole or cave there is a slope which you are able to build on as well I don't know if the larger stones are harvestable so you could maybe get even more room if there are I probably should have tried that but you are able to fit a lot in here so it's definitely one to check out it's not one to stay in though because like I said I think you are going to be easily found and there isn't a lot of room for endg game items like a tech replicator or even just an industrial Forge like I said you can see I've managed to fit a generator in on the slope at the back I've tried to keep everything in one corner because that's where the most room is and I think it's probably the most defendable area of this specific Rat Hole but when you do look at it from the outside it is very visible which is why I've got metal walls up in there to kind of protect your structures a little bit more and your base one side of the entrance is definitely more visible than the other but if people are running around on the beaches they will spot this it is quite an obvious area so if you are going to use it I would just use it to get started and set yourself up and then move somewhere else very quickly the next one on our list is located south of the Redwoods and west of the green Obelisk it's 69 latitude and 47 longitude it's a little bit more complicated to find this one so I'm going to run you through exactly what you need to do you want to come to this location and this is hopefully what you will see when you do arrive the main landmark you're looking for is the cliff right in front of us now it's difficult to see from this angle but if I take the PT up into the air a little bit it's going to give you a better idea of the area you're actually looking for so it's this Cliff coming out of the Redwoods south of the Redwoods West of the green Obelisk and it's just above the swamp it also looks like it's trying to connect to the little island to the left of us so that's kind of a bit more of an indicator of where you actually need to be to find this particular Rat Hole but when you get to this location you want to head towards the cliff and simply follow it as if you would be heading to the Redwoods but dip down a little bit and when you do that you will see that to the left of the PT there is an underpass of this bridge and then up to to the top right you will find a little grassy area which has a ledge that you can actually land on now you can grapple up to this as well I just flew to it because it's a lot easier the terrains a little bit difficult to navigate but you just simply have to jump your way up to the top left hand corner where you can see I've got 365 heavy turrets I don't really but I have a lot of them just crammed in this little corner here and you simply drop down and then you will find yourself in what I would say is quite a large Rat Hole however it's quite difficult to work work with in terms of the space there is a section below where I've put my ceilings and Foundations which you can also get down to but it's just very cramped and it's very difficult to actually Place anything down there I think the best place to put anything into this rattle is around about where I am now the only Annoying Thing is towards the back of the Rat Hole where I've got the stairs you actually have to have some form of ramp to get you up to the next part of the Rat Hole there is a section in the back as well you can't place anything around there because of the way it is sort of shaped I did notice when I was recording this that you could actually get up a little higher so I do try to do that but the hole you can see that I go to you can't really get down in there and there's not really much in there either you can't really put anything in there so there's not really much point the good thing about this Rat Hole is it is quite tall right from the bottom to the top it is very tall but it's just not very wide and it makes play and things very difficult again I'd say this is probably a starter Rat Hole the thing I do like about it which is why I've placed it higher on the list is it's not exactly easy to get to it's in the center of the map it's in quite a sort of dangerous area of the map it's a little bit difficult to get to in terms of actually its location on the cliff there is a little platform but it's not exactly like you can just walk into it you have to actually try to get up there the only thing I will say is if you are going to try and build here and you are going to try and defend it your turrets could probably be drained from the lower part down outside of this Rat Hole so it's probably not the best one but it would be safe enough for you to get started you can see I've managed to fit a generator in here I've got a fabricator smithies forges and you can probably put some motor and pestel around as well to increase storage it's quite a good one but it's definitely not top of my list at the moment for the rat holes that are available now for our second last one you want to come to the east of the map and you want to come to around 48 latitude and 79 longitude it's pretty easy to find if you come to this specific spot on the map simply because this area is north of the green obelisk and you don't have to go too far to find the hole to get into the Rat Hole now I say hole to get into the rat hole because you actually have to dive through a hole in the ground which takes you to a sort of underground area which then leads to the Rat Hole so you simply want to go to where I was and then follow where I'm going with the PT there is a hole to the left there but you actually want to go to the next one up which is a little bit larger a little bit longer and it's kind of identifiable because of the sort of grassy Roots hanging down from the top of the hole in the ground then you simply want to head to this slit in the Rock behind more of those sort of hanging branches or roots or whatever they are and you can see you can land a flyer up in here there's quite a bit of area actually outside of where I would put my base if I was to use this one myself you can fit quite a lot of spam and turrets in here I think and it's going to be quite difficult for people to rid you I think because they can't necessarily get tames in to soak your turrets they're going to have to try and do it really gradually Al which could take a long time but if you set up the Rat Hole in this way you just simply have to climb up some ladders to get to the very top part or you could leave it a bit more open and grapple up or fly up or whatever and now this is quite a small rat hole but I'm really impressed by how much you can actually fit in here I've got a lot of motom pestel I've got a fabricator a chem bench a Smithy a fridge a generator and multiple forges you can't get an industrial Forge which is a little bit disappointing but for the space you have available if you get the foundations and ceilings right you can get quite a lot in here and you can access it all from roughly one spot if you stand on top of the Smithy if you set it up in the way I have you can see I've got a turret on the roof I don't really know why but I think it's cool you can do that especially since it keeps it out the way and still could shoot the door I don't know if it works but it's you know something I'm going to try and one of the things I like as well is I haven't necessarily filled the whole Space up there is still a lot of room for things like cryo fridges depending on when they they arrive in December you could probably put some near the door or near the back by the generator or something like that I really like how this is set up and I'm pretty sure that my single player save is set up in the same way as official so in official you should be able to recreate this obviously once it kind of gets known by a lot of people it's not necessarily a safe but for the meantime I think this is quite a good little starter base you could probably survive in this for quite a while it's not necessarily one you just use to get set up in you could use it for quite long-term storage to be honest if you get it defended well especially if you have Tech turrets and heavy turrets and that sort of thing with the area that's outside of the main sort of Base like I said with a lot of spam you could probably put a lot more turrets in here as well and it's going to be quite difficult for any players to actually get their teams in here to soak all of your turrets especially if you put the turrets on a lower setting when it comes to range rather than a high setting but again I'm not the best builder in Arc I'm not the best PVP base defense guy in Arc there's people out there who could do a lot more with this space I'm just really impressed with how much you can get in such a small space in this specific Rat Hole now onto the final Rat Hole you want to head to the north of the map again and you want to go to Latitude 17 longitude 51 and this is probably my favorite Rat Hole or base location for PVP that I've put in today's video now you want to head up north like I said it's across from Blue Obelisk and I'm going to show you the area you're looking for because it is on the side of a mountain which makes it a little bit harder to describe where it actually is because there's no landmarks right next to it to identify and point out for you to look for but this is the area you want to be approaching from you want to come from the west of this mountain head east from Blue Obelisk and you want to be looking for that sort of platform or Plateau on this side of this mountain now when you head down to it you will understand better why I'm calling it a platform or a plateau it's a sort of not necessarily even Cliff but you can get landed on there you can build stuff on there you can put a defenses on there you can leave your teams on there you can do whatever you want just bear in mind that the more you build the more recognizable you are going to be when you get to this platform you just simply want to head down this little crevice or crack where I've tried to build some form of defenses just because I could to be honest with you this is in my single player so it doesn't really matter but this Rat Hole or base location is my favorite because of how big it actually is you've got quite a large area on the ground floor to put things in I've just put a load of forges in there you can put a lot more in there if you want to I haven't really utilized the space the best at all but the where I've got this laid out you can see there's quite a lot of room and then at the back I've left ramps because I use the ramps to get to the second floor of this build in this Rat Hole where I've got my sort of more manufacturing side of the base with the generator the fabricator the the Smithy the fridge I didn't put a chem bench in here but you can do that especially with having multiple floors you could put it on the bottom floor you could put it on this floor you could even add another floor in if you really want to and have three floors it is quite tall it's quite wide it's really quite easy to fit things into this rat hole and it's why I think it's the best one on this list it's not necessarily for a massive tribe of people it's definitely like a two three fourman tribe so it would work well in small tribes you can build out spam and defenses right outside the door or even expand the base completely if you want to and then like I was saying with the sort of Cliff or platform on the outside if you really want to you could build a turret Tower here you could have your tames out here but I think this Rat Hole definitely has the best space outside if you really want to build a turret Tower or something like that to defend this hole a lot more it's not the best base location in the game but it's definitely good to get you up and running and you could probably stay here for quite a while especially if you built up very quickly and like I said defended the platform outside of the Rat Hole there's also this little bit right outside of the door where I've built mine where you could have some beds down here as an extra spawn point you could possibly even cover up the top of it with foundations or ceilings and leave your more valuable items down in here to keep them hidden from everybody else it just is a little bit difficult to get in and out of it quite easily but I do really like this rat hole that's why it's number one on my list I think it's probably the most long-term sustainable base on this list so I definitely go and check it out in PvP especially if you're willing to put in the work to try and defend this specific area but that is it for today's video so please do let me know down in the comments section below which one of these locations you are going to try in PvP and let me know any other rat holes in the game that I haven't covered in this video that you think are really good if you have enjoyed this video and you found it helpful make sure to smash a like on it to show support for the game on the channel and if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe to kept up to date with all future releases but other than that we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Axrora
Views: 7,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended rat holes, ark survival ascended the island rat holes, ark survival ascended island rat holes, ark survival ascended rat holes the island, ark survival ascended rat holes island, ark survival ascended best base locations, ark survival ascended best pvp base locations, ark survival ascended the island best pvp base locations, ark survival ascended the island best base locations, ark survival ascended best starter base
Id: uT_-AIRS1fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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