Ark Survival Ascended Dedicated (private) Server Setup EASY

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hello everyone we are going to set up Ark survival ascended it's really easy the first thing you're going to do is you're going to install Windows GSM if you don't have Windows GSM there'll be a link in the description to my web page where you can download it now I've installed this and tested it so we won't have to through any of the downloads when you pull up Windows GSM it'll be like this you won't have Arc in your list what you'll have to do then is you'll have to add a plugin now the plugin is very easy to get also in that same page there's going to be a link to the plugin so you'll go to the plugin you'll download a zip file the um link goes to GitHub and it shows you pictures of how to get the file very easy once you've downloaded the file you're going to click this little puzzle piece and you're going to import plugin and you're going to click on the zip file and you're going to open it and when you do that it's going to be listed right here then you just click on plugins to close it you're going to go to servers go to server install game server and then you're going to select the plugin out of the list you're going to give it a name now this name only is what shows up here so you might call this one Arc survival the island um and then later you can add uh the next expansion and you can should will should be able to link two maps together now if they've fixed their servers up which they said they did then you're gon to click install it's going to install everything it needs after it installs it's going to be the latest one on the list list course if you've done this before you won't have any trouble uh in this case here it's my newest server number 11 I'm G to edit the config now I like to turn off battle ey I don't need it because I this is my private server so to turn off battal ey you just have to add this command which is also on the page the port numbers are on the page such your um server Max and here is the name that will show up in the arc server list arver list and then you're gonna click save and that's it when you run your server you'll start the server will come on it'll do its checks if you want to update the server there's update right there I just did this to update the server a minute ago when they came out with a new version it's all working that's it it's very very easy if you prefer the traditional method of editing a server then I have those instructions on the web page too if you toggle the console here you can see the server is starting up so far it's taken 25 seconds but it takes a little bit longer shouldn't be well it just it's a new download okay so now the server name is there so it's it's running spawner failure yep that's pretty normal that's it super simple depending on your download speed that's going to be your biggest um your slowest thing to do I'm gonna also have a video on the configuration files but that's it people go download you set you up a server like you used to have with Arc survival evolved and tweak those settings and TW
Channel: Survival Gaming Club
Views: 5,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dZG3dTyW0iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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