Ark Survival Ascended Building a Water Pen!

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hello boys and possible girls today we are going to continue to work on our Bridge so we can reach the ocean and that way we can create a nice pen forh our water dinos sit back relax eat some popcorn and crack a Red Bull of course so without further Ado let's get into the video before we start the video I quickly want to thank each and every one of you for killing it on the last couple of Arc videos the support was amazing and you can continue supporting me by simply considering ing to slap that like button and or punching the Subscribe button that will mean the world to me and would be very much appreciated all right guys before we can actually start building the bridge we need to mine a lot of stone and wood of course because we're almost out of everything uh the way we're going to farm is we're going to use a donkey to uh actually get the stone because he eats stones for breakfast and uh we're going to use the new where is it Beaver where are you we still need to name this guy came this one on last stream this is a 217 it was a 145 I believe uh we didn't level anything in it yet so basically it's going to be weight and melee damage uh because we can use the RG by lifting it up and then just uh letting it Munch some trees so let me quickly grab my scuba tank here because we will need it and we might have to do a polymer run because I think the SCBA tank is almost broken where is it where's my scuba tank we need to find scuba tank Frank did you steal it stop being sad as always Frank my God okay we got we got a SCUBA tank here I think we have another one somewhere laying around uh where is it where is it uh here it is so we have two scuba tanks let's see how much Stone we can actually gather I think we have some left from last trip uh holy moly we do have a little bit left so let me clear this out uh so then you can see how we Farm because we don't have Aus yet because we haven't found yet God damn it Arc devs where are the doodies or if somebody knows feel free to let me know in the comments where I can find the dioris let me actually be smart let me build a chest here quickly oh we have one already nice we are prepared for once ladies and gentlemen it's insane uh let me actually place down a chest here so we have like a kind of drop off chest we can uh we can deposit all the stones so now all the stone is in the chest now we can go farm with the Dunkey and after that I'm going to do trip to Beaver and the RG our trusty RG here Jenna Nevada di named in the Stream if you want to name some dinos feel free to join my streams on Twitch and or on YouTube uh links will be in the description down below as always ladies and gentlemen so let me dive into the deeps and get some Stones the dunky is actually a good Miner if you look at it it like munches all the stone and it actually gathers a lot of metal at the meantime as well look at that thing is mine was a low level and it like goes out of stamina very fast so I have to watch out so I don't like actually lose its store so it doesn't faint goes like inconscious but look at this bro look at this look at this Gamers I have been here for like 1 minute not even that and already one stack of metal one stack a half some oil and all this Stone my God we have like a lot of stone not but we'll need a lot because the I think I'm going to build the benen out of pillars I used to do it in normal Arc survival evolved uh with pillars and then a gate and uh call it quit let see if we can uh do the same here but look at this I'm already full let's keep giving it weight because I think that's the most important one uh because I'm not really far from my base uh if you open the map like I'm just under I was I was looking for a huge chunk of stones but there's like so much stones uh in in in the ocean it's insane and these are like I'm not sure if you can see but these are like kind of new I think these have oil as well I'm not sure though uh no but I have seen some uh small rocks that give me stone uh oil not sure if it's uh oh there we go we got some oil so uh that's looking good so let me okay so next order of business is go get the RG and uh fly around with the beaver and also a good thing about the Dunkey is it it has like uh see 300 so this is 300 weight and in the Dunkey it's like a half of it so that's good same goes for stone and oil I believe as well so does oils also change is the oil the same yes so everything that you gather from the stones is haved so now actually I have 4,600 weight in in stone and metal that's insane all right let me head back to the base and I'll get back to you guys whenever I do my uh farming run with the RG so you can see how I do that solo as well so BEP come on slow man all right before we head out with the RG and the Beaver let me quickly grab my farming set which is like a cloth set it's really light and it gives me some armor because it's like half of it is Mastercraft uh where is my head I didn't find a head yet I did find a ram shackle uh chest piece here all right let's test out a new beaver beaver come to me all right so the only thing I do is basically I fly next to trees and they should Auto Harvest uh the half of their weight so if their weight is 500 they will they will harvest wood until they're like 250 weight and then they'll stop it does take some time to register until it like actually does it but once it's going it keeps on munching there you go big tree goes down down the smaller trees are sometimes harder to to get a hold of but uh yeah this one is doing it fine look at that this is basically an easy way to farm your wood uh when you're solo player I think now the beaver is full so let me quickly uh go down because I think we can give it a few levels so you see he has like half his weight now so let's pump a lot of wait in the guy so now we can go back and do this all over again the only thing we don't have right now is a tou machine something that Farms tou okay two more trees can we do another one can we go for another one come on Beaver okay the beaver doesn't want to anymore but now we can I think we have a decent amount of wood uh we can uh Farm some tou now I mainly do this now with with by hand I can try the trike though not sure if this is going to be faster though he does jump it in one go so if I would run through like a a piece of like a piece of land with a lot of wood like a lot of trees in the middle I think this would be very efficient but let's give him a chance shall we okay so let me grind up this tat here and I will get back to you once I have some resources gathered up and uh we can start making some structure here though look at that all the touch okay I think we almost cleared out this whole Little Island here like most of it there's like this whole front section is almost gone but uh I do think we have a lot of a lot of touch now and it does Farm a lot of wood as well you would be surprised the trike is actually a pretty decent Dyno especially when you get it so early on like look this was a mid-level trike and I pumped a little bit of weight in on it and uh it really gives gives you a lot of resources so let me quickly head back here to the base and uh we can start crafting up some uh some structures here and we can actually start building already that was pretty quick it's going to take me longer editing this than farming this oh my God all right let's start the the creation of uh let's make a whole bunch of ceilings first uh let's go 22 and uh while I do this uh I will bebs and I will get back to you guys as soon as we have a whole bunch of structures so we can start building this bad boy of course so uh see you guys in a jiffy we've created structures through the night as you can see it's uh nice and dark here but still light enough for us to see of course but uh I've got like a whole bunch of pillars like 150 pillars uh some ceilings and some railings I see how far I can go with this and I see if we can actually finish the pen in itself as well on this video but we'll see how it goes I hope I can finish it though uh but yeah oops I'm way too heavy way too heavy already uh let's actually put all this here uh 50 pillars I can use 50 pillars uh and then a few ceilings as well so here we go I might speed this up oh we're already uh on a thing here so wait how did I do this this was like in the middle of a ceiling because I'm going to put like one pillar uh in between here as support because these don't support because I use like the the railing trick or like the half wall trick I mean quarter wall so we need we need to reach in between those rocks I think I aimed it like just right and uh then we will start building the pen that way I think that will be good is that yellow no that's a white beam sometimes it's hard to tell oh that's a o a yellow Beam with a Circle I kind of want to go get that okay I'm going to quickly go get that because those are very very valuable yeah quickly going to grab one of the the the pteranodons let's do a quick Scout around so there's like no bad ombr around so we don't get jump attacked I think we're good all right let's uh let's let's let's land here come to Daddy come to me loot so nice having a loot everybody likes loot okay let's see what we got oh my God this is huge damn the drops are really good they're really good it's insane oh look at that we got like a flag we got a flack blueprint ascended it's it's actually not that expensive to craft we got some fur ascended as well this one is expensive and then we got some flippers and a Mastercraft scuba mask blueprint I'm not sure if this is anything good because it doesn't give value maybe the durability is a thing not sure oh the cold the cold resistance is a good thing though and then a sabertooth saddle so now we need to t a saber dude all right let's get back to building we got distracted we got distracted again uh we need to go this way all right I will be back once we are in building stage once again back at base and let's quickly drop off the valuable blueprints so we don't accidentally lose it so Flack goes here this is blueprint right yeah blueprint blueprint and we also found a wide drop and just a little chest and uh this maybe this this can come in handy one day uh let's put the these I think I'm going to put this one here and then the rest in the chest that we don't actually use that often so Saddles here then the bullets here right let's get back to building uh we do need to place our pillar here I believe yes we do so middle and then another one over M and there we go it's going to be pretty a little bit tedious building in the water but uh yeah I kind of want the bridge to at least kind of look a little bit like a bridge and not just a a flat piece of ceilings here and there and we might have to put like a little ramp here so we can walk up the thing instead of always having to swim all the way back here so I might do that uh can do we have a ramp or like a a ceiling now that you can change like a roof ceiling slope roof Let's see we do have I think we have some yeah let's uh grab one let's use this to like actually help us build faster uh we can turn it into staircases there we go and now if we're building we just replace the stair all the time and uh we're Gucci so now we should be able to continue this and then that's done all right so this is basically going to be the process for the whole uh Bridge here then the only thing I need to do is like fill in the the the railings and at some point in time add another one of these to make it like a little bit more visually structurally supported if that makes sense so we need to drop down again and I hope I will have enough pillars to uh to use for the pen the actual pen itself and for Behemoth gate I think I found like a a wooden boheman gate so I will start with that because I think the boheman gates themselves are pretty expensive expensive uh let's go for another one there we go bada bada boom so yeah I think I will come back to you guys once I have finished the bridge so you guys can actually see what it looks like when it's uh finished I don't think you guys want to see me like build this thing in its entirety and if you do want to see like long building videos feel free to let me know in the comment sections down below so I can actually consider uh putting that into the uh edit of course but yeah I will see you guys when this bridge is done and we can start working on the pen itself so I will see you guys when that is done a quick update guys we got all the ceilings in we got all the pillars in I think all the rest that I need to do right now is to fill in the railings we do have a little staircase here so when we do want to get into the pen and out of the pen easily we can via this ladder but the weird thing is I could not find a triangle ceiling I can only find oops I can only find the triangle ceiling for the greenhouse if you type in Greenhouse see you have triangle ceiling but if you type in Triangle so for wood you only have like uh the wood triangle roof and corner like it's it's a slopey bits right so here is the same but here you have triangle ceiling and slopy bits so I'm not sure if they forgot to put that in but I can't find it because I kind of wanted to make like a corner deal here so we can actually go in like this into the pen but uh sadly no no uh triangle ceilings anymore maybe they will added in sooner but yeah let me quickly finish these up here yeah we might have to do another farming session because I don't think we will be able to finish the pen with the pills that we have right now and I'll maybe do another run with the beaver and the RG and as well as the the Dunkey so this is how I did it the first time to get the snap points right just add them on top and just go down until you get the lowest one for the railings I think we're good Che so yeah we come back to you guys whenever I farm the stone the wood and we have created all the structure that we need for the actual building of the benen all right I will be RBS ladies and gentlemen what the hell was that oh you had a bad time there buddy did huge pet Tre munch your face that's what you get for trying to steal huge P3 is food now you have become the food all right let's brbs all right let's jump in and finally start building this Spen out here so let's see let me put on my scuba gear so we can actually see what we're doing um if we have the pen though I think we can clear out most of the stone here and maybe put a foundation here and there so it doesn't like uh interfere with with with our dinos like trying to swim around not sure how many the pillars would take away uh so let's have a look here uh how big is the boheman gate it's pretty big I might want to have it like uh can I go into Decay mode so it's red there right I don't want to to it to be like fully high up there cuz when you go oh we got we got a green we got a green so let us see how this looks right if I place it down how does that look uh it's pretty high up there I kind of want it to be a little bit lower so can we find a ledge where we can actually place it on let us grab it back here so we need to find like a little point where we can snap it on so it's not that high up I think here maybe no no success does it have to have like the two things ooh this is not going to be easy I thought it was going to like Snap into the wall or maybe if we use foundations and then snap it onto the found let me let me try that I'm going to try and find some foundations so maybe we can put like some Foundations at the side here and maybe some ceilings to put it a little bit further out and then put the behem gate on that maybe that will work so let me quickly go grab those and I'll try that out oh let's see let's see I like this this I like and if you look all nice okay this is what we need there we go so now if we open up the gate can we look at that I kind of thought it would have like a different sound though it's first time me placing a boheman gate okay so now all that's left to do for me is start placing some pillars down but I kind of wanted to have like be lined up as much as possible all right so no wrong incorrect oh this is going to be fun guys this is going to be so great placing pillars down while moving having the snap point but then don't not having the snap Point anymore all right so I'm going to try and do like a little um little Cube forms here until we reach like the ceiling bit like this the the water level see how that goes this is going to take a lot lot of pillars though can you okay snap no snap right okay so that's that no see what I mean like it says it in green like the green thing is good and then you slightly move and it snaps the wrong thing while you are placing it okay so now how high is this maybe we can have like little trim on top there to like actually not so it's not actually like just some pillar sticking out like so like so I think this will be a decent size spend for our first water dinos here so let me actually go into photo mode to show you guys what I want to actually build it's going to lag out photo Mode's kind of lagging out so we will build a wall from that side to the rock over there maybe have like a little Power Station there then we will close off that side and then we will close off underneath there so they don't go in underneath that of course and then from that corner of the behem gate to that side there so then this whole middle section here will be uh I told you it was going to lag and that whole midle section here will be of course the water pen the longer I stay in photo mode the more it's lagging out I have no idea why it is but it is what it is so yeah that is that guys I think I'm going to try and finish up the P at least finish up the pen we can like make it beautiful further down the line but uh yeah I will get back to you guys when I got something to show of course it took over 229 pillars to get this done but we finally made the been a thing so we have the little wall there so they might not be able to get through that because I was kind of scared and then we have a little wall underneath the bridge you can see so yeah let's have a little fly around here we have the pillars of course then the bohemi gaug you saw me place and then some more pillars here reaching this rock formation here I was kind of thinking of like making a walkway here so we can actually walk with our guy and maybe some small dinos and then have the water dinos sparked at that walking space like a like it would be kind of a dock something like that but yeah and over here guys we have some options for like finishing off the design uh I'm going to let you guys decide so if you have watched all the way through this video I'm going to know when you watch it of course because I will give you some options so option number one type one in the comments if you want just the regular wooden walls option number two if you would like the wooden railings as a finisher then option number three if you want the stone railings and option number four if you just want the stone walls so option number one option number two option number three option number four so just type 1 two 3 or four in the comment section down below so I know what you want as a fiture and thank you for watching the whole video so let me show you how it looks down below maybe I can park my bird here that's also something we can make like a parking for the birds uh if you don't need the bridge we are flying from a distance and then we can land here um so we can actually just use our flippers here it's not that big of a deal so let me jump in here so this is what the pen looks like from the inside I kind of like use a Dunkey to like clear out most of the stone here but we still have some at the side but for now it's not an issue so here we have that wall and then over here we have another little wall here so I don't think they can get through here I'll see if they do so yeah guys that is how far I have gotten like I mentioned I think this benen is big enough for the dinos that we have now if we do decide to get more water dinos we can make a bigger one or once we move to another location for the endgame base uh we can make a big water dyo pen as well and that will do it for today's video I want to thank each and every one of you for watching and I will see you guys of course in the next [Music] onee [Music]
Channel: Band3r
Views: 7,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTX, 3080, Rtx 3080, Build, Tame, taming, dino, best, how to, tutorial, Game, gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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