ARK! but when I die I end the stream! #3

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to another stream I have ear camp we've something to hold the camera so I've got Lily there Kuja there and then Miley that [Music] cabbage for the rest of the hour just half a donkey camera a kid do but it's I've only got like a little webcam so it's hard to kind of track them anyway welcome to the stream we're gonna be doing doggy come in and out when we have a little bit of time what muck are we gonna do today what map should we do let me just flick it's again player this is might really like tiny that way let's Ted shut up a little minute a little minute for a little bit there we go what map should we do today guys what's the music it's just what Evers with again just the act music what map should we do ba-ba-boom ba-ba-boom Ragnarok Island extinction Ragnarok okay Scottish there they saw hard and there's no way I could do a poll is there as well there's no way you can do a poll on YouTube [Music] nope those are wrong work anyway and I don't know which one I'm gonna play it we're gonna go through all of them anyways so we will do will do Ragnarok next within the center will go through these then we'll go through these whatever they want to do the island if you like that's like Bongo Island that's the original one I'll do back row everyone say a regular so we'll do Ragnarok so we'll click Ragnarok we got the same settings as last time well I've got player damages three is that what I like scale factor for the damage players do vertex ok so I guess I've got lights just because just because I have just good is easier ok play a single-player Ragnarok let's go [Music] so I there's a comment that kind of said to me and how are you gonna keep doing this [ __ ] and the answer is until we actually get a decent run through like I kind of want to do a let's play book this is a lot easier for me to do direct game with extra 79 in Logan Smith back to the - I love your doggers y'all thank you so I don't know what to do what did last time in like tame a Karen and die two Raptors like we need to know what's this jungle Viking recommended I guess we just go for like jungle jungle one I call a blue we got up some kind of preference third time's the charm guys fair times chumps low buddies alright yeah I think a put slowmode on adios have been like yeah that's great good stock so I give you heard it's like coin out every two seconds [Music] Dodos next to me no predators this is good alright so welcome to attempt number three at hardcore Ark the last episode we got to like an hour and a half and then we died two Raptors because apparently now Raptors can just jump on you and turn you into mush now that's what happens take a service - so you can run and quickly jump away yeah I kind of done with herbivores to be honest like I feel like they don't serve any purpose I think I'm gonna go for dialers this stream that's one thing I haven't done yet okay I can't move my chair closer cuz Miley's heads in the way slow mode is on yes la mode on guys oh my goodness I'm getting absolutely nail it by compeers this is a great start could you're not how do I get there still coming after me then is still coming after me why what about done okay where do I get a spear why is it again what's that fiber I can't have to keep making these couple of jerks man okay I think we've left me alone sir get mugged off okay okay let's get some Flint like the the spears are like one of the best things in the game oh my goodness Carlos I'm recovering from surgery and you help me get through this your cars hopefully your surgery goes well my dude well obviously you've had your surgery hopefully your recovery goes well they hope you hope you good met I can't let's go okay we just need wood no I'm gonna make ourselves a hatchet so again from like like last episode I kind of messed up I kind of need to listen to you guys a little bit more like I can remember in the comments like everybody was telling me to like not go towards the Raptors and that did what they listened to anyone I'm sorry guys I'm not gonna I'm like the dog whisperer like all the dogs are just surrounded me like they have the whole house to roam but no they probably want to see how I how I never tably get annihilated this this playthrough I don't blame them food okay let's mix of all the stuff I'm a little bit heavy and can't fire we'll just make a bunch of like stuff I guess awesome Atomics thanks for the dollar trailer right next to the to lose crane thanks for the 79 and Carla thanks for the to appreciate you guys okay let's get movement speed up I'm gonna drop some rock such let's just drop some of these we don't need these we use to be able to run fast right where them comp is I've got a little bit of a bone to pick with an area hello whippersnappers there's only one as you make gone yeah as you make gone nowhere to be seen 25 hide from that low huh okay stop stop I could take you on okay you're not a problem sweetie where's my some shot I did I didn't I said I said eight stop lights run it away now yeah haha I am the master where did it go Catherine all right I'm gonna see what this thing is I don't think we can open it yet though so I have it level 25 Wow what a jerk we're actually getting pretty good levels okay fortitude who needs to get up as well can we make this a permanent series I mean this would be a perfect series if I didn't know you know what I mean that's the whole reason why I'm trying to do this I'm trying to get better guys okay it's hard this game is hard a dog can't what you say when you play it properly oh my goodness what what are you doing breath just leave me alone okay I feel so bad okay let's pick up master buddy bar XP you guys like I'm completely fat now I can't even move okay let's drop all this stream will any 30 seconds no it was what do you what do you mean come this is gonna be a couple hour player through at least I reckon I reckon we've got this in the bag this time I reckon I've got a better strategy okay I know what I'm doing now we need to not get any more currents we need to concentrate on the carnivals we need to have kind of laws with us all the time okay I'm gonna have like an army of dialers to protect me so if it wraps it doesn't jump on min and we fine I've got it I've got it in the bag I don't want to let it bad spy God's might be helpful narcotics just get a few more levels so we get would bless this mint one of these things we've got enough where's me stone dropped it somewhere out here okay there we go there will be a series out when and when the new little mud comes out on the new little whatever they call it not even know what it's supposed to be called the DLC comes out that's when I'll do a playthrough I don't see the point in doing a playthrough again when I like done loads on doing the other ones but I still I'm like I might practice this is practice for me okay okay let's drop all this I need to make a storage box like I did last time and then we need to get Tammy I'm just gonna like jump straight in and get Tim in straight away get a lot of carnivores in that right couch Cujo cannot wait for this playthrough squidy we do dogger come this stream because last time yeah dog okay look don't go car oops here we go dog go come is here to stare it was voted in by likes in the last video everyone like wanted it a lot or kuja's off under one under my desk now he's like the biggest dog everybody likes bushes himself into the smallest places I think it just likes being like safe blessing I don't know what he thinks is gonna happen like a meteors gonna come oh no you know what are you doing that I sniff it the green screen what is this what is this dad okay let's get ourselves a slingshot there's a boomerang level 9 I can't go away for the boomerang because then I could just okay kuja's under the desk now Cottage X thanks for the five I think everyone in the chat can agree with me do another axe you sir I'm gonna do one Connor I've said but I'm gonna do one I'm just waiting for the new thing to come out it's coming out literally next month you don't have long to wear okay at all oh stop why are you trying to scare me what was even in away from them that's what scares me what what was it running away from that's a dialogue that's exactly what I wanted I need a dialer you just stare there Matt all right I'm gonna get yourself a little of boomerang a little boomerang Steve wood it's like chess and everything I hope it was running away from that watch it be a big t-rex or something why is he running away for so confused okay Luda thanks to the five high speed sorry oh this guy's a jerk stop calling easy-peasy sorry I missed your last you students I've got a message from yay welcome Luna thanks for joining I'm glad you can watch me just annihilate everything and become the best back tamarine all of AK okay let's keep living while we get ourselves a dialogue then we need to find another one but at least I got my first diner how many should we get if I get like $5 is that enough I reckon five is gonna be enough guys keep your annual order a load of good stuff to build that base pick up all the sticks you get so much XP per just picking stuff up I don't understand I'm not complaining like but you get so much okay what should we level up I'm gonna still do fortitude cuz everyone was kind of saying that last dream like you squid okay name your dollar salty okay I will do - 720p 14 $14 would you be why no 720p what what is it on oh okay go alright let's find another one let's see if we can find another one cause by hi yes hi beautiful oh look at this look at this Z there any more any more little worries I might just call them like bit doggy come for life well we'll check in with the dogs every like five minutes so you guys don't miss them too much just got nearly awakened nearly okay I want to find a couple more I don't want to go too far mother kill some some dialers oh god damn it once here we go might as well die la-de-da this is bad level 58 okay behavior neutral follow me okay can I have the meat there was in your adventure please you don't really need it I do I'm hungry let's check this other one out and then we can go find some mob we've got two so far this one's nearly done okay we're gonna have a crown here should we call them all that day at 1 bit 2 bit 3 we could do okay I need some bigger things to kill no point Taemin julia is the Thai style of slow kill it all the dollars well then you should get - get these flatter hide from these guys I might try take on the trike what we saying guys then we could take on the trike I reckon we possibly could take on the trike with the dialers - dialers and me throwing stuff at it we can do whatever you a test and see okay bit - okay hmm let's find out okay where's bit one where's everyone gone neutral okay you follow me what have I got to attack my tag and let's have a look at this I don't know what he's set to equals mmm let's at least I get P okay no yeah yeah no I can't we gonna test it because they virtually take a bit like no time at all two two terms I see defined by other dialogue where's it gone it's completely vanished okay you stay here I need to find your sibling while I was running around this way I must be around here somewhere I is so slow do it do it bad idea now are we gonna do it this is bound to end in disaster now we got this I get involved alright well no I am gonna get involved I'm just not gonna get like you know close proximity okay I can't whistle I need to sort this out all right so decide what T apply okay where is that trike is about to get messed up tricky trike is here are you guys ready it's a trap it's a trap we can't we've got these guys Jill why are you so uptight this one's stuck I'm gonna help it out come on bear you got this bit help your brother or sister what are you doing help help yes you are strong you are strong creatures yes Beast absolute beasts you guys doubted me you all doubted me alright let's go find another one yeah I told you we're gonna do this stream differently we're not gonna mess about we're not gonna Tim head Vols we're gonna go for the big old we just couldn't move up in carnivores looki me another one here catch up get it boys yeah nice these guys are little monsters okay come on team we are strong together out get them yes let's go look at that damaged ok scatter bed Ted okay we're gonna go Tim another brother you stay here I'm gonna go to the home this is going great get an expert bit too I need another member for the team do you want to be a member do do you want to be a member you're not really gonna do much are you need ah here we go chat there's another one for the team I'll give them a little bit more keep away from Viking bit I live online it's known as alpha r up to Canada's okay noise is that just because I attack this and gears I'll stay away from Viking bear okay I'm gonna keep looking for dialogue there seem to be pretty pretty fun get a trike kind of wait for bait three debate freeze the real champion should we go and explore its go and explore a little bit check our surroundings let's go see the neighbors okay it's pretty pretty dead round here there's just a daughter chillin it's full of daughters and stuff supposed to be a lot of metal around here as I was pretty good wow this place is dead there's literally no creatures around here at all get a flying thing at random doggie can't guys this is the actually I'm not the doggie come stream they literally sleep in that's all they're doing okay this place is just for dealers hey buddy have you seen any other creatures they're a little bit more impressive than you a little bit poor and maybe should have taken the dialers with me I shouldn't really wander on my own that's when things tend to go wrong and it's only been 25 minutes maybe I should be a little bit more cautious oh well this place is dead it's very peaceful like everyone we're gonna we could survive for a while on this place you know what I mean it's quite chill I like it alright well head back to hell the dial is doing then we need to get started on some crafts the balls and stuff I probably should kill some dialects or some hide cuz it's like no other creatures around here we seem to have killed them all give me your hide what doggy can do a dog ghost even for just one our love of dogs okay we'll do chat sorry I met sorry in it nothing personal yeah let's get this very sick spoil this way a little bit I'll get the boys of me come up come on bit let's go squid there's a good place to build a base in cave with war access hmm that sounds quite fun well why are the dinosaurs so derpy there's another trike boys come on we've got another business some business to attend to we're gonna know they're never enemy ever you know you know boys gonna boys I'll just ignore that's fine stop Nick in my store oh my god they just let them run past no his men [Music] okay well do another hell that seems to be aa dialogue help help no way so I'm gonna go to glads bait 3 yep oh we got a trike hey there boys single boys hi so good cuz they slow them down oh my goodness guys are savages gonna level of the health crawl the meat instructive god it's crazy she was a bit like it though would you mean a bit like it does it seemed like it to me you know Andrew thanks for the - dude preciate you guys keep going don't know what's happened to that other team might not have got it kujah has just fired and it stinks cheers mate what's the reusable what called I think is literally called reusable mod oh yeah that's just the title of it you just type in there like at workshop like reusable mod it should come up you should be good where's anyone else we can kill Nova trike move somewhat dialers down there okay that's where these guys just teleport well might as well get them trained up get it boys not like it now that was pretty good savage all right how do you do it attack me I've done anything although thanks for - can't wait for bit when he says I will be unstoppable I just wish wish that were faster you know what I mean little bit slower the minute that's that's my only like it's my only concern she's very so it's not like having like a rap tune exterior stuff okay boys last kill of the day then we're gonna go back and check on the other side of the dialer what if I left them to it with the guy they probably wouldn't I'll help them there's still growing blessing will help all along Oh like oh no oh no oh no that could have gone bad huh okay okay we go home now we got home children daddy's sick where's resolution being stupid like your face comes up in pixelated when it never is in the game raise the banner I don't know it's just stream isn't it stream is like that it's a lot different to record it three was always a little bit derpy wait it's for me as well especially when you're moving fast and stuff okay bit far how you doing breath and be awkward don't connect document don't get it don't get it don't kill him no no stop okay thanks guys you killed one of your own wanna Gaia what if we can kill her Tirana don't if I [ __ ] boomerang it might be able to go straight straight through him this guy's indestructible come back come back what a guy okay let's go see how the other day lives I don't know if we've got him or not because nothing pops up on the screen but then I got an update it stuff pops up on the screen all the time after today like if I'm so far away from it let's go check however it does seem pretty safe around here I like it it seems a lot safer than the previous maps that I've done ok was around here do we have bet three oh we do ha ha ha ha yeah let's go I bet three okay bet three we go up here to fix its behavior as well and always on a weird the everything and then I got got a good helper chili come and meet the pack three meet bit to bit to meet bait three ads another one oh my goodness it's so dark chat I'm sorry it's so dark let me get a torch it's literally so dark I'll see anything we really need to do the gamma as well all right we started it setting to follow distance shot they would say closer and a little quicker okay really where's that options new behavior follow distance like the lowest oh yeah I think I think that's working behavior oh yes come on my pretties stick with me oh yeah they are oh nice thank you that's a lot better all right let's get some metal I think this is Mel we'll start doing some stuff ah there we go lots of metal let's start progressing I'm sick of like getting to the same bit every time come on my pretties we have work to do hey squared tip while searching for your diners press and hold hatch it will bring up the green hours above them mixing through walls oh thank you chat thanks for the tips you're all amazing stamina oh the dogs have gone oh my goodness how do we how do I get them all to stay yeah so close it's like I've got like like shadows all right I love you guys but you cramping my style they're like put the bomb I love y'all okay so close okay I'm gonna keep getting this stuff then let's keep yelling metal can any of you carry anything you carry some mail for Dad come on then come on in children order that would cut move okay I'll take half alright stop being lazy eat the ID tweet need to make a base as well alright chill you're gonna die such a drama queen where's my mail son thank you these guys are ass right you all can sit there they need it that very day so need it okay let's this create some wooden stuff once again squid makes a bear's to inevitably die oh I hope this is the one I hope we can like you know make progress I'd really love to guys trust me I don't like doing this over and over again Rex makes my little hat okay I have to think like what's the point in making the Bears but we kind of need one pretend parasite you can detect enemies I mean let's be honest with these we've we've all the bear they're gonna just like you know fight fight the enemy anywhere so it's fine if we get enough of them we should be good okay let's make ourselves a little [ __ ] daddy needs to go get some fetch do not move yep good can't mind them I feel unprotected without my bear I need them with me they need the bear Genesis is coming on Feb major to play it yes I am don't you worry it's kind of kind of nice that people are still interested in a in act as well I scream that long since I've played it but people still want me to do more on it which is weird I don't know I like it squid can you can kind of teacher something yeah dot dot eat yellow snow how about that that's a good good thing to teach you what I need wood let's make a base five it's always five isn't it no matter what are you doing this game you're always lacking in fiber it's like go to the doctors and look to say no you need more fiber in your diet okay let's chew make a base yeah I feel like I should make on top of mountain I'm gonna do that where this daughter is this daughter's got the right idea oh yeah this is a good view it's all right here yeah why not okay let's get some more favor [Music] your stream is like it why do people keep saying is laggy I don't think he's like it let me check let me check my stats I've dropped no friends so I don't think it's me guys I'm sorry about that I think it's your internet Lily's back on the couch best best I'm sick of building bases on the scrim I really good to have like a pop-up base you know what I mean like like an inflatable base room is fine for me okay whoever said it's like easier than it go and call up your internet provider and shout in them okay it's not my fault chat I'll go shout that mom mom do you need its crap fix it three-mile I'll do squid your old yo Thank You thanks that's the college you guys are so nice to me it's gonna go cry myself to sleep when he walls now the happy birthday oh thank you if it was yesterday but thank you not like it great good stuff Howie do you mind my little pretties okay let's go for fortitude again can I give these guys like more walls who wants to do me a favor I'll got me a now has to slow okay y'all gonna follow me y'all gotta take all my walls can you still could move I think it come on then maybe can you move yeah yeah get it it's got me a little personal assistant get them washed chops for fiber collected really complete you set them out to wander do you know what I mean like can you just set them out or do you have to be like on it awesome Finn aggression level attacking tying it okay I guess I set that too that was what I say him to do okay like this it's my like the standard base design not every sort of attempt I've done this design like of the two by two okay I want the door to be here and now works out perfect so I want these to be Windows that's alright I still have the signed poster from squids all the AK series its plus proudly on my wall oh that's great that makes me smile ok bet let's go Mitchell Joseph thanks for the - dude did you enjoy your birthday's good I did it was very chill and it was nice going out this weekend with friends so what's gonna be not as chill but yeah bet it was pretty chill come on bet we got stuff to do quite terrifying like a dialog okay what else do we need chat we need to get ourselves a window frame and I think that's it we can get all the high stuff which is fine with large storage box didn't get that in the last prayer through screen do you remember about that cave I told you about I'm not on that level anymore dude I am on Ragnarok okay let's go make that then so what do we need for that rip rip rip repair door frame check y'all Luna folks to the five schools would need enough to stumps us some special way you sound well on the full world but it was wet what was what a lovely world did you lose your voice yes yeah I did cuz like I don't really have a knock like a naturally deep voice if you didn't know so yeah trying to sing that his pert was pretty intense for me so you have to like rasp it from your throat yeah that's what you have to do for that song you have to essentially growl there's good fun I'm good it wasn't expecting much because that means I only have to do one take I mean we've done we've pretty much built the bears we've got Mel somebody to level up and then we can start melting what huh bit bit for question what bit for you welcome to the family dude let's go don't you worry dialer I'll protect you keep feeling that somebody's gonna chase me get a baller turn it on to knock out that channel don't get a wooden Club as bash its head in will do bash its head inch quick you guys are Savage oh look at this big gob babe I like it I might be fun to this time I might make it double the high but for now this will do I need to try and get all my crap in here and even a storage box we need more more wood are you serious game yeah let's go get out no stay away from rats as this time yeah probably a good idea to be honest yeah yeah bit for everybody welcome it forward chat come on let's get a strong run strong welcome welcome back bar to the clan and it's going to introduce him to bet one and two and three especially three three is a bit of a rascal behavior lowest you stay close to mama yeah no were you wandering off I'll show you the best you like it's nice and cozy this is where we're all gonna live in here yeah you chill there dad needs to try and jump okay I can't do it stop watching me need a ramp to shot yeah we got look at all them welcomes in chat now go get me some hall would look at us and he's a mom now i'm encumbered okay well get couple ramps cuz i kind of my dialers to be him in with me we're bringing up inside this is small enough outlet here we go therefore we need like a leader I reckon like the next one will we'll have like the leader bit coming daytime alright let's I said you do to the con come on dude got a lot of lot of stylers to meet wait can these guys met met boosters can these guys met babies can you make me modelers how do we do it I forgotten options is that how it works is it a good or bad ideas up man oh wait hold on man huh therefore welcome there to be three where these male and female as well well I've got male or female whoa oh yeah let's screw it all make dad some more babies please you know I look at lace don't even need stem anymore welcome bit for I hope you don't the high expectations because you're most at this time for the Phoenix to house oh that's a happy dad poop lies y'all would know stuff I've gotta go have a gross the stream say hi to bit five six or seven eight and nine for me great amazing I'm super pumped for these guys gonna be they're gonna be parents I'm starving that's unfortunate right it's good pimp the house out you stand in torch for hatching eggs oh yeah crap is gonna be X isn't look Oh not ready for this why do I have to care for them should be able to care for themselves how would they do it in the wild but I'm gonna be a grown man David likes waiting on them hand and foot would there no added a think sir okay I've split all get rid of all this rights good transfer them metal and then we can we need like a smithy and stuff there Schmidty no well step what's the thing called fairness when we get the furnace moving at the furnace I'm so confused no what's it called on this what is it called it's not of fairness okay dodge smelter Forge Forge Forge Oh level 20 cool thanks chat yeah I was so confused I show you some face and I think of Minecraft die no too cold oh good yeah Oh ice wasn't how this book was supposed to be a lot oh my god I'm gonna try the booking after these guys I don't know oh yeah yeah I didn't sign up for this chat I did not sign up for this one bit [Music] I have now got to play it no no no but I look after everyone I don't need this I just need a some Flint nothing all right we should be able to make a standard torch now hopefully they only need one because I can't be bothered with protecting these babies it's probably not worth the effort it only took like two seconds to Tim take health get in lies fine guess that what he won't so I better too cold too cold ha how much did he need right any more than one torch it's very hard raising dinars I really can't be bothered with this this is too much effort guys okay if this one doesn't heat him up I'm gonna just eat them I don't even care I'm sorry dialers that you have to hear all that but I'm gonna eat you babies okay we good we good we good we good I'll set that aside they need to be leveled up as well okay I need to turn up the gamma I think it's a little bit high there let's predict how do a doll do donkey that I'll do some of them really gonna help us them I'm pretty impressed alright we need to transfer all this dough in metal I'm going to separate the Lord can you take some you take some followed that get a campfire oh yeah could use a mic on that derp derp are these guys traps okay everyone just follow me oh goodness this guy's too fat what about now are you good can you move I was like so slow ah I'll take some of you but you shouldn't slack me alright okay let's go let's go children drink oh crap yeah no needs a drink or eat berries alright let's go welcome to your new home look at this place it's amazing okay I need to know like a command for like everyone like stare all stay put you ah yeah yeah I like that okay we're cooking on gas guys we really are transfer transfer transfer transfer this one's got a decent of our health I swear we got a dad that's got like 400 yeah look at this guy oops okay let's just get all of his valuables cuz he doesn't need them he's a dialer he's not gonna need to spend them on anything news cool that's everything I think we've still got some stone left boys should be fine okay now we need to get the pestle more and then we can start making some narcotics craft cooking pots for experience someone told me to craft drafts for experience in the last one but I never got chance is there is raps good for experience or a cooking pot spell check on the X I did yeah and then keeps good for mallards yes so what's it to get the the other guy for a fiber picking originally - sure let's put these down yes certainly need water they need to do a mmm this goes off in one minute that's great okay cool I'm happy with the progress so far we're not there yet which is grit check your levels oh yeah I do need to drink keep your eye on your babies they were wonder off and they will leave me I don't really want a beer the horror don't hafta do I hafta why you gonna do it I thought it was gonna be easy anything that requires effort I'm out guys you know what I'm like given he's hide wooden fiber well we got tons of hide not a lot of fire though not a lot of wood so what was the creature I needed to get to get me a lots of fiber can even remember mush mush drops okay let's go get one now I feel like it'd be a good investment yeah is that bit five think it is bait five everybody bait five let's go we got another the crewmember okay so how do I get them all to come to me you follow me all fall for me Jay so he's Jane you must chops I was getting bashed chops I'm on my mama hello my babies I love you all daddy loves you [Applause] come on follow my naked book what a crew I've got don't mess with the crew hi mommy hi couch stop looking me please your breath stinks stinky boy they're all farm a low distance man is thinking how elaborate I was like obsessed with looking like any chance he'll get I'll just lick you it is like drive-by licks if you're walking past he'll just go use your little whippersnapper here's my baby okay team we're looking for a mush mush mush tell myself much how much how much tops Friday attack kill him vise peanut Lacan I'm confused where's my peanut working type his target peep I think my diet my games broken oh yeah get some children I'll help you out Danny will help yay didn't every get hurt no good now here's the next lesson these stupid pega guys are annoying as heck I'm pressing pay get air boys so what did he steal it crazy okay we're looking for one of them fiber fiber E is fiber gathers oh I need some wha children remember stay all the water is dangerous attack then pay go bust just so annoying they're like they'll do anything just to you know just an icky stuff whoa that's a massive bird they friendly Warner there they're called an e coach at one of the big bears called your camera is in the way what do you mean no it's not what I'm called for they call it's a passive Tim eggs or crap the Higgs forgot about the eggs we're on a mission though for them maash chomps that's CNN what about for under you guys follow are they do they keep up are they hard to tame yeah it's bit six I'm joking Oh a shot get it my producer and I'm gonna spit in match good lay good lay good lay that's what I like to see top form the bodies top form and they use it to tame them guys you have to scan sometimes most jumps want things like queen bee honey sometimes I want to certain bear it oh my goodness he's serious seems like a lot of effort I probably would like just eat berries nuts it does anybody leveled up yet you should fight a shack it would be fun what with dialers now I don't think that would go well okay let's go check on the the eggies I probably should write my shop Steve raw prime meat it sounds like they need everything but as the sounds of it I'm missing this guy well there you go never to be seen again alright well it's not a long they'll look at like at the other side use a bowl to knock it down we're a bit five I feel like I'm a lot stronger now do you know what I mean like we've got the boys behind us where's Bay at five if I've not awake yet hey Ben five let's go hey wait five here this this is what dreams are made of guys okay cool let's go I've got my squad we could take anything on them take a t-rex I reckon easily let's check the eggs come on bear five not be dilly dallying fight the giant squid they could have aa move baby bear baby bear one nice baby bit - maybe they're too what do they need okay he's gonna have to stay here out there I can't I can't leave them here welcome to a horrible life be it five baby bear baby bit so cool once care in an hour did they just wander around can they're not stale I start wondering do they have to wonder they're gonna wander into the ocean oh thank goodness for that okay behavior I'll just enable it again Evelyn is it gone stop wandering dude maybe they're okay I think I need one of my dollars - wonderful it's fine give them a lot of meat and turn off wandering all right boys we have to protect them can I just give them meat well they take care of themselves wait I've got spoilt me I need some better me all the best for maybe there can there we go that one should be fine hey I'm sure the Bri guys I'm sure they'll live beef I'd make the children carry Hoss well why do you think why do you think I'm running here kind of a show do you think I'm running here okay children I will take you to the safety of my open roofed house so as long as the seagulls that get in come on baby bit oh they're so slow okay this might take a while guys we have to cut to dog gum while the ketchup ah couch is asleep feed of us what feed off a through attempts a mature Asian I can't understand dude speak English maybe they wanted to are gonna die instantly no they're not tim-mah shops were was lucky with its demands the theorem Xia SAR is also collect fiber but there are things you are scared of in number one yeah like Freddy Krueger who just tired he's a sleepy Bailey he's a very sleepy baby wait wait okay now he's I wasn't even paused I said I don't eat pause yeah baby bit here ok let's switch back to the gameplay cuz maybe there's here come on just took all the crap come on in the house combo children I came to get the friend off whoa I'm sorry oh my god I just need to killed it i press control is that a shift where how do I go prone oh my god what a I want to change that control who puts controls attack stupid game prune ex schewe here we go I'm sorry baby bit forgive me okay what are you doing I'm just trying to survive an active a honest I'm just getting some friends do I need to do anything to these guys they're just eating on their own are there I'm sure they'll be fine they've got like meat and stuff I'll give them a bit more as long as this stay by the house I reckon these guys will be perfect okay so let's go on a mission we need to same something else what are we gonna do what are we actually gonna make we could make a forge I think what couch is not sleep anymore okay we're not even level 20 yet why are we not level 20 we just got put some more rocks let's go do that I'm gonna get some more metal I had a heart attack and when you almost killed the child I did it made tap it's the stupid controls who puts who even puts that on control I've never never ever like you know play it again that has attack as that we getting metal though all right let's make a smithy I bet I'm gonna need that stun that I just like threw away for the smithy I bet I am yeah hundred twenty which is 25 how much to throw where they go for a quiet dinner there's 86 yes there's all the stone I need so let's grab just the other stuff that it's asking for which is Flynn and wood okay there's all the would you like a couple bits of lint yeah just a stunt know where I was why is bit too on his own hey it's here what are you doing how did I put him on wandering and you I put one of them on wandering hey stop stop it dude actually the two for now there's a three baby mate oh my god what how where did he come from so confused this baby's life Ryan centre okay let's go caramel oh no he'll throw that over there they were standing between them both so what you call thinking twins I know right I'm a proud mother baby they're three what if there's any more like just wandered off come on bear - there's so many Titleist this style offers a joke we've got a serious dialogue infestation though once care in an hour you take a long time to mature adult all right check if you go Baker Anna dhaan saddle that's 38 no chance okay I'm going to make her a raft because the path is good for XP I'm gonna take baby bit three up here these guys these come over for the house cuz I'm literally I can't get in hello anyone you know want to follow me oh you guys I've wondered as well stop okay all my babies the so I which is current just stop following me thank you okay a metal let's put this down here this is the first time we've had a lot of these bad boys I'll be streaming for an hour fame know what the progress is pretty sick actually okay let's touch smell in some mouth okay get in there you didn't do boy who else is going I think dance got do their stuff so we still expect a llama chops whatever you call them so we need to think about what the next thing get a trike nod to him it's good for collecting bones yeah I guess the trike would be probably the next best thing to have because bury collection because of the narcotics go back to the rocks think it's on to the baby bit ah I find enough for the baby bits is Tim a raptor oh my goodness when will it end never never never never if he goes on like two hours then I'll end it and then we'll carry on from where this left off there's another baby are you serious chap yeah that's a dialer oh my god there is another baby maybe bit fall what is going on what is going on chat I don't even know anymore I don't even Tim a rapture and call it megabit could do could do could could do okay so I need a herbivore but I also want my kin of ours so I'm trying to work out what the next thing we could Tim is so we do need stuff for collecting berries and whatnot um probably a trikes gonna be the best or a stagger stagger would be a pretty amazing to be honest but we've got to kind of work with what we have which is trike that's probably gonna be the best sir guys let's make a bow and arrow try make a little bit of narcotics is it one of these guys you will always see the moss chops what do these guys do another baby there's another baby not these guys what are these guys good for anybody these guys looking at like a meal nothing good for nothing not that oh man you're not good for anything let's tree Osiris I'm gonna I'm gonna google it I'm gonna see if it's actually worth anything and Listeria SARS it's an extremely loyal pet also he just said y'all makes my back to the to Tim and may go done and call it Shaq bit choke beat whoo haha there these guys don't really seem like they do much to be fair I think they actually used for the rest geared fast learner its presence nearby appears to inspire allies making them learn more rapidly as well well that's crap well I don't want to them right okay we're going up we're gonna go out on the mission I'm gonna grab everyone proud from the babies obviously I need to level some of them up many damaged well they're all leveled up who else these leveling up okay come on squat there's so many of them all right I don't know what the plan is I reckon we just got on a killing spree and drag check it's my XP did they give XP boosts oh my goodness I don't bent fives down there five dude this way all right come on let's go kill some it I don't know are we gonna see what we can find oh it's a pigeon a halen things now these guys are really hard to hit take Wow breath sound of legs breaking yeah you just yeah I'll MLG these pigeons I have infinite Spears statistics show that one will hit fine actually aim it might be better hey let's go put him in air this is a stupid feel like I feel like one of the bits are gonna die here chat why didn't you need to attack you when it's already dead okay we got anything bigger to kill feel like I may be overstepping a boundary here but ain't no one will roll with it what is that nice parasol wait kill the power yet baby bear need food eyes find everyone just killing everything you left the parasol children what's the matter oh my god what is shot as if okay things like things are getting a little bit more intense no they're not really okay I don't want to walk across these logs with all these guys I'm gonna have to like go around gonna be I'll seem that went on pretty good okay I'm gonna go up this way that bed was a peleg or honest now as a pigeon hundreds a pigeon that's that washed chops that's got some nice chops everybody chill [Applause] okay sure everybody chill out really really sure yeah those chops all right how do we do we use a boomerang yo Tyson tries thanks for the donation dude preciate it I regeneration am in a bit good boomerang this bad boy I quit boomerang feed baby bit for do we boomerang this guy it's passive is it cooked cooked by me I really Lilla is this guy serious cooked pry me holy crap we have to go like a stagger I think is it like the stagers is it the staggers like the easiest thing to kill for like pry me oh my goodness so I'm gonna have to get like a count fire on there okay come on guys we got stuff to do boomerang is face-off nice they're not laser [ __ ] I'm gonna get one we have to go for stag on Webster I find a stagger because there's anything that I can think of this that drops like prime meat like an advantageous will little what else will search for an easier one do you think see where I can fly if I do come across a stag I'll try kill it look I don't know how common they are this is where squid wanders off and inevitably dies I don't want to go too far just want to try something new I need to get head bothers all that bola can we get one of them yet new we need thatch so yes okay cool alright let's try feed on a trundle I guess I really want to get a stagger but we'll see oh my goodness get him boys he stole my fetch my sieve up thank you it's like I've little personal slaves turn back and evitable death inbound now we good chap I'm just scouting around the area I wonder I wouldn't it cuz last time I tear at that end I am I got myself a parachute now Kenny I need to be level 22 so I'm pretty much there but on this mod I think you can just keep using them so real try keep I would like to fly about and see where can see this is a pretty cool area I should have moved my house like round here remove some trikes oh my goodness that sound some trikes down here I've really seen anything too fierce yet to be honest it feels like a pretty safe area temer I'll tell y'all love - problem is we're out sirs gain them on their own hmm still no stagger trying to think well the best entertainers the thing is right if I go looking for a raptor and I find one then I'm gonna get eaten so I have to take these guys with me as like a security precaution do you know what I mean well then these guys will probably inevitably end up trying to kill it temer Rex you've barely seen any have those seen any sort of dinosaur sort of there's like a couple of tracks down there and that's the first thing I'm that's not I've seen a couple tracks before but you know what I mean it's been pretty scarce I should have called them like leg breakers they do not look happy not anymore anyway I reckon we could go up for these trikes cuz we're across the water however there is three of them it might be stupid eh @ don't go out at night that's when Troodons are aggressive mmm oK we've got the parachute on what now what we're saying guys trying to kill the track there Matt right call it big bit jump it I'm scared oh there go it anyway scared now they're all swimming we're all good roll stick together still yeah bet bet fee man falls struggling come on this way there we go it's this way a bit chats told me not to be out at night I need to go home can't want to kill the track though first I'm so tempted guess of Alba yeah well by the time I got back some metal should have their smell that service should be good all right we keep going along the beaches gonna get ahold and via the beach I reckon as long as none of my bits fall off Isis a cool spot as well hey hey we got like two guys that know how to go across a wooden wood and saw her like oh my god I'm stuck I'm stuck guys guys oh my goodness this is not a great place to be out at night I'm literally stuck oh my goodness what are these stupid dialer there you go go home I'm going home I'm trying to I feel like I'm left someone oh you you just can't stop moving with these guys you just get stuck instantly that's fine okay come on let's go not even careful lost anyone Troodons are coming for ya face shot stupid pigeon come on children it's hard time listen me looking fish cool I'm going home stop showering of each other Hey what did he steal give me about my passport oh my stupid bird that's what you get very good no tier X is about well I was an eventful little trip wasn't it we found what we wanted where we couldn't aim it okay we don't get some metal stuff now it's game proper doc got all the bits well my babe is a getting on think any of them are still living yeah I hope so come on children but we got a campfire going at home and everything some of them are still alive is a miracle it's actually a miracle that they're all still alive what 92-93 cool well how much smell do we have 49 that's decent cool what can we make them we should be able to make some decent stuff I'm not even gonna bother to hide armor we're nearly at flack which is decent the best one and all my early ice breath stinks mmm-hmm come on true down there Troodons not coming up though the camera huh miles right watch the tongue have you is just you don't look him [Music] smiley stop licking thank you sit sit stop licking [Music] yeah you chill there that's the fair Alma oh my goodness e jerking me now so I need the fair amber miles yeah some saying I guess we can't make any any metal stuff I feel like a need to tame one more before we can like we can say we've accomplished to this streams you know what I mean I feel like one more time we should be good broomy thanks another dude I just sorry Diplodocus yep I just saw how the air sugar-boy a dog colors what a guy what a guy is shout-out to a Lear okay let's put some let's put some meat on the body I feel like these guys is gonna be full of it you just kill them just stuff there we go like for a crazy okay like the fire Raptor trike alright we're gonna we're gonna have him over so I want to do one more time before we enter there okay so let me know what we're doing my baby died did it didn't but I'm all grown up I added a for dinner drive baby bit for Oh baby that falls rips oh well we've got some new additions it's fine I'm just gonna keep them as baby bit level 30 for 300 health are these got some decent levels what about baby they at 3 300 nice raptor can't believe it isnt modded hey we're doing original original act dude try go tame a Raptor Raptor Raptor Frank let me have a look let me just pop it on let me just pop it on dawg Oh cam and I'm gonna see if there's any way we can do a poll on the YouTube sit on Molly come for a minute while I just quickly have a look at something and if there's any way viewer activity no that's not it sentence live chat Paul Paul to do it later okay what should I save and choice so we've got Raptor trike uh excetera okay save I have to create an account okay let me just it's just okay it's the carpet stream now have some printer paper and Kujo there we go what's the best way to make a Paul strawpoll ah here we go what should hi Tim I'm not doing a Megalodon right gonna tear it we're gonna think we're gonna think logically with the tools I've got you know what I mean cujo's add enough as well okay we got raptor try etc great Paul share copy okay everybody gotta remove any AK Ivan's bummer web address what is this what is this YouTube streaming why can a lot even spam a web address what is going on here oh you know we're good for a raptor I'm sorry chat the chat saying I can't even spam a web address YouTube is literally going down hill fast we're going for apptimize that's that's what we go for we'll take our dialers and if we die we die alright game plan boy we need to bar let's grab the wood grab a bit more rich I am ridged what kind of a website is this it's going downhill chat ok let's go let's go gamers so let's gonna brought to Navarro's because that helped me last time fetch and flip got that check was that noise I set so do you [Applause] okay let's make a book to the moas 45 I don't even have any narcotics doer instapoll yeah but then people might not be you know I mean people not be on Instagram everyone's not only audience around that watches so you choose death I didn't choose death I'm taking all my dollars we're doing it you know we're doing this we were gonna do this it's gonna be fine if we just do this sensibly we should be fine chat what do we get a lot of whales to get what else is gonna help me here a parachute that's what I'll do you know if you're on like a mount like a parasol and can the Raptors knock you off your mouth is that a thing is that a thing that they can do asking for a friend because if it is that sucks so it like Dallas to neutral I don't if it's a way you can do that like maybe you can all neutral get caught does neutral mean that they will attack it yeah really why are they so overpowered like I swear when I first started this game you could just show a raptor go down easy to him now they're just crazy yeah we'll put the fire out we don't need that what will help me in this battle chat like what's gonna help me is there any we can combat the Raptor thing hmm I don't know what to do use a ball and then use shankara's does a baller work on it so easy with the baller oh okay okay now that's a lot easier then all right let me just need to get some narcotics which I should have really tamed a herbivore for straight away but whatever I'll do a bit of picky and I don't care it's fine should be worth it for that die sure you never know you can find them on the beach now I think I'm going to stick to the beach and then we should be all right okay let's go fortitude don't need all the berries [Music] bowler yeah I'm gonna do bowling trunks trap baller and track if I ever see wrap some just go for all loads of ballers up them that's the game plan and then I'll check my dialogue so if I do get pounced on that I'm just they can just attack them I guess I have myself fat what's going on eyes the wood okay we got like a little bit of NACA base so we can craft some learnt ranks need a little bit don't it balls work for certain my time okay boom drugs nine-nine should be enough nine tracks for a router should be fine I could always for a Boomer hey I said I feel like this is gonna be the end of me but I'm gonna try in my best for it to not be dope it was anyone else that's really gonna help me with this endeavor mmm vessel and we need to do the the raft as well we're in the rough here we off we need to get ourselves some levels up sir I could make few of them but make a curry that's not gonna help me stumps korie's don't help in this game stumps I had babies do you want to see them raise them myself this is baby bit maybe a bit one baby bit - that's baby bit free wait where's my dialogues got on okay they're all that merged into each other learn ball I've already got the ball oh look it's in my see my adventurer so religious they're gonna wait for morning so not long at all and then we'll go along the beach we'll try and see if there's a rap said the thing is we're gonna try and see it from a distance because if yeah if it sees me first and I'm dead so that's gonna be a big problem at least we've got a little bit of protection asylum last time all I had was my trike I'm not writing nothing just stop there okay the level up all these merely damaged tribe of squiddy yeah exactly bro what big happy family everyone's protecting dad all right let's get the trunks that we need we've got the boiler I've got my terrible dinars to help me I'm ready to go I'm raring to go okay okay tribe let's go along the beach how do I get anyone sick ever again there we go we should be look I'm gonna need it I know what happened last time put a narco trap down jump over it multiple Tim a narco trap trip wire alarm trap place two of these nutria square now I'm trap I think we find I really have this stuff for that okay I need to make these follow me quick at a behavior lowest there we go there's so many the vac I even get to the ones that I want to get to leave me a large children okay there's one bother need to get to baby bit three can every go yeah okay let's go what if it was stuck on a dice already yo look at thanks the two ate your amazing cube the Qureshi's cheers birdie come on team we're off to find a raptor how do you get my ball of it yeah so I reckon if we start along the beach that's a good a good a place as ever right you can normally find them like hanging around the beach area we believe Gigi's ripped no let's stop it chat stop it have a bit of fare goodness sake my chat has no faith in me now look at my gun mama we follow you to H of F know what I was that alone Oh 500 health I don't need a razor well now we have died loves to be fair you just biking think he's hungry what's up storm I cooked me get in boys oh ma hell hey Maile just licked my arm who's the scariest thing ever hi man why you let him get away you stealing my stuff nicole says she's hungry to call you in the chat I'm just about to die so we get some food in a minute okay is there a guest in tents probably Viggo stole my cooked meat hate them this is perfect the sun's coming up gonna have some good visibility stop saying rip Kutcher knows that you'll die in his warning dad don't go any further all right busy dad will feed you in a second okay you are not starved you chunky monkey it was a good run Chah stop half fifth whoa lose that one in Firenze ears they had to chain coming closer children Vaughn at least hard to turn solo hard I'll move on yes run okay I'll leave it for now we'll keep going well some us chops rare flower that's obviously rare scared come on children and we missed on a they're all group together I'm sorry bit we don't need anymore we don't need anymore dialers I'm sorry we need raptors us what we need god I'm so far from my house now your arrows yeah I'm gonna go ate the okay look for Raptors guys I like our chats just like squid is dead everybody knows it's getting twelves that time when I inevitably have left my house and things are looking bleak it's just cool oh my god it's a cabin in you big boy i distracted a vibe about missing I haven't seen with all the numbers bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit for not even know it's hard to tell it a minute I should have named them something different the must be Raptors along here take parasol hmm and we have to go there uh that's the only that's the only way I'm gonna have to find the Raptors is by going up into the mountains that's what I was avoiding so no that's when everything gets a little bit difficult I was hoping that I could chill along the beach but I'm gonna I'm just have to go up there that's where all the bad guys are okay let's go let's go up here tell us that moist and advantageous no but you can bother them that would kick my book hereafter up to interrupt he wrapped her up to rot errata good Raptor here Raptor Raptor hunter I'm so scared that's a leaf good Raptor not does it ceccato children protect me children oh my it's an alpha bit your fares be chosen mine hasn't I'm safe children what's this dude doing you doing bro what are you doing well why the here where the vet office he's still alive oh how how are you still alive what's going on did they kill it where no no where hold on I'm confused I'm so confused lot of them died how alla allosaurus not Connor what what how how on earth have you guys done that that is I'm actually gobsmacked and actually gobsmacked I kind of believe that done that this guy was set the final blur how would be done that oh wait that's the fight you dude that was a close call it was um let's give it up for these guys all right we stalk with still searching that was unbelievable holy crap oh my god is that t-rex always another Allah when I start like you please okay I'm gonna go this way aloes easy to knock down I'm guess I'm gonna need more than nine trunks to knock it down she proved myself more surprised probably were made out of that I thought that was it heal them now they're all healed they've all got meat on them too many dealers and I have too many dollars they saved my life what do you mean too many dollars I can't believe that as Eisley goswami it's just a new man hey you could breath hey say it's a famous Allosaurus in a wall the other Soros what we're about not even what they called ankang pliosaurs and kylo Selena this is great pretty far isn't it can we find it a yo Carl Robertson extra 20 how the hell did you manage that also love your vids oh I don't know give it up for the baby the baby bears the baby bear it's a clutch I'm not going to there that that was that would be instant death should we try to take on this this other alle I think I might do quickly run away I might try to take on this other Allah won't be me I mean I'm gonna get these guys to take on all that there's a bird on it I'm get a girlfriend it's not really lame enough to have to be sent target range go on baby [ __ ] yeah I'll help from a distance don't even need my help look at them oh my goodness you little monsters what's the best baby pigeon who's your best baby bears you know the life mom is very proud of you you say yeah boom is very proud easy easy shot I'm invincible now new man new man nothing could touch me I've pretty much got t-rex's on my team nothing's coming close a random bag Sabretooth I'll take the trunks oh hey thanks for the three dude happy birthday PS there yo cheers man appreciate all right let's go push onwards my child's my children my child's okay always saying are we saying we end today's episode there all right hey it's been a good run car robbers are those for the two who's a raptor not this guy might breed them in between episodes why you so sore okay what I might do quickly because we're quite high up is make a parachute nice and fat stupid pega stall it from me okay children were getting close to the edge here daddy's nervous metal pick was there a metal pick in it did I miss it whoo how do we use this in we look that he can fly well here's the bike oh it was a mouthing I missed it that's it what was this meat jerky I'm good bro okay come on let's got the help and don't end it also the Dow's will die if you jump off yeah but if I'm get chased then I'm obviously gonna sacrifice the dialers you know what I mean you didn't hear that from me dialers you did not hear that from me Oh God I'm sorry children but if it's you or me it's gonna be you this feels like I'm in quite angry territory right now you know what I mean okay you stay there let me just check on the edge just a long way down if I crafted the parachute none and I've got a reusable parachute I've got a model so you can reuse some of the usable stuff that makes sense what is that scorp you know there I think I can actually turn the Scorpion obviously Tim scorpion you idiot oh yeah come back a son of a scorpion mm saddle yeah sick fiber hide wood how is easy to tame a scorpion do I have to knock it out I'm guessing I do death peach doubt is death Beach yeah looks like it do I use tranqs or a boomerang you can borrow them you only need me or spoiled me that burns at the bottom of a cliff has a secret nice that was that set for damage that's good to hear yeah I think it's when you're on creatures that set fall that when you're off from the dirt baller okay we'll try it chat bothering them wall he's not a rap to traffic that's a raptor did you see it I swear us all Raptor over there did you see it I mean five tranq arrows okay I'm gonna let it come down and then I'm gonna bother it again I swear that's a raptor over there like um I'd rather get a scorpion a thing what a Lana Luthor okay guys let's do it Eddie if you know what it was a break out of it yeah stop moving oh god oh god just attack it in boys don't go off the cliff please stop the Claire No [Music] 50 babies Mariah oh there's my freaking dialers children hello maybe God oh my god amazing I'll be getting attacked by the stupid pigeons guys that was not worth it that was very noisy dare now we can't get a raptor or a scorpion because you've messed it all stupid bloomin dialers anyway they're all still alive it's one of us some of us stuck in the wall can we get out please there we go up one still stuck well at least they're all alive it's gonna it's got a good ending to it anyway chat I think that's just about sums up today's and AK video we've fair yeah we've successfully done it we've survived a two-hour stream it's been good that means that we can carry on tomorrow with episode 2 we don't have to get rid of the world we can carry on so thanks for watching you've put them on passive London third time was the charm yeah if you did enjoy please smash like guys we got 600 people watching which is amazing so yeah thank you all for joining today it's exciting stuff which means to the next one we can actually try and tape something else we've actually got good dinosaur swans which I'm chuffed about so what's this go to the waterfall I'll do that in the next stream do a chat we'll be streaming again tomorrow if you tear the scarp and you spoil it yeah I know I just need to tame it yeah hopefully have enjoyed hopefully you've enjoyed all the baby bit I expect to see all the fun out on Twitter and Instagram of the baby bear clan appreciate all spot as always guys I will see you tomorrow for episode 2 well it's happening yeah that's right children episode 2 you heard it here first because we didn't die and now I need to find my house again yeah or we might just make a new one I don't know anyway folks what you guys see in the next one baby baby bear we say goodbye to the dogs as well dog or come bye mommy bye cage cage say bye no none of them ever bothered alright guys so exciting as always see the next one hey what's out to wear a 7 p.m. GMT or 6 p.m. Beauty one of those I checked where ok bye bye
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 75,371
Rating: 4.9597988 out of 5
Id: MVQteMYigh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 38sec (8018 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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