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Hervey and welcome to thieves simulator today I'm gonna be a sneaky old sausage we're gonna be stealing some people's possessions breaking things over not getting caught this is a game I think it's made by the same people who main house flipper we had a lawful on that game so I thought I'd check this one out we're gonna click new profile I am NOT going into hard mode my name's squiddy well I mean if we're gonna be a thief I might as well be called slippery squid eats it okay you know what's available well just because screen so yeah literally don't know anything about this game I start on the seams steam saw they had a lot of yeah really good review so far why not let's just go into it let's see what it's all about it's go steal some stuff and there's good I'm super poop there we go lets me down here look that's that's literally gonna be me stealing everybody's junk I'm going for jewelry we're gonna be going for high hype high value stuff pretty much even that even the kitchen sink we're gonna be stealing everything everything is good in this bag just imagine there's a back oh you know I am a bit of a Baldy like it more stealth a very nice more slippery I see a crowbar on the ground it's Vinny Vinny hey okay I'm gonna keep a phone there II put the crowbar in the bag wait does that mean Vinny I'm a criminal Jimmy no bulldoze or something all right venturi all right then he's gone back by vineeth all right and what do we got we got a crowbar yeah okay we need some smash this says yeah yeah turn our friends blow call it offensive that's what you get crouch what day I could see through walls prison I must have got some special powers in prison something uh I mean I have to go dining Wow I'm dowdy I love hey you all right we're gonna be stealing you stuff what do we avoid the light I am going to be a bush wookie see you guys see me the baby's back again all right five innit see it cheese Vinnie's annoying he needs to stop calling me all right Bri the window with a crowbar left click where which window but this window over here can we run come in ok I can't run break the window ok smashy smashy ok and open what if I did have just opened the window why did it do it in the first place did it I've tried to rub somebody's house hello hiding spot great alright bye Vinny whoa what about the sneak is what we got here open money I'll be taking the money any of a drunken here shoes shoes we take the sum of shoes what's out here it's a bathroom Eddie Finn Eddie fit in the toilet duck what is all this junk get this is great this is a water hazard there's no a shower caddy you're just gonna splash out your frobots gonna get rotten floor bars out here and what's in here and a teapot why we stealing tea pots if I was hearing pots and pans we supposed to be where what's this we smash it oh there's gotta be some valuables in here all right keep looking why are we why we try to you know take pots and pans and some more cash here a whole toaster it's video video again but I've already got some pots and pans I mean this isn't really gonna be paying that the guys off that Bell there's a prison is it what about the cooler okay we need to get out of here let's just get out of here here we go where's my where's my with where's my car I'm parking buggies I screwed really it's Carl it over exit how about this where okay which way at this bit here we go he's already opened whoops all right I'll go from here where's my car it's round the corner get in get in squid what's it here oh hey sorry venturi we've put it all in a nice little box isn't that great all right how do I start it's just here we go rubber I didn't consume whatever oh my god oh great yeah well what a great game alright let's try this again get in the casket alright where do we go where's Matt wait I was supposed to go here do I just get out of here well the probably just drive it away we like GTA this this is great oh wait there's a there's a marker of that maybe we're supposed to go to the marker oh we did it haha we did it that was that was great food look at this yeah hey I got a butt thief but thief red is through the roof Ty's amazing we got the XP for nicking teapots great oh is this a hideout here a banged-up car it's a well rubbish well I feel like I need to like my knees get some water get some materials for like I mean they're a queef all night and alright it's very again this better thank you we're gonna wreck another place ok bye VIN it we could sleep on the couch we can afford a MacBook and another monitor well I have to sleep on a couch ok I want it okay I'm gonna have to sleep partner it's not a bet it's a sofa why does it say a bed well we want to sleep Patel is it I mean we did a good job let's have a lion let's be let's be ten o'clock you're a meme ah that's pretty cool it is morning I exit this guy is just the hello there's a few things I need to tell you how you just text me man this is getting a bit boring you you keep reading me okay bye Vinny is it this PC all right we go what we got is still you forum it ring me to your for what I wrote on Greenview 109 it's like Facebook but for thieves this is great all right here we go where is it which one 109 the mines green view so these are all free tips easy to break the damage would have fence in the back check old TV wertha Bach house cute tips spare door key in the draw there is no one on or wet there is no one home all the time so just so there's no one actually living there rent-a-thug where what black bear tools the thieves hacking laptop for 52 grand what else have we got here you got a hacking tools we got a mini electric lockpick we this is some crazy stuff I really want some night-vision goggles oh man okay really got 30 bucks all right well let's get out of here let's go steal some more stuff yes yes oh oh so we haven't actually stole that stuff yet okay we go to the pawn shop this is where we could sell out toasters and pans so lovely place man it's a lovely establishment you running here this ain't it this guy's a ventriloquist he's not even opening his mouth when you got back in there his face looks weird the new iPhone every bit this is great all right madam can you sell me okay $8 three why don't even pick it toaster up like what this is Reese we're robbing banks in the stove I'm gonna put video on speakerphone okay okay why light you know what I mean I'm not getting hardly anybody I might as well pawn it off and get myself some decent cash but this guy wants it all my troubles right where's the okay we need to drive to it wait I'm from England so I'm gonna drive on the left side of the road here we go there's literally no cars of our anyways we should be fine wait I think I found it guys I'm in a bush okay well this is the easiest place to rob isn't it it's mushy smashy smashy smashy smashy smashy all right it's just the window the TV's here wait what was the other thing and easy to break the damage what offends despair dorky and the druthers no on home well there's nobody home it's to smash the window in where's this TV here is where where oh let's get out ahh there's the key yeah I'll be taking the saucepans as well we got to make some money somewhere you know what I mean okay that's the front door what else do we got in this job I got a bimbo girl who puts cash near a bin bag wonderful okay no not even in the bathtub not fitting the fridge so let's own everything from here there's nothing else in the drawers what about you there's some more cash here though I'll tip that's at this cash what about in here nobody Oh what is it it's a shiv what are we going here we made a little bit of money you guys all right let's get the TV and run y'all let's go boat race it's this way okay hopefully nobody sees me go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go get in the car squid get in the car in the car we go get in how do I have to put in the boo or something load it in the car trunk okay get in how do i how do I put in no in just pop pop there we go nice so weird I so awkward all round get it out of here getting away from it all right let's start it we're doing a big old u-turn Ian I've worked out as long as we get across like this line and then the missions pretty much over which way do I go I'm sorry why nobody's sorry ere we go it's report it off let's part of an annoying [Music] how do I good oh come on pouring it off let's see what this guy says hello man okay I'm gonna sell the saucepans welcome back his voice is so anka way right let's go home black barons sell it all right electronics sell for six there Rena sub-tab prick their dishes what where what with the crowbar huh what kind of a job is this you know what to drive back just to smash somebody's dishes am ia thief here I might just it's just like a pay phew I'm like you know I'm just getting my payback on some neighbors either like they're going to smash in the hell out of the China so where am I supposed to be going okay I've got oh my god let's just those are tutorials okay yeah I get it yeah all right I probably had some skill points as well where's this skill severe 25% more backpack space we're not start where's my level one guess I'm here then what picky skills it's like Skyrim this all right where do I go like I can't see anything on the map where's the place must be going oh it says on the map there the address through all right this is my place guys this is my jam suppose we've been no saucepans miles respawn the same old junk like if anybody imma have to smack you over the head with a crowbar here's the dishes but first I must Rob you again just give me a second guys the same old saucepan they're just kind of like this thing they've got robbed and they've just kind of replaced the same old junk okay I guess I needs a lockpick lockpick this place right there must be the same cashier alright simple log piggy we got 20 quid well I think I'm working my way up but we need to finish just let me speak of it alright okay interact what is this you need to find the rag or with the right with the bobby pin and then rotate the lock Opa Opa we did it okay I call what's this tenant routines waiting closer view come mark attempt to Discovery's daily routines default middle mouse button you can also mark commerce to show their view range check tenant routines in the top right corner boom is there out tennis routines are also oh that's pretty sick real job you got a scope the joint go to 111 by 7 a.m. and watch ooh good to the grevioux 111 around 70 mm our attendance all right well it's like what time is it now it's like 5:00 so I'm gonna get some sleep all right are we gonna get up at like really early let's gonna put like five because time goes faster yeah this is to fight I mean six we're gonna pretty leave it a little bit less let's get up at 5:00 okay here we go all right let's go to this guy's house Greenview 111 you sure let me look at the time it's really like five past keep it off door get it take me ten minutes to get into the car hey Greenview Street here we go I'm excited for this guys this is gonna be great I'm gonna leave my car here I mean going on [ __ ] guys okay it's not 109 it's 111 it's this guy's house oh I see what she doing it for this time I've got it wait for them to leave okay okay sleeping in the parking lot a new tutorial it was you can sleep in the party like last time okay what about this guy's routine ah here we are look at this he's gonna be out soon ones already out we're gonna wait for this guy come on mate get out of the house get out age of Rabia come on okay his missus is already out he needs to go there do I have to wait for him can I just rob him well I'm gonna go sleep and wait for this guy here we go sleep I'm gonna say like 9:00 we're gonna check back at 9 and that was fast well let's see what happens I see if he's around here or not yet he must be gone yes they're out alright this is my chance I mean nealy this bars we lock the front door this is it guys this is the big challenge nearly yes haha alright I'm definitely taking the TV okay we gotta be quick because she might be back soon yes see these guys have a shark in ya saucepans I'm guessing the sauce was like the generic thing to steal better believe I'm smashing pounds quit great no we can't smash anything come on man I want to smash some stuff up higher let's check in here oh we got here radio I'll put him back my inventory's fall I really want to steal some stuff I would even go make some trips we can carry the TV though alright let's get out of here let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go put the TV down put it put it down no one sees me nobody sees me I can't run run come on don't get caught in the back you go but I'm gonna be cheeky and we see if we can do anything else hey we got a little bit more time a little bit Oh little bit more time was there something else I could steal where was it I was in the wardrobe wasn't it I says my bags foot it's not that I can't carry it wow that sucks I really want it okay we might have time to go to the pawnshop on back play stuff let's have a look ah if I'm quick I might be able to to the pawn shop and sell it and then get back here and steal the radio maybe I'm going to try to it quickly see if we've got time sell sell sell sell sell sell get this junk out of here what about this cell it's at the same time think it's the same time alright we need to go back to 1 1 1 11 alright let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go they should don't see me please thank you no one's in still I remember the lock he was like this wasn't it hey okay as long as no one sees me we should be good just check it as no one else in are we good give me the radio I'll be taking that you saw nothing you saw nothing Lamia she's just about to get all of us out oh this is decent what a good day of stealing like this game he's great I bet that was worth it was 25 quid a lot better than the stinky old pots and pans alright let's go to where we need to send send the box to black there so it's cuz it's gonna do that wait what do I go for was it antiques or the box with Shirdi content why not we did it meaning needs a new window but they think the one they got fine go prove them wrong keep going to the house to smash your window all right yeah that's fine I'm all for that this is crit well hello there this is a fancy house isn't it what am i doing just break in the window just is that it just smashing a window I'm gonna to star in quick leg it oh this is a bad time for bad driving all the poor parts come in Maggie is screwed we good ready we do it was I did we do it did I do it I don't know I'm so confused well pretty sure I did it all right start learn picking by stealing stuff I can't think we we might have some skills available we need we can learn this well what we got here then agile eight throw up bricks appraise my items on the spot okay I locked it so we uh we lock-picking level two I did it open a standard training lock okay where do I go for that down it you merely okay okay you need to lock the pick with the pink pin is at the bottom I'm so confused what to do here ah I'm gonna bash it down then click this is quite cool last one Hey broke fix it with a crowbar word on the street is the toilet and Greenview 1:13 you're gonna smash someone's toilet oh my goodness this game yeah not a lockpick was a little bit weird to get used to differently explain it well but I got it in the end it was quite cool 1:13 then let's go smash you smash you some stuff I'll tell you what house flipper I got bored of fixing stuff but I don't think I'm ever gonna get bored of smashing stuff up like it's just so much fun alright can I park on the driveway all right lads I'm just gonna use your own driveway to smash your tile up the buff in at the minute how did she see me stop crouching your melon oh god oh god oh god oh god the po-pi-po-pi-po po-pi-po / chill out I'm gonna go into smashy toilet ah I slept for a few hours I'm hoping these guys are gonna be out now yes they are I timed it just right I was like well it's gonna be literally like one o'clock ish come and go just smash your toilet so you cannot do any more like cop this is too easy it's too easy this isn't it I almost have some good stuff in here these guys have a nice house oh yes fairly not me backpack with all the best goodness all right where we going here jeans shoes jeans jeans a guitar it's all okay I'm fault I'm absolutely full I'll just cash as well cash confited doesn't take up that much room does it yeah these guys drips like just like hipsters I thought they were both old people they're gonna be like whoa she's just go home okay I'm gonna sleep until 12 o'clock the next day that's when they're in other out sorry okay let's go eleven I was like they're gonna be in in a second and there was all that girls it was scary okay great can I dump stuff in here oh we can all right here we go there's bears there's guitar oh this is so much better cuz I can go in with the clean backpack now and I can just Rob them again hello sir just your friendly neighborhood bagel here I'll do it anything wrong right don't if three normal I Tony through it or not I did fancy places isn't it some headphones I'll take them you leave they're outside they're gonna get rid dog do deserve headphones okay I'm going for it guys going for it this is the big one steal everything Wow what front door key never alarm clock more cash I have hit the jackpot are you guys I can hit I can go to like got a holiday after this this is a big the big old there jackpot for me more cash you shouldn't leave fifty dollars lying around I need to use a lockpick I've got a lot pic can need to be quick wait I look at in the bathroom you know what we're gonna be smashy-smashy in you know what whatever I don't need a lot pick whatever I'm just gonna do it get out where's the toilet [Music] hide hide hide under the bed why cannot hide hide why couldn't I hide there's Bob a dinosaur don't you say a Finn he's got it good [Music] [Music] yikes we're back away with it [Music] we're good boys we did it okay steal my stuff it's at the hard drives get out oh you stupid plastic thing am I gonna still gonna be home anytime soon they're gonna be home anytime soon they got a TV Oh God where's a football I need to be quick don't you dare say anything Oh God Oh God I want the TV the horse snap oh snap oh snap Oh God oh my god come on Moo doesn't have to be a snail you know what I'm going for it this is the big break get in get put it in put get in the boat you know what TV I've had enough of your jib today ain't got time for this the police are come in I need to get out of here [Music] we made it God their police are terrible all right we smashed the title up kind of need to go up back there what is the TB TV still gonna be at the parking lot oh my goodness look everything we stopped are we gonna be rolling in the binary oh my goodness we have so much money and weight there was stuff from this storage box where's the storage look serious can I have to get into looking the storage box think I do all right yeah yeah yeah yeah give me all the good stuff okay hi there I need a hundred we are rich rich my friend rich oh my goodness Wow guys I did it I became the best thief in all of Greenville away because this place I would probably do a few more videos of this it's really actually quite a fun game we're gonna probably am I'm gonna try and do some some harder stuff on camera maybe I don't know if you can rub some blanks or something that'd be kind of cool but yeah if you want to see any more of this game please leave a like and comment down below I like this game squid Oh awesome fit along them lines I don't see you in the next one
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 215,659
Rating: 4.9545212 out of 5
Keywords: iballisticsquid, squid, squiddy, pc, thief simulator, robbing, simulator
Id: 8S509SfyBok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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