ARK! but when I die I end the stream...

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[Music] welcome to the stream Oh what am i doing this this is gonna be a really fast sheep yeah how are y'all doing welcome [Applause] anyway well wait for everyone's come in this is a little bit of a different stream I didn't want to do a let's play because there's no sort of consequences to dine in the last place I kinda wanna make this little more interesting so as you can see about the top of the video we're gonna be doing an arc like playthrough but as soon as we die then the stream is over so I'm going to be doing a few of these throughout the week we're gonna be doing them on different Maps we're gonna start off with the center now I need to just quickly turn this music down because it's a little bit a little bit too much there we go the streams in the last five minutes so before we get started what I kind of want to ask you guys is look at these settings here okay now with these settings okay I've basically put the player damage of the XP the table speed up I've lowered the difficulty by a smidge is this alright or am I gonna get called out as like Irish fish no proper ID you know you know it really a prop but do you know what I mean let me know if this is fine I'm just gonna crack on this is intense this is gonna be a really fast stream I reckon as long as I done died off spawn like I've had I've had it before an arc where you like literally you know you wake up scratching your hand and then a raptor comes and jumps on your face and it's like why that's not and that's just good efficient it's gonna be there words short is stream okay if that happens and I can't do anything about it because I can't like say oh I'll have another go because then that's not it's just not how it's supposed to work alright I'm going to turn the chat on guys what I want to do quickly before we start is I want to get you guys you guess how long I will survive for so the stream is basically gonna be me gathering building a little base taming some dinosaurs just playing Ark as I normally would I said uh normally would haven't played in absolutely ages and we're just going to basically keep playing until we come across something that will end our journey so I'm gonna put the chat on right now Rocco thanks for the - hi remember me from rocket League I do and an ish thanks for the 10 hi squid all of your vids can i have a shout out Nega a nation that sedona dude arctic boomer boomer says hi squid heidi and ezra hi doing it okay I'm gonna put the chat on thanks all the nations guys appreciate all right the chat is on if you watch this on youtube then this is what the chat thinks I'm gonna survive for okay well let it roll for a few but I've kind of come up with some goals because it's nice to have goals while you doing stuff so basically when I create myself a small wooden base I want to be able to get myself at least the goal is to get myself at least three diners so I want to get myself at least one kind of art and two herbivores and I kind of want to at least explore a little bit so there the basic goals for today's stream I don't think I'm gonna be able to basically go any further than that just because I feel like I'm gonna die before there but if we last longer then we'll come up with new girls and stuff like that but we'll see but anyway are we ready I think I'm ready all right there's turned chat off apparently it's already just gone off on its own let's lower my big face if I can no I can [Music] is that good side some affairs I reckon that should be alright okay I'll recent old folks start garnish folks for the donation again dude you gotta sign I for 20 minutes okay let the guys think close to the nation no Charlie house and gaming hit jokes let's the donation guys appreciate all right I'm gonna turn the music back up are it's already up okay alright let's go let's click and okay so I'm I need to check this mod off I forgot on model I'm gonna put a few mods on just because I feel like it'll help me not like you know really important ones deaf health is not gonna help classic flyers I've put two on so slope you can reusing them like the classic flyers you know as they were before you made the music louder hey old girls should quiet down I'll turn it down a little bit right hopefully it's not too loud let's begin shall we playing single-player cam ready this is not gonna go well turn the music back so the music will go down it should do if let's get there we go there we go the music should be okay now it's just that beginner musics just crazy mental all right so I bisque we jumped on this world see what it was so I'm gonna create a new survivor I'm not gonna I'm not gonna spend ages creating one even though I'd love to drag the stream out because we're already on seven minutes and that's just a really nice a nice you know music too loud music too loud you're on the center there's a music still too loud I feel like we should be okay ah - just back in his head off that's great okay let's go for okay that guy's fine we'll call him squid - squiddy someone's ringing me okay one second guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi chat it was an Amazon guy huh it was an Amazon guy alright let's carry on squidy a new survivor and I think we should be fine I think we should be pretty good with that so let's just click create let's go in let's pray ok I need to pray for a good spawn is this a good spawn it says easy okay I'm gonna go for south let me know if the music's to live about please don't get killed [Music] [Music] okay we're in squiddy you do realize that this doesn't count towards your survival time you miss some donors I check the donors in a bit guys oh my every six are the five dude and Charlie house thanks for the to Zack and the lemon features thanks for Dennis guys and a nice texture done as well guys sorry I can't read it out because I'm kind of concentrated Alice I'll catch up with everything after the stream when I die which will probably be pretty soon can we turn the music down alright let's survive so we got ourselves a trike that'll be good little guy to style so I guess we just better start punching wood and stuff this is a nice area we've got daughters around we can kind of chill out a little bit here don't go to the water why is the I need to have a quick look in the water don't we we need to have a quick little look the water seems fine guys you're freezing oh God okay let's sort some controls out first just because I like to basically put tab as my inventory instead of I just because it's easier whatever they need these are the we don't really need the console okay we've got some Dada's this is good let's top okay that's a dialer right I really need to get myself a sphere cuz he's gonna be a rather annoyed isn't here okay let's go for what should we kind of concentrate on should we concentrate on health or movement because if we do movement at least we could run away really really quickly no I think I'm gonna go for movement just so I could run away let's do that okay pama what's this why Vincent saw the Schrag faulty gene X to the to do a modded PC server sure on Sanderson X of three and Caden thanks for the 10 whats cracka like it what's crack-a-lackin' dude health chassis self I've already done speed oops so people actually said to me that was a new expansion coming in February so I will be doing some videos on that which seems pretty fun movement yeah I kind of gone for movement I feel like it's gonna be good so my goal is to try and get myself one of these guys but for now we really need to start making a bears and we need a spear and stuff so let's kind of think about oh my goodness okay we'll do health this time what is this LR this is Alice B I mean maybe that's though okay I think the LSP is from the mod so basically you can just keep throwing it I think movement timid order oh holy is the sound okay guys don't need to turn there don't need to turn it up Ozzy okay all right let's get punch him please get punching and we need to get picking stuff he's get picking them berries I don't want to go too far because you never know in arc you know yeah you kind of go a little bit too far out in the bush and you picking berries minding your own business and next thing you know t-rex's Naumann on your uncles it's happened before happened before guys watch out for the dodo and they fine what we'll do is we'll test out this mod that allows you to react it's reusable we need Flynn and wood so I might as well start getting myself some some basic tools it's fine sounds good sounds good good nice to hear nice to hear oh my goodness look at a little hood it's so small all right let's get ourselves a good old hatchet and the basics hi daughter mmm yes I am better than you give me your meat the dodo massacre has died tame a dragon do you know it's going to be known if I usually do tame some stuff and I do get into it and then I end up dying I'm gonna be really sad because I'm going to end the stream movement speed will pop up and we'll need to learn to get a hatchet so let's let's go and do that we haven't died yet guys we do it all right we very good how does it meet five minutes oh my goodness I'm like surprised myself okay I want to be able to get myself a reusable spear so I'm going to chop some more trees down and go on a massacre so I'm get my levels up and and then I think I'm gonna try any of the tame a dialer or maybe a daughter or something let me know what's what I should kind of like start with like what sort of Tim should be like my first Tim because I need something that's gonna protect me see it let me know I've read some comments it's got to be something it's got to be something decent but it it you know what I mean I can't like go ahead and just tear but tear it straight away mm-hmm all right let's get ourselves a spear out once he was like here we go oh this is legend ray we have infinite Spears oh this mod is amazing the typical dog thanks for - could this return of AK and daughter Dave possibly not namaz legs are the fifth day you eat I'm not gonna be in for long do thanks they don't appreciate him on huge donor you've just come to witness my amazing throwing skills haven't you let's be honest so everyone's here a trike trike trike alright trike I'm done with it I think that's a really sensible a sensible sort of idea I think I'm gonna that's what I'm gonna aim for I wanna see if I can just kill this dial office okay when you save a little bit higher my froude skills her lips a bit gusty oh my goodness okay we can't hit this try it always having a pure thought was gonna charge at me yeah I thought that it was a is a tacky position now you block in my shop okay if I'm getting a Charlie - oh he's like protected if he does he actually does know what do we know maybe this is dangerous oh this is amazing this mod I actually love it Joe thanks the two please express it all that y'all have a bit Oliver oh we have a good day dude we have a really good day and Charles thanks for the far love your videos please play my bed walls I will mean stops are trying to we're gonna try to record a video on it but not streaming my kind of it's just an it's just a part of their part of the world I can't actually get that one alright so if we need a trike we need to work work our it towards a saddle I'm gonna keep you in movement speed and health sir trike let's have a look 16 okay that's not that's not too bad I guess when do we actually get wood and stuff it's like 11 right guys so why should I what should I learn what should I actually start learning first should I start load-in any of this armor because I feel like it's not really necessary you know what I mean more impersonal add narcotics they're like the really important things so maybe we should start doing that first stone and hide ok let's start working on that ok what's gonna give us a lot of hide we've got quite a lot hide from the dialers let's kill some more dealers I'm pretty I'm pretty confident I'm not gonna get Oh you ended like right in front of my spear oh my goodness he went down as well that's what is amazing to hide maybe I get more height if I use my hatchet I don't if I could take on one of these guys do you reckon we could take on one of these guys I'm feeling it I feel like I could take this guy on base first one in this game contains brother sites my ketchup yo bizarre blues a skier as if you remember that from my old videos haha brilliant build a thatch house [Music] what we saying guys I'm saying I can take this guy I'm saying I could take him take him in a 1v1 yeah Oh headshot okay let's see what we get for height for this seven oh yeah yeah everyone says I could do it all right chap this is this is your father for Nylund as long as his men stop come after me she'll be all right hey birdie hey birdie oh we've got it easy Oh what do you forgot the difficulty to easy okay then we got 29 not bad right we should start I'm just gonna get this guy in the face oops don't spare me what can I got here I think I'm coming on to Heinz anyway let's do health level seven already right let's go and get ourselves oh we could make a ten now Lauren pestle Oh what is that is that a raptor something just attacking everything oh my goodness what is that wait what's happening I need to investigate where this this this guy's is he's pretty hurt maybe I could capitalize on it and he's glitched oh he was one shot something was after meaning we are getting a lot of hide here but what was attacking Oh there's I think it's a raptor I think it was a raptor Matt thanks a donation dude if you have a dragon named it toothless I could do could definitely do the in mechanics off at the throat yeah I'm used to like minecraft with the boy you have to like so I am a head it's really weird okay I'm gonna leave whatever is happening over there that seems oh no oh no I need to tape a trike guys um what if I can throw a spear that far it goes for miles okay let's concentrate on our objective let's go you don't have a donation link in the description do I look I thought I did people are managing to super chat so you could just do it that way if you wanted you don't have to done it all right let's get ourselves some stove we need to make ourselves bears I guess I'm we have to crap crap like I don't know like thatch for the time being because we are gonna have to put it down on somewhere and we can't get wood yet so let's look let's look sir let's craft a pestle and mortar if we can we need to literally a couple more bits of stern scrub some off the beach this should be fine here we go this should get us some decent XP as well cuz you do get quite a lot XP from this quite so and I saw it as well there isn't a description call your trike trike good good good name I like that name easy to remember okay movement speed level 8 maybe level 8 baby alright what do I do now I feel like I need to carry on oh no it's on them seagulls I'm gonna carry on murdering things because it's gonna get my ex feel [Music] at least he's gonna get some more hide because eventually we're gonna need it for the the saddles anyway so we might as well just carry on doing this for a little bit it's a Diplodocus good ol Dahlia do you remember Skyrim cause I remember Skyrim who does not remember sky what is that what is that chap why is he got like Wolverine claws oh dear dude yeah okay I'm gonna get this side of the beat you feel like this is safer I'm gonna go and murder dinosaurs at this side of the beach everything's like one shot what is this spear I don't understand like literally the mud just said it was reusable maybe I just have the settings on too high okay this guy's like a little bit hardest kill bow here we go Rutger effects for the - you like bread sandwiches bread sandwiches so just bread them just bread yeah sure run run why run don't go near it suppressive herbivore okay Walmart Walmart right be able to to take you on if I for Tama I've got an bot okay let's go level up a few more run they like to levels off or three levels off would so I'm gonna keep doing this it seems like a really good way to kind of get my levels up and I'm getting me as well which means I can I can you know separate it and get spoiled me and I can start making some more narcotics I guess it'd be good to kind of get the trike as well for just forget in the now top narcotics then narco berries come on yes I'm a badging no was it was a nerf I don't think they're very strong dojo stop scaring me I will save you bed or nuts a raptor order that's a raptor see it Matt thanks Johnny dude wow that guy was not very strong but holy crap I thought was it I saw the Raptors like nope I dug the end of the stream that's it we're dead it's over the game's over ok let's just calm down to me let's get ourselves some more of this stuff ok we're one level off the wood movement speed I swear it's level 11 yeah that we can start making up base really soon we just need to kind of get our level up a little bit more anything else we could make is gonna put our levels up so maybe I should start looking at making some other stuff we could do a simple bed let's do that that's gonna help can we make that yet what do we need we need thatch and fiber that's fine I can just gonna put some trees right there okay I'm not getting outside stay away from the Scissorhands okay grab a few more of this stab Skyrim again I mean I'm kind of waiting for the new games come out I don't want to do the old let's play well the funny thing is I did actually start doing a Skyrim let's play again on my twitch channel and I've got like three episodes recorded so I don't know who knows I had a lot of problems with it in the beginning like it's really hard to get you streaming set up sighs all right sign off I'm so scared about that thing okay let's you put them to level 11 Alex plays thanks for the - dude appreciate it how did that not get our levels of you have to keep getting some more berries I mean I guess we need to do this anywhere from the narco berries it's fine we'll just keep picking berries it's sensible never let Molly damage your health yeah I mean I'm doing the health and the health and their way we call it the running speed movement speed can we neither there okay let's just get some more wood because we're gonna need a lot for the wooden base what's my twitch it's just like a ballistic squid and I'm too fat to room if I just gather a few more might be able to unlock okay I'm fully fully maxed out now what we're so much metal I don't need any of this yet let's be honest we know we're near there to get metal okay perfect so just get this tree maybe I should be able to level up if I make something just anything I might be able to get my level at what should we make a wooden sign schewe there's make a wood of the sign so I got again I'll have a look yeah Neela what more wouldn't sign should do it put levels into where yeah I should do there we go like we could make up base now okay movement speed I supposed to wear let's make ourselves some wooden foundations whatever it is there we go with the walls put a seal in door for a wooden door and we should be able to mix in there there we go okay we can make one great right chat now comes a very important question where on earth do I make my base this is a big question the grind the grind is real oh no oh no okay not down there then that is that I kind of want to be away from that guy use these schemes too because it seems to be coming closer I'm gonna get my spear out you look it up that's what I saw okay we should we seem safety and that geyser keeps coming this way who's this guy swimming nude who is swimming who said you could swim okay I can't see you anymore okay this seems safe b9u jellybeans little bit of Acme to MIT especially when I'm especially when there's a lot on the line so we need to basically plonk our first foundation down and then that's where humble abode would be look at these that's like goals that is like goals maybe I should plop it like on that little island over there that seems pretty fun I can dig that I don't think any like carnivores are really gonna try and come over to see me over there let's stop up let's have a boat in chat chat do we start our base over there or not let me just see if it's let me just see if it's deeper oh that's a bit of a swim to get there what is that Oh No yeah nope nope definitely no no I'm okay how about KITT I'm alright I don't think that's gonna be a boy house yeah I could do a boy house I mean that scares me I think it will to stick to land like land the mainland yes everyone saying yes do it do it Oh chat Y chat come on no way I'm just waiting for people to say no to make me feel better no it would be cool maybe we could build platforms over there didn't have anything is it's just it's just a bit too far away yes okay chances yes okay boss so we'll do will basically put a base here and then we'll connect them I'll get a bar and we'll put our min we'll put our main island over there all right I'm gonna stop my little island here first though because I literally can't keep going back and forth cat please see that I've I made a ceiling instead of an actual foundation you joking oh my goodness what an idiot what an idiot okay I have a slow cut it out it's still out why are you going away I have to put it back in and cancel it okay right so we need wood let's go choppy some trees make a bar and I could be kind of cool oh okay the way to change quite suddenly then it was like in the hopefully I get struck by lining that'd be bad times can you watch it that's how I died just get struck by lightning yeah well he's following babe please oh my god it's Ruxin oh my god struts all my others Raptors ok ok we move on this is a safe and literally panics and chopped all my resources oh my god this is terrifying we're gonna see you safe we can't be signup base here guys oh my goodness why are they following me so much I don't understand ok full of parasols this is this is this is fine this seems safe okay I need to basically make a foundation so if I make all the foundation I must I must safe against them guys well if I am on oh maybe I need stone for that scary okay let's live a look let's pop this down I'm just gonna start base on the beach where I can see everything there we go kill the thing I can't just kill it I'm almost strong enough but have any diners to do my daily work okay we're gonna carry on making a space yes so wooden base big big good against them things I don't need stone I'm good enough to get stone or something needs like a chest as well because I'm super heavy hmm getting all the levels all the levels look at my little bears you jealous out your breath I know he's jealous oh damn squid Nessa that's a face of base I wish I had a base let's pop it in the corner bill bottom out in probably should have done they smell my fear yeah yeah they definitely do smell my fear everything smells my fear around here I'm exerting fear I need to fly you that's what I need we need to get above the ground guys right let's let's start thinking about like sort of storage let's get some storage up in here wooden cage that's what I'm gonna live in hmm war drums can do that too shoma masculinity in fend them aware govern animations thanks for - is the reef up another we set up with a minute do thanks to the nation and what am i doing so we need storage I think we can get like a basic one storage box okay let's to learn this storage storage storage storage there we go we need something to kind of fire junk in we seem to be a collective or just a lot of crap as long as them then guys don't come near me I should be fine alright let's put a crap away can I just transfer all yeah I need the wood back what else do we need for Foundation's fiber thatch wood fiber ok sorted we keep collecting stuff get ballers I remember when I first started out I kept calling them ebolas not not a good thing to call stuff get ten now I've got myself mayor Sui fine chill guys oh look I even repair it yikes what do I need probably fiber 585 riveted Flynn okay no finally I can't like that you got me so they attracted I mean I am me let's be fair this weathers is it's cleared up nice that's what we want get me some Flynn thank you I'm gonna kill this dude he just keeps scaring me right so we'll do like a fly cat two by two I reckon a two by two will be fine for others I reckon it's big enough for now we probably get an end upgrading it to study if I don't die before that so we'll do one more and then we should be good get a dodo they defend the base well alright I'll Tim a lot of them well Tim loads of them we will have an army of dollars don't you worry guys it's actually quite a nice box out of there I was gonna say it's actually quite a nice place where we've paties I it's not actually too bad we can see quite a lot which I like alright so what do we need no more five okay to pick some berries it's ready to try it for make a bar house but I swear like creatures attack yeah when you have a ball house that's where I like to come up and like messy ball sir and I feel like the stuff in the ocean is a lot more dangerous than on land well especially just round this bit this seems quite like a shawl area he says it's probably but not all right so let's do this let's get our hell up a little bit more level 14 what was the trike at now 16 oh yeah we might as well try and tear one I reckon let's let's try and tame them we can put ourselves up berries in here if you've got any spoiled meat let's check the chest that thing over that's for I need to separate this a bit more if I can okay I'll do it my inventory we separate all this we should get some more spoiled meat quicker so we'll do all this and then what I got one knack of her we should have more than that gonna be go yeah we've got ten all right we should have need a lot for the trike anywhere let's how many can we make - hey - nice shirt thank you okay one more foundation which we have let's make a door and then we should be gooed wooden door frame I believe we have like 1 ceiling which I made from the start okay let's put our door frame down nice oh look at this is a home for a [ __ ] like me but what about head roof seem worse I've seen a lot worse guys right-click and select split off is that a thing oh I love the swell of streaming oh look at that Oh amazing whoever said that thank you appreciate you guys alright so I need your advice what's gonna be the best way for me to knock a trike out we're gonna say swing shot like that's how I normally do it while he's living for a long time I don't write I'm actually really surprised I thought was gonna be dead a long time ago I think a slingshot might be the best bet to be honest and we'll work on a slingshot slingshot okay we should be able to make one I reckon nope hi we've got lots of that let's get out a slingshot and we got seven stone we have to pick some more stone but I'm pretty much there I reckon up gift girl which kill this parasol to attactive frog a rock with trying carriers a slingshot is risky yeah Bob we're boys like miles away and I'm not about that life well it's there what's the trunk arrows in trap trunk 21 now we go boy life about that but and we're going swing shot like US army movement speed it's come in night time I don't like it I don't like night time everything's more scarier Oh spear than slingshot make a club there we go it we go for it we go we're going this might be it but we're gonna be going for it okay I want that Hank okay we need to stern why kind of not pick sternum part big start up my dude what are you doing come on pick these our shells I think there you go hey get away what I don't understand what difficulty I'll put I'll but the dialer should not go down that fast I don't gotta care what you say you should definitely not go down that fast okay chat this could be it alright I just wanted to if I die it's been a good run it's been a great run I've got very free stones your body's going for it now this is a pretty juicy rock if we can get on it woof woof we might be able to hear oh come on why am i jumping like an idiot come on squid big jump big Papa jump it's mocking me so anything we can craft can I craft the box we're gonna craft the box to jump on hold up hold up trike I'll get to you in a second I just need to make a little platform because I'm too shot hold up hold up hold up come out one now I think you need a lot more than say three rocks you need more stones really chat okay I'll get a few more what about 39 hmm how about how about 48 is that more my food huh oh crap my food there is okay we just rammed 50 berries into our mouth should be good now okay is that gonna be good yeah yeah all right chat no more stones y'all fine that's what I thought right here's my little step a stool where I can't place it I'm sorry what when did I become like this that's so you could jump up anything what is this game come to game you've you've changed you've changed why is this game doing this oh I can get up this well no problem alright chat speed a good run it's been a great run here we go oh no wait I get it you can't get me can ya ha ha who are you sticky some damage isn't it Oh in the head with all these headshots make sure it's nothing damning go down trike Oh oh good out oh yeah where you going don't run away from beasts on nobody runs away from squiddy boy come here yes we did it chat me their majors can we get some GG's in chat camera thanks on the five dude appreciate oh yes we move it up with the world guys here we go we will take on that little scissor hand herbivore Oh index for the five dude can you make Dave's dog Ben again what do you mean what does that mean nice shot cheers guys appreciate it Livia Livia love you all thanks the spot color didn't eat without you I'm just collecting some berries for my little my little baby alright my heart's meat I'm pretty intense not gonna lie blood pressures through the roof ten percent already come on eat your little berries I gotta protect it look at his feet Oh so what should we name it her what should we name her we need some names in chat let me know the names bring the Dave's back to my phone you guys want Dave's again you're not sick of the dibs so that means we can get ourselves air trikes no we can't we won them all off are you joking okay let's keep working on the house and then hopefully if I do a couple more walls and we should be able to level up so let's go for this one let's go some walls so we need to get them Oh weird Dave great my chat whatever yes dear just call it Dave all about that day of life named after the great day of himself all walls female Dave fat boy try key to have spiked ative by cue the try key for these names gotta hope you know you guys have kids you have to name your child Dave I'm gonna call my first child Dave stinky dear poopy Dave yes and they moving up in the world we have walls now look how far we've come we've got 50 minutes this is a world record for me guys if you don't join the stream make sure you smash like deeply appreciate by the way is everything smooth is everything moving alright for you guys put it on epic so that if it's running fine but it looks like is our weed thanks for the six Dave nice nice dip thanks for the donation as well appreciate it okay my little my little Davey let's get you a saddle because we've got a fight to pick where I thought I leveled up oh it's cuz I didn't are not in the vault nevermind I need like one more wall to level up I reckon dearly candy a 5 X 2 the nation ice cream sorry so much to live it it's no problem thank you for the donation it's all appreciate you guys don't have to donate but I I appreciate it all appreciate the support here we go so everybody just wants it to be called Dave I mean us that's what I'm getting from the chat of the minute there's a lot of Dave's inbound ok it amazes me how I've done a series like ah and it's what like 4 or 5 years old and everybody still remembers all the Dave's and you know what I mean it's weird it's like people still want me to do really like call it Dave it's just weird it's nice but it's weird all right let's get a track settle what do we need more wood more fiber we've got loads of fiber well we need to come up with an agreement chat we can't just keep saying Dave you owe me we need it we need a proper as we call it Davina Davina a nice name going good all right let's get ourselves a saddle we need a little bit more height I think we've got all the hide we need in the chest let's have a look yeah and we still need more hide word all right let's get the spear out all the donors are like oh no please not strike it yes other names all the names in chat oh my goodness okay where's the innocent little daughters here yeah here ah what a shot come here buddy three hide you know even worth it there seven hide you was worth it there we go nice got ourselves this saddle Karen oh my god we should name it Karen yes where was it coming there's a great name for Tracy Ike code let's see what the temperaments like but she does she does look like a Karen and all right we got the saddle we've got a little bit of a base when we started this stream I was like taking things off I wanted to tame stuff I don't want to build the Bears and we've literally doing it due to my pretty nice all in favor of Karen if you want Karen spam one if you want Davina spam - I don't know I must give the spam but okay bad news squid bad move okay let's put this saddle back in a boxing with so much we got 35 spoiled meat now yeah boy got enough for some more walls it's going good a lot of one's for Karen inch at Karen's looking like it's gonna be their name look at this place this place to say this is definitely it's gonna ever gonna protect me against Raptors this is me I think ones I think it's Karen guys there's a lot there's too many ones [Music] there's too many ones in chat okay so we finished the best guys I think that's what you can do well while Karen's wake you know we'll finish the base because then should be like when she wakes up should be like Nahum my owners got a Nash home even though that it's tiny but whatever it's good enough for me it's good enough for me it's good enough for me okay I'm on but again what how am i coming again what do I need to make honey more fiber oh no ok that's got piggies and bushes so once we get Karen I reckon we should go and explore a little bit maybe we should try to take on some some dinos I don't know I'm feeling a little bit adventurous the thing is if it gets to a point in the in the stream where we going on for like a long time then I'll just end it and stream again tomorrow like if this is gonna be a hard core series I'm not gonna force myself to die just to kind of end the streams you know what I mean I'm pretty sure you guys would rather see me like die like prop leaves that I may be like oh I need to go now I'll just have to dash it all to me can 21 MA all I can assist take you forever I swear I swear I didn't used to tell you something to build a wooden hole there we go today back to textured exploring with Karen I like it I like it a lot exploring with Karen adventures with Karen who apparently the boomerang for this mod you can actually you can actually throw it back and it works SAP taxidermy tool used to capture the dermis of dead creatures what what is this are we will [ __ ] thanks for the five dude sorry I can't get to the final level where what you mean final level you mean breath thanks to don't over I'm not following what you mean fish basket flagger I want some stairs to get to my house I want like a rattle ramps do we do ramps okay wouldn't run I need a run that's what I need okay let's let's get a rum I want to use this this looks scary I said let's do it now what if I could taxidermy a daughter oh that would be funny okay let's go do it that'll be sick though like if you kill like it to your ex if you can like you can taxidermy it and have it in your house oh my goodness that's such a sick tool don't up you're gonna be taxidermy breath let me let me just get some stuff what I need for it now what do we need for actually Flynn Flint Lockwood squid laughs see Karen could you make a torch would be beneficial for but I oh sorry sorry chat I'm sorry I've made a torch yeah let's make touch Oh the torch is reusable oh let's go this mod sick okay we got the taxidermy to all and we need the torch more Flint Karen's awake everybody welcome carried to the world she's alive let's have a look at a beautiful face no grace raining again Oh we'd like Sedona I mean fall flat billion 796 thanks for becoming a member on the channel appreciate it alright let's get ourselves a tart so this how beautiful she is oh my gosh looks terrified she looks like a karen light with a light in everything she's not aggressive it's not what you're aggressive for are you aggressive for girl I could you can spare Karen welcome Karen behavior what do we do what do we need okay what's that is it passive or neutral what's the bomb where the dirt a tackle as you attack tip I save on neutral I think it's neutral I don't know help let's get a helpful hey come on Karen follow me girl I want to show you our sick house it's actually amazing I'm gonna pack you right outside come on Kevin go on cannon lass let's get you a saddle so happy I'm actually so happy okay's pop the saddle order yeah Karen Karen has arrived neutral did I put on neutral get them berries girl yeah you get them bears girl yeah you get their best girl we're getting the best dude yeah year you save daddy singers and daddy's back oh I'm too far I'm just too tired to run while we played on I'm playing on PC you see neutral I think I've got I think I've got yeah on neutral squiddy's Karen's manager sweetie are so gonna know right how impressed you Karen such a beast such a beast I should kind of make it the goal to end the stream by killing one of them herbivores that are evil but for now we will attack neutral wait do I knew it on neutral yeah for now let's start making some more narcotics once I'm in there well then they're how we could we make seven this looks cool I already go where's the dress daughter where's the dirt over here they are taxi Debbie dota no I'm sick saver this is weird hi Brett what do we do then where's my little taxidermy tool five touch this dear mr. tax / versa display it what Wow dev the roof needs fixing now it's just ventilation it's just just natural ventilation guys natural air connoisseur I like to I like to call it it's just a room with a view I like that sky it's gorgeous right what did it say to do that I need some kind of taxidermy there's bears no oh it's only on extinction hmm that sucks okay whatever taxidermy tool you suck go away how do I get over here then do I have to like help help don't go after the threads 'you will die and they shred through armor oh goodness I reckon if I get a bow and shoot down we should be fine I reckon I could take them I using modern just using like one Mort okay Karen I think we should try and save ourselves a Pteranodon I think that's the next sort of Nick soft thing so it's like 21 but if I get a baller can we use that one Oh this mod is seer chart carry so we might have seen if this fiber thatch okay what do we have any fiber not all right me and Karen are gonna go on a venture in a minute I've decided you leveled up not such all right let's get ourselves a trainer dawn I just need to hook one out of the sky first so biscuit all this mod is that the things that normally like a one use thing they basically constantly reusable which is amazing is so good use the slingshot to lucky out true I've got loads of stone left I just need to find a traveled on there was loads down this side of the island but I kind of want one closer oh here we go oh we got it okay sorry about this dude I just eat it one shot one shot here's some meat I get you some nachos in a minute bro but that was easy the saddles are quite far they traveled 23 mm how far we off we're not too far off I reckon if I'm gonna go out and get some more berries we carried and level over for there I'll look it up I reckon we need to get us moving what should we do for Karen movement speed health weight stamina [Music] what's your do chat you build a little roof over Karen it may have a yeah James rewrap Suzanne you'll be unstoppable could do its humor forethought on steam this is stamina okay Karen come on let's get ourselves some berries she's so slow she thought slow kind of weighs a slow girl maybe I'm I'm holding too many extra berries listless Alice how do I get into adventure Karen how do I get into your venturi checkout remember how to get into Karis venturi what ways the bun speed and stamina people saying yeah that's what I was thinking how do I your inventory tab f ah yeah free food to say an F now now we maj rasz here to them hear them carry today I'm here to then here we to then me that I don't need that cool I'm just stuff to narcos in the minute alright cause we get up get a lot of them it's a piggy Dave over there nice yeah we get a button of these when we should be able to make a fair few more narcotics it's gonna make sure I don't like gather the pteranodon that like punch him in the head I thought that was something like in real life that he was that Toronto flying past me okay Karen sauce hello guys and he's something faster get fish for the other down you knocked out his fish better than meat for the challenge 74 Karen's a beast okay 35 that's pretty good actually on a night I was looking at the spoils me and if I was the narcotic eval oh my goodness we need loads mom I wish you could send Karen out to gather on her own all right where's the where's modal flyer oh my goodness why is it not eating me does it like fish chat does it like fish I recommend him to pack of I love the perk of basically a pack of raptors and a pack of cameras makes your ex Nelly Allosaurus this is where's why is it not eating it by pretty it's gonna spoil confused okay let's do movements we help us can be room now needs to be faster really fish Callum welcome dude it likes fish fishes where's a chart you give me a mixed messages here mixed messages everybody needs to be more like Karen Karen knows what she wants in life she just wants berries okay let's have a look at what we can upgrade to now I don't think I'm a stone yet a great stud yeah that's probably quite a QB honest let's get a gravestone Wyatt you or vibe Mary its your server throw I've had a lot of problems with the server dude trying to get it back up and stuff I'm thinking about just creating a new one oh look at this hmm share I eat a meat packer my goodness right so I kind of want a carnivore think that's what I'm gonna do next so for this I do need to get myself some more trunks I need to get tranq arrows there's no way I'm gonna be able to get myself a Conor without actually arrows this time so we need to we ought would definitely just get to 21 I'm just traffic the best way to get there quickly there's probably just to make stuff so let's just fancy up our base while we're here we might as well let's get ourselves a complex standing torches maybe look a little bit prettier anything we can craft is gonna help it's not eating because it's not hungry okay maybe I've got the Dinos Hong the settings on really low oh okay I need to give it some narcotics I didn't say anything about you Cirie [Music] died no shirt shut up shut up shut up shut series on one series I'm at home today okay did you guys see that it didn't sound like I was just talking to myself did it okay we good get a bow yes good good Shou Bou we need fibrin would I just it real easy to get a pearl this sure we can just get one straight away that's what I like about putting the rates of like no one wants to what she chopped down a million trees he like ten would i look like the hi-res really want to go over there okay uh uh more fiber Wow while we were spent two hundred hours on the Soviet you ever dude there's like nothing I can do you know what I mean we might be able to get the well but I'm really we really struggling with it in a minute I don't know if the new expansion is the new expansion gonna be able to have multiplayer was just a single players anyone know you know the one that's coming out next month okay sign of fiber should be enough there we go all right tired to get some trunks no we still want thing yet squid okay nevermind keep you ahead of myself okay so let's have a think about what kind of hot we want to get because I need to get one so I'm thinking dialer raptor Allosaurus what do we get I kinda need an easy one really it's gonna be multiplayer arts gonna be sick it's gonna be circuit yak I need a decent a decent canner hmm Tracy what's like north of the saddles hmm there's not much really trike saddle which lose her head with our Raptor saddles to rub the South's coming up first I think we could only kind of do like a wrap sell so maybe I should try and go for one of them then it might be my best option Kat please stand in touch what we go Raptor dialer everyone's a dialer get dialer food or crowd I should make a campfire as well to cook my food there we go I don't want to dial it I was a boring kind of I feel like I could aim higher I feel like we could aim for a raptor look at him he's dead where do one of these things fall yeah I reckon Raptor guys I said we go all out I reckon we get ourselves arrows we got like a recon mission to get ourselves a raptor I reckon that'd be cool okay campfire thatch and flip something more get wrapped it every wish egoraptor I've got the Raptor okay I'll go for the Raptor we got Mel here nice okay I'm gonna try it could we borrow the Raptor can we do that is that possible I need to know these things before I start really okay we go got health Brent Brent been in it dodo I mean oh okay Giga yeah sure sure I'm it we're gonna make two campfires okay let's put some some meat in there and some wood Matalin I need that I need that why did they give you all this crap like when you started I wish you'd take a box like not pick it up I like not start with it does anybody even use it get away clog it up my Ventre yes your floppy by the way you left it all yeah the seal still be alright I think it is yeah beautiful absolutely beautiful can you just keep crafting oh wait hang on do I get the trend on it where what level is it is the trotted on that level or is it that level need to Google this one might even if it's that level ah true and on saddle oh my goodness level 38 oh yeah why am i trying to tame it ah 38 I can't believe it I'm such an idiot I'm wasting my time I'm just gonna get trunk errors let's just get some arrows and let's get ready to tame a raptor at least I can actually get one of them things some wasting my time trying to get running on the saddle I'm not gonna get fit for a while sir okay what do we need fiber Flynn and thatch easy picks up start yeah yeah I know is sucks guys why didn't you tell me why didn't you tell me about it okay on a mission to get a raptor what do you probably these Raptors are impacts all out there so for fight one we have to fight a button that's the suppress a problem that's a big problem right now hmm okay never mind whoa it'll be fine we'll be fine we could run I'm asking if I saw some armor or something is armed or even worth it in this game use bolo unwrapped it okay will do all right let's make a button of arrows 22 that's not really a button okay but need to eat I'm starving and bloomin starving stand your Harkness thanks for the to appreciate dude and Daniel buff - thanks for the - okay I wrapped the squid you can follow them cheers bro for the tip preciate it preciate it okay so I like streaming because you get all you love the people watching but I get feedback straightaway we get the comments we get support it's nice get all the help I need it's like my own personal wiki right here right so we've got this and this this this we've got a reusable boiler we've got ourselves a bow and arrow we've got wood we're never need a stand we don't really need another standing torch compress this down here let me go I'm not gonna take Caryn with me cuz she's probably mad I stopped singing [ __ ] it I'm not I'm sitting like lalala by was it y2k okay I think I'm good I wonder if there's any other reusable stuff looking at that LR stuff here the boomerang sick rip OH watch watch okay let's go make ourselves a lot of trunks because I'm I'm pretty much okay I can we have to mix more hours but I'm pretty much nearly there we nearly at the goal we need that the guns great some off flint and then we're gonna go this way and trying it a raptor that is the goal that's the main goal okay great what do I need for it probably five that ah wasn't too hard I made a bit of a big deal I'll out now using a tick tocks on Amy got it let's call him useless for for now how are useless for now yeah come on then over here hmm maybe we could have him fly next so should we have him fly next to us if we fly next was at least it's a little bit of protection I should just leave him want my tracks back there well what's he on what's his tacking tagging new we want you are neutral you can handle the square I can attend the ALF of the Raptor group that you encounter oh goodness do you think I'll be able to do that yeah this is gonna be the end of me track get a raptor but oh well let's try and do it let's try and do it what do we need now for more arrows thatch okay get a saddle for the drop supply who could do can huh that have been looking ok this should be enough arrows holder this will push me to get the trunks no it's nice taking forever ok maybe if I just gotta kill some more stuff maybe that'll work like this guy are you looking oh you so lucky oh my goodness a black metal is really good I will hurt you for now okay black Mel do I can I can I gain you them and what am I gonna get I hide it hide you pretty crap though in it it kite it isn't worth it okay I might just try and get like yeah just a basic armor then like hide let's get some pants on my guy why not I'm fine no I know I just did it she just put helmet in the light socks on here we go mara Cadabra thanks for the donation happy early birthday squiddy it's cliche about videos be enjoying them since 2000 thank you appreciate it Thomas brother gave me thanks for the - crowd shout out shout out Thomas Butler they go dude leave much rounded on okay we'll do that in I need to get some more hide I just they know I should have a law in my chest we should be able to fall set with this wait where's my hide gun I usually all in the Saladin ah well the fire that's been going for no reason whatsoever okay let's make a few more narcotics this is a bit that's kind of grindy about okay it's just a full grain session but once you get past it I guess it's okay but it can't get hell or grindy sometimes want to wear to die face down all right let's go get some more height it's a die low attacking leave him alone stop hey you stop as well I'm sorry I saved you but I need you hide I need y'all hi - oh I'm so scared I'm gonna die try to get a rat - right now I know it I gotta think positive the squid God think positive why is this so death I don't understand more complaining but I just understand okay let's level up ah what's attack you man ah get rekt bro stupid pigeon that's what you can't okay we need a lot of movement speed for this guys okay it's time to go and get a raptor I won't even get a saddle as well have a look rap top we need a lot we need a lot let's get our armor first let's do one thing at once it's not that's not you know get ahead of ourselves we could put that little hat on guys are looking I'm looking good pants zip I don't buy a lot I think it does I mean that should be fighter than it seagulls the seagulls are so annoyed and when till it gets rid of one single players I should be pretty fine you know what I mean anywhere you know for that let's put our rocks away because I need to be ultra light if I'm going to be running away from Raptors and stuff and we need the meat to tear we need the trunks I don't need a campfire we've got 47 arrows okay let's load the tracks did you do tranq you boys 19 that should be enough for a third routes and I should be plenty I reckon oh great fortitude what does that do if a point shoes on does it run faster oh can you imagine get some Nikes some aged Nikes cool that's done that is done now we'll get a saddle and then we'll go we've got everything we need we've got ourselves some narcotics on a moment we've used them all three okay we'll get a few more Karen come on kind of something Shawn put on my face yeah we get a few more and then we'll go I was tired of looking at his underwear what do you mean underwear was smashing absolutely love the new mouthing yeah carving clients on top of the ridge it's better than like a leopard print like loincloth oh come on Karen Karen uh zero stamina what happened to scrubber Kenny what do you mean I pretty much done everything I can describe a conic I'm just waiting for the survival mode to come on in like 2035 or whatever it's gonna come out Karen how you doing can we some beige got 47 rescued come on Karen run Gale fight at you make sure this is the hot and cold he's underwear was smexy it was ones upset kind of run on a hole together that would be an epic yeah okay poppies in the air make some more drugs now I know should be fine and that all can go cool we ready I think wrap the saddle we need hide I've got two can I get some more Heidi's serious game how many more things I have to kill me you stepped out of the house at the wrong time and why he's so easy it's only a level three that's why should I look like I check out Bronto what we're saying guys you're gonna be second a Bronto think we could okay hey bro oops I'm paranoid about like the spear going past the dinosaur do you know they have a giant squid me have you had him yeah okay give me a breath that never gets old come here it mmm I remember those rocket launches when he won them again it was so much fun okay do we have enough hide for a wrap wrap door saddle yet anymore all that bronto's looking mighty tempting I'm not gonna lie piggy Dave how are we doing rare you are the perfect candidate on the boat right stop there all right really low levels 36 hide I think that might be enough now yes okay now we just need wooden fiber guys get the wood now big old tree by here that's probably enough wood all right let's just get ourselves some fiber how am i encumbered just eat fiber do I need to run for fiber rip dodo 2020 to 2020 what oh my goodness you scared the crap outta me Oh get out of the freaking way you stupid pigeon how does everything oh goodness they're all coming out the woodwork I take you all on got a one shot spear boy so cute hello oops I didn't actually be to do that I was like gonna try to pet it we must be what's this guy really fraud get rap can I make it yet still need more fiber my goodness yeah we need like 20 or something I'm just dummy that was a good encounter that's just kind of getting me like prepared for like the rapture attacks like they're gonna happen okay we made the saddle oh what a grind I'm calling Pete Peter pear Peter I'm calling Peter I myself are still what's going on in stone wood Blaine we don't need all this meat okay I think I'm good I'm forehead plaque why am I still so heavy always it their errors should really have updated malware that Chuck I feel like I'm running so slow look I mean I'm everybody's so slow for that's annoying calamy I don't worry dude I'll get something solid I won't but I won't let it have been to waste all the service stuff okay don't get hit by the Bronto I pick it on him okay don't worry dude I got ya saved yeah you're welcome just poisoned it's fine I can handle it okay I really need to salt my speed out like why am I so fat if I eat some more berries understand should I be this fat maybe it's just a bur well whatever it's fine shop Minako bears yeah it's fine don't worry okay let's grab the narcotics we've got twelve we've got meat we've got raptor saddle we've got ourselves our bows we've got ourselves our ballers look at ourselves I was I wouldn't leave the slingshot hub I feel like slingshots could just be pointless with a raptor so we've got a spear our baller and that who is ready to die okay I think I'm ready [Music] where do I find Raptors I'm gonna kind of hog the beach see if I can get lucky make a balls to net well baller super sub super scared okay [Music] you steal eggs you're not a raptor I just don't want to don't want one in big herbivores to come and kill me it's the saddle oh that dudes still there can we see any Raptors near leather I think there's one there I think I could see you on over this corner there's definitely a lot of things running okay this is why I'm quiet fall by Justin what's the news big things come in my way Oh what if I get to the top of this mountain I could kill it ha I said dimorphodon I'm gonna love them this is sick steggy Edinburgh hide that's a card up nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope yeah that's his compound's I know that there was a car no up there guys I feel like I need about 50 eyes to walk around compy do one you know worth my time nice one of you this thing's crazy overpowered that probably could take that that herbivore on with this thing I need to try and get a wrap to before it gets too dark because I'm not gonna be able to see it why use this thing so powerful I don't understand he wrapped the Raptor Raptor Raptor Raptor something games actually - hey keep overviews not this stream but yes I will okay we're gonna head up here this seems like we're the carnivores out there at it's a karna should we give the canner at the lover kana like I love a cardinal cat baller counters can you have your baller edit what for Carlos you got bored Ricardo any I think I've got enough arrows for a counter oh my god what does that mean there why is it I was an alpha why you running so nervous - big yeah that's also - let me see what's in this this is terrifying like when you already have one line it's a monkey oh how do I open soon 25 ever know what we will push on guys you can't fight the car no stay away okay oh stop it right now what are you running from why is it Gallimimus running [Music] Oh No No [Music] well guys that is the end of today's treat I got killed by a Troodon it poisoned me how am I supposed to I didn't I could even get a chance to run like I was down on the floor is there anything you can level up to like stop you getting poison like that or not I don't know anywhere and this is me foot this is be really fun so what I'll do tomorrow is we'll do another one on another map and we'll see if we get any further than this so yeah join me tomorrow same time probably do a bit later on actually probably like a dream but it's gonna be really fun I like it it's been good have some the chat guys left in the chat we did our best fortitude I've got somebody in the chat was actually telling me to do fortitude as well I wasn't taking too much damage like I could have killed them fortitude guys fortitude anyway I hope you've enjoyed today's stream if you have then please smash alike if you'll be two bar guys then leave some love for this video and I'll do another one tomorrow um yeah so we handed a lot we had a good stuff for that as well yeah yeah thanks what you guys appreciate it and I'll see the next stream tomorrow babe
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 110,635
Rating: 4.9563675 out of 5
Id: xswXM11ITp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 30sec (5970 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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