Squid & Stampy Argue About Puzzles.

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hi guys welcome to today's stream the chives moving fast today oh it's gonna be it's gonna be a lovely shape so he stops a plane we were here together it is a co-op puzzle survival game sort of we can only communicate through walkie-talkies which means if one of us speaks then the other one has to show up so it's gonna be quite annoying since we both like to speak a lot and yeah is it it's a story based game so hopefully we get through it we're just gonna be doing probably like an hour today and yeah working our way through this game but it should be pretty fun if the walkie-talkies stuff I'm actually muted no no I checked my very stream and it's my desktop audio that's me okay that's fine oh my goodness that scared me that I was like hopefully I have to do all that I go yeah we're gonna work our way through the story if the walkie-talkie stuff does get a little bit annoying we're gonna go back to discard and I should be fine so let's go here is the game and the stampy should be on the other end so that's it let's let's just see over stops hello they said over after you've finished which say it over there you go that's their statuses here but because we're doing it through the I am I'm now live people can hear you over Oh oh no wait they can't hear because I haven't unmuted the desktop audio one second okay you now should be able to hear stuff in here can can everyone hear everyone should belt hear you now I think can you hear him anywhere so we've basically spawned in in separate rooms and I guess the goal is to try and find each other over over he's mute can't hear him we can't hear him no we can't hear him we can't hear stops cuz game audio cut off well speak again over talkee talkee talkee talkee talkee talkee soon over yeah okay the Canadian now over all right I'm gonna open this door over you gonna do the same here we go the door is open hello wait why do we need walkie-talkies to talk to each other here we still have it - walkie talkie you smell of up I'm pointing at the stench there's smells coming from this this person I'm pointing out over get out of my room that's my personal personal area thank you maybe we should discard this until we actually need to so do it Chuck Chuck what do you what do you think should we go back to this Carla should we carry on with the walkie-talkies that's okay go back to this card is it going back to discard a book did you check he's caught live again oh all right this everyone says discard all I can about Xbox controllers imagine this with Xbox Mike sir I'm gonna turn down this audio it's a bit loud yeah this guy's asking for help anyway yeah welcome to wheat we're here ticket I was it we yeah we we were here together all right we were here together I got a steering wheel Stubbs I'm holding it right now all right what he needs good we need to place it here we used to try and get out of here oh my god I got it just right it just came up same place snaps look you just place it over there it's like human fall flat again that's like that's that you that way because an appointment yeah yeah in that hole good right there you got some bug is gonna just get let me just get this there we go what's behind here we need to go for a look oh so this was your room okay there's anything we need here like little Easter eggs like Xbox like mugs and stuff we should probably go oh it there's a thingy here as well there's another steering wheel here I've got a steering wheel stamps what you put on the other door I'm holding one off okay stablish is quiet too quiet turn him up okay all right talk sucks is that better chat stamps is too quiet I saw it it alright technical difficulties zombies by everything else is super loud I can hear by alright come on let's go I already here my job I'm just stuck carrying one of these things now I've got it in my hand as well actually have it order can I put it down somewhere do we need it I don't know where we can get in here I shouldn't be fooling around with this right now okay that's better yeah turn down the game audio this what we do best is fooling around okay so these have let's just pull leavers we can't fool around okay let's go outside then Wow like a little cabin it's nice oh here we go you know anything about why I like this is like a series of games and this is just the most recent one are we meant to know any other like why we're here I just think what I've been a good time I think it says let's just make some fennel I think this is our holiday result and we've come here to check on the icebergs because their melting have we've been sent to discover why so this is that's the mission all right okay bring some more oh yeah we got to bring some ice cubes back but this is also a holiday as well so we can't have a nice time if we were on ah this is the one that my cockpits on Taylor here we go it looks like a face get the duty push like buttons I can press you have to match the waves Oh with the waves much it tonight the green one none of them match I have to twist this okay this satellite is probably sick of it right now it's always doing is turning around none of them fit hmm is it really like anything else we can change or like because there was another one of these downstairs so we just like match the mother so maybe I need to press some buttons right you stay up there and I'll go press some buttons all right okay what like are you going back to where we got these COG things from I'm trying to pull some levers but yeah I'm gonna go back inside and have a look and see if there's anything well this guy stole burning stamps in here Oh where I've got some waves here is it affecting you upstairs yeah okay that's it it's the right size it's the right size is like the pink one but like moving at a different speed is everything you can do to change the speed yeah that's it yeah so make it shorter we need a shorter wavelength I mean I've got a sound out he ever like some yeah yeah that's matching the the pink one can you hear anything yeah I can't yeah are you just playing songs to me from upstairs okay it's not the copy that well then cut it because you go to an excellent try I try to roll okay we need a very big and very wide wavelength big boy that yeah bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger okay yeah yeah keep it good okay that's it now wider having really really wide really wide yeah oh is that it listen to the song good okay you know where that guy were complaining I'm there I'm in that room okay right next specs color spinning them around oh I can't we need very very close together and small basically the opposite of this one so like that and then small yep and then my really tiny okay tell me when yep small that's small let's cool it okay now yeah even posted together yeah you doing closer events for your hero maybe there is another song I think the first role this one's kinda like a carnival song okay we must be ready now keep them close together yeah but making them like flakes spread out like Tula I guess she really here something any second oh no to to talk to to bring it back to ya taller by one yeah you hear it no no is it needs to be wider I get like slightly wider oh there we go a recipe we took shelter in a can but we can't go back war that's Charlie seven five three bit of seven five four echo there's too many Charlie's and bears and numbers like a Charlie seven five three there - 7 5 4 Delta one nine five wars beta again it's going back round build up I'm just gonna said right charlie 7-5 3 there is 7 5 4 Delta 1 9 5 & Co 169 better four eight one two betas that's what you say charlie bit 7 5 5 Delta 1 there 5 echo 169 there l4 8 1 and Charlie 4 4 7 ok well there's 2 says paper there's like two different ones then okay well we've got the walls that doesn't matter alright let's get in the car we need to go find him we need to pinpoint the destination first Oh Matt or something somewhere this is just messing with bones what does this do this like fuel yeah I thought it was fuel do we need to match stuff ok let's maybe get them to the right amount we've got to get it to that green line does anything moving nothing's moving nothing to move in chief I don't think this is it I think we need to these to be a map somewhere this could he give this guy Morden her for her prefer its room yes we might need another another cog ok I'll have a look is this not like a big map somewhere I changed the radio signal and no that'd be too easy well we've only got this room this guy stole morning okay we need you sunshine just found out it's gonna be ok right besides anything else out here let's go for knows it there's definitely nothing else in here oh oh there's another door we need a blue hexagon to go through there alright that's definitely not on a month what game is this this isn't a title on it doesn't really swing my hips oh do I walk night run run how do you run shift Albany I'm using a controller oh yes you got like a proper dad run without do expeditions oh we do a lot of things we do but we got do that oh I could still hear everybody shut up oh I got a steering wheel color frozen okay I got it in the eyes again you joined a cup of salad for the room egg yeah is there a fire here I thought I saw fire but it's only nice yeah but what can you see like what it will be when you st reveal inside it's it's it's gonna open a newborn baby this one got inside the eye I don't know what it is it's a t-rex egg how do i do frost it no fireplace in there it won't defrost what did i do have anything in the kitchen do you have like them know hey this one this one right right keep it in here Oh put on top all the stuff daddy goes right get your get your oven mitts out okay I think we already got them on yeah okay careful stand back know what a banyan people say what color frozen hope it's this roof doesn't make sense okay it does it make sense knows what the one outside well we might get another steering wheel oh yeah I thought what what call is this way to be I gots printings well I'll put on the control you're gonna like right way down the whole time it's a simple shift button oh we got here how was your music on really loud yeah well done you completed an area called two levers this whew we got fuel oh really I think I think we got really lucky and just happened to pull them to write me this is really my last pull any others I think we just got really lucky Oh still the coordinates and it must be something around here I mean I feel there's another steering wheel somewhere and we haven't found yet if we got to the other nut room we can't pull any of the levers that is actually so lucky do we literally just get it right yeah okay I think I see where in the house you look outside find the office steering wheel it's locked from the other side can we get round the other side yeah sure like you know their crime of brightness way up is it dad yeah somewheres a little bit dark inside why is this game it's a puzzle survival I would say so survival again I think it's just like a an adventure puzzle game how did you find out about it sorry on Steve sorry I'm Steven if I walk over to doll so how does one [Music] maybe there's something on the ice can we go okay we can't go down here then stops this is the room here but I don't know how to open it but there's a cable from this place to the main one and some air maybe there's something we have to do yeah big bread all right oh here look at look at this look to the satellites yeah so this is like the only room left hmm look on the roof you stay where that door if I switch around the satellite signals you just go and play with some buttons okay yeah you stay out of trouble wait I see a steering wheel on where's your steering wheel stops gonna go on the roof okay and then come down towards me that's it and then opposite opposite like where you are now there's a steering wheel there yeah bring up here it's good 3-16-16 fear will drop so impressed where you going here it's out hey stop yeah there does this because it does because it's 2v1 inside are you is something that really this guy's still morning you will shut up Matt rube oh look at this we got two Twizzlers all right right no we need to do no geez where what you've got it on your whiteboard haven't ya uh yeah I've already know so we've got bait right now snaps placed at seven five four three start we're here for the head we're home wave to wave to home weight to home look at this guy it's good it's like you want the Marchman you drop a kiss from a rose right so what was the first of all right babe beta four five seven five four it's and then Charlie seven five three seven five three berries go to the top of it oh yeah there we go say it's like oh wait wait why does it keep going back oh when you do it together yes charlie oh we did it whoa we've got it yeah it's get the car but then then there's Delta yeah we don't need to worry about that let's just go you know what app important the obvious there's three of them okay call then so Delta one nine five can you see that are you enough super in the where oh oh oh was it one nine six there's one of those one nine six here and echo 169 which is here Ivan Delta one nine five here yeah so it should be if this send signal that satellite think nice what's the last one so beta for h1 right so up and then what by Charlie four four seven ciao okay it's over there I'm sorry iPhones do you discuss like all the talk okay I got it right you go across this all girls are gonna be sealed oh wait is that right I didn't do it for 47 there we go we triangles do triangulate we we go to the middle the ancient structure let's go let's hop in the car this guy's hi hi back see ya comin Rick we're coming we don't go to rescue him we're just gonna shove up you got the cutscene yeah you talk about old from that bed not when you're in like the house together [Music] guys yall definitely drive you look how slow you going snowmobile bagsy shotgun the actor will pass go I rise this stopped echoing yeah it's top deck were just you were just happiness on we got a new man there's a diary thing I got a new book yes half the time in what oh wow it's good good look at that right are you looking at oh my goodness there's so much weight wave wave like a post postcard no snaps on holiday all right go this this looks like things are about to get along Cassidy's difficult game though is steering wheels we're at the proper search for them as well okay don't slip okay 362 it's a idiot-proof okay we go down here we can go down here yeah so we need to get inside what were these guys doing is what I wanna do surely there's no reason good up to no good I'm sure okay come here oh yeah the next here we go that is the world was pointless lift I want to be about a meter and a half higher than I was let's build this entire gonna just use the ladder oh it's from doing cargos you to carry out these stairs anyway no way there's a light as a bank I you boy why my okay mister sex is the wrong way I'm stuck Oh hold on I think I'm stuck oh hey oh is this the counterweight oh no no no there's a control panel underneath here Oh okay okay we need to look at off a bit okay God sit on it than or something if this goes down does that lift anything else up nope that's not yet chief maybe we're supposed to go to mine car way I think this is where it's trying to forces to go I'm gonna carry on with the mine come in you coming back up yeah no wait can we knock no we can't go this way do we have to push this pointing to it just point it just push it with our fingertips maybe Tiger I'd have to maybe do these boxes now okay listen it chief so we get a habit to go a little there as well let's try to destroy that one where we chomp I go back down listen to me how we cut jump off stuff like it's yeah by man yeah it's fine bad Delta vote five died Charlie chef [Music] I'm not doing this how about this no cuz I'm gonna walk you get a readout on yet you're getting it [Music] this is what always happens in adventure maps' you always start something and they wonder why you like I'm bullying you for the rest of the series here we need to get down somehow solo here Randy buy stamps make sure to wear your long johns and you really have it's a power lock like a like a toddler have a good tantrum like I doesn't want to go in the snow in the flat plans you look like one of them like I had it uh you look like a mom that's you know it's like a waddle room I have like I have like an echo button like any time I want it to you've you've peed your pants and you're like you need to run back to the car fast but you don't want to fall on run it's like a nappy run okay let's go back in here okay we did establish a stock already right that that's it gave up I feel like is even like oh we don't know how to work out the puzzle we just don't know like what the puzzle is so go back in the lift and OH squid yeah when that when that lifts up this one goes down is what I was saying about it's like a counter where raaah well switch they don't you think that have like a chain or something between and they don't look linked to all do that no they don't look like they're the same system just their own Mecca Massif it cuz I didn't expect that I was like oh no it's not connected to anything can you let me out please I mean ya know because any know this is a mechanism to make it so we can't go with each other there's no way for us to both be together stabs down like this is that this mechanic is here so we have to be split up right okay you go you do that lift behind you then cuz that might do this lift you smell you smell over right I mean I'm doing this lift I give up monk I'm going down right of I I think you should be able to get in the lift and not on the side of the minecart the other one I think you should be able to get into that one now yep going up a bug yeah even if you go up then I'll be able to get into this one yeah you going up I've gone up okay I can now go in let me still ground it first was this all I've had a poopy bit I've had a poopy bit you found a poopy bit yeah if I were to go poop it's just a hole but it's living a food Creek it sure is a fishing hole no it's like we it's really high up can you get anywhere else now oh no no no no you've taken it right down to the bottom very top now oh you help me over he goes down see I'm like right into the top five seating at you up so early I love ya love ya honey I'm good I'm good I'm up I think who are you where are you are you higher than me I'm now directly above where we first saw the first mine car and it's go higher No as a chain maybe a dozen shed can I get also I need to be over here okay wait one second I think I've I think I've cracked a code I got down and then down again and this one should go up where this one doesn't go up wait what so squid if you look on the can you know there's the little Pat the panels that block you off walking off the edge yeah there's little pictures on them yeah I got dynamite on mine yes and that's showing which one you linked together so have you got a dynamite on yours it's from the pickaxe cuz I need a dynamite to go up one and then I go to the top I I could I get a dragon a pickaxe and a minecart it was accessible to me now but oh my god yeah if you go down right to the bomb in that one where which one the minecart in the minecart if you go to the bottom now allow me to get in one and that I'll go to new places yeah right up right down sorry right so I I can move you are if I lift you right to the top and this will that help I thought you only wrote I mean no doesn't get me anywhere new cuz I need to get I need the one to the dynamite to get to the top and they're weird if you got a fax we might have you got pick out this one pickaxe I do but like I'm not there that's where I was at uh yeah I think I need the pickaxe I hope that dynamite now though you can go up in the dynamite no no I need to pick ax I'll just have found out okay right let me go back I'm gonna back up it do you need me I don't know take your finger pick action should solve it big Bryn it's no I need can can you go in the pickaxe lightly if you move it Nokes all I need I need the pickaxe up by one to be able to go in it I'm exactly the same no I can't race in the middle of nowhere okay well we have to go back I have to go back down with the minecart then can you move the dynamite so I can't move anything now cuz I'm not even I'm like I need the minecart to be able to move okay where do you want to get to say good go back like cuz the minecarts down at the bottom 20 to go off to go down wait so you want it to go up yeah that's it you know right so I'm getting it now and then I need to go down cuz you did superb right all right I just got hold of it well I think I can I can go right into yeah I'm getting to it now from a different level right so now I'm by the dynamite so can you get near a dynamite dinosaur my dynamite stick an you go in dynamite yeah I'm going dynamite now okay going down my lift up I won yes sir that's it yeah okay now I can go in it do you need the dynamite to go anywhere yeah up to the top so I moved down okay so I'm now trapped but safe no no can you anymore down nope ah that's not it then come back at the same level let me ever look going updates on I've not be nothing this but yeah okay this now oh I got a new area well that's good okay I got like Dimond can I go back up with this now then yeah well I'm out I might need it again if I was back to it okay so what have you got diamonds so I've dynamite in diamond hey Lord hang on hang on so I don't really wear which ones this one again that one I'm a good dad so my diamond one is the one that links bike is like the first two they're linked together so I think this has helped me get anywhere to you I just need to go up one with dynamite did you say you've got that it doesn't go I can't go down any more should be able to go up one more look at it that's strange then back in again you go you go down in the dynamite let me get back in okay well at least we're barely out the cabin guys you know what I mean go on the roof on the lift economy on the roof yeah I'm on the roof of dynamite so go go go down down can you get anywhere no can you can you see me where are you if I can get on the roof and I'm good because that's what I need to be so let me see yeah I know here's what we need to do that okay let me okay lift it so you go you go down one down one yeah that's it so now I'm in so now you need to get can you get to a place where if I move it down you'll be able to get on its roof I need to be cuz I need to move out of here so if I call can you get anything I'm in it I'm in it can you move it down now the thing moves move out the way in fact you don't to be the the things blocking you how did you get past that so of the day when you can get on the roof they open again okay Chad this is so confusing why is this this is me and stops trying to do puzzles alright okay correct you had the big tanks warm I mean this dynamite would welcome you just don't move your thing move you think all right all right no just did it do this do this it is open now hold up yeah yeah you're on the roof no no no we're yes I'm on the roof I'm going yeah okay I'm on the roof for another wait wait don't move yet never be a doing see what it's all about who's like a t-rex one right oh yeah I I've seen that one as well I'm on the roof of the next one so maybe lift but which one is this one you got a union of pickaxe I'm like completely trapped in keeping you on in place am I free to move you have movement move in move away sister move away okay III go to the can you go into the dinosaur 1 watt meter oh well if you can move it and I can get into it I can't move it it's like way up above sir so it's for me to be able to move the dinosaur 1 I need you to move the pickaxe because I'm on the roof of the pickaxe so my my pickaxe one is like I don't think there's any way for me to access it I think you gotta be able to access that right it's like I can go to the roof of it but there's no platforms like underneath it I don't think no it's completely sealed off [Music] yes man I got that I go into the roof of the the dinosaur one yeah well now I think they're anyway for me no wait no no I mean idiot I can do this that's not what you squid did that move anything I just moved the pickaxe I'm in the pickaxe lift now oh yeah yeah so you need to bring it go back down Lenny on the roof that's it okay okay and now go up okay you moved it down on the roof oh yeah yeah okay no boom move back you go so confusing you go down I go down yeah yeah and then now go straight back up okay I've gotta get in it I need to run run this way okay this is this is it's intense I'm gonna read some donations well we you do anything okay okay I'm now in the pickaxe one where you want me to move it we're going it okay sound down on the floor now can you move it open to the one know what I can do is this that's what I could do wait have you got yourself to position where you can see the dinosaurs there you go down go down go down go down go down press it down thank you I might be on the roof how does I can go but the corridor thing that's it now nokia I can down the roof now good go whatever down or opposite to what you're up there we go oh no I can get on the dinosaur on let's go okay I need to go back round so I can get to the dinosaur bit as well I'm at the top okay yeah okay I think you're gonna be lift me up as well on the dinosaur wants to stay say that oh no I need that I need to run across the roof of the pickaxe one so can you will you be able to move the to pick out one back for me yeah I'm gonna go down right can you move the pickaxe so you go down in the pickaxe so we're hold on let me get my brain right so I need to run around can I go down from here because I'm on I'm on the roof of the pickaxe now is there a problem so do you need to bring the pickaxe up for you to get on the roof I can I think I can move the pickaxe one I need to run across the roof of the pickaxe one to get to the dinosaur my my pickaxe needs to end up high up okay say my pickaxe one needs to end in the position it's in now but as it is I'm trapped in it right go back off then go back off the pickaxes are up as much as it goes down and go down whatever just do the opposite right I'm on the roof of the pickaxe where don't move it yeah let me say I think so I need to go yeah okay move the pickaxe n so then hold on let me get my brain right move it go let me get my bread let me get my bread right and again wait you just moved it is that all you can do yeah that's good there's only two positions for which one was I in which at wait hold on hold up hold up right I think I've got it problem right I can now move the pickaxe wom where'd you up to good okay so I need you to move it like to what it isn't now you obviously move it here yeah yeah but I said now I can get to the dinosaur yeah yeah keep it there over there we go okay I can now access the dinosaur so can you can you lift can you go down in the dinosaur I'm having to make my way up to the dinosaur but how do we do this without you cuz just press all the things the bones will happen yeah get you in there you in the dinosaur no like I'm next to the gate for the dinosaur but the dinosaurs too low for me to get in we could have to do it again then we're gonna have to go back and because I I'm the only one that can reach the dinosaur because I'm I'm at the gate for the dinosaur now but I need to sir I need to get the dinosaur in position and then come back down okay so you want me to move the pickaxe what yeah the first thing I says good when you said about doing a puzzle game of like puzzle games can be hard on stream squids everyone's enjoying themselves thank you chuck this is what you need to move the pickaxe odds I get in it look I like it it's it's exercising the Korea at least I think this isn't a case where like everyone's worked out the solution apart from us I mean this games been out for like maybe a year are you good I'm trying to help you out so yeah yeah right you trying to get the dogs are in position so you can get into it when the pickaxe is in its die now you need to move the pickup okay right now I can get in the dinosaur so I need to excuse me move the dinosaur down you need to get firstly you need to make sure the pickaxe is back down on your end amazing I think that's the correct position because then I can run back up here job thing that's right so now and we should be fine then at that yeah you need to boom move the pickaxe down yeah for me okay yeah yeah then you to leave like that now you can get to the dinosaur yeah okay and then so will I be able to jumpy to move it back up yeah yeah well I can get all right knee on the roof of the dinosaur now yeah and then I'm going on the roof right you do something let's see where I end up all going up okay it up good are you good - boy I think maybe yeah okay good not a bit go down a bit so I see light move me up you go down 100 stabs slightly you know how many downs it up back up which way James go down you got one okay I'm out meant to be any bars on the roof Rosalia poodle ever coming up steps oh yeah see ya across the way we're gonna pull the leaves together look down at even loft do we get to see each other again No right please Lexi I have impressive all right how's your voice doing you were to Dubai are you this might be a nice the last few days guys I keep coughing so that's just poorly yeah so I'm afraid that um I say that can't stream for too long today because I need to do videos as well I'm losing my voice sorry guys but we did the trick if I think like now now we're inside a cave I think we're hopefully have like some more nicely contained puzzles it might be easier you ever see you guys you just sit down have a sneak peek before we go just to see what disasters are in it spoilers or oh yeah this does not look fun yeah but anyway what do you think of it it's a fun game isn't it wait it's not really my kind of game like I do it's streaming I do feel a bit stressed for life yeah you're not even streaming it and I feel chilled like I feel like I mean this is is this probably your main everyone's five but I thought I feel like a pressure to like solve the puzzles faster that if we would just play them maybe I could just Brust the viewers patience and that like I guess you guys a patient right yeah you're old-fashioned everyone's patient here one side that were ending so I guess that's a good sign that they enjoy exactly what you wanna do this again because it's gonna probably take a few it's gonna be it's gonna be a few episodes this isn't it let's be honest out what weeks I got I do have a few things I need to stream Animal Crossing and then like I'm done my relearning my data streams as well yeah whooping well fitting him yeah maybe like Friday also possibly yeah more over the weekend so yeah we're we work it up sounds good alright Matt well folks enjoyed it I'm just gonna go read some donors and then stay by his chat oh okay okay can I get myself through this alright guys thanks for joining uh I spoke with Exeter they should ever sex information I love your video squiddy II yeah bro one two three hello to you birth thanks to the addition dude the bangles stampy how's Alex did oh she's fine I believe she's fine she's a lot better now Oliver thanks to the donation Chrissy Chris acceleration and rocker the third thank you so much for the donation all I heard is stumpy said dinosaur now that was him it was a pretty foot puzzle I'm not gonna lie it was actually really fun so cannot wait to do more this week you left your partner to die oh god I hope we can wait I hope we carry on from there chat does any wonder if it carries on can you imagine oh no oh no I left stamps to die well don't please I hope it carries on maybe it's too but if you had to be all in one girl wouldn't it but anyway that has been fun so thanks everyone for joining as I say I will schedule another episode of this later on during the week when honor stamps can join will set a time and then it'll be it'll be on beer thanks guys I'll see you with an extreme baby wait I need to touch the tree Manu be right back screen as well I play this I'll play this out [Music] [Music] my cha bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye now [Music] bye-bye cha cha cha you can leave now bye
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 89,980
Rating: 4.9641695 out of 5
Id: PuKvuT0at90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 37sec (3337 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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