"Arise and Shine: A Spirit of Excellence" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection at Kingdom connection we're excited to launch a brand new way to help the ministry through text to give it's convenient and a fast way to connect your give support to us and it's as easy as using your mobile device to set it up simply text any amount with a keyword KC 2 4 5 8 8 8 hit Send and you'll get a link to set up a payment method with your preferred debit or credit card don't worry this won't be charged to your phone bill and after a few quick steps giving from your device is as simple as sending a text for more information on how to set up more text to give today visit our website at Jensen franklin org slash gift thank you for your generous support of Kingdom connection each gift makes it possible for us to connect people to the message of Jesus impacting lives here at home as well as around the world there's a real secret to business people today that I want to talk to and all of you sooner or later will be in some sort of business so it's for everybody but God laid on my heart Wednesday night a message that I shared if you were not here you really need to get it because I think it was a word from the Lord to business people and then I want to share this secret today from Isaiah 60 that can change things in your life and in your business world and you say well no this has to do with every aspect of your life it's a principle a Bible principle that will lead to success let's look at Isaiah 60 arise shine for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you for behold darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people but the Lord will arise over you and his glory will be seen upon you I love verse 3 the Gentiles or the lost will come to your light and the Kings will come to the brightness of your rising lift up your eyes all around and see they gather together they come to you your Sun shall come from afar and your daughter shall be nursed by your side I'll stop there for the sake of time but verse 1 is what I'm preaching on today arise and shine another way of saying arise and shine a more modern way of saying it would be stand up and stand out God is saying in this chapter I do not want my church to be hid in a closet nor do I want my people in a dark world to hide the light that I have in them and if I had a subtitle to this message I would call it the spirit of excellence because the world that the world that we live in responds to excellence if you want to attract the attention of other people get a spirit of excellence what is the spirit of excellence it's two things number one do what you do well number two do what you do well with a good attitude if you if you do what you do well and you do it with a good attitude a spirit of excellence will begin to shine through you in a dark world and you will you will stand up and you will stand out all you got to do in this world has become excellent at something and you'll stand up and stand out in other words what I'm trying to say to you and this is very important your performance determines your platform the performance that you have on your job the performance that you do in your workplace determines the platform that you will have or another way of saying platform is influence that you will have among people you see when I say your your your performance determines your platform it means people will listen to you based on your performance I can name you people in sports I can name you people in business I can name you people in education and in medicine I can and in any any field of life that you want to take if they perform in excellence at their job they have influence and a platform that other people do not have you know if they're at the top of their of their field nobody stops them from talking about Jesus Christ when they win or they receive awards or they achieve some great thing nobody pulls the microphone away because they say first of all I want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ because he's blessed my life but there's something about their performance that determines their platform you know if it you can't talk like that you can't talk and say those things if you don't win if you don't succeed so if they score the touchdown if they get the award for most sales if they achieve some great landmark in their life then they can give God praise because people want to know that what their secret is but what I'm trying to say is you know if you play basketball of whatever it is that you do if they miss the shot if they lose the playoff game or if they fail at what they're doing nobody wants to know what your secret is nobody cares about and it doesn't mean you're not say both are saved but one has influence and one doesn't does that make sense when you arise and shine when you begin to stand up and stand out it gives you influence with people when you become excellent at what you do but if you sit on the bench and you don't score and you know you're not going to have a lot of influence it doesn't mean that one's more safe than the other it just means one's going to go to heaven by themselves another one's going to use that platform of excellence to influence a lot of people to go to heaven with them and you're going to influence people if you're going to you're going to have to become excellent at what you do you're going to have to arise and shine you're going to have to stand up and stand out and when you stand up and stand up stand out when you arise and you shine then God will begin to shine light in a dark world and people will be drawn you're going to have to do what you do well if you work in the office you need to be the best worker one of the best people most reliable people on that job this stuff matters because this is what excellence and standing up and standing out is all about if you're the one that's always late if you're the one that is always where you know it's not done half done not really dependable if you're the one that doesn't get along with anybody on the job then you're not going to have influence in that place you see some churches and some Christians and quite frankly some pastors have a terrible reputation in their community they're known for being late paying their bills there they don't have a spirit of excellence on what they do they're not respected and when you know people don't know if they're going to fold up or make it or not and that thing needs to come to an end in the body of Christ and for all of us we need to have a spirit of excellence the people in the Bible that influenced their generation were people of excellence for example I thought about David I thought about how that the Bible said David played his heart listen to this skillfully he wasn't a he wasn't a giant slayer first he wasn't some famous King first he was a musician that was excellent at what he did notice it didn't say he played a musical instrument it said he played skillfully and because he played skillfully his light he began to arise and shine stand up and stand out on a musical instrument and the King heard about how gifted he was in music and brought him into the palace because he had a spirit of excellence it took him hours and hours and hours of practice to become skillful on that musical instrument and that excellence is what was the natural thing that God used to get spiritual power into that palace into that Kingdom and he would eventually go to the throne through a spirit of excellence not only did David play skillfully and God used his excellence to to impact multitudes he influenced multitudes for generations through being excellent at strumming harp in that amazing and then Daniel I think about Daniel you know what the key characteristic of Daniel that's talked about first said he had an excellent spirit he had an excellent in other words he had a spirit of excellence he had an excellent attitude and we draw attention to the fact that you know he he refused to eat the Kings meat he really had a standard but the thing that is so impressive about that story when he and the other men wouldn't eat what the King offered a drink what the King the Bible said when they came in ten days later listen to it their countenance was fairer they were smarter and quicker they were sharper than the king's men and they were ten times wiser I'm saying to you that the world and the king of Pharaoh was drawn to them first in a natural way because they were sharper they were head of the class if he had to come in and they'd have been the last in the class and that have been the slow ones and that not had themselves together and they're counting it's not fair and sharp and they were sharp they were the Bible said they were sharper they were quicker I love that than the king's men the purpose of making a stand is to prove that they could do more with God than with the king they were quicker wiser sharper more intelligent and more excellent than the king's men and their excellence put them in a position in that nation that was a hedonistic nation Babylon and they had power in that nation because they were excellent we talked about the life of Joseph and the Bible said that God was with him every place that he was put he prospered they put him in jail and he became the head of the jail they put him in Potiphar's house as a slave and Potiphar put him over everything in his household look at that excellence it didn't matter where you put him some of you said if somebody just give me a break if you can't do it where you are you won't do it anywhere else you have to do it where you are this principle works every time you be excellent I don't care what you do and you begin to stand up and you'll begin to stand out always excellence will cause God's hand a promotion to come upon your life the Bible said always he did what he did speaking of Joseph with excellence since everything he did prospered Joseph's Authority got bigger and bigger and bigger and people in a place of authority always wanted Joseph close to them that's that's that the powerful thing about excellence if you will become excellent people of authority will want you close to them they will pull you in you will stand out of the herd they will call you close to them they'll start asking your opinion they'll start asking what do you think because there's a spirit of excellence on you it always happens it's a law in the kingdom if you want people of authority I'm not even talking about saved people it doesn't matter but they don't care if you're saved or not on your job they don't hire you to talk in tongues and walk around praising God they hire you to do an excellent job and if you do an excellent job those people are going to call you in close to them because always people of authority are drawn to people with excellence every time you can give somebody all the scripture that you want but if they come by you and see your life all messed up your kids look crazy they're not clean you don't know how to balance your checkbook always in a brokedown situation all the time we all go through tough times but all the time something's wrong that's not excellent that's not standing up and standing out but when they see you and you got your stuff together you got your family together you got your blessings together and you you get you're sharp you're great you're excellent you're excited you're enthusiastic about life and about what you do I guarantee you people in authority will notice it and they'll raise you up every time first Kings chapter 10 the Bible said that the Queen of Sheba came from halfway around the world to see Solomon's house that he had built his own personal house the Kingdom and the temple that he had built and the Bible said the thing that caused her to come and what's so astonished her I love this it's the scripture said when she saw how happy his servants let's say it another way when she saw how enthusiastic his employees were when she saw the joy that they had serving and working when she saw thee the it even talks about the attire that they had on how clean how sharp they were when when she saw how happy the people were the servants were enthusiastic and joyful and then the scripture said when she saw the building that he had the buildings that he had built proverbs 24 and 3 says wisdom is known by the house that it builds wisdom builds a house how wise are you and I'm not talking about the square footage of your house I'm talking about those under your authority how are they doing because wisdom builds a house and the people under your covering prosper if you're building it wisely your children not but they won't go through things but if you build that house wisely whoever is under that house is going to do well eventually cuz you keep praying and leading them in truth I'll come on and praise God that's the truth the last thing that the Queen of Sheba saw was his ascent to the throne of God the first thing she saw was the grounds and the buildings and the servants and how sharp they were and how how classy and how excellent everything how enthusiastic and happy and joyful they were in that something we want to make it so spirit on fighting demons maybe you ought to just been be happier on the job and and be upbeat and be sharp and it would be amazing how God would cause your life to start influencing people as you just arise and shine in a dark world it's got to be something that gives you the right and the authority to be listened to and the fact that he met her Solomon did in the natural world first and it gave a platform because his performance determined the platform not just anybody could reach the Queen of Sheba she had it all and there's people in the business community that a preacher like me will never ever reach but you know what there's people in this room who work excellent if you will be excellent if you will arise and shine stand up and stand out you can reach them because they don't care about a preacher but they watch you and you've got your family together and you've got your marriage together and theirs has fallen apart and they may be making millions of dollars but they see you doing it right and they'll the Bible said then she came and asked Solomon quote the hard questions in that something once she saw his performance it gave him a platform and then he didn't have to chase her with a Bible and track and say you need to get saved he just did what he did his is his business did what it did and the Bible said that she started asking him the hard questions hey how do you hold your marriage together hey how do you do that hey hey listen my wife had a bad x-ray with I'm not a religious man but but but but but I noticed there's a difference in you and well I don't know how to say this but would you pray tell will ask the man upstairs to help me in my family they'll start asking you the hard questions sad that's how it happens you don't earn the right to be listened to because of your failures you earn the right to be listened to because of your successes the queen of sheba couldn't be reached by just anyone if she would have showed up at Solomon's house listen and they were pitiful and broke down weeds were growing up all in the flowerbeds and half done rinky-dink dirty tired unenthused people standing around what do you want what what just hip go in yourself I'm not going to open the door there's no there's no one can you imagine can you imagine if she'd have shown up and and the stuff the shutters broke down the houses broke down the everything the people looked jacked up messed up standing around with attitudes and and you know just just on a cigarette break outside and just you know you know what I'm talking about that stuff matters stuff matters no glory no joy I promise you she wouldn't have asked the hard questions it's time to rise and shine it's time to stand up and stand out verse three said when you do when you become excellent at something then the lost shall come to your light and the brightness of your promotion or your rising god wants to raise up people in the business community he wants to raise you up in your field whether you're a roofer or a mechanic or a carpenter of whatever you do in business and computers why don't you say god I want to stand up and stand down I want a rise and shine give me a spirit of excellence so that my light will shine in a dark world and people will be drawn to my god I can tell them my secret now that you asked me not that I chased you down and I badgered you to death with with the Bible my testimony you start asking me the hard questions well that's when you know you're like shining wherever you are I wrote this down last Saturday I Wednesday night boy you really need to get Wednesday night because I covered a whole nother aspect of what I'm sharing but isn't it interesting when God sent his son to the earth he did not place him in a priest home now had that been me if I was going to send my son to redeem the world I'd have put him in a religious atmosphere Ida needed a third of fourth generation Baptist Pentecostal something I need some kind of church atmosphere that this child is raised in God didn't do that you know what God did God put him in a business environment in that something I want him to know how to do business with excellence I want him until he's 30 years old to deal with orders and deal with billing and deal with lumber and deal with hammers and nails and working with his hands for 30 years he never preached a sermon or did one that I can find one big spiritual thing for 30 years what did he do he worked in a business and I'm saying to you that this is an hour when God is saying we've got enough crosses in the church Jesus drug his cross down the Via Dolorosa which was the business district of Jerusalem he didn't take a back street he drugged the cross because he was saying I want my cross in the secular business world and you don't have to carry the cross literally you just do what you do with excellence a rise and shine stand up and stand out be excellent in what you do and be excellent in your attitude and when you do your light will shine Matthew 5 said that you'll be the light of the world because folks when are we gonna ever get it the people you work with don't care about who your preacher is or your church but they will if they never read the Bible they are reading you wow that's pretty good somebody write that one down I don't know where that one came from that that's all right turn to somebody and say if they never read the Bible they are reading you but if you're in this room today and you need a change in your life everything I've been preaching is predicated upon one thing Jesus needs to be Lord of your life you've got a dream in politics or whatever it is God's Word to you today is a rise and shine stand up and stand out go forward begin with excellence but it all has to be built on Jesus Christ if you get in his will he will exalt you if you use these Bible Princesses every time he's no respecter of persons but it starts with making him Lord if you're in this room and you would say pastor pray for me I need Jesus to be Lord of my life and normally we call people down I'm not going to do that this morning I want to speak a blessing over businesses and over business people but before I do that I want to give you an opportunity to receive Jesus if you're in this place and you'd say pastor pray for me I'm not right with God and I know that's what that's the main thing that needs to be that needs to be changed in my life pray for me if that you boldly raise your hand right where you're standing on a seat god bless you god bless you god bless you keep your hand up high don't be ashamed about there there there there there beautiful here god bless you sir god bless you god bless you god bless you anybody in the balcony let me see your hand I see hand way up there all over the side I see those hands anyone else anyone else if you see anyone with their hand raised gently put your hand on their shoulder right now gently put your hand on their shoulder that's so incredible that's so incredible everybody in this room pray this prayer I see hands all the way in that far corner I love it it's awesome how many of you believe Jesus died for you say this prayer Lord Jesus thank you for the cross and the blood that you shed I receive what you did for me your blood pardonez all my sin I am forgiven I am cleansed and right now I dedicate my life to you I want to stand up for you I want to stand out for you I want to arise I want to shine again I want to be a light in a dark world and lord I ask you for spirit of excellence let it come upon my life let it come upon my work let it come upon my attitude give me an excellent attitude and I thank you Father that I am forgiven and that I am changed in Jesus mighty name amen and amen give the Lord a great praise God has given us an opportunity to reach nations right in the city of Jerusalem and we're almost there Jenson Franklin and kingdom connection partners are working together to create a safe place for believers to encounter the Holy Spirit in the heart of Israel at the celebration Center in Jerusalem you can be a part of the moment when you send your best gift this month pastor Franklin has prepared a special series from the Holy Land recorded on the very ground where Jesus walked prayed and taught in Jerusalem and it's your gift when you give $35 or more this month in this three message series you'll learn how to increase the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life the significance in having your own time and place of Prayer how to discover your next steps for the season and so much more if God is calling you to make a difference for his people in a greater way with a gift of $1000 or more we will send you our celebration dinner kit which includes our from the Holy Land series along with a one-of-a-kind stone from Jerusalem engraved with psalm 122:6 commemorating your support of Israel Ruth the celebration center God is calling you to be a part of what's happening in Jerusalem call now with your best gift and watch God pour out blessings on you as you bless the nation of Israel life is real vivid alive beating Bremen it happens behind closed doors and out in front there's joy there's laughter and chaos lifelong friendships are forged love is found moments cherished and never forgotten life is a gift and together we are real family real friends real people experiencing real life is free chapel this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jenson franklin media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online at Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 70,941
Rating: 4.8363276 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Id: LmTLSF_3cfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2015
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