C.T. Townsend - Keep Our Hands Up - Exodus 1 - Jubilee 2021

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- Grab your Bibles tonight and turn with me to the book of Exodus. Exodus chapter number 17. It's good to be saved tonight, amen. Exodus, chapter number 17 is where we'll be in God's word. Verse number eight. If you love your Bible tonight say amen. - [congregation] Amen! - Bible said, then came Amalek and fought with Israel in Rephidim. And Moses said unto Joshua, choose us out men and go out, fight with Amalek tomorrow. I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in mine hand. So Joshua did, as Moses had said to him and fought with Amalek: and Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill. And it came to pass when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed. And when he let down his hand Amalek prevailed. But Moses hands were heavy; and they took a stone and put it under him. And he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. Father in Jesus' name. I pray God for the next few moments, God, that you'd give me the anointing that I stand in need of. Lord we thank you for your goodness and for your mercy. We thank you God for bringing us to this place. You know what a big deal it is in my heart to get to preach behind this pulpit. I pray God you'd remove all of those things and help me God, to be a blessing to your people and God will be careful to give you the glory, the honor and the praise for it is in Jesus name we pray and all God's people said. I love Joshua chapter number 17. I love this story that unfolds and tell us about Joshua and Moses and how they'd been delivered. And they come against a, the Amaleks come against them and they're fighting this fight. And Moses makes the statement to Joshua. He says, "I'm going to go up to the top of the mountain. I want you to go down into the valley and I want you to fight" which sounds pretty cool. And it sounds pretty scriptural until you think of it like this, that if my best friend in the whole world, Travis Kerlocks here tonight, and if Travis, which just sounds about like something he'd do, but, but for him to pick a fight with a bunch of thugs and them, then them come and want to fight. And Travis say, "hey CT, I need you to do me a favor. I want you to go down the parking lot, fight that. And I'm going to go up and top of the church and I'm gonna pray for you while you fight in the fight." (congregation cheers) Just don't sound good. Does it? But Joshua did what Moses tells him to do, - Yes sir! - and the Bible said that while Joshua was fighting that Moses, Aaron and Hur go to the top of the mountain. And while they're at the top of the mountain Moses lifts up his hands. And before long, they realized that as long as Moses's hands were raised, they won the battle. But as soon as the weary hands of Moses began to fall they no longer win the battle but they're losing the battle. I came with a simple thought tonight about the importance of you and I, as the people of God of how important it is that we keep our hands up. - Yes sir! - You say "what do you mean?" I mean, it's been a long season. Meeting after meeting. I've talked to preachers all over the place and they said, it's, it's taken a little while for people to get used to going back to church. And I'm not talking about drumming, nothing up, not talking about emotionalism, but I'm talking about in every everyday life. It is absolutely imperative that you and I as the people of God learn how to keep our hands up. If we're going to win the battle of life, you and I must learn to keep our hands raised in victory to God. I believe there are three principles that I can pull out of this text that I can prove to you what I'm trying to say. And number one, Moses has hands being raised, signified number one, his commitment to God. "Moses, why be on the top of the mountain and not down in the valley?" "Moses why does Joshua have to fight. And you go to the top of the mountain and not fight." I dare say Moses was fighting the greater battle than what Joseph was fighting. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers the man that learns to pray is doing the greater work than the man that learns how to preach. We must learn in this day that the power and the victory is not wanting who can be the loudest but there is a spiritual war that is there. And Moses has had to make a commitment that he's going to let God fight the bigger battle. So Moses goes to the top of the mountain and Moses raises his hands. Moses lifts his hands up. Moses understood that there was something about standing still. Maybe, maybe he remembers when he was at the red sea there. And he had to lift the rod of God in his hand. And the Bible said that he was to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. He lifts his hands and raises his hands. And that is signifying his commitment to God. You say "what do you mean by that?" I haven't done this long, but I know that it is a serious commitment to keep my hands out of gods business. - Yeah - Yeah. We got any fixers in the room. - Yeah come on! - Something goes wrong and you feel like it's your God given duty to get in the middle of all of it, put your hands in it, get involved in it and try to fix it. You know what I've learned? Most of the time when I get involved with something I ain't got no business being involved with I make things worse way worse than it ever was before. And it is a serious commitment at times for me not to try to do God's job. Now, I know y'all good people. Y'all been serving God a long time and y'all ain't got the same issues I got. So bear with me. But I have felt before that God wasn't moving fast enough. I have felt before that, God wasn't doing it the way I would do it. The danger there is we become manipulators. We try to fix things. There was one night I was preaching in Charleston, South Carolina and I was preaching here. You could have fit all the people in that church in this front little section right here, probably wasn't 20 people in that little building I was preaching and I do the same way everywhere I go. And there's a little old mama that came up to me crying. She said, "old preacher, CT." She said, "I need you to pray and preach like it's your last time tonight?" I said, "why?" She said "my boys lost and don't know God said, I've been begging him to come to church. And he finally come to church to hear you preach." I said, "praise God, ma'am", at little old church on, I'll never forget he'd come in a big old boy big old camouflage coat sat there on that pew. And I got to preaching about Jesus, how Jesus can save anybody anywhere, anytime bragging on the blood of Jesus, how Jesus can take a black heart, wash it in red blood, and it can come out as white, as snow. And about every time I got to anything about salvation that mama would wind that elbow up and right in his side, right in his ribs. (congregation laughs) I preach a little bit more about how God could save and change lives she, right into his ribs. I finally quit preaching early because I thought we're going to have to call an ambulance for this boy. And I remember thinking ma'am, if you do elbow him enough and if we do go find the 10 strongest dudes in the church pick him up and drag him to the alter that ain't going to save him. She was trying to do God's job. And ladies and gentlemen I believe a lot of stress we have is when we try to do God's job instead of getting our hands up and say, "nope, that ain't my battle. That ain't my fight. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. What did you hear what they said? I can't do nothing about that. Ain't my battle. God will deal with all that. God will fight that battle for me. But my job is to keep my hands up. Because as long as my hands are up, I win. But when my hands get down and I try to get involved in all of it, I start losing." There ain't no time for the people of God to play defense all the time. God wants us playing offense. Get your hands up. Let God fight those battles and you move on for the glory of God. Number two, his hands being raised not only signified his commitment to God but it signified his confidence in God. You either, y'all turn me up just a little bit, fellas, you either trust God or you don't. And for him to raise his hands, it is signified his confidence in God. Moses why ain't you down on the battlefield? My Moses, why ain't you down there in the battle? Moses, why are you not down there? Because Moses had confidence that his God was able to fight the battle for him. And in this day and hour, may I remind you that my God and your God is still able to fight the battle for you and for me. If he's asked Moses, Moses how do you have confidence in God? He'd say something like this. Well, if God can protect me as a little baby when there was a death sentence on every little child that was my age and put me in a little tiny boat in the middle of the Nile river where there's alligators all over the place. God protected me from the alligator. God protected me from the current. And if God can take care of me in that God can take care of me the rest of the way. Matter of fact it went further. The Pharaoh had a death sentence on his life and not only did God put him in a boat, but he sent him up the boat in the river where Pharaoh's daughter saw him and fell in love with him. And God made it in such a way where Pharaoh's daughter fell in love with him. And not only could Pharaoh not kill him but Pharaoh had to raise the deliverer in his own house. And Moses would say, I'm confident that my God is able. If God can speak to me through a burning Bush, and if God can use me in spite of my failures, and if God can raise me up against Pharaoh and if God could part the red sea and the water go that way and that way, we walk across on dry ground and then the water kill the enemy, then honey, I'm telling you on this mountain I can keep my hands raised knowing my God is able to take care of you and I. - He is! - His hands signified his confidence in God. My past is the promise that God's always provided for us. And God always will provide for us. I was raised, and I'm gonna need a good amen right here, I was raised on Campbell's Creek. I got a couple of you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think my dad at the time worked at K-Mart. We called it Kmart's right. My dad worked at K-Mart as a mechanic back in the day we were already, I thought that was a trumpet, amen. (laughter) Well, we was already living paycheck to paycheck. We didn't have, we lived in a little single-wide trailer up there on the side of the Creek and I never forget dad coming home. And they, they had done some layoffs that day. And my dad was one of the people that got laid off. I'll never forget him coming inside that little old trailer and telling my mama that he had lost his job. And then we just didn't know what we was going to do and all that. And I remember my mom breaking down, wondering how we was going to provide how we was going to eat how we was going to do all this stuff. And I'll never forget. Daddy and mama gathered us around that little tiny coffee table. As dad began to praise saying God Kmart was not providing for us. The people were not perfect. You are our provider and God we were asking you one more time to provide for our family. I love to tell you that every man had just fell from heaven in that moment but it didn't. Over the next couple of days, it got worse. We had ham and no burger. (laughter) We had milk and no cereal. We had half of what we did. It got worse and worse than that, I don't know why the Lord allowed me to have this memory ingrained in my mind as a childhood other than that, I could use it for the glory of God. A Wednesday night I remember dad loaded us up. We didn't vote on whether we was going to church on Wednesday nights, Sunday nights, Sunday mornings. We load up with the church and that night we pulled back in the driveway that little old car, the headlights hit the porch to that little single wide trailer. And it looked as if somebody had painted the porch a different color than what it was when we left. Me and my brother got out of that car, ran up to the porch trying to figure out what was going on. It was grocery bags and I ain't talking about normal grocery bags. I'm talking about Kroger grocery bags. (laughter) Nah, it wasn't any of that save a lot mess. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm talking about they was stuffing them bags we ain't never had in our house. Hot pockets. (congregation laughs) I mean y'all they were stuffing them bags I ain't never seen. It was like getting born again all over again. Me and my brother acted like we was from a third world country, looking all over the place scavenging through them little bags and looking around. I remember that. But the Lord allows me to have a memory in my mind that is precious to me. Of my little old mama walking up on that porch, wading through them bags. She didn't even see the hot pockets. Mama went to waving them hands. She went to waving them hands. She wasn't doing it for me. She wasn't doing it for my brother. She realizes in that moment that there was a God in heaven that knew where we were and knew what we were going through. And somehow some way God sent groceries down to the house. Ladies and gentlemen, if God could do it then God could do it today. Those little needs. And he could provide big deeds. He's a God that can provide whatever you need tonight. Let me ask you this. What do you need God to do for you? What's that thing that keeps you up at night. God, I don't know how you're going to do it. I'm holding onto this because I'm scared of them to fall off this thing. I don't know how you're going to do it. I don't know where you're going to do it. I don't know when you're going to do it. Instead of living my life in anxiety and fear and worry (congregation chattering) I'm going to get my hands up in confidence that my God is able. Number three, it signified his celebration for God. Imagine being on this mountain top, the battles ensuing, and you realize, Moses as long as your hands up, we're winning. Keep them hands up Moses. Don't let them fall. I dare you tonight. You'd look silly right now, but hold your hands up and see how long you can hold your hands up by yourself. You get weary fast. So Moses would get weary and he'd let his hands down and they start losing the battle. And so here come two men, Aaron and Hur and they said we may not be the one that has to lift our hands, but we can be the one that help hold the man of God's hands up. May I say I'm mighty thankful for the people in my life. When I've wanted to give up and I've wanted to throw in the towel and I didn't think I can walk another mile or take another step. I've had friends that have come by and said, brother CT it's going to be all right. Cody, you've been one of those men to me. And y'all been one of those people to me when there's been times in my life, Scott you've been one of those men in my life when the times come and I feel like I'm getting weary. It's sometimes it can be as simple as a phone call. Sometimes a text message just to know I've got people that'll help hold my arms up. What about a Jubilee in West Virginia where some preachers that are weary and thirsty and need something from God can come to a place and there's a church that'll help pay for a hotel room and get them in here? And I know it costs a lot of money. I know you all. There ain't nobody that does Jubilee like Taeys valley does Jubilee. Y'all work it to death. You got the best thing, the best one in the whole country. And I know sometimes well you might get weary and tired, but listen to me. How many preachers have walked through that door and was about ready to give up and quit and throw in the towel only for a choir and some preachers and a pastor to say come on in and let's help hold your arms up? You'll preach another sermon. You'll sing another song. Go on for the glory of God. (congregation cheers) Celebrated, the battle begins to be won. The battle is won by God's people and modern day church folk would love for me to believe that Mr. Moses, in all of his dignity looks down upon that battle as it is won. And maybe he said something like this. Amen. - Yeah. (congregation laughs) - Wasn't that wonderful? "Hur did not the Lord fight valiantly for us today?" No, we like to put legends, but we all made out of the same stuff and you can't tell me that Moses, Aaron and Hur didn't have a time on that mountain realizing that they was going to lose that battle in and of themselves, but had it not been the Lord that was on their side, had it not been the Lord that had come by that day and fought the battle for them. And I just see Moses raising his hands. It's no longer commitment. It's no longer just confidence, but it's in celebration. It's in worship under God and ladies and gentlemen I come to shock some Baptist folk and say it's high time that the people of God got their hands up again and begin to worship God again. I'm telling you, God's people ought to be the happiest people in the whole wide world. I hear it all the time. Well, we don't know why the world won't come in here. Why would they? Our churches are dead. Our churches are dry. They resemble it, I'm going to preach it now, they resemble a funeral home more than the house of the living God. No wonder the world don't want what's in the church because there's more life down the road than there is in the house of God. It was never the design of God for it to be that way. I believe when we come in this place it ought to be a place of joy. It ought to be a place of shouting. It ought to be a place where we come together and encourage one another. When the choir sings, we say sing it a choir. And then when the preacher goes to preach we say preach it, man of God. I believe they're ought to be life in the house of God. (congregation cheers) I've been places where that would make you feel like something bad wrong with you. I've been to them churches where a simple amen would. - Yep, yep. - Yeah. Yeah. Y'all been there. Pastor Jack Frost is the presiding minister (laughter) and the choir's favorite tune is "I shall not be moved." Y'all heard about that lady. Hey man, that lady come down to church and she sat on the back row and I mean she was just giving it everything she had. Turn me up just a little bit, fellows, I'm gonna break for just a little bit. And she was sitting on the back row and she sat back here and the preacher would say, there you go boy, amen. She'd say, "amen, preacher glory to God. Hallelujah." And the deacons finally went back and said "ma'am we got to talk", say, God you're gonna look back in a little corner. I said, "ma'am, you can't act like that in this church. You're not a member here." She said, "that's why I'm shouting. Cause I'm not a member of this church." (congregation laughs) And there's something that's crept up in our churches where people that just want to come and spectate, give a little golf clap every now and then. I'll tell you this. It's not a matter of if you worship it's a matter of what you worship. - Amen! - Yeah. Yeah. It's a matter of what you worship. And now listen to me. Some of you, men, you come in here and you ain't made a peep. You ain't met a noise. You ain't gonna raise your hand. You ain't gonna say amen but put you in November November in a deer tree. Yeah. And here comes that book. You've been having pictures of all. Come on now I'm in West Virginia. Come on, you get up in that tree. Thanksgiving week, you got your rifle in your hand and you up there and here it comes. Mr. Rocking chair, through the woods. And you do this. (emulates a machine gun) And that deer falls on the ground. And you say amen that won't make a noise in here. Yeah, I do it too. (preacher screams loudly) So you ladies said, well, I'm glad you preached the Bible. Let's talk about you for a second. The day after Thanksgiving, black Friday comes around and the husband ain't allowed to go hunting on that day because you done blocked it off on the calendar. You done got all your places mapped out from, come on, Becky. I'll preach to you for just a minute, baby. I mean you going, huh? You going to go shopping all night long and Becky Becky's a little Presbyterian. I mean, you might just get one of them out of her. She ain't gonna make a whole lot of noise. I'm gonna tell you this is she gives, she does that it's on like Donkey Kong, but Becky ain't gonna get much. But I have seen her on black Friday when she goes in that little old store and it's 65% off. Buy one, get one free on top of that and that little Presbyterian girl that ain't going to make a peep in church, it's now going to happen at all. Thank you Jesus. Jesus bless you now. I mean, having a time, it ain't a matter of if you worship it's a matter of what you worship. Yeah. And then for the rest of you, don't fit in there. 50 yard line in West Virginia, Mountaineer or Marshall for all you weird people. Listen up, and you get over there and your team been losing and it don't look like it's good. And all of a sudden here, your quarterback lines up throws that piece of leather in the end zone. He dives out to grab it. Score goes in the air all the sudden the same people that want to look at me like I'm crazy when I want to worship in church. Now they're up there on that field and they're worshiping on that ball field, ladies and gentlemen you will worship something. And may we all agree in Teays valley tonight that there is nothing worth getting more excited about in this entire world than to know that your sins have been forgiven by the grace of God. (congregation cheers) And to know your heaven bound with the hammer down. - Amen! - Moses, on top of that mountain wins the battle and goes to giving God the glory for what he's done. The church has a hole, for so long been living with hands down in need of revival. In need of the power of God. Our preacher's in need a fresh oil because our hands are down and we're not operating in victory that God has for us but oh would God would just be so kind to pass by Taeys valley this week? - Yes sir! - And some people that just feel like they can't walk another mile, could just get their hands up again. - Amen - And say, "I don't know how God's going to do it. I don't know when God's going to do it and I don't know where God's going to do it, but I know. I've seen him do it too many times before. I know my God can help me be in." How about Rochester's I don't to y'all come let let's say that God's been good again. Can y'all come do that? Y'all just do that. I picked up my wife a little bit ago and I shouldn't do it. I seen a priest the other day with the coffee cup said "be very nice to me, you could become one of my illustrations." (congregation laughs) I begin to think about times in my life. As long as I've known Becky, she's always been a worshiper. I talked to her dad and her whole life they said "Becky", when she was Syler's age, she got up in front of the church down there and begin to sing out. He got the whole world in his hands. He said, but she was just swinging her hips while she's singing it preached Russ said "this is a Baptist church girl. You can't be doing that." (congregation laughs) She's always been a singer, always a worshiper. We got married, started singing a little bit traveled a little bit, just barely. (sentimental piano music) When I married Becky her mama was the church secretary there at the church. Her dad was assistant pastor of the church. Her mama get up and sing in the power of God fall. One of the best Christians I ever knew. And she coughed. They thought she had pneumonia, checked her in the hospital. They said she had a lung disease. We were actually here. I drove preacher Brown up here. We were at this meeting when they checked her into the hospital. A few days after we left here that year, this is probably 13, 12, 13 years ago now, Becky's dad called us and put it on speakerphone and told us that they had diagnosed Becky's mama with cancer. A hard pill to swallow. We prayed and believed God was going to touch her and God help her. God's way wasn't our way and in two weeks from the day that they told her she had cancer, unexpectedly Miss Carol (snaps) went to heaven just like that. Two weeks. Expecting a full recovery, it was much worse than they had told us. Two weeks from the day they told us Ms. Carol died. And that pretty, beautiful blonde headed, blue eyed wife of mine, that can sing. There was a darkness that came, grief, depression. Those arms of her, that spiritually were raised went down. And I'd pray for her and I'd say, "oh God, you've got to help my wife" and the devil would come sit beside me at night and say, "go on boy." "You're the one telling everybody how good God is! Where's God at now?" I remember thinking, well, I need to go and take her to a preacher and let him preach or say something that'll unlock the grief in her heart. And we went to those meetings but there was nothing said that changed anything. We went to the doctors and they gave her medicine. Can't say that it did anything. That went on. She would not want to go to church. She couldn't stand seeing the chair that her mama used to sit in the choir. And before you throw rocks at her, or maybe you should live in her shoes for just a couple of days. - Amen preacher! - We begged God to give her her joy back. A year more went on and I just started dabbling in evangelism a little bit. And I couldn't even stay in a hotel and I'd have to come back from wherever I was because I couldn't leave her alone. And I was headed to North Carolina to go preach one night and I'm almost done, they said her dad called me. He said, "hey, would it be alright If I come to the house? I said, "well, I'm going to North Carolina tonight." He said, he said, "I really feel like I'm supposed to talk to Becky." He said "this morning when I was praying, I really feel like God put something, a Bible verse on my heart to give to Becky." I said, "well, Steve, I'm sure she would love to see her daddy." Steve had already moved out of town to another town pastor in another church. And so when I left, he was driving in and I went and preached and I came home that night. Began to slip into the bedroom quietly. I was going to go to bed and I came around the little corner to where our bedroom was, real sharp, and when I come around that corner expected a completely dark room with a sleeping wife. The lights were on in the bedroom. It's three o'clock in the morning. Becky's seated in the bed with a Bible on her lap. And I'm in West Virginia so y'all know what this is. And a million snot rags all over the bed. I thought, Lord, what's going on? I said, "baby, why are you awake?" She said, "I've been waiting on you to get home. I want to tell you what God did tonight." I ain't heard her say I'm about to run, right, man. I ain't heard her say nothing about God and moving and working in a long time. I got, I walked over to her and I said, move some of your rags. You know, give me a little space. And I, I sat down and said, tell me what? She said. "Daddy came over. We ate dinner together. We laughed together. We talked together" Said "right before Daddy would leave. And I noticed dad's cheeks and chin went to quivering." She said "Dad told me that God spoke to his heart that morning and gave him a Bible verse to give to me. Daddy looked at me and said, "honey you've lived in this darkness one day too long. You've lost your joy. You've lost your shout. You've lost your worship. And it is not the will of God for you to live this way the rest of your life. God gave me a verse for you this morning." She said, "what is it daddy?" He didn't even have to turn to the pages of the Bible. He quoted it. He said, "Becky, the Bible says in all things give thanks. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. I said, "Becky, what happened?" She said, "I got mad." She said, "are you telling me that not only did God take my momma, but now he expects me to lie and tell him that I'm thankful that he took my momma?" Steve said, "no honey, that's not what it says. Here it's not saying for all things It's saying in all things." Somewhere in this, you've got. Somewhere in this, you've got to get your praise back. Somewhere in this, you've got to find something to be thankful for." She said, "daddy, I can't do it. Daddy I can't do it. My heart's broken. I miss mama. I'm hurt." And her dad said, "honey, I know God sent me here. I'm going to get on my knees. If I gotta pray for five minutes or five hours I'm not leaving until we get some victory." And she said, "I sat there with my arms, folded I was mad at God in the world, mad at everybody." She said, "but daddy got on his knees and started talking to God." And said, "God, my baby's heart's hurting. God, my baby's heart needs some healing." And she said, "at first nothing was moving." She said, "but the longer daddy prayed it was this almost the front door of the house opened up. And you could hear the sandals flopping on the ground. As Jesus come, walking in that little room, spiritually speaking." And she said, "I hadn't felt his presence in a long time." She said "that as daddy began to pray It was as if he wrapped his arms around me and began to help me." She said "before I knew it, I fell on my knees." And this is what she told me. She said, "Lord, thank you for 21 years with the best momma any girl could ask for." See what she did? She found something in it to be thankful for. She started getting her hands up and then she said, "and when I thanked God for that it's like the holy ghost show me memories of being raised with the Christian mama and singing songs." And she said, "every memory that God gave me I begin to praise him for this memory and praise him for that memory and praise him for this memory and praise him for that memory." And Becky's on that bed. And she was weeping telling me about this encounter she had with God and the Bible and her daddy. And she said, "CT, I'm afraid to go to sleep. I don't know what tomorrow's going to be like but I feel like God ripped all that bitterness out of my heart and all the hardness off of my heart and God gave me my joy back." - Amen! (soft piano music continues) - I'll never forget what long we got to sing a song again and that girl over there has never been the same since that night. You say, what did it? I'm not trying to sound super spiritual, but there's absolute power attached to your praise. Ask Paul and Silas when they was in a prison cell, what got them out of their prison cell? (claps) Ask Paul and Silas, what happened when in the midst of their darkest season, they worshiped God. As the wall shook and the walls fell down and their shackles fell off. I prayed. Here's what I asked God. "Lord, what do you want me preach on Monday night?" What in the world am I going to preach it that ain't already been preached at a meeting like this Yes, Lord. I'm some young guy. I don't know. I'm not the second preacher on a Monday night, but you believe what in the world? Well, what do you want me to say? And all I know to tell you is for some of us it's high time that you quit letting the devil win. You keep living You got to quit letting the devil rob you of your victory. You to quit letting the devil rob you of your shout. You got to listen to me, there's more songs to be wrote, Miss Lois. There's more songs to be sung choir. There's more sermons to be preached man of God. And listen. As long as we keep walking around defeated and discouraged over every little thing, we ain't going to walk in the victory, but God is looking for some people on Monday night to find themselves a place on an altar and say, you're right, preacher. I have let my hands down, but tonight by faith I'm going to get my hands up. I'm going to get my hands up again and I will let God do something new. God's been too good to me, for me to let the devil rob me As ever we stand all over the church. They're going to sing. God's been good. You mind God, might be a good time to come find a place and say, God, help me to get my hands back up. God I want my hands up again. As they sing, you mind God tonight.
Channel: TeaysValleyBaptist
Views: 9,249
Rating: 4.8816566 out of 5
Keywords: Teays, Valley, Baptist, Church, Service
Id: 4_B5rLwMnWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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