Ari Shaffir - Tattletale - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored

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You know that one teacher that everybody has that nobody respected? You know, everybody just knew, first day of class everybody just knew. You just looked at each other, all the kids, and nonverbally they were just like. With their minds they'd be like, we're going to fuck with him until he quits right? Thank you everybody. So if you donít know, here's what the show is. It's just a bunch of funny people telling 100% true stories. Tonight's topic is childhood. Ladies and gentlemen, Ari Shaffir. So, I got this Facebook message from this girl [bleep] [bleep] once. And by the way, I'm going to say this name [bleep] [bleep] a lot in this and they're going to bleep it every time on television. But you guys should just all know that when you hear a bleep that's because I'm saying the name [bleep] [bleep]. So I got this Facebook message. You ever get a Facebook message from somebody that's like from high school or something, "Well, hey, we drifted apart." And you're like, "I know, we did it on purpose. Why are you ruining what we built up for so long?" So [bleep] [bleep] wrote me and she goes, "Ari I noticed you have a lot of Twitter followers Facebook friends and I'm in some online contest to win a trip to the Superbowl and if you tell them all to vote for me in this online contest I could win this trip to the Superbowl." And my first thought was, "Go fuck yourself. I barely even know you, no fucking way." But since I barely knew her, I felt super obligated to do everything she asked of me. You know that weird dynamic. Where like, like if your best friend asked you for a ride to the airport. Your best friend. You can be like, "You can get a ride to lick my asshole. There's a shuttle leaving every four minutes right there. Just cut it under there, it needs licking." But, no, I'll never take you to the airport. You can go fuck yourself. Eat a plate of shit. I'd rather watch you eat a plate of shit than ever take you to the airport. In fact, now you know what now, if I happen to see you at the airport I'm going to punch you in the dick so you associate me and the airport with bad thoughts together. That's your best friend. Like if somebody you met at work like a month ago, if they asked you for a ride to the airport then it's super uncomfortable. How do you say no to that? It's always like, "Um, uh." You thought you'd think of any excuse possible. You're like, "You know, I work nights." "Oh, it's a daytime thing? Uh, I guess we're going to the airport!" There's just no way around it. So I didn't know if I should say yes or no to [bleep] [bleep]. So, here's what I thought. I thought that I'll look back to when I liked her the most and if I would do it for that person, then I would still help her. I'll tell everybody to fucking vote for her in this online contest. And so when I liked [bleep] the most, when I liked her the most was the ninth grade. She was the hottest girl in my ninth grade class. Like by far the hottest one. She always wore a miniskirt which, to an all Jewish school meant she wore it like right on the line. That was as low as you were allowed to go. Most girls wore it sock or below. Not this slut, uh uh. Rockin' some knee at thirteen. She was so fucking hot, man. That was as high as you were allowed, too. We had this rule where if a Rabbi, if a Rabbi saw a girl in a miniskirt, he would just yell out the word "knees". He would just go, "Knees!" And she would have to get on her knees in front of the Rabbi. [crowd laughs] It's not sexual, you guys. It's not a Catholic school, it's a Jewish school. Relax. What, "oh?" Who's still Catholic, by the way? Enough. What else are you waiting for? Like what other sign do you need to not be Catholic anymore? I'm not saying don't be Christian, you can keep being Christian, but just join another Jesus club. There's like thirty different Jesus clubs, right? They're all pretty much the same shit. Love Jesus and hate the Jews. Is that pretty much? Except one of the clubs loves to rape children. Don't be a part of that club anymore. And if you're like, "Oh, are you just hearing about this right now? Am I just breaking the news to you?" Yeah, its been going on for a while. "For like months?" Even longer than that. Like 1,500 years, continuous child rape. It's totally trending. Be Protestant, be Methodist, whatever. Be Mor-. Don't be Mormon, obviously not. But like, be one of the other ones. My friend, Steve, he's a Catholic and I tell him this all the time Iím like, "Dude, you gotta.." And he goes, "Ari, I get what you're saying. I understand what you're saying. You have to understand, tradition is really important to me and my grandfather was raped here and I want one day for my.." Alright. Anyway, it was nothing sexual. Our rule was if they were on the ground and the skirt didn't touch the ground it was considered immodest. It was a half day suspension. See the difference there? See the two religions? On one hand, you have a half day suspension, nobody wants that. Okay, so anyway. So [bleep] [bleep], she would sit in the front of our class with her skirt on and she would let it ride up to around there. And I would just sit in the back just staring at her with a boner in my chin and these weird feelings I didn't understand. Just like I liked her, man. She was hot. I liked her. So we had this math class taught by this guy named Mr. Sager and Mr. Sager was that one teacher. You know that one teacher that everybody has that nobody respected? You know, everybody just knew, first day of class everybody just knew. You just looked at each other, all the kids, and nonverbally they were just like. With their minds they'd be like, we're going to fuck with him until he quits right? I mean, it's obvious. Mr. Sager, the only thing he ever did wrong, he had a deep voice and a little bit of a lisp. That was it. He'd be like, "The x-axis meets the y-axis." And we were like, "Oh yeah, you're fucked. How dare you try to teach children?" So one day, Mr. Sager, he was turned around, he was writing on the chalkboard, like this. And I figured out, that if you take a rubber band, if you tie it around your fingers, if you then take a half a paperclip, if you hook it on the rubber band and pull back, you've got a weapon, you've got a gun. It's as close as the Jews got to gang violence. Like this is it. And I was pointing it at Mr. Sager. I was never going to do anything; I was just pointing it at him trying to get [bleep [bleep] attention. You know, like, "Aha, woohoo, look at me! Class clown. I'm not learning and just being a badass." But then as I was doing it, my fingers, they started getting real sweaty. So it was like getting hard to hold onto the paperclip and I was point it right at Mr. Sager. Like, "Uh oh, this is bad." And I didn't know what to do and if I knew anything at all about tensile strength I would have realized like, oh, I could just, I could just do that and itís not a problem at all anymore. Completely negated, just like that, it's over. But that was the lesson I was missing on the chalkboard right then so I was like, "I don't know how to handle this situation and math is stupid, by the way." And so I thought maybe, "Do you go away from the target? Does that make sense?" Yeah." As soon as I was like, "Nope, thatís wrong." And I couldn't hold on anymore and the paperclip just shot out of my fingers and went right at Mr. Sager, no arch at all, like a straight line through the air. It made that noise. You know, like, "[inaudible]." Like it made that. And it hit him, it hit him right in the back of the head right where the ear meets the head. It hit him right here and it drew a little beat of blood. Yeah, sick shot, right? We're talking back of the classroom trying not to let go. Never miss a target. So, Mr. Sager, he goes, "Ow, who did that?" And he starts to turn around and he looks at the class. And you know the rule; you know the code of conduct in high school. Nobody ever rats on anybody, so nobody's going to say a word; nobody's going to talk about it. But then, Mr. Sager, he starts upping it, he starts going, "If nobody tells me who did that, nobody is leaving this class. You'll all be late for your next class." And all these little Jew-lick kids, they start thinking, I can see them murmuring to each other like, theyíre like, "Wait, if I get a tardy on my record, am I not getting into Harvard Business School?" They start wondering, "I don't know Ari that well. Do you know him? I'm not even friends with him. I never played football with him. Why would I even suffer for him?" And then [bleep] [bleep], this kike heed. I think my favorite line in all of comedy. She raised her hand up and she goes, "Ari did it." And I'm like, "Motherfucker." And I got sent to the principal's office, I got suspended for five days. [inaudible] No, I should have been, dude. You can't shoot a teacher in the face and get away with that, gotta set a precedent down. It was the worst trouble I've ever gotten in though. My parents thought I was a bad kid after that. They made me see a therapist for like two years. The whole time I was like "My fingers got sweaty, that's all that happened." Anyway, twenty-two years later, I got a Facebook from [bleep] [bleep] saying, "Can you help me win a trip to the Superbowl?" And I just wrote back, "Why donít you ask Mr. Sager for help?" It felt so good.
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 2,306,941
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Keywords: This Is Not Happening, watch This Is Not Happening, ari shaffir this is not happening, Ari Shaffir, ari shaffir stand up, school, tattletale, substitute teacher, stand up comedy, stand up comedians, funny video, stand up videos, best stand up comedy, comedian, funniest stand up comedians, best comedians, This isn’t happening, storytelling, Comedy Central stand up, funny stand up comedians, best stand up comedians, stand up comedy jokes, ari shaffir tattletale, revenge, payback
Id: Z-iTd2y2Sok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2015
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