Ari Gold: Super Agent? (Part six: Coalitions)

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oh he's picking up a tab on this little chow down relax Ari my treat greetings re you always knew that you liked dick Babs I just didn't know you were a [ __ ] please join us like a meeting of the five families maybe I shoulda had a gun taped up in the bathroom stall like all the majors are here CAA UTA ICM endeavour way Morris who the [ __ ] invited APA been watching you I don't know have you have you been watching me yes we have and we know what you've been up to what have i been up to why don't you tell us why should I tell you if you already know her try them on this is getting us nowhere here let me just say this but I've known you for 20 years yeah I always knew that you were a smug little rat with grand aspirations that's why it was such a shock to me to see you sitting in that little boutique agency of yours for the last nine months but I guess I've seen this before it's all a ruse in your master plan master plan look Ari simply put we're here to assure you that the eight of us who represent most of the power in this town are lined up to say that if you go near one of our clients or one of our agents or even one of our highly-prized mailroom boy's we will all come down on you with the wrath of ten thousand suns you know what's interesting about that is that you use the words master plan and rat when talking about me you hit their loving anti-semitic [ __ ] back oh I can only hope that fifty percent of the power at this table is as offended as I am re is it true come on yes or no ok you got me I'm setting up my own shop hmm Thank you Thank You Ari Gold is back and gonna be bigger than ever but I assure you and I swear this on my children's names I have no intention of going after any of your clients or your agents only his really are really Terrance and with whose money do you plan on funding all this re yours you caught me [ __ ] you signed a settlement papers didn't you yes but I didn't sign any checks and I won't hurry I'll happily spend 50 million over the next 10 years to make sure that you don't even get a dime today
Channel: Taylor Buley
Views: 179,297
Rating: 4.8170733 out of 5
Keywords: Entourage, Ari, Gold, Agent, Negotiation
Id: nxAfMeZ2jLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2006
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