Arguing About Assimilation | Doug Wilson

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well welcome to another reaction video today we're going to be responding to a panel discussion hosted by Vice Magazine on assimilation in America which well everything we do here is fun but this should be fun as we begin I want you to notice that the the guy with the necktie begins talking sense and it clearly registers with some of the other participants as though he were blaspheming which I guess in a manner of speaking he is okay so statistically it is true that Asians right on average make more money like in terms of medium make more money better test scores get into better colleges all that stuff I think the question is why is that and I don't know if model minority whatever that label wants that's actually a Miss because we cannot be um well no listen well let me finish my point we need to observe what makes people successful and unsuccessful and I think when you look at trends that are generally true in the Asian Community not of everyone but are generally true usually you have families that are sticking together you have um you know people are taught to work hard in school not get into trouble I think that translates to why Asians on Master are successful and I don't think you have to be Asian or white for that matter to not have kids out of wedlock not you know commit crime not not cause trouble or whatever it is it's just a matter of like well common sense that's what makes people successful and if that's so-called assimilation having a nuclear family buying a house going to school whatever it is then yeah okay call me a pro assimilation then I think there's a difference so it's quite striking that the two in front of this gentleman are reacting as you know when he says something like you don't need to be Asian to not have kids out of wedlock and and they act like he just threw a dead cat at the high altar you know um and and he's saying look at how he's assimilating to um a certain kind of Western Way jacket and tie and how she is assimilating to another Western kind of way purple hair ripped jeans and and so on and they are speaking from within those particular subcultures um he is paying attention to older um truths that were handed down in our culture and they are defending stridently defending some of the new newer fangled truths that are that are currently wrecking everything there's a difference between assimilation and Erasure yes the way that you're kind of going about it seems like okay like you know of course like we want to be in community with people and I don't think there's a problem with being in community with people from different backgrounds that's not the issue it's also embracing the diversity that we inherently have and accepting that and being okay with that and celebrating that it's very idealistic I think but I think we should acknowledge the fact that diversity quote unquote is not a factor that is our strength it's not a factor that historically or even in the current strength in societies people don't come together form societies form families form communities because they have nothing in common they come together and do those things because they have something in common right yeah you can't assimilate without assimilating it would seem to me uh you can't join without joining you can't uh team up with without teaming up with uh if you say I'm going to assimilate and the body that I'm assimilating with is going to be my mortal enemy for for decades to come another name for that is not assimilating and if you say that well what we're going to do is we're going to have uh this Society of all these different diverse perspectives with very little in common then that's not assimilation either they're going to be constantly at war with each other talk about race and such black and white terms the way you talk about it is it's either with America whatever your definition of America or or not you're talking in very black and white terms and that's actually the problem in discussing race because we're Asian she's speaking in very black and white terms there are people who speak in black and white terms and people who don't speak in black and white terms she is standing for an imperpled binary Americans were neither black we're neither white when you're having a race discussion you can't be talking about in such like lines everything is in the gray anymore yeah I'm common that a society has with one another the more likely they are to work together and build things inside I hear not constantly be fighting each other and at odds with each other did you think the Japanese internment was a good thing because that was a real assimilation situation that was the opposite of assimilation so when you go in and round up all the Japanese Americans and put them in camps in separate camps that is not assimilation let me let me go you know what I mean I don't have the term assimilation has negative history and facts associated with that work so we do have to be careful in how we choose because assimilation for people of color have not been good to us historically that's factual the whole reason assimilation has not been good to people of color is because they weren't being assimilated you can't say assimilation is the enemy because they wouldn't assimilate us right where do these people come up with these videos that they make me watch so let me ask we're discussing the model minorities is a classic example of assimilating Asian Americans no it's not it's a classic example of internment I mean they in turn oh golly that's like saying taking the a cup of flour and throwing it in the garbage and saying that you just assimilated it into the pie dough it's the opposite you don't know what you're talking about the the point this jet is making about uh success being anchored to or the result of intact families the installation of the the inculcation of a work ethic in the children as they're growing up having a direction and a purpose family loyalty and family honor all of those things are self-evidently true um to deny them is to fly into the teeth of things that used to be known as facts foreign [Music]
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 17,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canon press, canon press interview, douglas wilson, doug wilson
Id: QvJpVW96uvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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