The End of Dating | Doug Wilson

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welcome to another response video uh today we're responding to a podcast called trigonometry and they are talking about hookup culture and that means we are going to be talking about hookup culture the Assumption very often is that you have to sort of run the goal of hookup culture in order to find a partner one of the things I advise in the book which I'm told is a completely crazy thing to advise is to hold off on having sex for a few months in the first few months of a relationship because it's a good way of testing whether he's serious about you it's a good way of not being clouded by hormones if you're trying to like vet a partner and I hear from women I'm like what are you talking about what kind of man is going to wait three months to have sex a good man so here's uh something about she's talking within a worldly or secular frame she's talking sense and it's something she's obviously studied and written a book about but I want to point out that the things she's saying are things that your great-grandmother would have told you and your great grandmother would not have had notebooks full of studies and footnotes your great-grandmother would have simply had eyes in her head everybody in the world knows that men don't think very much of women who are easy and they take advantage of who are easy and men don't double standard all of that we we don't approve of the double standard but we have to understand that that our culture has a collective wisdom and it had that wisdom before the sociologists proved it before the first surgeon general's report on cigarettes the nickname for cigarettes was coffin nails we all right tell us something we didn't already know and that's actually really into you I'd imagine but it feels impossible it feels like if you go out there on the dating market and you have that restriction applied you can't compete well you can't and that's if you go out into the general dating Market which is very different than going out into the niche dating Market that is dating only men who love Jesus and who believe the Bible and who have the who share the standard that God is assigned to the human race compete you're not going to get as many dates but the point of dating isn't to get a date that's wonderful the point of the point of dating is not to get a date um well it is for short-term thinkers long-term thinkers um want to date because they want to get a life well the studies show but I would argue that this isn't good for men either and it doesn't make men happy either because actually men also feel discussed about hookup culture and sex it might be like a bit of a status boost and a temporary fleeting moment of Joy or whatever but actually I don't think in the long run that makes men happy either so we have discovered that great grandma was correct [Music]
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 28,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canon press
Id: vnhh-CWxI_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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