Joe Rogan Rants About Christianity | Doug Wilson

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today we're going to be looking at uh what has been described as an epic rant uh against christianity by joe rogan um and so since it's an epic rant and apparently he demolishes the christian faith um let's let's pray that i don't melt disappear of course if i were to melt then we wouldn't show you the video anyway i know evolution's a wrong word there but as it improves and expands we are no longer accepting the idea of satan like culturally culturally satan was an accepted thing hundreds of years ago it was parallel like like if you looked at the mentions of satan and the mentions of god they were right up there together you're blaming satan on the bad things and you're praising god for the good things that's no longer the case yeah we got rid of satan having seen a job opening and so humanity took over now we just cling to these absurd notions of this one that's watching us all the time and you gotta sort of peripherally mention it and casually reference it without going into detail and you're allowed to do that because it makes people think well you're on the same page as me you're a god feeling fair and christian man like myself i'm a god-fearing christian man myself as well god bless you god bless you as well you know but if you've got satan is looking out for you satan's watching you right now satan is just letting the air out of your tires like you go well that guy's a [ __ ] idiot right you know like we've moved past satan yeah but we haven't moved past god exactly right yeah or the idea of now it depends on whether he's talking talking sociology it's quite true that we don't talk about satan uh as much as we used to that's quite true but our behavior is every bit as satanic uh we we quit talking about satan before the holocaust right we quit talking about satan before pol pot did his thing we quit talking about satan before stalin didn't we uh huh yeah or the idea of god even i mean if there is some all-knowing entity that is controlling everything and and is filled with love and has a grand plan for the universe they have yet to show themselves so this is all just a concept and an idea with no basis in fact and no basis in fact except for every fact that you look at all day long he has yet to show himself the heavens declare the glory of god i'm reminded of the russian cosmonaut who was shot up into space and he came back and said something like um i didn't see god i went up to outer space i didn't see god and one wit replied well if you should have taken off your helmet then you would have seen god as we have found more facts about the nature of reality in the world itself it seems more and more preposterous with every day every day that scientists come up with these new equations that show the the way the universe could have possibly be been formed and that every day that these guys at the cern laboratory the the large hadron collider are discovering these what were at one time theoretical particles so back in the old days when we thought the cosmos was as complicated as a mousetrap like a little wooden platform and a spring and a lever and stuff back in those days it was plausible to believe in god because obviously it took intelligent design to put this mousetrap together but now that we every day that goes by we discover how much more immensely complicated it is it's not a mousetrap it's a iphone those things obviously happened all by themselves just showing them to be true in their calculations to be correct we're having we have a deeper and deeper understanding of the universe but we think now what he's doing is he's confounding description with explanation the fact that we are able to better describe what's going on in the universe does not mean that we've explained what's going on in the universe so description is not the same thing as explanation the older thinkers knew that the world required explanation not description we love to think that right now that we're filled with knowledge and we'd love to look at ourselves now and look at the past as well they didn't know back then but we know now they knew enough to know that the world required an explanation not simply a description suppose you walked into a room and there's a notice on the on the board uh prohibiting certain things or requiring certain things um and i'm standing here with the joe rogan looking at this sign and i say something like who put the sign up and he says it's printed on paper with black ink and and then i say yeah but who who's telling us what to do who's who's giving these orders and he says you have to understand that the the poster is one a foot wide and a foot and a half tall and i say yes but who's telling us what to do where did this come from what uh why are we being given these commands and he keeps pointing he keeps describing the thing that needs to be explained i'm asking for an explanation and the you can increase knowledge about the poster indefinitely you can you can increase knowledge about the the physical facts of the poster that doesn't explain anything but if we looked in the past they would have the same ideas they would look back at those poor monkey people with the bananas and they go those [ __ ] dummies they didn't even know houses yet we will one day look back at 2015 like what a bunch of fools what a bunch of ridiculous people that were still they had this incredibly complicated society and this wonderful access to information but yet they were still shackled down by ideology and killing each other over religion and ancient superstitions that dictated their behavior killing each other over religion i so um in the in the whole chord let's pick a really gnarly uh episode in the history of religion which would be something like the spanish inquisition spanish inquisition killed thousands of people over many years thousands of people and it was really bad horrendous shouldn't have done it absolutely but the christians so-called christians who um who took people's lives over points of dogma that was stalin on a slow afternoon so here the secularists the people who have grown to the point of look at how much we know that the the explicitly atheistic society that stalin built or the explicitly atheistic society that mao built how many people did they kill so the communism killed like a hundred million people communism has slaughtered a hundred million people now if if christians have to answer for the same salem witch trials and if christians have to answer for um the fourth crusade if christians have to answer for the spanish inquisition i don't object christians having the answer for that but turn about is fair play let's have some secularists answer for for some of the things that people who don't believe in god have done five years like what a weird time to be in they will look at they'll look at us now in 2015 they'll say what a strange time this this adolescent period of of enlightenment where they're still they're still concentrating on stupid [ __ ] and the president of the united states can they still have posters of jimi hendrix and elvis behind them openly talk about god and everyone no and no one goes what is god what are you saying like what are you saying do you think jesus came back from the dead what do you think do you think someone walked on water do you believe in the literal translation yeah someone walked on water someone came back from the grave and yes god inspired the bible yes amen amen amen are you an old testament guy or new testament kind both old testament and new testament good job well the new testament now well the new testament was made by constantine [Laughter] i would like to ask for volunteers to some have would somebody mail joe rogan a book he became a christian on his [ __ ] death bed like that's when he became a christian and you know why all right shall i explain this to you why it was not because he was an unbeliever it was because he was a believer it was it was a period in time when people thought that baptism washed all your sins away and so what you try to do is you try because he believed in the efficacy of baptism he postponed baptism till the last minute right so basically if you got baptized when you were 22 i i grant that there was an element a strong element of superstition in it but uh if you got baptized when you were 22 you had a bunch of life before you in which you might commit a terrible sin and then then where would you be but if you meant if but if you were baptized on your deathbed uh then then you played the odds well so but that wasn't wasn't a function of constantine not believing it was a function of him believing perhaps to excess or a little bit too much like all these people that are really into the new testament and like i'll talk about old testament [ __ ] and people get mad at me on twitter they'll send me this hate text you understand [ __ ] what the difference is between the old testament the new testament yeah yeah neither one of them are you allowed to talk like that because the new testament is utter horseshit is created by a bishop and a emperor that's a fact that's like [Laughter] well i'm glad i'm glad it's a fact like established religious fact like everyone knows where it came from and not only that no no the first person to refer to um the canon of scripture was um uh athanasius and he referred to the canon of scripture and it didn't have he he wasn't um he wasn't cozy with the emperor he wasn't in with the emperor uh when athanasius made his famous statement contra mundum let it be known that that athanasius was told don't you know the whole world is against you he said let it be known that athanasius is against the whole world he was talking about the world of the bishops so somebody needs to get their facts straight that was written hundreds of years after the death of jesus so what are you talking about because if you're talking about what was what was written hundreds of years after the death of jesus not the gospels themselves not the epistles themselves what he's talking about is the table of contents the table of contents was formulated over uh the years that's true enough and uh it was formalized later the content that the table of contents was hammered out in debate and discussion and so forth but the letters the gospels the uh the books of the new testament themselves go back very very early the old stuff you got to go deep go to the dead sea scrolls go go go to the go to the the most ridiculous aspects of that and tell me you basing your life on that because that's even more preposterous they found them in clay pots in qumran clay pots this book can't be true it's printed on paper written on animal skins animal skins these people thought the world was flat the sun was 17 miles away and we're gonna they didn't think the world was flat um augustine for example uh talks about the antipodes the part of the world where the people's feet and the are like in australia their feet are pointed toward our feet some drunk sailor that chad was chatting up columbus before he sailed might have thought the world was flat but the ancients did not believe the world was flat read a book they did they really did and we're gonna we're gonna this is how we're gonna live our lives this is it this is all the facts we need [ __ ] the whole large hadron collider [ __ ] cern you know stephen hawkings quantum physics neil degrasse tyson those dudes with their telescopes no but we're going to base it on leather skins and and and charcoal ink yeah like you're basing it on bits of metal pointed to the sky so he's telescope we have a telescope are you putting your trust in metal pointed at the sky if someone took some vellum or papyrus and with ancient some ancient form of ink uh wrote down on a parchment or or the animal skin that two plus two equals four or if euclid did um did his j laid out his geometric proofs on with an ancient method of writing and somebody on the internet is got a website of where they're selling new age crystals that will heal your cancer and they and they've and they're hooked up to paypal and you can order with a credit card and you're using all this high-tech stuff to get your superstitious crystals and you're comparing it with euclid do you really want to say that euclid loses to the to the person selling the healing crystals that euclid loses because of the medium that he was using to put his thoughts down this is just i'll just be blunt this is unbelievable we're having when we're talking about ideological religions that was a thing of beauty by the way well thanks that was a thing of beauty what's what it is ah no it wasn't i mean and and people think well you're an atheist you're an [ __ ] you're what do you believe in i had a guy yell at me at a comedy club once because i did this bit about scientology i do this bit about scientology about watching a scientology documentary with my mom who made me go to cal okay i'm probably with him on scientology catholic school and how my mom thinks scientology is really ridiculous i'm like what the exactly and this guy is like yo what do you believe in what do you believe in like what do i have to believe in something do i have to believe i believe in everything that's been proven i believe that this is well yeah you have to believe in something you have to believe in yourself you have to believe in telescopes pointed at the sky have to believe in super colliders have to believe in your own made out of rationalizations and i ca when i'm proven wrong right change your mind back to the jujitsu thing again yeah but when you also think about it what an unbelievable arrogance to think that you know the will of the creator of the universe all right it's not unbelievable arrogance to believe that the creator of the universe knows how to talk it's not arrogance to believe the the almighty god can reveal himself to us it is unbelievable arrogance to believe that we all by ourselves can figure out the ultimate meaning or lack of meaning of all things without any help and it's not us doing that it's some people here on the internet you know what he wants you to do you know where he wants you to put your genitals i mean like you said in philosophy it's called the problem of induction or looking at the past the past past resembling the past and we will look back there's absolutely no question in my mind that you're correct and we will say hey wow you believe this this was how could we possibly have believed this but what's interesting to me is we know that that will happen like we know that that will happen because we are secular post-millennialists we will conquer it's an opportunity for us to reflect and say wow are we being arrogant right now yeah are we thinking we know things are we pretending to know things when we don't know them yeah and i think i think that a lot of that god talk is a type of arrogance i think it's a type of people i don't know wanting to assert how moral they are so they reap advantages or like the president or i mean i think it's a very complicated social and even political problem but so somebody's arrogant if they say i do not get to invent my own morality i must receive morality as a gift from outside from a transcendent source because the only alternative to that is cooking up my own morality however it strikes me however it strikes my fancy no that's not that's somehow humble making up your own cosmic morality by which you evaluate the whole everybody else that's humble and receiving it from the hand of god well that's arrogant it's also a type of arrogance it is definitely a type of arrogance and it's also a way that people establish the moral high ground yeah they establish a dominant social position over you and people love to do that they love to do that with their pious attitude what they're doing is so the question is when people want to seize the moral high ground i've got a question is there such a thing as the moral high ground does a moral high ground exist now if a moral high ground exists then some people are going to claim it falsely but if it exists then it's possible to occupy that moral high ground in truth if it doesn't exist then why are these people feeling superior to all these idiot christians why are they feeling superior why are they feeling morally superior to these christians why are they feeling intellectually superior to their if there's no moral high ground if there is no moral high ground then why are they feeling superior if there isn't a moral high ground then who cares what matters by by them accepting these religious tenets they are somehow superior to you so by rejecting these moral tenets are you superior to us you can't make this go away somebody's going to say to to articulate what you believe to be the truth is to say that the person who doesn't agree with you is in error that's sure okay fine but we're not doing anything different on that level on at that at that place this uh this gentleman does know how to rant i'll give him that he does know how to rant and he has laid out his position with a considerable amount of clarity but the clarity has to do with his mode of expression and has nothing to do with the con with this uh this clarity has a great deal to do with his mode of expression and doesn't have to do with very much at all with the coherence of his thought [Music] you
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 177,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canon press, canon press interview, doug wilson, douglas wilson, joe rogan, pastor doug wilson, doug reacts, doug responds, doug, wilson, rant, christianity, rogan, jre, jre clips, Christian, refuted, atheist, joe rogan experience, christian worldview, apologetics, atheists, debate
Id: EvhRSbsKTps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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