Are Your Sansevieria Cuttings Rotting??? Learn the SECRET to success!

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everyone this is Raphael from Ohio tropics and on today's episode we're going to talk about how you can get your sense of area cuttings not to rot so whether you're propagating them in water or in soil I'm going to give you some tips so that your cuttings do not right I know a lot of people have come to me with that why are my cuttings rotting why are my cuttings rotting right so there are actually multiple things that that you can be doing to ensure success so we're going to talk about that today okay so number one we'll start with will star I'm not actually going to show how I take the cuttings however I did want to make one thing clear right so when you do take your cuttings there's one super super critical step that I would need to show okay so we're gonna take this plant and I actually propagated this one these you can see the leaf cuttings there that are sticking out from this so when you do take a cutting and actually these have been reclassified these are now Dracaena instead of sense of area I can't keep up with although although reclassifications of the botanical names but snake plant mother Lots on whatever you want to call them right so when you do take a cutting let's say you know we're gonna take this leaf you can take multiple cuttings off of one leaf and produce quite a few pups that way right so if you just cut the whole leaf off let's say here you know which way to stick it in the water or the soil right but if you take cut if you take segments right so let's say here oops okay so let's say I have a segment right here from the middle so I'm gonna take several several segments or I'm gonna cut you know I might have three or four cuttings from one leaf okay let's say if I take this segment here in the middle you have to have this cutting in the middle right here right oriented the same way as is on the plant you cannot turn it upside down let's say you've cut this and then you've turned the cutting upside down it will not root so that might be one reason why why your cuttings are rotting there are other reasons including one reason that I don't think anybody is talking about right so I'm going to tell you what that is and specific to water propagating but make sure you have your cuttings and the same orientation that they grow on the plant not upside down otherwise they won't grow so that's tip number one but now let's talk about the the two different ways actually there are three ways to propagate sense of area right so the quickest way is you know you have this one plant this one pot you could take it out of the pot and just divide them at the roots right you can even take a knife and go straight through to cut the to cut the rhizome split them and then you instantly have two plants or three plants however you want to make right that's the quickest way the other two ways that I wanted to talk about in this video our water propagation and soil propagation okay so let's talk about water propagation first and what what you can do so your cuttings don't rot okay no this one I took from a plant that I have upstairs in the living room there are nine cuttings that I took I could have taken much more many more actually nine of them all nine of them rooted and have pups now once you cut cut your leaf segments like I said right these are these are kind of big I could have made these you know to two cuttings out of this one if I wanted to but I didn't think that you want to do when you take your cuttings is you want to let the cuttings air dry for let's say two or three days okay and the reason that's important is the wherever you cut it wherever you cut your leaf that area will dry out and callous over and that actually will help you prevent rotting okay that's that's one tip that you need to follow especially if you have tried before and they've rotted and you haven't had success tip number one so after you let them dry out for let's say two or three days then go ahead and put them in in water like I have in here okay so this is a tip that I I believe no one else is is talking about that's very very important right we all know you know we're supposed to change the water every so often right so change a you know minimum once a week but in the beginning and may need to be more so my tip here is you'll notice that when you have new cuttings right you have new cuttings you take them out out of here know again these are still these are already rooted but what you'll see is the part that was underwater you might feel a little bit of slime right especially in the beginning a little bit of slime there on the leaf so what you'll want to monitor your cuttings every maybe every couple days over two or three days take them out of your of your vase or whatever you're using to propagate and with your water and run these under a faucet warm water and gently just rub rub off the slime under the water under the faucet to get that off and clean them off get them get them nice and clean okay so do that with all your cuttings remove kind of gently remove that slime your cuttings could be very well rotting because because of that okay so do that with each one and then also wash the propagation vessel dump the water out use soapy water warm soapy water scrub the inside of it rinse everything out really well and fill it back up with fresh water so you don't need that much I have probably too much here but it's it's fine you know just maybe an inch or so enough to cover the bottom of the cuttings at least okay another another tip is put these in fairly bright light right don't put them in the dark somewhere I actually have this one in an Eastern facing window so it gets a Morning Sun that's where they've been growing the whole time okay so don't shove him in the dark somewhere and give them good light keep them warm okay keep that warm don't put them in a cold room if you have you know a room that's cold in the winter and you're trying to do this don't put them in there put them somewhere warm but I'm somewhere where you have bright light right and also make sure you change the water out gently clean the slime off of each leaf you'll feel it you'll there's no doubt there's no doubt about that and monitor especially in the beginning once they get rooting then then you can let it go much longer without changing the water and you don't have to babysit them as often but it's very critical in the beginning to do that so these tips will help you ensure that all of your cuttings will will root so that's water propagation okay now let's talk about soil propagation so these are propagated from came from this this plant I got this plant at Louis for $5 maybe a couple of years ago something like that and it had some physical damage on there which is why they marked it down so I took one of the tattered leaves it's kind of an ugly leaf and it was still a healthy leaf it was just a little bit physically damaged right that's another tip too when you choose your leaves when you're propagating sense of area you you want to choose a healthy healthy leaf right don't choose one that's kind of sickly or yellow or maybe it's a really old one don't do that pick one that's that looks healthy that looks a bigger 'us and that isn't too old okay so this one I took three separate leaf cuttings from just from one one leaf and you want to follow the same the same advice as I described for water propagation as far as preparing the lead right so again when you make your leaf cuttings right don't turn it upside down and say you have this middle segment here between my fingers that's a leaf cutting leave it in that direction don't turn it upside down because it will not root okay now for soil propagation what can you do to prevent it from rotting right so one important tip is to have the right soil okay you still want to have the same light you know put it in an Eastern window in a western window you may want to avoid full-day Sun for these they can definitely grow and fall in full Sun in fact they do I got the the privilege of being visiting Africa and I saw these growing in the ground over there some of them were growing in full Sun they're just going to be a little bit pale like a yellowish green right but when propagating when propagating you still want bright light but maybe maybe not full Sun I've never tried at least I'll put it that way but put it in an Eastern Western window I would say probably north would probably work too right just make sure that it's in front of some window don't put them in the dark okay okay bright light warmth very important now for soil propagation you do want to keep your soil moist okay now when you're propagating so I know that normally right when we grow these plants we do want the soil to dry out now establish plants I'm talking about established plants like like this one right i dry isoka thoroughly dry it out right but when propagating you want to keep the soil moist okay now you might run into it might sound counterintuitive right you might run into an issue with with rotting if you keep it to one however there's one thing that you can do to help mitigate right that risk and that's the soil mix so you want a balance between a moist soil mix right and one that's way to what so what can you do the solution is for really anything that you're propagating whether it's sense of area or whatever pathos anything you can blend fifty-fifty right half in half of whatever soil mix you have and with with perlite so half soil mix half perlite mix it all up together water it it's nice and way so the perlite helps give you a fluffy fluffy soil blend right and when you water it it'll stay moist but there's going to it'll be nice and airy right it's not going to stay too too wet right there's going to be air so things rot because from a lack of oxygen so when you have root rot it's because of a lack of oxygen that's that seniors in your soil mix but if you add a lot of perlite when you're propagating right it'll it'll aerate your soil will be more oxygen and you do want to keep it moist to encourage rooting moist and also warm temperatures to encourage routing and the perlite will prevent you from over watering or keeping it to what don't be scared of keeping that soil moist when you're propagating cuttings you need to do that you need to do that so 50/50 potting mix and perlite you can use a cactus mix right you can use even a regular potting mix would work fine as long as you do 50/50 half and half mix it up in water are my tips to help prevent your sense of area cuttings from rotting we've got those if you have failed in the past if you have rotted your cuttings out in the past remember these tips and you will be sure to have success okay so be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel below hit the bell so that you get the notification so that you don't miss any of my videos I know it's been a while since I've done these but I'm going to try and do more I'm actually doing a very I have a couple extra videos that I'm going to do one is my terrarium that you see here I'm going to talk about how I built that and I'm going to do another video where I'm propagating a ton of different plants all together as an experiment to show the different methods so don't forget to also follow me on Instagram Oh Ohio tropics one word on Instagram I'm very active there and subscribe to my blog Ohio tropics calm my house plant care blog you've enjoyed this video if you've had rotting try it again with my tips you will succeed this time we'll see you next time
Channel: Ohio Tropics
Views: 63,705
Rating: 4.8782248 out of 5
Id: 2CW9Bd_pgbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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