How to Care and Propagate Snake Plants | Sansevieria Whale Fin

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[Music] hey guys what's going on welcome back to my channel for those whose view my name is Christian and I love plants and in today's video we are going to talk all about snake plants share with you guys how I care for them how not to kill them believe it or not you can kill a state plant and also we're going to be a bit of propagation through separation and division I'm gonna separate this baby well thing that no longer is a baby from its original mother plant and then we're gonna try and save this a Lanica there's some new growth that's happening here but the original mother plant is somewhat dying right now so I want to do that today so there's many reasons why I think Sansa Daria's are awesome house plants and I think everyone should have one of them at least one first they help purify the air by removing a lot of that toxins and help you sleep better you know the second thing is I think from a style in the aesthetic look they're great kind of helped create dividers or separate a room especially when you have a whole bunch of these guys group together or as a standalone plan I think they make a pretty cool statement especially if you've got like a whale fin you know single leaf and this time one of the reasons why I want to separate this guy because I prefer it as a single leap in a pod they also come in so many varieties to not only match your home or style but also match your personality like the starfish I'm just kidding but you know obviously I got my Salonika here and my whale thing of samurai as well as cylindrical but more importantly what makes a steak planner sounds very awesome house plans is they are so easy to care for you can thrive in any lighting condition or direction whether you have a north east south or west facing windows they require very little watering they don't need to be repotted often or fertilized and that's why I think these plants are great for beginners you know with that said you can kill a snake plant confession I have killed one before I'm sure some of you guys have as well you know if you have comment and let me know but I have only killed one in my lifetime so there's a few ways you can tell your state plant I think the number one cause would be over watering you know these guys require very little water because of their rhizome where it stores a lot of their water and like over watering them just like most plants you know you will kill them the second way you can kill your plant which is what I did with one of my state plants is in low near freezing temperatures so I had one of my other snake plants outside during like this just the beginning of the summer months last year and overnight you know here in Toronto Canada sometimes the weather can drastically change it hit about 10 degrees Celsius which is I think about 50 degrees Fahrenheit and it was enough for the next couple of days you're not thinking that you know he's gonna warm up eventually the leaves started to really droop and the plant just died from a cold temperature so that's another way to kill your state plant and the other way to also tell your plant which is what's happening with this mother plant of I say Lana Carter you guys see here is by under watering so even though these guys oh no my Pokemon just fell okay I don't know where Charizard let myself have Bulbasaur husband yeah as I was saying even though snake plants and they'll thrive off the glare don't like to be over watered and requires a very little water like I water my snake plants in the summer months about once a month and obviously you want to let the soil go completely dry before watering them but this one I wasn't watered in at all I think I went like three months not watering this guy and as a result you guys can see here the leaves will start to dry up you know for the most part as I mentioned on the rise own and the roots that's where they like to store a lot of the water but and this guy thing happens with most plants is when you don't water them they're gonna start obviously drying out with the leaves from start becoming droopy and eventually it's going to hit that root ball and that weed system and your plants gonna be dead but thankfully you know I finally decided okay let's start watering this guy so excited to obviously give it the right condition and it started to shoot of new growth which is this piece right here so that's the area that we're gonna separate from the original mother plant but yeah so that's what we're about to do right now I will start with bees Atlantica and then we'll see if the root system and the rhizome of the mother plant is still healthy maybe we can just remove the dead leaves and then replant the rhizomes still and they'll probably shoot up some new growth well obviously separate this new growth because I think it looks so cool and I never realized that the pattern on this guy is pretty dope you know there was a reason why I bought this plant last year because I'm obviously sheer size and just a pattern on its leaves and then we'll move on to life separate units whale big from its mother plans so I'm gonna get set up and then we'll be back shortly alright guys so let's start with this one will remove it from it's container remove the old soil and then we'll take a look to see how the new growth is attached to the mother plant and where we can start separating and probably getting these guys [Music] clap your hands and you feel stronger smile [Music] alright guys so that took a little bit longer than I had expected partly because you guys can see right here there's a lot of those rights on cells time to really up door the pox that was a bit stuck and use rises you're pretty cool they look like parents I've never seen this kind I do recall the whale fingers a little bit more clear and white this is a it literally looks like a carrot you know but that orange color that you guys see right there so I'm going to remove a bit more of a soil and then we'll grab a clean knife and we'll start cutting the rice on to try and separate that you grow up you guys can see these are new growth right here as well as this one right here so and then we got this one right here you guys can see that both because of its just you know clean and this like light color at the base and then the center here is the mother plant and so we're gonna start with moving up here the dead leaves I think we can still save the mother plant it looks pretty healthy still just based on center these look to be okay and I'm sure that the rhizome is gonna be just fine but low removal Auggie's dead leaves that's going on they're pretty easy to find just remove now this time just came off so you guys can see there okay so I'm gonna get cleaned up and I remove the soil and then we'll start propagating separating [Music] alright guys so we remove as much of the soil as possible and you guys can see here literally these rhizomes look like carrots to me so I think what we're gonna do is start separating them by using a sharp clean knife and how you want to go about when you're cutting rhizomes and separating you know this baby of new growth from its mother plant is you want to make sure that when you're cutting the rhizome that there's already roots attached to the rhizome you don't want to be kind of bare it's gonna take a while for it to to grow roots again so let's go ahead and try and start separating these guys I think we can start with this this one right here if you guys can see that right now so we'll take a sharp knife and well cut and you guys can see that there's streaks right there I'll touch it so we're gonna probably cut maybe right here yeah so we'll do that right now okay so there's one W cut right now so this is a new growth you guys can see there's already roots attached and a bit of the rhizome there so we'll find another new growth and we'll do that throughout this entire plant right now so [Music] and these senior leaves look really really nice and beautiful I actually might do a standalone with this one separately because I just like the way this these two leaves look together so I will probably cut right there in the middle and see what we're dealing with here [Music] and this sucks I hope this new leaf that was attached to these two it was at the end it just came off so what we're gonna do with this one is we're gonna try and propagate this guy unfortunately it's obviously detached now from the rhizome and therefore no roots so what we're going to do is the water propagation method which takes forever I've been trying it with this one already and you know you also want to cut it and we'll do that short the operon that you put in water but it takes forever I prefer this type of propagation method which is just separation you know allowing kind of the mother plant to put these pups and then separating it and then pretty then you plant with it but that's hey this is not wasted we can definitely use this guys fail it's just unfortunate because I really really like both of them together but you know what that's a we got one we got two you guys these is three alright and you got this single one here for so these guys right now we're gonna plant together and again try and make a nice fall state plant again and then the mother plant right here you guys see has all these crazy rhizomes we're gonna just remove the dead leaves and then we're gonna you know what just part of what you plant this one as well and yeah so this you know the setup you still looks okay it's not the healthiest looking leaves you know it's got a bit of burning right now but that's okay but you can definitely still save this guy you know you don't want to throw away a healthy plant especially when it's still got a healthy root system rhizomes alright guys so we're going to use our tax hi soil with obviously a lot of perlite you know I still like to add that extra prayer life just for drainage even though the cacti soil would already be enough for this type of a plant but I still want to be safe as I do tend to overwater but in this case I was under watering this guy now I often get the question you know shouldn't you wait till the rhizomes you know callus a bit before planting them back to the soil you could do that you can do that but maybe 24 hours just to allow this time to dry out and reason being is because you don't to take a chance of rotting but I've actually just repotted it back and soil right away and what I don't do is idle water this plant for a good you know three or four days and then from there I'll just continue to water it like a normally you would with a snake plant that just allows kind of just to dry out a bit loss still being in the soil so you know it's you know you can try it even way but for me I've been okay with just planting them directly into soil after cutting them from the mother of mine so that's what we're going to do right now we're going to just use our cacti soil here with a bit of perlite and then we're gonna put these guys together so and now I'm thinking come what may don't care about what others say when I'm with you now through the autumn and the winter snow keep telling all the friends we know the Monica and I think what I want to do is I want to put some rocks on the base of this because it is a bit top-heavy and because I'm not going to water this right away I'm probably just I want to make sure that you know it holds itself up for a bit until that roots and the soil kind of you know merge together and starts growing well again so excited now I think that I feel like I got a brand new plant again because that previous the Atlantica was not looking good oh okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna try and see what we can do with the mother plant and then we'll cut up this leaf that kind of just got detached and we'll try and propagate this guy through water propagation and then we'll view the whale thing [Music] all right guys so what you want to do with this leaf if you want to do like a water type of propagation is you just want to take sharp scissors and just start cutting them in pieces and then putting one end of it into a glass of water and I just put it in bright light and yeah hopefully they'll root I know I'm doing this right now and honestly I started maybe a leaf side cutting one about a month ago and it still has no reed so but you know what we also want to purchase to good use we don't want to throw it away so let's go ahead and do that right now I think I'm gonna start cutting it probably here at the base and we'll definitely use the base right here I want to see if this thing can read okay I'll put this guy in water looks like celery okay I'll do a couple more all righty so what I do is put these guys like that and it's fun and it will get another big glass for these guys all right guys so we separated the mother plant from its new growth which is the longer they used but the right here so I got two of them I'm gonna actually have this guy outside the mother plant anyway and I'm gonna make sure that you know I don't leave it overnight if the temperature does drop below 10 degrees and then this one we're gonna keep in our bathroom or maybe in the Klaus not in the closet but by a little bin right there because I do want to start adding more plants there and again this guy can thrive in a much more lower lighting condition and I don't get much natural light there so I think he'll be fine and then also gonna try and place this guy in bright light and I'm hopeful that they will start showing some roots you know hopefully by this our growing season and then now we're gonna move on to our whale fin all right guys so we're now going to move into our whale fin and when I first got this about over two years ago it was this big one right here with a baby that was already attached to it and I separated that as soon as I got it it actually was I'll show you it actually was this one that was attached to that big early and then it produced this one eventually so I'm not gonna separate these guys I find that they are a little bit more skinnier than obviously its original mother plant that you guys see here but we're gonna do is yeah we just gotta move this from the soil and then see what the rhizomes look like as far as I remember they were a lot more clear and white not like the orange one that we saw here with Izzy Lanica so let's go ahead and remove this guy from the soil and we'll see what we're dealing with [Music] alright guys so check this out so this was where the original cut I did when I removed its babies and then it grew right here for these this one and then there's a new one that's growing right here so this is so cool I'll show you guys this camera angle now that's right maybe original cut when they removed its first babies and then it started to grow that rhizome right there and then it produced this pop but you guys see over here this is the one we're gonna remove but I'm already noticing that there's a new one that's starting to show right here so debating if I should do this now or wait till this grows out a bit more hmm and this is tricky you know what we're gonna remove it we're gonna remove it because you know man snake plants are so cool because they really are somewhat indestructible and I know I fell well that's because I left it outside and near the freezing temperature but this this will be fine so we're gonna take a sharp knife cut this guy right here in the middle and then plant it in a cacti soil that's dry and again we're not gonna water this guy right away because a this already has a little bit of wet soil but also because it's an open wound and like I said I did this you know when I cut it and I plant it right away in soil and it ended up being fine so we're gonna do the same thing so we're just gonna take our sharp scissors and then make that cut right now [Music] alright guys so we made our cut and you guys can see there there's a lot of roots attached to this right zone as well as on its mother plan so we're gonna plan these guys in two separate parts using a cacti soil and a lot of perlite and then we're not gonna wire this again so hmm okay know what because it's my wheel thin and very hard to find we're gonna wait about a couple hours until just a few air kind of dries that guy out a bit because I don't want to take a chance at risk but I do recall planting this guy in soil right away but to be safe we're gonna wait for about an hour or two I'll be back alright guys so we're back and we have our team whale tails right here I actually had these guys sitting outside it was nice and sunny plus it was windy so it allowed a lot of that air to flow through the rice on helping it dry out a bit and I'm glad I decided to split this guy up because I'm noticing this baby one not only is it showing you growth here with this rise own but it also has this tiny baby right there so this is so cool and I'm excited to obviously have a lot more well fits because they're not as commonly found right now in any of the plants for some final shots anyway so I'm never gonna trade with a friend of mine who I gave him my monstera cutting my original monstera from Walmart and I want that cutting back but I think he's gonna really like a whale fin because it's such a nice statement piece for like home decor and whatnot so so we're gonna plant these guys back in an 8 inch container this gives them a little bit more room to obviously expand grow somewhere rise own and then produce some pups our soil medium we're gonna use is primarily cacti and succulents soil with a whole bunch of perlite and a whole bunch of pockets as well so let's go ahead and start digging right now alright guys so we'll start with the mother plant and I already have my eighth inch container I put about a third of the soil mix already in there and I want to place this guy right in the center but I want to make sure he's standing up nice and straight and then also just want it to be a little bit higher so that way you know when I do put this guy in decorative pot it's a nice and uh level the way I want it to be so because I really do like the single leaf look such a statement especially in like a white pot if you guys recognize this is my my logo is a replica of this Sansevieria so this is deer and close to my heart as well but yeah so let's go ahead and talk this guy up with some soil [Music] tada there you guys have it here he is look so good so like I mentioned I'm not gonna water this guy right away I'm just kind of let it sit there for about three or four days and I'll Water it when you know and he needs to be water you know like I said I water my state plants usually during the summer once a month and even then I just like kind of splash water often isn't like I walk through this guy so we're going to go ahead and now do the baby one and so longer baby so you know I was debating if I was going to use a smaller container but not let me see just a girl with plus this one I think he'll be fine in does the inch container so let's go ahead and do this one as well and there you guys have it so that is how easy and simple it is to propagate this neat plants you know through separation and division and pop them back in the soil so I'm excited for these guys because I'm going to give this up to a friend of mine trade him back for that monstera cutting idea with him and obviously keep this one this is the original wale thing it is one of my favorite house plants ever partly because they're so easy to care for and it just looks so cool and stunning yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed this video comment below and let me know if you plan to propagate any of your state plans and which method you prefer to do that you prefer the division and separation or the leaf cutting and water propagation other than that enjoy the rest of your weekend and we'll see you guys soon peace [Music]
Channel: Crazy Plant Guy
Views: 129,133
Rating: 4.9093199 out of 5
Keywords: houseplants, indoor plants, easy houseplants for beginners, how to not kill your plants, how to care for indoor plants, how to propagate houseplants, how to propagate snake plants, sansevieria houseplants, sansevieria whale fin, zeylanica snake plants, indoor plant collection, propagating snake plants divisiion, snake plant water propatation, how to care for sansevieria plants
Id: IeM404XZBQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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