Are your builds basic? Here's some beginner friendly tips for making better builds in #TheSims4

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hello everybody and welcome back to my channel  my name is taylor for those of you who have   never been here before and in today's video we  are going to be talking about some tips that i   have for building in the sims 4. building is one  of those things that either you think you're great   at it or you think you suck at it and i feel  like most of us think that we suck at it but i   have some good beginners tips things that i do to  make my houses look a little bit more interesting   a little bit more lived in and honestly dancers  usually just clutter but it's fine we're gonna   go over some exterior building as well as a  little bit of decorating tips in this video   and if you enjoy it at any point throughout  be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe   to the channel if you haven't already i make  videos every single day about the sims 4 so if   that's something you're interested in you should  definitely join us okay so here we are in one of   the base game lots in willow creek this is one  of my favorite lots to build on as someone who   isn't like an extravagant builder because  the bigger the lot the more you have to do   so this is one of my favorite lots to build basic  base games simple starter homes and you'll see why   it's pretty small it makes it so you don't have  to have an extravagant backyard and all of that   so that's my first tip is honestly if you can't  build something huge and you feel like you don't   have the skills for that start really small tiny  homes are a great place to start for this so when   you're building the exterior of a home in the sims  4 what you really want to do is start with like   the main living area and don't even think about a  floor plan yet so you can have some kind of like   rectangle or square shape to start with and  as you can see that's pretty boring if you   were to just roof that now you wouldn't have  very much going on and it would look pretty   pretty boring pretty lame and it's not what you  want so what we could do is add a little section   on top and there would be a roof piece here and  that would always look really great another great   tip is to add bump outs on the side any good  builder knows that adding these kinds of things   adds a little bit of dimension and just makes  your home look more interesting for sure   we can also add some kind of bump out on this  side as well but a smaller one so then you can   see it makes it look more interesting more  visually appealing to the eye when you have   more than one situation happening so what you want  to do then is go in and you can roof your home   now the key to roofing is to use different roof  pieces at different heights and different sizes   you'll see so what we want to do here is anything  that's kind of like this a good tip is to use the   half gabled roof and then you can bring it down  and it just looks good in the front now one   thing that a lot of players don't seem to like is  this part here and you can actually bring that in   if you don't like it and if you just want to  bring in say the right side if you hold down shift   and grab on to this arrow here you can actually  just bring in the one side and keep the other side   fully extended and if you don't like how it's  going out here you can actually bring it back   a little bit and then even just do that so it  only comes out just a little bit you want to use   this arrow that's in the middle to make it either  longer or shorter and just make it the size of the   area you have and then you can use this arrow to  either do both which looks just a little bit weird   or you can hold down shift to bring it like that  for a nice little overhang situation it's quite   cute that's the way that i always do it then you  want to roof the little pieces i always find that   these look the best on side sections just the  regular gabled roof and then we'll bring one   over here as well now it does look a little bit  weird because these roofs are different heights   so you can bring it down to make it look a little  bit better nothing super fancy as we all know   i'm not the greatest builder but i do have a few  little things that i like to do and then we can go   ahead and just roof the top part and then you've  got like a decent looking home now one thing that   a lot of players don't actually know exists is  the ability to actually place windows by room   so what you can do is you can take a window  like this and then the game will actually cover   all of the space in that room with these windows  now sometimes the placement ends up being a little   bit weird but most of the time like you can  get away with it you've got two on the back   two on the front and it just looks kind of like  they were meant to be there placing windows is   one of those things that i find exceptionally  stressful just because i never know which kind of   windows to use where to use them how to use them  and i just it it ends up just being chaotic for me   and i don't like that so using the auto windows by  room tool is very useful now a lot of things i see   with beginner builders is they never actually  change the roof pattern that they're using   so if you click on this little section here of the  roof there are all sorts of different colors and   shades of like craziness that you can add to your  homes to make them more interesting even glass   roofs for some interesting lighting in your home  which is always kind of fun but this is one of   those things that you can do to completely change  up how your home looks and i end up downloading   a lot of homes on the gallery that all have that  default roof texture that honestly i'm just kind   of sick of seeing even just changing that to  a darker one just makes it look a little bit   you know more chic more unique and more beautiful  the next tip for decorating the exterior of a home   is to use more than one texture so i don't ever  when i'm building just to use something like   this on the entire home and make the entire  home i don't know why i'm going for pink but   it's fine but i would never just use these also we  should bring this in because that looks quite odd   but what we're going to do is we want to add some  kind of stone or first of all i'm going to change   it from pink because i find that very distracting  but we want to add some kind of like stone or   brick to some sections of the home so the way that  you do this is since you do have those little bump   out areas you can just kind of take maybe just  the front of the house and make like this part   of the house have brick or stone on it and the  outsides have the shingles which is always cute   or you can do it the other way around this one's  honestly one of my favorites for doing this   because it just makes the house just  look like a little bit more fancy   and you just feel like you know your sims deserve  a better life when they live in a place like this   the next big tip i have is that you can  definitely do your landscaping before   adding a foundation if you want your plants to  go really close so what you don't want to do is   try to add flowers here because the flowers  are going to jump up with the foundation so   you can't get them any closer than that but if  you actually just landscape a little bit before   adding your foundation you can get them in quite  close as long as you have the move objects cheat   turned on you can go in and have them more like  that and then when you raise the foundation the   plants look like they're kind of just inside and  you won't actually see them in the home because   the foundation is there so that is something  that i do a lot and you can just have them   really close the next small thing that you  can do that honestly makes a big difference   is add terrain paint around the house as you  can see right now it just looks like this house   was kind of plopped there and then it doesn't  actually live there like it doesn't belong there   like there's terrain paint all around the world  and it just like makes everything look a little   bit more lived in a little bit more used but if  you add just like a little bit of terrain paint in   some kind of dirt color around the house it just  looks like you know the grass maybe isn't growing   there properly or water is coming off the side  of the house and just making a little bit of dirt   and it just kind of makes it look like your  house belongs in this area a little bit more   and that just makes it feel more natural in the  neighborhood instead of being a little bit like   out of place and weird i don't know it's just  one of those small details that can make a big   difference when you're building the next thing  you want to do is try your best to match any kind   of plants and landscaping that you have on your  lot to the things you're seeing around the world   so all of the things that are going on here  you can add so we've got like these little   plants here some flowers you kind of just  want to make sure that it matches because   if you start using things from let's say the sims  4 island living in willow creek it's going to be   like oh that doesn't belong there that looks  very weird and like why did you even do that   so it's one of those things where like you might  go back here and see that they have those flowers   and those are just these assorted wildflowers here  and you can add those and it'll just blend right   in and it just honestly makes like a world of  difference having things that just match and that   feel like they belong instead of having it just  be kind of chaotic and crazy now this one is the   plant that's over here so that matches well  they just have like a bigger version of it   so that would definitely make you fit in and just  doing things like that will make it feel like your   home belongs in the neighborhood which is very  important if you want to have a cohesive world so   now we're going to kind of move in to the inside  of the home and do a little bit of decorating now   my first tip is if you don't have a budget place  these subtle saucer lights pretty much everywhere   building in a place that's a lot brighter will  honestly just make it feel happier and more   fun to play in because if you have a home unless  it's part of like your story line like if you're   playing with let's say vampires or crazy spell  casters who live in the dark you know something   like that or a black widow challenge perhaps those  kind of homes can feel more interesting if they   are dark but most of the time when you're playing  the sims it's going to be way too dark and you're   going to end up like being annoyed at how dark  your gameplay is and that's just one of those   little things that i can't deal with most of the  time when i'm playing the sims so i'm just going   to quickly add a little kitchen and then we'll  go into some of the other tips about decorating   so my next tip when decorating kitchens is to  use a varied type of cabinets there are these   ones that are the ones by default they're going to  take up the whole amount of space but if you click   and you go to this little section here you have  auto placement which is just going to make it so   that corners kind of attach but it's not going to  give you different types but if you click on these   little gears you're going to end up with a lot  more options which can make your kitchens look   so much better so you've got things like this  little cabinet here that if you have a tall wall   height you can place like that or you can just  delete one of these and put this in there and then   it kind of takes up a lot of space these always  look really good in corners and it has a lot of   like clutter objects just making your home feel a  little bit more lived in those are always a really   great option you also have things like this that  vary just slightly from these ones so this one has   like a side opening instead of a top opening which  is really cute and then there's also ones that go   like this that look really great over windows so  that your sims can have a little bit more of a   window view if that's something that you're into  this also applies to the regular counters as well   so there's like corner pieces and like little edge  pieces if you're going to go around a corner which   are very very cute so you want to make sure you're  not just using the boring regular counters so one   thing that you need to know if you are building is  the move object sheet which we've already turned   on but we'll just go and do it bb.move objects to  open up that little cheat box you want to hit ctrl   shift and c on your keyboard or if you're playing  on console you want to hold down all four triggers   and that will open and then type in bb.move  objects you'll press enter the game will let you   know that it's on and what that does is it lets  you move things so that you can kind of like put   them anywhere like normally the game would snap  it onto the grid but you could like put two in one   spot or have them connected i don't know why you'd  want to do that but it's a thing that you can do   and this is going to make it a lot easier for  you to decorate so normally you'd be able to   put something there and then you wouldn't be able  to put anything else where it is but you can kind   of like there's there's two plants there now for  no reason but they exist this is really helpful   when decorating in kitchens especially especially  if you use alt placing so for this what you want   to do is we'll go into some kitchen clutter we'll  put this on this counter here now there are only   a certain number of slots on kitchen counters  where your stuff can go but a lot of the time   you're like i wish i could go like further in the  corner i wish i could have more things on that one   counter spot so you go ahead and move this out  of the way hold on to it click on the i the item   and then hold down alt on your keyboard you're  actually able to free place where the counter was   now if you go towards where a counter  is currently it will snap onto slots   so you'd want to just go and pre-place something  where the counter was and you're able to put a   lot of objects closer together to make the  kitchen look more cluttered and more cute   this is like my biggest tip for decorating  kitchens is using this trick you can have so   many objects just like really close together on  a counter and just make it look super cluttered   obviously this isn't the best design choice but  having cluttered objects definitely changes the   game the next thing you may want to do is size up  and size down objects so for example something i   use this a lot for is sizing down certain plants  because there are a couple plants in the game that   are just too big for what i want them for this  is a perfect example this plant takes up a lot   of space but it's just so much cuter when it's  like this size or you can even you can even go   smaller have it be super tiny and if you wanted  to you can use the the nine key on your keyboard   to raise up the plant and even just like put it  on the counter as this tiny little baby instead   of the giant plant that we started out with if  you want to lower something as well you can hit   zero key on your keyboard and you use those with  move objects on and it'll allow you to do that   but you can just like put a plant that's really  really small on your counter and it's just like   the cutest thing ever you use the square brackets  to be able to size up and size down objects the   right bracket is to size things up and you can  actually go quite large um not not sure why   you'd want a giant plant but that's fine and then  you can actually make stuff quite small so that's   that plant there and this is what we started  off with so it's just like a little baby plant   absolutely adorable now one thing i get questions  about a lot when i'm actually doing build videos   is cycling swatches so if you go and let's say  we grab this little adorable mushroom stool from   cottage living and you want to see the different  colors that it comes in a lot of players will   place the object and go up to this design tool  here and then cycle through this way but there   is actually another way to do this more quickly  as long as you haven't placed the object yet so   if you go grab something from the build catalog  and then you hit the plus sign on your number pad   this will actually cycle through all of  the swatches allowing you to see all the   beautiful different colors that you can get that  object in which allows for way quicker building   honestly it changes the game quite a bit for that  and my final tip is to use rugs a lot i find that   the best thing to do is to just find rugs that  you love that you know look good in certain places   and use them all the time for example i actually  use this little rug this little fuzzy thing   in like every bedroom ever however i don't  use it at that size so i'll use this rug   here and put it under a bed and make it just  look like the coziest little sleeping area   obviously right now we're in the middle of  this family's living room but as you can see   like wouldn't you love to just get off of your bed  and have that adorable little situation happening   and just like have fuzzy toes underneath your  feet when you wake up in the morning let's go   with like a dark navy wallpaper like look at how  cute that is and some cute little wood floors   like look at that look at that little fuzzy rug  but honestly rugs changed the game so much if   you just have plain floors you end up just like  i don't know it's just wasted potential if you   don't have enough rugs in your home so rugs and  clutter objects are the two things that are gonna   make your houses feel so much more lived in and so  much more cozy in the game but yeah guys those are   some of my tips for building in the sims 4 for  beginners these are obviously not advanced tips   or even like novice tips these are beginners tips  for people who aren't really great at building or   who just trying to get into building for the  first time i just wanted to make this video   because i would have loved to have something like  this a few years ago to just tell me all of the   little secrets and all the little tips that they  had if you have any bigger tips that you want to   share be sure to leave them in the comments down  below other players i'm sure will love that and   will love to get to know different things about  the game that they may have not realized before   if you enjoyed this video or found it helpful you  should definitely give it a thumbs up because it   really helps out the youtube algorithm as  well as if you're not already subscribed to   the channel you should definitely hit that  big red button down below and subscribe   i really hope you're having an amazing day  and i will see you tomorrow bye everybody you
Channel: taylorsaurus
Views: 44,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims, the sims, the sims 4, the sims 3, sims 4, sims 3, sims 2, sims 1, the sims 2, the sims 1, taylorsaurus, ultimate sims guides
Id: 9h3mobtIKf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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