The Power of Restraint - Joyce Meyer 2022

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god bless you you can be seen   well it's always good to be back in  this house and thank you love you too you know one of the reasons why i love this church  so much is because they do a lot of outreach   and i believe that we're not called  to in reach we're called to outreach   i don't think a church just needs to sit around  and talk about nothing but their own church   growth if you reach out to hurting people your  church will grow and we partner together a lot   they partner with us and our we call  it our hand of hope missions outreach   and actually our son david david you and  shelly stand up let them see how cute you are he's our oldest son and uh they actually head up  the mission's hand of hope and they work really   hard and go all over the world and then my husband  dave of course who've been married to 55 years you know dave and i are getting  a little bit older now and so the   the most frequent word spoken  in our house now is huh so i said the other day let's agree that we're  not going to try to talk to each other unless   we're in the same room because it doesn't work  but i want to tell you a funny story about dave   his hearing is much worse than mine now he  won't tell you that but it is i'm real good   in my right ear my left ear is a little  bit gone not gone but about half gone and so i was we were in the car close distance and i  was telling dave about this minister who in new   york who had been found to be having many affairs  and dave got this really strange look on his face   you know the look that people get  when you can tell that they don't   know what you said and so i'm already thinking  this is going to be good and he says to me   why does he need so many bears in new york so actually we have a lot of fun just  because we can't always hear each other   two quick things dave has actually written a  book amen dave wrote a book you know he has   a great passion for our nation and this is called  freedom is costly but priceless if not maintained   it will not remain and um you'll find out a lot  of good things in here that our history has been   revised and a lot of the history that you hear  about is not even true now you'll find out what   socialism really is and hopefully make a decision  you absolutely do not want it you'll find out why   our education system has declined so much you'll  find out what your part is in restoring america so   we didn't bring any resources with us but you can  get this from us you can get it online you can   get it in bookstores everywhere and my latest  book released in january is called the power   of thank you now i know you all think you're  thankful so you don't need that book because   you're already thankful but i would just  ask you to consider how much you complain   before you decide that you're thankful enough actually the other day i found something really  wonderful about this being thankful thing i was   kind of having a morning where you know you  wake up some mornings and you really don't   have anything to be unhappy about but you just  don't feel real great and you can kind of feel   yourself kind of going like and i've actually  found out that when that happens if i will start   aggressively thanking god it pulls me right out  of it and so get that book too now that's all i want to talk to you tonight  about the power of restraint which is actually self-control but i thought  i'd put a nice new name on it just to   make it a little more inviting father i thank you for the word tonight and i pray  that people will hear what you want them to hear   i know i've got more to say than i have time so  bring out of me what you want to bring out and   help people give them a spirit of understanding  tonight to really understand the importance   of this message and to hear what each  one needs to hear in jesus name amen   okay the foundation scripture that i want to use  is james 4 7. which says submit yourself to god resist the devil and he will flee now a lot of  people quote only the back half of that scripture   i did it myself for a lot of years  resist the devil and he will flee   but he won't if you don't submit yourself to god   so we get mad at the devil because of all  the things that he does to aggravate us and   we talk about spiritual warfare and we should  resist the enemy the bible actually says in   first peter resist the devil that is on onset the  minute that you sense the enemy coming against   you you don't wait to see what he's going to do  you resist him right away but obedience to god   total complete obedience to god is still in the  bible and it's still a very important subject   not one that people get really excited  about but one that they have to hear it's   it's sad little amusing but more sad  we have podcasts on little not podcasts   instagram posts i forget what all that stuff's  called and uh they're little one-minute things   out of my sermons and uh the media people put  names on them sometimes i think well i don't know   why you named that but anyway they put names on  them and i can tell by how many people watch what   where they're at spiritually i can tell by  what kind of books people buy where they're   at spiritually and i can tell by what kind of  well we don't sell too many cds anymore you get   digital downloads but you can tell like it is  very hard almost impossible to sell teaching on pride and humility it's really hard to sell anything on patients i i really intend to  write a book called dying to   self and we're just going to see how that goes how many of you double dare  me to write that book okay it's one of the most important subjects we need to  hear about but sometimes people not everybody but   sometimes people don't want to hear what they  need they want to hear what makes them feel good   and so i was looking through  some of the instagrams today   and there was one on there called patience and  perseverance and 88 000 people watched that   and then we had one called sit back and  do nothing and 188 000 people watch that now what does that tell you it's like donna asked me what's the  biggest thing on your heart   well one of the biggest things on my heart  is we have got to start walking in love because jesus said that's the only way people  are going to know that we're his disciples   if we walk in love and walking in love  involves a lot of things it involves   patience and kindness and generosity  and and it involves forgiveness i've been doing this a long time  and i can tell you that about 80   percent of people in church are mad at somebody and the bible tells us plainly that our prayers  won't be answered if we don't forgive people so if you've got unforgiveness in your  heart you might as well just not even pray   don't even waste your time until that gets settled  but it's hard but it's just so hard well i've got   a book coming out this fall called loving people  that are hard to love that one will probably sell but i guess the other thing that has  always been really important to me   is to see all of us myself included keep  growing up and maturing in christ and not just   go to church and have a bumper sticker and have  some christian jewelry and carry our bibles but   to really be real christians and to  really love god with our whole heart   and to be obedient to him no matter what it costs  us no matter how hard it is can anybody say amen   now the other scripture that i  want us to think about tonight   because i'm going to share some things about this   you know the bible talks about the kingdom  of god and we're part of that kingdom and it's the kingdom of god is in you it's in you but it's also all of us and there  are spiritual laws that govern that kingdom   one of those spiritual laws is you  can't have unforgiveness in your heart   and function right in the kingdom of god but another one is and i want you to  listen because this is going to have a   lot to do with what i want to share tonight  that you must believe before you receive now we're going to be in a teaching mode tonight  i want you to go a little bit deeper with me   you must believe before you receive well that's a  little challenging because if you believe before   you receive it's a total act of faith because you  can't see anything yet you can't feel anything yet   the only thing you have is god's promise  in his word seven thousand promises in here   so guess what we can keep  reading we don't know it all yet mark 11 24 25 says first it talks about if  you have faith you can say that this mountain   go fall in the sea and it has to then it says whatever you ask for believe you have received it doesn't say believe you will receive it says  believe you have received and you will get it first you believe then you receive  now sadly it doesn't tell us how long of a period of time there is between this  believing and receiving that's where the   test of faith comes in that's where we have to be  faithful in keep doing what we know is right and   keep believing that what you've asked god for is  on its way and that it will come at the right time   in the right way so this belief that you have  received before you get it applies to every aspect of our lives like how  many of you have something   in your life that in you you personally  that really needs to change that you   struggle with and you just can't seem to get  beyond it okay the rest of you tired or what now i'm about to tell you how to get free it's very simple it may sound  crazy but it's bible and it works   okay let's just say that um you're impatient so we say all the time i'm just so impatient  i wish i wasn't so impatient god help me be   patient well we don't really need to pray for  patients because patience is already in us we pray for a lot of stuff we've already got like peace oh god give me peace well jesus  already said my peace i leave with you   we have peace so what we need to say is  god let me use the peace that's in me   help me use the patience that's in me because  the only way that the patience the love the joy   the peace the self-control all the fruit  of the spirit will develop in your life   is through using it it's like a muscle i started  working out about now i guess 15 years ago and   i had muscle i guess but you couldn't see it   and after i'd been working out about three or  four months i was sitting we were going for a   boat ride one day and i was sitting on the  bow of the boat with my legs propped up and   i scratched the back of my leg and i felt  a lump and i thought oh my god what's that   i i have a i have a growth on my leg and then i  felt the other leg and there was one there too   and then i thought it's muscle i've  actually got muscle so see it was in there but it didn't come popping out until i used it so part of the reason why we have these  trials and difficulties in our life   and now god doesn't bring our trouble but  he certainly will use them to our benefit   when the enemy brings them so part of  the reason why god doesn't move all the   bad stuff out of the way right away when we  want him to is because it gives us practice you're looking at me so funny it gives us practice and patience and  faith and believing god and not giving up   in perseverance and self-control and continuing  to walk in love when stuff in our life is a mess   and we have to have that so really the best thing for you to do when you're   having trouble and you're  hurting is say i'm growing go ahead devil give it your best shot help  me grow i'm growing and god is working   amen try that with me i'm growing  and god is working the only time   we grow spiritually is when we do  what's right while it feels wrong that's worth a write down i'll say it again the  only time we're growing spiritually is when we do   what's right when it feels wrong if it's easy to  do it's because we've already grown in that area so now i'm 45 years into my walk with god so  a lot of things are a lot of doing the right   thing is relatively easy for me now it's  not hard for me to forgive people i just   like that because i know that i know that i know  that i know that one of the things i cannot do   if i'm going to do what god has called  me to do one of the things i cannot do   absolutely cannot do is have any  kind of unforgiveness in my heart so if you want the blessings of god to be poured  out in your life you must not have unforgiveness   in your heart you get before god if you have to  you get down on the floor you stretch yourself   out and you say i am not leaving this room  god until you give me the grace to forgive   now forgiveness is not a feeling it's a decision that you make about  how you're going to treat somebody   who has hurt or offended you it's not a feeling you don't even  have to like somebody to love them   some people i have to love at a distance amen but we have to love them god says love  your enemies and i mean it's described really   well in the amplified bible those who misuse you  abuse you treat you shamefully you forgive them   and you bless them well i told god i don't  want to i don't want them to be blessed i mean let's get real here i  don't want them to be blessed   but then god showed me something  when we pray for god to bless   somebody that's hurt us that doesn't mean  they're going to get a new car in a new house   the first thing god probably will bless them  with is some revelation about their behavior and then the other thing we must do   and to me these are the one two  three simple things about love you forgive no matter how you feel you bless people you pray for them and it's very  hard to pray for somebody on a regular basis   and still stay mad at them and here  comes the hard part if they need help oh it makes the devil so mad when you do that i mean i bet he needs a lot of some kind of  nerve medicine or something on those days the most powerful kind of  spiritual warfare you can do is to be good to your enemies yeah i'm glad somebody said something all right jesus was son of man and son of god fully man fully god he was a man born  of a woman but god was his father   so he was a flesh and blood man full  of god well guess what so are we so when we see jesus do things that are hard like when people  would accuse him of things   and he would just stand there  not even try to defend himself man we think that would be hard for me i would be in your face telling you   if you think you are going to treat me  that way you have got another thing coming and then we excuse that by saying well  that's jesus of course he can do that but see we can too because actually in reality   the same spirit that raised christ from the dead  dwells in us and it will quicken our mortal bodies but you have to believe it before you will  receive it okay let's get back to your   weakness and my weakness so you're impatient  and you keep saying i'm just so impatient and this is good for me because that's  probably still my greatest weakness i'm   not impatient with god i can wait on god  i get all that i know his timing's right   but man if somebody's late for an appointment or last week we were going to  a conference in phoenix and   we had an ice storm in saint louis  and the pilot called and said we got a little problem they can't get  the hanger door open because when they   opened it it got off the track and so  we can't get the plane out of the hangar   well i want you to know that i had  a plan for when i got to phoenix   and here was my plan i was going to eat at  this certain restaurant that i like and then   there was a little nice woman's dress shop right  across the mall there and i was gonna go shop and then i was gonna go take a little nap and  then i was going to get up and get prepared some more i go prepared but  for my message that night   well that little plane thingy messed up my plan now that's when i'm supposed to be patient well   you've never had any fun until you're a preacher  and your family preaches your messages back to you so while we're waiting in the airport   for the people that are going to  fix the hangar door to get there dave says to me well you know our times are in his hands and then somebody else said this too will pass and then somebody else said  all things work together for   good to those who love god and i said shut up right now i just want to be upset but here is the good news there  is a little bit of good news probably the whole thing lasted maybe seven to  ten minutes and then i had a chat with myself got over it got okay and waited peacefully  now years ago that 10 minutes would have been   until i got on the plane and got where i wanted  to go and everything worked out the way i wanted   it to work out so i still have an issue with  that and i've noticed lately that i've said   you know i'm impatient that's my greatest weakness  well what i need to do is believe that i'm patient while i'm still being impatient   now i know it's going to sound nuts but  just listen believe because i am patient see there's two of us each one of us live with a crazy person we have a born-again spirit that wants to do the  right thing and then we've got this crazy flesh that we have to keep dying to colossians and the amplified bible says kill it  you say well how do you do that you don't feed it   you can kill anything by just not feeding it  well we feed the flesh when we give in to it   when we let it have its little fit and go ahead  and walk in the spirit a little bit of it dies are you with me okay   when i was trying to learn how to be a  submissive wife which was no easy thing i'd been abused by men all my life and i had told  myself no man is ever going to tell me what to do now you better hold that and then i got in the bible and found  out that a woman is to adapt adapt i didn't even know that word adapt to her  husband adore him and respect him so um   i'm going to tell you the truth  when i found out about this not   feeding the flesh thing if i wanted it to die i do you know that you can  have real pain in your flesh i mean it's not like a physical pain but it's a   well maybe it is you know but  it's just like you just like god and it felt to me like god was always  working on me and always showing me   what was wrong with me and i didn't feel  like he was ever doing anything with dave anybody got it why is it always me it's always me i'm always the one that's wrong  i'm always the one that has to apologize it's   always me and so god was dealing with  me so hard about something one time and it had to do with something with dave i don't  know being nicer to him or being sweeter or   something i don't remember and uh you know i  thought he's got a few places that he could   come up a little higher into and so i actually  said to him is god dealing with you about anything and he he looked at me and he thought  for a minute he said no i don't think so i thought and then you know we say  things like god this is killing me   and that's exactly what it's doing it's killing your flesh and while that's happening you're supposed to  be feeding your spirit with the word of god   come on because whatever you feed the  most is going to get the strongest good one person like that now wherever the lady was that liked it when  i said i was not going to submit to a man you well i've still got a strong personality  and dave and i chat about things but   you know to be honest we rarely ever argue we just  i mean after so many years you give it up you just you just say i'm going to get along with this one   if i get another one i'll just  have to start all over again so i'm in for the long haul we're staying together   but now that we both have  selective hearing it's kind of nice you can only listen to what you want to  listen to and say oh i didn't hear you now i'll tell you a story when i first started getting serious with  god i i smoked i still smoke cigarettes   i smoked about i don't know 20 years 25 years  something like that and um back then you know the   three big sins for christians was drinking smoking  and cussing that was it well the bible doesn't   say anything about smoking although i don't it's  not good for you it's not a good thing to do but   it says all kinds of stuff about gluttony  but it says nothing about smoking i'll just slide on past that and   it does say not to use crude language  and it says not to get drunk with mine but that was the big things drinking cussing  smoking so i really felt like i needed to quit   smoking and i had said everybody say she said  i had said for years i could never quit smoking   well the more you say something  the more you get yourself convinced   that you can't do it the more you say i can't  the more you can't and the more you say i can   the more you can so i had said i had always  been a little bit of a fluffy teenager   that means i was a little bit overweight a little  pudgy and so i had always said i know if i quit   smoking i would gain weight i just know if i quit  smoking i would gain weight i could never quit   smoking well so every time i tried to quit smoking  i couldn't quit i'd last for maybe a few hours and   then as soon as something put pressure on me  i'd run for the cigarettes and of course dave he he just said well god i'm  just gonna smoke until you take   the desire away and the next day  he got up and never smoked again and i'm like i said to god one time why are you so strict with me and i know all these other people that   are christians too and they seem to get  to do so many things you won't let me do but he said look you've asked me  for a lot do you want it or not so see i can't be up here and be on tv all  over the world in a hundred languages and   all that sounds so fine to say i'm this and then  maybe maybe but i got to stay on the narrow path and off of the broad path  that leads to destruction   so that means to the very best of my ability  for where i'm at in my spiritual growth now i need to submit myself to god so  the devil cannot run my life amen so i really wanted to quit smoking but i was  really having trouble well we were going to uh   what was called the charismatic church  then they're the gifts of the spirit and   we were all excited and the services back then  lasted three four hours and so i i would go out   in the middle of the service lay down in the car smoke a cigarette   i i don't know what i thought people thought  but they must have thought the car was on fire i mean i did that well nobody taught me what  i'm teaching you i had to get all this from god   so just be happy that you're getting just dumped  on you what i had to suffer to get amen so nobody taught me this thing  about the power of confession but god did and so i started  driving down the highway at night   on my way home from work smoking  a cigarette saying i don't smoke cigarettes stink they make me stink  it's a terrible witness and i don't   smoke cigarettes i hate smoking cigarettes  do you know within two weeks i had quit now i'm not trying to give you some  kind of a little magic charm here   but i am i am telling you this if you keep believing i'm addicted  to this i'm addicted to that i've got a bad temper i can't  keep myself from getting mad   i'm this i'm this i'm that i'm that  you're going about it backwards what you need to do is instead of  focusing on the wrong things you're doing   focus on the right thing you should be doing let me say it again instead of meditating  on i'm so impatient i've got a bad temper   all these this this that that and something else   instead of meditating on that you meditate  on the word of god what does the bible say   in joshua 1 8 meditate on the word of god  day and night that you may observe and do as soon as your mind is renewed and you believe   that you are who god says you are and  that you can do what god says you can do   then it's all over but the shouting because  the next thing that happens is you'll do it you believe that you receive  it and you will get it   what does the bible say be it  unto you even as you believe okay do you do you agree with  me or do you think i'm crazy so stop saying all these bad things about yourself talk about who you are in the spirit the bible says in galatians 5 that the spirit  wars against the flesh and the flesh wars   against the spirit and they are continually  antagonistic and opposed to one another   so you and i can want to do something  and not want to do it at the same time i work out at home all the time but it's a  lot easier there because i have a trainer   he comes to my house he sets all the machines  he brings me my weights he tells me what to do   he puts the weights up when i go work  out done here i got to do all that myself and so sometimes when i'm away from home i  don't work out as often as i do at home and   not yesterday but day before yesterday i really  knew that i needed to walk take a walk about two   miles and i needed to work out well i kept  going back and forth i wanted to work out   i didn't want to work out i wanted to walk i  didn't want to walk you ever feel like that see   paul oh wretched man that i am what is my problem  the thing i want to do i can't do the thing i   don't want to do i do it what's my problem well  the problem is is your spirit and your flesh are   arguing with each other but if you've  even got a little tiny bit of spiritual   information you don't have to have counseling  to know which one is the right thing to do amen you don't need a prophecy  a special word from god   you don't need to go see your counselor  i knew the right thing to do was   take the walk go to the gym anytime you  do the right thing then you feel so good after it's done and a little bit more  of your flesh has lost some strength and so every time you do that a little bit more  of your flesh you loses strength and a little bit   more of your flesh loses strength and then pretty  soon that thing has no control over you amen you get this all right now the thing that   stirred this message up in me was actually  something about jesus i don't know does what   does that mean does that mean i've already i'm  already one minute and 18 seconds over my time i have to finish because you're gonna you're gonna see  something good hebrews 4 15 and 16 says   for we do not have a high priest  who is unable to understand   and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses  and infirmities so thank god jesus understands us   because he has been tempted in every way  just like we have yet he never sinned so he went through everything that we go through but yet he never gave into  the flesh he always did his father's will he's our high priest and it's wonderful under  the new covenant under the old covenant the high   priest could only go into the holy of holies  once a year and he had to go in with blood   and he had to get his sins and the people's  sins not forgiven but covered so they never   lost the sense of feeling guilty because  their sin was always there it was just hidden   but this morning i read hebrews 8 9 and 10 again  just to refresh myself and it's so beautiful   because god says this new covenant that i  make with you i will forgive your sins and   i will forget them and i will remember them no  more he doesn't cover them he annihilates them that's why roman says there's no more condemnation  to those who are in christ jesus actually if you   can grab a hold of this jesus didn't just take  our sin on the cross the bible says he became sin   oh how awful that must have been for him  for that wonderful holy thing to become sin i can't even imagine can't even imagine and so when he died he killed sin and the bible  says it no longer has any power over us unless we give it power okay stick with me now god would never expect us to do something  if he didn't give us the power to do it how   many of you agree with that that would be  silly it would be silly to say joyce walk   in love with your enemies but i'm not  going to give you the ability to do it   so everything the bible tells  us to do or not to do we can do but the world has given us so  many everything now is a disease it's not sin anymore it's a disease and that's just a cover-up it kind of gives us an excuse  to go ahead and behave that way   because now we have a disease that's no  longer sin that we need to repent for hmm romans 6 9 for we know that  since christ was raised from   the dead he cannot die again death  no longer has any mastery over him   well when he died we died so death no  longer has any control over us you do   not in any way shape or form have to be afraid  of death because you are not ever going to die you are going to cease to exist on this planet but  you are an eternal being and you will never die   you will just slip out of this realm into  one that is better to live is christ to die   is gain you don't need to be afraid of covet  you don't you don't need to live in fear amen okay now listen for the death he died he died  to sin once and for all but the life he lives   he lives to god now verse 11 is going to back up  what i said to you about believing you're free   and then you'll get it in the same way   count yourselves dead to sin now the  word count means to think or believe in the same way believe that you're dead  to sin but alive to god in christ therefore   now therefore is there because  it refers to what we just read   therefore do not let sin reign in  your mortal body and make you obey   its evil desires so if i'm understanding this  right and i'm not a theologian or a greek scholar   but i'm not stupid either and it looks to me  like that is saying i've looked up the word count   and it means to consider yourself to think to  believe so if it says count yourself dead to sin   then i need to stop behaving like sin is this huge  problem for me and i can't control myself because   i'm dead to sin now sin is not dead it's still  going to try to aggravate the living daylights out   of us but we're dead to it there's not a person  in here if you're born again that wants to sin you do not want to and you hate it when you do it   and that's because you've got  god living on the inside of you amen so count yourself dead to sin and even if  you do sin when you're right in the middle of it   say i'm dead to that repent admit you did it ask god  to forgive you if you need to   apologize to somebody apologize  do all the things you need to do   but still say i am dead to that and i am not  going to continue doing that jesus has set me free oh gosh can i just have a few more minutes   the thing that brought this message about was   i started thinking about how hard it must  have been for jesus to control himself   just think about when he was in the wilderness  those 40 days and the devil was taunting him he was fasting and when he was very hungry the  devil said to him after him fasting for 40 days   if you are the son of god the devil  is always attacking our identity if you are the son of god tell  these stones to become bread   well if it would have been me i would  have probably whipped up a little snack maybe not a big one but a little snack  right away jesus said it is written we do not still understand how powerful  this is it is written man shall not   live by bread alone but by every word  that proceeds out of the mouth of god and then this went on this went on three times  i'm not going to read them all but i love this one   jesus took him up i mean the devil took  him up on a high mountain showed him   all the kingdoms in the world and all their  splendor and he said all this i will give you   if you will bow down the  amplified bible says just once the just once lie it's just a little compromise  just a little bit and everybody else does it but   let me ask you a question if i whipped up a  big batch of chocolate chip cookies up here   and i put just the tiniest amount of dog  poop in it and i said do you have a cookie you won't hardly taste it at all  because it's just a little bit   there's like you'd all be smart enough not  to eat the cookie so why are we so dumb i mean just a little bit they only take the  lord's name in vain four times in that show okay i won't get started there you won't like that help us jesus one more thing and i'm gonna  quit when he was in the garden of gethsemane my my my jesus went to the mount of olives  i guess you want to know where i'm at luke   39 jesus went as usual to the mount of  olives and his disciples followed him   and he said to them pray that  you will not fall into temptation father if you're willing take this cup  from me yet not my will be done but yours   an angel came and strengthened him and being in  anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweat   became like great drops of blood now i've studied  that and that actually can happen but it only   happens when a person is under the most severe  stress that you could possibly imagine so that's   how much he was resisting the  temptation not to go to the cross let's understand tonight that jesus went to the  cross and died for us but he did not want to i think we think he wanted to he did not want to   but more than he did not want to go to  the cross he wanted to obey his father so here's what it comes down  to you may want to do the wrong   thing but do you want to obey god more  than you want to do the wrong thing well i can't help but i just got  tempted it's just a weakness for me well i'll come back again next year or something okay then if you well you know when when the soldiers came in to  get him peter quickly whips out his sword and   cuts off one of the guy's ears he must have been  pretty good with a sword to get an ear and not   get anything else and jesus said no no no no no i  don't know if he fixed the guy's ear or what but   here's here's what he said he said  don't you know that if i wanted to   that i could call for six legions of angels  and my father would send them right away   that's 72 000 angels so he was  saying i don't have to do this   god won't get mad at me if i don't  do it but he's asked me to do it this just blew me away when i saw this and in matthew it says he went twice and asked  god to take the cup away in this book it says   three different times he went and said father if  you can take this cup from me nevertheless your   will be done not mine so i guess what i'm asking  tonight we're not a guest i know what i'm asking jesus did a very dangerous thing he died on the cross but that's not what i'm  talking about he went to hell took the keys   of hell and death away from satan that's not  what i'm talking about he rose from the dead   took his blood to the heavenly holy  of holies put it on the mercy seat   he came back he revealed himself to  his disciples and some of the other   believers for 40 days there's nothing that  says he revealed himself to any unbeliever then he left well that was the most dangerous thing that he  could do you know why he left it the job with us he says okay i'm going to send the holy spirit  your helper your strengthener your intercessor   and you are now my personal representatives  making an appeal to the world for me he left it to us to finish what he  started how dangerous he just left and he said i'm coming back but he didn't say when  so what we have to do we have a job and i hope you   were not one of the 188 thousand who looked  at the post that said sit back and do nothing   because that is absolutely 100 not what god  wants anybody doing we all have gifts we all   have talents we all have abilities and we  need to use them come on give god a prayer all right let me pray for you father i did it the best i could now it's up to you please don't let them forget this message and help them to think about it and  think about it and think about it   and study it and get a real  revelation for themselves you left us with a job and you're coming back and you said  you're bringing your rewards with you god i want to receive a full reward and i no matter how much i don't want to do  something you ask me to do i want to obey you more so help me always do that and help them do  that and help everybody here tonight to make   a greater commitment to be obedient  to you in jesus name amen thank you thanks for joining us for this week's service  we pray that god has used this time to really   impact your life yeah but it doesn't have to end  here there are actually two ways that you can take   this time into the rest of the week first you can  share share in the comments what god spoke to you   during this message and then press the share  button and send this to a friend who could use   some encouragement second get connected whether  it's by pressing the subscribe button so that   you get notified when new messages go live or  by joining our facebook group through the link   in the description our team wants to learn how  we can equip you with the right resources and   encouragement to live the full life that  god has in store for you yeah and finally   you can also be a part of everything we're doing  together to share the hope and the message of   jesus christ by clicking the give now link in the  description below so your financial partnership   is gonna allow us to reach even more people  around the world for jesus and help them to   step into the full life that they were created for  absolutely thank you again for watching god bless
Channel: Christ Fellowship Church
Views: 1,864,077
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Keywords: Joyce Meyer Addiction, Joyce Meyer Identity, Joyce Meyer New Sermon, christ fellowship church, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer, joyce meyer 2022, joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer books, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer forgiveness, joyce meyer full sermons, joyce meyer latest sermons, joyce meyer marriage, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer preaching, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyers, the power of restraint
Id: -uSFesmC_tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 26sec (3626 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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