God's Assignment to YOU

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so hello this is david diega hernandez and you are watching viral revival the holy spirit's live stream mr reuben vargas is here with us he's filling in for mr stephen moctezuma say hello rube hello everybody thank you so much for having me and so he'll be with us and he's actually been sharing a devotional in just a little bit but i do want to welcome my friends watching from all around the world i'm going to be teaching today on your assignment this is actually more of a sermon than it is a lesson it's an encouragement to those of you who sense that you have just had all chaos coming against you in those seasons of chaos there is an assignment and i want to assure you that god has positioned you to make an impact to make a difference right where you are right now so i'm going to be encouraging you today on the broadcast but first let's hear from the chat i want to see where you're watching from and perhaps maybe how you're enjoying these live streams and i see that we have malowit is on with us sonia rose lyle said reuben and then put all exclamation points so sonia is happy to see you rube and then we got um rovan coaxbay says hello family daughter of the most high says hey from kelly that's california and then i see gail mcverry says hey reuben and then hillary thompson says hello and then fearless christian hello brother david and reuben pam may said excited to see you david and reuben from gulf breeze florida and then of course nene's joining us and fabi from bolivia we actually have someone joining us from bolivia right now holy spirit ministries is with us jamie is with us i see ronald marines is watching from edmonton alberta canada welcome to those of you watching from canada and then i see gail mcverry is joining us from north carolina grace aqui joining from phoenix arizona lori plum iowa and then i see eric ortiz is joining us from washington latest ortiz is watching from austin texas we were just there for tremendous service the power of the holy spirit moved i got to tell you all about it at some point and then hillary thompson is joining us from london i see allison from texas brenda from canada lauren from massachusetts i see sarah from india and rose rosa para is joining us from carson california tiffany mcallister from albany georgia and i can just see a list of names coming in worshiper forever says hello from new jersey pamela lin is joining from arkansas eric ortiz as we said from washington laura is joining us from the uk marina y is from spokane washington and then daniel floyd jr says greetings and love from rochester new york young prophet uh says hi i'm seven well god bless you young prophet seven-year-old watching us from wherever they're watching from and then i see vinneth k is joining us from california michelle from new jersey uh juane from trinidad and i see someone from gambia from colombia and then stephanie says where is stephen stephen is working on some things for the ministry today you know there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that people aren't aware of but steve will be joining us in spirit through his worship videos that he's prepared but he's going to be on set tomorrow we got a lot to prepare for we've been filming double every single week for the past what has it been three months now and so there's a lot of content that we're putting out we want to get well ahead for the film schedule and then steve is also working on some stuff with this worship music so sometimes that overlaps with the live streams but thank god we have people like mr rubin vargas joining in with us so steve is working on some other things for the ministry today but he will be back here not live but he'll be on set with me and we'll be filming some content for spirit church tomorrow and then i see lots of others just saying hello hello hello hello and hi and god bless you and amen and then i see pam may says you guys are working hard yes we work hard because we love souls we love jesus we want to bring god glory and we want to see the kingdom advance all around the world and you're a part of that and so we thank you for that okay so now that we've settled in here and welcome to all of you just joining us i'm going to be teaching on god's assignment to you even in and actually especially in those chaotic times god has given you an assignment so maybe you're looking at this season right now everything going on with covid everything going on with the political maneuvering of dark forces everything going on with the changes happening in our world it can become discouraging when it seems like the enemy is advancing but i want to show you from scripture today that god has given you an assignment even in the midst of the chaos it's going to be a very very encouraging message as we get into the word i'm believing this is going to happen right now i believe that as we get into the word those of you who have been struggling with having peace in your mind are going to receive peace those of you who are looking for clarity in the midst of the chaos you're going to find clarity and we're going to find it through the word but before we get into that i do want to mention just a few things coming up very soon i'm going to pull up the ministry app here so that i can look at a list of upcoming ministry events we have this sunday okay this sunday it's gonna be exciting this sunday we are taking communion together now even if you can't attend in person we're going to be broadcasting live online so that everyone can join in the communion service but if you can join in person i highly highly highly highly recommend that you come in person what just happened in texas was tremendous i mean hundreds literally hundreds were saved many amazing miracles took place including the healing of a woman who was blind in her left eye since birth and she began to see lights and shadows for the first time since she was i'm sorry since four years old not since birth since four years old she began to see lights and shadows for the first time since she was four i guess they had told us she had an accident when she was four years old and then at that service she came up to testify about healing in her body for some other ailment she had and lo and behold suddenly she starts seeing light and shadows out of her left eye which she hadn't done since she was four people got delivered from demonic powers and they got delivered i mean truly delivered the way jesus did it there was no song and dance no back and forth people were getting set free from demonic beings instantly why because the glory of god was there now the first night in texas was powerful i mean god truly moved but the second night oh my goodness i remember that second night when i walked out onto that platform i felt like it was a continuation of the service before and an intensification of what happened at the service before when i stepped out on that platform i could sense the heavy weight of god's glory on that room people even before i could really get into my sermon people began to weep all around the room and there was a real heavy weight of god's glory i laid hands on everybody in that building who wanted prayer people were going out under the power of god receiving impartation and breakthrough and healing is a powerful time now this is how god has been visiting us i have never experienced anything like this this is the holy spirit's doing i've been all the conferences all the worship events all of the special revival services but there is nothing like what the holy spirit's been doing around the world in this season revival is truly global right now and we're partaking of that so in these services the glory of god manifests i mean manifests very evidently on the room and miracles true miracles not just oh my back was healed i had a little ache and we appreciate those but we're after even greater miracles we are seeing um creative miracles people's tumors are disappearing skin disease is disappearing people are their eyes are opening their ears are opening people are leaving their walkers and their wheelchairs and god is on the move now this sunday march 28th it's going to be at 6 00 p.m pacific standard time we're going to be having our monthly spirit-filled service in california we're going to have that service i'm going to pray for the sick of course preach the gospel of course we're going to worship the lord of course but we're also going to take communion together now i'm going to be teaching on covenant and the communion and i pray that this sunday when i teach on that that your eyes would just be opened that you would truly see what's taking place in the spirit realm when you're taking communion and i pray that together by faith we ignite the power of the covenant through communion and we are believing god for even greater miracles than we've ever seen before i'm really contending i'm serious and i want you to contend with me i'm asking god i've been asking lord lord i so love and appreciate what you've done i so love and appreciate the miracles we've been seeing but lord i want to see greater miracles i want to see the next level miracles and i believe we're right on the brink of that and i believe we're going to activate that power through understanding the covenant so make sure you come on sunday bring your loved ones who need healing bring your loved ones who need deliverance bring your loved ones who are struggling with addiction a mental illness or just want a fresh touch of god's power come expecting a mighty move of the holy ghost god's going to move so that's this sunday march 28th in orange california make sure you're there be a part of what god is doing then of course we have our zoom healing service that's going to take place friday april 16th friday april 16th will be our zoom healing service so the zoom healing service is going to be awesome it's going to be a service just for the online audience i won't have a studio audience i won't have a congregation to minister to i'm just going to minister straight to those of you watching online again that is friday april 16th will be the online zoom healing service so for more information on any of these events i mentioned or to get a full list of all the ministry events up and coming go to davidhernandezministries.com events you can register there get information there and you can see the full list of events over there at davidhernandezministries.com event so make sure you're a part of it now before mr vargas teaches us a small a short devotional i should say before reuben goes into a short devotional i want to show you something that we've worked on for you if you've been believing for god to reveal your spiritual gift and you want to really focus in on where god has placed you concerning your position with the spiritual gifts and we created something for you that's biblically based and free and you can actually begin using it today so check this out that we're going to come right back with mr ruben vargas sharing this short devotional did you know that the holy spirit has given you a spiritual gift the bible says a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other that's first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7. the bible is clear every believer has something to contribute to the body of christ however many believers are confused or unaware of what their spiritual gifts are if you are praying about or wondering about what spiritual gift god has given to you then i invite you to take the spiritual gifts test available at spiritualgifttest.com it's absolutely free and it will only take a few minutes while only the holy spirit can ultimately confirm your gift to you you can use our test as a helpful resource in fact you can choose from three of the biblically based tests that we offer the spiritual gifts test will assess your power gift as written about in first corinthians 12. the leadership gifts test will assess your leadership gift as written about in ephesians 4. the service gifts test will assess your service gift as written about in romans 12 and 1st corinthians 12. again it's 100 free and you can get started right now by going to spiritualgifttest.com [Music] i'm looking in the comments and it looks like several of you have actually already taken the spiritual gifts test so leave in the comment section what your results were i'd be very curious to know how you tested with those spiritual gifts so as i said i will be teaching or preaching this message in just a moment first we're going to hear from our good friend mr rubin vargas who has prepared a devotional to you mr vargas it's all yours awesome well thank you guys so much for having me on david thank you so much for having me on i will have steven next time but i'm so excited to be here with you guys uh like david said i just want to share a quick devotional with you and i'm going to go ahead and read out of the book of luke and i pray that this encourages you this is something that god has placed in my heart and i pray that you receive whatever it is god has for you so yes i'm going to be reading out of the book of luke chapter 18 and we're going to be starting in verse 18 and it says and a ruler asked him good teacher what must i do to inherit eternal life and jesus said to him why do you call me good no one is good except god alone you know the commandments do not commit adultery do not murder do not steal do not bear false witness honor your father and mother and he said all these i have kept from my youth when jesus heard this he said to him one thing you still lack so all that you have and distribute to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come follow me but when he heard these things he became very sad for he was extremely rich jesus seeing that he had become sad said however difficult it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of god for it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of god i want to talk about the person that individual who might be questioning god that individual who might be trying to do all the right things by themselves that individual who believes they probably have everything together all situated all planned perfectly but there's a couple of things that we read from the story about jesus interacting with this uh rich young ruler a couple things that we don't realize is that there was this one thing that's hindering this rich young ruler and a lot of us can take away from this especially you know these pharisees as he's explaining this parable to them is though there's this man who may be lacking this one thing which was his wealth there's quite often times in our lives where we have to examine ourselves and and realize there might be something in our lives that we might be lacking as well this one thing that is preventing us from receiving all that god has for us in the book of second corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 it says examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith test yourselves or do you not realize this about yourselves that jesus christ is in you jesus christ is in you unless indeed you fail to meet the test what a tragedy would be to expect that we have everything all together everything all situated thinking we're in perfect alignment with god yet we fall short of the glory of god this rich young ruler though he followed all the commandments though he he said you know jesus i followed every single commandment what else must i do jesus responding you lack this one thing and that's where i want to go ahead and minister to you is there this one thing in your life that you may be um taking for granted maybe this one thing that you are not taking account for this one thing in your life that you may not even realize is there that jesus is saying you lack this one thing but you don't know what it is i want you guys to examine yourself examine your life from the inside out and then do that all over again examine your life and ask god what is it this one thing that i lack in order to receive all that you know all that you have for me lord what is this one thing and um as the lord was ministering to me and and as i was reading the scripture my prayer at the end was god what is it that you want me to identify in my life that i need to let go that need to put down maybe a relationship that i need to cut off maybe uh this certain activity i need to stop doing what is this one thing in your life that you might be lacking in that you might be preventing yourself from receiving all that god has for you i want to go ahead and pray for you that individual that might be listening that might be saying you know what reuben there might be something in my life or maybe you're saying yeah reuben there is something in my life that i need to let go i want to pray for you right now and i want you guys to go ahead and pray with me this way you may identify what it is that god has for you understand that god is for you god is with you and he wants to bless your life if you would just look at that one thing and let go of it whatever it may be so i want to go ahead and pray for you right now and just believe god for you and believe for me as as well lord i just pray right now lord for those that are watching lord i pray right now lord that you begin to move in our hearts jesus begin to speak to us lord lord i pray for that person that is questioning that is asking you lord what is it that they need to do in order to fulfill whatever it is that you have for them god begin to reveal that thing in their life right now lord our relationship god lord a a certain habit god an addiction lord i pray right now that you begin to reveal it right now god and let them identify it i pray that you begin to break these bondages that they may have in their life god pray for any certain addiction lord any type of temptation god that you remove it right now in the name of jesus lord i pray that we would be more like you god lord let us examine our hearts every single day lord when we come to you lord that we would have a a life filled with prayer god that we would come to you on a daily asking god what is it that i need to let go in order to fulfill whatever it is that you have for my life lord i pray for that individual right now in jesus name amen so before we get into the message let's worship together let's sing holy holy holy and then let's sing the song have my heart we're going to worship now mr stephen moctezuma and then we're coming right back and i'm going to be ministering on god's assignment to you in the difficulty holy [Music] holy lord god almighty in the morning our song shall rise to thee holy holy merciful and blessed trinity [Music] holy holy [Music] holy lord god oh my [Music] our song shall rise to thee holy holy [Music] holy [Music] merciful [Music] blessed [Music] blessed trinity [Music] you love with no reservation you're not looking for perfection and there's no need in me pretending i'll give you everything i'll give you everything you deserve my full attention [Music] nothing less than my devotion speak to me and i will listen i'll give you everything i'll give you everything [Music] you can have my heart [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i'll give you everything i'll give you [Applause] everyday you can have my heart [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] [Music] above all powers above all kings above all nature and all creative things [Music] above all wisdom and all the ways you were here before the world begins [Music] above all kingdoms above all thrones above all wonders the world has ever known [Music] above all wealth and treasures of the earth [Music] lay behind a stone [Music] [Music] trampled on the ground [Music] and thought of me [Music] above all [Music] laid behind the snow you live to [Music] you took the phone and thought of me above all you took the fall [Music] and thought of me above all [Music] so i pray that the lord would begin to even do a work right now father in jesus name we approach your word with great reverence we come humbly asking for you to speak to us through that word and father i pray today that those who are watching and experiencing chaos and trouble that they would be encouraged that they would find peace in you they would find clarity of mind in your presence we honor and we thank you lord we bless your name in the name of jesus we pray and i want you to say it because you believe it say amen so i'm ministering now on god's assignment to you god's specific assignment to you in the midst of the chaos i want to say this to you and i want you to really receive it i want you to ask the holy spirit to help plant this idea in your mind in your heart that this truth might be rooted and become a part of you so that when you face chaotic times when you face troubles of any kind that you would remain firmly planted that you would remain encouraged that you would remain filled with peace filled with hope filled with life remember this god uses you to bring others back to life god uses you to bring others back to life consider that there very well may be an assignment for you in the midst of the chaos within your pain there is a purpose within your suffering there is a specific assignment within the storm god has given you a purpose to fulfill a destiny to fulfill god sends you into the storm god sends you into the darkness god sends you into the chaos not that you might be tormented not that you might be filled with pain but that you might bring others who are there out of that place god has sent you into the chaos on a rescue mission i want to show you a very familiar portion of scripture go now to ezekiel chapter 37 very very familiar portion of scripture you've likely heard this narrative read aloud and preached on several times but i want to take a look at this and try to find the biblical angle okay because i've read ezekiel 37 this is ezekiel 37 we're going to read verses 1 through 10. and you'll hear many different sermons preached on it and i'm sure that those sermons have validity to them i'm not here to criticize anyone there is validity to when people preach on it and they talk about the resurrection power of god yes god has resurrection power and this story this narrative is a demonstration of that resurrection power but this narrative is not necessarily about god's resurrection power not necessarily i've heard people preach this and talk about it as if it's a narrative that teaches us that our dreams will come back to life that those things that we desire will come back to life this has been preached as an encouragement to people who feel dry and who feel spiritually dead and while all of those points biblically speaking can find their validity at some point in scripture i want to take a biblical look at this particular portion and let's see what the holy spirit speaks to us i want you to have expectation i want you to ask the holy spirit to speak to you now as we read this go ahead ask them out loud say holy spirit speak to me through your word so ezekiel chapter 37 i'm going to read verses 1 through 10 this is what the scripture says the lord took hold of me this is ezekiel the prophet writing and i was carried away by the spirit of the lord to a valley filled with bones he led me all around among the bones that covered the valley floor they were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out then he asked me son of man can these bones become living people again o sovereign lord i replied you alone know the answer to that then he said to me speak a prophetic message to these bones and say dry bones listen to the word of the lord this is what the sovereign lord says look i am going to put breath into you and make you live again i will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin i will put breath into you and you will come to life then you will know that i am the lord so i spoke this message just as he told me suddenly as i spoke there was a rattling noise all across the valley the bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons then as i watched muscles and flesh formed over the bones then skin formed to cover their bodies but they still had no breath in them then he said to me speak a prophetic message to the wind son of man speak a prophetic message and say this is what the sovereign lord says come o breath from the four winds breathe into these bodies so they may live again so i spoke the message he commanded me and breath came into their bodies they all came to life and stood up on their feet a great army so several things to note about this portion of scripture but first of all let's lay down the context here these dry bones were a prophetic picture of the children of israel you see because the nation of israel had become disobedient toward god god had to punish them they turned to idolatry they embraced sinful living they embraced paganism they embraced spiritual prostitution they turned from god as a nation and therefore god had to punish them now in his punishing them he wasn't punishing them for the sake alone of punishing them rather god brings punishment as correction and that punishment is meant to break our pride that we might turn from our sin and turn toward him so if you're humbling yourself before god he doesn't have to break you in this way but here this prophetic picture of israel is painted for us as a valley of dry bones idol worship disobedience now the children of israel because of their sin are being held captive in babylon they're slaves to the babylonians so israel lost their land they lost their temple they lost their freedom they lost their home they were in danger of losing their language and their culture why because they were in captivity to another nation and so god sends ezekiel the prophet to this nation that is in captivity a nation within a nation if you will and god is basically saying through the prophetic picture ezekiel look this is the situation of my people because of their sin they've become like dry bones and the bible specifically attaches that description dry to bones because bones that are dried have been dead for a long time thus it's more difficult at least in our minds for resurrection to happen or it's least likely that a resurrection will happen once the bones have begun to dry out think about when jesus went to raise lazarus from the dead they said lord if you roll away the tomb the stench will come out if you roll away the stone the stench will come out in other words he's been dead a long time probably too long even for you to resurrect him and for some reason we put these human limitations on the power of god based upon how we perceive his moving in the earth nonetheless this is a picture of israel this is a picture of them as a nation in other words it's just as likely for dry bones to come back to life as it is for israel to become its own nation again it's just as likely for dry bones to have muscle and skin and tendons and animation as it is for israel to regain their land their temple their culture their language their freedoms their autonomy and so god is basically showing the prophet ezekiel these dry bones represent the people of israel and their current situation an impossible situation dry bones not a very likely situation for resurrection the nation of israel in captivity to babylon not a very likely scenario for the nation to rise on its own again so this is the parallel that's being drawn and god sends to the people of israel this prophet ezekiel and i found it interesting that ezekiel was taken there by the spirit of god the lord took hold of me and i was carried away by the spirit of the lord to a valley with dry bones now biblically speaking as i'll show you in a moment valleys represent places of struggle places of death places of darkness places that you don't want to be valleys represent difficult circumstances and chaotic situations yet it was the spirit it was the holy spirit who took ezekiel to a valley now we've often been taught that god doesn't want anything ever difficult in our lives and this is just not true if anybody's ever told you that the purpose of the gospel is to give you health wealth and happiness they lied to you the gospel isn't about what i can gain in this world the gospel is about what god gave in this world that i might gain eternity with him everything else is an additional blessing now this is not to say that god won't bless you this is not to say that god won't heal you this is not to say that god won't protect you of course he protects you he blesses you he heals you he prospers you all of those things are biblical but at the same time we have to recognize that as believers we must embrace the cross we must embrace the struggle in fact when you go through a trial your character is formed to that of the character of christ so trials are not just unavoidable they are necessary components of your spiritual growth when we're taught otherwise when we're taught that trials are something to be avoided when we're taught that trials shouldn't be accepted to any degree in our lives then when we do finally face trials we feel disillusioned we feel lied to we feel like god failed us we say god i thought i wasn't supposed to go through anything and this is why people fall away from the faith because they're taught from the beginning that nothing bad will ever happen to them this isn't the case there will come trials jesus said in this world you will have persecution be of good cheer i i've come i've overcome the world you will have tribulation you will have trouble whatever translation you're reading the point is you're going to have some chaos you're going to face some difficult circumstances you will find yourself in predicaments that you don't want to be in so it was the spirit who carried ezekiel to a difficult situation but he didn't just take him to the difficult situation as a means of punishment he didn't just put ezekiel the prophet in the valley of darkness in the valley of death in the valley of dry bones just to place them there and abandon him there no the spirit of god took ezekiel to the valley of dry bones that he might speak a prophetic word to the dry bones so in verse 3 the scripture says then he asked me son of man can these bones become living people again oh sovereign lord i replied you alone know the answer to that in other words god you're the only one who truly knows whether or not these dry bones can live you're the only one who truly can tell us whether or not they can come back to life in other words it's only in your power it's only by your will it's only in your doing that anything could ever happen again to where these dry bones would be resurrected so only you know only you have that power i i don't have the answer to that and maybe you're in a situation like that maybe you're in a circumstance where you're saying god only you know if these dry bones can live only you know if the circumstance can change so this is a picture of darkness it's depressing it's hopeless it's bleak these dry bones are dead and this is the prophetic picture of the nation of israel now this is not a picture of you and i now you've probably heard this sermon preached from that angle saying that oh this is talking about spiritually dry christians or this can apply to christians who are spiritually weak look there are other portions of the scripture that promise strength to those of us who feel weak there are other portions of scripture that promise refreshing for those who feel spiritually dry but this portion of scripture is not one of them no no you and i are not the dry bones in this situation how how can you and i be dry bones think about this really how can you and i be dry bones when first john 5 4 says for every child of god defeats this evil world and we achieve this victory through our faith in other words how can i be defeated like those dry bones when the bible says i come from a place of victory romans 8 37 says no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through christ who loved us not even death itself can take away our hope think about the fact that even in death you and i have hope so you and i are not the dry bones i want you to say it out loud say i'm not the dry bones and anytime someone preaches a sermon that tries to teach you you're the dry bone say how can this possibly be when i have been raised to life in christ reuben how's the chat doing yeah i was just about to uh say i think a lot of people are receiving this as like fresh revelation i like how some people like rachel saying i've been wondering what this means and then we have chris saying i've been getting the scripture a lot over and over nancy is saying i love this verse i've been hearing it a lot lately and the entire chapter is saying man god is always with us he's always there with us and it's so true and and this i i appreciate that they're saying it's it's fresh revelation but let me be very clear this has always been the intention of what this scripture was was talking about it was never used in old testament understanding it was never used to describe you and i this was a prophetic picture of the children of israel who were living in sin living in idolatry bound in captivity to the babylonians they lost their temple lost their land last lost their culture or were in danger of losing their culture and their language and basically the idea was look the state of these dry bones that's the state of the nation of israel at this point and god asks the prophet can these dry bones live in other words can israel become a nation again can they be free and autonomous again and ezekiel says lord only you know that so i'm trying to prove to prove the point here that you and i are not dry bones you and i are not dead skeletons in some valley somewhere and so this is what the scripture says in first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 and now dear brothers and sisters we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope even when we face death this is so powerful even when we face death or when we lose a loved one or when someone goes home to be with the lord even at that point we don't even grieve like the world grieves you hear these days a lot of talk about privilege oh check your this privilege check your that privilege you're privileged because of this and that and all of this this talk of privilege can i tell you something you have the ultimate privilege of knowing jesus and there is no greater advantage in life than having a personal connection to the holy spirit and that's a privilege you ought to embrace there is no keeping me down i am victorious in christ jesus i have overcome in christ jesus i am an overcomer despite the situation even in death i'm not a victim why because even in death i'm victorious for to live is christ to die is gain even in death i'm embracing eternity with him there is no defeat for the child of god it's just non-existent even in trials you may say wait a minute i'm defeated every day i go through this i go through that i'm here to tell you that even in those trials even in that difficult situation you are not the dry bones god will send you to the valley not to be the dry bones but to be the prophet who calls the dry bones back to life bones cannot represent us because we aren't spiritually dead let me say that again the dry bones cannot represent you and i because we aren't spiritually dead john 10 10 says the thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy i have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly i don't just have life i have abundant life in christ jesus first corinthians chapter 15 verse 22 for as in adam all die so also in christ shall all be made alive i'm alive in him i'm not dead i'm not dry in some valley somewhere even in tragedy please hear me even in loss even in financial hardship even in the sickness even in the relationship breakup even in the struggle even in the question and the doubt and the the wondering about your future even in the persecution you're victorious you have the victory because ultimately you're in god's hands ultimately you're in god's love so let me make that first point you are not you are not say it again i am not the dry bones i'm not i'm simply not so the valley represents hardship look at what psalm chapter 23 verse 4 says psalm 23 4 says even when i walk to the darkest valley i will not be afraid for you are close beside me your rod and your staff protect and comfort me some of you like it in the king james version yeah though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me this is a description of the valley the valley is a dark place the valley is a place of struggle the valley is a place of defeat and even in that valley we only face the shadow of death not death itself even in that valley we we are not overcome by it i can be in the valley but the valley can never be in me i can be in the struggle but the struggle can never be in me i can stand in the midst of darkness but darkness can never be in me i'm an overcomer i'm victorious i live in victory seated in heavenly places through christ jesus and even in the worst possible even in the most horrific situation imaginable i am victorious in christ so i'm not the dry bones don't refer to me as that don't say i'm spiritually dry don't say i'm spiritually dead your spirit's always filled with the rivers of the spirit your spirit is always alive the question is are you always connected to your spirit so don't say oh i'm spiritually dry that's not even a thing i'm spiritually dry you're not spiritually dry your spirit is always filled with rivers of living water the scripture says out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water the question is are you connected to the spirit your spirit is never dry your spirit is never dead your spirit is never disconnected from god your spirit never has trouble hearing his voice your spirit never has trouble understanding the word the question is are you connected to that spirit are you partaking of that spiritual reality so think about the different valleys in the scripture the valley of elah this is where david confronted the giant goliath you can see that in first samuel chapter 17 verse 2. this is this can prophetically represent the valley of conflict think of the valley of acor this is joshua chapter 7 verse 26 this is where achan was stoned to death after he sinned by partaking of the plunder that he should not have touched this is the valley of conflict by the way on a side note i always thought it was rather sad with what happened with aiken you can see in joshua 7 26 he stoned to death and then in joshua 8 2 i believe the lord says to the israelites okay this next city you can keep all the treasure in other words he had he just waited he could have had some of that treasure but nonetheless this valley represents the valley of consequence why because this is where aiken was stoned to death because of the consequence of his sin then there's the valley of sidom now scholars debate this particular location some say that sodom and gomorrah was right in this valley or some say it was near the valley but we do know that it was either really close to the valley or it was right in the valley but the valley of sidom could be considered the location of sodom and gomorrah now in this valley there were slime pits it was a really disgusting place you can take a look at these slime pits referenced in genesis 14 1-3 and then genesis chapter 14 verse 10. this represents the valley of corruption so the valley of elah is the valley of conflict the valley of acor is the valley of consequence the valley of sidim is the valley of corruption the valley of eskol this is where the israelites decided to settle in the land instead of moving forward into the promised land some of them said hey we're going to stay here on this side of the river when you go to battle we'll cross over with you help you fight and take over your land but we're going to settle here and this is the valley of choice some chose to stay there rather than moving into the promised land finally there's the valley of kidron and this is found in second kings chapter 23 verse six second kings chapter 23 verse six the valley of kidron was a place where they buried um some of the the the people who you would actually recognize some of the names buried there but this was a cemetery so valley of ela the valley of conflict valley of acor valley of consequence valley of siddum valley of corruption valley of esko valley of choice valley of kidron the valley of crushing now i want you to think about this for a moment sometimes we face conflict like david faced when he went up against the giant goliath he came up against a seemingly impossible situation but entered it with great faith and because he entered it with great faith and boldness god met him there and caused him to be victorious we all face the valley of aitkin or acor this is the valley of consequence all of us have made really foolish decisions that we wish we could retract and then we face the consequences of those decisions now sometimes the lord is gracious and merciful he's always gracious and merciful sometimes he he actually will roll back and pull away the consequence and he'll give us grace in that area other times he lets us face certain consequences depending upon how humble we are before him now in this valley of consequence even the believer will face this sometimes but even in that valley of consequence and it may not even be a sinful mistake it may just be a decision that you make financially it may be a decision that you make about your location it may be a decision that you make about your career or your education or just a general life decision and you end up facing negative consequences as a result of that life decision that's just the valley of consequence that's just a part of life every choice every decision has a consequence and god holds each individual not society god holds individuals accountable for the decisions that they make and so we all will face consequence we all will face the valley of corruption the question is will the corruption get in your heart some of you have unsaved loved ones who are smoking and drinking and doing drugs around you some of you live in a house that you can't get out of for one reason or another and there's corruption there some of you work in a corrupt place some of you go to school in a corrupt place and you might be near the corruption but god can keep the corruption from entering into your heart some of us face this valley of escoll where we make a choice and we're forced to come to a decision about a major thing moving forward and we have to make a choice and god is with us there we face the valley of kedron maybe some of you are there in the valley of kidron the valley of crushing you're sensing the great weight of a tragedy or the great weight of some consequence that has come about not through your decision per se but just through life and you're in this place and your heart is broken you're being crushed you feel alone you feel isolated that's the valley of crushing now the believer faces these different valleys in different ways than do the unbelievers so the believer faces these valleys one way and the unbeliever faces the valley a different way imagine facing conflict without god's refuge imagine facing consequence without god's grace imagine facing corruption without the power to resist that temptation or choice the valley of choice without divine wisdom imagine facing that crushing without the hope of glory that's the plight of the sinner that's the that's the place that many who are ungodly are in they're in the place where they're facing all of these difficult things and they don't have god there to help them through this difficulty so before i get into my next point reuben how is the chat doing i like how everybody in the chat as you were ministering earlier on dry bones everybody professing on the chat saying i'm not the dry bones i'm not the dry bones people saying i am victorious in christ eric's saying i'm glad i tuned in this is such a very excellent word for me and then i see someone asking also they want me to list the valleys again i'll do that for you right now so if you're taking notes i'm going to move through them very slowly and then i'm going to go on to my next point so the valley of ela e-l-a-h this is where david confronted goliath that's first samuel 17 2 this is the valley of conflict you can always go back and watch the replay too the valley of acor a-c-h-o-r this is where aiken was stoned to death as a result of the sin of keeping the plunder hidden and buried under his tent that's joshua 726 that's the valley of consequence number three the valley of sidim s-i-d-d-i-m this is basically where sodom and gomorrah were located and this is found in genesis chapter 14 verses 1-3 and genesis 14 10. this is the valley of corruption number four the valley of escol e-s-c-h-o-l the valley of escol this is where some of the israelites decided to stay on one side of the river instead of crossing over into the promised land that's in numbers 32 9 this is the valley of choice number five the valley of kidron this is the cemetery this is found in second kings chapter 23 verse 6 and this is the valley of crushing now let's go back to our main text in ezekiel 37 i want to show you something else here let's go down let's go down to verse 9. this is what god says to ezekiel ezekiel 37 9 then he said to me speak a prophetic message to the wind son of man speak a prophetic message and say this is what the sovereign lord says come o breath from the four winds breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again now watch this so i spoke the message as he commanded me and breath came into their bodies so ezekiel did not have the power in and of himself to bring to life these dry bones none of us have that power it's god's power through us i want you to pay special attention to the fact that ezekiel said i spoke as god commanded me so if i'm not the dry bones if i'm not that which is dead in the valley then what am i in this story who are you you are the prophet whom god has sent to the valley of dry bones i want you to receive this say holy spirit help me receive this you are not the dry bones you're the prophet i want you to say it out loud say i'm not the dry bones i'm the prophet you're the one god has sent to the difficult place to speak life to those who are hopeless you're the one god has sent to the valley of darkness to speak life to those who are lifeless so the children of israel in the old testament are a type and shadow of those who are bound in sin in the new testament the children of israel in slavery to egypt or in captivity to any nation really are a prophetic picture of what it's like for us to be slaves to sin in that when we abandon god and his covenant we come under the subjection of the kingdom of darkness so then if the dry bones in the old testament represent the children of israel who have been in captivity specifically in captivity then that means that in the new testament understanding the dry bones represent the lost i'm not the dry bones i'm the prophet the dry bones are the lost souls they're in the valley they're in the darkness this is not a message about the power of your words because it's not your word it's god's word and the prophet spoke exactly as god commanded this is not a message about the power of belief this is not a message about our hopes and dreams this is not even necessarily a message about resurrection this is a message about how god sends you to the valley to raise the dry bones back to life with his word i want to say that again this is a message about how god sends you to the valley to raise the dry bones back to life with his word god will always accomplish his word despite our many failings even when it seems impossible lord can these dry bones live even when the bones are scattered god can you bring this all back together you see god has called you to speak to the heart of the sinner the heart of the sinner that's the dry bones that someone can convert and be saved that's a miracle i love our miracle services that we do all around the world i love seeing the testimonies reuben when you bring them up and say this person came with this and that i love those and the healing testimonies are always tremendous but do you know what does more for me than anything else it's when i i'm preaching the message of salvation through christ jesus and i see hundreds of people respond to give their hearts to the lord do you know why that does more for me than anything else well number one it's eternal number two it's the greatest miracle salvation is the greatest miracle i mean think about it that i could preach the gospel message and that someone hearing it could have their heart transformed by the holy spirit to the preaching of that word that truly is the dry bones coming back to life a sinner becoming a saint that's the dry bones coming back to life that that one who is bound in sin and lost in hopelessness a subject of the kingdom of darkness a slave to sin that they can be regenerated and put on a new nature that's what's being represented when the scripture talks about the dry bones putting on muscle and tissue and skin and receiving breath it's the regeneration of the heart now nobody nobody can cause that to happen but god you and i can preach all day long it's not our job to persuade it's our job to present the gospel and then the holy spirit takes over from there i'm amazed every single time i see a soul get saved that they would come to the saving knowledge of christ jesus that truly is a miracle a miracle and we get to witness that and that really is the picture that's been given to us in our text in ezekiel that those who were dead can live that those who were lifeless can have life if we just speak the word you see god didn't send you to the valley for nothing you're not in a difficult place for nothing you're not near difficult people for nothing god put you there on assignment there is purpose in your pain please hear me now there is purpose in your pain not that you might receive all that you've ever dreamed of but that you might be an instrument a prophet who would speak the word of god who would speak life to the dry bones now only god knows if the dry bones are going to live it's not in our power to make it happen it's such an impossible situation it's such an impossible situation for someone to convert to be transformed and that's the representation of the dry bones but god has sent us to the dry bones hasn't he he sends he sends us to the stubborn and hard-hearted speak the word and they will live he sends us to the drug addicted to the suicidal to the demon possessed to the perverted to the skeptical and the cynical to the lovers of self and pleasure what do they want to do with god they don't love god they want nothing to do with him they love the darkness they they despise the word of god but somehow someway when that word is declared to them those dry bones come back to life and they become an army of god god sent you to the valley so that you might call people to the mountaintop there's purpose in your pain there's a reason you're in the struggle you're in there's a reason you're in that difficult circumstance so whenever you find yourself in a trial in a difficult place i want to challenge you to look around and see if you can't find someone who needs the word of god see if you can't find the dry bones that you might speak a life to their circumstance so father i pray in the name of jesus that you would cause us to see thank you lord that you've trusted us with these assignments and lord forgive us for making the trials about us forgive us for complaining about our difficulties instead of being instruments in your hand forgive us for our attitudes and our ungratefulness and i pray lord you cause us to see the purpose and the pain the assignment in the valley and help us to speak life to those who are dead in the name of jesus and lord i pray for healing to come on your people right now the healing virtue flow even now touch them i pray i thank you lord heal all who are sick break every addiction i pray every mental bondage be free from it in the name of jesus i want you to say it because you believe it say amen well we're going to take a quick break we're going to come right back but i want i want to take a moment to worship and maybe you're listening to what i'm saying and you're saying wow lord forgive me i've made my trial about me i think right now we should sing that song to god be the glory because that's what it's all about it's all about his glory so we're going to sing this song to god be the glory and then i'm going to take your questions when we come back i want to interact with you i want to know what you think about the message i want to know if you have any questions i want to talk with you chat with you spend some time with you but first let's seal this word as we worship the lord and we sing with hearts full of faith to god be the glory [Music] be the glory to come [Music] for the things he has done with his blood [Music] he has saved me with his power he has raised for the things he has to god be the glory to come be the glory [Laughter] [Music] [Music] he has raised [Music] he has done [Music] for the things he has done for the things he has done [Music] hey so i do want to interact with you i see many of you on the chat i'm reading a lot of the comments in regards to the message it looks like many of you were encouraged by the word of god which is always thrilling to see because i like seeing people get their breakthrough spiritually i like seeing people being encouraged and uplifted and edified it brings me joy to see your life touched by god's power and by god's word and we want to see more people touched by god's power and by god's word you know in this season it really is a test of our trust in god there are many people going through difficult difficult circumstances and what i'm seeing is a common thread reuben is that people are very afraid about their futures they're starting to visualize and catastrophize and think about the worst case scenarios there's talk about this collapsing and that collapsing and the dollar losing its value and you know what about bitcoin what about stocks what about job markets what about look it you have to understand that even in those difficult scenarios our source is not the things of the world our source is god and he's going to take care of us in every situation and we need to trust him he's never let us down he's never let us down and he's not going to start doing it i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor the children begging for bread god's not going to forsake you god's going to take care of you in this season with that in mind let's be challenged today to think about eternity not just the here and the now look god's going to take here and take care of here and now there's no doubt about that he's going to take care of you stop worrying some of you stay up late at night you look at articles you watch the news you check your account obsessively you try to plan for the future and think about things and that's good planning for the future is good that's good stewardship but at the same time we mustn't be so obsessed with the future that we become fearful of everything that could possibly go wrong nothing's ever as bad as the world says it is nothing's ever as good as the world says it is we just go to the word for that consistency for that certainty for that strong foundation upon which we stand god is going to take care of you you can take a breath of relief because god is going to take care of you he's i'm going to say it again because we need to get this in our spirit he's never let you down he's not going to start so stop worrying so much everything's going to be okay with that said as i was saying i want to challenge you to help our ministry continue with their assignment we have a lot of things that we're doing as a ministry we're continuing to grow look at even in this chaotic time our ministry has grown several times over and we're excited about that and we want to keep seeing that god's blessing us in the midst of the chaos and he's going to bless you too we're okay we're doing great not surviving but thriving okay that's the plan for god's children so i want to challenge you to give something to the ministry today financially put something in the ministry financially so you'll enable us to continue doing these live streams to continue doing our events around the world to continue putting out the media content which many of you love the teachings and the worship clips and the clips of the power of god and the highlights of the miracles it's all supported by donors on top of that we have the holy spirit school where people receive free bible training and everything is given away for free because that's what we believe god wants us to do now many of us in the united states are experiencing increase in this season i know some of these people are reporting we have a lot of people messaging us saying hey we're giving you this because of the stimulus that we just received and we want to sow into this ministry so we've got an influx from that and we're thankful for that but i want to challenge everyone to do something for the kingdom of god right now by going to davidhernandezministries.com give a one-time gift especially consider becoming a monthly supporter because that consistent giving really is what helps us to build and expand and so we're very excited about everything god's doing with this ministry we'll continue to give the content away for free we'll continue to do the live streams for free we'll continue to never charge registration for the events as long as the people of god continue to support it through donations it's all free will offerings and it is biblical god will bless you for it so make sure you go and do that right now and god will use your gift to help his ministry continue to expand but for those of you considering a monthly partnership let me just show you a couple things here think about the fact that some of you have netflix or hulu or playstation memberships or what's the other stuff brit that people use for gaming do you know he you have what's that one you use the has all the games you can select steam what stream steam what did you call it steam okay so there's all these different things that people pay for some of you get starbucks like twice a day which is like six dollars a cup of coffee there's all these different things we invest our money in and that's fine if you want to use your finances for some recreation or little things like that that's perfectly fine but why not also support the ministry you know you can become a partner with this ministry for only ten dollars a month think about that ten dollars a month you can do that in any economy ten dollars a month and you'll know that you're helping to continue support all of the things that we do as a ministry but while we know that you give because you love god we also want to give back to our partners because we love our partners partner with us today for ten dollars or more a month and you will receive a dove lapel pin it's a beautiful dove lapel pin it's blue and white you can wear it on your clothing at ministry events so that you can show your support of the ministry you're going to get access to our monthly zoom calls with our partners by the way there's one this saturday on the 27th monthly zoom calls with our partners where steve and i interact with you we give you news and upcoming announcements about the ministry you'll be the first to know anything about the ministry when you become a partner uh partners get event seat reservations sometimes we get so packed people have to sit on the floor people stand in the lobby people line up hours before our events start outside of the buildings and partners will save your seats for you and your loved ones you also get an exclusive monthly email update that's all for 10 a month think about that 10 a month you get all that plus you help you get to know that you're helping to create all the content plus you get to know you're helping to support the events plus you get to know that you're helping to support the holy spirit school what better way can you spend ten dollars a month at the 30 a month level you're going to get all of those wonderful benefits plus you get to select a book from our book catalog i forgot to mention all partners at 10 a month or more get 10 off all ministry apparel that's included in the 30 a month level and then at the hundred dollar a month level this is a hundred dollars or more a month you're gonna get all of that plus your apparel discount will double that means you'll get 20 and you get to get all four books four books guys from the ministry catalog and that is in addition to knowing that you're supporting all those things i mentioned plus you're helping us win souls come on there's no better thing to invest in so make a commitment today to become a monthly partner by going to davidhernandezministries.com donate i can see already that shimmery hudgens just became a monthly partner thank you lily nguyen just gave a one-time gift thank you lily raheed just gave a one-time gift ipang just gave a one-time gift pam and galen just gave a one-time gift i also see that marita our good friend just gave a one-time gift the patrick family just gave a one-time gift thank you patrick family and by the way we love the patrick family we hope to see you guys soon um uh sharoon give me a call sometime and then rosara lockkin just gave a one-time gift nancy church just gave a generous one-time gift thank you nancy i see nadine roberts our good friend uh gave a one-time give and thank you nadine for the birthday gift that you sent over we appreciate that and uh you know my wife jess will make good use of it ronald taylor thank you for the one-time gift we appreciate your support and so i'm going to be able to see all of these donations that come in so if you give while we're still alive i'll be able to see it right here in front of me but again i encourage you give a one-time gift become a monthly supporter step out in faith stop worrying about the future as i said you can do ten dollars a month in any economy so jump out be a partner or give a one-time gift today and help us continue doing everything that we're doing as a ministry reuben there's also some people to thank on the youtube super chat yeah i have some people to thank over on the youtube super chat i have a long list right now it's uh ramona we want to thank you for your generous donation irene carmela sergio sanchez ministries nancy marsha laurie kale micah cynthia eric tina rosa david brooke charisma nathan gayle and sean and i hope i got everybody thank you guys so much for your journey i just saw sean's coming thank you sean brevard and he has some he posted right there on the youtube super super chat is that like a pear is that a fruit that yes like emoji kind of an emoji it looks like a pair with legs and arms it's alive well thank you sean for sending that in i look i just got an influx of others thank you annetti uh nettie just gave a one-time gift thank you nettie i see ronald just gave a one-time gift i also see joshua love just became a monthly supporter thank you joshua we appreciate that so we're going to get into the q a i'll keep reading those as shout outs but again one more time david hernandez ministries.com donate give a one-time gift or become a monthly supporter help us continue doing everything that we do okay let's get into the chat here i i saw some comments here reuben um let me see so there's someone adam loves god just ask uh would there be any way i could get the prayer requests sent to my email so i could pray for them as well in fact adam there is a way we actually have a prayer group that sends out the the prayer list so reuben let's let's get him on that so when people send in prayer requests to our ministry those get prayed for if they send out now sometimes it's difficult because like on my facebook for instance um people send messages on my facebook they send messages on instagram they send messages on youtube on twitter it's very very difficult to go through every day and read those especially because we're not on those message uh platforms every single day i mean the staff goes on there to post but it's very difficult to go through each one so what we set up was an auto reply so if you message us on facebook or instagram it'll automatically reply say hey if you want to send us a prayer request use this link now if you send a prayer request through our website davidhernandezministries.comcontact there's actually a prayer team that gets the emails when the people send them in so yes you actually get prayer and adam if you'd like to join that team of people we'd love for you to join that team reuben you can set them up to have access to those emails that get it so that when those prayer requests go out he can receive them yeah adam if you don't mind can you actually just email me and i'll be in contact with you and we'll get you set up so you can help us pray for over those requests that do come in simply email me at reuben davidhernandezministries.com and you'll probably see sharoon or marita put it in the comment section yes and i also want to thank isang singh who just became a monthly supporter and geraldine songko just became a monthly supporter so i'm looking at the comments reuben we got a lot of feedback from you and michael sexton just gave a very generous one-time gift you guys are awesome thank you for your generosity i'm gonna get into some q a right now i'll come back and read them they're still coming in i'll come back and read these thank yous in just a moment um let me see here how can i minister to my friends this is rachel lackey writing how can i minister to my friends i'm lacking confidence but i pray for them one is practicing witchcraft and the other burns incense to ancestors and has shrines in her house both are cousins okay rachel the good news is that the gospel works for everyone and remember that it's not our job to try to persuade them now paul the apostle reasoned with some of the leaders in the jewish synagogue he of course reasoned with some people in high places of power but he was doing so to open their minds that he might get to their heart that's not necessary all the time so people want to debate you they don't want to believe you're going to go in a cycle of debate many times people don't want to receive the gospels they're not looking for answers they're looking for excuses they're not saying help me understand they're saying i don't want to understand they ask questions not to learn but to challenge so when somebody's closed like that you have to pray for them and that prayer will soften the heart all you have to do is pray for them and minister the word and live a godly example before them you do those three and you're doing everything you can to present the gospel to them but if you take on the burden and say if they're not saved there must be something wrong that i'm doing then i want to remind you that there were even people who walked away from jesus reuben you did a wonderful devotional earlier today talking about that rich young ruler that one thing he couldn't give up i mean if even jesus standing right before him calling him to live a life where he would come after him if even jesus couldn't convince that man to follow him then what does that say about us this is not to of course give us hopelessness this is just to say that we ought to be encouraged to know that the burden doesn't lie on us so when presenting the gospel pray for them of course minister the word to them you have to speak the word that's so important and i'm not talking about just necessarily quoting scripture i'm talking about the truths of the word have to be communicated the gospel has to be communicated and then thirdly make sure that you're living a godly example before them you do those three things and you're doing everything in your ability to present the gospel to people and it's up to them now to receive it and the holy spirit will work on them but remember there's a freewill component to this so don't take on that burden don't take on that blame recognize that god is sovereign the people have free will and that you can only do what you can do so don't allow the enemy to pile on guilt don't allow the enemy to affect your mind negatively because they're not responding of course we're heartbroken when people don't respond to the gospel but it's not our responsibility if we've done what we're called to do and then you leave it at that man so yeah i'm going to go ahead and get into some questions here if you want to go ahead and submit your question you can go ahead and do so by just submitting it in the comment section i'm gonna go ahead and go over these questions uh this first one that i get is from holy spirit ministries and he said brother david you mentioned ezekiel 37 please explain what you meant that we are the prophet in the story so i don't necessarily literally mean that you're one of the five-fold gifts in ephesians 4 11 and 12. some of us are called to be prophets some of us are not what i meant there is that that story when applied with the new testament filter simply means that you and i are represented in that story by the prophet ezekiel so let me explain again that the dry bones does not represent you and i you and i are not spiritually dead your spirit is never dead your spirit is never dry your spirit is never disconnected from god your spirit never struggles to hear the voice of god your spirit never struggles to understand the word your spirit is alive and well the question is about whether or not you're connecting to your spirit so you're not the dry bones you're victorious in christ you're alive in christ abundant life in christ so that story prophetically speaking cannot represent us what it represented was the situation in which the children of israel found themselves because of their sin because of their idolatry they had come under babylonian captivity and so basically god was presenting this scenario before the prophet ezekiel and saying just as unlikely as it is for these dry bones to live so it is just as unlikely for israel to become its own nation again but of course god had the prophet speak the word and the miracle was performed in other words if god could bring dry bones to life surely he can bring israel out of captivity and establish them in their own land with their own temple once again so then if you take that principle the spiritual principle that's being applied there in scripture and you try to come to a new testament understanding of it then just look at the fact that israel sometimes represents us as slaves to sin in the old testament especially as it had to do with their slavery under the egyptians so then we take the story and we see that the prophet ezekiel is speaking life to the dry bones in other words he's speaking the nation of israel back to existence in the new testament understanding of that we understand that we are called in the place of the prophet to declare the word of god to bring the sinner to the saving knowledge of christ jesus so that's the parallel that's being drawn there and i hope that helps to clear up your question yeah it seems like a lot of people were asking so many questions when you were speaking on the valleys one was pam saying is the valley is it could that be a representation of hell could the valley be a representation of how i mean i suppose it could but you know if we were to draw that conclusion then we could possibly say that the dry bones could be pulled out of hell so the dry bones came to life and became a great army for god so it could be representative of hell in the sense that it's a place of torment and darkness and so forth or at least it could be representative of somebody being on the verge of hell but the fact that the dry bones came back from it uh shows us that it's not necessarily a direct parallel to him anya had asked is it god the one who puts us in these trials well that is a great question i don't have the answer for that there are some scriptures that seem to indicate that this is possible i mean the scripture does say that god doesn't test us in that he doesn't tempt us with sin but the book of psalms says that god was testing joseph when he was in prison the bible tells us that god allowed satan to bring trials on job so you could say well god doesn't bring the trials he just allows them but i mean because of the fact that he's in control and he's sovereign vicariously speaking god of course is the one who brings the trials if you're thinking about it that way but while we don't understand the dynamics all the time of how trials come about or don't come about what we can understand is that in the trials god is the one who brings us to stronger character who removes things from us that he doesn't like in us who reshapes us to look more like christ so i can't answer that question directly that's very much debated among many uh people who study the bible so i can't give you a direct answer i would say in some instances yes some instances no some might disagree with that but i would say it doesn't really even matter the question doesn't matter because in every trial god is with us and he's going to bring out the best out of that trial so great question i wish i had a more clear and direct answer but i don't but i will commit myself to studying and maybe one day i'll have a more direct answer all right this next question comes from steve who had asked about the valleys of crushing he said great message david can you further elaborate on the valley of crushing is that to build character well what i was talking about there was second kings chapter 23 verse 6. this was the valley in which there was a cemetery which represents death or tragedy or heartbreak so what i mean by the valley of crushing are the seasons of life where you experience tragedy disappointment isolation rejection anything that would cause you to have a downward disposition so the valley of crushing is basically heartbreak or trial or disappointment that's what i meant by by that valley okay awesome and this next question uh coming from carmen she says why is it that some believers seem to exhibit some spiritual fruit such as patience and kindness without the holy spirit i can never understand some believers they said yes ask the question again why is it some believers seem to exhibit some spiritual fruit such as patience and kindness without the holy spirit i can never understand there's no such thing as a believer without the holy spirit you can't believe unless the holy spirit has caused you to believe so everyone who is saved has the holy spirit it's not possible to be saved without having the holy spirit so that would be my answer to that i think the assumption is in the question that there are believers who can not have the holy spirit now i'm aware of the references say for example in the book of acts when they approached the believers and asked them have you received the holy spirit and they replied we have not even heard that there is such a thing as the holy spirit but this doesn't mean that the holy spirit wasn't at work in them it just means that they didn't receive that fire baptism for evangelism and expansion in ministry but the bible teaches us very clearly that if we're going to be children of god we must have the holy spirit the two take place at the same time great question great answer a great question um real quick i want to i want to thank some people now ronald marines just gave a one-time gift thank you ronald karla liskowski our good friend gave a one-time gift jesse hernandez our good friend just gave a one-time gift and mary david i like that last name mary david just became a monthly supporter thank you mary for your generous support all right this next question coming from erica she said how do you know if you have a prophetic dream are there ways to tell if god is trying to tell you something how can i better interpret dreams well at the risk of sounding coy which i'm not trying to be you know you've had a prophetic dream if the dream comes to pass that's first and foremost um secondly how you know if god is speaking to you through a prophetic dream there's lots of insights that people might give you on this they may see things say things like oh if the dream if in the dream you have peace then you know it's god not necessarily i mean abraham had a dream concerning the slavery of israel and he was tormented in that dream a great a great heaviness came on him when he saw what god was going to allow so that doesn't necessarily narrow it down for us you can have a great sense of fear in dreams that god gives you but i think that's just something you have to know by the holy spirit of course it has to align with the word of god whatever the message is that's being communicated and then secondly you have to know the voice of the holy spirit now this is where people kind of get frustrated they say well how do i know the voice of the holy spirit you just know it or you don't and that really is as simple as it gets now that can sound discouraging but really it isn't because if you're a believer you do hear his voice so it's not a matter of hearing him but recognizing when he's speaking and for that you just need to study the word obey his voice what he does speak to you because as you obey him his instructions become clearer that is very important and then third apply what i call silence and stillness this is the putting away of distraction and the quieting of the mind and the soul you do that through worship awesome a fearless christian is asking about communion she said how often should we take communion as often as you do is what paul the apostle wrote implying that you can take it as often as you'd like at least do it often enough to where it stays in the memory but there are no stipulations specifically in the new testament that tell us how often we should he just says as often as you do in other words as often as you do however often you do it rem do it in this way and so when we do this it's something that should be done reverently but the bible never gives us a quota like you have to do it once a day or twice a day there's no quota on it i don't think that's um along the nature of the new testament covenant or the new covenant i should say because when jesus came he came to free us from that type of religious system and i don't think that god would apply that in that way so when it comes to taking communion i'd i'd recommend at least at least once a month that's at minimum at least do it once a month but that's my recommendation that's not scripture i'm giving you my opinion there because the bible doesn't say how often all right this next question coming in from mellowit when you have a bad dream that seems bad to you maybe god is trying to speak to you how do you know it's from god or not i don't put too much weight behind my dreams to be honest with you i know there are some believers who really they are hyper focused on their dreams i think sometimes maybe you just ate something a little too late and it affected you negatively and you had a nightmare or maybe you had a sleep pattern that was thrown off or maybe you were extremely exhausted and you were lying on your backs you had what was called uh sleep paralysis i think we over spiritualize some things and we get into religious thinking um i refuse to compromise the word of god by allowing occultic views to get into my my approach to things like dreams or spiritual work i will not compromise i know people are upset with me when i say things like that but i can't compromise the word of god i will not water it down so we water it down sometimes when we allow occultic teachings to kind of find their way in don't put too much weight behind your dreams because we have a more sure word of prophecy which is the word of god and the more familiar you are with the word of god the better you will get at interpreting your dreams i have dreams sometimes where i know it's god and i just know that i know and it's by the holy spirit how do you know that david because i know the word because i know the voice of the holy spirit well how do you know those time with the spirit and time in the word that really is as simple as it gets remove all of the confusion of the complexities of religious approach and just come down to time with the lord and time in his word you do that and you will have the discernment necessary to know when a dream is not of god if i give you a checklist like well if there's an angel present that's from god if you have peace that's from god if you see a gold trimming around your dream you know the people give all these like these these specifics here's how you know can i just be i'm gonna be honest with you because i love you all of that is not in the bible people just say that from their own experiences which could have some validity but it's it's i'm not going to base my walk with god on someone else's experience now i'm getting into religion and that is dangerous great great answer david edwin is asking can unsaved people be given a chance to preach the gospel if not why can unsaved people be given a chance to preach the gospel paul the apostle himself said that some preach the gospel out of impure motives and he said that's fine i'm glad that they're doing it matthew chapter 7 verse 23 talks about those being sent away from the lord who did many mighty works cast out devils even of course they preached the gospel judas preached the gospel so yeah there's plenty examples in the scripture of people who aren't saved speaking on god's behalf including balaam's donkey i doubt that the donkey experienced the work of salvation okay the lord just spoke through him to get to balaam because balaam was being stubborn i don't think the donkey was regenerated and christ repented of his sins i don't even think donkeys can sin okay so so the donkey spoke on behalf of god and he wasn't saved judas spoke on behalf of god he wasn't saved those in matthew 7 spoke on behalf of god they weren't saved those who paul mentioned who preached the gospel out of impure motives they weren't saved so yeah you can preach the gospel and not be saved but where you go afterwards that's the question good stuff uh mary david is asking if i'm making a decision and there's something hindering it how do i discern if that's from god or if that's from the enemy if i'm making a decision and there's something hindering it um if i understand your question you're asking about what happens when you make a decision and there seems to be some pushback from that decision so the very fact that we're sitting here right now in this studio is proof that sometimes when you decide to do things for god there will be some pushback we decided to come into this building and build what you see here it took the ministry to the next level after we built this studio i mean reaching more people than ever before but there was a fight to get here i know god spoke to me i know god told me to build this studio i know god told me to get to work in it but there was a fight you remember we fought the city we had to deal with a very difficult representative from the landlord we had to deal with very challenging neighbors it was a whole thing but it was god's will we knew that we knew why because we knew the voice of the holy spirit so yeah it's possible that when you make a decision for god that's right you'll find yourself in a difficult circumstance take joseph when he fled from the temptation to sleep with potiphar's wife he made the right decision but he ended up in prison for it so sometimes making the right decision can seem to put you in the wrong place but this doesn't mean that god wasn't in the decision success is whether or not you obeyed god if you know you obeyed god leave the results to him that's good uh sergio sanchez ministries sergio my friend my good friend sergio what is he what is he what is he asking um he says how do you deal with receiving the same prophetic word but it hasn't come to pass for example my wife and i will have another children but we haven't seen it happen yet but we keep getting that same word okay sergio you and i are really good friends so i know i can be just straightforward with you um you have to consider the fact that possibly whoever prophesied it was just prophesying it out of their own imagination that's number one even if it's confirmed so like for example i'm gonna get real with you guys here i'm always just honest i just try to be honest with you okay my brother who many of you know is a pastor now me and my brother grew up in the same church so he was in ministry i was in ministry now my brother and i have mutual respect mutual honor and he recognized that the ministry god had given me to stewards not my ministry it's god's ministry the ministry god gave me to steward was growing really fast and his is taking more time to grow doesn't mean both are just as important both have godly assignments he and i have talked about this we know that and you know some people will assume oh that must be so hard for michael to have to watch his brother's ministry grow so fast and his ministry's not growing as fast and this is like a human assumption my brother's not like that my brother just loves people wants to build the church and help and he's excited like me and my brother have never had conflict about that there's never been an issue of jealousy there's never been an issue anything like that he supports what we do and he's happy we're growing and god's going to bless him to his ministry is growing right now but at the time his wasn't and the ministry god gave me to steward was so we had these prophets coming in i kid you not reuben every single prophet every single prophet said to my brother don't don't don't worry about uh or don't don't don't feel inferior just because your brother's ministry is growing and yours is not they all said that and they said god told me you're feeling inferior and me and my brother laughed at it because we're like he's like that was so off but we realized they were making assumptions based upon the situation so people who give me words sometimes they'll say god's gonna bless you with media reach that goes into the hundreds of millions you know what times i've given that received that word every day all the time and that's wonderful i receive it yes but most people are just saying that because they can see their trajectory they can make an assessment based upon the situation so sergio sometimes prophets do that they look at a husband and wife they see how many kids they have they say it's been a couple of years since they have a kid and they just say it and and that's the sad i've had prophets say you're going to have your first child will be a son i had four prophets say that to me your first child will be a son they were all wrong does that mean they're not real prophets no i have a whole separate teaching on how a wrong prophet is not a false prophet but sometimes people just prophesy to their imaginations so when a word doesn't come to pass a don't obsess about it too much be has god confirmed it to you and c get into the word and just live your life in obedience to god live your life in obedience to god that's always the answer if it really is from god it's going to happen if it wasn't you didn't need to hang on to it anyway but we obsess about these things and they become hindrances rather and they become confusing people get confused well so many of the people told me this and it never happened well i'm not saying give up on the word i'm saying if it's god and you're living in obedience to god it will happen if it wasn't god you don't need to obsess about it anyway either way walk in the freedom of the spirit so great question sergio great word um i keep getting this question in the feed and it's about the prayer groups for those of you asking that want to be a part of our prayer group feel free to email me you can email me at reuben davidhernandezministries.com and this is a different pair of group reuben just so you know it's different than the one joanne does joanne has a very different so we have a ministry of prayer team that they they're they're specifically assigned we hand select those so not everyone's on that prayer team i'm talking about the one where everybody sends in their prayer requests and we have a team praying correct so we still have to talk to you and get to know you we don't want to just put anybody on this um but but send in look if you're a believer filled with the holy ghost we'll put you on the team we just want to make sure everyone's correct legitimately because sometimes we'll get those pranksters who just want to be on there so they can send funny messages back we need to avoid that um this next question oh you know what uh before i get into the next question i wanted to uh share some uh uh reports that people were actually commenting while you were ministering rachel had said i suffered from carpal tunnel related arthritis and i am healed as of now no pain and then i have anne as well who said i felt he and he on my lower back and muscles and she said thank you lord for healing me and this was all happening while you were ministering so i thought you would want to hear that and i love what rachel lackey says when i was talking about prophets prophecying prophesying out of their imagination she said projecting that's so true i love the way rachel worded that that they'll project like they look at the situation and they'll say oh if they talk to a businessman god showed me increase on your what problem is ever going to prophesy that your business is going to take a dip for the next six months i mean you know what i mean like that that's just kind of how human prophets are humans too guys so again we got to be careful with that i do want to thank yai sikhan who just gave a one-time gift thank you yai we appreciate your support okay reuben let's take another one and then we're gonna call it an evening okay uh this last one coming in from anne marie she said what should we do if we're married to an unbeliever and then start walking with god and we see things completely different that is a tough one that is a tough one now the bible does say that it's not grounds for divorce you have to just those three things i had mentioned earlier you love them and demonstrate a lifestyle of godliness you pray for them and you graciously minister the word to them beyond that it's in god's hands and that i understand from what people have told me i i can't understand that kind of pain because i'm not in that situation but from what people have told me who are in that situation that is a deeply that's a very heavy burden and we're going to pray that god would would touch your unsaved loved ones and and and that god would do a work that's what we have to pray we have to pray that and it's in god's hands it's a tough one and it is a tough situation but god's with you and he's going to give you the grace and we're going to believe that salvation will come to your household in fact for everyone watching father i pray that salvation would come to the households of everyone watching right now lord we're touching and agreeing on this thing by faith and we ask you father to save our loved ones holy spirit soften their hearts and do a deep work that the seeds of the word of god might take root in their hearts producing a harvest of salvation we pray this by faith in jesus name i want you guys to say it because you believe it say amen reuben any final salutations for our friends before we just want to say thank you guys so much for having me i will see you guys next time all right that is it for this edition of bible revival the holy spirit's live stream don't forget this sunday march 28th we're going to be march 28th 2021. so just just in case you're watching this in the future march 20th 2021 we'll be in orange california again david hernandez ministries dot com slash events to see all of the events up and coming but i want to see you there for that communion service please come we're going to be believing god for great miracles and until next time remember nothing is impossible with god love you [Music] guys [Music] you
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 17,488
Rating: 4.9681277 out of 5
Id: OGIXmKovfHs
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Length: 115min 20sec (6920 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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