How to Know You're Prophetic: 3 Signs

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[Music] hello David Igor Hernandez here and you are watching spirit church on the encounter TV network I'm continuing now with my series on the prophetic by giving you three ways to know if you are prophetic I'm going to give you three very practical truths that will help you to discover the gift of the prophetic on your life but first Steven Moctezuma is here with me he's going to lead you in some very anointed worship and then we're getting right into this message here is Stephen mock resume [Music] and you to soften my heart to break me apart I need you to open my eyes see that you're shaving my [Music] give me faith to trust what you say that your girl your love is friend [Music] I'm broke inside I give you my give me faith to trust what you say then you're good in your I'm broke inside I kid Kivu I give you my love I give you [Music] maybe we your spirit strong my flesh may fail my god can never maybe we your spirit strong my flesh made my gosh you never [Music] your spirit smog [Music] flash may fear my god [Music] maybe [Music] my flesh may fail my god you never will give me faith to trust what you say their yoga and your love is grand [Music] I'm broken inside I give you my give me faith to trust what you say that you're good your love is crazy I'm broken inside I give you my [Music] so I want to give you three truths that will help you understand whether or not you have the gift of prophecy or if you are prophetic now these three signs that I'm about to give to you can actually apply to all of the spiritual gifts but right now we're just talking about the prophetic so first Corinthians chapter 14 verse number one says this let love be your highest goal so that's the foundation of the spiritual gifts but you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives especially the ability to prophesy now I don't want to talk much about it right now but it's important to know that in 1st Corinthians 14 Paul the Apostle is comparing the gift of prophecy with the gift of speaking in tongues and though he says that the gift of prophecy is better than speaking in tongues he is not by any means saying that the gift of speaking in tongues itself is therefore bad he's just saying that prophecy is better but here I want to draw this main point out he tells us to desire the spiritual gifts especially prophecy now why would God want us to desire a spiritual gift obviously because he wants to give it to us so number one one of the signs that you know your prophetic is the desire to prophesy now in some cases prophetic people don't want that gift I think of Jonah who God gave a message to and he was given this message to deliver but he ran in the opposite direction he wanted nothing to do with it that didn't mean that God didn't call him but one of the signs can be the desire for the gift itself I'll never forget the first time I had an experience with the gift of prophecy the gifts that I asked the Lord for we're the gifts of healing the gift of word of knowledge the gift of miracles and the gift of teaching there were others but those were the main ones that I pray for so I was about like 12 13 years old when I asked God for these spiritual gifts so I pray this prayer I go to church later that week and I'm sitting in church when God starts to speak to me and I didn't even know God was speaking to me afterwards we all go and were hanging out with our friends and I remember we were standing in a circle of friends I had a few of my friends there and there was this one girl there and I looked right at her I didn't try to prophesy I wasn't trying to hear God I wasn't reading her to see what I could see in the spirit but out of my mouth came these words I said do you have a friend that you were talking to yesterday this was a midweek service do you have a friend that you were talking to who is suicidal she said yes I said and she's suicidal because her father is verbally abusive she said yes I said and I see her she's talking to you right now she's sitting up against her locker she's holding her knees together and she's crying while she's explaining this to you and this girl's jaw just dropped she said how did you know that I said I don't know because it was just knowledge that had come to my mind for all that I knew but it was just this deep inner knowing the word of knowledge had come to me now that came about as a result of praying for the gift and that prayer for the gift came about because there was a desire for the gift look let's just be honest it let's just look at this logically God would not tell you to desire something that he didn't want to give to you why would he ask you to desire something that is contrary to his word why would he ask you to desire something that's contrary to his will there's no way he would do that so if God has placed a desire in your heart for a spiritual gift it's because he wants you to have that gift now ask yourself because some people get a little nervous and say well how do I know it was God that gave me this desire for the spiritual gift well your flesh wouldn't want the gift because the flesh wants the glory that the gift brings but it doesn't want the gift itself it doesn't want the gift that helps people that's why it says let love be your highest goal the flesh wouldn't be motivated waited by love it would desire other things yet there's this desire that comes out of you that wants the spiritual gift that you might be a blessing to others that's of the Spirit would the enemy want you to have a spiritual gift of course not so this desire if that is in you is likely from the spirit and therefore that desire is something that God wants to fulfill number two recognition now some might disagree with me on this but this I found to be a great indicator that someone has a spiritual gift it's possible that you desire to have a spiritual gift that has not yet been developed it's possible that you desire to have a spiritual gift that is not been stirred this is why recognition is one of those truths that I'm giving you one of those ways that you know if you have a spiritual gift if you have a spiritual gift you don't have to go around self-promoting and saying hey I have this spiritual gift proverbs chapter 18 verse 16 says a man's gift make his room for him and bring it him before great men now in the book of Proverbs here I believe this is talking about material gifts this is talking about how maybe when a man comes before a king or a great person that if he brings a gift with him it shows honor and respect and therefore that opens doors but the wisdom in that proverb applies to spiritual things as well if you have something that is the value if you have something that is effective if you have something that is true that itself will be used to open the doors not once in my ministry have I ever had to call a pastor and say hey you have to have me come speak because I'm a great preacher or hey I'm gifted in the healing ministry you should have me come to your church I've never once had to do that people just heard about the miracles that were happening in the meetings that I was ministering at and they would come and they would call I never had to go around with business cards and say hey have me at your church say hey you need to come and let me speak for your conference it was never done that way I never pushed myself on anyone I just obeyed the leading of the Holy Spirit people began to recognize that gift and they put the demand on that gift so number one is desire do you desire the spiritual gift number two is that gift recognized on your life do people recognize the spiritual gift that rests on you and number three this should be the most obvious but first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 4 says there are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same spirit is the source of them all so the Holy Spirit gives you this gift why so that it can be in operation number one is desire number two is recognition number three quite simply is function are you actually operating in that spiritual gift if you truly have a spiritual gift that spiritual gift will work now this of course brings us to the question when should I step out in faith and when should I know my boundaries the only difference between faith and foolishness when it comes to things like this is whether or not God has spoken should I release that word should I pray for that person should I insist on praying for that person who after a few times at me asking didn't want me to pray for them these are things you have to navigate by the spirit these are things you have to navigate by knowing the voice of the Holy Spirit and that comes with maturity that comes with recognizing him over a season of time so I can't tell you how the voice of the Holy Spirit sounds that's what I mentioned in the first part of this series but this is why it's so important that we understand his voice because if we know his voice then we step out in faith based upon what he has said and we watch him operate in our lives so that third sign really is that you'll see the gift in operation if you have the gift of healing you're going to see people healed if you have the gift of prophecy you're gonna speak Oracles of God and those Oracle's will come true if you have the gift of the word of knowledge you're gonna be able to look at someone and see information in them that you should not otherwise know these gifts will operate if God has given them to you now remember spiritual gifts like any spiritual aspect of our lives grow as we grow spiritually they intensify their strengthen their honed they're crafted as we exercise them and as we grow spiritually so at some point if you want to know if you have the gift you're going to have to step out in faith and just because something didn't work the first time doesn't mean that God didn't give you that gift it might just mean that you have to exercise that spiritual gift where you draw that line you have to know the voice of the holy spirit as I said one of the evangelists who inspired me his name is Harry Hill's and he talked about how many times he prayed for the sick and no one got healed before God finally gave him a healing ministry the gifts really all come down to faith we can't complicate them if you're complicating it asking how do I know what about this scenario what about that scenario when should I pray for this person or I know someone at work when do I step out and how do I know I'm doing it without offending them and win is God really speaking to me all that chaos has to just be called you have to be at peace you have to walk in confidence you have to walk in faith and just step out just do what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you to do it's a number one desire number two recognition number three function those are the three signs that you have a spiritual gift I'm gonna pray with you now I want to pray that God would so stir your faith that you might step out and see what God has on the other side of your step of faith Father in the name of Jesus I pray for that one receiving this now and I ask you Lord to send forth your power Holy Spirit and do them with boldness and power from on high I pray Lord that each and every gift in their life would be brought into operation but not one gift go unused we want everything Lord you have for us in the name of Jesus we pray I want you to say it because you agree say Amen well that is it for the lesson and the prayer I want to welcome now the new members of Spirit Church there you are up on the screen we love you and we are praying for you I always say that because I always mean it if you like information how you can join the spirit family now almost 10,000 members they go to David Hernandez / spirit church when you sign up by the way it's free you're going to get an email from me every single week that will include a brand new teaching fresh from heaven studied just to present to you you're also going to get a brand new worship cover from Stephen Moctezuma every single week and the best part you can reply to that email for prayer support from our ministry staff so go to David Hernandez / Spirit Church sign up to day now to your comments and these comments are actually because I recorded two episodes in a row these comments will not be from last week's teaching these comments will actually be from a teaching I did called contagious faith which is also available here on the encounter TV network now if you've not watched this one maybe you're someone who feels like quitting maybe you feel spiritually dry maybe you're coming into a season where you're just wondering Lord what is my life really accomplishing for your kingdom and you're gonna want to go watch this teaching or listen to it it's called contagious faith make sure you go and check it out when you do and even right now make sure you're subscribed to our channel if this content is blessing you and click that notification bell so that you receive all the notifications concerning our content so here are the comments from the video contagious faith Jan Moeller who is a regular commenter writes thank you Pastor David this really touched me I love you so much thank you for the encouragement well you were praying I felt electricity and fire flowing through my body well Jan we love you too Jurek Mira writes your prayer is touching us here in the Philippines you're making a great impact on my personal walk with Jesus I felt like you specifically prayed for me god bless you Pastor David and spirit church mrs. blue writes I thank God for all he does and is brother Hernandez thank you for being a humble servant of the Lord I was dusting my TV stand and crying about my situation and a notification popped up saying watch this if you feel like giving up God saw my tears as you were praying for us at the end I could see a flow of light flowing out of me and back into me but brighter and sparkling I saw this in the spirit I have a lot to learn but I'm asking you to keep me in your prayers god bless you Mirta llanes writes I'm so grateful for the Holy Spirit leading me to your ministry some time ago this word came just on time for me thank you so much David for all your teachings on the Holy Spirit he really changed my Christian life may the Lord open divine doors for you your family and ministry blessings Martha from Florida looking forward to Orlando's event that's right if you're watching this before September 15th 2019 we know these videos will be around for several years but if you're seeing this before September 15th 2019 be sure to join me in Orlando for more information on that you can go to David Hernandez ministers comm / Orlando I want to read you a couple scriptures don't go anywhere I want to read you a couple scriptures and then we'll say goodbye proverbs chapter 11 verses 24 and 25 say this give freely and become more wealthy be stingy and loose everything the generous will prosper those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed I want to talk to you about money now every time I talk about money there are those who will rise and say oh that's the prosperity gospel oh that's heresy oh he's turning the gospel into a business or oh you should preach the gospel for free I do preach the gospel for free this is not a business this is the ministry and ministry does take finances to operate this is not heresy I just read it to you from the scripture and this is not the prosperity gospel because we don't deny the cross I want to talk to you about money because the Bible talks about money I want to talk to you about increased because the Bible talks to you about increase there has to be balance and I understand many have abused the message of wealth and increase that is in Scripture and they make the gospel centralized around money when it's not we don't serve God for what he can give to us we serve God because he already gave to us His only Son so don't get confused I'm not preaching the prosperity gospel here I'm preaching what the Bible says I just read it to you the scripture says that the generous will prosper now I'm not promising that everyone's going to be a millionaire I'm not promising that all your troubles are going away I'm simply saying that when you're faithful with the resources that God has given to you he increases those resources not so that you can wear fancy clothes live in a big house or drive a nice car but so that you can continue to use your resources to further the gospel this is called the gift of giving it's in the Bible guys so I want to challenge you maybe you're someone who doesn't quite really know maybe you never done this before foreign ministry maybe you've been offended that I've taken offerings before I still love you and so does Jesus but this is what it takes to operate the ministry you say go by faith we do we don't charge for any of this content we offer it all for free we produce it all for free we hire a crew that makes this all for free all of our events are free and we trust that God is going to give our ministry the resources it needs but according to Luke chapter 6 Jesus said that that men shall give into your bosom in other words God uses people to bring resources to other people it's the way he works so I want to challenge you maybe you've been blessed by this content and you're believing God to see an increase in your finances again I'm not promising you the moon here I'm not saying that within seven days you're gonna be debt-free or anything like that I'm simply saying that when you focus on the gospel God will focus on your needs when you give unto others God will make it happen for you it's just that simple yes trials will come yes we still need to pick up our cross but the Bible promises that there is provision for those who trust in the Lord and he will provide all that you need so here's my challenge to you I want to challenge you to give a one-time gift or become a monthly supporter there are business people watching me right now who can contribute large gifts and as we approach the end of the year again this is airing you know sometime in August September of 2019 but as we approach the end of any year there are business people watching me and maybe you're wondering where you might put those year-end tax-deductible gifts this is somewhere you can invest it maybe you're someone who's watching me and God's been speaking to you you've been saying you know what I've been watching the content I've been receiving from this ministry now I think it's time I start helping do something for the Lord today don't say tomorrow don't say some later time I'm asking you as my friend look I know that our time together is not wasted I know that you can sense that connection and the spirit with this ministry I know you can sense that this is genuine I trust that the Holy Spirit in you sees the Holy Spirit in me and so I want to challenge you here's here's the challenge I'm not guilting you not pressuring you this is a challenge I'm throwing it out there I want to see if there's anybody out there who can stand with us become a partner with our ministry today for $30 or more a month if you partner with us that's $30 or more a month I will send you either carriers of the glory encountering the Holy Spirit in every book of the Bible or 25 truths about demons and spiritual warfare this will be my initiation gift to you to say thank you I'll sign it I'll send it to you it'll be my gift again a gift of thanks for signing up to be my partner or maybe you're someone who's watching you don't want to do monthly but you can do a one-time gift of a hundred five hundred thousand some of you businesspeople some of you people who God has put wealth in your hands this is why he did it he didn't give it to you so that you can live in luxury he gave it to you that you might further the gospel support the work today as we expand we're seeing our events grow we're seeing our media reach grow this ministry is going like this everything is going up so be a part of it it's growing and it's just now barely began I would even say it's not even scratching the surface of where God is taking his ministry I see stadiums for I see millions being reached through content on YouTube and and Facebook though we're reaching three to four million people in aggregate today we want to reach much more so help us do it help us spread the gospel of Jesus Christ all around the world in the power of the Holy Spirit help us win souls and build believers to events and media bill one-time or monthly gift today go to David Hernandez ministries comm right now and make that happen so thank you for supporting us and that is it for this edition of Spirit church here on the Encounter TV network until next time remember nothing is impossible with God thank you for watching encounter TV don't forget to subscribe also help me win souls by spreading the gospel through events and media make a one-time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now
Channel: Encounter TV
Views: 124,135
Rating: 4.9266548 out of 5
Keywords: david diga hernandez, encounter tv, steven moctezuma, jesus christ, holy spirit, the holy spirit, how to hear the holy spirit, sermons on the prophetic, teachings on the prophetic, how to be prophetic, how to prophesy, prophetic word, prophetic prayer, the prophetic ministry, how to prophesy in 5 minutes, how to prophesy accurately, how to know you are prophetic
Id: K1QZjk1eqwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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