Are We Losing Focus? - Mufti Menk

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Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu inshallah i will start with a short recitation of the Quran for purposes of Baraka we ask Allah to bless every one of us our homes will be learning Mena shame upon your rajim bismillah Monni warning warning moving but I love you look meanwhile call as he imagined mornin fellas now Andrew lowdown wolf Annabeth Nachum fear me Wawa morning wifey I didn't is Allison our lane would reality matter the woman che in Italian larger islet hookah war me what fees amudha Eve penal Ultimate Aero intervene for anemone love beam fell for that Hamas or autoimmune all famous the follow me be I'm you I can else we didn't walk old my new him often in Nam can call me you mean what some of a naina bie do zero Gordon one of our fellow Schnurr - it made my own warming foolish a in Kalapana xoJane commune kulla shay'in kala corners Ahuja heal our land come to that go furthermore in a long helical me oon of you be in wattage aluminum law Ilan Hall in need a community being Canali comma at 11:00 a meal for believe me morsel in ela follow in upon who's a Hyun imagine at our zombie balhoon Oh Oh une Fatah one whom from to be my room why that get efficient as the cartel found won't mean in one mouthful of water now I'll answer in Lonnie and Bordeaux my woody do me know me reasonable woman would eat or ie move you know law was a palooka what enmity for in Allan Levene of walamu the noble myth leather Lupino spy beef Elias Targhee Luton following only latina calf follow me who me more love you I do smilla rahmani raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salaamu Lattimore nelec Milani Alafaya shall be marina were bad we commenced by praising Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala sending blessings and salutations upon muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his entire household we ask allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to bless him and to bless all his companions we ask allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to bless all those who have struggled and strived the generations in a way that today the dean has come to us and we ask allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to bless every single one of us and to grant us all goodness and to grant us entry into paradise through his mercy to beloved brothers and sisters in Islam the question we have this evening are we losing focus right now we are focused on a fan that is to my left and hamdulillah so we have lost focus we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to bless us to grant us ease and goodness and really to open our doors hearts and minds at the same time it is definitely an honor to be here in your midst in this beautiful city of Bangalore which mashallah is a gift of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala i see it is a very beautiful city and its people are even more beautiful alhamdulillah it's my first time here and inshallah not my last by the will of Allah Subhanahu WA ala Y will be created by Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala I read a verse a few moments ago we are lost with Hannah how Allah makes mention of something very important and I'm sure most of us would know this off by heart one final turn Jean now Analia are gone I have not created mankind of jinkind except that they worship Me Marie domine homie raised ball I do not want from them any sustenance in fact Allah is the provider whatever I have whatever you have is only and solely from allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala so he is the provider he is the grantor he is the one in absolute control and he does not want sustenance from us in fact if we worship Him we may worship him through the very sustenance that he has provided us he gave us life he gave us help he gave us wealth through the life the health and the wealth that he has given us he expects us to worship him for our benefit not for his yeah I you and John Wooden only love love anil Hamidah aisha usable couldn t be jaded or motherly kalaam wahi aziz oh people you are the ones who are in absolute need of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and Allah is totally independent from you he does not meet you for anything whatsoever if he wants he can delete you and replace you with others and that is not difficult at all for a loss of Hannah hotel Allah look at the powerful verses of the Quran he can delete me and he can delete you and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says very clearly that he has deleted previous nations the verses I read at the beginning of this talk where Allah speaks about AD and Thamud and Pharaon and the others who are much more powerful than I am and you are they had lots of wealth some of the people of Iran such as a man known as our own he had so much wealth that the keys to the treasures of his wealth was so heavy for even a group of strong men to carry imagine not the treasures only the keys to the treasures of his well what attaining a lacuna SEMA Fatiha letter nu OB lost Betty only Luka we gave him so much treasures that the keys of those treasures were difficult to be carried by a group of strong men subhanAllah isn't that more than what I have and you have today we have a little card and that card is what we're with subhanAllah perhaps it says visa on there or it might be saying something else but that's what we're worth one little plastic piece Allah protect us they were given much wealth and Allah says we deleted them perón himself was made to be eaten by the earth in a way that there was no remnants what happened to the people of the mood the people have had allah subhanahu wata'ala speaks of iran and his cronies for cool and be them each one of them we punished them because of their sins they had sins and they did not turn we have a gift of its devar it's the fr meaning to turn to Allah ask Allah forgiveness you will forgive you we always say for conditions of repentance admit person regretted ask Allah to forgive you and promise not to do it again admit your sin regretted ask Allah to forgive you and promise not to do it again your sin is deleted wiped out formatted mashallah you have a new hard drive so it's not even traceable we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala in this beautiful IT city for us to give examples that will really be befitting for the mindset and the brain level of those whom i am seated in front of or should I say I'm standing in front of look at how I've become I don't even know whether I'm standing or sitting Michele beloved brothers and sisters what is the focus what should be in front of my eyes before we speak of whether or not we are losing focus we need to ask ourselves what is it that we are meant to be focused upon we can answer that in many ways but ultimately our focus is the pleasure of Allah and Jannah is a result so I am meant to be focused upon paradise I am meant to be focused upon preparing for the day I am meet my Maker aren't you excited about meeting your maker subhanAllah I'm going to meet allah subhanahu wata'ala and so are you I want to see him don't you Subhan Allah today I had people saying we can't believe that we're seeing you in person I am no big deal believe me you might get so fed up of what you know of seeing me that you might think ok I don't want to see him but with allah subhanahu wata'ala my maker and yours imagine if we were to see rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of judgment what an honor don't I want to see him well prepare for that day focus on its open Allah but more important than that is to see allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala may grant us the intercession of muhammad sallallahu aleyhi wa send him on the day of the Amma and on the day of judgment may Allah open our doors and grant us is sipped from the pond of causa remember my brothers and sisters I should be focused in my life upon paradise my eyes should be set on it completely whatever I do every single day I must ask myself will this send me paradise if it does it will earn you the meeting with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala when the people of Jannah get to Jannah paradise Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will ask them did you find what you were promised to be true they will say yes indeed anything you want Subhan Allah Allah says whom I fear what adenine Amagi they will have whatever they wish for in paradise and we have something extra to give them we have something more to give them what is the explanation of this extra the Mojave norm of a city and the ulama and the Sahaba of the allahu anhum explain it they say it is the gift of looking at allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala which will be a gift for those who enter paradise yes the hadith says mom in common I had in Allah say you can remove or abajo lays a banana or banana or German every single one of you will speak to your maker without a middleman without an interpreter without someone in the middle to explain to you what is being said but that is speaking what about looking as for looking it's a gift of the people who go into Jannah you want to see your maker so do I I am intrigued by his creation what about the one who made it today we look at a motor vehicle we look at the new mobile phones have you seen the iPhone 6 Wow well I haven't I'm waiting for it have you seen what can I say the s4 have you seen it Samsung mashallah have you seen it they told me someone tried to tell me you know Samsung I don't know why they call it that you know perhaps it's some Japanese term or Korean term or whatever it is I said no very simple there was a man known as Sam he passed away but when he was alive he used to sing now it's past tense so they say Samsung Allah protect us may he keep us from amongst those who recites inshallah may Allah open our doors really so whether it is Samsung or didn't sing we don't mind the reality is we want our eyes fixed not on the next iPhone to come out or the next Android to come out of HTC to come out our eyes should be fixed on Janna whatever I see in this you see a good-looking person mashallah your eyes should be focused on the maker of that person more than anything else you see something brilliant that soothes the eyes the sceneries in Bangalore beautiful scene that is which you take for granted but people like myself would notice because we come from somewhere else subhanAllah if you see those sceneries immediately instead of just saying WOW you know wow that's the word today wo W capital and sometimes to make it sound big they put medal you know what's a matter they want to stretch the word as though it's poor and so they will put W and O's from here to the door subhanAllah and then another W at the door and that means I'm very intrigued we say masha'Allah as Muslim in and we say if he could create such a beautiful scene I wonder what he must be looking like la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to help us realize what we should be focusing on so as I say the maker I want to meet him I want to talk to him and I want to be close to him don't you want to be close to him today if you knew a huge celebrity on the globe and they could phone you call you speak to you if you were to say I'm very close to this person sometimes it may be alive because a lot of people tell lies and even if we are telling the truth people think we are lying so masha'Allah we have a problem in the dunya but when you're close to Allah and when he declares that he is close to you what more do you want what more can I ask for when Allah says I am close to you imagine what he told you brahim alayhi salam he says to us what the father Ibrahim Hanina Allah has taken Ibrahim as a very close friend Colleen Al Houla Allah Marathi bel muhabba one of the highest levels of love is or should i say friendship closeness known as alpha la you are very close bosom buddies as we would say imagine if someone says that they are so close to you and yet there are people who no one ever sees if they were to declare that they know you Allah protect us it's easy for everyone of us to say we know that person and this person but for them to say they know you that is what they say is the speech we want to hear so for us to say we are close to Allah is one thing and for Allah to say I am close to this worship la la that is way we should be focused in this world people will let you down your husband will let you down your wife will let you down your children will let you down the people around you will let you down your brothers and sisters will let you down your parents may let you down your children may let you down your maker will never ever let you down allahu akbar never ever let you down so if you give your heart and your mind away to someone you love they may let you down but if you give it away to allah he will never let you down subhanAllah so we lose focus in this world by giving our heart mind and soul away to people who can hurt us without giving it away to the one who is meant to be keeping it in a way that he will never hurt us Allah open our doors zaqqum Allah higher brothers and sisters the biggest jihad that you can engage in at this moment is to get up and move your vehicle by the will of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and we will be proud of you if you actually raise your hand and show us who you are because really for you to get up is such a big act of worship and for you to be able to get up and face that embarrassment subhanAllah it is in the eyes of Allah not embarrassment but rectification of a little error we made and we regain focus by the will of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala so I am always a person I actually salute those three in fact I will give complimentary CDs to the same three please brother the people whose cars they are we can give them complimentary CDs by the will of Allah from Hannah hotel getting back to our topic masha'Allah I was saying Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala does not let us down but we tend to let ourselves down in lovely moon as a Shana while a keen and NASA for some lovely more Oh Allah does not oppress anyone Allah does not oppress people at all but man oppresses himself by disobeying by transgressing by focusing in the wrong place wallahi a lot of us have our eyes set on the latest trends the latest perfumes we have our eyes set on the latest clothing the latest in terms of Motor Vehicles the latest in terms of motorbikes the latest in terms of cellphones and technology the latest in terms of so many things we have our eyes set on it to the degree that they will have complementary sms's that will come in our direction to remind us you are a customer and a client we now have an update Allahu Akbar yet when we have a complimentary message every day I shall come to what success are you focused on that message would you like success why is it that when we hear it we walking in another direction if they had a mobile phone to distribute free of charge we would all be there but when we are called to success five times a day we are walking in another direction we lose focus very quick so Allah sends us reminders five times a day in a beautiful city like this I'm sure you hear it almost wherever you are how do you respond do you at least meet your Salah no matter where you are may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala safeguard us really so we want to show ourselves or remind ourselves where we are meant to be focused and what we are actually focusing on and this is a reality this is why when Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala speaks about paradise good deeds that earn paradise and he describes paradise then he says war finale carefully at a novice in Boonton fe zoo it is things like these that those who want to compete with one another should be competing with one another about not how beautiful your kitchen is for your home is or your bungalow in Bangalore is mashallah but at the same time you need to know what have you done for that palace in the hereafter if I give you a small description you know I was asked a question about focus and I was said no how can we focus sometimes when we are told that you will be with the same spouse in paradise it makes it's the only thing that makes us think or should I really go there Aslam fear Allah Allah protect us I hope that's not the case here you know people sometimes out of love for their spouses they don't get along with them out of love for their spouses they don't get along with them Allah protect us so what happens they start seeing him him in paradise for her norway's norway's not at all let me tell you what if you were to look at him or her and firstly the words you are thinking to come out of his mouth or hers the most beautiful are suddenly being spoken as you are speaking of them and your dream that you really imagining subhanAllah is suddenly being fulfilled by them as you're thinking and not only that as you're looking at them they start looking exactly like what your dream guy looks like love acaba I hope he looks decent inshallah Oh vice versa and tall as you're thinking or the height starts going up and when you stop it stops you try to look again what hi-oh toe mashallah and then what happens as you think you have a little bit stouter oh gosh Allah wow-whee and then you think no this is a little bit too tall and they start becoming short again as you're not voice command but I command Subhan Allah command of the eye and the brain you know today we have you can press with your finger the door will open you can have your iris scan the door open you can speak to your phone it will reply they have not developed yet maybe you can strive they have not yet developed that which reads your mind I want to go in now so the door opens no it hasn't yet come that is Allah he says feeha master he foresaw a Terlet lorry arjan allah in Jannah in paradise is whatever a soul wishes for whatever you wish for you will have and whatever is tasty to your eyes will be yours do you taste with your eyes no we taste with our mouths but Allah says whatever is tasty to your eyes which means tall short fat renders that what everything is yours mashallah you can think of it and it's changing as your your eye is tasting it may Allah protect us and grant us ease and goodness subhanAllah look at how beautiful it is described in the Quran that is what I am focused for and that is what you should be focused upon as well Jenna I want paradise now if you look at that and you understand it that we are created in this world to worship Allah so that we can meet with him tomorrow we can earn paradise through his pleasure and his mercy and you focus on that completely and correctly it makes your life so easy and you realize that everything that may appear to be negative in your life is actually an opportunity to refocus Allahu Akbar you have a big loss in your business it's an opportunity to refocus through that loss Allah draws you closer to him says my worshipper I try to attract your attention in other ways you never used to come for Salah you never used to raise your hands into are you used to worship sticks and stones and trees and graves when I took your business away overnight you suddenly found your focus once again and you came back to me Subhan Allah we suddenly drop health is gone doctor says very bad you need an operation Allah protect us may he grant good health to all those who are ill and may he grant cure to those of us who think we are healthy even though we may not know the ailments we have may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us good health so my brothers and sisters look at how beautiful Allah is Subhanahu WA Ta'ala he grants us the opportunity to refocus by putting something in our lives that we think is negative so many people they want to break their marriages because five things are wrong in the marriage the others are living together and 20 things are wrong in their marriages my sisters 20 things are wrong in their marriages they are living together because they are focused you will not have in this world whatever you would like otherwise as I always say there would be no purpose to create paradise if you were to have everything here why would Allah create a place and tell you you will have everything there they would be duplication no point people would say well I've got it like the non-muslims they say you only live once why Oh al Oh you might have seen that you only live once they mean so do as you please go and enjoy you know have a lot of fun and indulge in the wrong things because you only live once we say you only live once so remain focused it's your one chance to earn the pleasure of allah subhanahu wata'ala not everything that glitters shines not everything that seems to be bling-bling is actually worth fighting for may Allah protect us you may die without having owned a mercedes-benz you may die with never having had for example a mobile phone of a third generation you may die having lived a person who may never have been married Allah protect us you may have died in that condition but if you die focused upon what you wish to end wallahi that life was with him even without a spouse may Allah grant all those who do not have spouses spouses who will be the coolness of their eyes and may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala grant those who do not have children children who will be the coolness of their eyes but if that's what Allah chose for you believe me remain focused it is paradise it is through not giving you what you want hear that he is preparing you to get everything you wish on the other side remain focused Allah Akbar remain focused if we are if we are focused we will not become upset and angry when suddenly our health deteriorates our Salah will improve people become old Allah gives them a gift to become old they begin to have gray hairs and suddenly they see themselves becoming very old and then they start reading Salah may Allah make us from those who reads Allah even when we are young there is a special place on the day of judgement for those who grew up in the obedience of Allah male and female so imagine those who lived in the obedience of Allah imagine if it is VIP stand on the day of judgment what will there be in the life after death meaning in general itself there'll be a special lofty rank for them you know there are seven categories of people who will achieve the shade on the day of teamö that we always hear about one is Shah boon naturally badet allahi ta'ala a young person who grew up in the obedience of allah so my beloved young boys and girls brothers and sisters remember as you are young and you are bubbling and bursting with energy thinking that you are the person instead of wanting to attract the opposite sex towards you dress in a way that you will attract allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala towards you why do we say this man TMG at a to who Hara Walla whoever comes to me walking I come to him rushing Allah says so you want to Allah to come to you very easy walk towards him whoever comes to Allah a handspan allah comes to him a whole foot so allah always comes quicker than we come to him but do we ever come to him remain focused on that you want allah to befriend you imagine if someone had to retweet your tweets and they happen to be a person who has 2.8 million fans as muhammad al-idrisi for example he has almost 3 million fans on twitter alone imagine if he retweets you Wow hahaha he retweeted can you believe it no you can't why because we feel obviously and we are insignificant to a certain extent in the eyes of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala we hope to be even slight bit of significance but imagine if Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says I am coming closer to him because he walked towards me you can never be retweeted by someone if you have said something bad or if you say something against what they stand for not at all you will never achieve closeness to Allah by disobeying him by going away this is why I always say you want to dress to attract the opposite sex that is what you will get because that's your focus but you want to address to bring Allah closer to you by coming closer to him that is what you will get because you are focused Allah ho Akbar you see so what do you want closeness to Allah of closeness to the girl-next-door Allah protect us and I'm speaking reality I'm sorry if it might offend a few people that's what we do can you keep yourself focused may Allah protect us and this is why when you are on Facebook and Twitter what do you do are you there in order to attract people to you is that your focus if that's the case it will happen and the result of it which is also very dear may also come very expensive you have to pay very big payment sometimes but if you are focused I am here to benefit for my team because I don't have time for example to go here and go there then that is what you will get and you need to be strict and remain focused because Shaytan will come from every angle and he will want to lead you astray and lose focus listen to what he told Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala he says in one team one hey mani in a boiler paddy the worker kidding he says I will come to them from the front the back and from the sides in order to lead them astray you will find very few of them being thankful to you to go to Allah we need to be thankful to Allah for giving us life so that we can prepare for the eternal life imagine someone tells you listen come and write your level examination now you say but I need to prepare for it no no no you've written it some time back and you're supposed to know or just come try your luck because this is the only chance what will happen we will be very upset we will go in protesting Allah says come for your examination so that you can pass we will give you ample time to prepare so that when you pass on the day of the Yama you will then get your prize in your gift don't we have time right now Allah is giving us so much time to prepare we are ready to be awake until midnight because we are focused on passing the exam tomorrow which will provide for us a certificate to get promoted to the next year why is it that we cannot focus even equivalent to the amount of time that we spent studying for an exam that would graduate us to the following year if we were to be focused and spend the same time in preparation for the exam that will graduate just into the following life may we be successful Subhan Allah I am worried about graduating to the next grade but I am not worried about graduating to the life after death where will I go what will I do and yet if you fail your exam in this world there is something called repeats repetition you can rewrite as they say when you rewrite have the certificate nobody asks you did you pass first time or second time they just know that you have a certificate but Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says you get one chance and you write once but for as long as you are living you are the decider you can look into the books and see how to de-spawn this is it that's why we are here this evening because we want to learn how to respond imagine if someone asks you a question at all level and they told you you are allowed to make in your book for the answer you would say well what's the point of testing us isn't it what's the point of testing me when I can't look in the book Allah says go ahead and read the book we have not yet the book and we're going to pass the examination Allah will boost and where is our focus so if we are focused correctly it will lead us to understand the rules of the game by reading the Quran if you have not read the Quran how we expect you know what the test is all about how do you expect to know what we have focused on sometimes when we talk about paradise to the young people they don't even know what it's all about why something that's why they are so attracted to Lamborghinis and Ferraris and so attracted to cell phones iPhones and so on and so attractive to little laptops and computers and what-have-you various other things of jewelry and makeup and so on subhanAllah soul focused we are that we can sit and create messages you know sometimes I get the whatsapp message and I think to myself I wonder who is sitting free to think of these things some people are sitting they exert their energy and effort and thoughts to come up with something you know what they said and I read it this morning and I laughed and I laughed loudly though I was on my own he said never make a woman cry the tears are very expensive so I'm thinking now what are they getting - if you want to make your Chi can you afford it question is can you afford to make a woman cry when her tears are very expensive so I am wondering they must be talking about how she's created and so all soft nature you know what they said they said as the drops first thing it touches is I don't know what you call it something you put on your eye eyebrows oh I what what's it called is the eyelash I shall either the brother saying what it is you must be knowing so they say that cost so much say for example 100 rupees so you missed that up then it comes down and it's hit Revlon that costs a little bit more then it hits dmg whatever they call it d ng d ng I used to think it means you know drop-dead gorgeous but they say no you missed out one D so I said take out the end from the center and put another D it might sound better so they say D ng and then you've got to something else and as it goes down you're paying 1500 rupees la imagen cool sort of that and what happened and what is the model of it but still we won't make our our wife's cry because we are focused to ending paradise and that's if the wives don't make us cry hamdulillah allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala grant us happy homes and may he make us from those who are really focused remember allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala gives you so many gifts we sits and we think of so much but we have not yet read the quran we don't spend a little bit of time to listen to what the Allium in our locality has to say we sometimes are not moved by a huge lecture that might be once a lifetime that we but this is almost deep did you hear it the answer is yes I heard the talk well what did you do about it did it help you regain focus if you say ah for a few days then we've lost the allah make us from those who believe really in His mercy those who believe that he gives us opportunities to turn to him become a better person and you know how you are going to become a better person leave your bad habits whether it is gambling whether it is pornography pornography is the really the crisis of the age it has such a bad impact on a person's mind and spirituality and relations and marriage and children and family and surroundings that wallahi it is more detrimental than a weapon of mass destruction and yet we hear it time and again and we still find the Muslims involved in it in a huge way when we need to talk about it because Allah he he drops your level to a level lower than animals Muhammad says God aza and may he forgive our shortcomings and may he make us from those who are clean and pure in our minds our thinking our eyes the way we dress the way we operate in our spirituality may Allah purifier so I mean my brothers and sisters so much is happening the enemies are focused on diverting us and provoking us they are focused upon it you find they will keep on provoking and they will not stop what are we focused upon some of us will attend a 100,000 man March but we have not yet matched to the Masjid you know that we will attend a 1 million man march against the video that was blasphemous against Mohamed Salah Selim but we have not yet marched to the message that one March to the mystique will gain much more for you and for the Ummah then the 1 million March would have gained but we are not focused for us they taught us how to react to provocation and then they provoked us so both ways we are still controlled by them have you ever thought of that they taught us how to react to provocation then they provoked us we learned our lesson very well of how to react so we reacted how they want not how than the B ones sallallahu alayhi wasallam and when someone says brother sister how can you react with hooliganism is that the way of the messenger they say he's a sellout he's a puppet how can he say we shouldn't be demonstrating and we shouldn't be burning flags and so on voila he if you count the number of flags that were built and you pick up the number of or the amount of cash that was used for that you would be able to feed one whole village in Indonesia do you know that you'd be able to house at least 10,000 homeless people with that subhanAllah may Allah protect us when I say ten thousand homeless I'm being serious go and read the statistics of how many people marched across the globe has it changed anything the truth of the matter is those who have turned to the Dean as a result of that blasphemy they were turned by Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala there are many the good from amongst us have seized the opportunity to give a message of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Wars to those who don't believe in Islam yet those are the focused they know I want to meet with Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will Allah subhana WA Ta'ala be happy with me if I have not given up music I have not given up watching movies and so on that is detrimental for myself and my being I have not given up bad dress code I cannot give up and adults at assimilation I cannot give up gambling I cannot give up you know for example the drugs or the clubbing and so on I cannot give up so many things but yet I make a loud noise but I attended the March mashallah I attended the March so I attended the March that means my gender is already ready is that what it is what would be considered as being focused change in your life I said a few days ago in Malaysia the enemy is focused and they don't lie to you they say we hate you and your Deen and your messenger so this out to atleast show that and they have proven that they did not lie so in essence they may be the enemy and at the same time they hate but on top of that they shown you the reality whom they are they are not hypocrites in that sense with us we claim the Shahada we say the Shahada we claim to love we claim he is the messenger we say Allah is one and we surrender to Allah we call ourselves Muslims but our actions are in another village all together Allahu Akbar our actions are totally different Valley so who is the hypocrite those who claim something and don't live up to it or those who claim something and are living up to it you tell me Subhan Allah very easy so we need to know when we claim something work hard to live by it we say we are Muslim we surrender to Allah the reason why we are not happy in our homes in our societies in our communities we are some of the most divided people so divided that if there is a message it and people have split it into two each one of those two will be split into another - do you know that that's how badly we are and each person will say that one's not a Muslim and this one is not a Muslim rather than concentrating on commonalities and making it our business to come together we can study we can exchange notes and finally ultimately we can agree to disagree with respect subhanAllah it's a correct way forward rather than calling each other dirty names and each person is the only one who's a Muslim at the end of the day it's me and my little group and after that from your group that is another little group and now half the group believes the other half is also not on the phone may Allah protect us that is the disease of the age each one thinks I'm the only one who is the malady in each little group is happy with themselves alone Allah protect us may he grant us a return to the quran and the sunnah of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam my brothers and sisters today we are in the most desperate need of returning to the teachings of Islam the only way we can do that is by knowing the teachings of Islam how many of us are ready really to do more to study the deal it has become so easy anyone you want as a tutor you will find them on the Nets anyone you want as a tutor you can have a dose of their teachings every day of your life and you can download and put it in mp3 form and put it into your vehicle or into your little iPod Oh small mp3 player and have it plugged into your ears when we see the youth with little mp3 players with the earphones plugged in a lot of the times they would be just which means their heads are being controlled by the beats that they are listening to and they don't even know and when you say somali why because they can't hear how loud it they are speaking because this is even more loud very much more loud so they're screaming at you relax calm down calm down that's why if you see someone shaking the head just carry on smile at them the go may Allah protect us now we have a new generation of people who are making use of those mp3 players for the Quran and for the teachings of Islam congratulations to you you are achieving focus once again you will be focused never lose hope none of us should feel that we are written off completely you know I have committed so many sins that now I won't attain the mercy of Allah that's Shaitaan he promised to be in front and behind and on the sides waiting for us in waylaid and he promised as soon as I get hold of them you will see what I do so Shaitaan comes when we try to focus he comes again and makes us lose focus sometimes that focus Shaitaan wants to make us lose it to an SMS we get from a school friend a little flame during our school life but I'm married with so many children the message we quickly hide it and what we do instead of deleting it save the number so if the name is for example something let me not say a name in case there are sisters with that name and you find he saves it as Abdullah Abdullah Saleh slave of Allah out of the building you rather say up the shape an Allah protect us why because you are saving a female's name as a male so that your wife doesn't see it this is all losing focus who maybe lose focus but you are a good man you are a brilliant husband you are a man totally focused that SMS will not lead you to more than a few minutes of pleasure after which the fake level of that pleasure would drop you to the lowest you may lose your entire family and your whole generation Allah protect us the amount of regret that comes after sin can only be known by those who have suffered the loss and we cannot afford to go and test it Allah protect us if you want to focus purely for yourself cut out relations completely totally cut them out and focus on what you have you cannot live happily and harmoniously with your own wife and children you want to please the women of the whole dunya power and this happens to us when we enter the home we lose focus we become harsh in our turn so on our turns and you know attitude and the moment we exit and you meet someone else you know a little woman on the road boy where we have gone to a shot and we are on best behavior Allahu Akbar so this that we don't even do things that we actually you know the smile that you have brought smile and she's busy looking at your teeth sorry sir what whitening do you use whitening do I use my wife's never asked me that question Allah Akbar you know the reason I give these examples they are real-life examples it's not a joke Shaitaan is waiting for us so recognize Shaitaan in the shave on Allen in a matter who is balunia kunisada same shape on is your open outright decayed enemy so consider him that consider him that treat him as your open outright declared enemy definitely he calls his group of people towards the flames of Jahannam how many of us would like to go in that direction please my brothers and sisters refocus very quickly and you need to remember walk on the path if you have a motor vehicle and your wheel lacks balancing or alignment you find there is no goodness no sweetness in driving even if it happens to be an expensive vehicle why because of one small milligram of lead that is missing from your tire you know that one milligram of lead has caused such discomfort in your ride that you are not at ease and PC and you will make sure you stop and get it via line so I call on you my brothers and sisters just as I call on myself stop and realign that one milligram of bad and evil that might be in you and remember if it is put in the wrong place you will not enjoy the comfort of the ride to paradise may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala granted to us very important so Allah gives us gifts to refocus and shape and gives us his own little beautification in order to divert us once again how many of us are ready really to recognize the devil that has been affecting us within and to deal with him immediately so that we can meet allah subhanahu wata'ala you have a difficult life some people live under the tree some people live in huts in where they perhaps do not have some facilities that the others have but believe me if they are focused they will achieve a lot if they are focused they are happier and more content than anybody's and this brings me to another very interesting point you know depression a lot of the times we are depressed because we've lost focus and that's all a lot of the times when I say a lot they may be an exception or two a lot of the turns we are depressed because we have lost focus why do people get depressed because they couldn't have what they wanted when they wanted it how they wanted most depression is connected to that some of it might be connected to a medical sickness and so on but a lot of the times I want to marry so-and-so you can't oh I'm depressed gon fall into real depression completely gone and we are out you know having said this my beloved parents who are here do not stop your children from marrying whom they would like to marry for as long as they are decent Muslims or they are ready to become decent Muslims remember that you know gone are the days when you can block and stop it's just my call to you it's up to you to listen or to turn a deaf ear trails if I can use that term if they would like to get married somewhere decent people or someone ready to accept the full we sometimes may not have it according to our liking but don't block it and stop it if you take a look at where and how they met probably you were guilty of having created the scenario I know of a lot of people who send their children to universities abroad remember they will get a degree and they will also come back perhaps with something more than just a degree Allah protect us so you must be ready for that when you sending them off you can tell them and warn them but remember sometimes they are four whole years by the environment five six years by the environment live up to the reality it may happen if you don't want that you can educate them online and online you will still get sometimes a similar result so it's all got to do with you and your focus and how you have prepared them to focus that's important I cannot be a parent who is not focused and I expect my children to be focused father busy having an affair and the child knows about it but he doesn't know how to talk to you what do you think he is going to do he will say that you trying to block me from marrying this girl she is ready to revert to Islam but then you've been having an affair for so long with the x y&z what about that he says we told you the fact that you say who told you it confirms that yes it's true doesn't it if someone tells you rather why did you steal the phone you say but who told you that means I stole it it's confirmation so how can we have lost focus and expect our children to have focus this is why once you are married and you have children it is even more important to be focused and make sure your children watch you and know that you are focused and they see that really you have the pleasure of allah in front of your eyes there is no ways we can achieve pleasure through the displeasure of the owner of pleasure and we know that how can I achieve happiness by making the owner of happiness obsessed with me how how can I achieve Baraka and blessings in my well when I end the same way through the displeasure of the a la vaca bah this is why we need to refocus sometimes very interestingly you know we have a deal someone says I will give you so much percent interest you know what the business people are doing today listen brother Cory prophet what interests don't want to hear that word again but still give it to me did you hear that call it profit not interests I don't want to hear that word again that still give it to me lockable which means we have become greedy sometimes in our greed we earn things that are Haram how many times people walk out to a magazine store and quietly they pick up the dirty magazine and they want to purchase it you have lost focus you will never have those women never ever and you know what there was a chance that you would have had better than that in paradise but you are even blowing that chance so leave it you save your money and you increase the chances of having something of your dreams and even beyond I always tell the young boys and girls that you know what what do you like in this world name it they will tell you a car a mobile phone others that you know a woman a man something they will give you an answer I like some scenery some place some house a kitchen some of the people who will tell you everything you matter is only from this earth nothing is from outside the earth have you thought of that you want the beautiful Rolex the glass is made from sand pressure and temperature gave you the glass the little chrome was mine perhaps in Zimbabwe work about what else happened you have a leather strap it's from the cow perhaps you have something else it's perhaps from hear anything from Pluto anything from Venus anything from Mars nothing anything from above the Earth's atmosphere no it cannot help you you a person of the opposite sex when were they created from Manalapan aku what he had read the kimono cotton Allah says you are created from soil and you will be turned to it and we will resurrect you from it once again so they are also from soil yet you have not yet seen one thing from outside the Earth's atmosphere and you think that this is a big deal in in there is that which no eyes have ever seen no ears have ever and no soul or mind or heart has ever thought even to the least so if you've thought of something general we'll have something better than that but not that this is why we say your spouse will be perfect shape and design as you want thoughts as you like everything to your like in your mind aren't you waiting for that day aren't you waiting for the day well allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant that to us forget about just your spouse in this world none of us are shaped how we want that correct none of us are shaped exactly how we want identification allah gave it to us identification allah gave it to us my company's my face my eyes nose allah gave it to us and it is blasphemous to actually change that to actually change that blasphemous but in general you will look how you want to look like and guess what when someone is seeing you they will see you how they want you one person but many different ways of looking Allahu Akbar isn't it mind-boggling something beyond understanding you will look how you want to look like you will sound how you want to sound like allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala grant that to us we lose focus very quickly can you lose meaning you love that which is in front of you forgetting that which is to come we love the dunya forgetting the ocula we love this worldly life forgetting the life after death and we don't even realize there are people who lived before us who are gone they are in their graves what will help them is their deeds so back away as many deeds as you can before you pass away because that is the time you will desperately need those deeds you know people ask a question am I allowed to hit Quran for the dead am I allowed to do this for the dead am I allowed to do that for the dead am I allowed to sit after three days for the dead can recess after one year for the dead can we do this for the dead so everybody wants to do for the dead I asked him brother sister what did you do for yourself whilst you are alive can I build a mischief for the dip can I don't drill a well for the dead can I put in 200 crowns for the dead meaning they want to give a reward to the dead but brother wise to our alive why didn't you in Quran if this person did not read Quran life then they are at loss if this person did not use their wealth to build a message during their lives then subhanAllah they had so much of the wealth they set with it miserly and they counted it every day not only will their ears begin to fight but if one of them decides to go to Masjid my brother they did not want the Masjid why are you building it they didn't even want him to them they were ready to spend that money on prostitutes Allah protect us on a high life in France Allah says goddess you know to go out to a place full of sin and say let's go on holiday Allah protect us they were not bothered they were not interested in using that wealth in the right direction how many of us have why don't you focus do you want those to be focused on your paradise after you already born you understand what I'm saying when you are gone you want others to focus on what you were supposed to be focused on so shape and makes them focus on reading Quran for you when they have for themselves so look at how Shaitaan has conned us and made a big fool of us Allah protect us brothers and sisters read whilst you're alive give charity is worse do you have money do the right thing go and read your Solaris you're alive go for Hajj west you can dress appropriately whilst you can and remember that will come to your rescue as soon as you pass on may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala bless us in fact it will come to your rescue even slightly prior to when you pass on you see the blessings of it in your life and then you have the beauty of the following verse that Ana's Iike to examine a bishop or people generated ethnically those who say that our what bees Allah it's not enough to just say that then they focused mystical means to be steadfast on the power state fast on the path you say my Arab is Allah and you are focused on the power steadfast on it the angels will descend to them telling them there is no fear upon you on Thursday no sadness we want to give you good news of the paradise that you have been promised so the angels will be same and tell them not to worry we are giving you good tidings glad tidings of the paradise that you have been promised from this verse we learned that we are focused upon paradise and we would like to achieve it and this is why we need to be focused on the path and the angels will come down to us and tell us that you do not need to fear because that paradise that you were focused upon is yours la la la this is why every time Allah says in Ladino slowly hat Allah home John every time he speaks of the believers who do good deeds he says for them is paradise that's the focus that is the focus now you have a verse where rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is instructed to tell us to be focused on the path what is the power well show you our team was Stephie fad that be wrong while I attend Debian sobel indeed definitely this is my power the straight path so follow it follow the straight path and do not follow the paths on the side they will lead you astray they will leave you away from your deal they will make you lose focus we always give the example of a person let me say it again you know they say there was a man who was at the train station and he was catching a train going up north and when he was standing on the wrong side of the platform so he jumped into the train that was going to the south so he jumped in without asking questions this is lack of focus he doesn't even know which platform to stand on a lie he some of us are like that we don't even know what our team is all about so you haven't yet weighed the same saying no and solid so he wants to go to the north he jumps into a train going to the South because he hasn't even read the message he doesn't even know what it's all about so when he jumps in the train it was a sleeper you know they have a bunker so the people at the bottom he went to sleep at the top and four hours later he gets up he says how far are we from that place in the north he said well we are heading down south he says ah gee the trains of today top half going north bottom half going south imagine he is focused wrongly he didn't see anything when he came to the platform he jumped onto the wrong train four hours later he was corrected but he refused to take the correction and he actually is going to go up law imagine he still believed it that is what we are doing with Jenna amazing we believe we are heading north we believe we are heading to paradise we believe we are going out subhanAllah but at the same time our actions are heading in another direction and when someone comes to Bangalore to our homes to tell us listen we are actually supposed to be heading in another direction we say a GE half of the people are going led the other half going there and we still walking in the wrong direction is that going to be the case if that is the case with lost focus my brothers and sisters no matter what level we have achieved we can always still better ourselves and remember with humility and humbleness if Allah has given you the opportunity to get close to him don't think that others are not close to him I tell you why how many good deeds are there there are thousands of good deeds yogi how many sunnah deeds are there hundreds of thousands dirty so if you are engaged in twenty good deeds someone else might be engaged in forty deeds but totally different from the ones you are engaged in so when you look at them and you see what you are doing is not there you start thinking this person is not religious but hang on they have engaged in other deeds perhaps much more than in quality and quantity and you don't even know so stop judging ever judge a book by its cover if Allah made it easy for you to cover yourself with makeup say alhamdulillah thank Allah but don't look at someone who's not there on that level and think these people are not even on the team if you have grown your bill alhamdulillah never look at someone without it and think these people are not there perhaps they respect their parents and you don't perhaps they do not backbite and you do subhanAllah perhaps they get up for Tahajjud and you don't so good deeds are plenty they are not confined to what you alone are doing remember that Allah open our doors may he grant us a respect of one another may he make us give up the backbiting the slander the gossip and all other evil and I've mentioned throughout my talk various aspects and issues that I feel that the people of today may be engaged in because across the globe we are human beings and we know what's going on may Allah make us from those who can stand up merely respect and honor of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is only through following what he has said he does not want anything else he wants us to follow his example to follow his way to follow his commands to make sure that whatever we do we get it from his instruction and cut out whatever would displease allow because we need to focus as I have started by mentioning what we should be focusing on what we are focusing on and how we can improve and I hope whatever I have said this evening will benefit one and all only in this beautiful city but in sha allah across the globe really as I said it's an honor to have been here in your midst this evening inshallah I will be leaving early morning I ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to accept the stopover in this beautiful city I have said much I could still go on and on but I feel inshallah that we will leave more for next time you know what I normally say those who have very a lot of my lectures would probably have heard that ice a cough mixture you cannot have the whole bottle once you have to have a spoon at a time so let's hope we can stop the spiritual cough that we've been having or should I say anti spiritual cough that we've been having by a small dose that we've had this evening I call on you to make use of whatever is at your disposal to increase your knowledge about what we are meant to be focused on and never lose focus because it may well be that the environment that is so hostile around us makes us very quickly lose focus get back onto that masala onto that said Giada and turn to Allah ask allah for focused allah whom i am openly Belko so bit cooler burner allergenic Allah in whose hands lies the turning of perhaps turn our hearts towards the Dean on the path may Allah open our doors until we meet again each ala in this beautiful city we say wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala nabina muhammad subhanAllah MD subhanak Elohim of a hammock Lyla Atlanta Nastasia Roca quality' Willie
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 17,832
Rating: 4.865922 out of 5
Keywords: Mufti Menk, MuftiMenk Rox, Islam, quran, sunnah, Allah, muslim, muslims, Are We Losing Focus, Muhammad, Ahmed, Prophet
Id: zopOnAys55Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 17sec (4337 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2013
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