Are They Gay? - Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens

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There's a million ships I haven't done Just you wait Many of you may have heard of Alexander Hamilton yeah, the guy on the ten dollar bill well, they also made a musical out of him yeah, a musical and on an unrelated note Praise Lin PRAISE LIN *coughs* alright yeah, I know what you're thinking another old white guy, alex? c'mon, you're not even white what's your obsession? yeah, I'm sorry about that but guys GUYS a genius bisexual and a cool gay who draws turtles how can you not love it? besides the ten dollar bill if you don't know who alexander hamilton is well, he... *typing* founding father of the United States chief staff aide to General George Washington and John Laurens was one of his best friends and was super anti-slavery and cool beans So, Hamilton himself was he gay? maybe... but I don't think so this guy really...dug the ladies but...he also really dug John Laurens! now, a lot of historians came to the conclusion of Hamilton being super bisexual from his letters with John Laurens and once you read them you'll probably think that too So, the first letter we have from Hamilton is his reply to John Laurens's first letter and it starts out so very platonically dear Laurens Wow! OK! you're probably thinking Alex, that's super bisexual! Case closed: they were in love I'm closing the video and going back to listening to the beautiful broadway album because I can't afford to wait 10 years and spend 800 dollars waiting for the next Hamilton showing on broadway and it's not even the original cast which I understand but is very- Hold your horses my friend yes, that is a very loaded sentence but I'd have to be disingenuous not to acknowlege the JUICY HISTORICAL CONTEXT back then, male friendships were... pretty close men used to live together, and sleep in the same bed ...and kiss and they were still considered super No Homo Bro male relationships then turned more cold in the 20th century so viewing 18th century letters through a 21st century lens is a little difficult still, even if relationships were close back then there's a line and, oh boy, did they cross that line generally fraud the condition merit So, er, basically Hamilton is like I don't like being close to people and humanity sucks but you made me love you and I hate you just kidding I love you *text alert sound* Now, at the time, John Laurens was married even if Laurens had a wife a lot of people like to think that he was gay at the age of 13 a time when some of us begin to experience those feelings Laurens expressed no interest in women his father had this to say on the matter ear crown dog which basically means his dad is saying well John isn't interested in girls because of school and stuff it's not that he's gay, or asexual or anything it's just that he's a late bloomer guys he'll catch on eventually you know er, just late bloomer things haha also daily reminder that John Laurens hid the fact he had a wife from Hamilton for a year after they met and also other daily reminder that he only married his wife after a preganancy because he wanted to be a good guy but then never saw his wife and kid after the war because I guess he fell in love *whispers* with Hamilton *coughs* er, continuing with Hamilton's letters Hamilton jokingly tells John Laurens to advertise him as a suitable bachelor to the ladies he writes: the justice So, when Hamilton means the length of his nose, he means his...his penis his penis, guys here's the famed Alexander Hamilton being a bro, and bragging about his penis the letter continues: uwahuhuhahhuhhuhha So, that wasn't hamilton going "uwahuhuhuahuhaha" it was actually that the, er, letter was cut off literally cut off the publisher dude thought that it was so raunchy that he literally cut out that part of the letter he cut out a piece of history with scissors because it was just so darn offensive the publisher was almost insulted and and even said at the top of these published letters "I must not publish the whole of this!" What could have been there? Something even grosser than talking aout his penis? Juicy gay stuff? well, damn Also if Hamilton wants John Laurens to accurately tell everyone how big his penis is but doesn't tell him how big it is in the letter what'd that mean, that John Laurens has seen his penis, and therefore accurately knows how big it is? It's like Hamilton is just implying Hey, buddy, ha you know how big my package is why don't you go, uh, brag it out to the town? ha That was all from one letter Hamilton's first letter to John Laurens and it was a pretty raunchy letter but a few letters after this it doesn't get as raunchy maybe John Laurens thought that Hamilton was coming on a bit too strong in the first letter and then went on full NO HOMO DAMAGE CONTROL However, it is good to take into mind that a lot of John Laurens's letters to Hamilton were destroyed or never found because it is possible that it was just beyond the realm of gay comprehension that his family members or other relatives to him had to destroy them because they thought it was just too gay just too gay, guys just too gay for people to handle, sooo anyways, it, er, gets worse Hamilton starts asking why is bro isn't writing to him as often and also goes on FULL HOMO DAMAGE CONTROL Philidelphia Even if, er John Laurens is the one that a lot of people claim is gay it almost seems like Laurens is repressing the matter instead of being receptive to Hamilton he's more aloof So, later on, Hamilton gets married and decides to spill the beans to his, um best lover and um, rather than being enthusiastic like he was in his first letter to Laurens he's more like... eh Miss Schuyler how do you pronounce this? genius So, when Hamilton is describing his wife he seems a little bit more content...than he is...thrilled he feels like she's not the perfect woman, and probably has matured enough to know that waiting for the perfect woman (or man) *cough* is a fruitless endeavor which is interesting because it seems like he was much more passionate and loving-languaged in his first letter to John Laurens than he did in describing his wife through more letters it becomes evident that Hamilton really wants more intimacy with Laurens and Laurens isn't really giving it for some context: John Laurens was raised into a privilaged household he was probabally pressured into marriage by his family and was pushed by society to be to be the stereotypical male provider with a wife and kids but Hamilton didn't have that pressure Hamilton was raised by his mother and his mother died when he was around 13 years old he lived in the Caribbean as an orphan during his young adulthood without to impositions of high-society life that John Laurens was exposed to so maybe that's why Hamilton was a bit more open to Laurens about being affectionate in the letters that we do have this explains why John didn't always reciprocate the flowery writing that Alexander did or why he, at times, didn't write at all or maybe they destroyed the letters that did have the flowery writing and he also didn't have time to write that often because he was...fighting a war? A few letters later, Hamilton begins going on FULL DAMAGE CONTROL and tells John Laurens that his excuses for not writing aren't enough You see, Laurens said that he couldn't write to Hamilton because Laurens was not permitted to write about military affairs in letters but Hamilton was like "mate, you wanna get personal?" "Let's get personal. Screw military endeavors." Next passage, er, gets a bit raunchier Schuyler's for you Um, interesting comment there, Hamilton. So, Laurens was pushing marriage on Hamilton? Like, it would cure the gayness? Yeah, see Hamilton ain't buying it. So, Alexander Hamilton, um literally just invited John Laurens to a threesome on him and his wife's wedding night Or, at least, to watch them while they do the dirty Guys, I get pretty raunchy with my bros too I invite them to 11 way orgies all the time! But some of this stuff gets a little too gay for it not to be Now, there were times when Hamilton literally hated everything except John Laurens and a few other people Hamilton writes: Now it may seem like I'm making it seem like the gayness was all one sided and that Hamilton was just some WACKY BISEXUAL Well, a little, but Laurens was still in it too He was...very in it even if he was a little cold sometimes he was still a little hot ALL OF THE TIME I MEAN DAMN LOOK AT THIS MAN Keep in mind that while it may seem John Laurens was the less affectionate of the two keep in mind that John Laurens was probably super gay and also, a lot of his letters were destroyed Maybe in the letters that were destroyed they were describing hot sex very much in detail We'll never know Well, I guess, you'll never know Because I know that these two were GAY AS FU- John Laurens showed his affection towards Hamilton in many ways while they were seperated and Laurens was in SOUTH CAROLINA REDEFINING BRAVERY He felt like he had left part of himself with Hamilton Laurens was still...very in it and even when they lived miles away Laurens still daydreamed about Hamilton even if all they had was these letters If they wanted to have an intimite relationship that was very difficult given the distance Hamilton even asked to be stationed in the south, near Laurens but he was denied and the distance remained Laurens writes: Even the last letter Hamilton wrote to Laurens he wishes to be even closer to him begging him to join congress A. Hamilton 12 days later, after Hamilton asked John Laurens to come run away with him, and join Congress *alarm* Laurens died in battle, at the age of 27 on August 27th, 1782 which was also, coincidentally, my old Webkinz's birthday Hamilton made a comment about his dear friend's death He wrote this in a letter: Hamilton wrote two thirds of the 85 essays in the Fedaralist Papers He wrote a 95 page pamphlet about his affair He spoke for 6 hours at the constitutional convention The man who wrote countless essays on, sometimes, literally nothing the man who writes like he's running out of time who writes about everything could only muster a few passages about his closest friend in a letter! Words could not describe how devestated Hamilton was at his death so Hamilton didn't write about it Alexander 'writes about literally everything' Hamilton could barely talk about his best friend/lover dying I think the few words Hamilton said speaks volumes Daveed Diggs (Thomas Jefferson): Can we get back to politics? Okieriete Onaodowan (James Madison): please? Daveed Diggs (Thomas Jefferson): yo So, Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens Dead white people you'd never heard of? Hot guys from the hit new musical? Are you still watching this video that's super long? Either way, this relationship is complex and has been studied and thought about for ages to many, it is painfully obvious Others don't care in any way, shape or form! It's still a beautiful relationship, platonic or not. And has been given more light with this new broadway musical that I definitely recommend giving a listen But, in the end John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton Are they gay? You decide. Also daily reminder that Lin Manuel Miranda ships Lams K thanks bye
Channel: Alexander Avila
Views: 1,110,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hamilton, alexander hamilton, john laurens, lams, lin-manuel miranda, gay, ship, lgbt, slash, lgbtqia, laurens, lafayette, george washington, founding fathers, 1776, musical, broadway, history, historical slash
Id: 5PIptOEKqgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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