How Marvel Baited its Queer Fans

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[Music] hi alex here again with another episode of was that look homoerotic or has the pandemic warped my sense of intimacy today we're going to cover another chapter in marvel's somehow simultaneous failure in portraying both homo and heterosexuality before we get to that we have to talk about this video sponsor scripts untold secrets i know many of you like me like to live vicariously through fan fiction and as people of refined taste you'll also love living vicariously through the all-inclusive platform that is scripts untold secrets it is an interactive reading game platform that also allows users to create their own stories you could make your own fan fiction come to life the stories on scripts untold secrets come in a myriad of themes everything from romance adventure horror lgbtq plus fantasy comedy suspense and more and let me just say as someone who's played these interactive reading games before scripps untold secrets has an unprecedented experience for queer people the app is super inclusive and even openly and intentionally queer which is super awesome besides the huge selection of themes and genres there's also a comment section where you can discuss plots with like-minded readers in scripts untold secrets you can play the role of a famous best-selling novelist investigating their ex-girlfriend's mysterious death with their confidant cuck your own dad by competing to win his girlfriend's attention if you like supernatural stories that don't queerbait you enter a forbidden love between a vampire and noble human your choices determine how the game ends plan your character's life be it a domineering ceo a gentle and lovely intern doctor or a calm assassin the choice is yours if there aren't enough books for you which is unlikely you can alternatively create your own books create your own unique decisions to decide your character's fate and then share your books with the ugc community decide the number of chapters and choices you want readers to make and read what other characters have written there's also a ton of events in the game use the link in the description to download the game where you can enter giveaways to win things like amazon gift cards and brand new iphones also check out the official facebook and twitter to catch up on game updates and participate in free diamond giveaways every week download the game now to get an exclusive pack worth 49.99 for free i will see you there [Music] ah yes sam and bucky a recent falcon and the winter soldier fame there's nothing better than the steve's sam and bucky love triangle by the end of this we'll hopefully figure out what anthony mackie's been smirking at if you don't know marvel's recent show falcon and the winter soldier turn heads and sexualities with his portrayal of the relationship between the two leads sam or the falcon and bucky or the winter soldier sam and bucky just bros or bros with gay woes well unfortunately i may be the only gay with woes today as marvel has demonstrated they kinda don't care about queer people for marvel queerness is a rabbit hole in this show they use queerness as a tool a talking point bait what marvel did with sam and bucky was probably one of the most obvious examples of queerbaiting i've seen since teen wolf what's queerbaiting you ask instead of googling well put simply it's a phenomenon where those associated with a piece of media like a tv show hint at the possibility of queerness in their text to attract queer audiences but fail to follow through on actual representation it's a way of winning over the gays without risking conservative viewers or possible censorship so how do you even prove that those involved with falcon and the winter soldier queerbaited well first let's break down what a classic queerbait looks like not all queerbaiting strictly follows these bullet points but here are three things to look out for in a queerbait number one the possibility of hinted queerness in text so things like subtext prolonged stares parallels between canonical love interests and the characters in the queerbait characters with commonly understood queer characteristics like crying white girl music and so on number two legitimate sources like writers producers and actors hinting at queerness in the text so in an interview a writer might say something like it's a complicated relationship wait and see what happens when asked about queerness between the characters actors might act playful around each other and play up their tension and mention the queerbaited relationship by name to attract attention around the queerness vote for us it's teen wolf for best summer show yeah teen choice summer show something and we'll take more naps like these for you derek all the way it's like dangling a rainbow carrot or any other irrelevantly phallic object in front of the audience only to snatch it away in the actual text of the show and so the final bullet point a large probably queer fan base that supports queerness in text yeah so like the tumblr thing but also not at all it's a little deeper than that but for simplicity's sake let's just say that if a significant portion of your fan base enjoys the media because of a certain relationship then the show often benefits or even depends on ambiguous queerness to encourage continued interest i think the whole cast thing has gotten a little out of proportion so let's look at sam and bucky let's look at the show the surrounding media and the history of the fan base behind these characters is this a story about queerbaiting is it a story about quirios reading too much into innocent stares when will gay people just let rose platonically fondle each other and finally release the heterosexual world from the chains of the homosexual agenda if only let's start with the fan base [Music] so queerbaiting bullet point number three a fan base to bait if sam and bucky are a queerbait then there should be a corresponding mass of people ferociously defending homoeroticism like ancient greek philosophers right well the fan base around salmon bucky isn't exactly its own thing marvel inherited momentum from the pairing between bucky and his closeted youth pastor boyfriend steve rogers this is the stucky story the relationship between steve rogers or captain america and bucky barnes goes way back to the 1940s where bucky first appeared as steve's younger sidekick their relationship didn't really take on any bromosexual form until the marvel cinematic universe where suddenly bucky and steve appeared as young men of the same age in the new movies they were best friends and by best friends i mean friends of dorothy marvel created a perfect storm for gayness like a west coast starbucks their deep and personal bond attracted thousands of fans their unrelenting sacrifice for each other in the movies intrigued queer onlookers i mean here we had two men with a profound bond so deep that they would give up nearly anything for each other steve gave up his shield his friends his heterosexuality all for bucky if you want to learn more i actually made a video about them in 2016 link in the description and my heart naturally a huge fandom developed the sacrifices and prolonged gay staring translated into hours poured into fan art fan videos and crying over fan fiction in the middle of the night as of may 2021 there are 53 000 fan works on archive of our own alone 53 000 that's about the capacity of a large stadium you could fill a baseball stadium with stories of dudes playing for the other team a national pastime of dudes swinging that way take me out to the ball game more like take me out of the closet this giant massive energy didn't just exist in a vacuum on one corner of the internet multiple books and academic articles covered stucky mainstream publications seriously discussed the phenomenon in 2016 give captain america a boyfriend trended on twitter prompting even more widespread attention time magazine the washington post business insider huffington post stucky was a huge deal according to academics like francesca coppa stuckey represented an opposition to the traditionally straight male dominated world of comic books the stucky fandom was a place where queer and non-male people express themselves through fan work it wasn't just about these two white dudes these online spaces offered solace to thousands of queer people who couldn't outwardly express their identity otherwise glaad an organization that advocates for lgbtq representation in the media stated that it's getting increasingly difficult to ignore that lgbt people remain almost completely shut out of hollywood's big budget comic films that have dominated the box office over the past couple of years we've met with several activists who've noted the power of u.s media in their country and how the conversations have changed there a lot of people saw stuckey as a moment to change the conversation in the u.s and abroad about what superhero fandom looked like as a whole this isn't to say that bucky represented some singular light of queer representation that's totally perfect the caucasity of that argument is beyond what i'm capable of articulating but these big budget films and the discourse surrounding them definitely has the power to shift conversations about representation the marvel affiliated response was mostly positive but a lot of marvel people definitely reiterated that creatives intended to portray a platonic relationship of course that didn't stop people like joe russo from claiming stucky as a love story and on platonic love stories what's with all this insistent on platonic love stories with same-gendered relationships kirk and spock merlin and arthur all hidden under this label of love story until it comes time to appease the heterosexuals could this ambiguous labeling ever happen with a pairing between a man and a woman in dealing with a fictional straight relationship could people just as easily throw around words like love story portray a deep relationship on film notice mass fan support and still affirm a completely platonic interpretation or would executives force the pairing together there's nothing wrong with platonic love stories but why does this label apply so selectively for producers queerness only exists as an interpretation that could never come to fruition but it's an interpretation to capitalize on essentially with the falcon and the winter soldier marvel inherited a widely recognized and impactful fan base of people interested in the sexuality and identity of these characters a perfect setup for a queerbait check now that they had a fan base what did they do with it so captain america is gone he decided to run off with peggy carter in another timeline and now his friends sam and bucky are left to mourn the absence of their crush steve left to shield with sam as a way to encourage sam to take on his role but sam decided to give the shield away now here we are at the beginning of the show sam offered some wise words we need new heroes one suited for the times we're in that's an important statement that can mean a lot of things but let's think about the essence of that statement changing times need changing heroes if we write stories about exceptional people these stories should reflect the fact that exceptional people come from a diverse set of backgrounds exceptional people aren't always or even mostly white straight cisgender men trans people people of color non-straight people and the intersections of all of these experiences matter sam wouldn't it be great if we had queer heroes wouldn't it be great if marvel didn't tell about five percent or so of the population that they didn't exist especially if this population seems to grow with every generation i totally agree with you sam the show also reintroduces bucky steve's bffbf now that steve's gone bucky feels lost he's trying to pay for his past crimes but his haunted past lingers on he doesn't have many friends he's ignoring sam's texts it's a difficult time for him we get a little glimpse of his love life bucky agrees to go on a date with this person named leia we're shown bucky's old-fashioned and even rusty dating skills he brings flowers he hasn't danced since 1943 he hasn't kissed anyone since steve part of him clings to a past a ferociously homophobic past that's hard to break out of now on their date something happens that changes everything bucky talks about his experiences with online dating and he says this i am try the whole online dating thing it's pretty crazy a lot of weird pictures kind of weird i mean tiger photos a pretty innocuous line on its surface right but if you think about it it's kind of confusing on its own the line doesn't really work as an isolated joke because of its specificity so it's got to be a reference right what's the reference well it turns out that it's actually pretty common to pose with a tiger for the pictures that you put on dating apps like tinder pretty common for men to pose with a tiger on tinder apparently a few years ago there was this big trend of men on tinder posing with tigers for their profile pictures plenty of publications cover the trend and if you google tiger photos dating app you'll get plenty of results about the male tiger picks so the implication should be clear bucky was looking at men's dating profiles or he's a furry otherwise this line literally doesn't make sense and this is marvel 30 executives and suits and hundreds of unpaid interns scrutinize this script to make sure it's suitable for the market so how did a reference to bucky's bisexual dating life slip through am i reading too much into it only as much as my liberal arts education put me in debt to do so but you can't get around this point this is a reference to bucky looking at men's dating profiles and there's no way marvel had absolutely no way of knowing that we'll come to this point later on in the video but for now i'm just reading the text so bucky starts feeling guilty during the date and he dips to go look at more men on tinder some time passes and we get to episode two and we learn something terrible there's a new captain america they replace steve with the white boy in her class playing devil's advocate bucky's mad at this whole captain read the room situation he's mad at sam for giving up that shield the last physical object reminding bucky of the night steve held him in his arms in fact he stops ghosting sam and runs to confront him this isn't what steve wants but confronting someone about a mutual past lover is gonna be an emotional experience we're not just dealing with gay staring here this calls for an analysis of advanced gay staring advanced gay staring and they stare so much i almost doubted myself i thought okay alex maybe this is an appropriate level of staring for a non-platonic situation maybe it's straight but of course sam had to point out alright they use brute force just like you the incredibly annoying guy in front of me with the staring problem i'm coming with you no you're not right so it's a habit especially when sam's around but the belligerent sexual tension continues it turns out sam has to go stop these villain people now when bucky hears about this he says i'm coming with you and sam is like oh you're not but since sam is dangerously attracted to bucky somehow the man convinces him and what happens oh oh so so they're just staring again okay are you sure it's just bucky with the staring problem sam what's going on here suddenly they're in germany but they're still staring at each other are you telling me they stared at each other in gay silence the entire way to germany excuse me so the staring thing isn't necessarily a salmon bucky exclusive thing when bucky encounters captain capitalist hegemony he also engages in a bit of intense staring she always just stare like that you get used to it but the level of intensity is pretty exclusive to sam and bucky who's the only one to return the stare who's the only man that bucky shared transcontinental homoeroticism with it's clear that the intensity behind bucky stairs take on a different hue with sam let's be clear pain and resentment underlie the international homosexual agenda between sam and bucky bucky still pissed at sam for the whole shield thing sam even tries to reach out but bucky's still hesitant about the romantic advances enjoy your ride buck no you can't call me that why not that's what steve called you steve knew me longer and steve had a plan 15 seconds to drop bucky wants to clearly differentiate sam and steve these two lovers can't intersect bucky idealizes steve's perfections in his mind but sam stands before him as a real but flawed old friend i wonder if the show challenges bucky's insistence on separating sam and steve later on hint yes and i wonder if the fact of bucky's previous romantic tension with steve somehow parallels sam and bucky's romantic tension hint probably we get some classic queer moments on the mission some close proximity staring playful teasing over the intercom demonstrations of their chemistry nothing explicitly and inherently homosexual but when you put the moments in the context with the story the queer intentions become pretty obvious oh and they roll around in a field together oh and uh bucky lingers on top of sam listen i know they're like falling in style or whatever here but think about the suggestion the trope a lot of romance stories include that scene where someone falls on someone and there's this weird oh i'm kind of into it moment that might be what we're seeing here so after they literally fall in love they go and visit this old man named isaiah bradley unfortunately to keep this video short we can't get into details of his backstory but it's pretty powerful stuff he does offer a piece of wisdom which i think reverberates with bucky's character arc overall not a killer anymore you think you can wake up one day and decide who you want to be it doesn't work like that this quote means a lot of things but i think it particularly speaks to bucky's queer coding bucky's tried all his life to fit certain molds the straight mold of over-the-knee shorts and car insurance bucky's afraid of losing control yet he defers to the external world for approval the approval of people like steve but bucky needs to start accepting parts of himself even if he finds it uncomfortable one of those parts may be queerness the text suggests that he needs to work more for true fulfillment so with all these queer metaphors and romantic tropes and thinly veiled pretext to gay lovemaking we eventually cross the point of no return cross the rubicon if you will the couple's therapy scene so bucky and sam aren't always in each other's arms whispering sweet nothings into one another's ears a lot of the times they're fighting we get to this scene where bucky's therapist forces them to reconcile their differences with couples therapy when i first heard there was a couple's therapy scene i thought that the term was an affectionate name some flamboyant intellectuals on the internet applied liberally to a subtle gay moment i thought oh there's probably a moment where they talk to a therapist and it kind of seems like they're a couple but no they literally undergo couples therapy you'd think i'd be enthusiastic about it and although i congratulate bucky and sam for sorting out their marital strife i'm left to wonder this is a gay joke isn't it not a sophisticated 2020s gay joke where it's someone on twitter making fun of the ways gay people eat candy canes or whatever but a gay joke where male intimacy is part of the punch line it's supposed to be funny that they're in a romantic situation but at the end of the day unlike a hypothetical straight version of this scene and these characters the audience knows there's no chance of these dudes getting together let's look at the actual scene we're going to do an exercise it's something i use with couples when they're trying to figure out what kind of life they want to build so we get an explicit confirmation this is couples therapy then the therapist asks them to do a soul-staring exercise she encourages them to get closer let's do it let's stare get close this is good exercise thanks doc all right good all right get close come closer wait well which way you have to have your legs open you know what fine here are you happy now all right good luck what do you mean that's what bucky wanted i mean i know that sam but did bucky make a confession to you already they're forced to look in each other's eyes which isn't difficult for them so what exactly is the joke here i mean part of it is a simple gay joke men being intimate in this economy but if it is partly a gay joke that means there's something gay about it right it's like a romantic comedy scenario a movie forces two leads who aren't fond of each other into a wacky romantic situation sure you can take the simple gay joke route and interpret this as marvel doing a haha it's gay but let's think about how one might reclaim the moment let's say you're aware that queer people exist you might even dabble in queerness yourself how could you not watch this scene and come out the other end with at least a hint of hey is it just me or were they a little and then you pair that with the tiger photos thing you pair it with the non-platonic field rolling with marvel's history of stuckey marvel knows who's watching and knowing that context now what is the purpose of this scene now of course there's another side to the scene bucky confronts sam about giving away the shield and he reveals how the decision also reflects bucky's own insecurities that is that is everything he stood for that is his legacy he gave you that shield and you threw it away like it was nothing so maybe he was wrong about you and if he was wrong about you then he was wrong about me again bucky idolizes steve this isn't just about the belligerent sexual tension between sam and bucky bucky's dealing with lost love lost hope and lost identity he has to redefine himself in this new context and the only one there to help him is sam still in conversation bucky can't accept people labeling him as sam's partner you're gonna let your partner walk into a room with a super soldier alone he's dealt with worse and he's not my partner something is holding bucky back and unfortunately it's not sam's bulging biceps a lot of homosexually irrelevant stuff happens but then sam and bucky travel to sam's hometown and interact in a slice of life romantic montage sam and bucky have a little conversation it's quite revealing it's just that shields closest thing i've got left to a family so when you retired it it made me feel like i had nothing left me question everything you steve me so again this shield it represents some sort of ideal to bucky this past he had with steve the times bucky fit into heterosexual american life but unlike bucky sam holds no attachments to that past sam understands that the american ideal throughout history has been an exclusive ideal it is white straight middle and upper class in spite of this sam still believes he can redefine these exclusive ideals through self-determination in contrast bucky's somewhat stuck in their original meaning he's stuck in some idealized past that doesn't allow him to self-determine in the ways he could but steve is going and this might be a surprise but it doesn't matter what steve thought you got to stop looking to other people to tell you who you are and that's just it isn't it bucky's got to define his own identity [Laughter] sorry uh there something stuck in my throat must be that queer metaphor you got put a little tough love tough love what kind of services are you offering sam so obviously this moment is kind of queer coded the whole rediscovering and accepting your identity thing just reeks of queerness after their conversation they share a bro shake contextually homosexual smiles some banter and for a moment the tables turn gay bucky calls them partners we're professionals definitely and uh we're partners co-workers but we're also a couple guys with a mutual friend friend's now gone so we're a couple of guys i can live with that perfect no it's actually the reverse you guys are a couple but i mean let's just think about the staring the arm pat the slow motion bucky letting his guard down the context of it in the last episode we see different developments come to an end sam tries to reconcile america's flaws and his decision to take up the role of captain america bucky starts helping others and making a positive impact in the world beyond being a gay emo loose ends are tied sexualities are accepted and the last shot involves sam and bucky literally walking off into a sunset together listen i know none of this is inherently gay staring isn't gay holding men isn't gay even looking at dudes on tinder isn't fundamentally gay the only thing that makes you gay is identifying as gay but in that same vein flirting with girls isn't inherently and completely non-queer going on a date with a girl doesn't make you straight yet why do we assume or why do most people assume that bucky and sam's default sexuality is heterosexual if we strip away the assumptions and look at the context maybe we can try to understand what marvel is doing why is marvel showing the things that it does marvel hinted at the possibility of positive queerness in the show without following through on any of these promises more on the specifics later but were there any explicitly queer moments in the text there was one and it was really weird there's this part of the show where they're like undercover doing non-gay things they don't remember and they talk to this one criminal lady named selby they're hanging with this dude named zemo who already occupies this gray space of sexuality called ambiguously european now zemo basically pretends to offer bucky as a product to selby and his offer is uncomfortably sexual and i give you him along with the code words to control him of course he will do anything you want is this supposed to be a joke what's the implication between zemo and bucky bucky has undergone a lot of trauma and he's clearly uncomfortable with certain levels of intimacy yet here we are playing with his sexuality because haha it's funny when men are offered as pieces of meat for coercion why is this the only explicit and intentional queerness in the entire show no a beautiful healthy love story between sam and bucky would be too much but this weird power play is totally fine now if we take everything offered in the show between the stolen glances and the romantic tropes i think it's safe to say that we can mark off the homoeroticism bullet point on the queerbaiting model the possibility of hinted queerness in text we've got tiger photos we've got sexual and romantic tension between the leads we've got gay jokes romantic tropes queer-coded character arcs i'd say check let's go [Music] fishing so what do we do with this what's the plan what would happen if let's say you asked show creator malcolm spellman about bucky sexuality oh well when the tiger photo episode came out that's exactly what someone did um i wanted to ask about this because there has been some chatter in the mcu for the last few years about whether bucky is bisexual or queer interviewer eamon warman of nme asked malcolm spellman about bucky sexuality here's how it went he had that line in the first episode about tiger pictures which are primarily i think found on men's profile so is that question gonna be definitively answered what was the purpose of that line cannot get like you just gotta uh i'm not i'm not diving down rabbit holes but uh just keep watching what do you mean rabbit hole what rabbit hole it's a line from your show is it a rabbit hole because marvel believes queerness could never be anything more than speculation detached from people with lived identities now spellman was pretty dismissive of the interviewer in this piece because he didn't want to reveal spoilers about the show notice how he says just keep watching he said that to almost everything the interviewer asked because the implication was keep watching and your questions will be answered so when the interviewer asked about queerness spellman responded keep watching and in the end what did we get where was the confirmation why wouldn't spellman answer the question in the first place if the question isn't gonna be answered in the show why tiger photos malcolm now if bucky wasn't queer and the tiger photos thing had a perfectly heterosexual explanation why didn't spellman elaborate why did he just laugh and suggest that we would get an answer it's because it's bait creators encourage this type of speculation to drive fan interest in a work if he straight up just said yeah bucky's straight then i'm sure a lot of viewers would have been less engaged and ran off to the next ambiguously gay thing but spelman didn't confirm anything he left queer viewers with a tiny sliver of hope and while queer viewers time and time again hope that marvel will make that big leap and start those conversations about queerness in the mainstream queer viewers understand it's fruitless literally they keep straight washing all the fruits will we ever get bisexual bucky barnes or is that just a meaningless alliteration well if we aren't then the move marvel is to stop pretending like something's gonna happen yes i'd be disappointed but at least i can reserve the little hope that i have for something else so what was the bullet point again ah yes legitimate sources writers producers and actors hinting at queerness in the text so malcolm spellman winking at the gaze [Music] check why do i spend so much energy defending marvel's homoerotic military propaganda who cares if malcolm spellman played into the hopes of young queer people right there's a big queer audience watching a lot of the most fervent fans of this series are teenagers online trying to figure out their identity through fictional queer spaces in my conservative hometown queerness wasn't really talked about when i was eight years old i remember driving by a long line of people on the side of the street all of them holding up anti-gay marriage posters it signaled to me that my identity wasn't something i could speak about openly with the locals online lgbtq plus fandoms were one of the first spaces i was able to play with my identity marvel capitalizes on these fandoms the same spaces i discovered how to articulate my identity they are playing with the feelings of young queer people these shipping communities as silly as they can be do real work in challenging what mainstream comic fandom looks like now yes a lot of people in these fandoms don't really go beyond spending a lot of time talking about how much white men love to touch each other on prime time even in that case where should we really aim our criticism should we condemn a bunch of teens on the internet for liking popular media or should we place more pressure on big media companies to portray diverse stories shouldn't we take the popularity of queer ships as an indication that big productions lack queer representation in some ways marvel has made decent strides in creating a diverse set of characters and leads sure there's always good criticisms to be made of these big media companies but while these companies exist we can at least encourage these small crumbs of representation that we get they do make a big impact i think sam wilson as captain america is a good moment for diversity on screen these role models are incredibly important so let's push marvel further these blockbusters have at least some power in shifting international conversations it's something at least give us something if marvel is going to play with queerness but then set aside queerness when it's inconvenient then we need to have a talk you can't just put a story out there giggle and encourage your queer fans to keep watching and then act like these little hints meant absolutely nothing it can't be nothing anymore i don't get to stop being queer when it's inconvenient i hope i'm wrong but even if i'm wrong about this specific moment this still speaks to a larger trend the point of this channel isn't to gush over the homosexual agenda's latest studs i mean it's a little bit of that but there's a bigger story i want to give young queer people the tools to analyze fiction reclaim the stories they've been gaslet out of and hopefully channel that energy to push for broader representation bisexual bucky barnes won't solve everything sam and bucky's love story won't end homophobia but we're also not gonna end it with ambiguous glances and uncertain interviews so are they gay are sam and bucky in love what is anthony mackie thinking about when will sam share his angsty spotify playlist are sam and bucky gay bi pan ace trans or something else entirely you decide hey gay you want to act daily daily well here's a few ways you can do that support this channel by checking out my merch at' or consider supporting me on patreon also remember to follow my twitter tumblr and instagram don't forget to subscribe anyways these are some people who are acting daily daily my patrons wic tour delaney broome elizabeth acosta some odd thing violet amara marie gene boyer cole jackson al wilson jay patrick sydney smiths kabu steffy knights who say sledge dominguez alvina anna tchaikovska etienne jessica carmona night tripping fairy alexa john patterson tanya p rowan e-e-e d-t mcqueen nesocat akari dango amari rome gary kaye evan p shawn o'neill owl seven cece troyer corvis blair violet fabiana sydney adrianne jackson k maddie reyes alexander bell cody miller juicebox08 cirica nakulen cooper the kimchi witch cucumber afk bard feeler the foster 24 ryro del elliott charlotte alex cena megalomaniac 64. paulina rikitzka zettotron marie whitney welts mallie drew g
Channel: Alexander Avila
Views: 317,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, disney, lgbt, gay, pride, june, pride month, sam, bucky, winter soldier, captain america, the falcon, falcoln, sambucky, funny, movie, analysis, video essay
Id: CSBTiA0Wtmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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