Are They Gay? - Chad and Ryan from High School Musical

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Hello there fello Homosexuals Have you been acting a little straight lately? Uh, coffee? No ice today. STRAIGHT Let's remember to act Gayly, Daily. And share our power with the world By checking out the Are They Gay Merch Store How's that worldwide agenda going? Are you meeting your recruitment quota? I know I am, and we only grow. Member of the homosexual agenda? Let it be known. Bisexual disaster? Be proud of your chaos! The town lesbian? Uh, of course you are. Head to the link in the description or The history of queer allegories is one full of  rich and beautiful works of the western canon.   You’ve got the classic examples: X-Men,  Frozen, Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer,   just to name a few. But one movie never gets  mentioned in this landscape of gay metaphors. High School Musical. Ah, the story of one young man struggling  to reconcile his love for singing   against his hyper-masculine jock  persona. This story… a story about   being yourself… a story about embracing the  theatre… hmm, are you starting to get it? And while a heterosexual christian rock story  is at the forefront of Highschool Musical,   I think that the queer subplot  between Ryan and Chad is the   REAL story of Highschool musical.  Now, I know what you’re thinking.   Ryan and Chad? They barely interacted outside  of the lovemaking on the baseball field! That’s what I thought. Despite my   childhood crush on Corbin Bleu, I didn’t even know someone   could be unironically named Chad until last week. So I thought all these suggestions to  make a video on Ryan and Chad were a joke.   Being the confused bisexual that I am, I  googled who the hell these people were and   I still wasn’t convinced  this would make a good video. But no, fellow Ryan and Chad  fanatics. This goes deeper.   Deeper than Chad went on his  and Ryan’s wedding night. For those of you who have no  idea what I’m talking about,   let me give a quick rundown. High School Musical  is a Disney channel original movie from 2006   starring a dude named Troy and a gal named  Gabriella. Troy is a basketball star and   Gabriella is a new student. They like to  sing in secret together but Troy’s afraid   that all his basketball jock friends  are gonna find out because singing is… Because singing is GAY. So they don’t exactly say in the  movie that singing and theatre is gay.   I mean everyone who sings  and does theatre knows that,   but the middle schoolers watching this  movie may not understand the implications. There’s an ongoing theme in this movie that  suggests a subtle gay or queer allegory.   Troy and Gabriella are both afraid  of being labelled. They feel like   there’s a part of them that other people  don’t see, a part that’s true to them. Gabriella is new to the school, but at  her old school, she was always labelled   the “freaky genius girl.” At this school, she  just wants to be a person, not another label. Troy is in the clique of jockey basketball players  who’ll all grow up to question their sexuality.   But because of their position, there’s  this super macho attitude among them.   The cliques at this school are tight  and locked. No one can cross into   another clique that isn’t theirs. Jocks  can’t suddenly become theatre gays. Just look at how Troy asks his dad for  advice about him trying out new things: 23:40 "dad were you ever  afraid of trying something new,   but were afraid of what your friends might think? what if you want to try something really new" Hm, interesting thought Troy. If I were the dad I  would be getting ready for the coming out speech.   Suit up, pa. He’s been recruited. (wink) Shortly after, Gabriella and Troy and up  being outed and the whole school is like   “Oh my god people are nuanced!” Subsequently,   MORE people start coming out for drama!!!  Now everyone’s gay! What is this, glee???? And although High School Musical  starts to feel more like College   Experimentation Musical, there’s  a large number of people who are   firmly against people discovering  their sexuality-I mean interests. "stick to the status quo" Stick to the status quo? What is this,  a fundumentalist Christian youth group?   Seems a little on the nose, huh? Is  it really that big a deal that some   people like to bake or that some people  feel a spiritual lust for James McAvoy,   like really…. the status quo? The  straight status quo? Heterosexualism? Oh but this metaphor just keeps going. 46:30 gabriella: "did you ever feel  like there's this whole other person   inside of you just looking for a way to come out *biting knuckle* What is this,   my highschool years? They even used the  word “come out.” How progressive, Disney! Troy says that he’s always been  labeled as “the basketball guy.” But   he doesn’t want that life anymore. "Sometimes I don't want to be the basketball guy." Wow this is powerful stuff Disney. Really ahead  of its time. Well, at the end of the movie,   everyone ends up accepting each other through  the power of friendship and neoliberalism.   It’s beautiful. Troy and Gabriella get to be  gay together and everyone is happy. So we’ve established that High School  Musical is kinda maybe a gay metaphor.   And this framework tints the whole  movie, and to an extent, the franchise,   with a gay hue. The movie universe has established  that the idea of embracing an unexpected passion   is part of being authentically yourself. And  that unexpected passion for Chad and Ryan   may be... each other? And their  authentic selves…? It may be gay. Chad is bi and so am I Is Chad ok? Does he need some  slides for his projector?   Because he really likes to  project his feelings onto Troy. Ok, so along the path of Troy’s self discovery,  Chad is always at his side telling him that   theatre is bad. Now since this is a Disney  movie, Chad can only say that musicals suck   and leave it at that. But if this were real life,  let’s be real. If a highschool jock is hating   on musical theatre and singing what words are he  probably saying? He’s probably… calling it……. Gay! (angled head) Is he right?   Well Just kidding, of course not everyone who sings and  does theatre is gay. But there is undoubtedly a   societal connection there that overcompensating  masc people like to dunk on… literally! Is Chad himself gay, though? Well I  don’t actually think so. He seems to   be into his girlfriend, so assuming that  he isn’t using her to hide his sexuality,   there’s a chance he’s probably  bi. If so, welcome aboard my friend. But let’s first establish that he might  be bi. Besides the wildly inappropriate   on screen baseball sex during the second movie, what  else is there to suggest he may not be straight? So I mostly established the gay metaphor before  and talked about how the whole jock/theatre   dichotomy kinda represents coming and and stuff.  But one of the biggest people against the mingling   of cliques, the person that felt so personally  invested in keeping everything seperate… was Chad. Chad is the dudiest of the bros.  He’s the cockiest of the jocks. *fart noise* And when he’s the one talking about  theatre, it actually frightens him. 13:56 chad is like "costumes and makeup"   "It's frightening" Now, dudebros aren’t born hating costumes  and makeup. Dudebros aren’t born hating   theatre. A dudebro is sculpted by societal  expectations. Chad wants to seem as straight   as possible. He wants to fight anything  remotely different… anything remotely gay.   The idea of “costumes and makeup,” an idea  very related to gay culture, makes him shiver! Bro if you don’t like makeup that’s cool!  I don’t like makeup either but the thought   doesn’t make me shiver from fear. Anything remotely gay is terrifying to Chad.  It sounds like Chad may have a case of INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA Now just because someone is homophobic doesn’t  mean someone is secretly queer. I reject that   narrative because I was secretly queer and very  much not homophobic. But, there are alot of people   that don’t know how to cope with certain feelings  and so they project that onto other people. It's also a common trope in movies and TV. Going back... When the school starts coming out in large  numbers, Chad is firmly anti-coming out. "suddenly people think they can do other stuff. stuff that's not their stuff." And to Troy specifically, Chad tries really  frickin hard to convince Troy not to go over   to the dark side. Chad is one of the biggest  advocates of straight living. Everything in   his being tries to get Troy to stay straight. I  get if Chads like Chad are casually homophobic,   but to be this concerned about it? To spend  everywaking moment afraid that your bro   who you may or may not have a crush on is suddenly  embracing a gay lifestyle?? Without you?? But does Chad show any explicit  attraction to men besides Ryan?   Well not really, besides  this oddly handsy greeting… Um… But what about Ryan, the embodiment of 2000s  twink stereotypes? It’s clear that Chad is a   bisexual disaster just waiting for the right  college sociology class to open his heart,   but Ryan… well he’s gay. I’m sorry, he’s  just… do I need to say anything/?!?!?! I’m sorry, Ryan’s gay. So Ryan is the brother of the main  villain of the movie, Sharpay.   Sharpie is supposed to be like the spoiled  shallow rich person that is the most influential   theatre person at the school. It’s implied she’s  popular and stuff, but no one seems to like her,   so I don't really know the deal there. As I said, Ryan is her brother. Although  Sharpay manipulates him to an extent,   Ryan also really loves being a star and the  center of attention. So let’s talk about the gay  stereotypes Ryan embodies.   He loves theatre. He loves fashion. He  loves dance. He loves Ashton Kutcher. "Maybe we're being punked... maybe we'll get to meet Ashton!" they see troy and gabriella have a callback…  ryan's very very very homosexually excited. Loving all these things don’t make you  gay. I’m sure the theatre nerds among us   know plenty of theatre guys in highschool  who basically lived the gay lifestyle,   but identified as hetero. But let’s talk about Ryan. He isn’t a complex  real individual, but a character written for a   Disney TV movie in the mid 2000s. Were all  these stereotypes hints that Ryan was gay? Yes. Director of the movie Kenny Ortega is actually  an openly gay man. He recently did an interview   with Variety where he was asked about his  movies and High School Musical came up.   When asked if there was a “queer aesthetic”  that ran through his movies, he replied: Yeah, for sure… The character of Ryan [played  by Lucas Grabeel] in “High School Musical,”   Sharpay’s twin brother, we decided he’d  probably going to come out in college.” When asked on whether it was possible to have Ryan   be openly gay in the movie  at the time, Ortega stated: I have to be honest with you. I didn’t  think at the time — and Disney is the most   progressive group of people I’ve ever worked with. I was concerned because it was family and kids,   that Disney might not be ready to cross that  line and move into that territory yet. So,   I just took it upon myself to make choices that  I felt that those who were watching would grab.   They would see it, they would feel it, they  would know it and they would identify with it.   And that is what happened Oh! So he’s gay. Ryan is gay. Highschool musical has subliminal gay messaging. Now this is obviously really important. Unless  Kenny Ortega is talking about a flashing message   every three seconds that says “HAVE GAY SEX,” he’s  probably talking about certain gay stereotypes   and moments that Ryan embodies. The way that  Ryan acts, his interests, his presentation,   they are all explicit and intentional cues  that point towards Ryan’s homosexuality.   I could rest my case here, but let’s  see if there’s anything within the text   that suggests Ryan’s love for Ashton Kusher  burns with the fire of teenage repression. What more evidence do you need bro,  like he’s basically roleplaying   as Elton John here while singing  about being fabulous, excuse me??? How do the people around Ryan act? Well Ryan’s dad  doesn’t seem to be okay with the whole gay thing.   When the dad first shows up, he’s trying  to have a typical father/son relationship. "you've been workin out?" "yoga" His dad seems a little disappointed that  Ryan doesn’t conform to traditionally   masculine roles like working out. And  when his dad notices his fashion sense... Ryan’s hat is sitting on his  head on an angle, and as we know,   having taste is secret code for gay sex. But his  dad movies it forward, because that’s what big   sweaty heterosexual men do! This is probably   one of the hidden gay propaganda cues  that the director was talking about. What do Ryan’s fellow teens think? I’m guessing they all know but  just kinda don’t say anything.   There’s this moment in the second movie where  Gabriella and Ryan are just kinda hanging out   and Troy catches them together  kinda embracing each other.   But he doesn’t seem jealous and the scene  doesn’t have the tension you would expect it to. Usually when men and women do anything on  screen, the mainstream media immediately   goes into hetero romance mode. But when  Ryan’s on screen alone with Gabriella,   we don’t get any of that. It’s like… everyone’s  in on it? I was literally waiting for there to   be some drama where Troy is like “Oh looks like  you found a new boyfriend” and then Troy sings   about some stupid shit, but no! My expectations  have been subverted! By highschool musical! Did Ryan get a girlfriend in  the last movie? Not really,   he just asked Kelsi to prom and shared some nice  moments with her. Maybe that semi-heterosexual influence had something to do with Disney polishing and heterosexualizing  the film for wide theatrical release. Sure   Ryan and Kelsi Bleeding Love fan videos are  fire, but let’s not kid ourselves people. Was Ryan gay? Yeah. So, they like… did it, right? But Chad and Ryan together? How are we to  suggest that two people who barely interacted   were actually a powercouple? Well most of the Chad  and Ryan fuel comes from one scene and one song. I. Don’t. Dance. The question is… Who? Doesn’t dance? Chad? Oh, silly boy. Chad. Chad Chad Chad. NO! Let’s breakdown this cinematic and  musical masterpiece into three sections. Number 1: The Tension,   the eyesex. The PG-13 worthy chemistry  that would but Walter White to shame.  Number 2: The Allegory. The metaphor. The  secret truth behind Dancing and Swinging.  Number 3: The clothes switch. The raw passionate  lovemaking. The embracing of identities. Before I get into the eyesex, let me  talk about how Chad got into Ryan.   To understand the gay tension, we have  to understand what the hell is going on. Even if gays never know what's going on. So in this movie everyone from East High  coincidentally gets a summer job at Sharpay’s   family’s resort thing. Ryan and Sharpay aren’t  employed since they’re the kids of Mr. and Mrs.   gentrification, but everyone else from  East High is there as the proletariat.   Now, it turns out that every year there’s a talent  show at the resort and Sharpay and Ryan usually   end up winning. But the kids from East  High want to stage a communist coup and   overthrow what is mostly Sharpay’s  reign. They try to get nice with   Ryan because they feel as if he could  help them perform their gay commie show.   Now, at this point of the film, Ryan feels  manipulated and undervalued by his sister,   because she’s trying to get with Troy and totally  forgot about their sibling duo act. So Ryan gets   invited by the Christian Youth Group to join a  staff baseball game. And of course Chad is there. Chad is a part of the communist dance party,  but he’s a little aggressive when Ryan comes.   He thinks that Ryan will try to recruit  him through the power of dance. And so,   we have the beginning of the  end. Of Chad’s heterosexuality. "if you wanna play ball grab a mitt, but   I don't dance…" Number 1: The tension Some people don’t understand  it. Have they even watched it?? Throughout this scene, in which  Ryan literally tries to seduce Chad,   there is a palpable tension. The small  glances are there. The way Chad smirks and   sorta gives a playful resistance  against Ryan. It’s overwhelming. 1;03;13, chad gives ryan a  reaaaaaaAAAALLLLYYY gay look And when Chad says “You got game?” My god… no. I’m done. I can’t do this. He   gazes at Ryan up and down, as if  he’s scanning him for queerness. Listen, when Troy and Gabriella sang  together, most people in the audience   probably picked up on their chemistry and  attraction. I am literally just doing the   exact same thing. I am noticing something and  alot of other people are noticing something.   I’m not injecting my agenda into  this movie. Kenny Ortega already did. And then they grab this phallic looking dildo  bat as if Freud himself wrote this scene. This   has to be some weird symbolism a drunk gay  writer snuck in. What are they even doing?   Is this a baseball thing??? Is it a baseball  thing to look sensually into your bro’s eyes??? Like this whole scene is supposed to  be competitive but instead it’s just   Ryan giving Chad looks as Chad smiles sensually??? I don't get it. "I'll show you how I swing" “you never know”  “oh i know” “you never try” I’m Sorry? What? He knows? So he’s like  experimenting? Is Chad coming out? Is Ryan   threatening him? Does he want to help Chad “try”?”  Oh no… These gay recruitment methods are getting a   little old, Ryan. Just continue looking at each  other passionately and let it happen naturally. They also have an obligatory moment  where they get too close to each other,   but I think Disney cut it off before  it got too gay for comfort. Some of the choreography is… interesting, as well. 1;06;46 Does Chad not realize his motions imply  that he wants Ryan to come closer?   A little weird to want to enter a  romantic embrace with Ryan in front   of so many people, Chad. Well Chad ends up winning the game and Ryan is   like Ok Whatever, I’m a twink, I don’t need this  life. And then CHAD, oh Chad is like, “Wait!” I'm not saying I'm gonna dance in the show. But if I did. What would you have me do? So Chad… kinda does want to dance with Ryan?   And Ryan is doing a powermove  thing and just smiling to himself?   Like, yeah boy we got one fresh. What kind of  smirk is that? It’s so devious… it’s so… gay? In summary, Chad and Ryan really  like looking at each other in the   same way I look at Trader Joes Milk  Chocolate. If you don’t understand it,   then I don’t understand Gabriella and Troy.  Prove it to me nerds. What they kissed like   once? Well Chad and Ryan consummated their  marriage on a baseball field in broad daylight. Number 2 The Allegory. So dancing is gay. Sorry, I’m not saying Dancing  is gay as in, you’re gay if you dance. But you are. What I’m saying is that  Dancing is actually secret codeword for gay stuff. We established the gay metaphor in the first  High School musical where the whole singing   and performing arts thing was actually about being  gay and coming out. Now Chad, while accepting of   performing arts at the end of the movie, never  thought it was something for him personally.   Chad was hardcore anti-dance, but now he’s  tolerant but absolutely against it for himself. It’s no coincidence the person who is clearly  gay is also the biggest advocate of dance   in this movie. And it’s no coincidence  that he’s trying to get Chad to “dance.” First of all, let’s just think of the structure  of this scene. There’s a saying that goes,   “They play for the other team.” In english,  that phrase usually means that someone’s gay.   So here we have Ryan. A character who  was CONFIRMED as gay by the director,   LITERALLY playing for the other team. And he’s  trying to get Chad on his side. Any questions? Some of the phrases in this song just confirm  the idea that this song is probably a metaphor. There’s another English phrase that goes: “I  don’t swing that way.” In the phrase, “swing”   means sexuality, at least most of the time. So  if you’re straight and someone calls you a gay   for doing something gay like eating a quiche,  you may reply with “I don’t swing that way.” But in this song, they use swing in creative  ways. The fact that Ryan is trying to seduce   Chad is obvious. Ryan, along with  the support of his community sing: “Hey batter batter hey batter batter swing!” As if he should swing for RYAN. And then, Chad says, “ I’ll show you how I swing.”   Chad wants to reassure Ryan  that he’s totally 100% straight. Or at least he's trying to be. And then Ryan responds with “You never  know. If you never try.” (play clip)   I’m sorry, are we still talking about baseball and dancing?   Why are we giving Chad an identity  crisis in front of all his friends? So as we saw before, at the  end of the song, Chad says: "I'm not sying im gonna dance in the show,   but if I did, what would you have me do?" Now instead of Ryan saying, “I’d have you take me on a  Venetian boat ride and kiss me on the lips,”   Ryan doesn’t say anything! As if he’s won! Chad  WANTS to join the other team. He’s tempted. He’s   curious. Ryan knows he’s won. The audience knows  he’s won. Is it not clear what’s happening here? Number 3: The Clothes Switch After a rough game of baseball the bros  Chad and Ryan went into the locker room.   They had a hot, steamy naked shower and s they were ridiculously naked they clearly  chatted because   when they changed, they decided, hey… Let’s switch clothes? Excuse me, why? I’m sorry, but really, what are  the implications here? This is pretty intimate…   I mean. Switching clothes is the kind of thing you  either do with really close friends your age with a similar style ...or people who've seen you ridiculously naked. Now Chad and Ryan barely know each other.  They don’t have the same sense of style at   all. They play for different teams-OH!!!! They’re  confirming that Chad had joined Ryan’s team? That once and for all he will dance. He is not   a lowly heterosexual Patrick Swayze type dancer.  He is a homosexual or bisexual man of culture. I’m just saying it’s a little… unexpected. Chad  isn’t sitting with his gf and Ryan isn’t trying   to make friends with anyone else. They’re sitting  there, talking together, loving ea ch other’s   presence. Chad playfully hits Ryan’s head as if  they were two highschool kids with a crush. Wait. They got away with it I can’t believe it, but it’s true. Chad and  Ryan are probably in love. When people sent this   me this thing I thought it was gonna be some weird  one off scene but instead it’s the culmination of   a franchise long metaphor and the subtle codings  of a gay director who just wanted to be seen. The gay metaphor.  The gay man. The gay repression.   The bi man! The gay acceptance.  The gay coming out. The gay love. And while we have a mountain of evidence  larger than Everest, I still have to ask,   were Chad and Ryan gay? Were they meant to star  in their own musical? When is Chad gonna tell   his girlfriend he’s in a committed relationship?  What song will Ryan sing at his coming out party?   Are they gay, bi, pan, trans, ace, or something else entirely? You Decide.
Channel: Alexander Avila
Views: 580,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, movie, high school musical, critic, gay, lgbt, chad, ryan, troy, gabriella, disney channel, commentary, funny, cute, ship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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