Are They Gay? - Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy (Drarry)

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so if you see on page 135 Draco is clearly pining over Harry you talking about there's no case I just read it and tell me it's not gay you'll horrified it are intending to do away with private property I'm not horrified wait yeah I don't really see the necessity for a state but I get it this whole video chat thing Brian I I don't think it's gonna work well let's just just cuz you're leaving for Rhode Island in September doesn't mean we can't keep in touch I mean what what about what about Draco being gay again come on come on tell me let's try it out okay hi everyone well brian is in crisis mode I like to take this opportunity to talk to you about the new things happening on this channel all right I all know you love this fresh queer content despite my upload schedule of every 20 years I've always wanted to give you some more content but there are some things that I feel like I can't really talk about on this channel but then I learned about aminos news stories feature and my life is forever changed it really stood out to me because the content was high-quality and yet still fun and quick videos you can spend hours watching so Amino reached out to me and I've decided to join all the fun if you love LGBT content on this channel like this one then you'd love the new story that I've created I've made a story on some LGBT plus historical figures that I think everyone should know I'm really proud of it the format is great for it and I think y'all will love this fresh gay content check it out and if you guys love it then I'll upload some more stories consistently and that means more gay content so click the link in the description or the pinned YouTube comment or search for amino apps to download amino find my stories by searching are they gay make sure to follow me and to click the bell to know when I'm posting new videos just like YouTube every time you watch my videos you'll be supporting me so if you like my videos this is a simple free way to keep me creating alright I should probably get back to Brian now he's probably crying or something Harry Potter is a children's book series about a boy wizard and John Lennon lovechild Harry Potter first book was published in 1997 as an instant success and has since been a driving force in the book and tumblr social justice world it is also a successful franchise of seven good movies and one disappointing one let you figure that one out it literally made the careers of several people Harry Potter defined fandom culture at the dawn of the Internet it was not uncommon for unknowing 12 year olds to stumble upon some dreary fanart and be horrified and/or intrigued dreary shaped the way that fan made music videos would be made for like decades to come dreary shaped the way that fan made music videos were made that fan art was distributed that even fan fiction was archived the first known fanfiction about Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy was published in 2000 and that's just the first known one I have some dirty manuscripts from the wool I won't lie the history of this ship spanned multiple websites blogs dedicated archives Windows Movie Maker music videos rarey has its own culture Rowling herself is quite aware of the fandom Congrats everyone you like where we are now you like where humanity has brought itself to it's great so is there anything in the text that actually makes Drury seem feasible [Applause] the history of the Malfoy Potter relationship is more complicated than the history of American interference in Latin America let me give you a quick rundown just in case you're a hermit and don't know the story in the HP universe wizards and magic live as underground gay commies that have their own sets of political conflicts and cultures they live secretly away from non-magical folk because you know the kind of a history of burning them on magical folk by the way they're called muggles I mean of course they wouldn't want to be friends with muggles like I don't want to be burned or become a metaphor for McCarthyism Harry Potter is a boy wizard in this little universe as baby his parents were killed by this notorious and powerful egg named Voldemort who also tried to kill him using the killing curse but then Harry Connor survived which has never been happened before and Baltimore lost his power which kinda made Harry like maybe a little bit of a big deal cuz like it's never been done before no Baltimore it's a thinly veiled metaphor for it there reminds me the time I tried to kiss someone's parents but was also thrown by the power of love why my love I mean the police anyway since Harry got like Batman by the big V they took him to be raised by his muddled aunt and uncle Don and uncle art sort of in on the whole wizard thing but you know the aunt despite being related to wizards doesn't have any magical blood in her just because so they kind of hate wizards so they never really tell Harry and that worked out for exactly eleven years at age eleven Harry gets invited to join this magical school called Hogwarts so he finally does learn that he's a wizard as of going to the school make some new friends ends up in a serious committed relationship also fights dark magic and done that you know that one guy he killed his parents more yeah that a lot of a lot of new things start happening to Harry and it's kind of cool and they make seven books about it and eight movies one too many all right now that I'm done giving you the explanation that like three of you needed let me give those three of you a different explanation who the heck is Draco Malfoy well Draco Malfoy is an official gay disaster who comes from a high-profile Wizarding family higher profile than Harry's because it's because his family's there when he learned that he was going to school with Harry freakin Potter the only wizards who survived the killing curse and the perch and single-handedly bring down Voldemort as a baby oh well Malfoy was in three so of course he tries to make friends with Harry by offering his hand and his heart and of course Harry is like dude you're an [ __ ] Duff's a rivalry for the ages begins my rivalry I mean eternal pining am i right after being told no for the first time and ever Draco's pining sort of manifests itself until little immature fit and a small obsession with Harry despite not being like a huge character from now on all of Draco's appearances just revolve around trying to impress Harry and get his attention that's literally his entire life and it's not just the occasional hey Harry you look really stupid it's more like hey Harry your beautiful green eyes that shine against the sunlight and make me feel very warm are really stupid you can see a little interesting character dynamic building here I mean it's a little rivalry a little bit of adolescent crush it's it's intriguing it's one of the most fascinating relationships in the entire universe Draco really cares about what Harry thinks of him every single interaction is just like hey Harry I'm so much better than you you want to discuss it maybe talk about it I mean cuz I'm not so much better than you haha everyone begins to notice straight goes let's call it a fascination with Harry Potter even Draco's dad is pretty annoyed with Draco's constant hey Dad Harry's so perfect can you please make me as perfect as him everyone thinks he's so smart wonderful part of the scar is broomstick you have told me this at least a dozen times already said mr. Malfoy with a quelling look at his son why if he hates Harry so much why does he seem so fixated on the idea of him listen I absolutely hate Mitch McConnel it hurts to think about him it hurts to be in the same world as him but if I mention him in every single conversation it's kind of baby weird are you telling me you're not immensely turned on by his supple girdle it is really simple yes I know the same you're supposed to keep your friends close and your enemies closer but you're not supposed to have thirty-seven posters of them and like four shrines dedicated to them that's bordering on not okay I mean you're especially not to marry them and like have their children come on that's but Draco's dislike for here he is it's a little bit understandable I mean it's ever since he was young Draco was told that he would be destined for great things he would be the head of this Wizarding family this great powerful family but Harry over here he's some ordinary Wizarding kid he comes up with his scar and he's like yeah I have a destiny I'm the chosen one [ __ ] hell yeah brother the Drake was like well damn Harry has a clear path he is the chosen one Drake who wants a path he wants to be the chosen one by Harry he wants everything that Harry has fame the talent but there's something inside of Draco denying it Draco doesn't understand that he shouldn't be so worried about what other we'll think of him he needs to know that it's all about what he needs inside man you need some self-love and some self-care man don't worry about that hairy guy just because he doesn't like you back come on man you need to get your act together you need to do some cool stuff you know like go to the workout go on a run self-care paint your nails hell you'd do your hair instead of that don't just like slick it back with the whole handful of gel and call it a day maybe actually like do something with your hair I mean poor Drake oh he has so much pressure around him his family his friends pureblood elitists no wonder he's so fixated on Harry he envies him and also wants to dip him in the moonlight but let's not focus too much on you know early years of their relationship there is a limit on how much I want to talk about 11 to 13 year-olds love lives and that limit is zero I do not want to have anything to do with 11 to 13 year olds love lives okay as a former middle school and awkward bisexual disaster I don't want to think about those middle school years nor do I want to project myself on to characters that are living through them again so let us move on to the adolescent phases of Harry Potter HP gang grew up together through all the phases of awkward hairs and odors and that's something truly special I mean it's hard to condense you know like seven years of Draco's obsessing into just a few highlights but I can hit the highlights let's go [Music] Draco's existence before getting in a dark magic was basically defined by making fun of Harry I'm sure he had other hobbies like listening to crunch or something I'm sure that Draco had other hobbies like collecting hair gel but he was his main hobby was being a Harry Potter fan girl he even made pins dedicated to Potter I mean they said Potter stinks but like this guy had Etsy merge dedicated to the Harry Potter fandom he was doing things before we did people hello you know Harry had an opinion of what Draco thought of him I mean it certainly wasn't a Draco's level but it certainly was there I'm fine said Harry jumping up the thought of what Draco Malfoy would save he had to go to the hospital wing was torture now the height of the dreary relationship is probably the sixth year Harry Potter and the pure blood boy he can't stop thinking about Harry this is getting kind of weird this is where Harry literally and canonically has an obsession with Draco Malfoy I mean this guy literally an ironic Lee wakes up in cold sweats in the nights thinking about Draco Malfoy so let me explain a bit Harry is 16 he's growing up he's moving on from becoming a pimply early high schooler to a nice sweaty young adult he's also still on his mission to defeat the newly egg ich and newly ally of all de mort Voldemort is therefore now focusing on rebuilding his brand and stuff and like getting his followers back these people they're called Death Eaters it's been a long suspicion of Harry's that Draco's dad Lucius is also actually a Death Eater and he's right now that Voldemort's back Harry suspects that there's gonna be some sort of plan to take over Hogwarts and he suspects that the mastermind behind all of this will be the one and only Draco Malfoy and this suspicion slowly turns into an obsession let's just say that wouldn't mind like getting married if it meant he could keep an eye on him now this sixth book half-blood Prince if we start to get a glimpse to Draco Malfoy's actual character we get to see all these crushers that he's facing all of this stuff just surrounding Draco telling him to be different things pulling him in different directions and here he is sitting here with us conscious like yeah I can't even figure out my sexuality how am I gonna figure out good and evil he's under a lot of pressure from Death Eaters and Voldemort for a cause he doesn't really actually believe it's a hard time for Draco let's give us a space now the descriptions as Harry stalks Malfoy a kinda nod heterosexual for example there's this one scene where Harry is doing you know his casual Draco stalking he's under his invisibility cloak they're on a train and he's watching Malfoy from the carriage Harry curled and comfortably under the cloak to ensure that every inch of him remained hidden and watched pansy stroke the sleek blond hair off Malfoy's forehead smirking as she did so as though anyone would have loved to have been in her place okay Harry who would have loved to be in her place oh you Harry Oh Harry how many times we have to have this conversation he's taken I'm sorry you waited too long Harry was so busy staring at Malfoy he did not notice Coyle reaching up for his trunk as he swung it down it hit Harry hard on the side of the head yes I know studying all the beautiful curvatures of Tom Feldman's face it's a task it is a task I understand your pain now Harry and Malfoy were alone in the compartment where have I seen this situation before it's fully familiar oh yeah in 2005 way to go JK Rowling first you make Dumbledore secretly gay now you steal from fan fiction off the internet how low are you gonna go it gets worse let me just move a little bit of context for you it's important context but let me just remove it for you his whole body revealed with his legs curled absurdly into the cramped kneeling position he couldn't move a muscle he could only gaze up at Malfoy who smiled broadly all right there is some editor out there who saw this and was like sir model this is weird but just said okay let's put it in whatever listen Dumbledore was secretly gay but how didn't nobody pick up on this like how did not a lot of people pick up on this this isn't like the movies where acting or like cinematography can make something unintentionally be very explicitly romantic literature is super deliberate if something is weirdly romantic or off it's because it is written to be that way this isn't an accident things aren't accidents in literature you don't just splatter things on the page and just expect things to happen unless you're Stephen King of course you know when given actual context kind of like really bad cuz Malfoy's trigger warning like beating him up and that's very unhealthy in a relationship I don't think that this ship was meant to be a model relationship in any sense of the word we can acknowledge these aspects of the relationship while still making healthier relationships and fanfiction were hairy and Draco you know take baths and drink coffee together now this book is long and it still manages to convey throughout the meet of the book that Harry is obsessed with Draco Malfoy [Music] despite his determination to catch Malfoy out Harry had no luck all over the next couple of weeks although he consulted the map as often as he could sometimes making unnecessary visits to the bathroom between lessons to search it he did not once see Malfoy anywhere suspicious Harry however had never been less interested in Quidditch he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy now getting a bit obsessed with Malfoy Harry I mean thinking about missing a mosque just to follow him Harry spared at Malfoy Harry lay awake for a very long time in the darkness he was determined to be Draco Malfoy at which even if he could not yet proven suspicions about him Harry did not sleep well at night he lay awake for what felt like hours wondering how mouth always using the Room of Requirement Harry's mind worked feverishly as dreams when he finally fell asleep were broken and disturbed by images of Malfoy what is it I hate Mitch McConnel I do not spend sleepless nights thinking about him so you don't think about his girdle well yeah but I don't spend sleepless nights thinking about it wait so you don't spend sleepless nights thinking about his girdle if you hate someone you don't walk around every waking moment of your life thinking about them and talking about them to other people that's kind of weird Harry you're gay is showing put that away and don't take it out until June when corporations let you as I was saying this stocking lets Harry see Malfoy his vulnerability he sees him less as a D hateable teen heartthrob and more of a person and Harry realized with his chalk so huge it seemed to route him to the spot that Malfoy was crying actually crying tears streaming down his pale face into the grimy Basin Malfoy gasped and gulped and then the great shudder looked up into the cracked mirror and saw Harry staring at him over his shoulder listen having the person you're supposed to despise come and see you and cry and have feelings not a cute look so you know the solution is now he gets mad and they have a little good old-fashioned stick fight now hare uses some dark magic which makes Malfoy look even less cute but we do get to see something even though Malfoy is supposed to be the enemy Harry still feels bad draco becomes less and less of a stock villain and more of an actual sympathetic character and this is all through Harry's perspective but you know Harry is still suspicious that Drake is a part of his races gangs so Harry and the headmaster of Hogwarts Dumbledore go on a little adventure together but since bumble Bor isn't actually gonna be at Hogwarts for that time being Harry's a little suspicious that Drake was actually gonna start to you know employed the plan so in the book Harry and the headmaster Dumbledore go on a little adventure together to do some important fighting evil stuff and since bumble Bor isn't gonna be there for the time being Harry is a little suspicious that Malfoy is gonna make a move and not the move he wants on him so let's get spoilery listen this book is literally more than a decade old if you haven't got your [ __ ] together and either read or watch this and this is literally just your fault okay I am blaming you at this moment this is your fault please go so of all the mort's plan was to get draco to kill bumblebee and of course you know Draco can't do that he's not a killer of all the Mort said like if you don't kill this dude I'm gonna kill you [ __ ] so like do it it's important to note Draco is not evil he's just caught up in all this BS he doesn't understand or care about like me when my parents were getting a divorce do you have something we need to talk about buddy I think it's pretty obvious I want to talk about my parents divorce Bal de mort's just basically doing this to punish Draco's parents they kind of screwed Voldemort over at one point so he wants his parents to be like tortured because like their son is a killer now or else he's just gonna kill their son or something like it's it's I've learned the whole situation sighs so when do me do in Harry return to Hogwarts Draco is right there ready kill Doofenshmirtz a dooblydoo told Harry to go into hiding because you know he always has some weird old wise person gay magical persons secret plan its cryptic it's weird isn't tell anyone but you know he's like Harriet so it was always away listen the Big D always has some cryptic plan that he never explains to anyone but somehow it all works out so we're just gonna trust him Dumbledore knows that this [ __ ] has to go down in order for this whole plan to work I feel like the movie Draco does a good job of showing off how desperate Draco is but then the Death Eaters come in and like puck everyone I mean Draco could have been like awesome but and redeemed the just a victim of circumstance unfortunately but I think that there's something to be said about Malfoy despite everyone telling him what to do who would it be and despite Malfoy and finally having a clear path to follow still can't do it Malfoy did not speak his mouth was open his wand still trembling Harry thought he saw it drop by a fraction all he'd have to do is just kill this guy it's super easy but he just doesn't just literally cannot because that's not his character and Harry sees a sliver of that as Draco fails to complete his task now this brings us to the final chapter 37 I mean not of the book of the Harry Potter story the Deathly Hallows am I gonna explain everything that happens in this book no I'm just here to tell everyone how gay everyone is if you want to actually read it go to like a Borders or something despite being a former influential Wizarding family the Malfoy's are kind of Baltimore's [ __ ] draco has to watch his parents be subjected to all this [ __ ] talk and stuff I mean everything about the Dark Arts is now dead to Draco he hates his life now he is the living embodiment of a GNote even Harry feels bad for him Harry felt sickened by what he had seen by the use to which Draco was now being put by Baltimore he knows that Draco isn't doing this because he's evil trinkles being abused and manipulated into doing things that he doesn't understand or care about and he feels empty inside Harry feels sympathy for a person that he's always despised he's starting to see a part that other people aren't seeing so anyways Terry is now unlike this quest the fine thing is called Horcruxes and oh yeah he's also the most wanted person alive so that a lot has happened let's just say that so Horcruxes are like supposed to be these things that hold a part of the person's soul so Baltimore made like seven them like they hold his soul and if you want to kill Baltimore you have to find the core Croix's like destroy them and who cares let's just get to the gay part so anyways Harry and the gang is captured by Death Eaters which is not a great thing for them so the Death Eaters have met the Malfoy house but they're not really sure if is is actually Harry Potter because Harry got sort of beat up and so he just looks like John Lennon with a swollen face so they ask Draco I I can't be sure said Draco he seemed this scared of looking as hairy as Harry was of looking at him Harry saw Draco's face up close now Draco's expression was full of reluctance even fear ah I don't know he said and he walked away toward the fireplace Harry and Draco finally saw each other the two faces that have confronted each other multiple times the eyes that never properly met finally met Draco knew it was Harry there the whole time you just never said anything about it he sort of helped Harry for some reason hmm at the end we get this final emotional confrontation between Harry and Draco why didn't you tell Ella tricks Harry isn't this for looking for the final Horcrux and Draco was there with his gang and Drake who was still on the dark side of you no magic but he's kind of teetering well somehow the entire room gets set on fire cuz everyone's incompetent I guess but something happens Harry and his gang managed to almost escape but since Harry is suddenly a good guy and may have a crush on Draco he goes back and saves the love of his life he saved Draco like that problematic image of the damsel in distress he doesn't give a [ __ ] about mouth with other henchmen but Draco is a must save Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly it hurt this room well with everyone saved Harry finally fulfills the destiny and you know the egg man is dead everything is great everything is jovial and then begin an epilogue where Malfoy's hair is receding for some reason some people just kind of choose to ignore the epilogue you know where despite against all statistical odds everyone marries their highschool sweetheart for some reason despite them never having any chemistry or anything or interesting dynamics with are we gonna do another broken home joke or is it overplayed at this point the Harry Potter's story in theory continues based on whether or not you think that cursed child is actually canon the only cool thing about curse child is that Harry and Draco's kids and them falling in love with each other which is kinda ironic in the play they seem to be on good terms I don't care what you did or who you saved you are a constant curse on my family Harry Potter yeah real good old pals we get some confirmation of things we already knew like Draco's envy of harry and fun things happen like draco talks about his deceased wife you know what I loved most about your mother she could always help me find light in the darkness Wow I better him and Harry actually got off to a good start and then Draco didn't really have like all the pressure on him and all those eyes on him they could have really had something together now unfortunately you just can't pull out gay where there is only some gay I mean after all Harry is married to Ginny good old Ginny lots of personality so one thing that is a problem with Drury is Harry's compulsory heterosexuality is Harry truly a a movable heterosexual well the thing about texts is that sometimes there are things below text that scream a different meaning well Harry does have a habit of staying up at night thinking about boys so perhaps it is immovable just immovably bisexual as Harry is a growing adolescent throughout the book it is clear the person that Harry is going to become in love with Draco Malfoy the book is written in third person but it's from Harry's limited perspective so any descriptions in the book are basically Harry's descriptions everything in that book is tied with Harry in a deep way so let's say if and when the book starts googling over some boys that may be an indication of Harry's own England first let's think about how Harry grew up his on and uncle were pretty conservative and they hated everything about being different Harry grew up during a time when HIV and AIDS fears were a huge thing and that made homophobia tight along with it really rampant The Wizarding World may have been accepting of lgbtq+ people but Harry wasn't raised by wizards he was raised by muggles so it wouldn't be weird to consider that Harry just might be a little bit uncomfortable with being openly queer but the book is like Harry's own secret little diary what does it have to say about other dudes just let's just take a look let's take a gander let's just look at these [Music] Cedric Diggory was an extremely handsome boy of around 17 Cedric look at the part of a champion so much more than heated exceptionally handsome with a straight nose dark hair and gray eyes you have been starting to collect the right cetera no don't get me wrong you are allowed to appreciate the male form without wanting to get all up in there but considering everything Draco's relationship with him Harry's gay dad's you know the whole ogling we might start getting an indication of what Harry leans to I mean none of this did none of this definitely like assert something but it's all just things that are in the air oh yeah the gay dads I should elaborate all of Harry's role models have been gayer by dudes now sis het people can and should have lgbtq+ role models that they look up to and they see is a good person but doesn't erase the fact that where people tend to have role models who are other queer people just because it's nice to see somebody who's just like you doing things that you never imagined now not all but a lot of the people that Harry's looked up to have not been very you know like straight Dumbledore for one is pretty obvious he's just the gay guy yeah if you don't know JK Rowling sword a Loki Heike confirm the Dumbledore is just gay in 2007 she was like oh yeah that one wizard guy that I never like mentioned about like ever being anything else than anything um he's gay she even says that he's in love with this other wizard named Grindelwald despite not ever showing that and once given the chance to not showing it at all thanks now listen just for logically speaking the Wizarding World probably knew that Dumbledore was gay I mean after his death there was a big expose published on him and I'm sure there was something about the sexual dimension that he had with Grindelwald so Harry's hero was a gay guy he's always gonna be a mentor to this guy and his kid is named after that's a-ok who else was influential to Harry oh yeah Sirius and Lupin and they were influential to each other in gay ways listen Sirius and Lupin were super gay for each other have a video on it go watch it click the ads right now if there's something you can quote me on is that serious and Lupin where the love but actually though Harry's only father figures like like an actual his adolescence was serious and Lupin basically those guys had some really homoerotic tension not to mention Lupin is actually an aids metaphor as mentioned by JK Rowling think about it harry has probably been bombarded with homophobia throughout his childhood especially growing up in the 80s and 90s when the AIDS crisis was grossly used as a way to fuel that homophobia but here areas fully accepting of his gay mentor Dumbledore and his two gay dads Lupin and Sirius Dumbledore and Lupin showed him that we shouldn't shun people based on ignorance if Harry was bi or gay or whatever these are definitely the type of people that Harry would especially choose to look up to I think that's pretty nifty well let's talk about Ginny for a second Ginny is Harry's high school sweetheart and eventual wife she is his best friend Ron's sister she had a crush on him in the beginning and eventually Harry reciprocated is their relationship as interesting as say Hermione and Ron's nope does Jenny have a personality nope is it Jenny's fault that women are underwritten in media nope whether or not you accept Ron and Hermione as a good pairing you have to attest to the fact that they had seven years of solid build-up and development Harry just sort of randomly started liking Ginny JK Rowling just probably wanted Harry to have some random love interest and so Jennea was even though they didn't have any build-up for development or anything that makes a relationship interesting if only there was another character with such long build-up and development and yeah I can definitely see if Draco and Harry's dynamic is problematic I mean Draco literally bullied Harry for like a million years which is kind of not okay Draco come on but it's kind of like Pride and Prejudice I mean it's not a healthy relationship and it's something that you shouldn't really model your relationship after at all but it's super interesting to read and watch it develop into something actually good that's the potential I think Drury has more like Gay Pride and Prejudice right underneath all that hatred they grew up together they have something special and you dear viewer cannot take that away from them if there is something that we should take away from this is that Drury deserves our respect the way that we talk about and interact with gay fandom and culture has a lot to do with what Drury established for that it deserves our respect and recognition but it's also like a symptom of the lack of LGBT plus representation and media and you and by you I mean that one guy might wonder but what it doesn't matter if dumb leader is gay or whatever with Harry and Draco in love like why do the gays have to be in everything can we just have a story where people can just be people like but the gate ghin have been everything now even Woody's bisexual first of all Woody is not bisexual second of all that's his business if he is but yeah why does it matter to all the stupid people out here listening to this consider maybe Dumbledore is gay because some people just happen to be gay and for those of us that also just happen to be in the lgbtq+ community an acknowledgement of that helps remind us that there really isn't anything wrong with being LGBT plus it's just another part of living it isn't an agenda he's just gay you might know some gay people maybe you have a gay cousin that's me hi and to JK Rowling if you really want to make people gay don't say it afterwards and then expect people to be happy about it especially when actually given the chance to finally represent LGBTQ plus people you just brush it off as a sigh note lgbtq+ narratives need to be introduced into all media organically and responsibly not as an afterthought that is a footnote and not as an article dude why am I talking about this stuff Here I am talking about a 20 year old ship of average temperature of the earth is rising we're all gonna die in the end our hairy and Draco truly the perfect match made in whatever obscure afterlife this is supposed to be will JK Rowling's stop talking about Dumbledore sex life are Seamus and Dean going to pick tulips or carnations for their wedding are hairy and Draco gay bi and or something else entirely you decide is that it are you making the show's gonna go on I mean obviously but just a chapter for me and you have your music [ __ ] and you read communism research you do you and me you're leaving I'm not dying I know that but I'm not are they friends you know I really only have you Lenin's ghost doesn't count not even AUSA left Shepard I want to make sure we stay friends we're gonna stay friends no I I mean it I do too then marry me we're just friends I mean for the tax benefits come on Alex for the tax benefits this [ __ ] is [ __ ] gay dude I don't I don't want to do this Brian we don't confirm that this is gay the fans are gonna get really pissed it's specially after that one for your bedding video you made yeah [ __ ] why did I write this into the script [ __ ] is [ __ ] gay dude dude you just demolish the fourth wall bhishan dad in the middle of this vide you [ __ ] hey guys he about your script Brian do you take Alex to be your lawfully what attacks beneficiary I do are hairy and Draco Malfoy a thank you to my patrons kewda Georgina woke Emmanuel Manitoba feeler megalomaniacs 64 the foster 24 Melina Conan Chan del Eliot Charlotte Alexina Isabel Blackwood Etienne Jessica Carmona night tripping fairy Marie thank you to everyone who's made this possible
Channel: Alexander Avila
Views: 664,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drarry, harry potter, lgbt, gay, ship, cute, funny, amino, draco malfoy, hp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 57sec (2457 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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