Are the HARDEST WH2 Campaigns still hard in IMMORTAL EMPIRES? - Warhammer 3

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skarsnik imric bellagar and marcus wolfhard these four studs had four of the hardest campaigns in mortal empires in warhammer 2. well are they still the hardest in immortal empires in warhammer 3 we're gonna find out we'll kick it off with self-proclaimed king of eight peaks bellagar iron hammer now bellagar's campaign was always pretty rough because of the plus 50 upkeep to all units until you took carrack eight peaks which was enough of a challenge in itself even without the fifty percent belighar's new campaign though you start in a slightly different position just south of karakostar you still get your four ethereal heroes to join your army right from the start and you have a small green skins army to fight right away in this battle as you can see it's pretty easy i'm doing all of these campaigns on very hard hard by the way so it's very hard campaign difficulty hard battle difficulty so once you've taken out that little army you're free to move on and take carak hofda which again is pretty easy to do with your tough army so we're able to capture a settlement on the first turn and what's more we get this little notification of the rightful king which basically says carrick hearn want to confederate with us so naturally we're gonna do that and then on turn one still we've conquered a settlement which we couldn't do in the old warhammer 2 campaign and we got given a free province from carrick hearn so we've nearly got two full provinces on turn one not a bad start huh the carrack hern army i've inherited is pretty expensive for me at the moment so i'm gonna get rid of most of these units and just keep the higher tier units that i won't be able to get for a while as they will be useful but for now feeling pretty strong on turn one as i move on to carrick izzor to take the final settlement in my other province so i can complete the province it is a minor settlement battle they do have a fairly sizable army so i'm just gonna sit here and wait them out and try to wear them down which makes for an easy take of the settlement and would have been easy enough to take them out in the open field but there hasn't really been any reason to fight any of these battles so far now with the capture of that settlement it means i've got two full provinces now by turn five which is a better start than most factions will get now honestly from here up until around turn 20 or so when i decide to leave this area there's pretty much no trouble here none of my settlements get attacked none of these potential enemies around come after me scrag aranessa none of them bother me at all i managed to get non-aggression packs with most of the factions around me the border princes the wood elves with orion and even aranessa later on will give me a non-aggression pact and i don't have to worry about anyone attacking my two provinces honestly the biggest issue of the next 10 or 15 turns was that age-old dwarf problem of growth and no i'm not talking about their tiny legs i'm talking about the economy and the growth of the provinces yes yes i know i'm going in the book for that one but here we are on turn 20. all i'm doing is growing up my two provinces i've had no threats at all so i decided to build up my army and head for goddamn eight peaks pretty early turn 20 let's go for it i've got a decent army the biggest challenge here though was simply getting across the badlands and avoiding the bloody hands which tried to bloody murder me luckily i was able to evade them with the underway so keeping my army intact which was of the utmost importance if i wanted to have any hope of taking eight peaks because it's not easy with a single army anyway this early on so i boogied my way down towards eight peaks where they had a full stack there which wasn't anything too crazy it had some strong units in there trolls biggens a couple of blackhawks and a rackham rock but that didn't matter too much to me and my cunning plans anyway the garrison at this point is only 11 units as well so that certainly makes things easier than if it was a 20 stack but i managed to get to eight peaks in one piece and i went for it now my cheeky tactics for the battle were to try and spread their army out by putting single less useful units miners with blasting charges on the other side of the map just to draw some of their units over there position the main bulk of my army in one place shifted to another place where all the defending units weren't and i had two units of rangers who have stalk which means when i place them the enemy doesn't know they're there so they won't place any kind of garrison units inside the settlement to try and stop those rangers because they don't know they're there so they're great for opening doors sneakily and then bringing the rest of my army in which is exactly what i did you can see i'm pouring in here with no green skins in sight to stop me they've all been dragged over here by my single unit of miners which is causing a fantastic diversion i'm gonna pull them out so hopefully they at least survive the battle but it's all about going for the victory objective if i capture that i win no matter how many green skins are left alive so that's what i've gone for i've managed to capture it now all i've got to do is keep the green skins out of this point by keeping them distracted with whatever i can my army has taken an absolute pounding to get there they did do a pretty good job of stopping any of my units getting there but i was able to sneak a couple of lords and heroes through their defenses just to grab that victory objective and indeed it does work in my favor today which means i can capture carrick eight peaks nice and early turn 23 we've got eight peaks under our control and two provinces still in the bag we've got it done and you can see now my income has shot up so things are gonna get much easier from here on in i can now sit here and build up eight peaks make it a strong defensible fortress build a second army as well to defend my main provinces if i need to so yeah overall i will say that i found bellagar's campaign much easier than it was before still not an easy campaign by any means but certainly not as much of a challenging struggle as it was before moving on to high elf dragon boy imrick who may possibly have had the worst campaign in immortal empires because it kind of felt ill thought through you slapped a guy who could barely afford one full army because high elves are expensive in the middle of three very aggressive expansive factions in clan eschen grimgore's greenskins and the karazhakarak dwarfs it was pretty damn rough in immortal empires imric still starts in the same place but it's very different now visually you can see it looks a lot nicer it's looking very pretty over here but the settlements that you need for your first province are much closer together than they were in warhammer 2 so that makes life easier first of all we do have to take out some dwarfs though they've got two settlements that we need and our starting fight is against some dwarfs but that's okay we've got a dragon some dragon princes imrick himself a caster as well so not a bad starting army although lacking slightly in the armor piercing for taking out dwarfs but hey we got dragons so it's easier in those ways but the biggest thing is that those dangerous factions from before have buggered off clandestine used to be over here and they used to expand very quickly coming in from the east and they could be a real problem for you and early as well because they'd expand quick and if clan eshen didn't get you then grim gore probably would later on he expands a bit slower but he can get strong very quick you can get like 50 settlements by the time you've got five but as i say with clan eschen moving away and grim gore's art boys moving away life is much easier here moving on to turn 15 i've conquered my first province i've taken it all off the dwarves it wasn't too much trouble i'm just starting to build up this province now improving the economy which i especially need as the high elves income is a bit of a problem when you own dragons but other than that things haven't been too hard i've got some ogres coming in from the east but it's only a minor faction so no huge worry the only kind of huge worry i do have is clan moors to my south west quick can always be a bit of a problem another very expensive faction potentially so we've got to keep an eye on him i did take this other little random settlement as it had a port but it's kind of difficult to take the rest of the province so i may not be able to do that there is a dragon encounter here though by turn 15 so i'm gonna go after it try and get myself a dragon early on this one is for shakalak the calamity i've got some vampire stuff to take care of zombies skeletons nothing too crazy other than shakalot himself he's the danger here and it was indeed completely doable for my early game army which was mostly just spearman and archers some lock and seaguard did have my dragon and of course imrick is a force to be reckoned with himself but because half of the army in this battle was very slow in zombies and skeletons it gave me the time to take out some stuff before any of that arrived including shakalot himself we managed to get him down before the main bulk of the enemies had arrived which made it much easier to deal with not having to worry about shakalok so i bonked him on the head and claimed him as my own advancing on to turn 29 here so going a fair jump ahead you can see i haven't really gained any new ground in my starting area with my first province i did have the potential to take some of these ogre settlements over here but i decided to gift one that i took to some other ogres and then made friends with them so that i was kind of protected from the east because i had grander plans i wanted to come and take the dragon isles because i am the dragon guy i need everything which has the word dragon in it so i'm going to come and take the dragon arms which i have been doing i also came over here because one of my victory objectives to win the campaign is to take out the pox makers of nurgle kugaff his faction that starts here and i've been beating the shreissa out of them and taken all their [ __ ] luckily kugat was a way up north and i was able to take these three settlements before he's even arrived he's come back now i've got plagues coming out of my ass but i'm okay i've got him down to one settlement left and he's at war with helmand gorst who's above him so there's a good chance he'll be taking a dirt nap and moving on a few turns that is exactly what happens i take his final settlement take out his final army and the box makers of nergal are no more which means i'm pretty much most of the way to winning this campaign all i've got to do now as you can see here is take out clan richtus i've got to encounter two legendary dragons i don't even know if i need to actually get them but i've got one already so i just need one more and then interact with a bunch of settlements and victory achieved for the short campaign anyway so imrick's campaign in my experience has definitely felt much easier than it was before and much more enjoyable as well so that's good to see moving on to the little guy then skarsnik another one of the harder campaigns of mortal empires he's also vying for carrick eight peaks as bellagar is and in mortal empires he had a long way to go to get to eight peaks so that was really the challenge for him getting through all of the enemies and stuff in the way whereas now he has his new start position which is much closer to eight peaks you start up in mount gunbad which is a particularly nice settlement to have as it does have a gold mine so that's always helpful you'll start off at war with the bloody spears who aren't too difficult to get through another green skins faction and i've got to take these two settlements off them to complete my province so that's what i'm doing i'm besieging one of them over here there was a little starting army to take out so i bonked that on the head and we get a fairly okay starting army ourselves we've gotten a ragnarok some squig hoppers but alas we must remember that the karasa carrack dwarfs are right over here which is just around the corner from us and they can be tough to deal with especially for gobbos early on to my north there's some more green skin so a little bit protected from that direction if we can get friendly with them so the first few turns are easy enough just taking out some other green skins a couple of minor settlement battles are needed just to get these things under control and then we'll have our first province in the bag once we've taken these first two settlements this will give us a nice strong starting province which we can hope to build up to be able to afford a strong enough army to go and take on eight peaks and maybe do the same kind of thing we did in the bellagar campaign going down there quite early because well it's a lot easier to take eight peaks when there's only an 11 garrison rather than a 20 garrison alongside the stack that'll also be there so now i've got these two bloody spears settlements i can attempt to try and take i've got to take some time to replenish though my army's pretty beaten up eventually i did push out and take mount squigghorn but guess who came along to ruin the party it's the goddamn dwarves carrazza carrack pushed out i had to abandon that settlement and just fall back to replenish my army build it up a bit try and get some stronger units and maybe be able to take them on but it's really hard early on with the dwarfs even their cheapy crappy units can still be tough to deal with for little old gobbos i've started recruiting some trolls though they've got the armor piercing i've got some nasty skulkers with a little bit of armor piercing got some pump wagons with that as well and they're good for disrupting their missiles so we've got some tools to try and take them on but still not an easy task wearing down and outlasting those goddamn dwarfs but a few turns on i am able to reclaim mount squigghorn once again and it's looking good it seems like i now should be able to push on kareza carrick they've got another settlement and an army here but i should be able to beat that up and then maybe just maybe i can roll onto karaz akarak or so i thought ungrim declared war on me a few turns ago and he's got two big armies coming my goddamn way so now i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place do i keep on pushing karasa karak or do i come and defend from carrick [ __ ] face well i did a little bit of both i came and took the pillars of grungy settlement because i thought ungram's going to take a while to get to my settlement so i probably got a few turns so i took that out but it looks like they're going to reclaim it pretty quick i've brought my scars in kami back up north and i've arrived just in time as they are besieging mount gunbad which of course has my precious gold mine which i do kind of need my money's pretty good and it's probably mostly because of that gold mine though so don't want to lose that these two armies are pretty beaten up however so wasn't too much trouble taking those out and boom i've taken care of carrick [ __ ] and he's gone away for now but now i've got to go back down south and try to deal with carrazza carrick again who guess what have reclaimed their territory and have got two full stacks pretty much in their two settlements so god damn i've got to do it all over again so if i turned 30 nearly i haven't really got anywhere but things are starting to look up a bit now finally azag has been pushing ungrim back so he's taken some of his settlements and pushed him right back to here so he shouldn't be too much of a threat anymore now it's just a case of can i take out carrazza carrack who do have some big tough armies or one big tough army and one of miners and i do now have a wah though so i put a wire on karazawa carrack this is giving me of course my extra units will give me a second stack alongside mine so in theory i should now be able to bonk all of these boys on the head hopefully eliminate karaz akarak for good take this province and have two nice strong provinces and then from there i can move down and go after eight peaks that's the plan i didn't do this yet but these first 30 turns gave me a good idea of how hard this campaign is definitely harder than bellagars and imrix is it harder than the old crooked moon campaign in warhammer 2 i'd say maybe not because just the distance to travel to get to eight peaks was so far in warhammer 2 and it's much closer now so in theory if i can get rid of karasa carrack it should be pretty plain sailing from there and lastly marcus wolfhard for the empire starting over in lustria a pretty tough campaign in mortal empires with all the lizard men to deal with early on and not a lot of ally or other friendly factions that you could maybe team up with so he was very much alone now things have changed quite drastically he still starts in the same place the area though of course is redone looks very nice but now he has to deal with skaven early on rather than lizardmen which is definitely way way easier because you know clan rats are much easier to beat up than saurus warriors the starting army for marcus isn't fantastic with huntsman and war wagons they're okay but they're not quite a dragon or anything but there's probably a reason for that we'll talk about later the bigger thing over here though is that albrecht has arrived he's a kind of a good guy faction you can sort of make friends with and team up and he'll take some of the heat off you from the lizardmen and the vampire coast the zlatland lizardmen were a bit of a problem i think before for marcus if i remember correctly but now didn't really see them at all in this entire first 30 turns or so that i played so we got to deal with skaven first of all which is pretty easy and i'm able to take my first province pretty comfortably along the way i have been able to get the imperial supplies which has given me a whole bunch of better units i've got some empire nights i've got some pistol ears so this is probably why we had a bit of a crappy starting army is because we can get some of these better units a little bit earlier than usual with the imperial supply system fast forward about 10 turns and i've taken even more territory now pushing back the green skins in the north that controlled this province they still exist a little bit in the north so i got to be wary of them still but again my army's gained some better units i've got some grenade outriders and a hellstorm rocket battery i've also unlocked the sigma sun so i'm getting a pretty good army together as i go like i said i gotta watch out for those green skins but i got a bit of a choke point here that i can maybe just hold up and just defend and try to keep them back from but i do need to start pushing down the south now and try to take some of this stuff outbreak has pushed out the lizard men that were here have been taken out by a zinc faction i didn't see those lizardmen at all didn't have to fight them so literally it's just been skaven and green skins so far but yeah it's nice to have a bretonnia faction that we can get a non-aggression pact with and start to build a relationship with nearby us there's each faction that's nearby is always a bit of a worry i'm half expecting to just randomly lose a settlement to somebody else but so far everything's pretty much going okay there is the hostility mechanic which makes the lizardmen army appear every now and again but they haven't been too much trouble either marcus's victory conditions are to pretty much just take lustria which means taking out all of the factions that occupy lustria so pretty much what you'd expect but perhaps a longer campaign than some other short campaigns overall up to turn 26 here things are still going pretty much okay although i haven't advanced much anywhere mazda mundy came along and took out those green skins for me but some norskens have now declared war on me and they're not too far away but not too worried about them i did give the province over here to the dark elves just to make friends with them and to get a non-aggression pack so i gifted them that settlement because i couldn't get the rest of the broken province anyway or at least i didn't want to go after it i want to focus now on pushing down south and trying to get rid of the vampire coast albert's still around as well to maybe help out with that so overall this campaign going pretty well feels pretty normal definitely not as hard as it used to be nice so there we go four of the hardest campaigns for mortal empires and warhammer 2 seemingly most of them 3 out of 4 at least got a fair bit easier or at least more balanced i think they're better for it i don't think it's a bad thing that the difficulty has gone from these campaigns or not gone but just knocked down a peg but now we do have to wonder who has the hardest campaign in immortal empires maybe it's skarznick probably not though it feels like there could be something harder out there we'll have to see i hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching i will see you in the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 262,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, hard, immortal empires, belegar, skarsnik, imrik, wh3
Id: 0jYElA6Ewo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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